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Living together, with each other

This is the first edition of NEW LIFE IN CHRIST Volume 3. It is intended to provide you with a solid foundation for
your Christian life. It was written to be used with the Reina Valera Bible (KJV) and the New International
Version (NIV) .

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To each other........................................................................................................................................................6
WORKING TOGETHER.................................................................................................................................6
THE GOLDEN RULE......................................................................................................................................6
Step 2 let's love each other to each other............................................................................................................8
More about love..................................................................................................................................................10
THE MEASURE OF TRUE LOVE?..............................................................................................................10
LIVING TOGETHER IN LOVE....................................................................................................................11
Encouraging each other......................................................................................................................................12
Serving each other..............................................................................................................................................15
Supporting each other.........................................................................................................................................17
LIVING IN THE REAL WORLD..................................................................................................................17
Forgiving each other...........................................................................................................................................19
Thoughts on forgiveness.................................................................................................................................20
Accepting us and welcoming each other...........................................................................................................21
WE ARE ONE FAMILY BUT WHAT TO DO WITH DIFFICULT PEOPLE?.......................................21
Exhorting each other...........................................................................................................................................23
Admonishing each other.....................................................................................................................................25
Greeting each other.............................................................................................................................................27
hosting each other...............................................................................................................................................27
GREETING EACH OTHER..........................................................................................................................27
HOSTING EACH OTHER.............................................................................................................................28
9. Help the student cultivate the habit of prayer.
Teach him yourself by praying with him.

10. It must be understood that discipleship is much

more than studying the lessons of New Life in
GUID Christ Volume 1 & 2 . Discipleship implies a
change of life for the disciple.
This manual is only an initial help. The student
E needs continuous help to look for changes in his
character, his way of thinking, his habits, etc.

11. It is of utmost importance that the disciple learn

habits such as daily Bible reading, prayer, and
1. We congratulate you for accepting the disciple memorizing Bible verses.
challenge. teach a new believer using New Life
in Christ as your guide. The results of this study At the beginning of each lesson, take time to
can bear eternal fruit. review the previous memory verse and ask how
your daily Bible study is going. Do not scold him
2. Always let the Bible be your authority when if he has not completed some of his tasks, but
answering questions. The student must look up he should be encouraged to do them.
the Bible passages for himself and try to answer
the questions based on what the Bible says. 12. Be sensitive to what God is doing in the
disciple's life. Make time in each session to
Some new believers need a brief orientation to answer any questions you may have, or help
find the citations in their Bibles. you cope. problems in your personal life.

3. This manual can be used in many different Please note that there are times when you
ways. In most cases, they will study one lesson cannot cover each question in the lesson due to
per week, encouraging the student to do all the lack of time. In these cases, choose the most
tasks for each lesson. important questions to discuss.

4. Make sure your sessions are not too long.

5. Encourage the student to answer the questions

in their own words. Avoid copying the words
from your Bible verbatim. This will help you
analyze the meaning of the texts studied.

6. Avoid preaching to him. Use questions to

discover what the student understands and to
encourage active participation.

7. Prepare well for each session. As a teacher, you

should be familiar with the content and key
ideas in each lesson.

Your preparation must include prayer for the

student and the preparation of your heart.

8. Encourage the student to think about the

practical implications for his or her life. Help him
find practical and specific applications.

The tasks in the boxes next to each lesson are

designed for this purpose. Use them.

“And as you want
let them do
men with you,
so also do
you with them.”
Luke 6:31

Step 1
To each other

Write FALSE (F) or TRUE (T)

We must treat others the same way
they treat us.
I am fulfilling everything that God
commands me because I do not harm anyone.
The Christian is called to support his
brothers in Christ.

WORKING TOGETHER introduce them into the ground. Thus, together they
could do the work of one. 1
A missionary in Africa observed two lepers sowing
seeds in a field. One of them did not have his hands By becoming children of God we become part of God's
because leprosy had consumed them. The other had family with brothers and sisters in Christ throughout the
lost his feet due to this terrible disease. The one who world. The church is our new family, refuge group and
had no hands carried the one who had no feet on his support center. Even so, there are differences, and
back. The one who had hands carried a sack with seed, sometimes friction or cho cheese How can we live in
leaving the grains us to fall to the ground, while the other unity? God has given us instructions to live in unity with
used his foot to our brothers.


1. Luke 6:31 contains what we call “the golden rule.” Summarize what you say in your
own words.

2. We see the scope of the golden rule mentioned in the following verses:

TO THINK 4. John 13:34

5. Romans 14:13 __________________________________________________

John F. Kennedy once said: “Ask
not for what your country can do for
rather _________________________________________________________
you ––– Ask for what you can do
for your country.”
6. Romans 12:15 __________________________________________________
Think about the implications for
your life if you said this: “Don't ask and ___________________________________________________________
about what other Christians can do
for you ––– Ask about what you
7. Romans 15:1 ___________________________________________________
can do for them.”
8. Romans 15:2 ___________________________________________________

9. Romans 15:7 ___________________________________________________

10. Romans 15:14 _________________________________________________

11. Romans 16:16 _________________________________________________

12. Galatians 5:13 _________________________________________________

13. Galatians 5:26 _________________________________________________

14. Galatians 6:2 __________________________________________________

SERVE OTHERS 15. Ephesians 4:2 _________________________________________________

What gifts do you have to serve 16. Colossians 3:13 ________________________________________________

others? Talk to your pastor or a
mature Christian for ways you can 17. Colossians 3:16 ________________________________________________
serve in their church.
18. 1 Thessalonians 4:18 ___________________________________________

19. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 ____________________and ____________________

20. Hebrews 10:24-25 ______________________________________________

and ___________________________________________________________

21. James 5:16 __________________________and ______________________

22. 1 Peter 4:9 ____________________________________________________

Read Galatians 1-6"97 and Titus
is HIGH So far, how have you lived your Christian life? Have you only cared
about your own growth or the growth of others?
(one chapter per day).
On a scale of 1 to 10, rate yourself on your compliance with “the ones to
the others." 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Memorize Luke 6:31.
Choose one of the characteristics mentioned in this lesson that you could
“And as you would have men do emphasize this week. Which is it? _____________________________________
to you, so do you also to them.”
VR How could you use this feature during the week to increase brotherly warmth among your
“Treat others the way you want brothers in Christ? ___________________________________________________
them to.”
treat you.” NIV

Step 2
let's love each other
to each other

Write FALSE (F) or TRUE (T)

Love between Christians is a strong message to the world that
we are children of God.
You can love God and hate someone at the same time.
True love is demonstrated with actions.


