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How to kiss well, very well!

How to kiss? How to improve kisses? Do I kiss

good or bad?
In this article we will try to teach you how to kiss
like an expert, kisses that will be kept in your
partner's memory and will never be forgotten,
soft kisses that caress the heart...
That when they remember you they know that
they have kissed the sweetest lips on the planet.

I hope that at the end of this tutorial article, they can never forget you for the good
kisses you give...
We will start with the simplest but often forgotten:

Lip care:
There is no possible excuse for having rough lips. A
balm or lipstick is something that every woman can
afford to buy, it is not that expensive. Always keep in
mind that it doesn't feel good to kiss a rough lip, and
your partner deserves better than that . If it is your
partner who has hard lips, there is nothing wrong with
buying him a lip balm and telling him that you are giving
it to him because you would like to soften his lips for a
splendid night of kissing. Just make sure you follow
through with what you promised, you should even soften your lips right before
kissing him to make them as tender as possible.

The anatomy of the kiss

Kissing is more than touching your partner's lips.
The kiss includes activity of the lips, tongue, eyes, rhythm
and touch. In this article we will study all these things, to
become true experts in the art of kissing.
Of course, first of all, it is worth remembering that it is
important to enjoy the kiss “just because” and not
because it can bring us something for the future. Kissing is
one of the most instinctive and intimate actions we can
perform with someone we love. It is important to treat each kiss as if each one of
them were a special and unique event.

Kiss with your eyes

Unless your partner expresses a personal preference
on his or her part, it shouldn't matter whether you kiss
with your eyes open or closed. However, having deep
eye contact both while approaching to kiss and after
kissing will make the kissing experience make us feel
more intimately united with our partner.
Always look into your partner's eyes before and
after the kiss . Looking into the depth of his eyes sends the message that you are
really attracted to him . It is also an indicator that you trust him during those
intimate moments. Look into his eyes, before and after the kiss! During the kiss, it
doesn't matter, keep looking or close your eyes, however you feel best.
Suggested homework activity: The next time you are with your partner, just
before kissing them, spend about 20 seconds holding their face between the palms
of your hands while looking deeply into their eyes. It will make a difference!

Kiss with the mouth

The mouth is the most obvious component of the kiss, and yet it is also what most
people are insecure about or simply unaware of. To simplify the topic, we will divide
it into specific areas:

 Teeth
 Lips
 Language
 Saliva

There are times when kissing your teeth make contact with
your partner's. In general, unless one of the two is
shivering from the cold, it would be difficult to get hurt
from it. You've probably never heard of someone breaking
a tooth while kissing, so don't be afraid, if your teeth
collide, nothing happens . If your teeth often clash with
your partner's, simply consider slowing down your kisses
while you get to know each other's mouths better and how
to kiss without chipping your teeth.
Proposed homework activity: Although we don't want teeth to clash, it can be
stimulating to give a few small bites to your partner's lips, and it is very useful to
change the rhythm of the kisses. Try it next time.

The lips
Obviously, the best kiss is always given by someone who knows how to use their
lips. You have to find the middle point of the lips, neither too rigid nor too loose.
Don't let them get tense and rigid, because a kiss is not a sword battle against your
partner, but don't let them get so loose that they look like jelly.
You should feel some pressure between your lips and your partner's, but be careful
that it doesn't seem like you've put a lock on your lips and that only you can control
them. And at the same time, you have to avoid making your lips so relaxed and
voluble that they seem unable to maintain themselves. Firm lips, with some
pressure, but that can also give a little softness.
Proposed homework activity: If you were hoping to read an article that didn't
propose practicing kissing your own hand, I'm sorry, this isn't it. If you are able to
overcome the image of those eighties movies in which teenage girls practiced
kissing their hands, you will discover that deep down it is a great method of
learning and improvement. It is best to practice on yourself, this way you will more
or less know what your partner feels with every movement you make.

The secret of how to move your tongue: Variety.
Do not try to make your tongue reach the depths of
your partner's throat, that is not the most convenient
technique for a good kiss. Start with something much
simpler like using your tongue to gently caress his lips,
then slowly move it to introduce it into his mouth .
Slowly caress his tongue and the inside of his mouth
with your tongue, then make small, gentle grooves. The
tongue is a muscle with a lot of movement options, you
should try them all, show your partner that you know a lot of erotic movements
with the tongue.
Proposed homework activity: Practice rolling your tongue, rolling it up and
down, moving it up and down, and in all directions several times a day. The more
you practice with your tongue, the more erotic tricks you will be able to perform
inside your lover's mouth. Practice!

