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(Submitted for the degree of B. Com Honours

Under the University of Calcutta)

Guerrilla Marketing – An Overview

Name of the Candidate: Keshav Agarwal
Registration Number: A01-1112-1852-21

Roll Number: 1-01-21-0836

Name of the Supervisor: Prof. Suchitra Kumari

Name of College: St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous)

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St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous)

Department of Commerce (Morning)


Student Name: …………………………...…………………………………………..............

Room No.: …………………………………. Roll No.: ……………………………

Title of the dissertation:



The above dissertation was scanned using iThenticate for similarity detection

and the similarity index is as follows:

Similarity Index: ……………………

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Name of the Supervisor: …………………………………

Signature: …………………………………………………

Date: ……………………

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Student's Declaration

I now declare that the Project Work with the title “Guerrilla Marketing – An Overview’’
submitted by me for the partial fulfilment of the degree of B.Com. Honours in Accounting &
Finance / Marketing / Taxation / Computer Applications in Business under the University of
Calcutta is my original work and has not been submitted earlier to any other University /Institution
for the fulfilment ofthe requirement for any course of study.
I also declare that no chapter of this manuscript in whole or in part has been incorporated
in this report from any earlier work done by others or by me. However, extracts of any
literature which has been used for this report have been duly acknowledged providing details
of such literature in the references.

Name: Keshav Agarwal
Address: BB-20
Civil Township
Rourkela – 769012
Registration No. A01-1112-1852-21
Place: Kolkata

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I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to my supervisor, Suchitra Kumari, for her

guidance, encouragement, and invaluable feedback throughout this research. Herexpertise in

the field has been immensely helpful in shaping my ideas and sharpening my analytical


I am also grateful to all the individuals for their support and advice throughout my academic

journey. Their experiences gave me the knowledge and skills necessary to complete this


I would like to acknowledge the contribution of my friends, who have offered their

assistance, encouragement, and support in various ways throughout this research. I am

grateful for the lively discussions and the exchange of ideas that have helped me to refine

my arguments and improve my writing.

Finally, I thank my family for their support, love, and understanding throughout my studies.

Their encouragement and belief in me have been my greatest source of motivation.

Thank you all for your invaluable contribution to this dissertation.

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Title Page No.

1 Introduction 7

2 Background 8

3 Literature Review 9-11

4 Research Methodology 11

5 History 13-14

6 Principles of Guerrilla Marketing 15-17

7 Types of guerrilla marketing 18-22

8 Secrets of Guerrilla Marketing 22-23

9 Methods of guerrilla marketing 24-26

10 Guerrilla marketing as a tool for social campaigns 27-28

11 Advantages and disadvantages of guerrilla marketing 29-30

12 Case Study 32-34

13 Traditional Marketing vs Guerrilla Marketing 35

14 Conclusion 36-37

15 Bibliography 38

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Guerrilla marketing is a technique businesses use to advertise their goods and services to unexpected
and unfamiliar people through unusual interactions. Guerrilla marketing differs from traditional
marketing in that it emphasizes smaller groups of promoters who are in charge of spreading the word in
a specific location or locations rather than through large-scale, coordinated marketing campaigns. It also
frequently depends on personal interaction, has a smaller budget, and comes from an original idea to
engage the target audience.

Businesses that use guerilla marketing rely on word-of-mouth or viral marketing to disseminate their
aggressive promotions, which allows them to reach a larger audience at no cost. Guerrilla marketing
relies on making a connection with the consumer's emotions. This strategy isn't meant to be applied to
every kind of product or service; it's more frequently used to more "edgy" products and to attract
younger customers who are more likely to react favorably.

Guerrilla marketing occurs in public spaces like streets, public parks, concerts, sporting events,
festivals, beaches, and shopping malls that draw in the largest possible audience. Selecting the ideal
time and location for a campaign to be carried out to steer clear of any legal concerns is a crucial
component of guerilla marketing. Guerrilla marketing can be indoor, outdoor, an "event ambush," or
experiential, meant to get the public to interact with a brand.

