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Solomon Sellam
February 2011

What we are going to do this weekend is the link between the science of
numbers and psychosomatics .

I prefer to call it “ science of numbers ”, it is something that has been known

since time immemorial. We know that it comes from Egypt, a long time ago the
Egyptian teachers began to lay the foundations and the Greeks took oral
teaching, brought it to Greece and it spread throughout the Mediterranean basin.
But it was a word-of-ear tradition.

It's a bit like astrology, you can imagine that there are people who saw planets
and established links with the events. So here we have people who visualized
and saw a situation and made the link between it and the numbers. Little by little
it evolved, improved and came to Europe and before medicine was established it
was very widespread. There were universities in the US in the 1930s that had
numerology courses to understand the disease. With the expansion of various
therapies, numerology was used more for personal development and its
application in medicine was completely abandoned.

I am summarizing a lot of the history of numerology, but there are people who
continued to teach it.

I studied with a professor who was a specialist only in numerology, but I quickly
made the link between this and medicine and psychology. That is to say, from
everything I studied for a year, I have eliminated many things and have only left
what is essential for practice. You can understand that I will give you the
essential things this weekend, but then you have to work.

Numerology can help us when, for example, we visit someone with Plaque
Sclerosis, we will see it in its subject, we will see how we can penetrate their
psychology, we will see how we can go in search of the resentments so that they
can be externalized. Personally I apply numerology every day.

In relation to numerology in general you have to see it as “meteorology”: the

storm is going to arrive, but you are prepared. Therefore you can prepare for the
snow, for example, and not leave the house, or wear chains. Numerology can
anticipate difficulties.

Secondly, the relationship with the lying person jumped out at me: you have a
birth theme, as if your hard drive were empty before birth, that is, our life without
transgenerational information or project/meaning, something pure, plain.
Therefore it is proposed to you to walk in this theme all your life. When you do
numerology and you see that the person walks on his theme, it means that he is
doing well in his life, with its positive and negative sides. And here you will realize
that you observe a particular subject and when it describes its life it is not what
you are observing, therefore it is a lying person, because it does not live its life.

For example, you can see someone who is very communicative. Therefore, their
strong point is communication and you are faced with someone who is shy, who
does not speak, or who has vocal cord problems, or laryngeal cancer. Therefore
we can think that there is a secret, there is something that was hidden, that could
not be expressed and this exceeded its tolerance limit, unconsciously expressing
itself as an illness.

When I see someone who is not in his subject, who normally should be in
communication, or in clowning, laughing, partying and is not in his subject, it is
because he is not leading his life.

For example, there is a special number, 33, which means, later we will see it in detail, it
is something strong on a spiritual level..., thanks to this a student understood why his
daughter, when asked at school what she wanted to do when she grew up, and the girl
wrote Saint Teresa, Fairy or Duende. The teacher looked at the card and called the
parents. But this girl is normal.

I have an osteopath friend, who is also 33/6, and I ask him if he sees or feels strange
things and he tells me that when he puts his hands on the person they tell me what to
do, it has always been like that. It is your predisposition to listen to the other on an
energetic level. When he was 4 years old he told his mother that he saw something
strange in his hands, that he saw red, blue, some flames, but his mother repressed him
and told him that they were things of the devil. And he kept his mouth shut for 55 years.

On a psychological level, what will interest us is that we can see each person in
their situation and help them with their problems. If we also add biodecoding, you
can be first-rate numerologists. I realized that when a person is in his subject, his
inner stress goes down, it is as if he found serenity. If I know what I am, when I
have to make an important decision I will trust who I am and not what I think.
Because what I think is colored by my unconscious, by family loyalties. Therefore
I will not repair my story so much.

I have learned three different numerologies. What I am going to do is base 9 and

base 22 numerology. This weekend we do base 22 numerology and next
weekend we will do base 9 numerology. There is another one, Alice Bailey's
numerology, which is a more spiritual numerology. I really like it because in all
spirituality there are “gurus” or spiritual guides who tell you to do the same as
them to achieve awakening. But with Alice Bailey's numerology the spiritual guide
is yourself. That is to say, based on 10 different parameters, we are proposed to
go down this path to find our own spirituality. Therefore we have to work
thoroughly with base 9 and base 22 and we will leave Alice Bailey's base for
another occasion.

Base 9 is the best known, all numerology books are base 9. Then we have the
numerology base 22, and there are few people who know what it means. There is
an important person called Kris Hadar, he is a Canadian who has studied this
basis and established it. He has used two things, the letters of the Greek
alphabet and the tarot. He is very complex, his books are difficult to understand
because in his head he is very complex. But I had a professor who worked with
him and he already made a summary. And I made a summary of the summary,
because this is all I use.

A little bit of base 9 and a little bit of base 22 is enough for consultation. Also,

with base 9 numerology, which we'll look at next time, we're going to turn it into
right brain and left brain, because there are things that numerologists haven't
understood. For example, number 11 they say is verbal violence and on the other
hand it is the channel, the energy, Reiki. It is very simple, with the base 9 there is
a right/left brain inversion, the authoritarian 11 is the male brain, and the 11
energetic channel is the female brain. Therefore we are going to improve base 9
with right/left brain reading.

One very important thing we must say today: there are no bad numbers or
good numbers. You have the numbers you have and they all have a positive or
negative potential depending on how we look at it. Every number has its positive
side and its negative side, every number has potential and weaknesses. I always
see it as positive, even if they are numbers that have a reputation for being
tough, we are going to transform it into a positive. This helps a lot for our

Numerology is an energy and each number has a particular energy . For

example, if a person is number 3, he will attract people who are like him, he is
emanating 3, he will attract intellectual people, his friends are people with whom
he can exchange intellectually. Imagine a dinner at the house of a number 3 on
his birthday, there will be a number 3 atmosphere, where there will be a lot of
talking, exchanging ideas. If I'm with someone who is 3, I ask them, have you
read the latest book by...? Because this way I place it on your 3 and you will feel
understood, your inner stress decreases and we can pass on more information.
For a person number 4, my question will be very square: your conflict is this..., it
comes from the P/S or the transgenerational or the dates. Your internal stress
decreases because you feel understood. And if I can get the information through.
And it will also attract 4 people, because it emanates 4…

I used to be tolerant, it's my nature. With numerology I am still much more

tolerant, because each one has its own structure. If I have someone in front of
me who is No. 4, I am going to adapt to their structure. But if I don't know, I'm
going to screw myself up. It has allowed me to understand and accept others.
And the most interesting thing is in the family and this way you will understand
better how they work. If I have a number 3, I'm going to sign him up to the library,
I'm going to buy him a book about how the world works... If my son is number 4, I
am going to give him a “meccano”, or a “lego”…, because number 4 is in reality.

Base 22 is psycho-behavioral .
Base 9 is structural .


We are going to save the numbers from 22 to 1, each time it is bigger we are
going to add the numbers. All numbers above 22 must be reduced by adding
them. Example:

21 – 03 – 1957

21 + 3 + 22 ^ 46 ^ 4 + 6 = 10


It is the day, month and year in base 22. It is what we fundamentally are. It is
what is not perceived by others, it is a hidden part within us. People see
everything but this. It is a hidden personality, more interior and more emotional. It
is our life path in base 22. To search for it we add:

Birth day + month + year (base 22) = Deep Personality number

It is the path we are on throughout our lives. They are the characteristics that will
follow us throughout life, it is a very important pillar. Deep personality is
something that cannot be seen. We are like that but we don't show it. It is an
important pillar to know the privacy of the person. Only with this number we
already know more or less what we are made of.

For example, I need a normal secretary, what number do I choose? 4. But if

I have a company with fifty people and I am looking for a secretary who is
going to manage all this for me, we choose a number 22.


The emotional knot is the day plus the year.

Birth day + birth year (base 22) = Emotional Knot

At the chakra level it is the solar plexus and the exact definition is how we live
emotionally, how we have felt loved by our parents and it is also our way of
seeing love. The emotional knot is fragile because it has to do with emotions,
in biodecoding the most important thing is the emotional, so this pillar is very
important for us since we can affect someone by affecting this knot, but we can
also help them heal.

In general it is emotional and our way of seeing love . It is the 4th most
important pillar. It is the solar plexus, it is the neurovegetative system .

It's how we vibrate emotionally, what brings tears to my eyes, how we feel the
love of others.


There is a figure that will allow us to enter into the other's emotions. That is,
thanks to this number we are going to help the other person to get their emotions
out. It is important for us as therapists. This is what we call Emotional Search.

To calculate it is:

Deep personality + emotional knot = Emotional Search (QE)

To be emotionally well, if in consultation I see that the emotional knot is blocked,

we use emotional search to help you release emotions.


Social outward personality, the professional point, the tone, me when I'm away.
Our external identity, the profession.

CIS number ^ date of birth + month of birth

CES No. ^ month of birth + year of birth

CIS No. + CES No. ^ external social personality (professional pillar)

It is the tone of our profession.

In order of importance it is the 5th pillar. It's me when I'm away, and often our
external identity is the profession.


Now let's look at two pillars of medicine . The medicine is taken in the
morning, at noon and in the evening . Therefore, it is something that will
recharge our batteries all day and we are encouraged to respect this pillar every
day. So you will see that you do it instinctively; We are going to demonstrate it
and from now on you will do it in full consciousness. It means that every day I am
trying to harmonize myself. Is calculated:

Professional Pillar + Deep Personality = Search for harmony

It is the medication you are taking morning, noon and night. It is a remedy, a
medicine that you have to take in the morning, at noon and at night.

