SESSION 06 - Text and Paragraph Format

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Text Format

The formatting options require that you first select the text to paragraph, then
Next, we will see the most used formats.
Change the font type. F SESSION 05 -text format and f
Insert I Design I Form; | Refer I Run I Review I View IN

To change the font type, follow the steps below. Calib

you will see below: Calibri Light (Titles)

Calibri (Body)
1. Select the text to modify. Recently used fonts

m o Arial
2. Click on the arrow next to the ei O Arial Narrow
z । Anal Black
chart. or
3. A list will be displayed with all the types of na All sources
dr O Agency FB
fonts or letters. Move the cursor over the OR THEY
AR ADGothicJP Medium
different fonts and you can see how it would O Arial
look in o Anal Black
The o Arial Narrow
document o Arial Rounded MT Bold
4. Click on the type of font or letter you want o Bahnschrift
in your o Bahnschrift Condensed
document. o Bahnschrift Light
o Bahnschrift Light Condensed
Change font size o Bahnschrift Light SemiCondensed
Bahnschrift SemiBold

To change the font size

perform the following steps:

1. Select the text to modify.

2. 11 Click the arrow next to the font size box.
3. 14A list with different values will be displayed. You can move the cursor over them to see
what each size would look like in your document.
4. 24 Click the font size you want for your document.

Computing and Information. Prof. Nalda Ventura León


Change font color

To modify the text color, follow these steps:

1. Select the text you want to modify the color.

2. Click the arrow next to the font color command.
3. A color palette is shown. Now, hover your mouse over
any of them and you'll see what the text on it would
look like.
4. Click on the text color you want to choose.

Highlight text in Word 2016

To highlight a paragraph or phrase, follow these steps:

1. Select the text that

2. Click on the arrow next to the
3. Move the cursor over the color palette and you will see
The selected paragraph or phrase would appear Colorless
4. Click the highlight color. Stop highlight

Apply Bold, Italics and Underline

1. Select the text to which you will apply one of the three options.
2. Click on the command Bold (N), Italic (k) or Underline (S)
3. Look at the text and you will see that the option you chose was
NK s - abe x, x ! A-°-A- =
Fountain r

Underline (Ctrl+S)

Applies underline formatting to text.

Computing and Information. Prof. Nalda Ventura León


Change to upper and lower case

To change text to upper or lower case
you do not need to delete the text. Word
Prayer type.
2016 has a command with which you can
lower case
do it automatically:
1. Select the text you want to modify. Capitalize Every Word

Toggle SHIFT/min
2. Click the Switch to Caps command.
3. Choose the desired option and click.

Text Alignment in Word 2016

1. Select the text you want to align.
2. Choose how you want to align the text by clicking on one of the options
3. Align text Left, Center, Right and Justify.

It is the space that appears between each row of the document.

Steps to configure line spacing:

1. Select the paragraph or inserted text

2. Click on the Paragraph Group.
3. Choose a type of line spacing
4. The Before and After Spacing must have the value of 0 pt.
5. Click OK

Computing and Information. Prof. Nalda Ventura León


Finally, the paragraph will be displayed as follows with Single Line Spacing.

Learning is a product of practice in that it is learned only as a consequence of the concrete

activities and experiences that each person lives. Furthermore, learning can be the
relatively permanent change in the potential to respond; it is even a change in the human
disposition or capacity that can be retained and that is not simply attributable to the
growth process, that is, it implies a change in the capacity, disposition or potential to

Computing and Information. Prof. Nalda Ventura León


Word will offer us three ways to indent a paragraph:

1) Using the Format toolbar.

2) Using the rule
3) Using the Paragraph dialog box.



