HSE-OS-ST06 - Simultaneous Operations Standard - WMS - Version 02

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ADNOC Classification: Internal





EFFECTIVE DATE: February 2020
ADNOC Classification: Internal

HSE Management System

HSE Operational Safety Standards
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS) Standard (WMS)


1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 5
2. PURPOSE .................................................................................................................................................. 6
3. SCOPE ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
4. LAWS AND REGULATIONS ..................................................................................................................... 6
5. DEFINITIONS & ABBREVIATIONS .......................................................................................................... 7
6. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES .......................................................................................................... 12
7. SIMOPS FRAMEWORK .......................................................................................................................... 14
7.1. ROUTINE AND NON-ROUTINE SIMOPS ............................................................................................... 14
7.1.1. ROUTINE SIMOPS .............................................................................................................................. 14
7.1.2. NON-ROUTINE SIMOPS ..................................................................................................................... 14
7.2. SIMOPS MATRIX OR MOPO MATRIX ................................................................................................... 15
7.2.1. WHAT IS SIMOPS / MOPO MATIRX .................................................................................................. 15
7.2.2. TYPES OF SIMOPS / MOPO MATRIX................................................................................................ 16
7.2.3. SIMOPS RESTRICTIONS TABLES .................................................................................................... 16
7.2.4. SIMOPS MATRIX DECISION TREE ................................................................................................... 16
7.2.5. GUIDANCE FOR SIMOPS MATRIX AND RESTRICTION TABLE .................................................... 17
8. SIMOPS PROCESS ................................................................................................................................. 19
8.1. IDENTIFICATION PHASE ....................................................................................................................... 19
8.1.1. INTEGRATED WORK ACTIVITY PLANNING (IWAP) PROCESS..................................................... 19
8.2. PREPARATION PHASE .......................................................................................................................... 19
8.2.1. IDENTIFICATION AND APPROVAL OF CONTROLS PROCESS..................................................... 19
(a) SIMOPS Management Plan ................................................................................................................ 19
(b) Site Coordination Roles, Organization and Communication......................................................... 20
(c) Other Pre-Execution Preparation Activities .................................................................................... 21
8.3. EXECUTION PHASE ............................................................................................................................... 21
8.3.1. ON-SITE PRE-START CHECKS ......................................................................................................... 21
8.3.2. DURING EXECUTION ......................................................................................................................... 23
8.4. POST COMPLETION PHASE ................................................................................................................. 24
9. COMPLIANCE AND ASSURANCE......................................................................................................... 24
10. REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................................... 25
10.1. INTERNAL REFERENCES...................................................................................................................... 25

Standard No.: HSE-OS-ST-06 Version No.: 02 Effective date: February 2020 Page 3 of 37
ADNOC Classification: Internal

HSE Management System

HSE Operational Safety Standards
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS) Standard (WMS)

10.2. EXTERNAL REFERENCES .................................................................................................................... 25

11. APPENDICES .......................................................................................................................................... 26
APPENDIX NO. 1. SIMULTANEOUS OPERATIONS (SIMOPS) WORKFLOW.................................................27
APPENDIX NO. 2. ADNOC RISK MATRIX .........................................................................................................28
APPENDIX NO. 3. SIMOPS MATRIX AND RESTRICTIONS TABLE ................................................................29
APPENDIX NO. 4. BRIDGING / INTERFACE DOCUMENTS .............................................................................31
APPENDIX NO. 5. GUIDANCE FOR SIMOPS WORKSHOP .............................................................................32
APPENDIX NO. 6. GUIDANCE ON SIMOPS TEAM COMPOSITION ................................................................34
APPENDIX NO. 8 FORMS ................................................................................................................................36
FM-OSST06-01 SIMOPS DEVIATION REQUEST AND APPROVAL FORM ....................................................37

Standard No.: HSE-OS-ST-06 Version No.: 02 Effective date: February 2020 Page 4 of 37
ADNOC Classification: Internal

HSE Management System

HSE Operational Safety Standards
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS) Standard (WMS)


Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS) are activities that take place at the same time and meet the following
(i) Activities that are located in the same area; and

(ii) Activities that could directly or indirectly potentially affect the safe performance of the another
activity (e.g. Breaking Containment and Hot Work)

As a principle, wherever possible, operations should be managed to avoid situations where simultaneous
operations (SIMOPS) could arise, however at times, it may be necessary to perform operations
SIMOPS take place specifically when activities associated with construction, commissioning, major
maintenance (or turnaround), start-up and production operations are undertaken at the same time and in
the same area such that they directly or indirectly could potentially affect the safe performance of any
other activity at the facility.
SIMOPS should serve any one or combination of the following possible work scenarios:
(iii) Concurrent “manned” operations/works within an existing facility during its normal operation;

(iv) Construction works of new facilities in an existing operating facility; and

(v) Maintenance, troubleshooting, turnaround and/or modification works within an existing

operating facility; and/or

(vi) Construction works of new facilities in the vicinity of an existing operating facility.

Note: Automated systems might not need SIMOPS assessments as these systems are usually
engineered and designed with provision of the adequate safety controls that have been concluded and
recommended by all the HSE requirements defined for the project e.g. HAZOP, LOPA, etc. Therefore,
the impacts from the automated systems on personnel and/or assets should fall within the As-Low-As-
Practicable (ALARP) region.

Standard No.: HSE-OS-ST-06 Version No.: 02 Effective date: February 2020 Page 5 of 37
ADNOC Classification: Internal

HSE Management System

HSE Operational Safety Standards
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS) Standard (WMS)


The purpose of this standard is to provide a framework to identify potential hazards and threats associated
with concurrent operations, to evaluate the associated risks and to establish means and ways to control
the operations such that the combined /cumulative risks of concurrent activities/operations are managed
to a level meeting the principles of ALARP. The application of this document is intended to provide:
(i) A basis for safe performance of simultaneous operations;

(ii) A common approach to routine SIMOPS across all ADNOC facilities;

(iii) A consistent approach to the planning and execution of non-routine SIMOPS across ADNOC
facilities; and

(iv) Identification of combinations of work activities that cannot be performed at the same time
(prohibited simultaneous operations).

