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Appendix 'C' (Para 22 Refers)


Station : C/o 56 APO

Name of work : Provn of Pathway from Bldg No OT/NC/CIF/7803/2021-22 Resi to Road at Tiger Hill, HQ
1 Scope of work including size and nature of accommodation Factory made (rectified)
precast concrete designer
chequered tiles with
hardcore and PCC sub
base, brick works and
coping etc

2 Type of constructions proposed- authorized/special Authorised

3 Preparatory works required - site surveys and development and time required NA
for the same
4 (a) Brief description of original accommodation - permanent, semi- Permanent
permanent or temporary.
(b) Approximate area of buildings involved. Nil

5 Are any special items of works involved including those which depart from Nil
approved scales of accommodation ?
6 Are any repairs / additions /alterations are required ? If so, brief description of No
buildings to be repaired and nature of repairs required.
7 What external services are required? Does any service exist? If so, extent Nil
8 Does the site involve any unduly high expenditure on any services(s)? No

9 Feasible target date of completion. 52 Weeks from date of

10 Time required for completion of various phases of the works under normal -do-
11 Details of budgetary requirements / projections based on annual cash outflow Projection after release of
Adm Approval
12 Special measures, if any, required for completing the project by the target No
13 Is any consultancy, departmental or outside, required? If so, details thereof. No

14 Requirement of supervisery staff. Technical

15 Any other engineering/technical/management aspects of the project which No

require to be highlighted while planning, sanctioning or implementing the

Dated : Aug 2023 (SS Ugemuge)

Station : C/o 56 APO GE (I) 873 EWS

Name of work : Provn of Pathway from Bldg No OT/NC/CIF/7803/2021-22 Resi to Road at Tiger Hill, HQ CIF(Delta)
Station : C/O 56 APO

Ser Description of
Auth Brief specification of items A/U Qty Rate Amount Remarks
No. work
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Surface excavation n.exc 30 cm deep and averaging 15 cm deep Sqm 72.00 21.85 1573.20 SI-03001
5 (a)

and getting out in any type of soil.

Para 3.38 of Scale of Accn for Defence Services, 2022

2 Excavation in trenches, not exceeding 1.5 M wide and not Cum 4.00 529.35 2117.40 SI-03006
exceeding 1.5 M depth for foundation, etc., and getting out any
type of soil.
3 M &L for broken stone Hardcore of gauge n exc. 63mm, Cum 5.40 895.10 4833.54 SI-3042
As above

deposited, spread and levelled in layers nexc. 15 cm thick,

watered and rammed to a true surface complete all as specified

4 M&L for PCC 1:4:8 type D-2 (40mm graded aggregate) in Cum 1.35 5483.10 7402.19 SI-04025
foundation filling and mass concrete.
5 M&L for brick work with sub class 'B' brick straight or curved on Cum 5.00 4875.00 24375.00 SI-05004
plan exc 6m mean radius built in CM 1:6 complete all as
specified and directed.
6 M&L for 100mm thick PCC type D2 1:4:8 (using 40 mm graded Sqm 72.00 230.10 16567.20 SI- 13035
granite stone aggregate) in sub base of flooring
7 M&L Factory made (rectified) precast concrete designer Sqm 72.00 1329.16 95699.52 SI-13102,
chequered tiles any colour, shape and size not less then 300mm 14009
x 300mm x 20mm thickness (compressive strength not less than
250 Kg/Sqm), pointed with grey cement and pigment over and
including 20mm thick CM 1:6 screed bed or bedding layer
8 S & F (PVC (SWR) pipe 110 mm bore single socketed in any RM 2.00 232.20 464.40 SI-18181
length with rubble ring joints as in weep holes all as directed by
Engr -in-Charge.
9 M & L for PCC 1:2:4 type B1 (Using 20 mm graded aggregate) as Cum 0.50 4144.00 2072.00 SI - 04029
in coping and similar works incl necessary from work all as
10 Returning filling in excavated material into trenches around pipe Cum 2.00 139.10 278.20 SI-03009
after laying of pipes and testing complete incl watering and well
ramming in layers n exc 25 cm thick complete all as directed.

