Hip Hop Lyrics

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I'm going to make money...................................................................................................

Bet on black........................................................................................................................7
Sentence of the minor and the black................................................................................15

Guarisley: Ugh! It's Venezuela exclamation
Is Guarisley, more Creole than Araguaney
Fourth Estate again
Putting you in play
and strong breeze
And at the slow pace, hurry up
And in the face of desperation, calm uses
Hip-hop Mega talent
Creole and pure strain
How to eat an arepa for breakfast
So you know!
So climb up, get on the raft and row
That there is strength in unity to solve problems
In peace, siczacquiti flow peace and union
For my nation, to which I dedicate this song
Russo: highlight my style
Like with kill
Latino feel
It's the real
And I'm going a thousand
It's Latin white
Give me the microphone
I threw it at ninety and you got a strike, baby
With this single you will stop in Hawaii, baby
Once again telling you what it is, hehe
Russo man in the new era
Representing entire Venezuela
Raise your flag high

We are protagonists of this story

I come sounding louder than the pot
Guarisley: Represent your flag
Paparazi: We have to support each other
Cotu: It's the only way
Cotu: I, I, I was born, raised and live in Venezuela
We have the energy of the real school
Don't turn around, I ask for reflection
You know I always sing in my nation
We are united
We continue in this
In this country, look, we all emerge
Fight after fight we don't give up
For the flag, Venezuela and that's it
Pa! Pa!

"Look okay! It's not fair okay! It's not fair, all we want..."

Justice, freedom, truthfulness

We are the same people, we need the truth
We are heat, color and feeling
Posture, flesh and bone in motion
Talent of this occasion
So why so much confusion in my nation?
Where we believe in unity
And we are all together in search of the solution
Forget the dissolution
Because we are all brothers in mind, soul and heart
And the reason, made in Venezuela with seasoning

We are protagonists of this story

I come sounding louder than the pot
Guarisley: And pa'lante is pa'lla
Negui: Union my people
Russo: Take it easy my people
Negui: We are and will be the voice of a united Venezuela
Without distinction
Race, stratum, or color
With effort our harvest will be its fruits
Process I enjoy
With these comrades
Let it be clear that no one stops Venezuela
People who work doing the right thing
Weapon, our voice and talent
Negui Mc and Cuarto Power represent Yo!
Paparazi: The world is hurting
And the Course is lost
Everyone already lives under panic
And whether it is because of the evil that harasses the world without rarity
Or because of the terrible condition of their poverty

Many people pray but nothing is straightened

And it never occurs to anyone that the cure is nobility
Hey Yo! Paparazi using the head
Come on! Come on!, we are all a force
Everyone united in the same trend, Wo!
So that the damn difference ends, Wo!
No more violence, Wo!
No more competition, Wo!
Let's mix talent with intelligence!
Cotu: Fourth Estate
Russo: Russo for my nation
Paparazi: Paparazi Balcon Zone
Everyone united in the same trend, Wo!
So that the damn difference ends, Wo!
No more violence, Wo!
No more competition, Wo!
Let's mix talent with intelligence!
Guarisley: What happened Cotu?
Cotu: Calm down
Cotu: In connection and together
Russo: that is what my people want, Venezuela united, from the heart for my nation
Negui: leaving good vibes in the heart of the nation
And of the entire population
Guarisley: Think again, we are the same people, Guarisley
Paparazi: From the front and as a whole, me!


Apache: Fourth power Again, Guerrilla Seca, extraparting the rhythm, taming the microphone without
letting down the guard class hip-hoppers, 500 tons of flowing, pure raw matter, direct to your temple,
without anesthesia I go play!

Apache: two styles one sound is how I integrate if you throw the dice on the floor you better bet on black
Cottage cheese: two styles one sound is how I integrate if you roll the dice on the ground it is better that
you bet on black

The Two: talent created in the hip-hop of two blacks singing of hip-hop of two dark-skinned men singing
of hip-hop of two niggas singing of hip-hop Apache: there are many who are wrong and in their songs
they are very upbeat, they are some Very spoiled kids, let's send them to Cayao, Uh!
Cottage cheese: listen to the gunshots that two niggas detonate hits you hard like a belly ache so you
can say that I'm playing the league tell the toads tell your friends Apache with cottage cheese, cottage
cheese with Apache makes you hallucinate like an H note the havoc begins It's better that you bend
down, we have hip-hop like a mountain so that you can show off Apache: this rap music runs through
your veins with voices, for you it would be dinner. This is my song. How does it sound to you?

When these antennas are untied and burned, this color, nigga, goes on for all the years causing so many
people to hurt themselves that it is very difficult to stop it because we will climb steps.
Cottage cheese: damage and harm
Singing is my vice, the madness begins, it is only the beginning
of what will make you jump off a cliff
fear caressed
since it is something fictitious
if you look for malice in me
tell him I'm at home on malice
Apache: quickly I tell them
Cottage cheese: yo-yo
I bring the hip-hop-hop style
Apache: reque and apache make...
Cottage cheese: plo-plo
and like Santa I laugh ho-ho

Apache: two styles, one sound

It's how I integrate
If you throw the dice on the ground you better bet on the black Requeson: two styles one sound is how I
If you throw the dice on the ground, you better bet on black. Hey, Apache, how are we going to do it?
Apache: since some faggots don't want to understand
Cottage cheese: they want to play
Apache: but why? to lose
Requeson: don't mess with Guerrilla
Apache: not even with the fourth power
Cottage cheese: one-two
Apache: haha!
Cottage cheese: how many want to die?
Apache: oh no!
Requeson: they don't respect this style so hit
Apache: hey me!
Requeson: parallels to all these mc's
Apache: what!?
Requeson: REqueson-Apache are the fucking streets
Apache: streets
Cottage cheese: don't say no
Apache: of course!
hear me, come to me
with venti so you can see that I make you crazy in this shit that is not going to stop to continue

Apache: two styles, one sound

It's how I integrate
If you throw the dice on the ground you better bet on the black Requeson: two styles one sound is how I
If you throw the dice on the ground you better bet on black

It doesn't matter loudmouths who come talking

cottage cheese with soul is killing them
Apache: Apache is loading yours
which is his language with which he is already making you crazy
Cottage cheese: in a pool of blood they keep drowning and all this because they are making mistakes
Apache: with blacks, and many continue to send us with chamas and Kurda are celebrating Requeson:
Apache: with voice in command
Requeson: you are in the clouds and I am bringing you down
Apache: walking

Cottage cheese: criticizing

Apache: while I give him a bunch of balls, you stay
Cottage cheese: Do you want to live?
Apache: or are you going to continue?
Requeson: are you going to continue?
Apache: or do you want to live?
Requeson: There are two Mc's
Apache: no Fantasy
Cottage cheese: then why the hell are they talking about me?
Apache: two styles, one sound
It's how I integrate
If you throw the dice on the ground
you better bet on black
Cottage cheese: two styles, one sound
It's how I integrate
If you throw the dice on the ground
you better bet on black

Apache: that's how it works, breaking rules, without much fuss with excellence, check and listen,
concentration camp hip-hop therapy, raising your pressure heh!

Guarisley: epa, Guarisley, Mike C, Cuarto Poder, speak to see Killer
Killer: it's sad, life is hard, but in bad weather, keep a good face, without letting your guard down, that's
the process, not everything is forever
La Nena: and what injustice when your dreams and illusions are ripped away from you
Guarisley: Check and listen, and interpret, without much fuss and with excellence
La Nena: life shows actions that we never understand
Road, paths, a thousand intense things you can't understand, right?
Cotu: It's just a matter of fortune, living, winning or losing
No need to run
We must continue to show in life that it is possible!
La Nena: and walk the opposite corners of the world baby, you can't
If you want to go through the dark, think things through and don't get tangled
Cotu: Don't get complicated
La Nena: you can get caught in networks
And it is better to be alive walking than dead
Cotu and La Nena: Life is tiring, life is tiring
But it is necessary
And many souls do not rest, No!
La Nena: Many souls do not rest, but deaths happen
Cotu: And what injustice
The Girl: The attacks
Cotu: The deaths
La Nena: malice
Cotu and La Nena: To be able to live and feel
To be able to play and laugh
To be able to walk without falling and dying
To be able to walk without falling and dying
To be able to walk without falling and dying
The Girl: die
Cotu: die
Three for two,
La Nena: two for three
I feel like this
Tears of Mc
Pain to feel that someone you love doesn't love you and is leaving
In memory every moment when I was with you
Helplessness you feel, while tears fall
It's like being in life, but in life dying
I only leave life's lessons in God's hands
And you have to understand that it is not what you want and ask for.
What you want and ask for
This is life man, this is life
“So you are willing to forgive that unhappy creature?”
Cotu: Sun that warms the breadth of this terrain
Take care of our steps, take care of us from the poison

Listen to me, there are more screams than blows

Look, it's better to look forward than to stay behind.
I feel for the fallen
Memory memory and feeling
Cotu Mc!
Keeping the underground high is not easy
Because a lot of people who make it difficult for you
Like the rapper who sells himself for a bid
Like the producer who pulls a lot of rope
Keeping the underground high is not easy
Because to many people who make it difficult for you Like the rapper who sells himself for a bid Like the
producer who pulls a lot of rope Killer: Caracas evil city worthy of poverty and violence Where the
murderer does not resign
Day by day I see things that I don't even believe
Remember that not everything has to be taken as a trip
How it hurts me that my city is so beautiful
Be known in the world as one of the most dangerous. You have to be alert on any of its streets.
Since their valleys have become of shadow and death Carajitos that before you saw them playing
Now they feel like big men carrying a gun
Doctor José Gregorio, let this episode end
Let joy come and hate end
Apache: calm down Killer, I know this war will be difficult
Killer: but without letting your guard down you have to be firm in this land Apache: although there are
many people who make it difficult for you
Killer: Don't worry, Apache, I don't care what they say.
A few days ago life managed to hurt me
But as you see here I remain firm
Killer! Killer!
Guarisley: I'm coming, I'm coming hey me! Estanga
Take a look and let go of the cards
Like jin-jan black and white
You don't know which one to play without giving feedback.
Drop the coin that I bet heads
Today I won, you lost if this is what it consists of
It is the law of the boomerang that does not fail and that does not forgive
At this point in the game they take it as a joke. Because of what? Let's give you the reason why. When
you stop listening then you will know why We make it easy when it is difficult you will know why, in bad
weather you will also have a good face you will know why we wrote this on white paper
And you will know why this song is dedicated to a rapper Sombra...
I'm going to make money
I'm going to make money, from birth to death, that's what it's all about, I'm going to make money,
because with reality, my life becomes a little magnate, I'm going to make money, so that they treat me
like a person, not like a rat, I'm going to make money bitches I'm going to make money henchman (x2)

When you die, you never come back from sleep, that's why making money every minute is my goal,
sometimes even if it's the rest of my life, I have to be the owner to be big, I have to grow up to stop
being small, the real ones that are on the street are not You just have to look for it, you invest in making
a lot of money to enjoy it, you have to take advantage of the tepy because there is only one life and all
my life I don't plan to live like a baller, I want to live like a king with my five-point crown that only
luxuries and monetary strength is my business and when the deceased arrives my family is already set
up that the money from my land does not have to be collected money the only thing I need is money a
lot of money so that mine are well that is what I want and buy my place and swallow the world as I
please in a Mercedes scapotao smoking a joint eh marijuana with four whores who only say (reque papi)
go ahead when it comes to sharpening the pencil that's what mine has to pay for my troubles bill upon
bill buy even what is sold my god if I don't make money whatever I will sink but money is not everything
in life but it is the whole world

I would like to sign with a wolf in a CV-R but no one should be afraid. I want to earn a lot of money in
the capital and put my family to live in a luxury house. The future imposes them. They want to put
barriers and a very hard wall on me, but the ticket is tougher. and it's not that I'm materialistic everyone
wants to live well as an artist I have too many dreams on my list that's why I don't want to be poorer I
want to be too rich I always said if you don't have money you're a hundred zero left wing and if you're
poor damn it's worse because the shit is always going to take you and if you have a lot of money others
eat your shit I want to have too much real too much money and for the wolves to come but for me to
entertain myself and for the royals of Colombia to scream like baby is the one who maintains

I'm going to make money from birth to death, that's what it's all about.
I'm going to make money because with real my life becomes a little magnate
I'm going to make money so that they treat me like a person, not like a rat.
I'm going to make money bitches I'm going to make money henchman (x2)

The system changes, not here, everything is a bitch, sicaña, it's a flag, the scourges don't change their
clothes, I raise my average in each inning, the Mercedes puts in, the Lamborgini comes out, women in
my house only in a bikini, making me look more morisquetas than the monkey, kini, I don't know about
porn, the money. He laughs at bribery, pure lacreism. My room heats us like meat in the oven. Today it
will be a thought that will make appear with magic. Tomorrow I will throw the real ones into the stream
like a hemorrhage. I am an artist but I am still in the mafia neighborhood. Wall, eh, basofia and I will not
let him. Damn, his mother killed me out of rage or envy. Money alleviates almost everything, and I say
almost because if money bought a life everything would be easier, she would predict my death with
Adriana Azzi to restore my life like the paparazzi restore their cameras.