This standard should be read and used in close conjunction with WMS Standard: Permit to Work noting
that SIMOPS management is closely linked with the Permit to Work system but, in itself, is not a
standalone system. An authorized PTW is to be fully completed before any potentially hazardous work is
started and, if SIMOPS are involved, a Job Safety Analysis (JSA) is required to define the SIMOPS related
controls for the permitted work.
If anybody involved in the SIMOPS process is unsure of a course of action, a higher authority or
management shall be consulted.


The requirements of this standard shall be applicable to all ADNOC group companies, employees,
contractors, facilities (including interface areas), activities and services without exception.
Contractors shall be responsible for ensuring that all activities performed within ADNOC operating
facilities in the course of carrying out their contractual requirements are managed in accordance with the
requirements of this document and reported, when applicable, to the contract holder.
When applying or implementing the SIMOPS standard, adherence shall be required with all other ADNOC
Standards and Recommended Practices (RP) and other Work Management System (WMS) Standards.
This standard shall be used and read in conjunction with other WMS standards. WMS Framework
standard contains governing principles such as custodianship, deviations, document retention, training
and competence assurance which are applicable to all WMS standards.


There are no specific laws and regulations applicable to this standard.

Standard No.: HSE-OS-ST-06 Version No.: 02 Effective date: February 2020 Page 6 of 37
ADNOC Classification: Internal

HSE Management System

HSE Operational Safety Standards
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS) Standard (WMS)


Terms Description

ADNOC Means Abu Dhabi National Oil Company

Area Authority (AA) A competent person appointed in writing by the Asset Owner
and responsible for monitoring the safety of an area and the
assets within it, and providing clearance to work in that area at
any particular time. In Operations Department, this may be for
example (Shift Supervisor, Shift Controller, Shift Superintendent
or similar). For non-operational areas, the Area Authority is
appointed by the Asset Owner for that particular area
(Maintenance, Engineering or Construction or Electrical).

As Low As Reasonably Practicable To reduce a risk to a level that is As Low as Reasonably

(ALARP) Practicable (ALARP) involves balancing the reduction in risk
against time, trouble, difficulty & cost of achieving it. ALARP
represents the point at which the time, trouble, difficulty & cost
of further reduction becomes disproportional to the additional
risk reduction that would be achieved.

Asset Owner Person responsible and accountable for the integrity and safe
condition of the complete structure, facility, systems and
equipment within allocated to him/her. In Operations, this person
may be for example (site based Senior Vice President
Operations or Vice President Operations or corresponding

Asset Owner reviews and approves the deviation approval form

(deviations from the controls listed in SIMOPS Restrictions
Tables) confirming that the mitigation controls or steps are "fit
for purpose" for the activities to be conducted at the facility.

Authorized Person A person is authorized under the Permit To Work System when
he/she is either appointed or has permission in writing from the
relevant Asset Owner to carry out PTW tasks within the Asset
Owner jurisdiction.

Certificates Certificates are used in the Permit to Work System to provide

additional authorization and control for a number of activities.

Competence A person is competent if he/she through relevant training and/or

experience, skills, knowledge and appropriate certification can
carry out the task as required by the WMS standards to the
satisfaction of the relevant Asset Owner. A person remains
competent if refresher training is undertaken as required to
maintain valid and current certification.

Standard No.: HSE-OS-ST-06 Version No.: 02 Effective date: February 2020 Page 7 of 37
ADNOC Classification: Internal

HSE Management System

HSE Operational Safety Standards
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS) Standard (WMS)

Terms Description

Concurrent Work Activities Two or more activities occurring at the same time without any
potential for conflict (e.g. mechanical work and instrument work)

Contractor Any person or company employed under contract (irrespective

of period of contract or employment).

Control Prevention of hazard being released (including elimination or

avoidance of the hazard) or containment of the hazardous event.

Employee Any individual who carries out duties or actions specified by an

employer for which the individual receives remuneration from
the employer. For the purposes of this Standard, the employer
is the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) and its Group

e-PTW The electronic application of PTW System.

Equipment /Tools The mobile machinery, plant, equipment, vehicles and other
hand or power tools to be used to carry out the job.

Hazard Anything with the potential to cause injury, ill health, damage to
property or the environment.

Hazardous Area Classification (HAC) A three-dimensional space in which a flammable atmosphere

may be expected to be present at such frequencies as to require
special precautions for the control of potential ignition sources
including fixed electrical equipment. Each ADNOC Group
Company shall have their hazardous area classifications
respective to their business.

Zone 0: That part of a hazardous area in which a flammable

atmosphere is continuously present or present for long periods.

Zone 1: That part of a hazardous area in which a flammable

atmosphere is likely to occur in normal operation.

Zone 2: That part of a hazardous area in which a flammable

atmosphere is not likely to occur in normal operation and if it
occurs will exist only for a short period.

Non-hazardous areas: Areas of a plant that do not fall into the

definitions of Zone 0, 1, 2, 20, 21 or 22.

HSECES HSECES is defined as parts of an installation and such of its

structures, plant equipment and systems (including computer
programmes) or any part thereof, the failure of which cause or
contribute substantially to; or a purpose of which is to prevent or

Standard No.: HSE-OS-ST-06 Version No.: 02 Effective date: February 2020 Page 8 of 37
ADNOC Classification: Internal

HSE Management System

HSE Operational Safety Standards
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS) Standard (WMS)

Terms Description

limit the effect of a major accident or any accident with severe

or catastrophic consequences (as per ADNOC RAM).

Impact Contour The distance (meters, feet) between the hazard initiating activity
and the other activity. The orientation (vertical, horizontal, etc.)
of the hazard impact contour should exclude the other activity.

Initial Job Analysis Initial Job Analysis is part of IWAP process. This initial
assessment classifies the proposed work scope according to
their nature of work i.e. Critical, Hot Work or General work to
determine the permit type, level of Job Safety Analysis,
supporting certificates, need for Permit Endorsers (specialist
signatories or interface authorities) and requirement of isolations
and temporary defeats, etc. IRA is done in alignment with ‘Work
Categorization Chart’.

IWAP process provides a set of comprehensive rolling plans

Integrated Work Activity Planning
which results in the formation of weekly and daily detailed
schedules for execution of the work requests.

A person whom works under the direction of Performing

Authority (PA) and accepts the worksite as safe to commence
Job Performers (JPs)
work. He communicates the hazards, permit controls and
conditions to other work party members or a group or personnel.

Location of Work The precise area where the work is to be performed.

