HSOC231 1 Jan June2024 T&L Solution Week7 RS V.1 23022024

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Teaching and Learning Activity


Module: Sociology 2A (HSOC231-1)

Week number (Date): 7 (11 April 2024)
Unit covered: 5 – Social Institution 4 - Education
Chapters covered: Chapters 10

Last week’s activity (Activity 5) was based on Chapter 10 of the
prescribed courseware for this module.

Below are the suggested solutions for that activity.

HSOC231-1-Jan-June2024-T&L Solution-Week7-RS-V.1-23022024
WEEK 7: Social Institution 4 - Education

Question 1 [10 Marks]

Read the statement below and answer the question that follows:
In South Africa during the apartheid era, education was strategically used by the
Nationalist government to promote racial ideologies and notions of white supremacy. The
government created and maintained separate education systems. (Ferrante, 2020)

1.1 Name the education system designed to keep black children poorly educated.
(1 Mark)

A Education

B Bantu Education

C Christian National Education

D Outcome Based Education

Answer: B. Bantu Education. (Unit 5, Chapter 10, pg: 175)

1.2 Schools function to integrate people of different ethnic, racial, religious and family
backgrounds. Identify the process that refers to people from diverse backgrounds
ending up together and ultimately being transformed into something new.
(1 Mark)

A Institutional Transformation

B Social cohesion

C Melting Pot

D None of the above

Answer: C. Melting Pot. (Unit 5, Chapter 10, pg: 178)

HSOC231-1-Jan-June2024-T&L Solution-Week7-RS-V.1-23022024
1.3 Highlight the acronym for the South African teacher regulatory body that ensures the
professionalism of educators and promotes and restores education. (1 Mark)





Answer: A. SACE. (Unit 5, Chapter 10, pg: 192)

1.4 Identify the significant impact of the South African Schools Act (Act No. 84 of 1996)
on schooling in post-Apartheid South Africa. (1 Mark)

A Increased segregation in schools.

B Decreased enrollment in government schools.

C Integration of formerly segregated schools.

D Limitation of choice for learners from diverse backgrounds.

Answer: C. Integration of formerly segregated schools. (Unit 5, Chapter 10, pg: 179)

Read the extract below and answer the question that follows:

The new government set out to align the educational landscape with the democratic
dispensation that came into being in 1994. It attempted to remove all traces of Christian
National Education (CNE), the education system instituted by the apartheid system. To
do this, it introduced a new syllabus called Curriculum 2005 (C2005), which was based
on the principles of outcomes-based education (OBE). (Ferrante, 2020)

1.5 Outline the major challenge faced in the implementation of Curriculum 2005 (C2005)
in post-Apartheid South Africa. (1 Mark)
HSOC231-1-Jan-June2024-T&L Solution-Week7-RS-V.1-23022024
A Lack of political support.

B Insufficient resources in schools.

C Resistance from civil society.

D Overemphasis on Christian Education.

Answer: B. Insufficient resources in schools. (Unit 5, Chapter 10, pg. 176)

1.6 Determine which of the following is a significant issue regarding access to funding
for tertiary education in South Africa. (1 Mark)

A Limited availability of student loans.

B Lack of financial support for black students.

C High interest rates on student loans.

D Low levels of public funding for tertiary education, which translates into higher fees.

Answer: D. Low levels of public funding for tertiary education translate into higher
fees. (Unit 5, Chapter 10, pg: 182)

1.7 List the ideals that have guided the post-Apartheid government’s efforts in reforming
the education system in South Africa. (1 Mark)

A Racial segregation and discrimination.

B Gender inequality and bias.

C Non-racism, no-sexism and equal opportunity.

D Cultural assimilation and homogenization.

Answer: C. Non-racism, no-sexism and equal opportunity. (Unit 5, Chapter 10, pg:

HSOC231-1-Jan-June2024-T&L Solution-Week7-RS-V.1-23022024
1.8 Summarise the expectations and requirements placed on universities in South
Africa. (1 Mark)

A To maintain traditional curricula.

B To prioritize research outputs.

C To produce graduates with relevant skills and knowledge and critical thinking

D To focus on the attainment of students.

Answer: C. To produce graduates with relevant skills and knowledge and critical
thinking individuals. (Unit 5, Chapter 10, pg: 188)

Read the statement below and answer the question that follows:

In his State of The Nation Address to Parliament in 2009, then president of South Africa,
Jacob Zuma, reaffirmed the government’s commitment to education and placed
education and skills development at the centre of government policies (Education For All,
2013). (Ferrante, 2020)

1.9 Identify the primary focus of the South African government in its education reform
efforts. (1 Mark)

A Prioritizing funding across the spectrum of schools.

B Eliminating segregated schools in accordance with the constitution.

C Implementing an education system consistent with the constitution and addressing

the huge gap between rich and poor schools.

D Bridging the gap between private, public, and underprivileged schools.

HSOC231-1-Jan-June2024-T&L Solution-Week7-RS-V.1-23022024
Answer: C. Implementing an education system consistent with the constitution and
addressing the huge gap between rich and poor schools. (Unit 5, Chapter 10,
pg: 192)

1.10 Highlight the factor that contributed to the emergence of an adolescent society
during industrialization. (1 Mark)

A Increased emphasis on family-centered education.

B Shift of jobs away from home-based work.

C Family became less involved in children’s lives.

D Maintenance of traditional skills by parents through education.

Answer: C. Family became less involved in children’s lives. (Unit 5, Chapter 10, pg:

Total: 10 Marks

To enhance your learning experience, watch the following YouTube video titled Education
in Society – Crash Course Sociology #40.
Crash Course. 2018. Education in Society – Crash Course Sociology #40. YouTube.
[Video]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S294zRodS_4&t=143s
[Accessed23 February 2024]

HSOC231-1-Jan-June2024-T&L Solution-Week7-RS-V.1-23022024

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