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Guerrilla marketing is a creative advertising strategy that focuses on unconventional and low-cost tactics
to promote products or services. It originated as a guerrilla warfare tactic where small mobile groups
use surprise attacks and ambushes against larger, more conventional forces. Guerrilla marketing also
aims to disrupt the traditional advertising landscape by entertaining consumers and creating memorable
experiences that generate curiosity and word of mouth. The origins of guerrilla marketing can be traced
back to the 1980s when Jay Conrad Levinson popularized the term. his book Guerrilla Marketing: Easy
and Inexpensive Strategies to Make Big Profits from Your Small Business. Levinson emphasized the
importance of creativity, imagination, and unconventional methods in marketing campaigns against
large budgets. Guerrilla marketing campaigns often rely on tactics such as viral marketing, street art,
flashers, stunts and social media to connect with consumers. in unexpected ways. The goal of these
campaigns is to make a lasting impression on the public and maximize visibility with minimal cost. The
philosophy behind guerrilla marketing is to think outside the box, challenge the status quo, and create a
strong emotional connection with consumers. By leveraging creativity and innovation, companies can
achieve significant brand awareness and customer engagement without large financial investments. In
summary, guerrilla marketing represents a departure from traditional advertising methods, emphasizing
creativity, innovation and unconventional tactics to achieve marketing. goals It has become a popular
strategy for businesses of all sizes looking to stand out in a crowded marketplace and connect with
consumers in a meaningful way.

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 Margarita Išoraitė explains in the article that guerrilla marketing is not limited to traditional
means. Its use is usually detectable in online mode. It is the most effective tool for guerrilla
marketing, which includes email or mailing lists, forums, social networks, and blogs. With this
tool, the target market is reachable, and strong connections are made. The main advantages of
this tool are interaction, participation, unlimited distribution, and feedback. Of course, the
following characteristics should be considered to identify Internet guerrilla marketing: design;
content; design; user registration; implementation processes; stocks; emergency plan; and a
long list of addresses. There are many tools used in marketing, but it is important to choose the
best one. You can use anything to find out what is most effective for the business.

 Vikas Behal explains in the article that Guerrilla Marketing is an advertising strategy that
focuses on low-cost marketing tactics that are mostly used by small businesses that produce
exceptional results. The term guerrilla marketing is inspired by guerrilla warfare, a form of
irregular warfare involving small-scale tactical strategies used by armed civilians. Due to a lack
of resources, small businesses use different marketing strategies and tactics compared to large
companies. Guerrilla marketing involves unconventional approaches such as hijacking meetings
in public places, product giveaways, PR stunts, or anything else. unconventional marketing
designed to achieve maximum results with minimum resources. More innovative approaches to
guerrilla marketing, using mobile digital technology to engage consumers and create memorable
brand experiences. So many small businesses can choose other media and work with a small
marketing budget. This article illuminates a new approach to the theory and practice of guerrilla
marketing including the principles on which the concept of guerrilla marketing is based,
especially underlining. the weapons of guerrilla marketing and also the ethical issues of guerrilla

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 Michael Chamrath explains the subject of this thesis is the phenomenon of guerrilla marketing,
an innovative and unusual form of marketing that appeared relatively recently and became a
popular marketing tool. The literature review introduces the terms and describes the differences
between traditional and guerrilla marketing. The practical analysis presents and compares
several case studies of guerrilla marketing campaigns, including results, with suggestions for
further research.

 Gerd Nufer mentions in his article that Guerrilla marketing refers to a series of non-standard
and non-dogmatic marketing activities aimed at the highest possible impact - ideally with a
comparable minimum investment. Guerrilla marketing has become the basic strategy of the
complete marketing mix, the basic marketing policy attitude of market development, which
deviates from the long road and consciously seeks new, unconventional, previously neglected,
perhaps even wrinkled, ways to introduce tools. It's a fine line between innovative, creative
marketing and creating a reaction in your audience by pushing the boundaries. Although
guerrilla marketing activities are increasingly visible in marketing practice, this phenomenon is
treated as highly controversial in marketing science or even ignored in scientific marketing

 Arnaud Prevot explains Guerrilla Marketing is a way to get maximum exposure for a
business with minimum cost. Although the result has a positive effect, the net effect on brand
equity as perceived by the consumer has not yet been fully analyzed. The author argues that
the effect depends not only on how consumers perceive how they are being marketed to by
guerrilla marketing but also on the media used in the campaign. The author argues that the
effects on brand equity can be positive, negative, or neutral. Guerrilla marketing tactics built
on the element of surprise can often be praised for originality or accused of being a nuisance or
threat to local communities.