It is the 2nd in importance. If this pillar is respected, the person never gets sick.
With the search for harmonization morning, noon and night we are always in a
state of balance. It is a set of all the psychological characteristics that we like to
find in others to feel good about ourselves. It is the first level to harmonize us.


Another medicinal pillar. We have to see this as a Swiss watch, with its
mechanisms that turn. If there is one that crashes, the entire system crashes,
because each one is linked to the others. Therefore you imagine this as a normal
rolling mechanism, all the pillars are respected and do not block. But sometimes
it does happen. And when it gets blocked we lubricate with oil. This pillar is the
“oil tank” that lubricates the entire system when it blocks. Is calculated:

Month + Deep Personality = Spiritual Search

It is the third important pillar. How the individual directs himself so that he can
express his thoughts naturally. It is to help you open your spirit. It is an important
key in therapy.


It is where aggression will enter and trigger the entire psychosomatic process.
We look for this pillar to see how it has been attacked.

To obtain it we must subtract, first the highest number and then the 2nd highest.
For example, largest number – 2nd largest number = x. Subtract x from the
remaining number, the largest from the smallest. If you find yourself 0 = 22

Day of birth – month of birth – year of birth = resistance number

It is important for decoding. It is the middle, the “scud” issue that is going to
impact us. If this pillar is not respected, this is how we are going to exceed the
upper tolerable limit. The psychoshock comes from here, the triggering conflict. I
have verified it many times. When someone comes for an illness we look at this
pillar, how they felt this shock. We call this the resistance number, meaning that
for each person and for each thing there is a certain level of resistance. This
number defines our resistance level. Our psyche is going to break because of
this number.

For example, a 6 means that the inner child has not been respected. The
observation he has received has broken the inner child. They have also
forbidden me to laugh, I have tried to be a clown and they punished me.

With this pillar you enter resentment in a more subtle way. In this pillar is the only
one where we are going to find No. 1 and No. 2 because we have subtracted.

Number 1.- It means that they have not respected me as an individual. At a

specific moment they broke my personality.

Number 2.- You have not believed my intuitions. I feel things and no one listens
to me. Therefore, if no one listens to me, it is up to us to listen to each other. It is
important that those who have a 2 in the NR have confidence in their
intuitions. It is a somewhat supra-sensory listening, it is my unconscious
that is perceiving things, it does not know why this is coming to it.
Therapists who have number 2 work a lot with intuition.


We are submerged and we need a number to be able to emerge. It is an

important number when someone comes to us and is very affected, with many
problems and if they continue like this they are going to drown. Before drowning,
this helps us return to the surface. Is calculated:

Resistance pillar + Professional pillar = Emergency number

When I am drowning in water and this pillar is going to help me rise to the
surface. It is the last pillar before falling into the mask. We have tried
everything but nothing has worked.


I discovered something important. The day of birth is linked to the mother , it is

our internal, inner character. It is the state in which I find myself before acting, it

is the message that comes from the mother, that is, the project/sense of the
maternal side.

For example, in case number 11 the interpretation could be that your mother
asks you to be a little more subtle because she did not succeed.

The year of birth is the father . For example, in the case of a number 20, my
father found it devalued and gave it to me to work on, to alleviate it.
This won't speak to everyone but it may help.

The month my own identity . It is the child between the father and the mother. For
example in the case of 3, it is intellectuality.

The CIS is the internal social behavior , the day + the month. It is how I behave
within my family or how I am proposed to behave within my family. A 14, for
example, would mean letting go of everything, to feel good. It is from the mother
that we are going to build ourselves inside. It's how we behave with others.

The CES is the external social behavior , the month + the year. It's how I am
outside my family, with my friends, when I go out, on vacation. For example, for a
number 5, he receives his friends in a cozy setting. It is related to the father, it is
the exterior with friends, companions,... it also represents the expanded nest.

The goal of this is not analysis. I don't work like that. In psychosomatics I prefer
to give a little information and let it go home. I analyze the topic based on the
reason for the consultation.



Symbolism of base 22 numbers


Mental, intellect, rationalization of discourse, explanation, need to
understand, understand in the search for meaning.


The first thing I'm going to ask a number 3 is: How many books do you have at
home? The most important words for a 3 are “ mental, intellect .” We are
seeing someone who needs to fill his intellect.

In general, all 3 have libraries at home, they are good clients for bookstores,
because they are people who will fill your mind. When he is not feeling well, what
are we going to give him?... a book.

Rationalization of discourse , they are people who think a lot, who need to
understand, who seek explanations . Therefore they are always looking for the
meaning of things.

Surely there are people who recognize themselves in this, because they have
number 3 somewhere else. Now we are talking about the deep personality, but
there are like 30 positions of this number, therefore you can have the 3 in another
concept and it speaks to you. But I don't know this person and he comes for a
biodecoding consultation. How does a consultation with a person 3 go? As a
therapist, how should I work? Giving many explanations. To feel good, he needs
me to explain everything to him, otherwise he hasn't filled out his mental
notebook. If you come to see me, I will sell you a book and tell you that your
problem is in the book. You won't see it in a department store, but you will see it
in a library.

If it is a woman, for example, and I want to flirt with her, where can I mention her?
In the library, here your stress goes down... Do you understand the usefulness of
all this?

Another key point is the search for meaning . If, for example, my partner is a 3
and loves biodecoding, although it doesn't matter to me, I know that it is
important to him and I will respect it. Because this is what I call the fundamentals
of life , if this does not exist, your stress goes up.
Therefore, it is important to raise the issues of couples to understand how the
other works and to be able to respect them. The 3 should be invited to go to
conferences, but to psychic conferences, because they want to know how the
world works, how the human body works, how the psyche works.

This is one of the fundamentals of 3, if we take it away it is not good. Imagine that
he lives with someone who does not agree with this, who is very materialistic,
who only cares about superficial things, his appearance. So we have three

^ Or he cheats on her with an intellectual

^ Or get depressed
^ Or he leaves.

These are the possibilities if the 3 does not feel understood in its operation. The
important thing about deep personality is that it is something that cannot be seen.
For example, if I don't know the person and he talks a lot, I can deduce that 3 in

base 9 is the word. But this won't help me know if he likes books or not. Because
talking a lot is obvious and liking books is not.

If someone who comes for consultation is number 3, the therapist has to be

super precise, he must be logical. If a person consults you because he has
cancer and is a No. 3 deep personality, maximum precision must be applied.

If someone is number 3 and has not read a book in their entire life, it is very likely
that they are lazy. If it is number 3 in base 9, it is communication, if it does not
speak much, also. Another possibility is that he was symbolically castrated as a
child. Another possibility is that he has a very powerful super-Ego.

EMOTIONAL KNOT.- Emotionally you need to understand how things work. The
best gifts are to invite her to a conference, a book..., to fill the hard drive with

PROFESSIONAL PILLAR.- Intellectual profession, reflection, books, writing.

SEARCH FOR HARMONY.- You will read every day, you will study every day,
you will inform yourself every day.

SPIRITUAL SEARCH.- When he is blocked we buy him a book, we take him to a


RESISTANCE NUMBER.- They have broken my intellectual abilities. Or in my

personal evolution because I am attending many seminars, for example. They
don't trust my intellect anyway.

EMERGENCY NUMBER.- I have to mentally pull myself together.

Structure, foundation, boss, clarify, direct, method, classification, give
shape to ideas.


4 is solidity. That is, if you take a car with three wheels, it does not have balance.
A 3-legged table can hold up but…. No. 4 is the figure of reality, which is why we
call it structure . You need something solid .

If someone who is number 4 comes to the consultation, I am not going to take

them to the library, they do not need books, they want something precise, logical,
that can be endured. You can't fill the heads of all 4 of them because it has a very
precise logic.

For example, in administration, you are the head of service , you supervise 5 or 6
people and you want everything to be clear and concise . You need people like
that, they can control a certain number of people, but if they are given too big
responsibilities they cannot assume them.

Therefore he is a person who needs structure. To do biodecoding to a No. 4 you

have to open up, because No. 4 often likes Exact Sciences. Those who come for

consultation are generally people who have evolved somewhat.

The key word is to clarify things , because when there is something that is not
very clear, for it to be right it has to be precise, of course. They are people who
work a lot with the law, because the law is the picture, the framework.

They are people who use the procedure in everything and with this they want to
clarify things, have them well squared, well seated, because a frame has 4 sides.
The methodology is also important for number 4, but it is its logical method, it is
A, then B, then C…. and you don't have to do F before D... I describe the
caricature of No. 4, you can imagine that basic No. 4s do not come to a
numerology course, because it is not an exact science.

For people who don't recognize themselves here, they are probably a 4/22 but in
base 9. But we'll see later what it means to be a 4/22.

The caricature No. 4 really likes to classify things by files. But if you are a thinking
person, you really like to clarify your ideas and classify them.

For example, Freud was number 4 and 22/4. He worked hard, classified and
described things by the super-ego, the self….

No. 4 doesn't like surprises, because he works step by step. You have to invite
him to a normal restaurant, to eat something classic and if possible a square
steak..., he doesn't want surprises, he doesn't like the elaborate dishes of new
cuisine, or being offered something unexpected...

A piece of advice for number 4, you need to organize your life. On the other
hand, if you live alone, fantastic, because you don't bother anyone. But if you live
as a couple you have to soften the picture. If I am your partner and I know that is
the case, I am going to give you a classic gift, for example, a shirt, a tie... not a
colorful hat... You are not going to like very original things.