Manual of Permitted Operations The SIMOPS Matrix or MOPO (Manual of Permitted Operations)
(MOPO) or SIMOPS Matrix is a visual tool which has been previously developed through
appropriate Job Safety Analysis (JSA). Such JSAs might be
carried out as multi-disciplinary activities in a risk workshop
manner by the relevant businesses.

Method Statement A detailed description of the sequence of maintenance/

engineering and / or operations tasks required to complete
specified work.

Permit Acceptance A Work Permit issued by the Permit Issuer (PI) to the Job
Performer (JP).

Permit Control Facility (PCF) The physical location at which Permits are issued and their
status displayed

Permit Endorsers (PE) PE are personnel who are affected/ impacted by activities
described in work permits (other than IA, JP, HRA and PI of the
same permit) or personnel whose expertise may be necessary
for defining / approving controls. PE review of the work scope

Standard No.: HSE-OS-ST-06 Version No.: 02 Effective date: February 2020 Page 9 of 37
ADNOC Classification: Internal

HSE Management System

HSE Operational Safety Standards
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS) Standard (WMS)

Terms Description

and the controls identified to mitigate interface / concurrent

activities and agree that the work described may be carried out
during the proposed period.

Permit Issuer (PI) A competent person appointed in writing by the Asset Owner
and responsible for monitoring the safety of an area and the
assets within it, and providing clearance to work in that area at
any particular time. In Operations Department, this will normally
be the Outside Area Operator. For non-operational areas, the PI
is appointed by the Asset Owner for that particular area
(Maintenance, Engineering or Construction or Electrical).

Permit to Work (PTW) The form of declaration issued by AA to JP that states the nature
of the work to be undertaken, the period during which the work
may take place and the precautions to be taken.

PTW System An integral part of work management system and means of

providing the formal written instructions, and authorization to the
personnel carrying out potentially hazardous work or a defined
job in a hazardous environment, or both.

Restricted Areas Restricted areas are defined based on the potential risk due to
existence of Hydrocarbon / Toxic Gases, chemicals,
electrocution etc. The restricted areas would be defined by Each
Group Company respective to their business.

Risk Reflects the likelihood (probability) of occurring hazard

eventuating and its severity (consequence of the event). Risk is
the product of the two, i.e., likelihood x severity = risk.

Risk Assessment The documented process of identifying the hazards associated

with the work to be done (Activity) and specifying the controls
required to reduce the risk to a level “As Low as Reasonably
Practicable” (ALARP).

Risk Assessment Matrix (RAM) A matrix used during risk assessment to define the various
levels of risk based on its consequences and probability of

SIMOPS Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS) are activities that take

place at the same time and meet the following conditions:

• Activities that are located in the same area; and

Standard No.: HSE-OS-ST-06 Version No.: 02 Effective date: February 2020 Page 10 of 37
ADNOC Classification: Internal

HSE Management System

HSE Operational Safety Standards
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS) Standard (WMS)

Terms Description

• Activities that could directly or indirectly potentially affect the

safe performance of the another activity (e.g. Breaking
Containment and Hot Work)

Shall A mandatory requirement.

Should A recommendation to be followed.

Suspension Temporary invalidation of a permit for a period during which the

work shall not proceed.

Tool Box Talk (TBT) Tool Box Talk (TBT) is a short safety briefing which shall be
given at the work site to all work party involved in the work
controlled by the PTW/Certificate immediately prior to
commencing the job. TBT shall be given by JP.

Standard No.: HSE-OS-ST-06 Version No.: 02 Effective date: February 2020 Page 11 of 37
ADNOC Classification: Internal

HSE Management System

HSE Operational Safety Standards
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS) Standard (WMS)


In this section, the role of the SIMOPS Coordinator within the SIMOPS process is described together with
the specific responsibilities and accountabilities.
For proper harmonization of the SIMOPS process across ADNOC Group, all Businesses should adopt
the common terminology for naming of roles and understanding of their responsibilities and
The ultimate success of SIMOPS process depends on the competence and awareness of the people
carrying out the activities. A sound understanding of permit or SIMOPS requirements and their own
responsibilities will enable safe operations and prevent accidents.

Role Responsibility & Competency

SC is an essential role when simultaneous operations are involved or where the
Coordinator (SC)
concurrent activities involve work groups or disciplines with separate HSE
Management Systems.
This role is required to ensure full single point coordination of any simultaneously
occurring operations where additional controls are required including flawless
communications to ensure that all risks are managed to ALARP at the execution
The SC role is a temporary role where the person is appointed for the duration
of the concurrent operations. SC shall be a competent person appointed by the
Asset Owner in control of the worksite and should be at Supervisory or
Management level in a facility with detailed knowledge of the asset and where
two functions or business groups are involved.
Note: The SC is not a separate personnel / designation but a role within the
process. Asset Owner can appoint competent personnel to fulfil the SC role.
 Confirming controls are effectively implemented as per SIMOPS
Management Plan / applicable MOPOs and Bridging or interface
 Validating effectiveness of controls;
 Conducting a pre-operations site Hazard Assessment identifying
situation specific risk mitigation actions required;
 Familiarizing involved personnel with tasks to be performed and with
communication lines;
 Holding safety briefings to communicate safety and emergency
response measures to personnel;
 Participate in daily planning (IWAP) meetings;
 Deciding upon activity priorities in the event of conflict using the
SIMOPS tools such as MOPO matrix and Restriction tables;
 Enforcing Permit to Work System and signing as Permit Endorsers;
 Overseeing accurate handover procedures for working areas and
The competence requirements for a person in a SC role are as follows:

Standard No.: HSE-OS-ST-06 Version No.: 02 Effective date: February 2020 Page 12 of 37
ADNOC Classification: Internal

HSE Management System

HSE Operational Safety Standards
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS) Standard (WMS)

Role Responsibility & Competency

 Knowledge and experience regarding the management of SIMOPS or
concurrent activity situations.
 Knowledge and experience with the construct of MOPOs and
restriction tables and their use.
 Proven experience as a supervisor demonstrating capability to lead
extended work teams, to coordinate planning and oversee the safe
execution of activities.
 Full understanding of all steps and roles & responsibilities in the
ADNOC PTW process including the functioning of the IWAP process,
the Daily PTW Planning Meeting, the role of Job Safety Analysis (JSA)
in PTW and its linkage to Permit Category, approval processes for
PTW and Permit Issuing and closure steps.
 Knowledge, understanding and experience in implementation /
application of the standards for Safe Isolation and De-Isolation
necessary to undertake intrusive work on process equipment with
knowledge of all isolation methods and practices within ADNOC.
 Ability in the application of the standards for Management of Temp.
 Ability and proven capability to lead SIMOPS Job Safety Analysis
(JSA), experience in using the Hierarchy of Controls to identify
SIMOPS controls necessary to reduce risks to ALARP.
 Knowledge and experience in the implementation of site emergency
response plans, etc.