Although we are to love everyone, we are especially called to love our new brothers in Christ (1 Peter 2:17). We are
family, responsible for taking care of and supporting each other. Our church should be a refuge where we experience
the togetherness and love that is so rare in today's world.

1. Love between Christians is important. Because? John 13:34-35

v.34 ______________________________________________________________________________________
v.35 ______________________________________________________________________________________
Love between brothers is like a uniform or flag that identifies us as disciples of Christ and distinguishes us from
those who are not believers.

2. Who is our model in terms of love? v.34 _______________________________.

HIGH Romans 5:6-8 affirms that God loves us, not because we are worthy, but because of his grace. His true
nature is love (1 John 4:8). The type of love demonstrated by Christ thinks about others, while worldly
love is self-interested, seeking its own benefit. Think of the love you have for other Christians.
To what extent can you say you are selfless? Do you think more about them or yourself?

3. Love is more than a sweet and beautiful feeling; requires action. If we want to love like
Christ, what should we do? John 15:10 __________________________________________________

4. Love is like a kind of spiritual thermometer . What does it say about someone who claims to be a good
Christian but hates his brother? 1 John 2:9-10 ____________________________________________

5. I John 3:18 let us not love _____________nor of ______________________, but of ____________and _________
What is the difference between love in words and love in truth? _______________________________________
Do you sometimes fake love when you are with others? The following questions will help you understand what it
takes to truly love your brothers.


6. According to 1 John 3:16, how can we love in deeds and in truth? ______________________________________
Does it mean that we have to physically die for others? ______________________________________________

7. What is the example given in v.17 of laying down your life for another? __________________________________
By ignoring the need of another, we demonstrate a lack of God's love.

8. Give other examples of how you can lay down your life for your siblings.
TO GROW (6,=:;2 4 \' J*, (a 7 (
Read Romans 12, • \y/ ®
2 John, 3 John,
Jude and 2 Peter 1-3 (one chapter
per day).
9. The second commandment says: “love your neighbor as yourself.” One day,
someone asked Jesus, “Who is my neighbor?” Jesus answered with the parable
Memorize 1 John 3:16 of the Good Samaritan. Read Luke 10:30-37.
“In this we have known love, in that Which of the people in the parable loved his neighbor?
he laid down his life for us; We also
have to put our lives for our As you know? _________________________
brothers." VR
10. Although the priest and the Levite did not beat the man, can we say that they
“In this we know what love is; in
which Jesus Christ gave his life for were better than the thieves? Because? ___
us. “So we too must lay down our
lives for our brothers.”
Although it may not seem so serious, indifference towards others is another
type of abuse because it shows a lack of love for them. The Samaritan was not
a resident of that place like the others, but he felt compassion and a
responsibility to help the injured man. He understood that his “neighbor” was
any needy person that God put in his path.

Someone has summarized the attitude of the characters in the parable like this:
Love is not a mere feeling lie but
• The thieves: “What is yours is ours. ”
includes an act of will. Matthew • The priest and the Levite: “What is ours, is ours .”
5:43-48 describes how God makes
the sun rise on the good, and also
• The Samaritan: “What is mine is yours .”
on the evil . It commands us to love
our enemies as well as our friends HIGH Meditate on your relationship with others. Write down which of the
(v. 44-46). This means forgiving three attitudes mentioned above best describes your relationship with your:
them, praying for them, and doing
good when the opportunity
Family ____________________________
presents itself. Work or study colleagues _____________

Make a plan to reconcile with Brothers in the church. _______________

people you have conflicts with.
Remember that reconciliation WHAT IF THEY TREAT ME BADLY?
includes the act of asking for
forgiveness, as well as forgiving. “Anyone who sets out to do good should not expect
See the two lessons on forgiveness others remove the stones from your path, rather, you should accept their
in Volume 2. situation calmly, even when they throw a few more stones.” 2

11. Read Romans 12:17-21. How should we respond to those who treat us badly,
Write your plan on a separate according to the following verses?
sheet of paper
v. 17 ________________________________
v. 18 ________________________________
v. 19 ________________________________
v. 21 ________________________________

Have you managed to overcome evil by doing good?

If the answer is no, who do you have conflicts with?

What good can you do this week to overcome the evil in this strained relationship?

Step 3
More about love

Write FALSE (F) or TRUE (T)

_____ Instead of protecting love, with jealousy we destroy it.
_____ True love overlooks the faults of others.
_____ The desire to acquire things can ruin my ability to develop good relationships with others.


1. What is love like? 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 describes true love. There are fifteen characteristics of love, seven positive
and eight negative. Write them down.
Love is: ____________________________________________________________________________________

Love is not: _________________________________________________________________________________

2. How do you understand the phrase “love is long-suffering” (KJV) or “patient” (NIV)? v.4 _____________________

3. If love “does not envy,” what does it desire for others? v.4 ____________________________________________

4. If love “does not seek its own” (it is not selfish), what does it seek then? v.5 ______________________________

HIGH From this list, which characteristics do you most need to develop? __________________________________________

Meditate on how these characteristics of love affect you.

5. Note the characteristics of love mentioned in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 that correct the following incorrect statements.
________________________ I will never forgive him for what he did to me.
________________________ Why is Juanita so popular when I have achieved the same achievements?
________________________ I can't stand my little brothers. They are always bothering me.
________________________ My husband is a loser. You will never achieve anything in life.
________________________ Why do I have to help Pedro if I also have needs?
________________________ Our group sings better than the other. They can't keep up.
________________________ I can do it alone, without anyone helping me.
________________________ Ha! They fired Juan. He deserved it. What's more, I've never liked him.
________________________ I hope they remove him from the position so they can put me in.
________________________ Everything Marta does bothers me, even her way of dressing and talking.

6. Read Romans 12:10. Love mustLIVING
be brotherly. The second
TOGETHER part of the verse indicates that this includes

A powerful tool to promote your

7. Read
growth Galatians
is Christian 5:14-16.
music .. This Despite the call to love your neighbor, what
song some
whose lyrics
do? v. have
to do with love between Christians.
What did Paul mean when he spoke of “biting oneself?” ___________________

How can we overcome the desire to eat each other? v.16

See Step 5 in Volume 1 for a review of how to walk in the Spirit.

8. What does love do to allow us to live together? 1 Peter 4:8 ________________

has your
Explain the phrase, “love will cover a multitude of sins.” ___________________
life taken?