For number 4, the family tree is important, because they are the roots of the tree,
so that it is solid. The analysis of the family tree and family dynamics is important
in consultation.
EMOTIONAL KNOT.- You need things to be clear, solid, logical. But it also has a
weakness, it can become rigid and this can affect them.
PROFESSIONAL PILLAR.- It is a profession with a solid base, it has to be clear,
logical, precise, with a program. Teaching, for example, 1st year, 2nd year,…etc.
SEARCH FOR HARMONY.- It has to be structured every day. Number 4 is the
osteo-articular system. They are people who need structure and the structure at
a symbolic level is the osteo-articular skeleton.
SPIRITUAL SEARCH.- When things are not right, it is important to restructure,
you do the fine-tuning and take inventory of all the solid things, you question
certain things, you keep some and throw away others. You update things, on a
family level, on a professional level, on a love level... etc. and don't forget to use
Mickey ears.
RESISTANCE NUMBER.- They broke me in my structure, in my foundations.

EMERGENCY NUMBER.- I have to restructure myself, I get ready, I take stock
and I restructure myself.

Principle, framework of life, terrestrial magnetism.
On a professional level: precise, framed, defined work, detailed
employment contract, technical sheet to follow, what is important to me.


They are the frameworks and principles of life . Depending on the family's
upbringing, he has principles that are important to him, but a danger is that he
can become blocked in them.

A very simple sign to show number 5 is the decoration of the house . For the 5,
the decoration of the house is very important, that is, they pay attention to the
objects, the furniture, the decoration of the house.

Woman No. 5 told me that to hook her up they have to meet at Ikea, because
there she feels good, her internal stress decreases.

For example, imagine that a 5 woman has a 4…4 as a husband and she
changes the decoration two or three times a year. The one who is number 4 who
can come home from work and with his eyes closed get to the couch and pick up
the controller because I don't want anything to change.

A person who is number 5 and has cystitis means that he or she is not well
within this framework. Therefore I tell him to be allowed to choose the colors or
shapes inside the house and his stress will go down. The typical pathology of a 5
is urinary infections, when I cannot express myself within my territory, conflict

There is also Terrestrial Magnetism. The 5 is the five fingers of the hand,
therefore we have a predisposition for magnetism. When I talk about magnetism
for me there are two types:

^ Terrestrial Magnetism, what we call the magnetic steps, with heat…

^ Celestial Magnetism is rather Reiki, it is the energy of heaven that
passes through me and that I give back.

Generally we see people who use magnetism who are earthling people, while
celestial magnetism are people connected to the energies of heaven.

We were talking about the decoration of the house, we can also talk about the
internal decoration. And the internal decoration is spirituality . In number 5 there
is always a bit of spirituality.

The second side of No. 5 is the principles of life and here everyone has their own
principles. For example, in the framework of religion there will be Catholics,
Protestants, Islam,... and this framework can be very important for the person.

It can also be a political framework, or an artistic framework, or a sports

framework, but mainly it is a foundation of life.

Someone who is number 5 in consultation, before even starting, I ask her the
following question: “describe to me what the house is like,” and even if it has
nothing to do with the reason for the consultation, she will talk about how the
house is and you will stimulate her. so that he can talk about himself, his stress
decreases and later he can ask the question because he is confident. For
example, a person with a serious illness that is number 5 will be very sensitive to
the way they are treated. If there is a room in which he does not feel
comfortable, you can tell him to have a photo of his family or a photo of his
house and this will recharge his batteries. These are tips to give to reduce

EMOTIONAL KNOT.- It has its principles and its framework of life. One way to
affect her is to enter her house and change all her things. The cables are going
to melt. For her, her interior is very important. There is a very strong phrase,
“your mental is organized just like your interior.” When you are in a house and it
is a house without order, it means that inside your head things are not in order.

If you pay a little attention, without being obsessive, it is normal that the interior
of your house is in an acceptable way. But on the one hand you will find people
who pay a lot of attention to what is inside and there are people whose interior is
a mess. Living in a house that is a mess only accentuates the chaos inside. For
a person who is a 5, if their house is a mess, it is serious on a psychological
level. The psychic level is the first level to get sick at an organic level, since the
illness is first psychic and then organic.

No. 5 must be seen at different levels, on a material level there is the decoration
of the house, how things are arranged at home; but there is also the interior
decoration, what are the philosophical, spiritual, religious principles, your rules.
For example, if your principle is respect and someone disrespects you, it is
something that affects you a lot, a bioshock can come from there. The house is
important for a 5, it is their emotional refuge.

PROFESSIONAL PILLAR.- Decoration, design, creation. It can also be interior

decoration. The 5 is the framework, the principles.

SEARCH FOR HARMONY.- The framework of life, the principles within the
house, within oneself, the decoration are important.

SPIRITUAL SEARCH.- Important of my personal framework, exterior decoration

and internal decorum

RESISTANCE NUMBER.- They are my principles, they could be my political or

religious convictions that are not respected.

EMERGENCY NUMBER.- My foundations at the level of my internal decoration.

Child, teenager, pleasure, play, innocent, can't stay sitting at the desk.


A number 6 is a person who has fun, who likes to make jokes, is a person who
allows the inner child to come before the adult. They are serious but we will

always take things with humor in the background. It is where I detect the most
recumbent people, because they are people who really like stories, who like to
have fun, laugh. When I see a number 6 that is sad, it is a safe lying person,
because it has this memory of not being able to take pleasure.

6 is the innocent pleasure of the child . A 6 that doesn't know funny stories is not
a real 6.
A story about the P/S: They are two Jewish mothers who are on the beach and one says to the
- Your children have grown up! How old are they now?
- The lawyer is 5 years old, and the doctor will be 3 years old in three weeks.

Number 6 is a person who exudes joy, who likes to have fun and is a low-conflict
person because he can always laugh at everything that is happening.

If I have a person who is 6 in a consultation, I am going to tell them a joke, to

reduce their internal stress and thus pass on the information.

A sad 6 is equal to lying. He is someone who carries a memory of death. If you

tell him a story he will laugh heartily. A pure 6 is a clown.
A woman who works as a nurse and doesn't like it. If he gets bored, he is repairing. She is 6 and
I explain to her that she is number 6 and she tells me: “My dream is to be a clown in the

Therefore she will continue to repair, but be herself. When I told her about 6 she
recognized, we can adapt our profession with numerology.

Another very important aspect of No. 6, the key word is harmony . He does not
like disagreements, he is the typical “public relations”, the one who brings
everyone to agreement, a good negotiator because he finds balance in any
You see that with a 6 it is easy to live, because you laugh.
No. 6 does not have a specific pathology, it can have any symptom, but there is
no specific one. It is the inner child that can express itself and part of the
illnesses is that the inner child is blocked.

EMOTIONAL KNOT.- You have to tell funny stories to number 6. They need to
laugh. If someone #6 is very sick we will tell them to watch comedies, rent
comedy DVDs, laughter therapy sessions.

PROFESSIONAL PILLAR.- It has to be a profession where you can laugh, it has
to have play..., for example, laughter therapist. He is a therapist who works with
the inner child.

SEARCH FOR HARMONY.- Every day you have to laugh. One thing aside, if I
have a 6 in search of harmony, but I can't laugh in my life, I can choose a partner
who has a PP 6, therefore she recharges me every day.

SPIRITUAL SEARCH.- It is childhood, play…

RESISTANCE NUMBER.- The inner child that is not respected.

EMERGENCY NUMBER.- I don't give enough confidence to my inner child, I am

very serious, I don't let him go.

Dominance, control, decision-making and responsibilities, positioning
oneself, the mental that cuts the hair in four, can sit in the office, stores
knowledge. Remake yourself, recompose yourself.


For number 7 there is a particular point. Observe the painting by Pablo Picasso,
the boy holds a pigeon: the problem with 7 is that if he squeezes too much, he
kills it and if he doesn't squeeze enough, it escapes.

The problem with #7 is control. The key word is

control .

The 7 is also the mental one . We have seen that

number 3 is intellect, but it is not the same. The
intellect is the reflection, the ideas.

The 7 is mental. He is someone who can get

mentally blocked because he always wants to look
for the solution, he wants to understand. For
example, if a 7 asks me a question and I answer,
he will then say: “why?” And when he answers
again, he will ask me again : Why? Because No. 7
wants to understand.

They are people who cut the “hair into four pieces.”
It is one of the most difficult numbers on a psychological level. The challenge of
the 7 is knowing how to let things flow. Now you know that if you have a lot of
control you are going to drown the dove.

I have said that it is one of the most difficult, but it is also one of the easiest
numbers to deal with, because the 7 is an intellectual person who is more in the

mental and you have to go look for in your life the moments in which I am
exercising this control and asking yourself the following question: “is it vital,
essential for me today to control all this?” .

Imagine a woman 7 with a man 4... it's control. The exaggeration of the 7 is
being the head of the family: he wants to control the children, the house, the
partner, the community, the neighbor,... It is the most difficult thing to undo. The
more you control, the more you can block yourself, therefore it is suggested that
you do internal work.

No. 7 likes to make decisions to be able to control. We have seen that No. 6
cannot sit for long. On the other hand, the 7 can be in front of the computer for
hours. And he likes the computer because he likes to control.

At the level of pathology, the word control, what organ does it make you think of?
In the Nervous System. The 7 is specific to Multiple Sclerosis, it is nervous
control, control of information

All people who have number 7 must do prevention so that this mental control
becomes physical control. Parkinson's, paralysis, everything that is the nervous
system related to giving the order to the muscles, since everything that I control
mentally in psychosomatics will be transformed at the level of the nervous
system. It also has digestive pathology, the stomach and small intestine,
because it is the digestion and assimilation of knowledge symbolically.