Standard No.: HSE-OS-ST-06 Version No.: 02 Effective date: February 2020 Page 13 of 37
ADNOC Classification: Internal

HSE Management System

HSE Operational Safety Standards
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS) Standard (WMS)




Simultaneous operations where all the activities involved have been previously identified and the controls
documented and their execution covered by existing, approved written instructions or procedures (or
Procedure Checklists).
Each Group Company shall identify the Routine SIMOPS applicable within their respective business and
document the same via use of SIMOPS matrix or otherwise termed Manuals of Permitted Operations
(MOPO) matrix and Restrictions Table.
The following requirements shall be applicable:
(i) The MOPO Matrix / Restriction Table shall be approved by Asset Owner;

(ii) The MOPO Matrix / Restriction Table shall be reviewed and approved in case of any
changes / modifications; and

(iii) The approved MOPO Matrix / Restriction Table shall be readily available in the Permit
Control Facility /Control Room or other designated area.

Please refer to Section 7.2 and 7.2.3 for more details on development of MOPO Matrix and Restrictions


This category applies to SIMOPS not covered by existing JSA/formal risk assessment and procedures.
Such combination of work activities shall require a specific risk evaluation undertaken by appropriate
subject matter experts to identify control measures which shall be approved by management at an
appropriate level in accordance with the assessment of residual risk.
Non-routine or ‘occasional’ SIMOPS can occur in the case of maintenance and/or modification works
within the units of an existing facility or in the case of installation (or construction) of a new facility within
the vicinity of an existing operating facility. SIMOPS in these instances could be interactions of activities
in operations, maintenance, installation and construction.
It is important to remember that certain activities even within one single operation or construction
undertaking could inflict hazards on other activities within the same operation or construction unless a
holistic risk assessment is already in place. Accordingly, a SIMOPS Workshop shall be conducted. This
exercise in SIMOPS workshop caters for concurrent operations to be addressed as well as concurrent
activities with a single operation.
Please refer to Appendix 5: Guidance for SIMOPS Workshop and Appendix 6: Guidance on SIMOPS
Team Member for more details
For non- routine SIMOPS, the following shall be required as a minimum:
(i) Providing an overview of the background for performing the planned operation and purpose
of the planned operation;

Standard No.: HSE-OS-ST-06 Version No.: 02 Effective date: February 2020 Page 14 of 37
ADNOC Classification: Internal

HSE Management System

HSE Operational Safety Standards
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS) Standard (WMS)

(ii) Identifying other activities planned during the same period that may introduce a higher risk;

(iii) Identifying other limitations or restrictions that may be imposed on the planned operations;

(iv) Identifying circumstances (for example, weather) that may affect planned operations; and

(v) Undertaking a formal risk assessment with appropriate teams of operational, engineering
and specialists (where required) personnel with the purpose of identifying the steps to reduce
all risks to ALARP. The inputs for formal risk assessment shall be detailed activity plans for
the concurrent operations, Hazard Identification (HAZID) exercise for the SIMOPS Activities,
Risk Analysis of the concluded hazards, Impact Contours of the hazards and schedules of
the concurrent activities (SIMOPS).



The SIMOPS Matrix or MOPO (Manual of Permitted Operations) is a visual tool which has been previously
developed through a formal risk assessment. Such risk assessments are carried out as multi-disciplinary
activities in a risk workshop manner by the relevant businesses. They aim to identify all potential hazards
and the controls necessary to mitigate the risks and document this information. Such documentation
brings together the collection of field activities and situations into matrix sheets which describe whether
certain combinations of activities carried out concurrently can add risks to safe operations and, in the
extreme, where the added risk is unacceptable and requires prohibiting undertaking the combination of
activities or prohibiting undertaking an activity in the presence of certain external influences.
A SIMOPS matrix or MOPO matrix is constructed from existing documents and procedures including the
Group Company specific HSE documents namely Impact Assessment Studies, bow-ties, maintenance
and operating procedures together with applicable HSE standards and regulations.
All activities must be plotted on the matrix for each simultaneous combination. Restriction tables are
applied for every matrix point and all controls outlined must be applied. Any restriction that cannot be met
shall be managed through the SIMOPS deviation and approval form.
All SIMOPS should be managed through deviation process and utilize formal risk assessment for each
specific case. The SIMOPS Restrictions Tables provides guidance for reaching ALARP. Supervisory
judgment and a formal Risk Assessment may be required to confirm safe operations.
Please refer to Appendix 7: SIMOPS Deviation Request and Approval Form.
A SIMOPS matrix will identify “Routine” combinations, i.e. previously encountered and fully risk assessed
concurrent operational activities or situations. Where a combination has not been previously encountered
or risk- assessed and therefore the controls for mitigating the SIMOPS risks have not been identified, this
will be classified as “Non-Routine SIMOPS”.
Please refer to Section 7.1 for more details on Routine and Non-Routine SIMOPS.
Please refer to Appendix 3 for SIMOPS / MOPO matrix and Restrictions Table template.

Standard No.: HSE-OS-ST-06 Version No.: 02 Effective date: February 2020 Page 15 of 37
ADNOC Classification: Internal

HSE Management System

HSE Operational Safety Standards
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS) Standard (WMS)


Separate matrices may be constructed for the below several categories of concurrent activities deemed
(i) Operations specific;

(ii) Adverse Weather & Environment specific;

(iii) HSECES Impairment specific; and

(iv) Equipment Unavailability.

However, it is at the discretion of Group Company to ascertain whether to use a single SIMOPS matrix
which combines all the above matrices above or have set of individuals’ matrices.