 V. Mrunalini Sasanka mentions in his article that Innovative, creative marketing projects are part
of the culture. "It's a benefit to be part of a franchise to see what other people are doing that
works. One popular and inexpensive activity next to the brand is on a busy street. Uniforms

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wave big orange foam arms. They park cars even in heavy traffic. to the intersection to get ahead
of every subsidiary marketing is a collaboration to promote a product or service. Guerrilla
marketing differs from traditional marketing in that it is often based on personal interaction and
with smaller budgets, focusing on smaller groups of advertisers responsible for spreading the
word in a specific location rather than widespread media campaigns. This article is about
budgeting and emphasizes how to invest time, energy, imagination, and knowledge.


Nature of Data: The present study is based on secondary data.

Data Collection: Data from academic journals, books, online databases, news articles media coverage,
and earlier studies in this field were obtained for this study.

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2.1 History and Origin

The history of advertising dates back to 4000 BC. when the early Egyptians created wall posters
and sales notices from papyrus. Over the centuries, traditional marketing and advertising
gradually evolved, but it did not begin until the beginning of the 20th century. Back then, the
main purpose of advertising was to educate consumers about a product or service. to attract and
entertain them. Campaigns in the 1960s mostly focused on extensive print and radio advertising
in various media. Ads did not appear on cable television until the late 1980s and early 1990s.
During this period, MTV stood out as the most prominent innovator because they prioritized
advertising as a side element to the program being presented, focusing instead on making
viewers tune in to the message. Clients were tired of selling and agencies were struggling to
make an impact. It was time for a change. Marketer Jay Conrad Levinson coined the term
"guerrilla marketing" in 1984 and published a book on the subject.

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The origin of the word "guerrilla marketing" can be traced back to a guerrilla that uses
unconventional methods to achieve goals. Jay Conrad Levinson, creative director of Leo
Burnett, first used the term "guerrilla marketing" in 1984 in his book "Guerrilla Marketing".
According to the book, the goals of guerrilla marketing are "relatively simple: use
unconventional strategies to promote on a tight budget. The concepts in this book are changing
the way small businesses approach advertising. For the first time, small/businesses have received
as much interest as big donors. A new wave of ads took the world by storm because they were
unique, intimate, or simply unexpected. The phrase originated from guerrilla, small-scale
unconventional combat that used tactics different from those of ordinary armed citizens. The
main goal is to get customers talking about a brand or product on social media platforms, so it
takes a lot of creativity and effort to interest a large enough audience. This is especially true
when you consider the "clutter" in the environment. that customers have to deal with every day
as other businesses compete for their attention. With limited resources, small and medium-sized
businesses often resort to guerilla marketing. However, large companies have used similar
strategies to differentiate themselves from their competitors through social media marketing.
Job seekers also used comparable marketing strategies. Guerrilla marketing became known as
street marketing, which expanded to activities outside the typical city street environment and
thus adopted more modern sales promotion techniques.

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2.2 Principles Of Guerrilla Marketing

Guerrilla marketing was created as an unconventional form of advertising that relied more on human
resources, time, and creativity than large advertising expenditures. Guerrilla marketing campaigns
usually target consumers in unexpected places and are unusual and unexpected, sometimes even
interactive. Guerrilla marketing aims to create unique, exciting, and demanding partnerships. Guerrilla
marketing is designed with small businesses and entrepreneurs in mind. Guerrilla marketing is all
about guesswork. it should be based on human psychology rather than assumptions, judgments, or
experience. Basic marketing investments should be made with time, effort, and creativity instead of
money. basic information about your company's profit margin - no sales revenue. The six principles of
guerrilla marketing are:

1. Completely unexpected
A surprise occurs when a situation occurs that was not anticipated and the participant was not prepared
to see or be a part of it. This is the result of a completely unexpected situation. There are numerous ways
to catch people's attention when common objects are presented in unusual places or at unusual times.
The unexpected can work to your advantage. When people see something unexpected, they pay more
attention. As a result, marketers can take advantage of such conditions to attract visitors - especially
those who visit websites - and send them a message containing a marketing message. While the goal of
guerrilla marketing is financial gain, it is important to remember that. the target audience may end up
reacting negatively to an unexpected campaign. Within the Attention stage of the first stage of the AIDA
model, the marketer must arrange the campaign to minimize the adverse effect of the surprise element.
One of the most valuable steps in preparation for creating a guerrilla campaign that effectively exploits
the element of surprise is target group segmentation and accurate profiling.