Number 7 is “I think, I think, I think…” Number 7 in therapy is the hardest, he

wants to understand everything and when you explain it to him he asks why?
You have to do one thing, you explain to him and say the exact phrase: “you are
going home, you are going to think about it and reflect and then you come back
to see me if you feel like it.”

The key word for 7 is to think about something, to reflect . The challenge of #7 is
to “loosen control.”

EMOTIONAL KNOT.- It is control, when there is a 7 at this level it is the control

of emotions. When someone who comes to therapy has a 7 at this level, they are
someone who blocks their emotions, they are someone who needs to be helped
to let their emotions out and the good thing is that we have the means to make
them talk.

PROFESSIONAL PILLAR.- A profession of control, controlling accounts,

products, people, fiscal control, IT,… These are the protocols. Christian Flèche is
number 7.

SEARCH FOR HARMONY.- I need to control every day, but not too much,
otherwise the machine breaks.

SPIRITUAL SEARCH.- I am in control to live well, but without going overboard

so as not to block the system.

RESISTANCE NUMBER.- They break my way of organizing, of doing, of

controlling things.

EMERGENCY NUMBER.- To get out of the water I must control the situation.
When I'm not well it's because I haven't controlled enough. When we have a
difficult moment that is where we have to go looking.

Power, justice, strength, strategy, planning, balance, wisdom, conciliator.


No. 8 serves me every time to illustrate the numbers on the three levels. All
numbers have three levels of interpretation:

- The low level

- The emotional level
- The spiritual level

All numbers can be expressed at these three levels. We have seen that the 5 is
the interior decoration of the house, but it is also magnetism.

The 8 is exactly this, it is in its form. The base 8, on a biological level, is the
territory . They are people who need to be in their territory, real territory (the
house...), symbolic (work, family, etc.). What is the biological function of the
territory? For reproduction. The territory is biological and a No. 8 will be
particularly affected by territory conflicts.

It needs a territory and this is associated with sexuality. Therefore, territorial

conflicts will have an influence on sexuality. Therefore number 8 is “I am the
boss of my territory, I am the alpha male or female”, and this is why number 8
can be dependent on money . Because territory is equal to “I am the boss”, it is
equal to “power”, it is equal to “money”.

In animal species the leader of the territory is the strongest, they fight to have a
territory. In humans it is not the same. The one who has power is the one who
has money. This is why sexuality always has a relationship with money. And the
foundations of all this are the territory and the power in the territory. And to have
a territory you have to plan your accession to the throne. Therefore the best
chess players are number 8 because they are always anticipating several
moves. That is, it has a long-term vision.

No. 7 reflects all the time. No. 8 plans all the time, organizes . It is always related
to family stories, because at a biological level it is blood, blood family , parents,
siblings, children,... The blood family is important to him and its study is
important. To do prevention you have to be aware that a family conflict can affect
you, because you commit yourself to the family and if you commit yourself too
much you may feel disappointed. For example, you plan your 30-year wedding
anniversary and in your head you are sure that such-and-such person is going to
attend the celebration and if they don't come you may feel affected, because
they are closely linked to the family. Going to eat every Sunday at your parents'

house is normal.

No. 8 is very emotional but does not express it . Because it stays at the
intersection point. All numbers that have an intersection point have a delicate
point, on a symbolic level, like 4, 7. They are very emotional people but they do
not express it. They are people who cry but never in front of others.

A good profession for the 8 is politics, because it plans. The great strategists,
like Napoleon, are number 8. Emotional therapy for a #8 is great because they
don't express their emotions.

And on the other hand we have something very high, spirituality . They are
people who have great potential for spirituality. So you have three types of
people depending on their structure:

People who are into spirituality and have no money. Here we have people like
a guru, or people who are in sects, they are out of reality

People who have too much money and do not have access to spirituality. They
are too much in reality

The ideal is an 8 in balance. Your challenge is to move from top to bottom,

from earth to sky, from heaven to earth, without stopping.

A number 8 in balance is money important, territory is important and spiritual

evolution is also important and is the point of balance between the two. The
problem is in the middle, on the emotional level. With Alice Bailey's numerology
we will see that what is blocked is the heart chakra. They are people who have a
lot but do not express it. They are often considered the most important people in
the family and to live up to the role they have to be strong. For example, having
to be strong can be a conflict that causes overweight.

For the 8 it is important to find balance. It is the psychosomatic number par

excellence because we have the body, the spirit and, in the middle, the emotion.
The challenge of the 8 is to access this balance based on your personal
evolution. There are 8 large financiers, banking is number 8, real estate
companies too, it is the territory. We say money bank, sperm bank..., it is power.
Another key word for #8 is logic , it has to be logical for a #8. For the 8, family
and territory are important.
EMOTIONAL KNOT.- He is someone who is sensitive to power, to money, he is
also sensitive to planning, the balance between spirituality and money is also
important. On a very earthly level it is money. For example, if you want to flirt
with someone number 8, you pay for the restaurant and they will be very happy.
For an 8 it is vital to find a balance between spirituality and money, you have to
find a financial balance.
PROFESSIONAL PILLAR.- It is everything that touches the three levels: money,
power and spirituality and the balance between the three. A banker, an
accountant, is a good profession of 8, real estate management. Psychosomatics

is 8, it is emotional, spiritual, material balance, it is seeking balance. The spiritual
guide is 8, a yoga teacher is 8, for example.
SEARCH FOR HARMONY.- It is money, balance, spirituality,…
SPIRITUAL SEARCH.- To return money, territory, spirituality, balance to the
system again...
RESISTANCE NUMBER.- They don't allow you to plan things, balance things.
EMERGENCY NUMBER.- It is the territory, the money, that I have not planned
correctly, I have made a mistake, therefore I have to restructure myself at the
money level...

Experimentation, the mental that experiences, questioning about
evolution, need for the absolute, openness, microcosm, macrocosm, brain,
eternity, timeless, exploring the geographical world, rumination, collective
unconscious, archetypes.

These are the key people. There are two things to keep in mind for #9: it's
experimentation . What does this mean? In No. 9 you cannot accept if you have
not experienced it. That is, when I have a 9 in front of me, I explain my story of
decoding, I tell him to reflect, I tell him to experiment and if he wants, to see me
again. He doesn't believe us the first time, you can't sell him something that isn't
They are people who like to experiment. The greatest gift for a child No. 9 is a
chemistry set, or the kitchen, to do experiments.

The second key word is reflect to reflect (go through the hills of Úbeda). The 9
who has not done personal work is always reflecting, 24 hours a day. He is
connected to the collective unconscious, he is a great dreamer, he is not in
reality, he wants to change the world. The 9 that wants to change the world must
associate with a number 8. No. 9 is the ideal, the utopia. But above all, reflect on
anything. Unlike the 7, who reflects on something precise, particular, if he has a
problem in his head, he thinks about the same problem all day; 9 is all problems,
it will go from one thing to another.

No. 9 is altruistic, also to everything that is base 9, the key word is humanistic .
Generally the 9 does not earn a lot of money, or earns a lot but spends a lot for
others. He is capable of sacrificing himself for others , others pass before him. It
is “I am nobody, everything for others.”
A typical example of number 9, a student came to psychosomatics for a year and then asked me
for a consultation. And he asks me: do you believe this about psychosomatics? I immediately
thought it was a 9, he needs to experiment, he will never believe. You have to let it go, reflect,
experiment. The 9 needs to experiment to trust. The 8 never trusts, because he is the boss and if

he trusts someone can take his place.

No. 9 is also the collective unconscious . That is to say, it has a gift, a

predisposition in relation to universal energies, therefore it can work on the
collective unconscious, on archetypes ..., but it is also the world and the world is
also geography. A gift for a 9 can be a geography book or a trip. If you want to
flirt with a 9 girl you must take her to a place that has landscapes, the mountains,
lakes, landscapes that connect her with the Universe. The 9 likes the landscape
and they like to make love outdoors, because in reality they make love with the
entire universe.

A No. 9 can see a landscape and get excited. The 8 does not see a landscape, it
sees a territory and is going to sell it. The 9 is the real universe (the landscape,
the geography) and the symbolic one (the collective unconscious, the
archetypes). Environmentalists and anti-establishment people are number 9.

When we say that number 9 is the collective unconscious, it means that you can
feel affected or related to people on the other side of the globe, for example,
feeling affected by a catastrophe that happens elsewhere. They are also the
great laws of the universe. For example, biodecoding is number 9, because to
understand diseases we are going to look for the biological functioning of other
species that we will adapt to man. In psychology there is a good part of the
collective unconscious.

The 9 is experimentation , don't try to convince him, it's no use. You give number
9 something important and tell him to reflect. And when he returns you give him
other important information and tell him to reflect. You are never going to give
him all the information at once.

Someone who reflects excessively should not be asked to do mental work; You
have to do real work, rooting, touching real things, walking barefoot on the grass.
If I have a number 9 next to me who changes his mind every day, or thinks about
many things at the same time, I find that it is normal. The children 9 are hanging
on the moon, because they are in their dream, the daydream.

The pathologies are mental, existential questioning, more psychological. For

example, depression, bipolarity...