11 Removing excavated material n exc 50 m and depositing where Cum 12.80 96.10 1230.08 SI-03029
directed at a level n exc 1.5 m above the starting point.
Total 156612.72
Add 11% (RA 5%+5%MA+water 1%) 17227.40
G Total = 173840.12



Name of work : Provn of Pathway from Bldg No OT/NC/CIF/7803/2021-22 Resi to Road at Tiger Hill, HQ CIF(Delta)
Station : C/O 56 APO

Ser Description of
Auth Brief specification of items A/U Qty Rate Amount Remarks
No. work
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Surface excavation n.exc 30 cm deep and averaging 15 cm deep Sqm 72.00 21.85 1573.20 SI-03001
5 (a)

and getting out in any type of soil.

Para 3.38 of Scale of Accn for Defence Services, 2022

2 Excavation in trenches, not exceeding 1.5 M wide and not Cum 4.00 529.35 2117.40 SI-03006
exceeding 1.5 M depth for foundation, etc., and getting out any
type of soil.
3 M &L for broken stone Hardcore of gauge n exc. 63mm, Cum 5.40 895.10 4833.54 SI-3042
As above

deposited, spread and levelled in layers nexc. 15 cm thick,

watered and rammed to a true surface complete all as specified

4 M&L for PCC 1:4:8 type D-2 (40mm graded aggregate) in Cum 1.35 5483.10 7402.19 SI-04025
foundation filling and mass concrete.
5 M&L for brick work with sub class 'B' brick straight or curved on Cum 5.00 4875.00 24375.00 SI-05004
plan exc 6m mean radius built in CM 1:6 complete all as
specified and directed.
6 M&L for 100mm thick PCC type D2 1:4:8 (using 40 mm graded Sqm 72.00 230.10 16567.20 SI- 13035
granite stone aggregate) in sub base of flooring
7 M&L Factory made (rectified) precast concrete designer Sqm 72.00 1329.16 95699.52 SI-13102,
chequered tiles any colour, shape and size not less then 300mm 14009
x 300mm x 20mm thickness (compressive strength not less than
250 Kg/Sqm), pointed with grey cement and pigment over and
including 20mm thick CM 1:6 screed bed or bedding layer
8 S & F (PVC (SWR) pipe 110 mm bore single socketed in any RM 2.00 232.20 464.40 SI-18181
length with rubble ring joints as in weep holes all as directed by
Engr -in-Charge.
9 M & L for PCC 1:2:4 type B1 (Using 20 mm graded aggregate) as Cum 0.50 4144.00 2072.00 SI - 04029
in coping and similar works incl necessary from work all as
10 Returning filling in excavated material into trenches around pipe Cum 2.00 139.10 278.20 SI-03009
after laying of pipes and testing complete incl watering and well
ramming in layers n exc 25 cm thick complete all as directed.

11 Removing excavated material n exc 50 m and depositing where Cum 12.80 96.10 1230.08 SI-03029
directed at a level n exc 1.5 m above the starting point.
Total 156612.72
Add 11% (RA 5%+5%MA+water 1%) 17227.40
G Total = 173840.12




Name of work : Provn of Pathway from Bldg No OT/NC/CIF/7803/2021-22 Resi to Road at
Tiger Hill, HQ CIF(Delta)
Description Amount Remarks
1 (a) Cost of Land -
(b) Site Clearence
(c) Protective work -

2 (a) Building work including internal services -

(b) Internal Electrification -
3 Furniture -

4 Spl Item of work -

( a ) Road/Path/Culvert/Hard Standing 173,840.12

( b ) External Water Supply -

( c ) External Electrification -

( d ) External Sewage Disposal -

( e ) Area Drainage -

( f ) Sewage Disposal -

( g ) Compound wall/Fencing & Gate -

Total(Ser No 1 to 5) Rs 173,840.12
6 Contingencies @ 3 % 5,215.20
G. Total Rs 179,055.33
Say Rs 1.79 Lakhs
The time reqd for physical completion of work from the date of release of work
under normal circumstances is 52 weeks
Note 1. Any variation in the quantity size and specification of internal/external services
is permissible at the detailed planning stage, provided the scope of work is not
altered and the amount of admin approval is not exceeded.

2. The percentage provided on SSR, is based on the prevailing market rateand

does not including an element of percentage on account of time delay between
submission of estimates and issue of admin approval. CFA may revise the market
variation in consultation on with the Engineer Advisor, before according admin
approval at the time of sanction.

(SS Ugemuge)
Dated Aug 2023 GE (I) 873 EWS

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