If I earned five million a month I would be too much of a millionaire I wouldn't live in the neighborhood's
mischief I would be a tremendous businessman I would change my gold teeth and all my scapulars
would also be gold I would have too much rolex, rings, chain to wear daily bodyguard to They will take
care of the lives and backs of all the opponents. I want to be the owner of every boat, yetski,
motorcycle, car, companies, mansions and that I have earned everything by rhyming in the
microphones. I think like this because I have never had a pussy, eh? mother and I have always been
poor, I have had cocktails spilled in my house and I have not earned anything good from the poor. I just
want to have too much real and for mine to live very clearly, I too, life is only one and you have to enjoy
it, trip it with the money and whores when you die you don't take anything you have fought like a son
hey bitch you only take a box, stone your body and what you enjoy

I'm going to make money from birth to death, that's what it's all about.
I'm going to make money because with real my life becomes a little magnate
I'm going to make money so that they treat me like a person, not like a rat.
I'm going to make money bitches I'm going to make money henchman (x2)

I'm going to make money I'm going to make money I'm going to make money whores, henchman,
whores, henchman I'm going to make money

Bet on black
The style of a sound is how I fit in. If you throw the dice on the floor, you better bet on black (2x)

to the slow created in the jepa the blacks singing you jepa of breaking singing you jepa let them tell us
singing you jepa there are many who are wrong that their songs are very rude they are very spoiled
boys let's send him to the pal shut up

listen to the balance that everyone always tells us to feel like a bellyache so you can say that I sew the
Comet her eyes, tell her friends, hug her with the cheese, because with the raccoon, it makes you dream
like an H note, the strange one expresses, it's better that you bend down, we have children like a
mountain, so that you can bend down.

This rap music runs through your veins, the cardboard for you would be at dinner, this is my song, how
does it sound to you when these veins break loose and burn, this cologne lasts for you for all the years,
maybe many subjects will hurt them, which is very difficult for him because his life is mompulario

Singing without prejudice singing is my vice begins the dequisio is only the beginning of what will make
you jump off a cliff the fear I caress since for me it is something fictitious if he looks for malice tell him
that I am in malicio's house

Fast, slow and wayo I bring the style

hip-hop hop reque and apacha that in glo glo with manza I laugh ho ho

The style of a sound is how I integrate

If you throw the dice on the floor you better bet on black (2x)

Olleme Apache, how are we going to do it? I'm calculating, a faggot doesn't want to understand, those
want to play, but to lose, don't mess with the Guerrilla and the fourth power, one, two, ajam, those don't
want to die Oh no!!
I put the lens on it to emerge to hit it in the hand and see they think we are raccoons in the fucker this
street "STREET" don't say no of course yes
Janni, come to me, eat a pipe so you can see what I'm telling you, how blind is Shet That's not going to
stop us, it's here

The style of a sound is how I integrate

If you throw the dice on the floor you better bet on black (2x)

It doesn't matter that they come talking that they have souls that are trying to kill us, the Apache comes
carrying theirs that their language is what I want to use is to fight with blood, they keep haogating
themselves and all because they are making mistakes, filthy blacks continue to kill us with plates and
curves they are celebrating, triumphing with eleven demands they are in the clouds and they are going
down going down walking not criticizing that they bring the shock that you are staying with they want to
live or they are going to continue they are going to continue or they want to live we are like that if it is
missing if then why the hell do they expect from me

The style of a sound is how I integrate

If you throw the dice on the floor you better bet on black (2x)

This is how it works by breaking rules...Requeson!!

Without much scandal...Park your way!!

With Excellence...What!!
If Anyone Listens, Leave Therapy
Consentration field Rising pressure..!!

Look, do you know what happens here black? Here you live the real thing, inside a prison damn look... I
have seen how many friends have been in there, how they all die, look here there is no life my brother,
here here you live the real thing, here you see it look haa... Here you see, here you see, the bad is the
worst... this is real from the heart, this is guerrilla Seca representing, made from the heart in the prisons
thur' bitch' four walls look there is no pussy and mother here in reality, guerrilla Seca DJ TRECE...

What regret, what sadness, what disappointment, damn the day I fell into prison, since my life cannot be
compared to that of a dog, I am going crazy here in this confinement, where those who said they were
my friends were with me in The good times and the bad times have not appeared. Those are not friends.
Those are demons.
And when I remember what happened with them, I am filled with hate.

Well, welcome to the eternal castle man rather welcome to hell well welcome to the eternal castle man
rather welcome to hell..

There is more... Listen well

I hate the only one that runs through my veins when I remember how sad it is to pay a sentence four
walls a thousand bars you get it every year OH, and every day you hurt yourself more no one
remembers your birthday you have to walk with 4 eyes while that you are in the bathroom you have to
walk with a dagger while you bathe because if you don't feel the needle burning your insides
Well welcome to the eternal castle man rather welcome to hell well welcome to the eternal castle man
rather welcome to hell


A different fight every day, a commitment, falling to stab you to sleep on the floor, rapes, deaths, it's the
only thing you see in the day, you have to fight more than once, there you have to kill, it hurts whoever
hurts and see my face. Mother is the only thing that comforts me and when she comes during the week I
don't want her to see me like that because I know that if I suffer she will suffer too.

Well, welcome to the eternal castle, man minor, welcome to hell, well, welcome to the

And continues

There are drugs like chopped rice in a single cell, when will my lawyer get me out of this shit? They fuck
the criminals and they even stand in line. If you don't fight, they will rape you.
I don't know when to get out of this rat's nest because if I don't kill someone else comes and kills me I
have to pay for a crime that is not mine but I have hope of getting out of this fucking mess

Well welcome to the eternal castle man rather welcome to hell well welcome to the eternal castle man
rather welcome to hell

Look, honestly this is what you experience in the plant, and also in the rodeo.
Pure mischief, completely pure shit.
Colombia and Rekeson tell you, what you really live in a neighborhood, you don't live in a prison


From the baking soda strainer it started and was ready to take out cookies, in aluminum and paper we
have the finest handwriting, and we headed straight to the kitchen so the rabbits for our medicine

Everyone knows what the guy in the house on the corner has, cocaine and stones, they have all these
thieves, that smells to me like rials for our partner's pocket, Compadre, I'm going to make a sign for you
that we are made in this business, you already started negotiating, what's coming? the moment of
jibariar first I don't want our name

talk to me chlorine, I sold everything mine

Even without a market, rabbits arrived anyway. I also sold all the merchandise, but I lost some stones
while jumping over the serca, my friend, I declare that this story sounds strange to me, you jumping
over serca without noise and without a shot?
It's going to get dirty, and the neighborhood straws are going to denounce us.

Don't worry, mine, those girls can't speak, they are too clear that we are the pra from this neighborhood,
you control over there, I control over here, the international jibareo began

At least I know that no one is going to take me out of the field. That is the area that I have controlled
since I was selling alone. Now that we are both there, you control the other pole. Here, I keep my
strength with the fullers, and fly with the pataneros, who If he goes into the alley and if he gets very
clownish with my bug, I apply the remedy for his heart.

In the drug and money business, there are no friends or anything, this is mischief, pure fraud, the one
you least think about kills you.
for money my friend this is mischief is what I see

talk to me chlorine, I sold everything mine

Even without a market, rabbits arrived, anyway, I also sold all the merchandise,
but I lost some stones while jumping the fence, compadre, I declare that that story sounds strange to
me, you jumping
Would it be without noise and without shooting?

What happened is that they were raiding the neighborhood, and if I shot everything, it would cost me
more expensive from the field if I smelled anything.
I shoot for me that all this stuff is a strike, speak clearly to me if there was a raid I would have been
busted, paying my way with the bomb and everything fachao'
Dude, you don't believe me, what is the sacrament that unites us? We eat from the same plate, we are
like dirt and grime. That should be impossible for you to doubt me.
there is no drug and money business
friends or anything, this is mischief, pure nonsense, the one you least think about kills you for
silver, my friend, this is mischief, this is what I see

The sacrament was lost because of your talk, I'm not a fool who doesn't care a lot in my area, they know
that I'm the father of ice cream so that I can come to Batany, a cod
You are a chiguire who does not believe in the word of a serious guy. I am more honest than you and for
speaking ugly to me you are going to end up in the cemetery.

You make me laugh, ghost, do you want me to disfigure your face? You are going to carry more lead
than Rafael Orosco, business business, friendship is friendship, partner with partner goes half and half,
you smoked mine, idiot, if you want, go for it, I want it however you want it

When you want a field, I'll wait for you. You want to see which of the two is more of a gunfighter. I have
my popularity by robbing banks and taking the reins. Everyone respects me because I'm the one in
In this shit I have been standing still since 90 and I took you out in 99, if you shit yourself, you urinated,
you cried, when a nine I shot so you don't sign anything for me chiguire

mamaguevo when did you take me out into the ring?

If when we were going to win you told me I can't, I know stories in the juvenile prison when you fell into
the majors and the internal lavatories, you don't fit, you don't sign, you have no morals, you got hooked
here, you don't fifas, you're going to stay, I'm going for my thing, ghost, that's why you'll lose the guiro,
whenever you want, devil, a court for two shots

What the hell is your mother, we're going to kill us, devil.
What the hell, what the hell are we going to do?

Kill us, mamaguevo, you know we're in trouble

In the drug and money business there are no buddies or anything
This is mischief, pure nonsense, the one you least think about
My friend kills you for money, this is mischief, that's what I see.

Voices: GCK, kill it! GCK, kill it! GCK, kill it! GCK, kill it! GCK, kill it! GCK, kill it! crisscrossing voices: it's
the guerrilla!

Here it is, I come to represent you, GCK, tonic that they are going to kill you, the thugs of Venezuela
Subterráneo Records true neighborhood mischief, I come to kill them all, explicit music for the pilates
and for the fools, two, cottage cheese and Colom, he has only one flon, there are two of us, I have my
miscreant, what happened? making feeling oh! Dry Guerrilla that has been crushing the braggarts who
continue to push us, who continue to suck us, who continue to harass us, who continue to criticize us,
the most real reality continues to sweep us away, we are always still in control, what happened? you are
burning with envy...
(Colombia speaks:...)
"It's Dry Guerrilla, Underground Records! For all the fullers, all the tickets they throw at you! You have to
be careful with what you guys say, you know that what's coming is hard flow... the blacks of the
neighborhood, the most damned, the ones who stand out the most, listen well, sons of the
neighborhood, damned devils!
take the thread, take the nylon! Understand, trash! all mixed up and liquefied with shit! It is Guerrilla
Seca Colombia and Requesón, it is the men's guerrilla... mamaguevo! I'm not interested in shit and

Many toads are waiting to kill me
Before chopping I'm waiting for him to suck me
That's not it, I'm going to take care of myself on the street.
They have no chance, I cover them with the massacre

Get rid of the bugs that the mischief introduces

that it does not interfere with the artist that you are waiting to chop mochadores
he's talking poop he'll pay for the poster with the best
If I catch you, you will become one of the sinners
snakes don't even catch fire, they cause psychoterrors
there is a concert of the prietoooo earn millions
while you receive flowers
It smells like formaldehyde, the public throws condoms at him
cans, tomatoes, none of you get off, the younger spectators shout
I'm going to sit them in the chair facing me when they cry at me
red hot so they can wash my interiors
The massacre began, I put boastful loudmouths through trauma
hearts collect the pain rappers misinforming me
when they get on stage
I ask, are they artists or do they swallow a thug?
whatever they are, they don't impress me
See you on the street, you're thinking when I'm passing by.
I also come from the prietooooo neighborhood
too simple
people report pods not like cap
you are starting to push so easily
this black man moves calmly
with an authentic sumbao I humiliated no one
they want to stand in the sand with me
with a pair of knives to sign that the enemy is caught

my specialty is the trigger

my pure did not give birth to a boxer that simple
I like the agility of quickly putting my hand in my pocket.
I am fascinated by falling within the shot of turning off the light bulb
burst your ass in the middle of the ungrateful little sequin
a black man grateful to god every day I breathe
If one day I become a murderer, he will know what to do with my destiny.