The three levels of a No. 9 are: first, the land , the geography . Then it is the
collective unconscious , the peoples , the civilizations . For the 9th the trips are
long distance, plane 7-9 hours... On the emotional level it is the vibration with the
other , a landscape that makes me vibrate, the beauty of the world that can
move me until it makes me cry and also the pain of the world and I can sacrifice
for it, for example, symbolically giving money or doing it in reality, in NGOs.
A number 9 can also be related to natural disasters , they affect it at a very deep
point, microcosm/macrocosm, it is an element belonging to the entire world, but
within me is the entire world and if a part of the world suffers, the No. 9 too. No.
9 is the theme of the human and animal race, the deforestation of the Amazon
particularly affects them. The 9 is the one that adopts the clothing of other

Number 9 is the greatest repairer in numerology. When you give there is a good
chance that you will repair. For a 9 everyone is part of the same family, their

family is the universe. When someone suffers, I give to them. But there are
limits, if you give too much it means that you make amends. There is the limit
that I am doing something well, but beyond that I am taking something away
from my family. Repair the symbolic family, which is the representative of the
real family.

This concerns everyone, because we all repair, but there are limits. The limits
are in the time and money we give to others. If you are in a charitable
association for a few hours a week, it is normal. But if you give yourself away
from what you should give to your family, there is a problem. We always have to
set a limit. People who work normally and don't earn a lot of money are

EMOTIONAL KNOT.- It is experimentation, it is the collective unconscious, the

mountains, the great landscapes. If he is driving and sees a magnificent
landscape, he stops, stares, and may even cry. It is environmentalism, it is
someone who recharges with a beautiful landscape. With biodecoding we work
on the symbolism of the disease, but we do not deal with the fundamentals of the
person. For some time now I have been talking about the fundamentals, about
something that is vital for the person. For a number 9 it is vital to walk through
nature to recharge

PROFESSIONAL PILLAR.- The 9 can be a high mountain guide, it is the real

experiences, but also the spiritual ones. For example, being a tour guide is a 9,
translation too, travel,… the geography of the world.

SEARCH FOR HARMONY.- To recharge oneself requires going far away, going
outside, going to see landscapes.

SPIRITUAL SEARCH.- Geography, going to the mountains, visiting natural

places, ecology

RESISTANCE NUMBER.- They prevented me from going outside. There is

Multiple Sclerosis which is number 9, and for number 9 it is important to go
outside, geography.

EMERGENCY NUMBER.- To emerge I must go to nature, or on a long trip,

away from family, from problems, to recharge.

Fear of seeing greatness in myself, my own value, insecurity, need for
imbalance to balance myself, taking risks, trusting my listening abilities
and judgment on rather subtle issues, luck, surprise, prudence.


At first for 10 I only had two words: insecurity and surprise. And thanks to all the
numerology seminars I have understood a little more.

The key word is insecurity , it is the part that exceeds the iceberg, and under
insecurity you can put lack of self-confidence . Normally they are children who
have problems being recognized by their parents, because often, the lack of trust
comes from a lack of commitment on the part of the parents.

Imagine that a 2-year-old child comes with a drawing drawn by him and shows it
to his parents. The normal thing is to tell him that it is beautiful, that he has done
it well..., this is the father's commitment to the child. But if you reason with your
adult head and ignore it, this is called lack of parental commitment. And every
time you make a drawing your parents are happy, self-confidence is going to be

This feeling is going to be extrapolated to everything, for example, the alarms in

the house, there are people who feel insecure everywhere. The caricature would
be the people who close the doors, the windows, set alarms..., this is real
insecurity. But there is also symbolic insecurity, and this is why we return to the
lack of trust.

With the students we have put a phrase that speaks a lot about 10: “I am afraid
to see how great I have inside me.” Because the 10 has a very high internal
spiritual potential, but since it does not have self-confidence, it does not dare to
assert itself. This goes further because the number 10, in Hebrew is the letter
“iod”, and “yod” is God and the numerical value is 10.

He Vav He Jod

10 has to do with God . He is attracted to what he is, not necessarily to religion,

but to everything related to the energy of God.

A woman number 10 told me: “ I have an image to illustrate what I feel deep
inside myself, I walk on a thread, if I stop, I die .” That is to say, for a 10 you can
go very high, but you always have to move forward because, if you stop,
insecurity stalks you, you get stressed and you fall.

So the 10 are people who are very subtle inside , but they do not fully assert
themselves and they cannot communicate with others, because inside they feel
very strong things but they see that others are not interested in these things and
this is why it is difficult to talk about these things.

This is the perfect illustration of the deep personality, it is what we do not see,
what we keep inside us, that no one knows. With numerology, when I meet a
person who is a 10, I cannot speak to them the same as I do to a 4 or a 7. I talk
to him about God, be it his own God, about religion, about respect, about the
great laws of life, and it is something that is very strong. And sometimes it is very
strong and leads them to practice religion, go to church.

It has nothing to do with how you will visit a person who is 4, or 7,… we are
going to ask an 8 how much he or she earns. A true 8 has a bank account, an

investment account, a savings account, and a pure 8 is only interested in
economics books... Numerology suggests that you adapt to the person in front of

I am not going to give a number 10 a purchase voucher, I will invite them to a

conference on a topic of spirituality, related to angels, who are the messengers
of God.

If, for example, a 10 comes to visit me for a very serious problem, I ask two
general questions to find out if they are on the topic of a 10, to confirm and if so,
I will start the conversation by talking about God, in a general way. …, stress will
decrease and you will be able to pass on information. I'm going to talk to him
about God or I'm going to make him talk about God and inside his head he
thinks "finally someone who understands me." And then it will open up more.

Where would you rate a 10? In a church, on the energetic side. On the 3rd he
goes to the library, on the 6th to the circus, on the 9th to the mountains,… on the
10th he goes to the church, to contact this energy.
10 is a little more subtle. We cannot target a 10 with too rigid or square
decoding. Those who work with angels are number 10. Another thing is that they
like surprises, with surprises they recharge.
From a therapeutic point of view, imagine a woman with breast cancer that is
number 10, the key word is insecurity, how will the consultation go? It is where
there is more wear and tear because she is insecure and also has cancer, only
with certain words of concern can you destroy her. If the 10 is in the heart pillar
you have to be very careful in consultation. It is in these cases that we say that a
word in consultation can heal or can kill, because when there is a 10 at the level
of the heart chakra it means that there is instability. A good word can be very
reassuring. The first thing to tell her is that you are going to introduce her to
someone who has been cured of breast cancer, so she can project herself.

You have studied the diagnostic conflict and it is very important in number 10,
because we start from insecurity, from a lack of self-confidence. And this is why
we seek God, because God equals absolute security. When you feel
accompanied, nothing can happen to you, it is the maximum protection.

Number 10 being insecure is someone who is very cautious, someone who

moves slowly.

For a 10, the physical level, the key word is insecurity. Emotionally, it is the lack
of self-confidence and at an energetic level it is God, the Christ energy. Action is
a way of not stopping and for a 10 to be still is to die, you are walking on a
thread, as soon as you stop you become destabilized.
To gain security, the 10 has to stay in action and make decisions. Insecurity
comes when I don't know what to do, but if I make the decision to move in a
direction I stop being insecure. What is proposed to you is to act . A small
subtlety: to find its balance, the 10 needs imbalance, that is, to feel alive it needs
conflicts, it is “I need to be unbalanced to balance”, it is the driving force.
EMOTIONAL KNOT.- They are the most delicate. We are in biological decoding,
we know that emotions are important and the emotional knot is the key to
decoding. If we have a 10 and we don't work well, we are going to find an

insecure 10. With their insecurity is how we can affect the person.

We have seen that at 10, being insecure is what allows them to act, thanks to
their insecurity they do many things. It is also the spiritual side, God, is important
to him. You are proposed to work.

PROFESSIONAL PILLAR.- It has to do with security. I knew of a case that was

dedicated to selling security alarms. But also the most subtle part, of God. In the
case of number 10, you don't have to look for a profession, you have to look for
a mission.
SEARCH FOR HARMONY.- It is the search for security, or you connect with
sacred, energetic places.
SPIRITUAL SEARCH.- Search for security and also something more subtle,
mission in life...
RESISTANCE NUMBER.- It is total insecurity. I tell you about a patient with
breast cancer who was resolved thanks to this. We found the conflict thanks to
the fact that I told her that I had felt great insecurity, her husband had a heart
attack and was between life and death. Her resentment was “if my husband dies,
how will I manage to feed my children?”
EMERGENCY NUMBER.- I feel insecure, I have to go back to my basics to feel
safer, or I don't trust my intuitions on an energetic level.

Big boss, intuition, the unsaid, secret, trust my intuition, channel, verbal

I have kept to myself until now that each number has a masculine side and a
feminine side. For example, verbal violence is masculine. Channel, intuition, is
feminine. The secret, the unsaid, masculine. Big boss, masculine.

So, depending on our masculine or feminine nature, there are two types of
personalities, one masculine and the other feminine. The masculine personality
is one who gets angry, who shouts, who uses verbal violence. The other day I
visited a couple who were both number 11, but inverted, the woman was more
masculine and the man feminine. She is a company executive and heads an IT
department and therefore she must assert herself. And the husband does Reiki.

The feminine 11 is a channel, it is the people who see auras. 11 is the celestial
energy, it is the universal energy and Reiki is a typical example of 11. A 11/2
therapist is someone who typically doesn't talk much, so they will work a lot with
resentment. The 11th will have subtle colors in their house, they are people who
work with the angels and the energy of the Angels, the subtle bodies. It is an
ability to perceive the energy of others. So you are going to receive intuitions

because you are like connected to this energy.

