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15 interesting and fun conversation starters

Enjoying interesting dialogues can be easier if we have interesting topics in mind.

by Arturo Torres

Getting to know a person well and establishing friendships with others are aspects of life that
are sometimes difficult. Having social skills helps you meet people, but in addition to that it is
positive to have conversation topics.

Below you can see a selection of conversation topics for women and men of any age that can
be useful in making someone open up more to us.

 Related article: " 50 questions to know a person better "

Conversation topics for all tastes

Sometimes, a good part of the problems we experience on a daily basis have to do with
difficulties when trying to connect with others .

The feeling of boredom , or loneliness or incomprehension, can be combated simply by

improving the way you keep conversations alive. To do this, it is useful to have conversation
topics for women or men of all ages that are interesting or fun. These are some proposals.

1. Anecdotes from childhood

Explaining funny or sobering anecdotes that occurred in our childhood usually has a lot of
power when it comes to awakening the interest of all the people involved in the conversation.
Normally, it also serves to encourage others to explain other similar stories or stories that
happened to them at the same age.

2. Pet Stories

Even a good part of people who do not have pets would be interested in having one or are
interested in the world of animals . That's why talking about them usually gives rise to fun
stories. For example, you can talk about the way different breeds of dogs behave, different
species of pets, or about times when they have acted in a particularly humane way.

 Related article: " The 7 benefits of having a pet at home "

3. Trips to other continents

Talking about the countries that each person would like to visit is one of the easiest
conversation topics to generate interest. The reason is that you can choose from a wide variety
of regions, and it can also serve as a “directory” to address many other topics based on the
comments that come out about the different cultures, customs or anecdotes that appear while

 You may be interested: " The 11 psychological benefits of traveling "

4. Sons and daughters

People who have sons and daughters have one of the most fascinating topics of conversation:
what it feels like to watch them grow up. Even those who have recently become parents can
create camaraderie around what is experienced during the months of caring for the baby.

5. Hobbies related to sports

The world of sports can also provide opportunities for interesting conversations. Especially in
those people who try to stay in shape and are not looking for simple fun or entertainment. For
example, you can talk about tricks to increase performance, ways to keep motivation high, etc.

6. Work
Although there is a myth that indicates otherwise, many people are very fond of continuing to
talk about their work even when their workday has ended. This topic of conversation allows
you to share opinions about certain types of work, problems that arise on a daily basis, funny
aspects of the work culture in which you are immersed, etc.

7. Movies, literature and video games

These three art forms are especially popular , and that means there are a lot of people
“hooked” on them. Reviewing the billboard, for example, allows you to recommend or obtain
movie recommendations, and the world of books also provides many topics of conversation. In
the case of video games, furthermore, since the player is both a spectator and a participant in
the action, it is possible to explain anecdotes.

 You may be interested: " The 30 best Psychology books that you cannot miss "

8. The ideal vacation

Talking about what you could do if you had a generous amount of days off is also very
stimulating and allows everyone to express their tastes and hobbies.

9. The world of technology

The constant technological advances that emerge are a tireless engine for creating topics of
conversation. Furthermore, these innovations affect many areas of life, so there is a wide
variety of possible dialogues .

10. Sports

Mass sports and the monitoring of sporting events are also of great interest to many fans who
live throughout the planet. In fact, something as simple as wearing a sports team's jersey can
serve to generate topics of conversation with strangers.

11. An ideal society

What would an ideal society be like, according to your points of view? One of the most
interesting topics of conversation, since it allows each person to talk about their values and their
conception of justice, equality or freedom.
12. What is love?

Love is one of the most intense and difficult feelings to explain. That is why it is always worth
talking at length, since each person can give a version of this concept according to their

13. The economic and environmental collapse

It has been official for some time now: the planet is overpopulated and we also do not manage
our consumption or our waste management well. Taking this into account, several topics of
conversation arise: what will the future be like? How will we survive? Will we be able to stop the

14. What is madness?

The border between lucidity and madness has always generated many debates . How do we
know what the absence of madness is? What should the relationship be like between people
with disorders and the rest of society?

15. What would we change about ourselves?

Everyone has flaws, and knows they have them. However, some of them are accepted, while
others we want to change, evolve by overcoming them.

Some final recommendations

In addition to keeping these conversation topics in mind, it is good to consider the following
points when generating interesting dialogues:

1. Avoid politics if you are with strangers

Many people are very suspicious when it comes to giving their opinion on aspects of politics
, so this option is not recommended. It is not a very good idea because it can generate
arguments and mistrust.

2. Avoid prefabricated phrases

You may know that there are certain topics of conversation that generate more interest than
others, but beyond that, avoid starting a dialogue with very rigid schemes about how it should
evolve. Spontaneity is the most desirable.

For example, to have a good repertoire of topics and not fall into clichés, it is good to read books
about everything related to the human mind. That's why you may be interested in this article: "
The 31 best Psychology books that you can't miss ."

3. Don't fall into clichés

Avoid prejudging the other person . For example, if you want to start by offering a woman
conversation topics, don't assume that she likes shopping. Treat everyone on the basis that they
are human beings whose complexity will be revealed during the dialogue.

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