It's easy to get lost

I walk, loving the world and
your things love does
instead of not depend on the behavior of the other;
love your neighbor. Love rather, it is loving others even with their flaws. Christ gave his life
serves as a compass to give for the good and the bad. His sacrifice gave us an example
direction to your life. how to love, giving ourselves in service to each other.

9. See the case of Peter in John 21:15-17. Even after denying Jesus three times, what job was Peter given?

We come into conflict

When we prioritize
acquire things, instead of
build relationships
positive with others

10. What should we not love? 1 John 2:15 ________________________________

11. According to James 4:1-2, the cause of conflict is: _______________________

Loving the things of the world affects our ability to love one another. We get
into conflict when we prioritize acquiring things, instead of building positive
Read Hebrews 11- relationships with others.
12 and 1 Peter 1-5
week (one chapter per day). Are there things in your life that prevent your relationship with others? Which
Memorize John 13:35.

“By this everyone will know that 12. Christians love each other, but what reaction should we expect from non-
you are my disciples, if you have
love for one another.”
believers? 1 John 3:13 _____________________________________________
VR Because? _______________________________________________________
“In this way everyone will know Even though unsaved people hate us, we must love them, pray for them, and
that they are my disciples, if they
love one another.” NIV witness to them as Jesus did.

Step 4
Encouraging each other

Write FALSE (F) or TRUE (T)

Our time with other believers should motivate us to live better. Only
our actions, not our words, can encourage another. Spending time
with someone when they are going through problems is a good way
to cheer them up.

“Show me flowers, compliments and flattery, and maybe I don't believe you,
Criticize me and maybe I'll dislike you.
Don't take me into account, and maybe I won't forgive you.
Encourage me and I will never forget you.” 3
1. In 1 Thessalonians 5:11 there are two commands. Which are? ________________________________________
each other.

2. To encourage someone, is it necessary to only say positive things, even if they are not true? ________________

3. Why should we meet with other Christians? Hebrews 10:24 __________________________________________

4. Do you think “encouraging” is limited to just saying good things? Because? v.25 __________________________

5. Write down the two commandments of Heb. 10:25. _________________________________________________

6. Gathering with other believers includes attendance at church services. It also includes fellowship with believers
during the week, such as visits, calls, and small groups. How can these informal contacts help us?

HIGH How often do you usually meet with other believers? ______________________________ *3505
Ask your pastor if there is a small group or ministry you can get involved with.

7. There is an urgency to gather together because “that day is approaching.” v. 25 What day is this referring to? v. 37


8. What is one way to encourage others? Proverbs 12:25. _____________________________________________

9. Read Prov. 18:21. The _______________and ____________________They are in the power of the language. Our
Words are powerful to lift your spirit or kill it. Prov. 16:24 adds that kind words are like honey and medicine for our
bodies. See “Words of Encouragement” on the next page.

10. Our words must contribute to _______________________________________________________Ephesians


11.___________________________________Write down examples of words that
encourage and edify : ____________________
1. Use words that praise, encourage
lan, and give thanks, like: “Well
done!”, “You can do it. I have faith
in you”, “You tried hard, don't
worry about the mistakes.”,
“Thank you for your help.”
Write down examples of words that discourage :
2. Treat him with respect and dignity.
Expect the best from others, not
the worst. I trust him.
3. Avoid criticizing, yelling and
ridiculing. Don't expect perfection. Measure your words. Usually the words you use:
Avoid sarcasm and “jokes” at the U• □ They edify □ They criticize and scold □ They console □ They gossip □ They
expense of others. Limit “buts” promote unity □ They are complaints □ They lift the spirit of others.
(“You did well, but…”)
☞ See “WORDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT” in the box to the left.
4. Listen empathetically when others
speak. Be interested in him. Give
him your full attention, looking him 12. What is another way to encourage others? Romans 12:15
in the eyes, without thinking about
how he is going to respond. Do
not interrupt. Avoid judging him. Many times, our presence next to someone is even more
You will know that he has heard
important than our words. The ability to sympathize with
you if you can repeat what he has
said. others and rejoice with them makes them see that someone
5. Take your fears seriously, helping
cares about them.
you overcome them.
6. Teach him to limit the use of the 13. Paul wrote about the rapture in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 so that believers
phrase, “I can't.” could encourage one another. The Bible is a powerful tool to encourage
7. Take your hopes and dreams another. It is the power of God. By not listening to or studying the Bible, we are
seriously. limiting the possibilities of receiving encouragement from it.

Write down some Bible passages that have encouraged you lately.

Since we must meet together, what

should we do when we are together?
What parts of worship encourage you?
Are there parts that don't encourage 14. What words of encouragement do we find in the following passages?
you, but rather frustrate you? Which
1 Peter 5:7 _________________________
are? Talk to your pastor, asking for
advice about your frustration. 1 John 4:4 _________________________

15. According to Hebrews 4:14-16, is there anyone who understands our


TO GROW So what should we do? v.16 ___________

Read Genesis 1-7.

(one chapter per day).
The “throne of grace” refers to the presence of God. In prayer, we can
approach him at any time, knowing that he is ready to listen to us even when
Memorize 1 Thessalonians 5:11. we do not feel worthy.
NOTE: The Bible is full of passages like these. Use them to receive
“Therefore encourage one
another, and build one another encouragement and to encourage others.
up, just as you do.” VR

HIGH Do you need encouragement? Do you want to encourage someone else?

"Therefore, encourage and edify
each other, just as you have been See Appendix 2 in NVEC Volume 1 on “Who Am I in Christ?”
doing." NIV

Step 5
Serving each other

Write FALSE (F) or TRUE (T)

Serving is only for those who have time.
Humility is one of the requirements to serve others.
Great leaders look for how they can serve others.


1. Read Galatians 5:13. In Christ we are free, but some use their freedom to give free rein to their passions. They
believe they can do whatever they want, just for the sake of being forgiven by grace. Instead of abusing this
freedom, what should we do? ___________________________________________________________________

2. The gospel does not call us to selfishness but to service. Because? v. 14 ________________________________
The servant asks: What can I do for others? The selfish person asks: What can they do for me?
Love motivates us to service, while service demonstrates our love. They are connected.