Many toads are waiting to kill me

Before I chop, I'm waiting for him to suck it, that's not how I'm going to take care of myself on the
They have no chance, I protect them with the massacre (X2)

Damn devil, pass loot, the massacre is your end, keep beating one of holifil, you're not worth a thousand
When I get the bug out you're knocked out of the ring I'll take you out of homerun through the center
field I'm criminal like the little one from Brazil hesitates bricating the bullets in the style of my blin blin in
the street we left ahhh you don't have any videos or rhythm or swing you're throwing tips well I don't
shoot tips I come straight
the tips are for whores
I am bad behavior because you are pulling points
with the evil music we are passing the fines to you
on the microphone the black triple son and bitch will tell you the same thing that the team said at least I
He who falls can see his achievements
mine's heart bulged like a hogro
I against the world and playing alive I ruin them Echendia for killing them the more expensive I charge
Now that it distributes me well, I see you lower on your shoulders, more boastful, I get fatter while it's
your turn to pick up debris, the Nike shoes I wear
The most expensive rapper, the most paid, or I surprised you, Viking underground records, when I
stumble, magnificent, scientific lyrics, the rhymes, I put on a fool, I leave you crazy, spinning around
more than a clown top, when they talk, agree, let's take a court to see if I get caught, they smell bad,
the crows make you sick.
I told you one day when you win in bolivars I am flush with dollars and euros! You already know what
that's like!
how is he going to fuck with me
If he doesn't have enemy rhythm, I'm going to pull the trigger.
to hit him in the guiro (X2)

Take a bite, listen, they gave me your brother-in-law's beta, you're the stuffed animal, you have a great
story, they kicked you out of the area because you were clumsy, you arrived crying, paying for the
protection, don't bounce, olee, walk it before it explodes, this isn't a beta, it's just a DVD that the
morality breaks you later you see him talking outside in the touches mamaguevos say what they want
but don't touch me you are a thug you eat that story you also keep dreaming that you want to grave
notorious fifti cent is going to take 36 rings in the hundred you will see who is who that envy doesn't let
him like you very much when the dark-haired guy catches the bug well with the index that measures one
hundred ask the souls

I'm hitting the rapids

get under tombstones, you make me feel sorry for you
You don't even sound because you spend your ass in fame sweat and tears hahaha

The ma-sa-cre
Now who is driving the wheel who is the thug who is the singer who shines like a diamond La ma-sa-cre
Now who is driving the wheel who is the thug who is the singer who shines like a diamond La ma-sa-cre

Venezuela listens to the truth
playing alive

See how your life is lost in Olimbo

You see how you ruin your life with something so stupid
Look in the mirror you are no longer even the reflection
You left that person far away from the person you were
You no longer care about your mother or your children or anyone
You steal from your family and sell everything to them on the street
You no longer care about tomorrow, you no longer care about the present, you don't even perceive time
and now everything is different.
Since the stone knocked on the door of your life
You gave him an entry pass and didn't show him the exit.
In all that smoke that comes out of your lungs, your life goes away along with that of a little bit of
guevones. You have the world in your hands and it disappears when you put it in the car and smoke it.
Photo like a foam and at the same time it adds to you
In the account of those who let themselves dry like foam You gave your soul to the drug
You didn't learn the lesson that there is no dialogue with crack
You don't even care about your hygiene anymore.
You smoked everything I had and now you have nothing
You ended up with what you had and what you didn't have
You tried it, you liked it and you grabbed it like a mania
You did it sometimes and now it's every day
Like 80 times you got a sticker tattoo

Remove the stone that is blocking your path and get away from this hell that is burning you, give
yourself a chance and get out of that darkness, recover the light that the drug is killing you. x2

What balls… You were the daddy

The one with the rials, the one with the style, the one with the walls, the one with the asses. Now what
remains of you is pity.
For riding it until breaking the maximum barrier
The stone is not a game, it puts your life in the flames of the fire It entices you and then... it takes over
your life, it takes over Until you can't get rid of it, it drags you to death The jíbaro has your way back
and forth to the sky
You are another child who cries for his candy
Crazy destruction is not learned in an academy
It is easy to kill yourself with this epidemic
Your life left with an aluminum pipe and cigarette ashes
You let the stone take away your shine
The stone put you in his pocket and every day
stabs you with the same knife you smoked
your morals your honor and your dignity
You smoked your life without any need
Don't be another
That in this labyrinth you lose and die

In search of a miracle that will recover him

Remove the stone that is blocking your path and get away from this hell that is burning you, give
yourself a chance and get out of that darkness, recover the light that the drug is killing you. x2

Rich oh Colombia
Black with your hands up OH! whites with their hands up OH! Latinos with their hands up OH! Caracas
OH! Underground OH! (2). Colombia:
The whole world gets involved with the race, blacks and whites. Above, what happens is the guerrilla
with the Latinos in the house, blacks and whites in a single race. Latin America and Venezuela connect
with hip*hip for all the Venezuelan brothers and also for the Joes. Directly from Caracas, the flow is
introduced well.
Good morning, the director of pornography arrived, I took a bitch with everything and guarantee, babes
selling joints, it lights up, the bass reverberates over the curda, there is still more, I want you to move
those buttocks, mom, so that in me until it collapses.
Que??? Chaca cha sexual spill rich babe throws it here rich daddy Colombia
Look, who would say that I would think what would happen if Colombia, pussy, Penelope came out
holding my millennium tit and went to look for Shakira at the hotel at noon
Verga Sofía we didn't invite her and she came from Colombia:
But let it happen that that's mine too but the other day I had to go out with Thalia to hit the wep hop
every day even though all these girls have their spies chasing me
The way we are doing it is in a house with a Latin pool, fine kitty kitten tastes divine Mami!!! I want you
to make a stripper just for me to turn them on in baseball you do it to me my mind is blown I don't
believe in anything I sell my piña colada. Super scourge, carry it here, I don't carry it. This is the craziest
rumba in all of Caracas, women who only pass in thread like this I hesitate meat per kilo you know I
have too much hesitated style

Cottage cheese: Party…

Colombia: Enjoy life the way you want Cottage cheese: Can...
Colombia: All women come out Colombia: put an end to all pleasures Cottage cheese: crude...
Cottage cheese: Rumba...
Colombia: Sign as you can
Cottage cheese: I am a bad behavior women look for me

Who doesn't like tripea...

Which is the first wolf I'm going to marquea...
Chama let's go to my bed without much scale, don't create drama I just touch you and you'll get wet
Balín! Let the mattress click if you want to eat a banana split. If you give me a wish I would like to ask
you to remove Britney Spears' virgo
Everyone is involved with the race, blacks and whites, what happens is the guerrilla with the Latinos in
the house, I am white in a single race, Venezuela is preparing, not for, not for...
Hesitant, come to the rumba, everything is controlled by porn in the air, the father of ice cream has
arrived, I'm the crazy one, I like to throw away the façade, move it away so that everything tastes more
underground, hesitant...


You feel like a man mentioning my name but I don't name what I consider to be just rubble, you're
under my shoulder, your bad way of rapping is the only thing that surprises me that you're going to pimp
me with your ass?
The least I carry for you is a beretta, I don't talk like you, watch your attitude because here in Catia we
give you a coffin for free. Don't come to me with what you carry and move panelas, you don't impress
me, nor did it catch on fire, with you I hide myself but in the street
If you want to fix a job, let it be on the street, poor clowns who can't stand a pain, envy has them
drowning in a glass, who wins the awards, who appears on TV and in magazines, tell me who plays on
the radio and is In the first list you will sound in your house and if anything, who the hell pays attention
to you, what you have to do is make way for my position, you will never occupy it no matter how much
you want to be a thug and a singer like Tupac, you have to suck me like You have done it year after year
I am a dry guerrilla you are just a stranger with the three albums I have I fuck you
and all this time you have been seeing it with your own eyes, you mess up your mischief with Vaseline
with me this petare, catia and pinto salina
If you want a parampampan you just have to get ready so you can see that I'm going to hide alone,
that's you who is shitting around with escorts for me, kill even an army that I don't care about in my
neighborhood, they also pull the trigger, I act for my instinct, I don't act out of caps, I carry bug since I
have........................................ about 13 ask whoever knows me if you feel like it right now you're
coming out into the ring you're not ampa you what you are rolo e' mamaguevo

Because they want to spoil my brilliance but now they will have to listen to me (the thug on stage) Keep
pushing, they are going to get more tired than me, they will not be able to move forward (they are
experiencing traumas) there are the toads that want to launch themselves, they are the first to go to
sarpar (playing alive so that it comes out) with their poison they are going to dry up millet, they can't
with GCK. no no no...

In the street playing, I live against the active world of the mochadores who dream of giving me shots,
are they angels or demons?
talk chlorine son
happy triggers riot because I shine
today one more day that I breathe
the world the jungle of assassins
where they tried to blow me up
my god has not wanted, allowed
let them leave me dejected, we are clear
I'm no saint, mijo.
bullets have blown my ear trying to disconcert
meaning destiny
of a black that moves negative or positive
that's why when I write everything live
I tell what I live since I am alive and run, traveled
on the track like a 30
when the bug spreads the tickets
they want to have a party
They have hit me hard to keep my mouth shut
nothing more to fill out formula
We kill Colombia with dry guerrilla warfare.

(look! Whoever wants to doesn't kill me... but who can, look! The blacks got together again, those from
the neighborhood...
the most real, the ones who have always spoken to Venezuela as it is!
so respect... that you are just a newbie... come on...)

CHORUS (X2)...
Sentence of the minor and the black
The youngest and the black that's what they called us
When I wasn't in trouble it was the youngest who was
I grew up moving how cocoa is churned around the largest plaza in this underground. When I was 7
years old it was already clear what a plaza was. Now I just mess around, our life is based on it. The
source of the drugs was my house.
At 8 years old, what I learned is how to strain fat. You have to live in this square.
Tomorrow what will be my future in this house?
Yes, ever since they have been raising me around drugs, guns
I dressed among the black man's family and I had to fight like the dog itself
And the mercenary every day, a girl with a court, left that in the neighborhood
And my thoughts only followed is the pran a lot of rial win steal aim and win I had no time left to study
I had to gather together with the black man who lived with me
I played all the roulette in the neighborhood every day, this is how you survive
Our mind only asks for money, by hook or by crook, oneself is the one who decides But the house's
money is the fast track. Although by that same route my parishioners sleep under stones.
The law where the gibaro lived as king
I'd rather die in a game where you hit play. A sixager was my ticket to penalties.
Thirteen years old fighting in the jungle of animals The home of the crooks the land of gangsters fighting
against bears and my dangerous uncle
The goat who in the neighborhood moved the controls Cars whores silver roles
Our university was called gibareo my title my employment tools
Pair of irons just in case the dogs bark my execution, move your finger and schedule a burial. Everyone
in the neighborhood in those years published stories in caviaca, gone to prison, and it appeared in the
And the family said or I don't think it's ugly, it's worse, it's a mess, damn it, I believe it, I don't believe in
what I see.
While I was out there moving one with the uncle to get mine out of prison
Who slept on the floor above the shore and died from the cold
One day he comes to create the biggest plaza to sell drugs to everyone in his mother's pocket With a
party on the hill in the neighborhood in the street without giving explanations to anyone or details The
stone was sold in the street and I said you mine I hope it's here Nothing failed us at night. Although I
was inside and they were on the street, I knew what happened with luxuries and details.
In that same corner where my uncle was turning, a mess broke out over a chili game, I read mine.
But in the worst case one got screwed with a bullet in the guiro but no one said a word
My uncle, shortly after what happened, became angry for five minutes, the PTJ infiltrated
Counting some lucas with some stones and a coke from the note
Maybe it's that he didn't hear the sound of the boots that came up to his house kicking him.
the door
They are fallen on the floor and hands on their heads
The surprise that the minor got when he returned to the ranch was my uncle escoñetao and his hand
behind him with the hooks
This was an explicit and extensive mess, the fact was that I couldn't go to the neighborhood or the house
where I grew up.
Because I was too searching and requesting so many things that had happened
They had already grabbed the father of the ice cream from the raid, they had taken him away, but the
police didn't know that he had left bugs in a girl's house, very hot parakeet stones.
Time passed and in three weeks the black man came out and we went to the girl's house to look for the
We knock on the crude ticket door
A girl came out who knew what it was like too.
The time had come to arm ourselves up to the elbows
With the purpose of crowning the lucas, I took out my uncle and left the wig on, but I would never go out
with my hands on the back of my neck again, since the minor was requested and the snake snagged my
The girl said here is everything he left
Grab all your bags and go far away
I take out a suitcase under a mat, I open it and the first thing I see. it was too much trouble
Two reinforced veretas under a shotgun, eight combs, two grenades and a submachine gun, an uzi, a mc
dyess and an rpk
There is already too much cargo to help us win, the minor already knew what was happening and did not
direct it towards the central bank.
That was the bank that had the most rial in the capital
And we only had 5 minutes left to act and attack him.
We entered quietly singing to everyone who was inside the bank, everyone on the ground, that this is an
Anyone who moved would shit, anyone who made a noise would shoot them and if they looked at me I
would kill them.
In my and the black man's carelessness, an old woman started screaming and hit the alarm button.
And we lost our calm
Karma began from the moment the old woman screamed. I wanted to kill her with a shot in the middle
of the eyebrow. I know that on the outside we were already surrounded by pacos. There was no way to
get out of the bank alive. Snipers aiming at us.
I thought I'd get out of jail, I'd get out dead, I'd get out handicapped.
They shouted, come out with your hands up, but it was in vain that they wasted so much saliva. I filled
the pill with a grenade and meanwhile my hand was pointing at a pregnant woman. They asked them to
negotiate, but since this was going to be a shower of lead
One died and we all exploded
Suddenly there was a change of shots between everyone, a sniper shot me in the elbow. All the toads
from the BAT group entered and the
PTJ through the back door and I didn't notice anything I hid and just shot
The BAT group told me give yourself up and mine said oh well
The PTJ told me come but when I turned back it was too late the black man had left his hostage
A PTJ had the minor pointed at the hundred. I didn't realize that the blood was running to my feet. One
said, grab the grenade here, everything will be fine. What they wanted was to die when they saw 2 shots
entering my skin.
Let's fly, mamaguevos, let's all fly, we're going to explode But I felt a shot breaking my femoral bone
The worst thing is that we live to die stuck here, now we are free and full of regrets Paying gray hair and
never seeing my loved ones
30 years old damn and his mother where the hell are we... blood has been spilled that was the decree


Nigga: aka the three owners, triple aka, do not compare or confuse each other Tony Shit your Majesty
the Budu, and the Damned Sibylline Nigga, me!
It's a real representation of what it's like to own shit.

