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Planning a book trailer

Digital book trailers are short videos that capture the essence of a book's
narrative, themes, and tone. This multimedia project helps develop storytelling,
critical analysis, and technical production skills.
Learning Objectives
1. Create a digital book trailer based on a selected work of American Literature.
2. Critically analyze key themes and narratives in American Literature and convey
them concisely in a digital book trailer format.
3. Demonstrate technical skills in editing and producing a short digital book trailer
using appropriate digital tools.

STEP 1: Write a script

A script is a detailed plan of your trailer. Writing a script helps with planning
and laying out the story visually.
It describes each shot of the book trailer, including some or all of the following
• Images;
• Music and sound effects;
• Transitions (the way each shot moves into the next – does it cut? Fade out?
Wipe? etc.);
• Voiceovers;
• Text on screen;
• Visual effects.
Worksheet 1 - Mind maps
Example: The mind map below has been completed by someone who has read
Bram Stoker’s Dracula. It is only partly complete, and you may wish to put more
information in when you do your own mind map.

Task 1: Now, complete the mind map below for your own book trailer
Task 2:
Worksheet 2: Requirements for Book Trailer Assignment

After reading the novel, you will create a trailer that uses digital storytelling to
entice other students to read the book. Below are the requirements for your
project. You will use this worksheet to self-assess your inclusion of these
requirements. You might want to use this sheet and answer the questions
below while you are creating your trailer so that you can stay on track. If they
cannot answer the questions below, then your trailer might need some
additional revision.

● Use the mind map you filled in the previous task to help with filling out
this worksheet

Elements of the story for your book trailer:

1. Characters:

⮚ Who are the characters that you will portray in your trailer?
⮚ How will you portray them in your trailer? (physical and personal traits)
⮚ What sorts of images will you use to portray these characters in your trailer?

⮚ Will you clearly identify the protagonist and antagonist in your trailer? Or,
will your visuals, text, or narration make these characters understood? Please

2. Abbreviated Plot:

⮚ Write one sentence that tells the viewer about the story and will make them
want to read it (could be a line from the story/novel) this can be used as a
hook to captivate their attention and interest in the story

⮚ What are the plot details that you will use/convey in your trailer?
⮚ Story Highlights: What aspect of the story will you focus on? Exciting scenes?
Slow-moving suspense? Explain

⮚ How will you present the plot in your trailer?

⮚ How will you present the conflict of the story in your trailer?
⮚ How will you present the symbolism of the story in your trailer?

⮚ Is the basic plot evident to the viewer?

⮚ Did you make sure not to give too much away?
⮚ Would the viewer’s interest be peaked?
⮚ Would the viewer want to know what happens next?

3. Setting:
⮚ How will you depict the setting (place/time) in your trailer?

⮚ Is the location and time period apparent in your trailer (e.g., if the novel is
dystopian, the scenery clearly illustrates a world of the future)?
⮚ Did you address this specifically (in words/script) or make it clear through
your images and sound? Explain

4. Mood
⮚ What kind of mood do you want to create? Sadness? Suspense?

⮚ How will you utilize sound effects, music, images, and words in the trailer to
convey the mood?
⮚ Does the trailer exemplify the same overall mood as the novel?
⮚ Does your music fit the mood?
⮚ What about your images? (e.g., a serious storyline is not confused by cartoon
⮚ Does the trailer create an emotional response in the viewer?
5. Theme

⮚ What are the themes you wish to depict in your trailer?


⮚ How will you present these themes in your trailer?


⮚ Will you state the themes directly? Or, will your narration, text, images, etc.
present the overarching theme to the viewer? Explain how you will achieve

6. Images and Sound

⮚ How do I purposefully use images and sound to create an emotional
response and contribute to the overall mood and theme of the story?

⮚ Images: List the important visual elements (images) that will be included, like
who (characters) and what (setting/accessories). This will help you create the
Storyboard later.

7. Pacing/sequence:
⮚ How would you present information in a logical sequence that is easy for the
viewer to follow? Explain
8. Transitions
⮚ How long will the image stay on the screen (3-5 seconds recommendation)?
⮚ Will you have certain images or shots stay on the screen longer? Explain why
(e.g., more text to read or the need to spotlight/focus the viewer’s attention
on something important or meaningful, might require a longer shot?)

STEP 2: Creating a storyboard

A storyboard is a visual representation of each scene in the book trailer. It
helps in planning the shots, transitions, and overall flow of the video
Here is an example of a storyboard drawn by Sav Akyuz, illustrator and
storyboard artist.

Task: create a storyboard for your book trailer relying on the script you made
When you submit your assignment, you will need to thoroughly explain how
you achieved the inclusion of these trailer elements (technological tools you
used and how you used them). (see PowerPoint “Storyboard for Book Trailers”
for task/worksheet)
STEP 3: Constructing and editing the book trailers
To create a full-fledged promo video of the book, it is necessary to put
together all the video and audio materials you gathered. Editing allows gluing
and cutting pieces of video and audio, changing their size and position, colour,
saturation, applying effects, etc.
Editing the video involves assembling the footage, and adding transitions,
music, and text overlays.
Process: Creating video files using software applications. Preparing clips.
Editing the video. Applying video effects. Adding transitions. Inserting captions
and text. Working with audio materials. Saving your work.

Tips for creating a great book trailer:

1. Don’t go overboard with the effects and transitions. I recommend using one or
two effects (like fading). Try to limit yourself to three effects for the entire
2. If you’re not sure what you’d like to write about the book, consider using
quotes from the book.
3. First-person and third-person point of view are commonly used.
4. Capture the viewer by using rhetorical questions near the end of the trailer (e.g.
“Will Man Jack ever be able to find Bod?”).
5. NEVER reveal the ending of the book.
6. Be selective when choosing the font of your text. Font type can heighten the
mood of the trailer. If you have two “voices” in the trailer, consider using two
different types of fonts.
7. Be careful to limit the number of text lines in a trailer. A lot of trailers actually
look better when the whole story is told through images and do not use text.
Using only images allows the viewer to make internal connections without
having to read a word (think of a wordless picture book).
8. Sometimes one word can describe a scene better than a whole sentence. Be
9. The optimal duration of the video should be observed. Typical trailers run one
to three minutes in length. A video should not last longer than three minutes,
because the viewer's attention decreases quite quickly.
10. Be sure to include YOUR NAME in your trailer. For example: Created by (your
name), (group)

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