3. Read Matthew 20:26-28 and summarize what it teaches us about service. _______________
The path to
passes through
4. What would you say to the person who is only interested in their own good? What should you do the valley of
to achieve the best for your life? _________________________________________________


5. What did Jesus do in John 13:3-5? ______________________________________________ The selfish person is

only interested in
6. After washing his disciples' feet, what did Jesus say to explain his actions? John 13:14-16

During the war of independence dence

of the United States, a man dressed in
civilian clothes passed by a group of In those days, washing feet was the work of servants, and not of
soldiers who were repairing a important people.
fortification. Their leader was giving
orders but he did not reach out to help
them. When the leader was asked why 7. What attitude of Christ should we imitate, according to Philippians
he did not help, he replied, “Sir, I am a 2:5-8?
The stranger apologized, got off his
horse and helped the soldiers who If Christ humbled himself to serve, who are we not to do the same?
were already tired. When he finished,
he said: “Mr. Corporal, the next time 8. Philippians 2:3-4 explains how to serve. What does a servant do?
you have work and there are not
enough soldiers to do it, look for your
v. 3 ______________________
commander and I will come again to v. 4 ______________________
help.” you." The one speaking was
George Washington, the general over
the entire army. 4

TO THINK HIGH Write down some examples of how you can look out for the interests of
The machete
11. Is there isa made forserving
cost to others.
the job. others? 2 Cor 6:4-8 ____________________________________________________
Although it wears out when
sharpened with the file, it is
serving the2purpose
Also for which
Corinthians it
11:24-28 tells 9. Formore
a little the apostle Paul,
about the costthe greatest
Paul had toservice
pay to to others
serve was See
others. to bring
alsothem good
2 Timothy
was created.
2:10. news. This is why he says in Rom 1:16 “I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it
In contrast, a machete left around is the power of God for salvation…” What do we learn from him in the following
the house, unused, soon becomes
12. Are the sacrifices required in service worth it? Because?
passages and how can he help us minister to others?
filled with rust. It's useless; a sad
behold. 9:6 _________________________________________________
2 Cor. 4:5 ______________________________________________________
It is better to spend our time 2 Cor. 6:3 ______________________________________________________
serving others than on the selfish
“rest” of only seeking our own
good. The next time you see a 10. What other characteristic of a servant does Paul show in 2 Corinthians 11:29?
machete, think about this.

"I don't know what his fate will

Hebrews 6:10 ___________________________________________________
but one thing I do know:
the only ones among you 13. Service to others is described as a ________________________. 2 Cor. 8:4
that they will be truly happy
They are the ones who have
searched and PRACTICAL HELP
discovered how to serve.” 5
What is the task that Christ assigns to his servants? Serving is becoming a slave to
your fellow servants, literally ready to do any job, no matter how costly, troublesome, or
indecorous, in order to help them. 6
Above all, serving others is practical, dedicating our time, resources and efforts
Read Psalms 25-31
to them. Some examples of acts of service are:
(one chapter per day).

Memorize Galatians 5:13. • listen • Prepare meals • teach someone to read

• Advise • Take care of kids • Take out the trash
“For you, brothers, were called to • Encourage • Clean the house • Share the gospel
freedom; Only do not use • Visit • Wash and iron clothes • Disciple a new believer
freedom as an occasion for the • Comfort • Sew • Teach
flesh, but serve one another in • Repair something (like a • Help them with homework
• Shopping/errands
love.” VR
door, a car, etc.) • Take them to a doctor's • Pray with them and for
• Mowing appointment them
“I speak to you like this, brothers,
because you have been called to • Paint • Accompany • read for someone
be free; But do not use that • Cheer someone up with a • Do some work on the • lend him a book
freedom to give free rein to your smile computer • Call someone on the phone
passions. Rather, serve one • wash dishes • Teach how to use the to see how they are
another with love.“ NIV computer
Ask: “How can I be helpful today?”

Step 6
Supporting each other

Write FALSE (F) or TRUE (T)

As Christians, we have to endure all kinds of abuse.
We can endure the weaknesses of others when we learn to
Before criticizing others, we must remember that we
ourselves have our own faults.


“with all humility
and meekness, Are you disappointed to see that there are people in your home or church with defects
supporting you with that irritate you? Ephesians 4:2 talks about patiently bearing with one another in love.
patience with each
Some translations use the word tolerate instead of endure. The idea is that we must
the others in love.” accept the weaknesses of others. When we stop complaining about their flaws, then we
Ephesians 4:2 can start loving them.

1. Proverbs 19:11 helps us understand the concept of “enduring.”

The honor of a good man is _______________________________________the offense.

2. According to Ephesians 4:2, our attitude in enduring or tolerating others should be in love with
, _______________________and _________________

Supporting others allows us to have _______________________in the church. Ephesians 4:3

3. Why does it take humility to endure the weaknesses of others? Matthew 7:3

4. We too have failures, which other people have to learn to endure. Point out some of your own
weaknesses that irritate others.

5. What future does a home have where its members can't stand each other? ______________________________

6. How does it affect a person to know that their spouse cannot tolerate their weaknesses?
We perfectionists despise everything
that does not meet our expectations. By
demanding too much of others, we put a
7. How does it affect children to know that their parents can't stand them? heavy burden on them that they will not
be able to carry.
Your reaction could be rebellion,
frustration, or discouragement.
Even if they strive for perfection, they
will end up frustrated, just like us.
The Perfectionist
We could not have a healthy relationship
Are you a perfectionist or do you live with someone who is a perfectionist? with them until we learn to accept them
HIGH Consider the statement to the right about the effects of perfectionism on as they are.
your personal relationships.

8. Do you think a good way to motivate someone is to embarrass them?
When does it fail? __________________________Because?
It is true that the
weaknesses of others
bother us, but are we Shaming someone can produce results, but not the ones we want. We are motivated to act well,
there to serve them or
but for the wrong reasons; and it only works while someone is watching or scolding us.
criticize them?

9. Should we consent to those who act badly, without calling them to account? Galatians

10. If we put up with others, do we escape all responsibility for their faults?
Rom. 12:17-19 _____________________________

11. Read Romans 15:1-2 and answer the following questions:

True or false? Bearing the weaknesses of others is a sign of weakness; In
other words, we don't know how to defend ourselves. v. 1
The purpose of tolerating others is to achieve your v. 2
Once someone The main point of this passage is that we must:
He said to John Wesley:
“I never forgive,
□ Supporting others instead of doing what we like.
and I never forget □ Hold on even if we don't want to.
an offense.”
It is true that the weaknesses of others bother us, but are we
To this
to serve them or criticize them?
Wesley responded:
“Then, Lord, I hope Consider how this concept could change your life.
May I never sin.”
12.__________________________________________Read Colossians 3:13. To be able to
support others you have to _______________________
Is it possible to tolerate others without forgiving them? Because?