I go hip-hop, stylized style

At its most optimal level 4-40
Perfect tuning
Universal for any instrument
Make no mistake 'cause the nigga, the devil always tempts him
Our mafia style increases
Accustomed to mischief since the 80s
Now my flow increases
I keep shining on my own
Many stay in comics
science fiction invent
Tea time has arrived, the three owners introduce themselves
Overreach is what they now encourage
Bad degree 40
I! illicit, explicit, rustic music
Acoustics in capital letters
You back with your tiny mind
abstract style
Difficult to understand difficult to explore
Too sophisticated to imitate
AkA Johnny Francois
And in quotes “the damn Sibilinos Nigga”
I have always been the owner, I have never been the tenant.
Everyone marks their destiny
And mine was marked from my own birth
Nobody disables a single one of my movements
Listen well, I have extreme knowledge in this
I! I am the absolute owner of all the elements
I am the owner of the rose heron foam
I am the owner of my own thing
I am the one who used to recite prose
Now with music from Austral I make outrageous songs
I am like the national anthem, I am the owner of glorious notes
Budu: take it, raise it, feel it, take it, that is right
Take it, raise it, feel it, fuck it...
Take dirt if you wanted dirt
Nigga: as if that were not enough they heard Tony Shit between our voices
13: 13 the number that makes the networks tremble
Of powers
Intellectual who gives pleasure to bitches
Mama guevo don't make me repeat what I said in essence again
Dressed in black like February 4th
Tony shit the same butcher dog
With intercity connections
In distant lands
Tony Forever, of fame
Creating riddles that no one can solve
Now it is the most expensive multi-figure

Underground, fusionary, millennial

Turning check out into a fucking neighborhood
Aka Carlos Andrés Pérez, who wants to be a millionaire
My scam started
Controlling my business from my own home
Difficult lyrics, affecting idiots
Not suitable for the useless
Like Carlos Meneen
Burying your penis in your mouth
Like Carlos the Jackal, active subversive
There is no fixed term here
Triple aka the three owners are the parents of your style
I hope they catch a thread
Like Bill Clinton
Fucking the calves at the Hilton
Sadan Hussein
Jhonny Flecha insane
Like Mandela, lighting a candle
These are the three school teachers in Venezuela
I multiply like grass
Here goes my fucking shit...
three owners
Taking away your sleep
Check, this is what I'm going to do
Here the Budu, Austral let it roll, let it roll
Budu: what! Ouch! Stop me that track there Daddy, stop me that fucking shit, now you're going to hear
what it is, the curse Yo!
Take it, take it up, feel it, fuck it, ag!
Take crap if you wanted crap
I come step by step
Giving mandarriazo
And with my flow and with my deck
And I give witches blows
I get ahead and I don't get behind
In the environment I move
Open the court, Aba arrived with his bow loose.
Solved case
For me this was not a belly, the sheath was a wrapped child
I screwed my balls a lot to get to what I am
Damn hell, the police are after us very insistently
There is no more patience, there is no more mercy
What an ag pestilence!
Take it, take it up, feel it, fuck it, ag!
Take crap if you wanted crap
I sold malanga, I turned rock, the business was parakeet
And I was never rich, I was rich
Now my crazy mouth
Release vomit with gunpowder
And I dedicate myself to rapping, I dedicate myself
I am a worm with brown skin
With pure and good blood
What has 100% home
With die on both sides
Started a new project
Attention, the action has started
We are the three owners aka the bad parios
Three different garbage
Prepared by Pablo Papito aka Che Guevara
Take it, take it up, feel it, fuck it, ag!
Take crap if you wanted crap
Long live the fucking drugs and prostitution
Quote in pin, sounding more than Salserin
Get in my ring
To see how blood clots fall on you in drops
Take it, take it up, feel it, fuck it, ag!
Take crap if you wanted crap
This shit is so that many people know who the three men are who are in charge in the environment, you
TO? As I have always said, this shit is not a game and cart, Dj 13 aka los malparios Gustavo with Pablo
Papito, this is the real shit men, guide your steps well so you can go far ha!, el Budu aka The Fucking
Tramp, aka Palmieri, whatever you want, tell me whatever you want, let her go...
Nigga: Directive, now you see me
Triple aka the three Owners for my CD 4x

manuelita rosales…
like fie fie fie fie beast, like fie fie fie fie beast, just like wild beast, just like wild beast, just like wild
beast, just like wild beast, you asked for Latin flavor and I brought it to you right here, hygienic way of
this rapper brother's mess, women hold hands and scream jimmy jimmy!! Let's see what you have, eat,
jimmy, jimmy, riding the track, buddy, don't get involved, "surprise"
women without panties for “jimmy” ticket no more mmmmmmmm
black mojina, sifrina, latina goes on top with top. move your ass like jelly goes pa on with
up. moves he ass asgelat…
goes pa on with up. moveshe ass as gelat…
goes pa on with up. moveshe ass as jelly
don't play nice
humid climate in your vagina bambina the rhythm culminates while nigga hits it. and it disturbs the
female body so if you find yourself anemic.
The time has come for you to get hysterical
And move your waist with great ease. If you like culture, don't act tough because you like to be looked at
like a sculpture.

The beast arrived, I am a piranha. the fine knight

Mommy, let's go to the beach, put on the thread.
I carry the street and I have kilos until six in the morning alone on the shore
taking caipirinha.
lyric with pineapple girl and look at this tumbao that I come arrecostao I am like cocoa with my song...
choun cocacola and rum to break the mattress I have the gift
so “give me give me” I like your mini bikini and dance for you daddy
what makes you happy
I'm your triki - traki
move slowly brunette mermaid
Now lie down on the sand and do it like this like a wild beast like this like a wild beast
You asked for Latin flavor and I brought it to you right here
just like wild beast just like wild beast just like wild beast you asked for Latin flavor and I brought it to
you right here and so move your waist with great ease if you like my culture don't play hard to get
that you like to be looked at like a sculpture.

rumba saturday
twelve at night (yes sir)
everything ready to form the waste, the women were abundant (yes sir) the DJ was commanding
the disco was booming (yes sir)
with the guajira of the lazy
oh what a job (yes sir)
Mambrú went to war
oh what pain what a shame
Are you the female who was looking for hooo may flower
what I was looking for
I will be hip-hop buggy buggy pussy dont stop
I will be hip-hop buggy buggy pussy dont stop yeah move your waist mommy, mommy, mommy,
mommy move your waist
mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy haha you are a wolf
mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy haha
Mommy mommy mommy,
Mommy, mommy, mommy, dance for my wife what's happening quimbara cumbara cumba who ban ban
I want to dance with you
You don't know how I admire you
with that red dress
I am the bear that comes proclaiming to you, welcome to the dance of the criminals, they dance it in the
and they enjoy it in prisons
This music hits because you know it comes at two in the morning.
I'm going to enter through the kitchen
I hope you wait for me to give you your medicine
Mommy, what's wrong with your daddy?
Mommy move your hips for your daddy
oh mommy
mommy mommy (rampam quitiqui bun if they call me) (rampam quitiqui bun) uuooohhh
(rampam quitiqui bun if they call me)
(rampam quitiqui bun) bon poron
(rampam quitiqui bun if they call me)
(rampam quitiqui bun) uuooohhh
(rampam quitiqui bun if they call me)
(rampam quitiqui bun) bon poron asi
as well as wild beast (bon porompo)
just like wild beast (bon porompo) like this
just like wild beast (bon porompo) like this
as well as wild beast

as well as wild beast
You asked for Latin flavor and I brought it to you right here and so move your waist with great ease. If
you like my culture, don't act tough.
that you like to be looked at like a sculpture. So

as well as wild beast

as well as wild beast
as well as wild beast
I will be hip-hop buggy buggy pussy dont stop
(so so)
I will be hip-hop buggy buggy pussy dont stop
(like fierce…. like fier… fie… fierce)
I will be hip-hop buggy buggy pussy dont stop
(wild beast)

we are ready in the mix

give me a cigarette there chamin
Look, I'm not going to say much... guevonada
this is competition rap
It's rap for the street
It's rap for the whole world
this is rap for your neighbor
rap so they can take you to prison
this is rap for whatever
this is rap
this is hip-hop oite
on the other hand
if there is war there is war
with whatever
this is from venezuela
and that's how we represent it
let's be real
We are going to try to do things from the heart, honestly three owners in the house
this is the nigga sivilino
you already know me
no comment
bizarre crocodile there
no effort there
you know heh
with your nails hahaha
2035 flow don't try it at home

Basic, symphonic, I recite great prototype lexicons, lyrics of the latest cry of the year breaking the myth,
latest model of the exquisite, sophisticated, elegantly crafted like the finest fine, formal dress and shine
more than diamonds and platinum, always quiet in my casino
or walking in the limo, with my friends always from Dolce&Gabana, 5-star hotels, the most beautiful
girls, trips to Marseille, silk shirts, half-tied hat, perfumed arrows and well-combed hair, the check-out
master has arrived at your side I come with dark glasses and cigar smoke in the air, the real game is
present, the poet of my people, an intelligent, eloquent rapper, with gold in his teeth. These are
insurgent, international couplets, criminals in front of you, king of mambo like Tito Puentes, the different
rhythm and subconscious touch, surreal, rich and surprising, powerful, the resident godfather, pure
successes, Great lexicons Ahh!, in the kitchen it is offered to you...

And although my sign is Virgo, I will surely die from cancer and maybe I don't have the reach, but I have
the balance, to keep you in a trance, in any case I'm going ahead, the elephant being evil, what you
thought now I thought long before , my style is stunning, men say I'm arrogant and women say what an
interesting guy, I've always been a good listener, that's why I'm a good speaker, and I'm not Carlos
Tablante, I'm more like Carlos Madera and that's enough for me, and I remain constant so I hope you
can handle vowels and consonants, when rapping or when I sing, and if you don't understand that way I
will say it through a loudspeaker, that this sedentary wanderer unmasks fakes and nevertheless you will
see part of what I bring in my art, I am writing history like Napoleon Bonaparte, and even if rappers
from all over came to fuck with me, you know that's on Mars. The Nigga with a verse hides them and
splits them, if you want you come alone, if you want he brings companions, the singer of singers with an
abundant lexicon and I do not want to mistreat you, my heart is my banner, either they will be removed
or I will remove them, gentlemen, full stop.

Chorus: With Class, years of experience bring as their outcome the original fruit of elegant phrases,
thousands of great lexical hits, luxury poets, no one can replace them.

