Ministry of Popular Power of Economy and Finance

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Ministry of Popular Power of Economy and Finance

The Ministry of Popular Power of Economy and Finance is one of the

organizations that make up the executive cabinet of the Venezuelan
government. This same one is in charge of the administration of the assets of
the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
Exercise the stewardship of the economic and fiscal policy and the coordination
of the Financial Administration of the National Public Sector, directing and
supervising the implementation and maintenance of the systems that comprise
it, with human talent motivated and committed to the performance of their
functions, with in order to promote a diversified and sustainable productive
economy that contributes to the economic and social development of the Nation.
The National Budget Office is the governing body of the Public Budget System,
created with the purpose of participating in the formulation of the budgetary
aspects of the financial policy that, for the national public sector, is developed by
the Ministry of Finance.
1 .Participate in the formulation of the budgetary aspects of the financial policy
that, for the national public sector, is prepared by the Ministry of Popular Power
for Finance.
2 .Participate in the preparation of the annual operating plan and prepare the
consolidated budget of the public sector.
3 .Participate in the preparation of the bill for the multi-year framework of the
national public sector budget under the economic and fiscal policy guidelines
prepared, in coordination, by the Ministry of Popular Power for Planning and
Development, the Ministry of Popular Power for Finance and the Central Bank of
Venezuela, in accordance with the law.
4 .Prepare the budget bill and all reports that are required by the competent
5 .Analyze the budget projects that must be submitted for your consideration
and, when appropriate, propose the corrections that you consider necessary
6 .Approve, jointly with the National Treasury Office, the programming of the
execution of the budget law.
7 .Prepare and dictate the rules and technical instructions related to the
development of the different stages of the budget process.
8 .Advise on budgetary matters to the entities or bodies governed by this Law.
9 .Analyze the requests for budget modifications that must be submitted for
consideration and issue an opinion on the matter.
10 .Evaluate the execution of the budgets applying the standards and criteria
established by this Law, its regulations and the respective technical standards.
11 .Inform the Ministry of Popular Power for Finance, with the frequency it
requires, about the budget management of the public sector.
12.The others conferred by the Law.
National Treasury Office
It is the entity in charge of financial planning and management of the public
Participate in the formulation of the country's financial policy, approve budget
execution for the different organizations, schedule the disbursement of these
resources, safeguard the funds of the Republic, control the income and
expenditure of the National Treasury, collaborate in the coordination of the
policy fiscal and monetary, among others. The national treasurer is appointed by
the Minister of Finance.
National Public Accounting Office. (ONCOP)

• Prescribe, organize, implement, evaluate and maintain the Accounting System for the
Republic and its decentralized entities, as well as dictate the accounting standards
that govern the Venezuelan State.
Coordinate with the administrative units, central and deconcentrated, that make up the
structure for the financial execution of the body's budget, as well as the liquidation and
public property units thereof, the fulfillment of the functions established in the rules,
procedures and instructions issued by the National Public Accounting Office as the
governing body of the Public Accounting System.
2. Monitor, through the corresponding Integrated Public Finance Management and
Control System, the accounting generated online by the respective body during and at
the close of the financial year, and coordinate with those responsible for the
administrative units that make up the structure to the financial execution of the body's
budget and with those responsible for the liquidating agencies, the necessary actions to
guarantee the timely and reliable registration of the information.
3. Reclassify the balances of the equity accounts of Works in Process from the private
domain and the public domain, once completed, to the corresponding equity accounts,
in accordance with the models and instructions issued in this regard by the National
Public Accounting Office, after compliance with the procedures established by the
Superintendency of Public Assets related to the ownership of the asset.
4. Maintain updated control of the record of investments in shares and capital
participations (capital participations, purchase and sale of shares) carried out by the
public accounting entity in the entities that make up the public, private and external
sector, in compliance with the instructions for the registration and control of such
investments, dictated by the National Public Accounting Office.
5. Safeguard the file of each of the registered economic-financial transactions, made
up of the corresponding supporting documents that support them.
6. Request from the public goods unit the Physical Inventory of the goods assigned to
the body, in accordance with the provisions set forth in the Organic Law of Public
Goods and in the administrative acts approved by the Superintendence of Public
7. Attend, at the required opportunity, the inductions given by the National Public
Accounting Office.
8. Review and approve the accounting records related to the incorporation and
disincorporation of public assets due to donations granted and/or received, missing
items and other concepts, generated by the Public Assets unit of the respective body; in
accordance with the models and instructions issued in this regard by the National Public
Accounting Office.
9. Coordinate with the Planning and Budget unit of the body, in conjunction with the
central administrative unit and the deconcentrated administrative units, the quarterly
preparation of the budget-accounting reconciliation, reconciling the asset accounting
records evidenced in the ledgers of each unit, affected by budget execution; in
accordance with the technical instructions issued by the National Public Accounting
10. Coordinate with the Planning and Budget unit, the administrative units and
liquidating units of the body, the execution in accounting matters of the closing
instructions of the financial year, in accordance with the technical instructions issued by
the National Public Accounting Office, together with the National Budget, Treasury and
Public Credit Offices.
11. Guide the administrative units in the preparation of accounting adjustment entries
for events that affect the closing of the financial year, according to the instructions
issued by the National Public Accounting Office.
12. Approve the entry models for accounting adjustments prepared by the
administrative units, of the events that affect the closing of the financial year.
13. Ensure compliance by the decentralized entities assigned or supervised by the
bodies of the accounting entities with the timely submission of the financial statements
and other information required by the ONCOP.
14. Formulate with the National Public Accounting Office the necessary consultations
for the effective application of the standards, models and technical instructions issued
by it.
15. Comply with the other functions established in accounting matters by the Laws,
regulations, and other regulatory acts, as well as the provisions issued by the National
Public Accounting Office.
It is an executive body of the National Tax Administration of Finance, which aims to
improve national collection. Among its main functions is the collection and control of all
taxes or taxes, as well as reducing tax evasion and reducing tax delinquency.
Functions and objectives
The SENIAT was created with a clear objective, to control and collect the
country's taxes. Before the mid-nineties, Venezuela
It survived mainly on the income that came from oil and although it was a very
strong source of income, many companies had to use a large part of this type of
resources to update and acquire new assets, all in order to improve and
optimize operations .
When the Venezuelan state stopped receiving these incomes, it had the need to collect
taxes, being able to cover all the expenses of the public administration. This alternative
was already used in many countries. This is how the country's tax opening was born,
which was not carried out so that the country could obtain greater income. It also
wanted to reorganize itself in the now defunct Ministry of Finance, which is now called
the Ministry of Finance.

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