Who is our model of forgiveness? . The forgiveness of

Christ went to such an extreme that he forgave his persecutors from the cross.

13. Colossians 3:8 exhorts us to leave behind anger, anger, and malice. How does it affect
us if we don't let go of anger? Does it improve us or make us bitter?

14. What other qualities must we demonstrate in order to be able to support others?
Cabbage. 3:12 _____________________________
Read Genesis 8-14
(one chapter per day).

15. Who wins in the church where the brothers are against each other?
Memorize Ephesians 4:2. □ Nobody □ The brother who manages to dominate □ Satan
Who wins in a church where the brothers know how to endure each other?
“with all humility and manliness
thirst, patiently bearing with one other? ____________________________________
another in love.” VR
16. Based on what we have learned, what would we say to a person who is looking for “the
“always humble and kind, patient,
tolerant of each other in love.” perfect church?” ____________________________

Step 7
Forgiving each other
Write FALSE (F) or TRUE (T)
The Bible commands to forgive others, regardless of what they have done to us.
Holding a grudge leads you to be trapped by bitterness.
A friend learns to ignore his friend's offenses.

1. According to Colossians 3:13, what should we do when we have a complaint against another person?

It is important to note that “forgive” is linked to “endure,” since both are necessary to live in harmony with others. To know how
to forgive we must look at the example of Christ.

2. What is a characteristic of a friend? _______________________________________________Proverbs 17:9

The phrase “cover an offense” in the King James Version may have the idea of “forgiving the offense” as in the New
International Version. The second phrase of Prov. 17:9 could refer to “not going around spreading the sin to others” as the
gossiper does or to “continue to constantly bother him” for his fault.

From the passage about the adulterous woman (John 8:3-11), we learn that forgiving does not mean
tolerating or pandering to sin. After forgiving the woman, Jesus told her in v.11 to “go and sin no more.”

3. What is the opposite of forgiveness mentioned in Ephesians 4:31? ____________________________________

Your decision to forgive or not will determine the course of your life. There are only two alternatives, forgive or become a bitter
person. Thoughts of revenge only
They will lead to a dead end street called bitterness. The decision is yours. \X (! /,/

Meditate on the following thoughts:
It does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future.”
“Holding a grudge against someone is like dying from the sting of a single bee.”

What lifestyle will you choose?❏ Bitterness (holding a grudge) ❏ Peace (forgiving).

6. In Ephesians 4:32 forgiveness and mercy are linked. Why do you think they are linked? ___________________

Forgiveness is a result of having compassion for others.

7. Must our offenses to each other and ________________________________each other. James 5:16.
Confessing our sins to others is not easy. Some obstacles may be: fear of being scolded, our own pride, fear of having their
faults revealed to others, etc. Could you think of more?

8 A characteristic that makes forgiveness difficult is a critical spirit. What does the Bible say about it?
Romans 2:1
Matthew 7:1-5

In summary, the main problem with judging others is: ___________________

"N&y/(9 9.____________________________________________Who has the right to judge others?
Read Genesis 15-21 (one chapter Matthew 7:5 ______________________________________
per day).

Memorize Ephesians 4:32.

The Bible commands us to forgive others, no matter what they have done. We forgive even
“But be kind to one another,
tenderhearted, forgiving one our enemies. This does not mean that the Sona is exempt from her responsibility to repent
another, just as God also forgave and ask for forgiveness. You have to understand the responsibility of each one:
you in Christ.” VR • The offender is responsible for repenting and asking for forgiveness.

“Rather, be kind and • The offended person is responsible for forgiving, even when he or she considers that
compassionate to one another, and the other person does not deserve forgiveness. Once he forgives, he has cum pale his
forgive each other, just as God in responsibility and is free from the weight of bitterness that previously controlled his life
Christ forgave you.” NIV

10. What type of action characterizes the people of God?

Proverbs 24:17

STORIES OF Proverbs 24:29 _________________________________________________

Exodus 23:4-5 __________________________________________________
✓ General Robert E. Lee was
visiting a lady after the civil war in the
US. She complained bitterly as he
pointed out a large tree destroyed by
enemy artillery. Expecting sympathy STOP To meditate on: Try to think of a modern example from
from Lee, she was surprised when Exodus 23:4-5 that you could put into practice today.
he gave her the following advice: “My
dear lady, cut down your tree and
forget it.” It is better to forgive the 11. To what extent should we extend our forgiveness? According to
injustices of the past, and not let
them take root of bitterness that Luke 6:35-36, a forgiving person loves his _______________________________
poison the rest of our lives. 9
making them _______________________________________________ All
this is done without waiting ____________________________________(v.35)

✓ There is a Spanish story about a Follow the example of God who is _____________________________(v.36)
father who was estranged from his Mercy or compassion has the idea of not giving the person their deserved
son Paco. After the son ran away
from home, his father went out to punishment; for example, doing good even to the ungrateful and evil (v.35).
look for him, but to no avail.
Desperate, the father placed the
following notice in a Madrid
Thoughts on forgiveness
“Beloved Paco, All is forgiven. I
love you. Wait for me on Saturday at ✓ It does not mean forgetting the offense. After forgiving, it takes time for the
noon in front of the offices of this memories to fade.
newspaper. Your father."
✓ It means stopping recriminating the other person.
When Saturday arrived, there were
800 Pacos in the right place, seeking ✓ He who forgives does not demand revenge or punishment for what has
forgiveness and love from their been suffered. Understand that the other person will have to be
parents. 10 accountable to God.
✓ Forgiveness is primarily a decision to let go of your anger. Even if you don't
want to forgive, understand that it is the only way to get rid of bitterness.
✓ The decision to forgive does not depend on the attitude or reaction of the
For more information about offender.
how to forgive others, see
Steps 7 and 8 in Volume 2 ✓ If the offense comes back to you after you forgive, say:
of New Life in Christ. “I already forgave him. “I refuse to continue meditating on the offense.”

Step 8
Accepting us and
welcoming each other

Write FALSE (F) or TRUE (T)

Unity in the church requires that we accept difficult people.
If we accept sinners, there will be criticism from some brothers.
By accepting difficult people, we are condoning their bad behavior.

God's family is large, and is made up of all kinds of people. Some are mature, others are not. Some are very nice and
easy to accept, while others are more problematic. The Bible exhorts us to receive or accept one another. Whatever
they are, God seeks unity among all his children.


