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Technology Quiz

1. What is innovation?
Innovation is the process of introducing novelties into an artifact, idea or
2. What represents a technical change?
It represents changes in quality, performance or efficiency of the actions of
materials, materials or media.
3. What is needed to implement an innovation in a production process?
It is necessary to consider the application of a technical change
4. What is a radical innovation?
It is the one that radically changes the modifications of it
5. What are cumulative innovations?
Cumulative innovations are those that recompile materials for modification.
6. Mention the phases of technical innovations:
Idea generation, concept testing and concept application
7. What are the three most important ways that ideas originate?
Satisfaction of needs, development or spontaneous ideas
8. What are technical means?
Set of objects that allow humans to perform transformation actions on materials
or artifacts.
9. What can change an innovation?
A new idea or tool to satisfy needs
10. Mentions the basic concept for the proper functioning of the entire system in a
production process:
The ability to reproduce a technique
11. What is knowledge?
Notions, data or reports that one has about a topic
12. What is information?
A set of data arranged and processed in a way that provides meaning
13. Knowledge and information, what are they part of?
Part of the inputs of a technical system
14. Mention the two types of sources of information:
Traditional and electronic
15. What are the traditions?
Those that include visual and physical media in them, such as books and
16. What are the electronic ones?
They are those that are found digitally, such as internet pages.
17. What do primary information sources consist of?
Academic studies that present a scientific idea or theory
18. What do secondary sources consist of?
Documents that compile and review public information
19. What is the information analysis done for?
To check that it is reliable
20. When does the innovation cycle start?
When all the information necessary for your practice has been collected
21. What are ICT?
Information technology and communication
22. What is ICT?
Set of devices, knowledge and tactics used for communication and to obtain
23. Mention the steps to resolve a problem:
Problem statement, research, applications, work plan design
24. What is a project?
Series of phases or operations that must be followed sequentially to meet an
25. What is culture?
Set of social, religious, humanistic, etc. structures that distinguish a society.
26. What are the elements that give identity to a group of individuals?
The needs, interests, and similarities shared by the group of individuals
27. What is cultural identity mainly characterized by?
For the union and help to satisfy needs
28. Why is a technical system represented?
It is represented by the interdependence of humans, a product of machines.
29. Mention the three types of technical systems:
Human – machine, human – product and machine product
30. Fundamental characteristic of a technical system:
Her organization
31. Response to social changes:
They are a social construction of advances from left to right that have produced
social changes.
32. What is the technical path?
Series of steps that are followed to optimally develop a solution to the problem
33. What is the technological generation?
It is a set of instrumental means, technological processes and final products
that share characteristics
34. Mention an example of technological generation:
Computer equipment
35. What is technology?
It is the study of the technique that covers all activities aimed at satisfying
needs and informational interest.
36. What is the technique?
The technique covers a large number of activities that require various activities
and knowledge
37. What is a technological field?
Area that includes productive processes that require similar activities or
materials for their realization
38. What is a tradition?
Knowledge, belief and custom that is transmitted from generation to generation
39. What is a traditional culture?
It is what defines a social group characterized by the importance of traditions
40. Essential factor in artisanal production:
It is the basic transmission of knowledge necessary for the preparation of this
41. What is technical development?
It covers all changes and innovations of modifications in production processes
42. Mentions the two main means for controlling technical developments:
The activities of activist groups and the consequences of trade and other social
43. What is a sociocultural context?
Set of elements, situations and individuals that develop in a social group
44. What is needed when seeking resolution to a technical problem?
Include the sociocultural component
45. What is prospective?
It is the science that is dedicated to the study of the causes, techniques and
46. What guides technical developments and innovation?
To sociocultural changes
47. What is the trend?
Direction or orientation that will have a set of actions, facts or possibilities.
48. What is fashion?
Way of living, acting or thinking of a time
49. What are created needs?
They are those of social groups that, instead of arising spontaneously, arise out
of necessity.
50. What is sustainable development?
It is the economic and social development in which the environmental
environment is contemplated.

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