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Although it seems circular

a. The money must be metallic
b. Money is accepted because it is accepted
c. Money was invented by economists
d. Money is not always worth
e. Money is always accepted
2. Foreign currencies were used since
a. The development of the West
b. Epicurus
c. Ancient Greece
d. primitive societies
e. Rome
3. It is said that money is a unit of account
a. Grows due to inflation
b. It is ordinal
c. Expresses the values of tangible goods
d. Express the values of other goods
e. You can count
4. In times of inflation
a. Prices of goods increase
b. It is convenient to be
c. It is convenient to have national currency
d. Production costs are lowered
e. We have less money
5. When calculating economically
a. Costs increase but also productivity
b. We lower costs
c. We compare costs and benefits
d. The utility is marginal for processes
e. Prices are not set
6. By withholding money you
a. Lowers your purchasing power
b. Reduces real estate prices
c. Retains purchasing power
d. Satisfies more immediate needs
e. Prices go up
7. No good will be as easily salable as
a. Actions
b. Property
c. Movable property
d. Bonuses
e. Money
8. Acquisitive power
a. Increases with inflation

9. In Foreign Powers
a. Increases the circulation of foreign currency
b. Lower the interest rate to maintain consumption
c. The quetzal knows its value as a reserve unit
d. Foreign currency cannot be trusted
e. You would exchange with quetzal and keep reserves

10. The money is

a. Saving
b. capital asset
c. consumer good
d. secondary good
e. An institution
11. To understand monetary economics we must first
a. Understand the nature of credit
b. Understand the nature of the exchange
c. Know what money is
d. Know the monetarist theory
e. Understand how central banking works
12. To facilitate the exchange of goods and services we need
a. Credit
b. Money
c. Credit instruments
d. An efficient central bank
e. A healthy economic policy
13. You don't need money
a. Bill Gates
b. Who owns great assets
c. Who protects their assets in bonds
d. Who transfers their assets to shares
e. Who lives isolated from others
14. A very small community can exchange
a. Every so often
b. Trusted
c. by barter
d. For vouchers
e. Elemental products

15. The price index allows

a. Increase demand
b. Calculate interest changes
c. Know the amount of the monetary mass
d. Indicate the direction in which purchasing power varies
e. Maintain prices

16. The average change in prices paid for……

a. The increase in the price of the currency
b. The consumer price index
c. ……
d. The variation of the monetary supply
e. The variation in circulation
17. In the fractional reserve system, banks…
a. The prestige of the central bank
b. The existence of the central bank as a lender
c. Government guarantee
d. Central bank safes
e. The relations of the central bank with other banks
18. We understand how deflation
a. The increase in price elasticities
b. The increase in the monetary supply
c. The increase in prices
d. The reduction in purchasing power
e. The reduction in the price level
19. If social groups grow
a. Increases the degree of specialization and currencies
b. Increases the degree of social dissatisfaction
c. The exchange moves to the use of credit cards
d. We lose the possibility of having free prices
e. Direction is required for your economy
20. Economies of scale
a. Increases production
b. Increases national wealth
c. They affect the loss of profitable businesses
d. Reduce the cost per unit produced
e. They are carried out only in production processes

21. One of the disadvantages of bartering is

a. Increases the dispersion of work
b. You can't save
c. It is hoarded too much
d. money is lost
e. Only the smartest exchange
22. Money serves as a medium of exchange when
a. It is a compulsory course
b. It is generally accepted
c. It is backed by gold
d. It is backed by silver
e. It is backed by the central bank
23. Menger's story about money indicates that
a. This is the result of a slow evolution of….
b. This is a process that dates back to the 19th century.
c. This was invented during the time of the Greeks.
d. This was invented in Roman times.
e. This should not have any support for its….
24. Money for Hayek is
a. A good of original nature
b. a neutral good
c. An example of spontaneous order
d. A social product
e. an abstract value
25. Cattle as money had advantages for societies
a. Closed
b. Developed
c. Nomads
d. western
e. sedentary
26. Thanks to the general suspension of the gold standard
a. The exchange rate must be regulated
b. The creation of credit to governments was stimulated
c. The interest rate increased
d. It was preferred to issue bills rather than coins
e. The amount of money available was reduced

27. It is not an important function but it is necessary and...

a. Charge commissions
b. Save reserves from foreign banks
c. Keep metals safe
d. Reduce the tax gap
e. Serve as a clearinghouse
28. Price controls arise from
a. Consumer abuse
b. The abuse of producers
c. The increase in imports
d. The existence of a market price
e. The existence of an official price
29. One of the reasons for the importance of metals
a. They are affected by the elements, so…
b. They are abundant
c. They are easy to remove
d. They are beautiful
e. They are heterogeneous
30. The function of money is
a. Increase the gap between poor and rich
b. Source of savings
c. Gain wealth
d. Make the exchange more economical
e. Serve as a measure of productivity
31. In direct exchange
a. The needs match
b. The needs do not match
c. One of the two parties loses
d. We use credit
e. We use money
32. The minted currency
a. It is equivalent to the check
b. It is the oldest
c. It is a relatively recent stage
d. It didn't last long
e. It has been used since the time of Abraham

33. One of the names of the central banks

a. Issuing bank
b. Bank of the Republic
c. backup bank
d. Backrest bench
e. government bank
34. The first bank to assume the position of central banks
a. The Bank of Guatemala
b. The Bank of England
c. The Bank of the United States of America
d. The Bank of Switzerland
e. The European Bank
35. The idea of having central banks in countries
a. The development of the free market
b. The initial success of the US Federal Reserve
c. The use of reserves by the European Union
d. Swiss bank address
e. Napoleon's Conquests
36. The only country in Latin America that does not have a central bank
a. Brazil
b. Guatemala
c. The Bolivian Republic of Venezuela
d. Mexico
e. Panama
37. The central bank for governments is among other things
a. The national budget administrator
b. Support for economic development
c. The most profitable bank in an economy
d. A control instrument
e. A correct way to manage public funds
38. One of the “specific” functions of the central bank is
a. Credit control
b. Metal Custody
c. gold custody
d. Right to issue money
e. budget regulator

39. One of the worst abuses of central banking has been

a. Open private banks as branches
b. Open numismatic museums
c. Elect politicians to executive positions
d. The indiscriminate issuance of banknotes at the behest of…….
e. Reduce local monetary emission
40. An important source of monetary expansion has been
a. Government credit
b. The metal backing
c. Approval of foreign banks
d. The purchase of gold
e. Credit reduction

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