Gerunds-and-Infintives (LÝ THUYẾT)

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By Chang Duyen
1. afford 11. decide 21. manage 31. remember
2. agree 12. demand 22. mean 32. seem
3. appear 13. deserve 23. need 33. struggle
4. arrange 14. expect 24. offer 34. swear
5. ask 15. dare 25. plan 35. threaten
6. attempt 16. fail 26. prepare 36. tend
7. beg 17. forget 27. pretend 37. volunteer
8. care 18. hesitate 28. promise 38. wait
9. claim 19. hope 29. refuse 39. want
10. consent 20. learn 30. regret 40. wish
S + V + object + to infinitive
1. advise 13. hire 25. teach 37. desire
2. allow 14. instruct 26. tell 38. direct
3. ask 15. invite 27. urge 39. explore
4. beg 16. need 28. want 40. provoke
5. cause 17. mean 29. warn 41. temp
6. challenge 18. intend 30. help 42. Teach,
7. convince 19. order 31. would you like explain, know,
8. dare 20. permit + to inf understand,
9. encourage 21. persuade 32. would prefer discover,
10. expect 22. remind 33. appoint consider, think,
11. forbid 23. require 34. charge believe + how
12. force 24. recommend 35. choose + to inf
36. compel
1. admit 15. excuse 29. miss 43. suggest
2. advise 16. finish 30. postpone 44. tolerate
3. anticipate 17. forget 31. prevent 45. understand
4. appreciate 18. forgive 32. practise 46. restrict
5. avoid 19. fancy 33. recall * can’t bear, can’t
6. complete 20. imagine 34. recollect stand, can’t help
7. consider 21. involve 35. recommend
8. delay 22. include 36. regret * it is no use, it is
9. dread 23. keep 37. remember no good, there is
10. detest 24. love 38. resent no point
11. discuss 25. like 39. resist
12. dislike 26. hate 40. risk * look forward to
13. deny 27. mention 41. stop
14. enjoy 28. mind 42. start * busy, worth
1. Begin, start, continue + To inf / V– ing: nghĩa không thay đổi
2. Forget/ remember/ regret + To inf/ V-ing
to do sth: nhớ/ quên/ hối tiếc vì sắp phải làm gì
Ving: nhớ/quên/ hối hận vì đã làm gì
3. Stop To inf/ V-ing 4. Try To inf/ V-ing
Stop to do sth: dừng lại để làm gì rồi lại tiếp tục Try to do sth: cố gắng làm gì
Stop V-ing = finish V-ing: dừng lại hẳn Try doing sth: thử làm gì
5. mean to do/ V-ing
Mean to do: có dự định làm gì
Mean V-ing: có nghĩa là
6. Need/ want/ require To inf/ V-ing
to do sth: cần/ muốn/ yêu cầu làm gì (chủ động)
V-ing : Cái gì cần được làm gì (bị động)

7. Allow/ advise/ permit sb to inf/

Allow/ advise/ permit + V-ing
8. Prefer: + V-ing to V-ing: thích cái gì hơn cái gì
would prefer + to infinitive: thích làm gì

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