Today my friends are going to forgive me for this moment, I want to vent it, because something sad can
happen to you, life is hard and it doesn't stop hitting you, I don't know without one day I will leave the
neighborhood, or I will die on the street working Everything happens to me because I'm hard-headed,
people just want to see you destroyed, it's a problem that is latent in my life and excuse me, my
handwriting is different, could it be that my future is a madhouse or I think demons are going to take me
away, Listen carefully to the lament of a Venezuelan, when your life is good it turns out to be bad, thank
you I say to everyone who has supported me, that with their faith they have me well, I know that there
are many who want to see me fall, among them the mother of my children, but here I am fighting every
day, I am not interested in having a thousand obstacles put in front of me, I was born to fight, that I
assure you, I am suffering, I cannot help it, what can I do, I have to sing it, you will live longer if you
trust no one. , this is my lexicon, what poetry

I give myself the luxury of rapping
On whatever track
One way or the other
The denial arrives in the trunk and is created
I mean?
Who raps more than me
Who has ugliest lyrics?
Solfea solfea
The evil one executing
Demoralizing second-rate rappers
The punishing microphone
Do you want me to kill you?

Tell me the time of the fight (haha) We'll arrive by yacht Smoking a bat
Here there will be no one to rescue you When I get a bad tie And my flow stands out
There is no tie in this shit
This bath is worth more than 32 carat gold Take your tomato The nigga the tycoon And I don't accept
This will be more censored than porn. Many will comment, what an embarrassment. I will say bon-
The rhythm transforms and I become brutal Because of me death is in mourning That's why understand
that I am the legend Bring me an offering And in my chest
Heart of stone against those who come (you) How many are there
You and forty roosters
Here we are the three owners plus the yayo. They fly to the island like a parrot. If Rubén calls again, tell
him there are mistakes left. So let's compete.
And they bring their women so that they can shout for us. If you want, they can ring.
Or my style, duplicate that if you practice
They seem handicapped, scrawny ummmmm I see them so pale
They faint when this appears Pay me with thirteen
That what I have left you lack But keep rehearsing Don't lose faith
In the kitchen we will continue brewing coffee with Che
I'm not a gafo santero but I have a hatchet and a cool bed... hehehehe

International Professional Criminals
The connoisseurs of the environment The abnormals arrived
Present what happens to my people (X2)

The original arrived

The authentic, brilliant The cute criminal With an intellectual touch Turn up the volume so that everyone
can enjoy And the rhythm destroys Turn it up to 12 That everyone knows me I'm not the best But I work
I fight and I have discipline Years on stage Producing rhymes
Give me a drink and don't get upset. Here are the lazy people. We are the three owners. And raise my
hands. The beetle has arrived.
Sending toads to hell

I don't want critics

Rappers in heels
Throwing songs at me
falling into cairns
They are the best
minor rope
Make no mistake
Respect the champions
I know your past
I know they were sold
For fame and some money
Rope and merengue players
Don't give it to them like dogs
First reggaeton and now hip-hop artists?
They don't impress me, they are elementary
Few professionals
They will never be pranes
Be careful we arrive abnormal...

International criminals
The connoisseurs of the environment
The abnormals arrived
Present what happens to my people (X2)

Originals in the house

They just arrived (woah!)
Music is your drug so let yourself go
Everyone dancing, smoking
Never spoiling
I want to fuck with you (yeah)
and be your friend
Come please I ask you
Always don't play with me
Three owners dream of you
To infinity

(C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon)

You already have me stubborn with your beat that beat

I am the piece that has been giving you checkmate
Hey waiter, get me that iron
of my soup
Out there they were saying that that bug
And what is Enrique Lazo?
Lamia a hug from me yeah

I want to caress your breasts

And kiss you on the neck
Tie you by the hair
And ride your whole body
three owners
Playing on the radio again
I want to dance with you
Don't stop I ask you
The world is my destiny
Come and do it with me

International criminals
The connoisseurs of the environment
The abnormals arrived
Present what happens to my people (X2)

Thirteen: Hit it first because that slips me I am like ice I am bulletproof knife below zero I am more than
a rapper street vampire I am invisible three verbs with caliber irresistible talent I possess flammable fuel
infallible visible ticket childish rappers these are not games and I have projectiles cartridges lyric dice
from the Caribbean a robbery that is written mental film and 13 directs it intellectual sound that your
soul perceives my dogs chase you arrow the aboriginal crazy about crime Hip-Hop from birth the kid
from birth the 13 commandments

Chorus: Ayyy!!! You were wrong!!! You provoked us!!! The time has come!!! The disaster began!!!
I love you Mayyyy!!! x 2

Budu: I don't really care about your filthy comment, everything fails you because you know that you
have no rhythm, jump out of that abyss that is driving you crazy, I come with Kambayumba
demonstrating verbal lyrics, international professionals don't sleep when they think that we are going up
like the fuckin' dollar, no. We are neither 4 nor 5 nor 5 We are 3 maniacs My mind becomes cloudy and
everything goes blank I become Machiavellian when he gives me the clue I pay attention and watch
(THIRTEEN) with the original piece that represents the magazine
in my hard-core from Venezuela (YEAH, ME!!!) the business was made to have serious people, the risk is
that one there and open your big mouth, take care of your head, the budu expresses himself with great
skill and has no mercy nor patience (OOOAAAHHH) be mixed, don't turn your back on me, look into my
eyes, I will continue polluting the ozone layer with the black smoke that ejects my everything

I love you x 3

Nigga: More boastful than dad in the Vatican, hold hands since the villain (FFFF) will make them eat
swamp, fifth-class rappers, the nigga tromps wherever and the thing sounds like hell with Kinca, get
away Yangara, you have lyrics that fuck OK? Send them to give them to some guys so they can sing
reggaeton faggot impostor suit more than 2% so you don't come with stories supposed talents have
been wasting time the creator of the word invention I'm sorry you are sad and we are happy if you want
more then I'll give you the rest Carlos Sereno is not modest infinite composed rapper texts go in the
opposite direction exclusive is my position even in carts by position (SHIT) some say that sifrino is this
marginal while women chase me as if I were Chayanne how are you? Perfect tuning in 4-40 guevones
comments faggots invent while classic takes the decibel count increase the devil tempts me don't regret

When phonetics becomes explicit and then grammar becomes illicit and they destroy shit that sounds
aesthetic, I hide it with metaphors of metaphysics, classic parables that minimize Rappers with basic
(NOOO Damn your mother, this is too much)

Repeat Chorus

Nigga: Welcome to the lion's den
Where in less than a second anything can happen here
Deaths, robberies, what we experience every day
In my neighborhood, day and night, night and day
Vagrants and thugs fleeing from the police
They chase me but they never get me
There in my territory only my laws govern
Carabobo street, labyrinth with no exit
Underground area where the mafia reigns
You can't dodge the bullets
Up and down
This is where I live
Measure your words well or you are not worth a shot
Budu: now they are in battle
From where no one could escape they have entered my kingdom
And no one saves you from death
You lack class, you lack balls
Calle Carabobo owner of the mafia as the godfather
You are in the den of the wolf
Nigga: San José, Quote on Carabobo Street
Budu: You are in the den of the wolf
Nigga: San José, Quote on Carabobo Street
Budu: You are in the den of the wolf
Nigga: San José, Quote on Carabobo Street
Budu: Wolf
Nigga: here in Carabobo unusual things happen
Like a car driving alone and killing a lady
What balls!
What makes me most excited
The old woman was my grandmother
I! I don't give a fuck
here on my street
Where envy doesn't let you advance
Those who say they are friends
They are your worst enemies
That's why here I know who mine are
Who are mine, who are mine
Budu: the night falls everything is completely silent
The neighborhood burns on all corners
All my dogs are hungry, always attentive
Of movements, and they don't eat stories, no
There ain't no son of a bitch who dares to step on our land
Well, they don't have the weapons to kill each other with mine.
look what a mess
No, I see a shadow, tell me who it is
It can't be that faggot Juanito
He comes to look for me, everyone is aware that there is an atmosphere
Throw it in front of me!
The shooting began
A victim on the sidewalk
Oh my god, it can't be, he's innocent
Now the ground will be the only witness
Of homicide, let it be committed
Nobody speaks nobody comments
People shit because it suits no one

Nigga: it's not a lie, it's not a game and it's not worth it.
Budu: You are in the den of the wolf
Nigga: San José, Quote on Carabobo Street
Budu: You are in the den of the wolf
Nigga: San José, Quote on Carabobo Street
Budu: You are in the den of the wolf
Nigga: San José, Quote on Carabobo Street
Budu: Wolf

Nigga: This is how you live in the neighborhood, this is how you live on Carabobo Street, without any
lies, nor games and carts

They went down the wrong path

And of everything they have they will be stripped. That will not be enough, they will be killed so that they
Calle Carabobo represents and is respected
And it is respected
Budu: This is my Carabobo street,
This is my Carabobo street,
This is my Carabobo street,
This is my Carabobo street, This is my Carabobo street.
You are in the den of the wolf
Nigga: San José, Quote on Carabobo Street Budu: You are in the lion's den
Nigga: San José, Quote on Carabobo Street Budu: You are in the lion's den
Nigga: San José, Quote on Carabobo Street Budu: Lobo
Budu: Social outbreak

Niche: Lazy people and thugs cannot escape what is happening, the country is divided in two, how is it
possible for this to happen in Venezuela, this is the reality that a social outbreak is being experienced...

Ah our nation was divided into two opposite sides

People from very high positions entering and leaving
The Venezuelan without information
Because of our own means, the constitution is violated
Your life is not worth even half
And in the midst of so much confusion
The disease is not what kills, what kills is the remedy
Many take it as a game
But it is a serious problem
There is no more sincerity in this corrupt and mundane world
How is it possible that human rights do not exist?
How is it possible for brothers to kill each other?
How is it possible that the message we give is in vain?
I'm not going to be biased, they can rot in their swamp

Budu: and they make fun of their people and then they don't care
They use them for their power and then throw them out

Niche: snipers on church roofs

Budu: upper class people shouting in all the streets

Niche: innocent people who die just because they are marching

Budu: tired of a president who was a supposed guerrilla, an outbreak begins, the people fight against the

Niche: the viewer is confused

The situation shakes us

Budu: countless conspiracies

of which... well you already know
They come in and resign, the people have the president hesitating for four hours, what an alarming

Budu: a social outbreak has divided this country into sweatshirts

Niche: what do we have left?

Act with caution
Or wait for the sequel
Every time a peo bursts in Venezuela

Budu: a social outbreak has divided this country into sweatshirts

Niche: what do we have left?

Act with caution
Or wait for the sequel
Every time a peo bursts in Venezuela
There is this sign that the sovereign, as he removes it, puts it
The high command proposes, and the people are the ones who decide
Everyone has their reasons
Each government judges by its own conditions
If you are poor, classism affects you
If you are black, racism affects you
And in the end we all want the same thing
The well-being of this society, where we all live
Each one in their own way
Some live in the garden and others in the lion's den
And to whoever may be interested, I bring this message
Don't put this country in a shipwreck anymore
I! If there is supposed to be democracy, use suffrage
To many things to which they refer
I say goodbye to this hearing
And assuming we live in freedom of speech
Because I didn't say anything rude in this fucking song...
Budu: a social outbreak has divided this country into sweatshirts

Niche: what do we have left?

Act with caution
Or wait for the sequel
Every time a peo bursts in Venezuela

Budu: a social outbreak has divided this country into sweatshirts

Niche: what do we have left?

Act with caution
Or wait for the sequel
Every time a peo bursts in Venezuela.

We are calling for a ceasefire,

Burn the fire please, we can't kill each other when, how long are we going to live in this situation?
If we are all one people, please, please cease fire...

Budu: lazy and thugs, we are tired,

Lazy people and thugs are tired, we don't want more abuse,
The abuse is over, we will always, always tell the truth to our people because we are Venezuelans.