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2. Drastic
The Oxford Dictionary defines "drastic" as an effect that is powerful or far-reaching. All
guerrilla marketing strategies should include a little bit of realism to reach as many relevant
target consumers as possible. With a rural element, a marketer can reach a large number of
message recipients without having to invest large amounts of money in advertising. This is the
part that can make a campaign much more cost-effective while generating a lot of interest and
attention. The disadvantage of any extreme behavior is that the target group or part of it may
automatically reject the marketing message because they may perceive it as rude or seriously
diminishing their values.

3. Humor
The use of humor in marketing communication lowers the barriers between a business organization and
its customers and between the sender and the receiver. In addition, by reaching a wider audience,
entertainment in marketing communications has a chance to significantly boost campaign effectiveness.
Although incorporating humor into marketing and advertising can be difficult, watching the videos of a
few selected guerilla campaigns at the end of this section will show you how often this tactic is used by
guerilla campaigns. The campaign stands out from most others because of its humorous side. However,
many so-called guerilla marketing campaigns did not show that humor was part of the campaign;
conversely, guerilla marketing campaigns that humor tend to reach a wider audience and generate
interest. Comedy is often used in viral marketing campaigns that users share independently on the

4. One Shot Game

The phrase "one-shot game", which refers to a guerilla marketing campaign that lasts for a strictly
limited time shows that the recipients of the messages are aware of the campaign's temporary nature
and the wisdom of not implementing the idea. Again in the same market. This is a very important aspect
of Internet marketing because many interactive tools and techniques can be used to create a long-term
guerrilla campaign for users who can only see it temporarily. A campaign can run for months, but once
viewers watch it, it will disappear from their screens forever .

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5. Inexpensive

What makes a guerrilla campaign attractive to businesses can often be its cost. The goal is to keep the
budget low while creating curiosity, buzz, and an immediate impact on the target audience. This means
that innovation, creativity, and cost savings must be included in the marketing strategy. The importance
of innovation and creativity is shown by the fact that, as the initial research results showed, cost
efficiency and creativity can be the main factors that Urge SME owners or marketing managers to use
guerilla marketing techniques on the Internet. When comparing costs with impact on the target audience,
price is a relative parameter. The potential impact of any guerilla marketing campaign is attested to by
the large number of Internet users and the technological accessibility of Internet content. Therefore, the
type of guerrilla marketing campaign and the targeted target segments have a significant impact on
campaign costs. However, the budget required for a guerilla campaign must be distinctly different from
that of a traditional marketing campaign targeting the same demographic, such as online advertising.

6. Goodwill and Customer Benefits

More specifically, goodwill is an intangible asset that provides a competitive advantage, such as a strong
brand, reputation, or high employee morale. It can also be defined as a tendency towards kindness and
compassion. Customer benefits can be the most difficult to achieve when implementing marketing
activities. To be able to work and communicate from anywhere, a customer pays for his laptop, which
he purchases from a store. He soon benefited because he bought a laptop, installed it in his car, and
started using it. However, the benefit to the customer is not necessarily as obvious if another customer
takes the tram to work and finds several billboards, large boards, light boards, or leaflets during the

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2.3 Types Of Guerrilla Marketing

1. Ambush Marketing

Ambush marketing is a tactic used by brand teams to try to tie their goods and services to a major event
that already has official corporate sponsors. It usually takes place during sporting events and seeks to
increase a specific company's brand awareness that does not have sponsorship rights. Most ambush
campaigns have a primary goal: to link your company's name to a specific event's reputation without
needing to sign a sponsorship agreement. Ambush marketing offers a unique approach to creating
campaigns while offering complete creative freedom and adaptability. Brands use a variety of visual
formats and wordplay to respond to marketing campaigns developed

by the event's official sponsors. Such campaigns are easy to remember and are likely to attract a
large audience because they are so entertaining. One of the best examples of ambush marketing
was NIKE-1996. One of their most famous campaigns was held at the Atlanta Olympics in
Georgia. Nike tried several times to participate in the Games, although Reebok was the official
sponsor. Due to the extensive billboard placement and brand distribution of the well-known
sports company, many mistakenly thought that Nike was the real sponsor. To further confuse
people, Nike also brought in Olympic champion Michael Johnson wearing gold Nike shoes.

