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Statistics for Data Science - 1

Week 3 Graded Assignment

Describing numerical data - one variable

Syllabus covered:
1. Visual representation of numerical data.
2. Compute and interpret measures of central tendency.
3. Compute and interpret measures of dispersion.
4. Compute and interpret percentiles, interquartile range (IQR).
5. Compute and interpret five-number summary
6. Identify outliers in a dataset.

1 Numerical Answer Type (NAT)

1. The histogram for marks obtained by students in a class in Statistics is given in Figure

Figure 3.1.A: Histogram for marks

Answer questions (i) - (iii) based on Figure 3.1.A.

i) How many students have scored greater than or equal to 90 marks? [1]
ii) Find the number of students who have scored greater than or equal to 60 marks and
less than 90 marks. [1]
iii) How many students have scored less than 50 marks? [1]
2. A class teacher created the stem-and-leaf plot showing each day’s class attendance.

1 0 2 7 9
2 2 5 6 8
3 0 1 3 7
4 2 3 4 5
Key: 1 0 = 10 students

Figure 3.2.A: Attendance dataset

Answer questions (i) - (iii) based on Figure 3.2.A.

i) What was the maximum number of students that attended class on any one day? [1]
ii) On how many days were there less than 25 students in the class? [1]
iii) On how many days were there 34 students in the class? [1]

3. If the median of the dataset xi , i = 1, 2, ..., n, is 12, what is the median of the dataset
3xi + 4, i = 1, ...., n? [1]

4. The sample mean and sample variance of five data values are, respectively 13.6 and 25.8.
If three of the data values are 7, 13 and 20, what are the other two data values? [3]

5. The sample standard deviation of the dataset 2, a, 12, 18, and 30 is 10.8 (correct upto
one decimal place), where a is an unknown quantity. Then, the value of the sample
variance of the new dataset that is obtained by adding 5 to each number of the given
dataset is [1]

6. Let the sample mean of a set of 20 data points be 30. If it is discovered that a data
point having value 25 was incorrectly entered as 15, what should be the revised value of
the sample mean? [1]

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7. A doctor has collected heights (in metres) of his patients, which is plotted in Figure

Figure 3.3.A: Patient’s dataset

From the Figure 3.3.A:

i) Find the value of the interquartile range height of the patients. [1]

2 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)

1. Prachi rolls a die a number of times and records her outcomes in a bar graph as shown
in Figure 3.4.A: [5]

Figure 3.4.A: Outcomes of rolling a die

Then the value of the variance of the number of outcomes is:


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2. Let the mean of a set of seven numbers be 36. If the mean of the first six numbers is 30,
what is the seventh number? [1]

3 Multiple Select Questions (MSQ)

1. Suppose you are at the 70th percentile in the heights of a group of 18 people. Then,
which among the following option(s) is(are) correct? [3]
30% of people are taller than you.
30% of people are shorter than you.
70% of people are shorter than or same height as you.
70% of people are taller than you.
You are the 7th tallest person in the group.

2. From the options, choose the outliers, if any, for the following dataset:
8.5, 8.8, 11.4, 11.5, 11.6, 11.8, 12.0, 12.1, 12.2, 12.2, 12.3, 12.4, 13.8, 14.8, 15.0.
None of the above

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