Nigga: Hahaha good boy here
Budu: giving me life again
Nigga: gabanando again and who was going to say it with Maria
Budu: surprise
Nigga: this is what we bring you now, here
Budu: here
Nigga: health then health

Maria Rivas: pure cabilla

Budu: this is the nigga and the budu together with Maria Rivas
Showing life that we are going up
Up like the falcon that flies through the air
Carabobo technique to Buenos Aires
Give me realistic projects to end today's ignorance
And we bring Maria with a sound of mischief
The queen of the manduco with the mastery

Shutting the mouth of hypocrisy

I am a teacher with Venezuelan flow
Saoco is what I bring
Humble and simple like Billo

Maria Rivas: pure cabilla

Budu: me! I am the native Creole

With pure strength of a bear
And for those who live off the shine
I don't need your support
Because I come from the hole
listen to this manolo
Mine is pure odorless
With my dialect I stream to you

Maria Rivas: I have the key to your heart

Let's go up, hey but look at you...
I have the key to your heart
Let's go up

Budu: Maria Rivas

Nigga: this coming from the soundhood, a torrential downpour

I know that many people are bothered by what I reflect.
When I introduce my 100% rotten style
I don't take it back
And I don't miss it now
that the time has come
That these beasts get together with the singer-songwriter
Here on the soundtrack
And let's show that the beautiful is in the ugly
And that in the beautiful is the ugly
And you tell me it's a lie, damn I don't believe you
So why did the beauty join these Pharisees?
And here people like Pontius wash their hands
When they see how the healthy mixes with the mundane
My brother
This is getting more vacant
And if it was not enough
This mother fucker couple
They give you a preview of what will be
Yellow, blue and red, on large scales


Maria Rivas: I have the key to your heart

Let's go up, hey but look at you...
I have the key to your heart
Let's go up

Budu: Maria Rivas

Maria Rivas: here I am in poetry

With the lazy and thugs, and even though I don't go to mass
I pray every day
For the beasts of Quote
that they sing to him with justice
To life with the breeze
From the blessed mountain of this Caracas valley
Very erudite intuition where beasts and beauties
When they sing to their dreams
They shout from the 4 winds
The street doctrine of his glory and skeleton

Budu: Maria Rivas

Let's go up
There's little left to reach the top
Lazy and thugs sponsor you
And we will end the hypocrisy

This comes from the same streets

Listen in detail
Open the field, the street poet arrived
With great care lero lero
Papichuleando and gabanear
This is real
And since we are going to traffic the medicine
If this is prohibited then call your prosecutor
I compare this day as a national day
National me!
Considered in my neighborhood as the most valuable diamond on my Carabobo street.
I leave you stupid
Underground Venezuela
rising afloat
Nothing more and nothing less with the spanking trio

Maria Rivas: I have the key to your heart

Let's go up, hey but look at you...
I have the key to your heart
Let's go up

Budu: Maria Rivas

Nigga: as always

Based on real life events

Little boys in diapers
Pick up your macundales
They are nothing more and nothing less than this pair of criminals
And with Maria it is too much hierarchy
And forgive the modesty
But to deaf ears black words
And with the music that has everyone stunned
Of course that of the thirteenth babalonic red baron
No name difference
The same for the rich, the same for the poor
With the same rights and with the same duties
Same for men, same for women
On the narrow road on the wide road
The same for the blacks, the same for the whites
With the same flavor and with the same belief
On behalf of the beauty and on the part of the beasts

Maria Rivas: pure cabilla

I have the key to your heart
Let's go up, hey but look at you...
I have the key to your heart
Let's go up

Budu: Maria Rivas

Maria Rivas you are a colora

because she has a flea face, that's a morcillera, a morcillera who rides with a lycra on a motorcycle that
you look like a blood sausage on the grill,
I'm telling you, you've shut up, look Maria, I'm telling you...

13: Ok, ok, get ready, Uhm! The Caribbean is tasty, great Uhh uhh uhh uhh! At the top like a flash back
I alter the weather with my pac pac
Like the air straight back
What ions, untouchable like 2-Pac
With saber, the unattainable law fights back
Impossible, your plan, plan
Women juhm! my fan
Here my wine, here my bombom

Minks at the highest level

Distinguished on my own poster, tel-Telcel,
The llanero, steel cowboy
Of iron, I lock you up, I don't die
They knew that they should shut up assholes
Mcs, Please
Brother, the human being
Here Johnny Soprano
Look, the one who hits the family is ruined.
The routine is over
I am peace, I am gas
I ate nitrogen, homonymous stereo
And in trails of short leads, lead, bobo-bobo
On the mic Baron Rojo
And on my right uhh!
The Jhonny Flecha emblem
And on my right uhh!
The Jhonny Flecha emblem
Jhonny Flecha, yes yeah! Uhh uhh!

Nigga: with a lot of flavor and a lot of cadence, Listen to the essence
Budu: Ohh! 13 Tony Armas y Cotiza represents
Nigga: and they focus and they feed
I! Of exquisite women in a thirsty way
Budu: Papidandando de formando violent
Nigga: don't regret it Yo!
13:13 thousand copies sold Echendia does the math, the math….
“Again, again, again, again”
Nigga: with a lot of flavor and a lot of cadence
Listen to the essence
Budu: Ohh! 13 Tony Armas and quotes represent
Nigga: and they focus and they feed
I! Of exquisite women in a thirsty way
Budu: Papidandando de formando violent
Nigga: don't regret it You!
13: 13 thousand copies sold Echendia does the math, the math….
And this is Hit's Mecca
What was there, I smoke and go up
And I make one hundred percent juice
I'm not lying, I swear I feel you
Slimy, here the earthquake, the same
Cousin, here my flow cousin
Salsa dance salsa
I'm a New Yorker
With your pirate tactic
I put my stake in your skinny girl
Fire Dragon
See you later
Rest in peace
put on a costume
Fake, rude
You know that deep down you are a tremendous merenguero
Rapper Apprentice
I'm not the best singer but
Life has led me to talk to you dog
Advise you, you were wrong zero
The easy path you took, you escaped
That's why you don't produce, they talk about what's real
But what you want is real
Look in the mirror
You never moved a finger, you idiot.
Money doesn't fall from the sky
Work and finish
But I wake up Cinderella
I have a platinum plate on the street
My pod is really selling for a good price
People dream of it
Respect for the teacher, Family man
On the street like Cecilia.
Nigga: with a lot of flavor and a lot of cadence
Listen to the essence
Budu: Ohh! 13 Tony Armas and quotes represent
Nigga: and they focus and they feed
I! Of exquisite women in a thirsty way
Budu: Papidandando de formando violent
Nigga: don't regret it Yo!
13: 13 thousand copies sold Echendia does the math, the math….
“I think they didn't understand.”
Nigga: with a lot of flavor and a lot of cadence
Listen to the essence
Budu: Ohh! 13 Tony Armas and quotes represent
Nigga: and they focus and they feed
I! Of exquisite women in a thirsty way
Budu: Papidandando de formando violent
Nigga: don't regret it You!
13: 13 thousand copies sold Echendia does the math, the math….
I! Here I sign up for school
The big killa
From Caracas Albanela
They queue, they queue
Sound of sewer, bursting
What a dance, what a dance
Let him feel, let him feel
The wave grows
And burst with 13
One three, like a snowball
like the water that rains
Let them try, pop-pop
On the 13th opposite, Hip-hop day falls
From code to “five times crazy”
Venezuela in the spotlight
Total, current
With nothing to envy
Intuiting southern rhymes
Just like a spring
Yes full chorus
Platinum and gold
Little by little, step by step
I advance and let it be cut to pieces
piece of shit you are
You and your gang of women
Photocopying style of nearby people
Because you don't know how to speak, if you don't talk about bullets
Deep down you hate yourself, you despise yourself
And now you unload your shortcomings
You better be Chichero, juaputo calf
For a sick old pig to catch you
In my land you are not even a crow
The tongue the punishment of the body
Man hit me, man dead
It's true!
Your own ribs hurt you
Arrow hurts you
with rhythm and rhyme
I lost the sewer
My track steps on you on the highway, track
My track steps on you on the highway, track
My track steps on you on the highway, track, yeah!
Tell your grandmother to attend
Nigga: with a lot of flavor and a lot of cadence
Listen to the essence
Budu! Ohh! 13 Tony Armas and quotes represents
Nigga: and they focus and they feed
I! Of exquisite women in a thirsty way
Budu: Papidandando de formando violent
Nigga: don't regret it You!
13: 13 thousand copies sold Echendia does the math, the math….
"I! Nigga, Budu, again”
Nigga: with a lot of flavor and a lot of cadence
Listen to the essence
Budu! Ohh! 13 Tony Armas and quotes represent
Nigga: and they focus and they feed
I! Of exquisite women in a thirsty way
Budu: Papidandando de formando violent
Nigga: don't regret it You!
13: 13 thousand copies sold Echendia does the math, the math….
"A Yeah! This is the essence ahh! Lazy people and thugs, 13 Tony Armas, you! Austral, Echendia,
Underground ohh”
Echendia: Good gentlemen, here I am, the Buddha has arrived with the bologna yeah!
This is yours, this is yours, this is yours, and this is yours
13: constant and loud
Echendia: until next time then
14: Uhm! flavor

Budu: Hey, tell me about mine.

Nigga: what happened to mine? Speak to me clearlyBudu:

Look, enough, you know that this is the new thing about the lazy

Budu: Papidanguando pai

Nigga: Pick up the thread Venezuela

Budu: Take the thread, Echendia look at me, on horseback we are going to the mountain son

Nigga: there's no fuss here, it's that simple

Budu: Real

Nigga: the one who likes it well and the one who doesn't too

Budu: Real, real, what else do you want me to tell you?

Nigga: pay me mine

Budu: the Budu and the Nigga

Nigga: hey, hey, you'll see me smoking a cigarette like Bob Marley
Fucking on a Harley Davidson
Fucking a blonde at the Sheraton Backpack
In a room with a view of the beach
Carrying tremendous guaya
With thirty kilos of siguaraya under my belt
Damn what a papaya
From this moment
The decibels of mischief break
The papidangueo began
The pranes arrived
Giving masterful hip-hop clinic at home
I! This has repercussions on the street as well as in prisons.
It is only an act for criminals
This is how we differentiate between lies and truths
For those who consider it important
We are constant and hard money
Of course we are lazy and thugs
The connoisseurs of the environment
Making people differentiate the underground from the subpar
And as fate would have it, it's the same people again.
And the redundancy is worth it
This thing is wild
His Majesty the Nigga and 13 Tony Armas

Budu: uncomfortably and violently

I introduce my style like a prisoner at the rodeo
The competition tells me that they don't want worse
What do you think, you know, here I don't want to mess around
The masta arrived bathed in blood

Shooting with words that burn you

Pending a move from any massacre
Check it you many comment that I am a damn pest
Of course, my friend
I'm a damn son of a bitch, raised without pae

Nigga: Budu what's up?

Budu: I am the Budu that no one can stop

Because I have an original style
nobody stops me
My rhythm is sticky like sperm on your face
I sing shit if I fucking feel like it
The bitch wins! Untill there

(Chorus (Eddie Palmieri):)

Roasted and colao coffee...
Roasted and colao coffee...

Nigga: Coming from the worldly life

Where to smoke marijuana
It's a daily thing in the mornings
What activates us to search for bread
Either for good or for evil
You already know what the Nigga is
The one who walks with the Budu up and down
Forming relaxation
Earning reputation through work
So take the lane, don't fucking deviate
And if that ass itches, tell me
The lazy ones giving a lesson, Attentive apprentices
Be very careful with what they say
behind our backs
Don't set us up here
We are born and raised in the underworld
Our lyrics are so many
that when it starts
It is a permanent flood because it never clears

Budu: hey, hey, you'll see me

Smoking a cigarette like Bob Marley
Daddying like Allen Iverson
Eating prawn on the beach
And on my side is the tasty one from Erica de la Vega
Listen how it sounds
I! Who would have thought, the chubby guy with the Chinese eyes?
With the blonde with the divine feet
Mommy too comfortable
And for all my people
I take over your mind like a madman
Cooking the enemy like he eats people
I! There is no one here to stop us
Because I bring the key
You know!
Check it look at me in front
I'm a son of a bitch who became a criminal
Clemente earring that the dawn grabs you
And don't get on the sidewalk, your time has come
Here I bring you my tumbao with neighborhood flavor
This is the sticky rhythm that the opponent likes

Nigga: what a taste, what a taste

Budu: Rap ha ha

Nigga: what a flavor it feels when you hear the pod like that tumbao

Budu: with the track of Eddie mijo, Eddie Palmieri, nothing more and nothing less boast

Nigga: this is more Latin than anything

Budu: you know what? This is a gift for Juan Carlos Echendia and his son family

Nigga: Yo! I do have flavor Aka Carlos Madera Aha, aha, aha

Budu: Rap ha ha

Nigga: The Budu and the Nigga, the budu and the nigga, total mastery with Echendia, 13 Pablo
whatever, What flavor do lazy people have, yo!, What flavor do lazy people have, yo!, What flavor do
lazy people have, yo! What taste lazy people have, yo!

Budu: ha!
I want to smoke and they won't let me sign up, pass me the tobacco, hey, what's up? we are smoking
we are whores x2

Verse 1:
Granny you don't fuck my little balls move your tail pull the rope the prettiest in the neighborhood
blessed every day I become the hitman I bring a two-eyed Mario sanctify our stage
Mary J. hallucinating I put the neighborhood smokes well tremendous birthday cake and I do no harm
like a gardener also a whore is my profession and dedication and in the action I burn my fingers
cockroach scourge chokes when it's not scourge sings thick shot straight to your brains hey cat I want a
kiss with you I will complete the phases of perfect sex and then happy I will say! huh? and care for the


Big-ass mom, pass a set of her pussy, I know you're tremendous buddy in the cholla, move your coroto,
don't be so painful, look, in my neighborhood, what rules is that note, get tight and let's go to the party
so you can break necks like Annie's with the Tostani starts the look, you with your firmness to please
yourself, another shooting starts, thug on the corner in the middle of the avenue, they fall with shots,
look, the scale is on, you hear the sirens and the police come to attack everyone who is with us. Let's
see another day, don't pass by my side, I won't pass by yours, we are snakes, the dream is mine, and
your funeral will arrive in a bad way and a stupid joke, then trip it with the cloth and in gamelotao,
enramaoo, I don't know... I don't know.