In the house of an 11 there is always an angel somewhere. They also like

candles and incense. 11 is wrapped in energy.
On a therapeutic level, what is magnificent is that you give it the information and
let it do itself, because everything works on an energetic level. You don't have to
give many explanations because they already have it. The therapist 11 only has
to do one thing: learn, learn, learn..., and during the visit he lets go and the
information will arrive. A therapist 11 is never male, maybe in the hospital or in
institutions, but there is always this celestial magnetism. A massage done by a 4
will be a classic physiotherapy. One made by an 11 does not massage, it only
moves the energy, it puts the energy points in their place.
EMOTIONAL KNOT.- Emotionally it is sensitive to everything that is energy,
channel. You tell someone who is an 11 in emotional knot but you don't explain
them, because everything is energy. You can work with an 11 through symbols,
because we are on an energetic level, there is no need to talk. A couple who are
both 11 don't even have to talk, they just sit down, they know what the other
person is saying without having heard them. There is no need to explain much, it
is very positive to do energy therapy.
PROFESSIONAL PILLAR.- For example, masseuse with energies is a good
profession for an 11, they are subtle energies.
SEARCH FOR HARMONY.- Channel, energy, intuition, etc…
SPIRITUAL SEARCH.- It is letting yourself go to the reception of information,
being more in listening and intuition. It is trusting oneself regarding intuition.
RESISTANCE NUMBER.- You don't have confidence in what you feel.
EMERGENCY NUMBER.- To emerge I have to connect, go to energetic places,
trust my intuitions, listen to others,...

Devotion, sacrifice.

To be honest, I advise you to have a 12 close to you, because it is always there

to help you. They are the people who never say “no” , and are capable of doing
something and when someone calls them, they drop everything to go help this
person. And this is why we talk about sacrifice , because they always go behind
others. And for example, in an overweight situation it may be “I have a lot of love
to give to people, I have a lot of energy to help them.” Energy is sugar, fats in
reserve. Being of service to others , part of being overweight is I have to have
reserves to be ready to nurture the clan, you may have been designated by your
clan to take care of everyone.
12s are generally not confrontational people, the only problem is that they go too
far helping others until they sacrifice themselves. They can become slaves to the


To solve it, since they are people who never say no, first of all you tell them that
when they ask them for something they answer: “I can't right now, but call me
from here for a couple of hours.” Generally they don't call again, but if they do,
you help them and, when they call again, you tell them you can't do it today or
tomorrow, so they should call from Sunday. And so on. It is not easy for them, so
it must be done progressively. This is the key to stop doing everything for others
and then you will do it but in full consciousness, to help others, but not to be of
service to others.

There is also, as we have said in 10, non-recognition and to live, 12 has to

sacrifice oneself to be able to exist in the clan. He may be shy, we may find more
character problems, and here we have to explore the project/meaning, the
transgenerational and see his role in the family.

EMOTIONAL KNOT.- It is helping others. I told a child who was 12 in emotional

knot and not well, to buy him a pet and they bought him a hamster. Since he did
so well, they later bought him a rabbit. Or you will sign up for the Red Cross to
do first aid, or you will help the neighbors if they have a problem…. But we must
pay attention that it is not sacrificed. 12 is positive but has limits.

PROFESSIONAL PILLAR.- It means working for others, but being careful not to
sacrifice yourself.

SEARCH FOR HARMONY.- Take care of others, paying attention not to

sacrifice yourself.

SPIRITUAL SEARCH.- Every day, when I am not well, I take care of others.

RESISTANCE NUMBER.- I want to take care of others but they won't let me.

EMERGENCY NUMBER.- I take care of others because I haven't done it

enough, it could be a charitable association, an animal... etc.

Change of state, pain, change of point of view, mental flexibility, ability to
evolve, to transform, violence.

It's a little special, it's the most difficult of the base 22 numbers. The arcana
number 13 of the tarot is death, but it is not death, but transformation. The 13th
has to do with the transformation from one state to another. For example, I am in
my mother's womb and I am born, I change my state, I have transformed, this is
13. I am a girl and I have my period, I become a woman, it is also 13. I am
healthy and sick, it is a change of status, it is also 13. And it is a change of state
always associated with a certain level of suffering and pain.
The key words are transformation , suffering , pain . For example, it is a phrase
that my mother told me, “you have to suffer to be beautiful”, “to be successful in
life you have to have a hard time”. To achieve a state you have to suffer.

13 is a complicated number and we will work on it again with the heart chakra.
The violence of when something is difficult. It is a violent effort to achieve
EMOTIONAL KNOT.- One word they say is that “it's hard, it's difficult.” If it's
hard, if it's difficult, it's normal. The problem is that when they see that it is very
difficult they want to fight and you don't have to fight, you have to let yourself go
because it is normal. They can get excited about stories that initially have been
very difficult and then they succeed, for example, Cinderella, is a typical story
from No. 13.

When a 13 finds themselves in a difficult situation, they have to imagine that it is

like climbing a mountain along a very difficult path but at the top you will find a
landscape that no one else will see. It will be hard but beautiful and it is normal
that it is difficult. The harder it is, the better it will be in the end and thus you will
reduce the negative effects of the 13th.
PROFESSIONAL PILLAR.- For example, accompanying the dying. A story, a
woman, a psychologist, her husband was very rich, she has what she wants but
she goes to work in the prisons and when she gets out, she does the
accompaniment and everything voluntarily. He asks me why he does this. I told
him that it was normal because he has the need to help people who have great
SEARCH FOR HARMONY.- Every day I am challenged to evolve, and if I don't
evolve it starts to be difficult. You have a constant search for transformation. You
are condemned to constant evolution, changing your life and this is normal for
SPIRITUAL SEARCH.- It is proposed to you, when you are blocked, to evolve.
The key is when you are offered to evolve and you refuse, this blocks you. Listen
to the information that comes to you, the coincidences, the synchronicities, this is
important for you, because you are still in a question and you are blocked there
and this blocks the entire system because you think about it repetitively. Pay
attention to external information because there is a message that comes to you
to evolve. Otherwise it's going to be very hard. 13 is great when understood well.
But you are condemned to evolve and you feel better if you do.

RESISTANCE NUMBER.- They have not let me evolve.

EMERGENCY NUMBER.- I have not been able to evolve, I have found myself
blocked. I must propose to evolve.

Break free, celestial magnetism.


If you count the number of phalanges in the hand we will see that there are 14,
which is why it is the number of freeing oneself , of letting go of something .
Because it is when I open my 14 phalanges that I can let go of something. This
is why when there is a 14 in some issue, the person has this ability to let go of
something easily.

It has to do with celestial magnetism because it has to do with the energy of the
fingers. They are people who remove fire, who remove excess fire (in Chinese
medicine they work on this, they remove excess fire, also the real one, if the
person has been burned). In France, people like this are brought to hospitals to
help severely burned people, they have a gift that we call removing the fire.

EMOTIONAL KNOT.- Number 14 has to do with letting go. That is to say, for
people who have a number 14 in the emotional knot, it means letting go of
something every day, something, even if we don't know what, to be emotionally
well we have to let go of something. I would like to do a seminar on letting go of
things, simply opening your hand and letting go. It is a symbolic treatment of
letting go of something. That is to say that every day they have to release
something, at first with small things and at the end we release the “Ming jar”. It
seems like a silly exercise but every day, using the 14 phalanges, in full
consciousness. In the end you have to take something that is very important to
you and know that you are going to let it go. It's something progressive.

There is a big difference between pulling and releasing something. When you let
go you think about all the problems. The exact phrase would be “to feel better
what they suggest is to let go of something, even if I don't know what I have to
let go of because it is something unconscious.” All people want to let go of
something, but we don't know what, so we let go of anything. If we do this
symbolic exercise we give the information to the unconscious that we have
understood that we must let go.

Another aspect of 14 is energy, you have to do an energy treatment, for

example, Chinese medicine, the chakras... etc. And this recharges him

Letting go is not letting go of the past, of attachments..., it is not cutting, it is

accepting. If you cut the past it comes back, because you do it consciously but it
is still there. Therefore it is to accept.

PROFESSIONAL PILLAR.- It is energy and helping people to let go of things.


SPIRITUAL SEARCH.- They are subtle energies, but also terrestrial magnetism.
That is to say, if things are not going well, it is because I have forgotten to
release something.

RESISTANCE NUMBER.- I have not let go or they prevented me from letting go.

EMERGENCY NUMBER.- I have not let go, I am attached to something and I

am going to propose to let go. And the question that can be asked is: What
bothers me the most today? This is what we must let go.

Passion, drive, sexuality, putting light, illuminating evils.


It is the number of sexuality. 15 is the devil. When there is a 15 in some subject

there is a strength, a passion, a sexual energy that is stronger than average. But
before talking about sexuality, the first word is passion, coupled with drive. They
are very impulsive people and they do everything out of passion. And when they
manage to express themselves like this, they can download themselves. But if
they don't get it this way, they go through physical exercise. It can be real
physical exercise, for example, they do a lot of sports, but if they don't do a lot of
sports, they express it through sexuality. But it is not a pure sexuality, it is an
energy that must be externalized. And sexuality is a way for it to come out.

It also has to do with people who spend money at the casino, on games. They
are the big players, it also has to do with sexuality, because money is power and
also sexuality.