The SIMOPS Restrictions Tables list the activity restrictions for managing conflicts between activities
identified on the SIMOPS Matrix as "Restricted," and act as a supplement to the matrix. When a
combination of activities is classified as restricted and depicted by a yellow box, the SIMOPS Restrictions
Tables are to be consulted for guidance related to that particular combination of activities to be conducted.
Restriction Table criteria shall be assessed and enhanced if circumstances are not favorable and would
increase the risk (for example, wind direction could extend the distance vapor travels).
SIMOPS Restriction Tables provide structured guidance to achieving ALARP and confirm appropriate
level of approval. All "Restricted" SIMOPS activities should have an appropriate JSA conducted and
attached to Deviation Request Form for approval. Asset Owner Representatives shall review and approve
the deviation approval form confirming that the mitigation controls or steps are "fit for purpose" for the
activities to be conducted at the facility.
Note: Some restrictions involve situations that are prohibited. No deviations are allowed from prohibited


The SIMOPS Matrix Decision Tree provided pictorially below should be utilized at several occasions in
the PTW process to ascertain SIMOPS. The decision tree facilitates the planning/ scheduling SIMOPs
activities during daily PTW meeting (IWAP), permit authorization by Area Authority, permit issuance by
Permit Issuer (PI) and revalidation of the permits.
Three basic categories are identified in a SIMOPS Matrix or MOPO:
(i) Allowed combinations of operations (Green)

(ii) Restricted combinations with appropriate controls (Yellow)

(iii) Prohibited combinations (Red)

The decision tree governing this part of the process may be represented as per the following flow chart:

Standard No.: HSE-OS-ST-06 Version No.: 02 Effective date: February 2020 Page 16 of 37
ADNOC Classification: Internal

HSE Management System

HSE Operational Safety Standards
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS) Standard (WMS)


Hierarchy of Controls
As with all HSE risk management processes, the application of the Hierarchy of Controls shall be required
to ensure that the risks are managed to ALARP. In the case of SIMOPS, efforts shall be made to remove
hazards by eliminating the need to execute the activities or by sequencing the activities or by undertaking
the activity when the operation has been shut down, etc.

Standard No.: HSE-OS-ST-06 Version No.: 02 Effective date: February 2020 Page 17 of 37
ADNOC Classification: Internal

HSE Management System

HSE Operational Safety Standards
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS) Standard (WMS)

Identification of HSE Controls

For Routine SIMOPS, when reducing the risks to ALARP requires the application of HSE controls, these
can be identified via the use of the SIMOPS Matrices (MOPOs) in combination with a set of accompanying
SIMOPS Restrictions Tables. When using the SIMOPS Matrices and Restriction Tables, ADNOC
Businesses shall ensure that their personnel understand the following important principles:
(i) The SIMOPS Matrix is designed as a reference tool, not as a stand-alone tool and must be
used in conjunction with the SIMOPS Restrictions Tables. It is required that each ADNOC
Business develop Restriction Tables for each of their SIMOPS Matrices.

(ii) When evaluating the simultaneous execution of more than two activities, every combination
of two activities must be evaluated on the SIMOPS Matrix and the combination that yields
the most restrictive SIMOPS classification is the classification to be applied for the planned

(iii) Restriction Table criteria must be assessed and increased if external circumstances are not
favourable and would increase the risk. An example could be that wind direction would
extend the distance vapour travels.

(iv) SIMOPS Matrices (MOPOs) do not cover every possible situation or activity undertaken
within an asset and, under no circumstances, should it be interpreted that anything not
specifically prohibited, or not covered in a MOPO, is automatically allowed.

Standard No.: HSE-OS-ST-06 Version No.: 02 Effective date: February 2020 Page 18 of 37
ADNOC Classification: Internal

HSE Management System

HSE Operational Safety Standards
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS) Standard (WMS)


The framework for the management of SIMOPS is described in four stages:

(i) Identification phase: Identify SIMOPS and undertake Job Safety Analysis (JSA).

(ii) Preparation phase: Identify & Approve Controls and form plan including resources for
management of SIMOPS risks to ALARP.

(iii) Execution phase: Implement SIMOPS controls through integrated coordination of operations.

(iv) Review phase: After Action Review (AAR) of SIMOPS management and update of
management documentation including SIMOPS matrices.

Please refer to ‘Appendix 1: SIMOPS Workflow’ for a detailed workflow of various activities and decisions
falling under the process.



This phase involves identifying the hazards arising as a result of SIMOPS and evaluating the
consequence of failures. It includes identifying whether proposed concurrent operations or activities fall
under a classification of Routine or Non-Routine and where a combination is not permitted or restricted.
Circumstances where concurrent activities or operations occur with a potential to compromise safe
operations can be generally grouped into three categories:
(i) Simultaneous operations (SIMOPs) where (large) work parties under different management
structures carry out work which results in hazards that may impact the other. Examples
include concurrence of activities such as removal or overhaul of equipment and / or
production and / or construction and / or drilling together in the same area;

(ii) Presence of inactive or impaired safeguards. Examples include HSE Critical Equipment and
Systems (ESD or firefighting systems) being unavailable or impaired whilst an operation is

(iii) Threats posed by external influences on Operations. Examples include circumstances

where extreme weather, visibility or security issues may add unacceptable risk to particular
operational activities.

The IWAP (Integrated Work Activity Planning) Team shall review the scope of work requests received
and identify the potential for SIMOPS using SIMOPS Matrix.



(a) SIMOPS Management Plan

This step includes preparation of a SIMOPS Management Plan that shall include the following elements:

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Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS) Standard (WMS)

(i) Description of the operation, the work to be performed and timing (including sequencing)

(ii) Identification of additional supervision and technical support required during the operation,
including coordinating responsibility and allocation of responsibilities;

(iii) Safety, health, environmental, security, and regulatory requirements;

(iv) Job Safety Analysis of the planned operation, relevant MOPO and Restrictions Table
information; and

(v) Description of requirements for equipment, tools, materials, communication, and safety
equipment to be used.

Where required the SIMOPS Management Plan should consider the following:
(vi) Requirement for specific qualifications and training of personnel involved and identification
of any extra personnel;

(vii) Interfaces with other operations including commercial aspects (where required the Manual
of Permitted Operations guidelines and interfaces may be defined in bridging documents
approved by the Asset Owner or Representative);

(viii) Protection and detection systems and their interconnection;

(ix) Emergency preparedness measures and alternative plans;

(x) Principle of staggering (separation of activities to prevent their interaction); and

(xi) Requirements for work permits and Isolation Certificates – these will include approval or
endorsement signatures from any Affected Parties/ Affected Asset Owner Rep.