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2. Buzz Marketing
Buzz marketing is a viral marketing strategy designed to increase the potential of a campaign or
product through word of mouth. These tactics can generate discussion on social media or among
consumers' friends and family. Buzz marketers aim to increase awareness by increasing internet
traffic, sales, and profits by getting customers to talk about their products and services. An
example of buzz marketing would be if a company were to put on a show or stunt. encourage
people to try it. product and then share their impressions online or in casual chats. Astroturfing
is another word for buzz marketing. One of the best examples is the Pokémon Go app -The
popular Pokémon Go app is an effective example of active marketing. Users of the Pokémon Go
app were taken on an interactive journey within the app that was the equivalent of a personal
adventure. Not only has the app become known in social media and news, but thanks to customer
recommendations, its popularity has risen. Pokémon Go produced a product that was undeniably
a hit, and the buzz around it grew until it went viral.

3. Experiential Marketing
In the marketing industry, experiential marketing goes by many names, including country

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marketing, engagement marketing, and XM. This strategy usually includes hands-on activities
that encourage people to interact and participate in the event. This marketing strategy is usually
used for a current event or even the event itself. Experienced marketers are people who work on
such projects. These business professionals are experts in developing marketing plans that
increase brand awareness and create an atmosphere that encourages customers to engage with
the event. An example of experiential marketing is the creation of an event that introduces and
highlights branded products or services by highlighting and demonstrating their use. Such a
strategy usually requires the use of self-promotional activities. People are more likely to want to
use a product or service and learn more for themselves if the presentation or event is fun and
engaging. A good example of this is Warner Bros Pictures' selfie generator: Barbie. backgrounds
The message "Welcome to Barbie Land, where you can be Barbie (or Ken)" greeted users who
visited Become

an icon now by clicking below! #BarbieTheMovie. This marketing campaign exemplifies an

expert marketing strategy, offering moviegoers the feeling of being in the next Barbie movie
and participating in the Barbie fantasy world that children (and now adults) create as they play
with Barbie products.

4. Ambient marketing

Ambient marketing is a technique used to promote goods and services using unique spaces and
objects and their components as a communication channel. It should have an emotional impact

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on customers and requires engaging with the target audience and using creative advertising
messages. When the term "surrounding media" was first coined in the UK in the 1990s, it was
used to describe visual advertisements placed in unusual places. places When creating ambient
advertising, it is important to focus on creativity and take a unique approach to create a stronger
connection with potential customers. Passers-by must stop, take a closer look, and tell their
friends what they saw. Coke gives Swedes a taste of summer at the bus stop, which is an example
of ambient marketing. In Uppsala, Swedes waiting for the bus are treated to free Coke, which is
warmed by the bright summer grass and birdsong on the bus waiting pavilion. both literally and
figuratively in winter thanks to Coca-Cola's gimmick.

5. Street marketing
Street marketing is a type of guerrilla marketing that promotes a product or service through
unusual or unconventional means. Businesses often use flyers, coupons, posters, and art displays
as an affordable alternative to traditional marketing techniques such as social media, print media,
and television. Street marketing aims to use direct communication to improve brand awareness,
taking into account the evolving characteristics of today's consumers, such as increased product
knowledge and expectations for transparency. Lego is one brand known for its success in guerilla
marketing ideas. The marketing campaign of this construction brick toy brand, which involves
attaching a giant Lego to a construction crane, is truly innovative. Both adults and children will
enjoy this campaign. It is equally remarkable and entertaining for all ages. It helps parents
reminisce about their happy moments with the infamous toys, bringing the imagination and

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excitement that children experience building with Lego on a larger scale.

