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Teaching and Learning Activity

Module: Psychology 1A (HPSY231-1)

Week number (Date): 1 (22 February 2024)
Unit covered: Unit 1 – Chapter 1

To enrich your learning experience at Boston even further, and to ensure that you are
exposed to a variety of resources in this module, announcements will be posted every
week containing additional materials or activities for you to work through.

It is important to note that these activities are neither compulsory nor weighted, but
that it will be to your advantage to participate. The purpose of the activities is to help
you better understand the content of your weekly unit/s of study, and it will assist in
creating insight and deeper meaning.

This activity is based on Unit 1 of the prescribed courseware for this module.

The suggested solutions for this Activity will be posted end of day next Thursday.

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To enhance your learning experience, watch the following YouTube video titled ‘What
is Personality? - Personality Psychology’.
What is Personality? - Personality Psychology. [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from [Accessed 19 February 2024]

Question 1

1.1 There are several concepts which relate to and can be confused with personality.

Briefly discuss how character can be distinguished from personality. (8 marks)

Note to student:
- Use the prescribed textbook to identify the ethical principles.

1.2 Watch the following YouTube video titled ‘Bandura’s Social Learning Theory and
Its Uses in the Classroom’ below and answer the questions that follow:

Bandura’s Social Learning Theory and Its Uses in the Classroom. [Video].
YouTube. Retrieved from
[Accessed 21 July 2023]

There are various viewpoints which aims to explain individuals’ behaviour,

namely personism, situationalism, and interactionalim.

Discuss the key points of interactionalism.

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