I start the rumba, tremendous tobacco in my hand, that's what I carry, it's not a fan with a couple of
bitches, I throw myself onto the track, I think about the grass and not the syringe, the dick, I just smoke
a mountain, I take my two bitches with me. So that I can ride them with my cucumber I make them
scream I'm divine they call me filo and I really feel fine I smoke like I'm Al Paccino and if I don't I don't
dare I smoke here with all my friends and in the neighborhood we smoke 187 kilos bitches keep sucking
and I calmly throw the crown pass the tobacco to the scoundrel no no no, pass me the chicharron I kick
it and run run like a poisoned motorcycle to the coconut in the neighborhood they tell me I'm crazy on
stage I come out Chinese for me that it's not enough give me the fukin' joint when I smoke I never close
my eyes


Standin' on the corner like the jibarito el espanto is in his plaza dealin' the polvito the one who gives you
the grade epa crazy and where are you going I'm your rich daddy like a haggen dazz so listen to this
with my terminator yo yo I trip you like the terminator and in the street I put you to bed with violent sex
and for Mariana's whore she swallows milk if my little girl listens to me mommy don't get angry I sell
fake stones branches chimbas marimba marimba until all night long singa singa and with the silver
whore bara
The horror at his station listens to my song you bring me 4 and sharpy me! we swallow chicharron


tell me if you like me

tell me if you like me
Tell me if you like me...
I don't want you to tell me no...
Chop it chop it chop it I eat it chop it chop it chop it and I don't get angry
Chop it chop it chop it I eat it chop it chop it chop it and I don't get angry

Budu: Feel my Flow that Burns
Nigga: We are the losses of Venezuela with Arechera
Budu: Feel My Flow that Burns
Nigga: We are the Band so that pure candle hurts Budu: Feel My Flow that Burns
Nigga: We are from the neighborhood Coño e su Madre Valla Persiario

Nigga: Yo!...It's over what happened Vagos and Malantes making their entrances laughing out loud and
your ugly is in your face after you feel our flow nothing opens anymore and to be in our school the doors
are closed It's worth it to sing street pods if you haven't lived the details. Your songs are words that are
carried away by the wind. Our songs are macabre and perdurate in time.
Budú: Get ready to feel the mob in a shocking way so that once and for all everyone knows who we are,
the damned Vagos and Maleantes, we have passed the thousand and one deaths of friends, the heaven
of friends

Nigga: And the neighbor making straw

Budú: But what about my brother? I'm still going forward, kicking something. This year, I graduate from
lazy, of course, with the people of my neighborhood, my mercenary. Oh yeah!! I come well virao I come
more persao or rather more violent than last year

Budu: Feel my Flow that Burns

Nigga: We are the losses of Venezuela with Arechera
Budu: Feel My Flow that Burns
Nigga: We are the Band so that pure candle hurts Budu: Feel My Flow that Burns
Nigga: We are from the neighborhood Coño e su Madre Valla Persiario

Nigga: I have a unique flow that is unmatchable, unsurpassed by anyone as incensible as Creole as
invisible friends

Budú: And what is the most feasible?

Nigga: May you burn yourself with the flow that the lazy ones bring you, this is the way I make them. I
don't want them to be long-term, just that they respect our work and if there is any lazy person, they
will be well accepted without any type of conditions. We don't lend our songs, much less ours. Tones or
that we were webones there you copy them that they have no other options than to sell themselves for a
few real lazy people and professional thugs and even if many don't like them we won't create

Budu: Mommy!! Open your mouth to hit my tongue that provokes you. Don't be so crazy!!!!!!
Be well, my flow that suffocates you with tequila and makes you horny on your part, what happened to
the fat woman who didn't come, could it be that she fears that her destiny will end? Me!! Dance, Jump,
Gosa with my lactose, lazy and thugs in a morose way, I am the Budú, the chubby one with the Chinese
eyes with a sticky sauce with a binotinto flavor, call the women so that they can move their hips from the
street so that they can understand in detail and that me people dance me and my people dance you you
feel my flow mommy feel it you like it how delicious mommy

Look, the competition can no longer even follow me, feel your my flow, which is dedicated to my people,
a noise for the criminals and others for the criminal, feel the battle that this madman brings to you, this
song was written so that you can shut your mouth if you don't like me. style then call the PTJ I was born
in the filth that's why I sing you filth people don't respect because we are the masters we sing and
express what you want to hear buy my album because I know you're going to like it first of all smoke a
cigarette and you'll feel el aconoto fence q motorcycle fence q motorcycle

Nigga: This is a lyrical, egetic, peletica, pelen pen pentica pelada peluda pelen pen puda 100% street
100% raw to write songs no one helps us we have ease lazy people and thugs quiped rial takes you
crazy naked women is what we want in the house and the one who doesn't want to go outside

Budu: Feel my Flow that Burns Budu: Feel my Flow that Burns Budu: Feel my Flow that Burns Budu: Feel
my Flow that Burns Budu: Feel my Flow that Burns Budu: Feel my Flow that Burns

Ouch! Speak to me clearly, super lazy, they are the ziguaraya
The Super Greens aka the three owners
three owners ziguarañañando
pure smoke, for the neighborhood, for you
I end up in the corner with my natural flavor
An aroma in the environment disturbs my sense of smell
Nothing more and nothing less the smoke of a tobacco
Do me a favor cat, pending and active if the pacos come
Meanwhile I give you four
Let's see if I get carried away
Ha ha ha!
abracadabra, take it soft
keep the key
Raise your mind
What a good atmosphere
I came to the mango, Latin flavor
Raise the grade, like cocaine
What a crazy thing
now that mom is not here
Give me a little piece to smell
Now that mom is not here
Pass me a roll to wrap
I want to smoke with class
Whatever happens
I want to get drunk with good yerba
To take off this guava tree and forget the sorrows
ziguaraña, it suits you, it suits you
With permission, you're going for it 2x
In the Bolivarian Republic of Marijuana
The vegetarian is hallucinating here
Talking outdoors in Malanga
Smoking of course a morning

I'm on my way to San Jose with my Sabanero burrito

Zero comment zero murmur
Natural marijuana user as well as Tuyuyo
as Tony Montana
Scented with Dolce Gabana
Since I was 13 years old, I have been smoking marijuana.
net salsero born in the big apple
From above you can smell the smell of my fame
More clandestine than Osama
Setting enemies on fire
Like a mountain saw my bed
High bad grade
13 to the dance
Lazy and thugs
damn a bitch okay
cough! cough! That one scolded me you heard
How delicious, look, you know that, as Alberto would say, that is pure malanga
Smoking weed, taking anise
Don't stop pass it here
Smoking weed, taking anise
Don't stop hesitate here
Yesterday's juma has already passed me by
This is another juma that I torment
Ziguaraña, where are you, where are you, I don't see you?
Another day without you and I get ugly
Budu: Me! With elegance
I dedicate this song to the mafia
everyone wants them
To smoke the guys and the women
That's nothing
Use it for thirsty and profane sex
And without taboo, bugalu
ziguaraya, you're fine, you're fine
With permission, you're going for it 2x


Underground Family, the former lotus flower
From the darkest mud the purest flower
Buddha, Thirteen, Dry Guerrilla, Vagos and Criminals, Dr. Scratch, 187 representation! I!

C4: we got a flow-g,

We are a microphone thin so blow me
I wanna smoke trees like a Riquers over seas
187 from the street representing here,
With the underground family I am Diddy Salas
Aka The Rotten the one crew explodes
Next to him he shoots and he doesn't miss and he doesn't shut up
Willing to 'sfaratar the one whose gills are opened
With shrapnel 187 is cruel and you know it is!
We got a flow-g
We are a microphone thin so blow me!
Escualo: This is not a comic
Escualo Ready at the trompe with the bronli
Turning the ride slowly
Let them take the street!
Slaughtering the lambs with the key, give it soft
Vagos, 187 Guerrilla and Scratchi
Pasty blunderbuss like the Hachi
We got a flow-g
we got a microphone thin so blow me!
Cottage cheese: me! Uhm
I represent the neighborhood at the bottom of the red zone,
More than business, I respect my parish
I am explicit content! Of weapon and spirit
Screwed with enemies whose reptiles bear similarity,
To a crowd, I carry subliminal messages
Verbal words and criminal sounds,

I teach animals, to each locality, my qualities

They are the ones that I vomit in an animal dish
I don't relate my work to what ducks do.
They talk to me like toads while I think like a boss,
This black son of a bitch of guerrilla race joins
To my underground family courtesy of guerrilla
Vampire: stubborn intercedes for others who stink badly
We were a volcano of unfaithful mists
What do you want? You want to! Readings ingest
My people are faithful who come and go
And they get, listen they prefer here they have me
Doctor Scratch and they have it.
Pillo: we got a flow-g
we are a microphone thin so blow me
Mother fucker you know me! Hear me, see me but don't try to beat me!
I'm a damn street warrior dog, believe me!
You better be silent, don't make my people angry with you
And the king and this dog of your blood bathe
Underground family, let's not let any asshole
Culture damages, you know me we got a flow-g
We are a microphone thin so blow me
Colombia: The guerrilla messing around with the underground family
Like Pele in his time scoring goals in the areas
Colombia is more underground than FANIA songs
Right now I'm in the big leagues.
Sewing the garter, pulling on top
Just as I lace myself up on stage, I have plenty of lyrics
Flow style and rhyme, hold on there!
Budu: Ha!
What is happening in this environment? Oh?
Grab the thread dad, the Pranes have arrived!
Skeleton: Skeleton specter lurks in the underground, evils done
Weaponry exploded in the chest
From the bastard who already has me crazy
The family that springs from the underground, one more point is scored
Connection of weapons combined with this movement
Alarm! Many deaths I'm not lying to you
I'm not lying to you, the subway family.
The Pattern: THE underground!
The Pattern expressing the methodical, the obvious and the logical
Meteorological act of lightning biological impact
I investigate by entering data
My elements are born from neighborhoods, pacts, in this I enter
Underground style I present, drastic, manic
The Pattern aka Telepathic Dr. Scratch
It has started last adapted with Anarchy, Skeleton and Vampire aside,
I have whipped archo in the cemetery aka the homeless neighborhood
On these dates supported by 13 Jhonny Flecha
Underground Venezuela they do not suspect
I've been lighting the fuse!
Dr. Scratch Clack, Clack, Clack, Clack!

From Caracas it is transmitted in the area

One hectare of Latinos Underground Venezuela!
Like water in your ears a blockage to your trachea
He punishes you with musical pains instantly
From Caracas it is transmitted in the area
One hectare of Latinos Underground Venezuela!
like water in your ears a blockage to your windpipe
He punishes you with musical pains instantly

Dj 13: Dodging networks, knocking down walls, on your skin like a tattoo
From my letter flows here lethal, work
Without commercial breaks this feature-length film
Start up, get the message, you have no courage
I open my wings and rise, like a bird
It's thirteen that speaks to you
My soul shines, I am the visible hope
For Underground Venezuela growing invincible
Royal road of my wise people
With calm lips, and of course without anger

Because I am first, because I am a pioneer

For not being a thief, now I give my rhythm
Budu: Representing my Creole land
With the Caracas flavor
That many overlook
Straight from the asphalt
I sneak like acid!
The time has come to show our faces
For your flag and in a brutal way
3 colors 7 stars I carry the shield on my chest
Not like those who leave their homeland,
And its culture with the collapse of the two twins
Many are dying to get to Venezuela
And from me, let them die
This is life and this is the world
The Budu aka tells you Your Majesty!
Nigga: Yo! I!
From Cotiza it is transmitted in the area,
One hectare of bandits, Underground Venezuela
Like a bullet in your fund or fucking your sister
He punishes you with criminal blows in an evil way
Attention! Attention! He who throws at the family is ruined
So pin-pun-pan grab my doctrine
This burns your insides, I know that many are surprised that it appears and represents in the
underground family
And who the hell is it that comes with this tares?
He's the Nigga who goes on a rampage with new feats
They are explicit lyrics, they are not nonsense
Vacílense my flow, tripeense my skill
I'm weaving my web as if I were a spider
And causing people strange feelings.