The saliva
A good kiss should include a little saliva, both from
you and your partner. If you don't believe it, think
about how uncomfortable it would be to kiss
completely dry lips. Of course, when there is so much
saliva that you have to wipe your sleeve over your
mouth to dry it, it means that someone has gone too
How is saliva controlled? Well, although it may not
sound very nice, the amount of saliva is controlled by
swallowing. The key to swallowing saliva without breaking off kisses is to do so
after exhaling air to breathe. Usually, when you are kissing, you don't even realize
that you are inhaling and exhaling air to breathe, but yes, you don't stop breathing
while kissing. Try to swallow saliva immediately after exhaling air to breathe.
Proposed homework activity: Sorry, but really the only way to become an
expert at kissing is to make it come naturally to you. Take a few minutes daily to
pay attention to how you breathe and the best time to swallow. Pay attention to
your breathing and practice. Breathe in, breathe out, swallow, breathe in... The air
goes in, out, you swallow, in, out... a little practice and you will do it naturally.

There should be some head movement during the
kiss. Just remember to move your head naturally and
gently. In reality, if you are thinking about head movement you are probably
thinking too much. If your partner's head is stiff and not moving at all, try running
your fingers through their hair, it will surely do the trick. Through caresses and hair
massages you can control the movements of your partner's head, consider it!

Feel the rhythm of the kiss

If a roller coaster only went downhill, it would be boring, right? There would be no
excitement from the anticipation of what will happen once we reach the top, and
there would be no time to enjoy the thrill that comes after coming off a downhill...
a roller coaster with just constant downhills would have no
thrill, although the drop on the way down is the most
exciting part of the roller coaster itself.
Kisses are more of the same. Starting to kiss quickly, at
high speed, and staying there becomes boring, at least for
most people. Kisses should have various rhythms, change
speed, accelerate and decelerate, fast and passionate,
slow and long. For many, when kissing they follow a very
specific pattern: at first slowly, slowly and romantically, to
gradually pick up the pace until finally having a fast and passionate rhythm .
That may be a good technique to increase the intensity of the kiss, but better try
changing the rhythm of the kisses as you go . Change from the passionate kiss
to the soft and relaxed kiss, the more playful kiss. Then increase the pace of
passion again so that your partner never knows what will come next, so you will
always have him surprised and expectant of what is coming.
Proposed homework activity: The next time you kiss with your partner, try
trying all the rhythms we are talking about. And see what rhythm he reacts best to,
but don't give it to him all the time, change the rhythm, play with him.

Touch and caress during the kiss

Do you remember when you were a college student,
during your first kiss you kept your hands firmly around
your partner's neck? Once you've gotten past that first
step, it's time to start using your hands for something else
during the kiss. And no, I don't necessarily mean spicy
and sexual things. Try putting your hands on the torso of
his neck and giving him a neck massage or tickle. Caress
your partner's face while you're making out with him,
stroke up and down his shoulders, or simply stroke the back of his ear. Including a
little gentle or passionate caressing while kissing makes your partner feel even
more desired.
Proposed homework activity: Next time, before starting to kiss you, start
caressing and feeling your hands caress his body. This will make the caresses come
more naturally when you start kissing him.

Advanced tricks for kissing

Once you have mastered the techniques outlined
above, it would be a good idea to expand your
repertoire of tricks a little to kiss like an expert. You
could then try doing the same by moving your kisses to other parts of the body, or
trying some famous kissing techniques.
Practically any part of the body is good to let your kisses fall on them. If you know
of some erogenous zones that your partner finds especially stimulating, try starting
there. Despite its effectiveness, gentle kisses on the eyelids and fingertips are often
overlooked. Try it if you haven't thought about it yet. The abdomen, buttocks, and
inner thighs are also good places to arouse with kisses, but it's up to you to explore
with kisses. The same methods we talked about above for kissing on the mouth can
be applied to any other area of the body , the possibilities are many!
There are also specialized kisses, kisses that are done to start a special night.
Although I really encourage you to invent your own techniques and special kisses,
here are a few popular kisses to start cheering you up:

 For a change during the kiss, gently but suddenly, try inhaling the air from
your partner's mouth.
 Lemon flavor kiss . For a different experience, try sucking on a lime or lemon
before kissing your partner.
 Ice kiss. Before kissing him, suck on ice cream or ice for a cold but hot kiss.
 Spiderman's kiss. Try performing the Spiderman and Mary-Jane kiss. Find a
way to position yourself to kiss with your faces and bodies in an unusual
position (one upside down). Explore kissing like this, you will be surprised.

Kissing expert
With all this you should already know how to become
practically an expert at kissing. Now you know the
tricks and tips necessary to be an expert in the art of
kissing and teach your partner to give good kisses. In
fact, you could share this article (actually all these tips
are useful for both men and women) with your partner
so that in your next meeting you can enjoy even
better kisses than they have been until now. Take
note of how your partner reacts to the different
methods suggested here, and pay close attention to
what pleases them the most. Of course, be natural, don't think too much about the
technique itself and enjoy the kisses. Let your desires and passion be your guide
when kissing.

Now yes…. go kiss!

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