2.4 Secrets Of Guerrilla Marketing

Guerrilla marketing is based on 16 core concepts that should form the

foundation of all marketing activities:

1. Dedication

You must be committed to ensuring that your website is perfectly optimized. You must
commit to quality link-building and local exposure. Building an online reputation takes
dedication. Rain or shine, you must change your plan and quit.

2. Investments

Advertising and marketing require a financial investment. They do not give immediate results and are not a
panacea The best outcomes in SEO, local SEO, and marketing generally should be steady, gradual, and
frequently incremental—but only if we are prepared to make a financial commitment to our advertising
campaign. You are investing in your company's visibility when you use local search engine optimization.

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3. Consistency

You create confidence in your abilities for your clients. Building trust requires, among
other things, commitment, consistency and investment. They are infused with proven local
SEO components from case studies, testimonials, and reviews. Your target audience will
trust you more if you regularly appear in paid, organic and local search results.

4. Patience

Confidence grows from consistency, commitment, and investment, but they are based on
patience. Understand that building a strong foundation of honest reviews takes time.
Understand that it will take some time for users to become familiar with your brand and
realize that you are consistent. Understand that it takes patience to wait until a user
interacts with your business twenty times or more (through ads, local listings, print). ads,
walking past your store and recognizing you, or reading a blog post) before they decide to

5. Choice

Geographically targeted email marketing, social media, blogging, content marketing, remarketing,
sponsored search ads, and follow-up campaigns many offline tactics can be used in a successful
marketing campaign. The choices are many. opportunities to engage with potential customers and
connect the dots with a single, unified physical and digital strategy and diverse tools will only increase
familiarity and trust.

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2.5 Methods Of Guerrilla Marketing

1. Internet

Pop-up ads are created in a new browser window with Adobe Flash or JavaScript. Despite
being one of the most widely used forms of online advertising, most web users dislike these ads,
and there are several tools and methods available to remove them.

Creates rectangular ads called banners that appear at the top, side, or bottom of websites to
target viewers to the advertiser's website, increasing awareness, and creating general brand
awareness. Display advertising is the term for this type of graphic advertising on the Internet.

A blog is an educational website with discrete, often random, diary-like text (posts). On
websites, posts are typically arranged in reverse chronological order, with the most recent post appearing
at the top. A business can use a blog in many different ways, but its main purpose is to convince readers
that the goods it offers are worthy purchases. In addition to bringing in customers and increasing sales,
blogs naturally help businesses increase their search engine rankings.

Stickers are a form of advertising that can be placed anywhere, especially in targeted areas
or meeting and meeting places. Compared to alternative marketing methods, stickers are usually
a less expensive technology that can have a significant impact. In addition, their high perceived
value helps make them a gift rather than just a marketing tool.

Paving was one of the best ways to advertise meetings. Crowds gathered to "watch the
notice... to thrive under the chalk" as suffragettes were written in purple, white, and green chalk.
Our whiteboards allow you to quickly write, edit, and delete marketing and advertising messages
for easy inclusion in traditional campaigns. Unlike other offline tactics like flyers, billboards,

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signs, and even radio ads, chalk is easy to pull off and doesn't cost extra money. Disk and
substrate cleaning is an easy option. Since chalkboards are always in fashion, they are also a
great long-term advertising option.
One of the traditional ways to advertise products is through a wall brand, often called a mural.
Wall ads often include a picture of the product, a slogan, the names of the retailers where the
product is sold, a picture of the endorser or brand ambassador, and information about the

2. Peer Marketing
Peer-to-peer marketing is the process of a consumer recommending a product or service to their peers,
including acquaintances, colleagues, and relatives.P2P can now reach "trusted" partners internationally
through online chat. groups A company that cultivates satisfied consumers can use the trust of its buyers
to convince its friends. This is the essence of effective affiliate marketing. Examples of peer-to-peer
marketing are: - With peer-to-peer marketing, your customers become marketing channels. Here are
two examples:

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Word of mouth – This is when customers talk about your product or the high-quality service they
experienced and refer your company to friends, relatives, or colleagues. Customers can be happy if, for
example, they call customer service and are answered immediately because they are often on hold. If
their question was answered in a friendly and helpful manner, they may be satisfied with the customer
service they received and tell a friend about it. After reading this proposal, a man may be inspired to
make purchases from the company himself.