1. What does God want for his people? Romans 15:5-6 says “so that _____________________________________
to one voice, ________________to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

2. What is required to live together in harmony? Romans 15:7

To receive others is to accept
3. Can we choose our brothers in faith?
Are there brothers in the church that we dislike?
□ □
□ □
Are there brothers in the church who have defects?
□ □
Precisely for this reason, Romans 15:1 exhorts us to _______________________________________________

4. Romans 15:8-9 speaks of two groups, the Jews (circumcision in v.8) and the _____________________(v.9).
Previously, Jews looked down on Gentiles. They did not want to associate with them, nor greet them; but when
they received Christ, things changed. God made them one family.

5. Read Luke 19:1-10 and answer the following questions about Zacchaeus:
What reputation did Zacchaeus have? v.2, 7 _____________________________________________________

6. Although Zacchaeus was a “difficult” person, Jesus did not reject him. How did being accepted affect you?
for someone like Christ, when others rejected him? v.6 _____________________________________________
v.8 ______________________________________________________________________________________

7. How did Jesus respond to those who criticized him for accepting Zacchaeus? v.10 _______________________

The church is a family, and at the same time it is a refuge and a hospital. What good would a hospital be if
it only accepted healthy people? __________________________________________ Luke 15:7 speaks of
the joy in heaven when a sinner repents. God seeks and welcomes the railed. Should we do less? Which people
should we welcome into our church?

□ The pleasant ones □ Those we dislike □ The strong or mature □ The weak or immature
❏ The rich ❏ The poor ❏ Addicts ❏ Those of low morality
❏ Those who think differently than us ❏ Foreigners and people of different races or cultures

8._________________________________________If we accept all these types of
people, does it mean that the church cannot establish high standards of
TO GROW - behavior? ______________________________ Because? Welcoming
Read Genesis 22-28 the weak does not mean allowing them to dominate or cause divisions, but
(one chapter per day). rather to build them up. (Rom. 15:1-2)

Memorize Romans 15:1-2. HIGH What could you do to help the following people feel more comfortable in your
church? Think about specific people.
“Therefore, we who are strong
✓____________________________________The shy ones:
must bear the infirmities of the
weak, and not please ourselves.
Let each of us please his
neighbor in what is good, to edify ✓____________________________________The visits:
cation.” VR

“Those of us who are strong in ✓_________________________________Difficult people:

faith must support the weak,
instead of doing what pleases us.
“Everyone must please his For example, invite them for coffee, dinner. You should pray for them.
neighbor for his own good, in
order to build him up.” NIV
9. What problem does James 2:1-4 point out? _ What then do we learn from this
passage? ____________________________

What irony does v. 5-7? ________________
Read Luke 7:36-50 and explain Not only this, but the humble brothers, the shy and others who do not impress
the difference in attitude between at first glance, are sometimes the ones who have the most to offer.
Jesus and the Pharisee toward the
sinful woman.
10. Ephesians 4:3-4 commands us to maintain ___________. We can be
united if we do not receive all the brothers, how are they? □ Yes □ No

11. What other type of person should we receive in the church? Philippians 2:25, 29 _____________________________

How should we receive the servants of God? v.29 _____________________________________________________

What could you do to honor your church leaders? ___________________________________________

Grace or Legalism?

Many believers live confused and depressed, with constant feelings of guilt,
because they feel that other brothers are watching and judging them. They do
not feel love, grace or acceptance, but rather a cold atmosphere of criticism and
spiritual superiority.

The Bible has high standards, but sometimes we add other commandments and
traditions to the biblical standards. It would be easy to demand that they follow a
list of external rules, without seeing what is in their hearts. We may do it for good
reasons and with great sincerity, but this is called legalism . This doesn't mean
that we can't point out mistakes, letting them do whatever they want. The Bible
also commands us to exhort, but with grace and tenderness, based on biblical
norms, not personal opinions . LEGALISM

Step 9
Exhorting each other

Write FALSE (F) or TRUE (T)

It is better not to give advice to others to avoid problems.
If God is prompting me to exhort someone, I must do so
without delay.
Using the Bible guarantees that my advice will be wise.

1. Hebrews 3:13 commands us to _____

2. When is the appropriate time to exhort? v. 13 ______________________________________________________

3. By not exhorting in time, we run the risk of ___________________________our hearts. v.13

What are the characteristics of a hard-hearted person? _____________________________________________

The more time passes, the more resistant the heart becomes. Some people are sensitive and regretful, while
others are tough and nothing seems to affect them. Hardening the heart takes time, so it is easy to say, “Why is
there such a rush? Tomorrow I will talk to him.”

Why do we often wait until “tomorrow” to exhort? ___________________________________________________

Do you feel like God is calling you to exhort someone, but you haven't done so yet?

HIGH What are the reasons for not having spoken to the person yet?
Is there any reason not to do it now or this week? Formulate a plan, thinking about how and
when to do it.

4. Answer True or False:

_____Exhorting is putting pressure on the person to change their attitude.
_____Exhorting is shaming the person into changing their attitude.
_____Exhorting is encouraging the person to change their attitude. What is the
best way to
you want
5. 1 Timothy 5:1-2 gives us principles on how to exhort. With what attitude should we people to
listen to you?
exhort? ___________________________________________________________
Is scolding an acceptable way to exhort? _________________________________
When exhorting someone, you should treat them as if they were family, with respect. When it's your turn to exhort,
ask yourself, is this how I would want someone to treat my father, my mother, or my sister?

6. According to 2 Timothy 3:16, a powerful tool for exhorting others is ___________________________. The Bible
serves for __________________, ______________________, ___________________, and _________________

There is no shortage of people who want to tell us what we should do.
TO THINK How do we know if their advice is correct or not? By using the Bible to exhort, we
can be sure that our advice is based on God's wisdom and not just personal
We all need advice you see cease opinions .
exhortation. You have to listen to
others and learn from them.
An African proverb says:
This is why 2 Timothy 4:2 exhorts us to preach the
”It takes a whole village
to raise a child.” When is it appropriate to use the Bible to exhort?

What is the main point of this

What implications does it have for
Although we use the Bible, the last part of the verse says to
the church today?
correct and exhort very much . The power of
Is it required of my brothers in Christ Changing a life does not come from us, but from the Word of God.
for me to become the person God Let's be patient. This reflects confidence that the Holy Spirit will use his Word
wants me to be?
in people's lives.

The Bible is full of exhortations. For example, what exhortations do we find in the
following passages from the book of Philippians?
“He who gives good advice 1:27 ____________________________
build with one hand;
2:3-4 ___________________________
he who gives good advice
and good example, build 3:1 _____________________________
with both hands;
but he who gives a good 10.
advice but bad example,
An important part of exhortation is challenging . By
build with one hand while
knock down with the other.” eleven exhorting, we try to motivate others toward certain
actions or attitudes. For example, what does
Matthew 28:19-20 challenge us to do?

