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Speaker: Cao Xuân Hồng Phụng ID: 21DH123298

Topic: The advantages and disadvantages of online shopping

Public Speaking Outline

I. Introduction:

A. Attention Getter: Showing a picture

B. Thesis statement: Online shopping has both positive and negative aspects.
C. Previewing the body of speech:

1. Positive impacts to customers.

2. Positive impacts to business.
3. Negative impacts.

II. Body:

1.Positive impacts to customers:

a. Variety of choices
b. Example: Maria’s new shopping style

2. Positive impacts to business:

a. To increase reach
b. Example: Increased Reach in Shopee

Mini transition

3. Negative impacts:
a. Security concerns
b. Case study: Security Concerns in Amazon

** Transition


A.Thesis Re-statement: Web shopping has both advantages and drawbacks

B. Final Punch: Online shopping is the trend of modern age
C. Closing

IV. References

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