EMOTIONAL KNOT.- It is passion, drive, sexuality. Someone who has 15 in the

emotional knot has to find what their passion is, because they need a passion to
live. Passion is the drive, it is a physical energy. To treat someone like this you
have to do it through sexuality, they will physically charge and discharge
themselves through sexuality. The problem is that there are many people
blocked on a sexuality level for various reasons, in love disorders we saw some
causes, and this means that they are also blocked on an emotional level. In one
way or another we all go through sexuality to discharge, it is something typical of
the human species, but for a 15 it is also a supplementary means, it is very
PROFESSIONAL PILLAR.- It is a profession with passion, the profession has to
be your passion.
SEARCH FOR HARMONY.- Making love morning, afternoon and night,… is
passion, it is immersed in a universe of passion. If this is not possible, you find
yourself with significant internal energy and there are two possibilities: physical
exercise or games of chance. And if it doesn't do either of those things, then it's
sexuality. Honestly, everyone overloads with sexuality, but for the 15th it is a
SPIRITUAL SEARCH.- It is passion, sexuality, when it is not possible to
discharge on a sexual level there are two possibilities: depression, so sex or no
sex is no longer important; either a specific illness related to sex; or I'm
separating... because you can't stand it; or I'm having a lover or I'm getting
divorced. I can't stand it, within my fundamentals I can't take it anymore. And
another possibility is spirituality, making love with angels...
RESISTANCE NUMBER.- They have deprived me of sexuality, they have not
allowed my passion to expand.
EMERGENCY NUMBER.- I have not been able to give expression to my
passions or my sexuality. It is proposed to let you loose more.

Challenge, pride, perfection, golden ratio, demanding, taking risks,
In number 16 there is a male and female side. The masculine is demand , the
golden ratio and perfection . The golden or golden number is an algebraic

p = 1+.05 e 1.618033988749894848204586834365638117720309...
It was discovered that the pyramids of Egypt were built from this number, the
great cathedrals and basilicas also contain this number and it was only initiated
architects who built in this way. The golden number is perfection. This is why the
masculine side of number 16 has to do with mathematics .
The women's 16 is about challenge and pride . A person who is 16 works by
projects , by objectives . When you achieve something you have to have another
EMOTIONAL KNOT.- In the 16th we have the masculine side that has to do with
perfection, to the point of reaching an obsessive point. The feminine side is
defiance and pride. Being proud is normal, but you have to be balanced if we
reach the point of despising others.
PROFESSIONAL PILLAR.- It is a profession with a side of perfection or
challenge, there must be objectives.
SEARCH FOR HARMONY.- It is perfection on the masculine side and
challenge, pride on the feminine side.
SPIRITUAL SEARCH.- Perfection, challenge, pride. You have to make a child
number 16 advance through objectives.
RESISTANCE NUMBER.- I have been cut off in my desire for perfection, or I am
too proud, or the purpose was too high.
EMERGENCY NUMBER.- I am going to question my own functioning and I am
going to be much more precise, since it is perfection. I'm going to find some
perfect bases.

Friendship, tenderness, caresses, epidermis, friends, real or mental family.

No. 17 is a very nice number. When I see a 17 the first thing I do is touch it,

because the 17 is the epidermis. Normally he should really like caresses,
because it is the epidermis, it is recharged by caresses.

On the 10th you recharge in the church, on the 8th in the bank, on the 7th in the
library… On the 17th you recharge with tenderness and caresses,… 2 hours of
preliminaries…. There are real caresses and symbolic caresses: friends. You
probably call your friends regularly. Friends are like medicine, when you don't
feel well, if each one calls you for three minutes you will feel much better,
because it is a friendly caress.

Friends are very important, even more than family, because there is a need to
feel friendship, tenderness. But you have to be careful because danger can also
come from there.

It is a very nice number once it is well understood. For someone who is 17 and
sick, the first thing to do is prescribe massages, but gentle, energetic
massages... because when they touch the epidermis it is in contact with the
brain. If she is not well, you have to touch her, she needs caresses.

EMOTIONAL KNOT.- This number is easy, what you have to do is caress it,
have your friends call you. If you have someone around who is number 17, when
you know that they are not well, you invite them home, and you also invite their
friends and this will recharge the person.

PROFESSIONAL PILAR.- A student tells me that he cannot work with a client if

they are not friends. Your work has to do with friendship, or work related to the
epidermis, the 17th has to do with the skin, gentle massages. The profession
doesn't matter but it has to be with friendship.

SEARCH FOR HARMONY.- A gentle massage, calling friends...

SPIRITUAL SEARCH.- Affection, sweetness, caresses, gentle massage,

friendship,… it's easy.

RESISTANCE NUMBER.- They forbade me from seeing my friends…

EMERGENCY NUMBER.- To emerge I am going to go to be petted, or to see


Past, unconscious, psyche, depression, memories of akasha (ether
element in Sanskrit, the quintessence), H3, library of the universe

AKASHA. Gnostic concept that has to do with the constant flow of the ether and the universe
whose constant vibration determines the origin of good and evil. H3 in the memory of the Akasha
represents the universal library.


Number 18, at the tarot level, is the moon and the moon is everything that is
hidden, it is the night. You may have noticed that the moon is seen at night...

It is the entire inner world , it is psychology , the unconscious and it is also

everything that is not seen. We call it the “memories of the akash” which is the
universal library. With a person like this we will not talk about earthly topics, it is
impossible. Even food is energy food. All elements of the life of number 18 are
impregnated with this universal energy and the unconscious has to do with our
personal past. These are people who when they come to visit you tell them: “tell
me about your childhood…, or your adolescence…” because this takes them
back to their past. Ask her especially about pleasant memories, because she
feels attracted to the past.

The past is something important for the person and when the past has been
difficult, at the level of biological decoding it is related to depression, because we
have realized that all depressed people regret the past, or miss the past, where
They felt good, “today things are difficult, so I'm going to take refuge in the

The 18 has to do with this universal energy, that is, they are also people who are
into subtleties and are also very connected to resentment. The 18 is the
experimental, outside the mental, in resentment. Therapist 18 works a lot with
the past, the unconscious, energies, synchronicity,…

Each number has a peculiarity. Each person has their particularities and the
important thing is to analyze and integrate them. For an 18 it is fine to go looking
in the past, but if you go too far into the past it becomes a burden. Depression is
“ too much past in my life prevents me from living in the present .” The time of life
is the present, it is okay to go in the past to look for what happened. The problem
is if we go to the past and stay too long, like psychoanalysis. I was
psychoanalyzing myself for three years and I always talked about the past.

The time of healing is not the past, it is the present. It is not the future either, it is:
“ what do I do in my life to feel better today knowing what happened …”. There
are therapies that take you too far into the past and you stay stuck there.

EMOTIONAL KNOT.- It has to do with psychology, they are people who absorb
a lot of psychological themes, the inner world.

PROFESSIONAL PILLAR.- It is the psyche, the unconscious, everything that is

hidden... etc.

SEARCH FOR HARMONY.- Psychology, …etc.

SPIRITUAL SEARCH.- Penetrate psychology, talk to people, understand what

happens to them, listen...

RESISTANCE NUMBER.- I have not used my psychic side enough and I have
not been able to foresee things, the psychic mental has not been able to

EMERGENCY NUMBER.- I do a numerology seminar and I feel happy...,
working with psychology recharges me.

Peace and harmony.


This is the feminine side, peace and harmony. The masculine side is the sun and
the sun is the father, it is the authority until reaching dictatorship.

So the masculine side of 19 is authority and the feminine side is peace and
harmony. I am going to describe the office of a therapist 19: the bell is soft, when
you enter there is beautiful music, a waiting room that is a place of rest, the
colors are warm, there is a lot of sweetness and it exudes peace and harmony.

It is a number that is nice, pleasant, but the problem does not come from them,
because they know how to be well. The problem is others who do not respect
your peace and harmony. For example, someone works all day and comes
home and needs a few minutes to recharge in silence, because they need this
calm…, and their husband speaks sweetly to them…, they hate shouting…. If I
am with a woman number 19 and she asks me that she wants to be quiet for 5
minutes, I tell her to take 10 minutes. Your stress decreases when there is calm,
when the tone of voice is soft, calm.

When someone number 19 is not well, you have to leave them alone, they
recharge only with their music, their tranquility. It is a nice number in its feminine

In its masculine aspect it is authoritarianism , they are despots , dictators, when

they exceed their stress limit and get angry. Prevention is that, from time to time,
through martial arts or with a punching bag and hitting it until the masculine side
is discharged. Either he goes to nature to play sports, or to shout...

EMOTIONAL KNOT.- It's easy, it's peace and harmony. He needs calm music,
soft and calm environments.

EMOTIONAL SEARCH.- I am going to use peace and harmony to release your

emotions, my voice will be soft, the atmosphere calm. You need peace and
harmony to be able to experience your emotions.

PROFESSIONAL PILLAR.- A profession where there is peace and harmony.

The key word is that it has to be beautiful, harmonious.

SEARCH FOR HARMONY.- Every day peace and harmony..., at home, at work,
with your partner, with friends, and if you can't get it you have to isolate yourself
for 5 minutes until you get it.

SPIRITUAL SEARCH.- Peace and harmony

RESISTANCE NUMBER.- They broke me, invading my peace and harmony.

EMERGENCY NUMBER.- Find peace and harmony. Know what harmony

means to me.

Recognition, I only know what I recognize, I connect with what I know
internally, mystery, using others to value oneself.


No. 20 has two faces. It is the one that has the greatest devaluations, if someone
is number 20 and comes for an osteo-articular problem it means that behind it
there is a lack of recognition, both at the family level and at the work level. The
conflicting point of 20 is devaluation. This at the level of the male side.