Referrals - Developing a referral program is another form of peer-to-peer marketing. Also known
as program-a-friend, this marketing strategy pays existing customers to introduce their network to your
business. After that, you can thank yourself for getting new customers by giving them an incentive (such
as loyalty points or business balance).

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2.6 Guerrilla Marketing as a Tool for Social


Social cause organizers are constantly searching for fresh approaches to disseminate the
word about their cause. They search for a means of disseminating the information in a
way that will stick in people's minds.

These individuals and organizations have discovered a new ally in guerilla marketing
since the early 2000s. Like any commercial organization, their motivation for
employing guerilla tactics is that they are impactful and resonate in the intended areas.
Numerous other considerations also come into play; these efforts are affordable,
surprising, and, given the cause they support, amusing as well. Guerrilla campaigns
have been successful for several reasons.

In India, street dramas, or nukkad naataks, are one of the most popular guerrilla tactics
used by individuals and groups. This approach is still employed even though it is
gradually gaining traction since it always involves an element of surprise. Another
instance is a campaign that was executed in Chennai. Using this mentality, Zara, a well-
known tapas bar in Chennai, and the Chennai Traffic Police decided to combat drunk
driving, which accounts for 70% of all traffic deaths in India. When inebriated
customers decided to drive home, they hired an actor to assume the part of Yama, the
Hindu God of Death, and placed him in their automobiles.

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The campaign's message was straightforward: choosing to drive while intoxicated

means you accept certain death. After those customers recovered from their shock, they
took the message to heart and used the bar's taxi service.

Another instance of a successful guerrilla campaign took place in Paris in 2008. Only
1,600 wild pandas were remaining in the globe in 2008. 1,600 handcrafted paper mäché
pandas were created by the World Wildlife Foundation to spread awareness, and they
were distributed throughout Paris, initially in front of Hotel Ville and then other
locations. Upon first glance, the impressive show appeared quite large, but viewers soon
realized that each panda in the display symbolized the last remaining pandas in the wild.
Years afterward, people continued to discuss the political and emotional nature of the

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2.7 Advantages and Disadvantages of Guerrilla



1. Budget-friendly-
The main benefit of guerrilla marketing, and the main reason why some businesses
choose it, is its inexpensive nature.
An advertising campaign can be operated for a small portion of the typical spread. When
the advertisement becomes extremely successful, this leads to a higher return on

2. Provides creative freedom-

There are rules to adhere to when it comes to traditional marketing campaigns. There's
a chance that some red tape contributed to this.
Because guerilla marketing has such a broad scope, artists are free to explore all facets
of their creativity.

3. Capable of going viral-

There is a chance that some jokes or artwork intended for guerilla marketing will
become viral.
In that case, the message is disseminated by the public and media on your behalf. As a
result, you can take advantage of the free publicity it brings.

1. Contains a risk of high failure-

The possibility of failure is one of guerilla marketing's biggest drawbacks. Even with
the most inventive concept design, it will fail if it cannot be embraced by the general
public. The failure does not result in a significant financial loss, but it is an attempt that
is fruitless.

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2. Messaging can be misunderstood and Cause backlash-

Even when the message is as clear as a diamond, there is always a chance that the
general public will misinterpret it and there may be repercussions.

There are numerous reasons why your ad campaign could make someone feel offended
or depressed. As such, it's a risk that needs to be taken into account.

3. Can attract intervention from authorities-

The government may become involved at some point if you intend to create a work of
art that is extremely visible to the public or if the message is too overt. Avoiding these
problems is usually preferable since they can cause negative publicity and harm to your

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Guerrilla marketing is practical rather than showy. It's about making a statement and
encouraging widespread participation with the tools already in place and a great deal of

Here is a compilation of case studies demonstrating that epic and visible guerilla
marketing doesn't have to be costly:

1. Tinder – grew from 5000 to 15000 users by seeding college parties:

The fundamental idea behind Tinder's early marketing strategy, which was highly complex and
contentious, is that they requested that their friends download the app. went to the top "party colleges,"
and convinced powerful, attractive people to join them. From there, the app took off.