1. We click anywhere in the paragraph.

2. Then we click on the Indent button to increase the
indentation or to decrease the indentation.


First, there are four indentation markers on the ruler.
a) Top of the line sangria
Let's see an example of indenting the first line:

2I 1 1 i 1 2 1 i 1 ] 1 i 1 4 1 i 1 í 1 i 1 4 1 i 1 7 1 i 1 ! 1 i 1 í 1 i 1 11 1 i 1 11 1 i 1 12 1 i 1 U 1 i 1 H 1 i 1 15 1 i 1 li 1 A 1

Top of the line sangria

17 1 i 1 li

It works the same way as if we press the Tab key on the keyboard.
b) french sangria

Puts, places, or hangs the remaining lines in a paragraph to the right of the first line
when the marker is positioned to the right of the first line indent marker.

french sangria

Computing and Information. Prof. Nalda Ventura León


c) Left indent

Adjust a paragraph away from the left margin of the text by moving all lines forward.
the right, we move them away from the left margin.

Left indent

d) Right indent

Moves the text from the right margin to the left. It is usually used in combination with the
left indentation to make an indentation that we call “double”.

Left indent

To change the indentations of existing text, we will select the paragraph, and drag the
indentation mark on the ruler to the desired location.


a) We select the text that we want to indent.
b) We open the Paragraph dialog box (Format tab -> Paragraph)
c) We place the indentations we want (left and/or right).
d) To select the First Line or French indentation, we display the option called Special , and

if the distance is greater or less than 1.25 cm. that Word introduces by default, so we put

the value where it says In .

e) We click OK and then the results will be observed.

Computing and Information. Prof. Nalda Ventura León


Indentation and Lines and page breaks
General space
Alignment: Justified

Outline level: Independent text _ Collapsed by default


Left: 0cm $ In:

Right: •
0cm • (none)
• Symmetrical ace

Former: opt • fit • Line spacing:

Later: Multiple
• Do not add space between paragraphs of the same


arrafoanter previous paragraph Previous paragraph Previous paragraph Previous paragraph Previous paragraph Paragraph
previous paragraph Previous paragraph Previous paragraph Previous paragraph

Example text Example text Example text Example text Example text Example text Example text Example text Example text Example text Example text
Example text Example text Textodeieemolo_____________________________________________________

Tabulations... Set as default Accept Cancel

Computing and Information. Prof. Nalda Ventura León




Tabs are course breaks that are executed with the TAB key, so that there is a space between the
word or title. Tabs are normally used to generate lists. Tabs are often used to create documents
that are easy to format, but the document layout options in Microsoft Office Word 2016 can do
the job automatically.

To quickly set tab stops, click the tab stop selector at the left end of the ruler until the type of
tab stop you want to use is displayed, and then click the ruler in the desired location. .

i .2 ■ i ■ 1 ■ I ■ X I ■ 1 ■ I ■ 2 ■ I ■ 3. I ■ 4 ■ I • 5 ■ I ■ 6 ■ I • 7. I ■ 8 ■ I ■ 9 ■ I '10' I 11 I •12. I ■ 13 I ■ 14' I ■ 15' I '16' A:17: I ■ 18' I

Computing and Information. Prof. Nalda Ventura León


Types of tabulations

a) Left tab. Sets the initial position of the text that will extend to the right as you type.
b) Center tab stop . Sets the position of the center of the text, which is centered at this point as
you type.
c) Right Tab . Sets the right end of the text. As you write; the text shifts to the left.
d) Decimal tabulation . Aligns numbers around a decimal point regardless of how many digits
the number has, the decimal point remains in the same position (numbers can only be
aligned around a decimal character; you cannot use decimal tab to align numbers around of
another character, such as a hyphen or an ampersand).

The Tab Bar . - Does not set the position of the text, but instead inserts a vertical bar at the tab

Steps to insert tabs

1. Click the Paragraph Group on the Home tab

2. Click on the Tabs option.
3. Enter the left, center, right or decimal Tab position number.

Computing and Information. Prof. Nalda Ventura León


4. Choose a type of Fill (1, 2, 3, 4).

5. Click Set.
6. Click OK.

Dialog box

Computing and Information. Prof. Nalda Ventura León


Type the paragraphs and apply the formats:
1) The page must be: A4 Size, Wide Margin
2) Font: Arial, Font Size: 20, Capital Letter and Red Color for the Title
3) Font: Comic Sans and Font size: 16 for subtitles.
4) Font: Times New Roman, Font size: 12; for the Content or paragraph.
5) Save it in a folder with your name.