HIGH What do you expect from others?

Sometimes we expect very little . Meditate on the following:
“Treat a man as he is, and he will not change. Treat him as he can be or
should be and he will become what he can be or should be.” 12

Read Genesis 29-35 The other side of the coin is expecting too much from others. When
(one chapter per day). exhorting, it is important to avoid being too demanding, why?

Memorize Hebrews 3:13.

“but exhort one another daily, REVIEW False or True?

while it is said: Today; so that The goal of exhortation is to make you feel bad about your sin.
none of you may be hardened by
the deceitfulness of sin.” VR The goal of exhortation is to tell you how you can do the right thing.
You have to give him a good scolding to make him compose himself.
“But while “today” lasts,
encourage one another daily, so It is better to remain silent so as not to offend anyone.
that none of you will be hardened The exhortation should be based on the word of God, not on personal
by the deceitfulness of sin.” NIV
It should be exhorted with respect and tenderness.

Step 10
Admonishing each other

Write FALSE (F) or TRUE (T)

It is better not to denounce the sin because it could discourage the brother.
It should always be admonished with an attitude of humility and love.
Scoldings motivate people to stand firm in Christ.

“...admonishing every order to present

FRANKNESS RAISES A BROTHER perfect in Christ Jesus to every man.” Colossians 1:28

1. Read Proverbs 24:24-26 and answer the following questions.

What mistake should be avoided? v.24 ___________________________________________________________
What is the right thing to do? v. 25-26 ____________________________________________________________
What is the result when we admonish someone? v. 25-26 ____________________________________________

2. You have to discard the _________________and speak the _______________. Ephesians 4:25
We must speak the truth when we exhort. This requires courage because people are not always willing to listen to the
truth. Admonishing is a risk, but we do it for the good of the other.

3. In the end, he is more appreciated than ________________________that the person who ___________________.
Proverbs 28:23 Note: The word “flatter” (King James Version) means “to flatter,” or “to cast flowers.”
What motivates people to flatter rather than admonish? ______________________________________________

4. When confronted with our sins, how should we respond? Prov. 28:13
_______________________and __________________________. Covering up our mistakes is the best way to
guarantee our failure. Honesty guarantees the forgiveness we seek and need.

5. The purpose of admonishing is ________________________________________________Cabbage.

This noble goal should motivate us to continue fighting, trusting in the power of God! v.29


6. To instruct others, one must be full of __________________________and _____________________Rom. 15:14.

What would a reprimand be without kindness ? _____________________________________________________

What would a warning be like without knowledge ? __________________________________________________

Without knowledge, we can do more harm than good. Biblical knowledge and knowledge of the brother's situation are
needed for the admonition to be accurate.

7. James 1:19 says we must be ready to __________________and slow to _______________and ______________ How
many times do we half-listen and rather interrupt to give an exhortation, without really knowing what the situation is?
We should not be surprised when the person resists the reprimand, because he feels that we are not listening to him or
that we are misinformed.

8. In 1 Corinthians 4:14, Paul wrote to the Corinthians not to ___________________if not then _________________
like _____________________________________. Admonishing requires firmness, not harshness. Publicly shaming
someone is counterproductive. Causes rebellion instead of repentance.

It is common
Read to ignore the
Galatians firstand
6:1-2 stepanswer
and gothe
directly to gossip.
following questions.

Publicly 9. What kind of person qualifies to restore others? ________________________

shaming in step
15. What is the role of witnesses 2? _______________________________
someone is
16. What consequences are there if the person does notshould
listen one
to the church? ___
10. In what spirit exhort the fallen? ___________________________
Cause rebellion in How does v.1 change if we replace the words “rebuke” or “punish” with
Having him as a “gentile
instead of repentance . and publican” (RV) does_____________________________________________________
“restore”? not mean rejecting him as a person or being cruel, but rather
treating him as if he were an unconverted person.
11. What other warning is there in the last part of v.1 and v. 3? ________________
REVIEW False or True?
What motivate people to stand firm in Christ.
is a serious sin that
deserves should never reprimand anyone,
a reprimand? Even theaccept
only most spiritual
them. is subject to temptations. Therefore, there is no room
Titus 3:10
_____The reprimand must be based on kindness. for pride. It is only the grace of God that keeps us victorious.
_____Shaming the fallen person motivates him to leave sin.
_____Many exhort without having all 12. the Another
necessarypart of the restoration is: _________________________________v.2
How serious is the sin of The “burdens” thatofwehis
must carry
_____If we speak to him with tenderness, the seriousness
causing divisions? v.10-11
sin will notfor
bethe brother
taken into are the heavy, overwhelming
burdens that the brother
_____The first step of the exhortation is a denunciation before the church. is unable to bear alone. Don't refer They focus on the
_____Before admonishing another, I must examine myself. burdens of each day, which he does have to carry (v.5).
What are some ways to cause
divisions? 13. Matthew 18:15-17 gives us a model of how to deal with someone who has
$ sin against us. What are the three steps to follow?
° v.15 _______________________________________________________
TO MEDITATE v.16 ________________________________________________________

How can I admonish (Romans v.17 __________________________________________________________

15:14) without judging (Romans
Which of the three steps is most difficult for you? __________________
Do you find yourself using this method when dealing with those who offend
The one who warns must have
goodness and knowledge (Romans you?❏ Always ❏ Many times ❏ Rarely ❏ Never
15:14), but mainly it requires that he
have removed the plank from his eye 14. Why is it important to talk to the person alone first? Reason.
to see the speck in the other's eye.

Read Genesis 36-42 (one
chapter per day).

Memorize Galatians
“Brethren, if anyone is caught in
any transgression, you who are
spiritual, restore him in a spirit
of meekness, considering
yourself, lest you also be
tempted.” VR

“Brothers, if someone is caught in

sin, you who are spiritual must
restore him with a humble attitude.
But everyone should be careful,
because you can also be tempted.”

Step 11
Greeting each other
hosting each other

Write FALSE (F) or TRUE (T)

The church is not just a place to receive teaching. Also
It is a place to interact with other Christians.
Our words can be a great encouragement to others.
Many people look to church to find human warmth.


1. There is a good custom described in Romans 16:16. Describe which one it is. ____________________________

The “holy kiss” refers to a holy kiss. Although the way of greeting may vary from culture to culture, this passage
emphasizes a personal, genuine, warm, and appropriate (holy) greeting.