From Caracas it is transmitted in the area

One hectare of Latinos Underground Venezuela!
Like water in your ears a blockage to your trachea
He punishes you with musical pains instantly

Cottage cheese: They go around saying that

Venezuela does not have rap, but
Those are going to shut up!


13: Ok, ok, get ready, Uhm! The Caribbean is tasty, delicious Uhh uhh uhh uhh! At the top like a flash
I alter the weather with my pac pac
Like the air straight back
What ions, untouchable like 2-Pac
With saber, the unattainable law fights back
Impossible, your plan, plan
Women juhm! my fan
Here my wine, here my bombom
Minks at the highest level
Distinguished on my own poster, tel-Telcel,
The llanero, steel cowboy
Of iron, I lock you up, I don't die
They knew that they should shut up assholes
Mcs, Please
Brother, the human being
Johnny Soprano here
Look, the one who hits the family is ruined.
The routine is over
I am peace, I am gas
I ate nitrogen, homonymous stereo
And in trails of short leads, lead, bobo-bobo
On the mic Baron Rojo
And on my right uhh!
The Jhonny Flecha emblem
And on my right uhh!

The Jhonny Flecha emblem

Jhonny Flecha, yes yeah! Uhh uhh!

Nigga: with a lot of flavor and a lot of cadence, Listen to the essence Budu: Ohh! 13 Tony Armas y Cotiza
Nigga: and they focus and they feed
I! Of exquisite women in a thirsty way
Budu: Papidandando de formando violent
Nigga: don't regret it Yo!
13:13 thousand copies sold Echendia does the math, the math….
“Again, again, again, again”
Nigga: with a lot of flavor and a lot of cadence
Listen to the essence
Budu: Ohh! 13 Tony Armas and quotes represent
Nigga: and they focus and they feed
I! Of exquisite women in a thirsty way
Budu: Papidandando de formando violent
Nigga: don't regret it You!
13: 13 thousand copies sold Echendia does the math, the math…. And this is Hit's Mecca
What was there, I smoke and go up
And I make one hundred percent juice
I'm not lying, I swear I feel you
Slimy, here the earthquake, the same
Cousin, here my flow cousin
Salsa dance salsa
I'm a New Yorker
With your pirate tactic
I put my stake in your skinny girl
Fire Dragon
See you later
Rest in peace
put on a costume
Fake, rude
You know that deep down you are a tremendous merenguero
Rapper Apprentice
I'm not the best singer but
Life has led me to talk to you dog
Advise you, you were wrong zero
The easy path you took, you escaped
That's why you don't produce, they talk about what's real
But what you want is real
look in the mirror
You never lifted a finger, you idiot.
Money doesn't fall from the sky
Work and finish
But I wake up Cinderella
I have a platinum plate on the street
My pod is really selling for a good price
People dream of it
Respect for the teacher, Family man
On the street like Cecilia.
Nigga: with a lot of flavor and a lot of cadence
Listen to the essence
Budu: Ohh! 13 Tony Armas and quotes represent
Nigga: and they focus and they feed
I! Of exquisite women in a thirsty way
Budu: Papidandando de formando violent
Nigga: don't regret it Yo!
13: 13 thousand copies sold Echendia does the math, the math….
“I think they didn't understand.”
Nigga: with a lot of flavor and a lot of cadence
Listen to the essence
Budu: Ohh! 13 Tony Armas and quotes represent
Nigga: and they focus and they feed
I! Of exquisite women in a thirsty way
Budu: Papidandando de formando violent
Nigga: don't regret it You!
13: 13 thousand copies sold Echendia does the math, the math….
I! Here I sign up for school
The big killa
From Caracas Albanela
They queue, they queue
Sound of sewer, bursting
What a dance, what a dance
Let him feel, let him feel
The wave grows
And burst with 13
One three, like a snowball
like the water that rains
Let them try, pop-pop
On the 13th opposite, Hip-hop day falls
From code to “five times crazy”
Venezuela in Moco
Total, current
With nothing to envy
Intuiting southern rhymes
Just like a spring
Yes full chorus
Platinum and gold
Little by little, step by step
I advance and let it be cut to pieces
piece of shit you are
You and your gang of women
Photocopying style of nearby people
Because you don't know how to talk, if you don't talk about bullets
Deep down you hate yourself, you despise yourself
And now you unload your shortcomings
You better be Chichero, juaputo calf
For a sick old pig to catch you
In my land you are not even a crow
The tongue the punishment of the body
Man hit me, man dead
It's true!
Your own ribs hurt you
Arrow pity you
with rhythm and rhyme
I lost the sewer
My track steps on you on the highway, track
My track steps on you on the highway, track
My track steps on you on the highway, track, yeah!
Tell your grandmother to attend
Nigga: with a lot of flavor and a lot of cadence
Listen to the essence
Budu! Ohh! 13 Tony Armas and quotes represents
Nigga: and they focus and they feed
I! Of exquisite women in a thirsty way
Budu: Papidandando de formando violent
Nigga: don't regret it You!
13: 13 thousand copies sold Echendia does the math, the math….
"I! Nigga, Budu, again”
Nigga: with a lot of flavor and a lot of cadence
Listen to the essence
Budu! Ohh! 13 Tony Armas and quotes represent
Nigga: and they focus and they feed
I! Of exquisite women in a thirsty way
Budu: Papidandando de formando violent
Nigga: don't regret it You!
13: 13 thousand copies sold Echendia does the math, the math….
"A Yeah! This is the essence ahh! Lazy people and thugs, 13 Tony Armas, you! Austral, Echendia,
Underground ohh”
Echendia: Good gentlemen, here I am, the Buddha has arrived with the bologna yeah!
This is yours, this is yours, this is yours, and this is yours
13: constant and loud
Echendia: until next time then
14: Uhm! flavor



Open your eyes

The world is not going to listen to your cravings Wake up now
Open your eyes
The world is not going to listen to you
Open your eyes
The world is not going to listen to my cravings Wake up now
Open your eyes

Many are silent when they have to communicate, but they speak just when they have to be silent,
braggarts, enough of competing, collaborate to find a solution for the future, straight to the point, to
collaborate we have to reach out, but let us never forget that we are brothers without differences or
comparison of actions, much less positions, unfortunately there are many who do not open their eyes to
the rotten reality that invaded life, in this lost action, which only goes upwards putting everyone in a
defensive struggle, and For no reason there are many who already preferred to stay low in the hole they
got themselves into, telling only obvious lies, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, so keep quiet,
leave the lie because you are going to cross the line, and if they discover you, you will no longer go. to
measure up, you are the memory of a false mask, being a joke you came out with a moriscita, look
stupid, stop acting like a tough little boy, if you don't rectify everyone will feel contempt, get serious,
take off your costume and represent with judgment

Open your eyes...

Be strong wherever they put you, with a good cause you improve the vibe, you light up the shadow, you
step on red carpets like James Fonda, Honda motorcycles, you transform it, the path amazes you, so you
are part of the entire planet, first Paris doing it low slow , promotion... I trace words like this, carved in
the cement, on highways, streets, come and comment, my arms are avenues, my mouth the tunnel that
connects man with the real, for a few moments above your mind look at your own firmament , succulent
roof, see and do what you want... ATTENTION ATTENTION!!! See and do what you want, with falsehoods
with your lives, provide, plan, yourselves see, businesses like Al Capone, believing that you are going to
earn millions and when you don't believe it they put you in prison and in that you apply yourself with

Open your eyes...

Many think that they give fear and even terror, when they invent that their job is to produce terror,
understand, it is not necessary to raise your voice, to be respected you do not need to be fierce,
speaking clearly and clearly, I do not come from a ghetto, nor am I miscreant but if I am a serious man,
I represent Francisco de Miranda and the Ruices, where my roots grew, with originality and personality, I
never have to go around sending letters of evil, I establish myself in my conscience with great insistence,
until Let the stupid competition be over, ghost, stop talking only about weapons, you don't realize that
you really alarm no one, mmm, change your topic now, the world is left and you get immersed in your
scheme, with your mediocre lyrics that have no messages and guys who feel like they are important
characters, BLAH!, pure montage, that is pure bandage, it is nothing more than a lie to decorate the
landscape and for no reason there are many who already preferred to stay under the hole in the one
they got into, get serious, take off your costume and represent with judgment

Open your eyes...

Ohh nono yeeh
peace, love, respect, understanding for the soul, for life conscience!

Music of Peace
Love music
Music focused on projecting good intention
Music and essence to stimulate the value of conscience Criticizing evil and ego
Always rejecting false attachment (bis)
Communicating is the key
That is the basis
To always focus on the good outcome
And the power that people have when they are born to correct the mistakes that others make
I remember that a while ago it made no sense to try to make amends for bad acts committed.
Whether due to ignorance or never having had a good spiritual education that has instructed the essence
of the path that humans have lost by wanting to use a false direction aimed at materialization by cutting
off relationships.
Between spiritual importance and illusion
Little by little we are all falling into perdition due to the consequence of a false evolution
If we don't wake up we will never learn that reason is in the heart
Personally, I don't see the point of having to live repressed in a dirty and corrupt system. Cities are no
longer a fine place but are the cradle of thugs and bandits.
That make us live with anguish and paranoia
Making fear disturb our memory with fear, euphoria and dross

But you know what?

will advance
all those who have spiritual strength
They will be saved
all those who never stop fighting
They will be reborn
the values of a true essence
That would touch our conscience
And so they will come
new times full of love and peace
that they would populate
this world to harmonize
And they will found a school of favorite energies
that connects hearts

Music of Peace
Love music

Music focused on projecting good intention

Music and essence to stimulate the value of conscience Criticizing evil and ego
Always rejecting false attachment

The fight is very important

Well, evil is spread throughout the sphere
And she is a shrink that takes over the good vibrations that the natural world proposes.
Because this artificial world is decomposed by atrocities full of evil and abuses that come and go,
affecting those who have very little money.
It's a game that doesn't suit any of us.
Because it will affect those who come in the future, I refer to our descendants.
Which is the one who will one day suffer the consequences
Of a false inheritance full of unconsciousness
For the negligence that left our existence
Life has no price
But human beings consume it with contempt and egocentrism, seeking ease.
Thinking of himself
But without knowing that they are living on the edge of the abyss, one day not too far away they will
have to realize that living in peace and harmony has to be the goal.
To make this a mask-free world
And incorrect attitudes.

And they will advance

all those who have spiritual strength
They will be saved
all those who never stop fighting
They will be reborn
the values of a true essence
That would touch our conscience
And so they will come
new times full of love and peace
that they would populate
this world to harmonize
And they will found a school of favorite energies
that connects hearts

Music of Peace
Love music
Music focused on projecting good intention
Music and essence to stimulate the value of conscience Criticizing evil and ego
Always rejecting false attachment

Criticizing evil and ego

Always rejecting false attachment

Music of Peace
Love music
Music focused on projecting good intention
Music and essence to stimulate the value of consciousness
Criticizing evil and ego
Always rejecting false attachment

Criticizing evil and ego...

Long live the roots, which lights my paths
with its light and prevents us from carrying a cross on our backs
Long live the roots, that with its melody fills
of peace my soul, calmly
Long live the roots, which takes us on a nice bus and teaches us to have a good attitude

Long live the roots, that with its good vibes defeats all weapons

In the heart are the keys and the secret of the correct path to the perfect world, in the heart are your
warrior roots, fight and be sincere, transparent and true.

With that good vibe of music that sounds running through your veins, turn on the fullest action switch,
and focus well on the theme that time does not stop, keep moving forward, if the sky thunders due to an
extreme condition, keep your light serene, do not feel Fear, do not feel sorry, because fear chains and
grief condemns you to wandering... turn on the action switch and live with passion, showing interest in
knowing what your mission and your material and spiritual work are, achieving your goal. becomes a
ritual, each and everyone giving what they must give until this world reaches a level capable of
guaranteeing love, well-being and protection but without forgetting that there must be connection;
Together, triumphs are achieved, and moving forward, paths are forged. These paths show us the world,
an evolutionary world with a very good vibration.

Long live the roots...

Harshness on the part of confused and blinded people, by a great fanatic that condemns the way in
which their neighbors live together, declaring war to the death between the poor and syfrinos, what a
shame to fall into this game without any conscience, grouping us all together in a commune, pointing
fingers at our neighbors. for the place where he lives and falling into an envy that directly divides us.
They will not be able to manipulate our minds, what is happening? All serious people are leaving their
homes to defend their own individual esteem, always respecting each person's position, without
preference to live with quality, without difference for a single humanity and in Consequently we will
dominate evil and that there are no borders in our nationality, without preference to live with quality,
without difference for a single humanity and consequently we will dominate evil and that there are no
borders in our nationality.

Long live the roots...

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