There are plants in almost all areas of the planet, both on land and in water. Plants are living beings
capable of making their own food. The main parts are:

I root it
It is the organ that grows underground . It is thickest in the area closest to the stem and narrows as
it moves away from it.

The bull
In most plants the stem grows in the opposite direction to the root, starting from the ground
upwards . As it rises, other secondary stems or branches emerge that will hold the leaves, flowers
and fruits.

Most plants have green leaves that are flat and lean toward sunlight.

Computing and Information. Prof. Nalda Ventura León



Type the text with Arial font, size 16, and save it in a specific folder.

The blue shark

Once upon a time there was a boy named Martín, he was a good boy who loved animals very
much . His father was a fisherman and went out on his boat every day to work. One day a small
blue shark fell into his father's nets and the boy threw it back into the sea. Time passed , when
Martín was a young boy and was helping his father fish, he fell from the boat into a shark zone.
Everyone thought that Martín was going to die when a large blue shark quickly saved him ,
taking him to the shore, it was the same little shark that Martín had saved.

Type the text with Comic Sans font, size 16, and save it to Local Disk D.

The evil pirate

Once upon a time there was a ship with an evil pirate and his crew. An island with a hidden
map and a huge chest full of buried wealth. And the pirate, more evil than the others, wanted
the map and then the chest with its key. One day the pirates went to look for food on the island
and cut down a palm tree full of coconuts and suddenly the map fell. Then they went to the ship
and told the cruel and evil captain: the map has fallen and the captain responds: what has it
fallen? They answer: from a palm tree, and then the captain says: it doesn't matter, it's ours.
They went to the island and dug up the chest and were the richest pirates in the pirate world.

Computing and Information. Prof. Nalda Ventura León


Apply the corresponding indentations to the following text, as shown in
the given model:
The Emergency Coordination Center of the Generalitat Valenciana has declared a
meteorological alert situation two due to the snowfall expected for this Wednesday and
Thursday in the provinces of Castellón and Valencia.

Sources from this center said that, according to the Territorial Meteorological Center of
Valencia, during the last hours of this Wednesday and Thursday, showers are
expected that could be snow at levels above 800 meters and exceed five liters per
square meter, although The level will tend to rise throughout the day.

In the province of Valencia, showers are expected that could be snow at levels above a
thousand meters - although the level will tend to rise - and exceed five liters per
square meter.

Emergencies recommends that citizens who are going to

travel inform themselves about the possibility of snowfall in their destinations and,
in the event of snowfall , avoid traveling through affected areas.

If traveling by car, it is advisable to start with a full tank of fuel and bring a radio, shovel, rope,
chains, a flashlight and warm clothing, as well as some high-calorie food, such as chocolate or

Other tips are to wear several light, warm clothes rather than a single thick piece of
clothing and use mittens, which provide more warmth than gloves, in addition to
preventing cold air from entering the lungs and protecting yourself from the cold face and

Computing and Information. Prof. Nalda Ventura León


Use the tabs to make the following table:


Bella Jissi 17 The Olive Trees 320 1516

Maritza Silvia 19 Carabayllo .531 -6954

Nilsa Maria 18 Carabayllo 321-
Dina J Del 19 San Martin de Porres 556-4256

Karyme Leonela 24 Commas 556-4693

[from Romario 19 independence 465-1256

Brandinho Marcos 18 Callao 256-4 856

Carmen rosa 20 The Olive Trees 556-

Lizeth Susan 22 Commas 412-5621

From Icy Elisa 22 Commas 452-

Fernando Daniel 11 The Olive Trees 365-5874

Renzo Jesus 10 Callao 405 1569

Computing and Information. Prof. Nalda Ventura León

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