2. There are passages in the Bible that do not seem to have much use, but when we examine them, we discover
something else. Read Colossians 4:7-18 and answer the following questions.

What does this passage consist of? _____________________________________________________________

3. Why is this passage in the Bible? What can we learn from him? _______________________________________

4. Thinking about the passage, decide whether the following statements are true or false.
______ Paul loved the Christians in Colossae.
______ Greeting is only a superficial custom of courtesy.
______ Pablo had a hard time remembering names.
______ Paul had a close pastoral relationship with them.
______ Paul limited himself to teaching the Bible without getting too involved with
______ Pablo preferred solitude. He had little patience for being with people.
______ Paul used greetings to encourage the brothers.

5. Write down some words of encouragement that Paul used in his greetings.
v. 7 _____________________________________________________________________________________
w. 9 _____________________________________________________________________________________
v.11 ______________________________________________________________________________________
x. 12 ____________________________________________________________________________________
y. 14 ____________________________________________________________________________________

What would others say about you? Are you a cold or friendly person?
Rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 5 Cold 1 2 3 4 5 Friendly


6. According to 1 Peter 4:9, we must practice ______________________without

Although there are people who take good care of us, their faces reveal
whether their hospitality ity is genuine or not.

7. What does genuine hospitality look like? To answer this question, meditate on
the following statements, checking whether they are true or false.
Hospitality requires the skill of making a good cup of coffee.
Hospitality is the skill of making visitors feel comfortable.
Hospitality requires having a good house to receive visitors.
Hospitality comes from the heart. It is a way to express love for
He who is a good host receives visitors, without waiting for them to
return the favor.
Hospitality requires a generous spirit, but not necessarily the outlay
of a lot of money.
Hospitality is something we have to do, even if we don't want to.
Hospitality does not necessarily require that you invite someone into
your home.
There are people who abuse
our hospitality.
8. Many people live lonely lives. It may be that they have no family, or friends.
Meditate on the following proverb
of the Swahili of Africa. Even those who have “friends” often feel the need for personal contact with
“Treat your guest others. Precisely for this reason the hospitali Dadity is important, because it
as a visit for two days. makes people feel that someone cares about them. They go to church looking
Then give him a hoe.” for God, but also human warmth.

How are visitors received at your church?

Write down some ideas of how you can make visitors feel welcome and comfortable in
your church.
Memorize 1 Peter 4:9.

“Host one another

without murmuring.” VR

“Practice hospitality among yourselves without

complaining.” NIV
Read Genesis 43-50
(one chapter per day). Quotes

1. 6000 Sermon Illustrations, ed. Elon Foster (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book
House, 1992 p. 309
2. Albert Schweitzer
3. William Arthur Ward
4. Today in the Word, March 6, 1991
5. Albert Schweitzer
6. James Packer in Your Father Loves You, Harold Shaw Publishers, 1986

7. William Walton
8. Paul Boese
9. 5. Read: The Last Years, by Charles Bracelen Flood
10. Bits & Pieces , October 15, 1992, pp. 13
11. Francis Bacon
12. Goethe
13. Arnold H. Glasow

Galatians 6:1 Step 10 attitude. But everyone should be and forgive each other, just
“Brothers, if anyone is caught in careful, because you can also 1 Thes. 5:11 Step 4 as God in Christ forgave
any transgression, you who are be tempted.” NIV you.” NIV
spiritual, restore him in a spirit Ephesians 4:32 Step 7 “Therefore encourage one Luke 6:31 Step 1
of meekness, considering another, and build one
yourself, lest you also be “But be kind to one another, another up, just as you do.” “And as you would have
tempted.” VR tenderhearted, forgiving one VR men do to you, so do you
another, just as God also also to them.” VR
“Brothers, if someone is caught forgave you in Christ.” VR "Therefore, encourage and
in sin, you who are spiritual edify each other, just as “Treat others the way you
must restore it with a humble “Rather, be kind and you have been doing." NIV want them to.”
compassionate to one another, treat you.” NIV

1 Peter 4:9 Step 11 of us pleases his neighbor “I do Only do not use freedom as 1 John 3:16 Step 2
what is good, for edification.” an occasion for the flesh, but
"Host one another without VR serve one another in love.” “In this we have known love,
Cut along the dotted lines. Memorize these verses.

murmuring." VR VR in that he laid down his life for

“Those of us who are strong in us; also us “We must lay
“Practice hospitality among faith must support the weak, “I speak to you like this, down our lives for our
yourselves without instead of doing what pleases brothers, because you have brothers.” VR
complaining.” NIV us. “Everyone must please his been called to be free; But do
Appendix 1

Romans 15:1-2 Step 8 neighbor for his own good, in not use that freedom to give “In this we know what love is;
order to build him up.” NIV free rein to your passions. when Jesus Christ gave his
“Therefore, we who are Galatians 5:13 Step 5 Rather, serve one another life for us tros. “So we too
strong must bear the with love.“ must lay down our lives for
infirmities of the weak, and “For you, brothers, were called NIV our brothers.” NIV
not please ourselves. Each to freedom;

Hebrews 3:13 Step 9 Ephesians 4:2 Step 6 John 13:35 Step 3

“but exhort one another daily, while it is said: “with all humility and manliness thirst, “By this everyone will know that you are
Today; so that none of you may be patiently bearing with one another in my disciples, if you have love for one
hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.” VR love.” VR another.”
“But while “today” lasts, encourage one “always humble and loving “blessed,
another daily, so that none of you will be patient, tolerant of one another in love.” “In this way everyone will know that
hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.” NIV NIV they are my disciples, if they love one
another.” NIV

Luke 6:27 __________________________to their ___________________________and do _________________

to those who _________________________________.
Luke 6:28 ___________________________to those who _______________________and _________________
for which ____________________________________.
Complying with this commandment of Christ is not only not mistreating others, but treating them well, as one
would like to be treated. It is good not to criticize or hurt another, but the golden rule goes further, exhorting us to
treat them well, with love and mercy, even when they treat us badly.

This symbol signals a STOP in your study. Take time to reflect on the following: How do you want
others to treat you? Do you serve others in the same way?
Think about a time this week when you felt bad about the way you treated another. What could I
have done or said to serve you better?


There are many passages where the phrase “one another” appears. They indicate how we can fulfill the golden rule
and thus live in unity with others. Write the commandment or commandments mentioned in each of the following
passages. These explain how we should treat “one another.”

3. Mark 9:50

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