"Justin and Whitney visited colleges like SMU in Dallas after USC was seeded. Whitney could Inform
the sorority, on the run, of the opposite after announcing, while perched on a table in a fraternity, that
there were 200 attractive sorority girls on the app waiting for the men to sign up. A trail of stickers that
they left in the most prestigious nightclubs and the best bars on campus.

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2. One Kings Lane invited bloggers to showcase their vanities :

One Kings Lane asked bloggers to design a mood board featuring their ideal vanity with ornamental
details that are focused on one of their statement mirrors, as part of their "Reflect Your Style" campaign.
The clever use of a statement mirror and the emphasis on "vanity" makes participants instantly prone to
overindulgence and idealism.

3. Lifelock- I dare you to steal my stuff:

Is there a more effective way to demonstrate your abilities than to challenge others to
try to undermine you?
Facebook uses this method as one of its ways to find bugs on its platform: it pays
hackers a bounty for pointing out software bugs.
This was taken a step further in 2007 by the identity theft prevention company Lifelock.

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4. Uber – Uber kittens :

Uber cab drivers delivered kittens to the customers in participating cities as
part of the Uber Kittens campaign, which was launched in 2013 in
collaboration with Cheezburger and the ASPCA. After receiving these kittens,
users had fifteen minutes to play with them. Adoption was also available for
these kittens. Additionally, Uber has already assisted in the adoption of 30

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Traditional marketing vs Guerrilla marketing

Traditional Marketing Guerrilla marketing

The primary investment is money. Primary investment is time, effort, and


This model applies to big business. This model applies to small businesses.

The success rate is measured by sales. The success rate is measured by profit.

In this kind of marketing, you aim to know In this kind of marketing, you aim to know
what you can take from the customer. what you can give to the customer.

At the end, you see how much money you have In the end, you see how many relationships
earned. you have made with your customers.

It grows with the number of clients It grows through existing clients and

It is based on experience and conjecture It is based on psychology and human


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Guerrilla marketing was first introduced as a means of subduing our defenses.

If only for a moment, a masterful guerilla campaign can persuade us that we
aren't viewing an advertisement and that it's okay to pay attention. By utilizing
techniques that were not previously known, guerilla marketing strategies can
assist companies in staying one or two steps ahead of the competition.

The value of guerilla marketing has not decreased since the 1980s. Small businesses can level
the playing field by doing this. Smaller companies can match the big names with a minimal
investment. This has created a previously unheard-of business climate in which A relatively
unheard-of business can attract as much as, or frequently more than,
- the firmly recognized national brand.

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In an ideal world, guerilla marketing would seem to take a different (less

startling, more intimate) turn. It's evident that brands, particularly small
businesses, are venturing into the real world by participating in online forums,

maintaining a constant stream of updates on their Twitter accounts, and

penning articles for print publications like newspapers and magazines.

Perhaps the smartest marketing strategy of the future is to develop personal relationships with
your customers. For the jaded masses, a handshake and reassurance that a client is always more
essential than anything, even for a large, influential business owner. are exactly what will help
us re-establish our purchasing habits.

As optimistic as we would like to believe, our actual projections are not quite
that optimistic. We believe that guerilla marketing will only become more
subtle and covert over time, given the recent trend of aggressive undercover
marketing as well as the fact that we are becoming harder to reach (because of
MP3 players, TiVO, and a strong desire to avoid becoming corporate
America's pawns).

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1. Išoraitė, M. (2018). Guerilla marketing features. Ecoforum, 7(1), 0-0.

2. Behal, V., & Sareen, S. (2014). Guerilla marketing: A low-cost marketing

strategy. International journal of management research and business strategy, 3(1),

3. Chamráth, M. (2017). Guerilla marketing-analysis of a practical example (Doctoral

dissertation, Masarykova univerzita, Ekonomicko-správní fakulta).

4. Nufer, G. (2013). Guerrilla marketing—Innovative or parasitic marketing. Modern

Economy, 4(9), 1-6.

5. Prévot, A. (2009). Effects of Guerrilla Marketing on brand equity. Available at SSRN


6. Sasanka, V. M., Madhulatha, D., & Rani, P. L. (2016). Guerilla Marketing–A

Marketing Tactic with a Limited Budget, but Exponential Creativity. IRACST–
International Journal of Commerce, Business and Management (IJCBM), ISSN, 2319-

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