Note: For further guidance on bridging / interface document, please refer to Appendix 4.
(b) Site Coordination Roles, Organization and Communication

The appointment of SIMOPS Coordinator (SC) is an essential activity to enable full single point
coordination of any simultaneous occurring operations where additional controls are required including
flawless communications and to ensure that all risks are managed to ALARP at the execution stage. SC
shall also verify the adequacy and completeness of SIMOPS Management Plan.
The discipline that maintains overall primary control of the worksite is determined by the discipline that
holds the greatest risk. Usually the SC would be one of the functional supervisors although, in some
cases where the scope is more complex, a dedicated competent and authorized personnel might be
required. Safety systems shall be checked by relevant stakeholders periodically at agreed intervals
throughout the duration of SIMOPS.
Please refer to Section 6: Roles and Responsibilities for further details on SC.
Note 1: SC is not a separate designation but a role in the SIMOPS process with defined roles and
responsibilities. Asset Owner can appoint competent personnel to fulfil the SC role.

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Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS) Standard (WMS)

Note 2: Any activity, whether essential or not, should be stopped when the level of risk exceeds the
maximum acceptable level or when the operations are disrupted, with the exception of activities related
to restoring safe conditions. An authorized and competent appointed SC should have the experience to
make such judgements.
Note 3: During normal operations, the Area Authority (AA) shall be the SIMOPS Coordinator. The
responsibilities and competencies defined for SIMOPS Coordinator in the Section 6: Roles and
Responsibilities shall be applicable for Area Authority to be appointed as SIMOPS coordinator.
During the entire duration of the operations it is vital that a Site Emergency Response Plan is effectively
in place. Such a plan has to be achieved via the full integration between the various emergency response
procedures already in place (e.g. Rig/ Platform/ Construction Site Emergency Procedures/ Facility
Response Plans).
Methods of communication shall be clearly established between all work parties during the planning of
any SIMOPS activity.
(c) Other Pre-Execution Preparation Activities

Prior to commencing SIMOPS, there should be a survey of the existing site or facility by the appointed
SC and involved parties (Examples: affected Asset Managers - Construction Manager, Commissioning
Manager, Operations, Contractor Management or Engineering) to verify the aspects of the operation,
confirm emergency procedures and identify any constraints and/or limitations and conflicting activities.
Requirements for shutting down work in affected areas should also be reviewed. On the basis of a site
review, revisions or modifications may be recommended to the SIMOPS management plan.
Applicable Incident Management drills should also be conducted prior to commencing SIMOPS


Once the planning of the operation is confirmed and the detailed program and/or procedures approved,
every effort shall be extended to mobilize equipment and personnel to meet and achieve the schedule.
This section describes guidelines for the execution of routine or non-routine simultaneous operations,
including prestart verification and preparation for execution.


SIMOPS Coordinator (SC) shall have a SIMOPS document containing:

(i) The applicable Matrix of Permitted Operations (MOPO);

(ii) One common Emergency Response Plan (ERP) applicable for the work activities;

(iii) Asset equipment or Activity spacing requirements;

(iv) Site layout diagram that includes Muster Points and functional work zones if applicable;

(v) Details of SIMOPS Impact Contours;

(vi) Details of environmental conditions (wind direction, etc.) that might support a “detour” of the
hazard impact in a manner that safeguards the other operation;

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(vii) Other activities-specific conditions that will devoid the “contour” element of its effective

(viii) Up-to-date details of activities conducted; and

(ix) Details of Communication system between SC and other Business Functions on location.

Note: Refer to PTW standard, Section ‘Worksite Handover / Suspension / Extension” for more details on
transfer of accountabilities during handover process.
Prior to starting SIMOPS, the SC shall:
(i) Confirm that all controls are effectively implemented as specified in the SIMOPS
Management Plan or derived from the applicable MOPO classifications, Restrictions Tables
and (where applicable) Bridging or interface Documents. SC shall first work with all the
relevant Functional Supervisors (i.e. supervisors in charge of the areas identified as
presenting concurrent operational risks) responsible for the work activities to ensure site
hazards are identified and controls implemented. The Functional Supervisors shall validate
the effectiveness of controls following the MOPO / Restrictions Tables and consult with the
SC if not covered in an existing MOPO.

(ii) Ensure Dynamic Risk Assessment is conducted to identify any further situation specific risk
mitigation actions required; and

(iii) Hold a safety discussion and briefing to communicate any safety and emergency response
measures to the personnel involved in the operation.

Site safety meetings for SIMOPS exercise shall be arranged in advance of the start-up of SIMOPS
activities to allow sufficient time for personnel to become familiar with procedures and to carry out any
remedial actions if required. In such SIMOPS safety discussions with involved personnel, the following
items shall be covered:
(i) Scope, purpose, and objectives;

(ii) Review of operational details;

(iii) Procedures and instructions;

(iv) Emergency preparedness and contingency plans;

(v) Utilization of safety equipment and protective clothing;

(vi) Hazardous chemicals;

(vii) Individual responsibilities;

(viii) Management of the operations;

(ix) Communication lines; and

(x) Any other item important for the operation.

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Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS) Standard (WMS)

SIMOPS Coordinator shall:

(i) Review, approve and sign all paper or electronic permits for the worksite (in SIMOPS
instances only) as the Permit Endorser (PE) for Non-Routine SIMOPS;

(ii) Ensure permit status board in Permit Control Facility (PCF) is maintained up to date showing
open (live) permits and ensuring closed permits are removed;

(iii) Maintain rigorous oversight of all SIMOPS work activities and ensure that all workers on a
SIMOPS worksite have received a site-specific orientation that includes the information
regarding the current SIMOPS activities; and

(iv) Ensure Emergency Response Plans are in place and understood.

Further requirement that should be on-site as required:

(i) Signage at the site entrance that includes the name of the SC, contact phone number and

(ii) A Permit Board or equivalent system; and

(iii) Controlled access system for the site applicable for level of activity and risk.


During the duration of SIMOPS execution, SIMOPS Coordinator (SC) shall be responsible to:
(i) Facilitate a daily SIMOPS Planning Meeting to review planned tasks utilizing the MOPO;

(ii) Ensure conflicts due to scope, complexity and proximity have been adequately addressed
before any work commences;

(iii) Ensure that all hand over accountabilities between SIMOPS parties are documented; and

(iv) Ensure that all communication lines and means are, at all times, tested and effective.

Proper communication must be established among all personnel involved in SIMOPS involving such
means as intercom or radios. Further, SC shall ensure that a personnel manifest or roster is available
and up-to date. SC shall communicate with responsible personnel from the various operations to discuss
the expected activities at the commencement of work, at the beginning of each shift and at other times
during the operation as conditions require or to resolve any conflicts due to SIMOPS. Emergency
Response Procedure shall include the SIMOPS activities and their impact with indicative escape routes
whilst any emergency.

SC shall:
(i) Communicate to all Functional on-site representatives / supervisors and document when
transferring SC duties to new SC; and

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(ii) Document and report on any safety incidents including near miss incidents related to a
SIMOPS activity.

Note: Refer to PTW standard, Section ‘Worksite Handover / Suspension / Extension” for more details on
transfer of accountabilities during handover process.


Upon completion of the operations involving SIMOPS, it is recommended to conduct an After Action
Review (AAR) which shall be initiated by the Asset Owner Rep. The feedback obtained in such a review
would include:
(i) Review of any incidents and near misses to identify lessons to be learnt for safer execution;

(ii) Identifying improvements to the effectiveness of the SIMOPS Management Process;

(iii) Inputs for required periodic reviews of SIMOPS Management Standard; and

(iv) Any interim actions requiring an urgent documented Management of Change.


No. KPI Targets

1. A SIMOPS matrix or otherwise termed 100%
Manuals of Permitted Operations (MOPO)
matrix and Restrictions Table are
2. A SIMOPS Restriction Table are in place 100%
and available to manage SIMOPS
activities and ensure restrictions is
adhered to.
3. A SIMOPS Coordinator is identified and 100%
available for Non-Routine SIMOPS
activities. .
4. All "Restricted" SIMOPS activities have an 100%
appropriate JSA/ Formal Risk Assessment
conducted and attached to an approved
Deviation Request Form.

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(i) ADNOC Group Company Procedures

(ii) ADNOC COP: Management of Change

Note: When applying or implementing this standard, adherence shall be required with all other
ADNOC Standards and Recommended Practices. This WMS standard shall be read and used in
conjunction with other WMS Standards, WMS Framework as well as ADNOC HSE Operations
Safety Standards.

Note: To support WMS process, each Group Company shall identify and reference their other
internal procedures.


(i) International Best Practices

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Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)


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Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)


Below is an illustrative SIMOPS Matrix listing a breakdown of activities on X and Y axis which shall be
used to determine whether SIMOPS is allowed (A), prohibited or not allowed (P) or restricted with
additional controls (R) provided as part of Restrictions Table.
Each Group Company shall prepare SIMOPS Matrix and Restrictions Table of the routine activities in
their respective business. Please refer to Section 7.1 for detailed requirements.


Note: This matrix shall be used in conjunction with the

Restrictions Table.
Activity 1.1
Activity 1.2
Activity 1.3
Activity 1.4
Activity 1.5
Activity 1.6
Activity 1.7
Activity 1.8
Activity 2.1
Activity 2.2
Activity 2.3
Activity 2.4
Activity 2.5
Activity 2.6
Activity 2.7
Activity 2.8
Activity 3.1
Activity 3.2
Activity 3.3
Activity 3.4
Activity 3.5
Activity 3.6
Activity 3.7
Activity 3.8
Activity 1.1 A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Activity 1.2 B R 2 R SIMOPS Restricted
Activity 1.3 C R R 3 P SIMOPS Prohibited
Activity 1.4 D R R A 4 A SIMOPS Allowed
Activity 1.5 E R R R R 5 X Not Applicable
Activity 1.6 F R R P R R 6
Activity 1.7 G R R R R R R 7
Activity 1.8 H R R R R A P P 8
Activity 2.1 I R R R R R R R R 9
Activity 2.2 J R R R R R R R A R 10
Activity 2.3 K R R P P R R R R R R 11
Activity 2.4 L R R P P R R R R R A R 12
Activity 2.5 M R R R R R R R R R R R R 13
Activity 2.6 N R R R R R R R R R R R A R 14
Activity 2.7 O R R R R R R R R R P R R R A 15
Activity 2.8 P R R A A A A A R R R R R R R R 16
Activity 3.1 Q R R R R R R R R R R R P R P P R 17
Activity 3.2 R R R R A R R A R A R R R R R R R R 18
Activity 3.3 S R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R A R R 19
Activity 3.4 T R P R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R 20
Activity 3.5 U R P R R R R R R A A A A A A R R X P X R 21
Activity 3.6 V R R P R R R R R R R R R R R R R R P R R R 22
Activity 3.7 W R P P R R R R R R R R A A A R R X P R A R R 23
Activity 3.8 X R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R A R 24

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Guidance for Restriction Table

Below is an illustrative example of ‘Restrictions Table’ depicting the additional controls requirements such
as distances between the 2 activities, permit types, permit endorsers and other controls to be put in place
prior to commencement of work.

Activity 1.2 conducted within XX metres of Activity 1.1 is restricted.
Permit type: Critical
Permit Endorsers: Fire Chief
Additional Controls: Confined Space Certificate.
. .
. .
. .
Bn .
Activity 1.3 conducted concurrent to Activity 1.1 is restricted within XX metres.
Permit type: General
Permit Endorsers: Adjacent Area Authority (AA)
Additional Controls: N/A
. .
. .
. .
Cn .
Performing Activity 1.4 is Prohibited while Activity 1.1 is occurring.
Work can only be performed when additional fire protection is readily available. Fire
protection shall be sufficient for the risk exposure as determined by a formal risk
D1 assessment.
Permit type: N/A
Permit Endorsers: Asset Owner
Additional Controls: N/A
. .
. .
. .
Dn .
. .
. .
. .
. .
nn .

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A bridging (or interface) document can be defined as: "a documented plan that defines how diverse
organisations agree on which safety management elements will be used when co-operating on a project,
contract or operation".
Bridging document is a useful tool to document how organisations, who have been contracted to work
together on a project or must jointly manage concurrent day-to-day work activities, will properly coordinate
their management activities especially where both have developed HSE Management Systems (HSEMS).
The document considered in this context is a generic document that can be tailored to individual situation
or business requirements although often there is a formal requirement within local legislation to create
such defined interface documents for projects or contracts.
The objective of a bridging document is to ensure that:
(i) Operations or projects are planned and conducted in line with both organisations' HSE
Management Systems (HSEMSs);

(ii) Organisations' HSEMS do not conflict with each other;

(iii) Where aspects of both organisations' HSEMSs are jointly used, the interfaces are well
defined and operable (that is, the identification of which components of the individual SMSs
will be used during the project, contract or operation).

Examples: During Well Operations two main HSEMS’s co-exist on the Site being an HSEMS of the E&P
entity which is the Production Operator and the HSEMS of the Rig Contractor which operates the Rig with
its personnel. There may be discrepancies between the two systems which are not desirable on the
same site and the purpose of the HSE Bridging Document is therefore to resolve such discrepancies and
to lay down the rules and procedures that will apply on the site.
Services Companies working on a site have their own HSEMSs but their personnel work under both the
Operator’s and Rig Contractor’s responsibilities and they are therefore required to adhere to the HSE
rules and procedures defined in the HSE Bridging document and in force on the Site.

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Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)


A SIMOPS Workshop should be a focussed session enabling a streamlined discussion proving tangible
outcomes such as detailed mitigation actions/controls required prior to commencement of SIMOPs, a
comprehensive SIMOPS schedule (Activity Sequence Form), etc.
A SIMOPS Workshop often involves attendees from different disciplines of the Stakeholders and
facilitated by someone from operations having proven experience in conducting such workshop.
Please refer to Appendix F: Guidance on SIMOPS Team Composition.
The SIMOPS is a semi-structured technique that is initially based on broad “What-if-Questionnaire”
focused on “Failure Probabilities” or “Concerns”. These failures and/or concerns could range from
technical aspects, works management, logistical requirements, etc. In view of such a wide spectrum of
probable topics to be addressed, the SIMOPS Team members needed could equally cover a wide range
of disciplines.
To conduct a comprehensive SIMOPS workshop, following aspects should be considered:
(i) Pre-requisites to workshop: SIMOPS Coordinator should collate all the relevant documents
(i.e. Work breakdown structure or Method Statement, Hazard contours of the activities, HSE
Cases, Bridging documents, etc.).

Note: Determining hazard contours is an attempt to identify the major hazards and the area
of their boundaries. Hazard contours need to be worked-out prior to the workshop as they
serve as an input to SIMOPS workshops. Determining some of the hazard contours might
require calculations; e.g. gas dispersion contours; or investigations; e.g. crane coverage
contours, etc.
(ii) SIMOPS Workshop - should be conducted with relevant personnel competent to focus on
the following aspects:

1. Identification of hazards (HAZID) for all the activities planned under SIMOPs.

2. Determining Impact Contours (for the interface of activities).

3. Estimating Risk Ratings (in accordance with ADNOC RAM Matrix I.e. High, Medium-
High, Medium or Low).

4. Risk Management i.e. reducing the risk to ALARP by sequential/staggering the

operations or addition of alternative controls documented in a formal risk assessment
or JSA.

Note: A separate pre-workshop might be required to determine the impact contours

for final conclusion during the SIMOPS workshops.

The “tools” to identify the Impact Contours depend on the type of the hazard. These
could be retrieved from any or a combination of the following resources:

 Engineering calculations (Gas Dispersion, Thermal Radiation, etc.),

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 Equipment/Material Data Sheets (Tower Crane Jib angle and area of coverage,
Chemical Vapours, etc.),

 Other HSE Assessments such as QRA, FRA, etc.,

 Anticipation and guesstimates (welding sparks, sand/shot-blast contours, etc.),

 Control Philosophy

 Operability Studies

 Other resources as applicable

(iii) Outcomes of the SIMOPS Workshop – it shall provide the Asset Owner with the following:

1. List of actions/mitigation measure required to be in place prior to commencement of


2. Comprehensive SIMOPS schedule.

As per leading practice, the SIMOPS schedule should be calendar based and provide hourly details. This
enables appropriate staggering of operations resulting in minimal delays to overall project timelines.

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For preparing a complete MOPO in a facility, an appropriate team comprising of relevant personnel should
be formed to formally assess the risks and hazards associated with the activities and combinations of
activities performed on the site.
A SIMOPS Coordinator shall be responsible to organize, invite and lead the SIMOPS workshop.
As per the nature of SIMOPS, the SIMOPS team should comprise of the following disciplines/personnel:
(i) Project Manager

(ii) HSE Discipline

(iii) Process Discipline

(iv) Piping Discipline

(v) Electrical Discipline

(vi) Mechanical Discipline

(vii) Civil/Structural Discipline

(viii) Instrumentation and Control Discipline

(ix) Operation Representative

(x) Construction & Commissioning Managers

Note: If the SIMOPS is not related to the area of the personnel above, they should be excluded as
The following further discipline/personnel are recommended to be present as and when required:
(i) Logistics

(ii) Administration

(iii) Rotating Equipment

(iv) Static Equipment

(v) Materials Specialist

(vi) Rigging Specialist

(vii) Other Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)

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SIMOPS Matrix and Restrictions table provide controls required to conduct the work activity safely. In
certain situations, deviations may be warranted from the controls listed in Restrictions Tables. The
deviation approval form shall be utilized to obtain appropriate approvals.
Completion of Deviation Approval Form:
Guidance to fill out the deviation request form is as follows:
(i) Section 1 – Deviation Request Application:

The personnel who requests the deviation shall be the Applicant and provide the following
details in Section 1 of the form.

1. Location;

2. Expected Duration of Deviation (start and finish date and time);

3. SIMOPS Matrix Reference Point (for which deviation is requested);

4. Associated Permits/Certificates;

5. Supporting documents and attachments;

6. Description of SIMOPS activities;

7. Description of Deviation;

8. Reason / Rationale for deviation; and

9. Specify additional controls measures (as applicable).

Note: A formal risk assessment might be required to ensure additional controls in place are
adequate to reduce the risk to ALARP.

(ii) Section 2 – Deviation Approval:

The deviation request shall be reviewed and approved by Asset Owner. All deviation
approvals shall be time bound based on the work scope and the time validity provided by
the Asset Owner in the approval form.

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