The feminine side is everything mysterious. For example, a man number 20 and
when I told him “mystery” he opened his eyes because he liked all mysteries,
from the Bermuda Triangle to UFOs…

Therapists No. 20 seek mystery and biodecoding is a mystery, a discovery. A

profession that goes to number 20 is that of police inspector, they are the

EMOTIONAL KNOT.- In number 20 there is a small problem, to be well you

need to feel recognized at work and family level. It's the challenge. But what is
easy to put into practice is that if you have a job and earn a good living, you can
already feel recognized. You may not feel recognized in your family, but you do
feel recognized in your work. The problem with 20 is that it seeks family
recognition, and the phrase I always tell them is “ if I have not been recognized,
if I have not felt loved, if I feel that my parents have not invested in me before
the age of 7 , I will never be recognized ”, because it is a childhood program. So
if you do not feel recognized today, it means that you have not been recognized
before the age of 7, because it is the limit age for the structure of the person and
it means that you fixed in your structure "I am not recognized by my family." ”.
The title of the film is “Desperately Seeking Dad's Recognition.”

People who don't feel recognized need to be asked if they make a good living. If
yes, it means that you work well, that you have courage, that you are not stupid.
PROFESSIONAL PILAR.- Being 20 is devaluation, and also the mystery,
discovering the mystery. A good profession is to be an inspector, like Sherlock
Holmes, for example.
SEARCH FOR HARMONY.- The search for appreciation, trusting myself, finding
my own value, or the hidden side of things.

SPIRITUAL SEARCH.- There is a problem of devaluation and a lack of self-
confidence that must be cured. It is trust in relation to recognition, in the family.
RESISTANCE NUMBER.- They have devalued me.
EMERGENCY NUMBER.- Trust myself, I am devalued therefore I have to find
my bases based on reality.

World, global harmony, aesthetics, beauty, harmony of the feminine and
masculine, extra-terrestrial, teleportation, astral travel, What do we do on
Earth?, take a short trip outside and return.

It is a number of harmony, it is the harmony of the world, it is a number that

allows everything to be harmonized and the problem is when there is a lack of
Harmony has to do with beauty , so it has to do with aesthetics , it is a good
number for beauticians. A peculiarity of the 21 is that they are as if blinded by the
aliens, the teleportation stories. These are people who are attracted to these
things. But what concerns us is astral travel .

The interest of numerology is your numerological chart, what do you use it for? If
you use it you are on your path and if you do not recognize yourself, you are on
your map. If you are not on your map there are several possibilities: the first is
the lying; The second is not having the right due to education issues, it is either I
do not have the right or I am not allowed it. You have to see how the personality
is built.
EMOTIONAL KNOT.- It is the world, harmony. You have to pay attention not to
be too disharmonious, you have to try to find what is disharmonizing you, what
bothers you.
PROFESSIONAL PILLAR.- It is harmonization, but it is also the world, for
example, journalists because they are linked to the world and the history of the
world. 9 is geography and 21 is history.

SEARCH FOR HARMONY.- It is the world, this international side is important.

SPIRITUAL SEARCH.- The global vision of things, the universal vision.

RESISTANCE NUMBER.- They cut off my ability to connect with the whole.

EMERGENCY NUMBER.- It is my goal to harmonize my life and I have to go in

search of what harmony means to each one of us.

Genius, madness, greatness, self-confidence.


The question to ask a 22 is: What is your big project? Do you have a big project
in mind? All 22 therapists want to have their own center, a large natural therapy
center. He always has great projects in his head. The problem is that some
achieve it and others do not achieve it. When they achieve it it goes well, when
they don't achieve it it is a problem.

This is why it affects genius and madness. Great psychiatric patients are number
22, because the base of 22 is a 4 and when its base is solid it can reach very

If the base is not solid they cannot take off and a solid base of 22 is number 4.
First you need solid money bases, solid psychic bases, if you don't have things
clear you will stay in the clouds... The key is that they have a very solid base so
that they can rise very high. If the base is not solid, it rises very high, but reaches
extreme psychiatry.

In order to have your own center you must have solid physical and mental
foundations, otherwise we see people with great projects and they remain unreal
and we call this madness. The key to 22 is the base.

When all 22 are successful, you have big hits. Sigmund Freud was a 22. For 20
years he worked as a neurologist and the strong foundation he had in medicine
allowed him to reach his discoveries. He did not do like Wilhem Reich
(1897/1957, psychoanalyst, doctor and student of Freud), ended up in a
psychiatric hospital (diagnosed with schizophrenia).

The 22 has this double face: if it has a solid base it can reach very high, but if it
does not have a good base it can explode during flight. For example, Sarkozy is
a 22nd, there has never been a President of the Republic No. 4, it is not
possible. A president is an 8, because there is planning, Mitterrand was an 8,
John Paul II was an 8. The great architects are number 22.

EMOTIONAL KNOT.- The 22 is sensitive to big things. What makes me vibrate

on an emotional level are the great constructions, the great monuments, or the
great projects and surely within them there are great projects. It means that “ the
strength is in you ”, often the phrase is that I don't trust myself because 22 is the
unconscious universal knowledge. So, often the problem is not trusting yourself.

PROFESSIONAL PILLAR.- Anything is possible, the strength is with you. It is a

theme of trust, unconsciously all possibilities exist. There has to be something
great about it.

SEARCH FOR HARMONY.- It is something great that I carry in my head every

day. Great for yourself.

SPIRITUAL SEARCH.- Strength is within you, absolute confidence. He has

enormous potential but he doesn't achieve it because he doesn't trust himself. I

don't have enough strength in me to recognize this strength, in general.

RESISTANCE NUMBER.- They don't trust me...

EMERGENCY NUMBER.- I do not trust in my ideas, in materializing a project,

for example


Then there is the number 26, they are people who are 8, but they reach 8
through 26, and 26 is the number of health , both classical medicine and all the
alternatives, para-medicine, or it could be the theme. of health in general. There
are people who are 26/8 who are not therapists but are attracted to medical
books, about the human body, and things related to health.

When you go to the hospital you lie down on the stretcher, because lying down
is the sign of the disease. In Kabbalah, health is God standing . Symbolically the
writing of God in Hebrew is “the standing man.” The standing man is someone
who is connected with the energies from above and who has his feet on the
ground, he is someone who is in good health.

In ancient Kabbalah traditions, 26 is “the standing man who resembles God.”

And when you are lying down you are not connected to God, you are sick. 8/26
is related to health, but on all levels, both a cold and cancer.

EMOTIONAL KNOT.- Number 26 are people interested in health, if you offer

them a book about the human body, how the brain works..., they will feel
interested in it.

PROFESSIONAL PILLAR.- It has to do with health.

SEARCH FOR HARMONY.- It has to do with health, every day, it is important

for the…

SPIRITUAL SEARCH.- Work in the field of health.

No. 30 is subtle communication . Every time there is a 0 next to a number, add
“subtle”. For example, 10 is 1, it is ME, but since it has a 0 next to it, it makes

ME with God. The 3 is communication, taking the 0 next to it is subtle
communication. When the 3 comes from a 30, they are people who speak well,
but who are connected, when they speak they are inspired, they are great
EMOTIONAL KNOT.- You feel the need to pick up a book, a magazine, to
constantly document yourself, to learn all the time. He has a library to
understand things... and he recharges himself with this, he needs to understand
things on a mental level.
PROFESSIONAL PILLAR.- It is communication at a high level.
SEARCH FOR HARMONY.- It is communication at a higher level.


We will discover number 33 when we do base 9, but it is a higher level than 22.
The 33 comes from the 6 and represents harmony in base 9. The 6 in base 9
represents family harmony , and 33/6 represents universal family harmony .
They are the great pacifists. For example, Einstein was number 33, Elisabeth
Kübler-Ross was number 33.

They are people connected to a higher level, we are no longer talking about
spirituality, we are above it, because it is a connection with the entire universe.
When a star dies in the Milky Way, one of its cells dies. The problem with 33 is
when he does not reach this level, because there is a drive that pushes him to
this level, but due to his education, his way of being, it may not allow him to
access this level and in this case there may be psychological disorders.
important. This is why 33 is always a little crazy.

For the 22nd we have said that the material base must be solid. The base of 33
is your family, it is important that you feel good in your family, through the
transgenerational, the project/meaning, the woman, the children, to be able to
accept yourself on the solid base of universal love, because universal love
comes first for the love we receive and that we give.
When a child is 33 you have to be careful, if he sees Angels and sees things, it
is normal, he is not crazy.

EMOTIONAL KNOT.- We are in subtlety, going to energetic places.

PROFESSIONAL PILLAR.- He is a spiritual guide, in any case a higher mission

than ordinary people.

SEARCH FOR HARMONY.- It is someone who is connected to the world.


Another important figure for therapy is the number 40, quarantine, quarantine,
forty days in the desert, Lent, and 40/4 people are people who are related to
serious illnesses. They have the ability and energy to accompany people with
serious illnesses. There are two special numbers to accompany the person at
the end of their life, they are 13 and 40.

EMOTIONAL KNOT.- A good job for a number 40 is to accompany people at the

end of their lives, assist the seriously ill, or intervene in major catastrophes.

PROFESSIONAL PILLAR.- It has to do with serious illnesses. One thing related

to 26 and 40: both have to do with health, but just because you are 40 doesn't
mean that you are going to have a serious illness; Not because you get a 26 are
you going to get sick.

When I do not do a profession related to the energy of the professional pillar, it

means that I am repairing family history.

With all this, what it allows us to see is that everyone is right within their personal
system, but we do not have the right to generalize things for everyone.

SEARCH FOR HARMONY.- Serious illnesses, catastrophes, shocking things...

are people who can work with terminal patients, in prisons, serious illnesses,
social reintegration,...

We call all this the mirror , our entire life is reflected here, because when I look
in the mirror I see this. And when it is unbalanced we go down a level and call it
the mask .

From now on we are going to rise in height at all levels and the higher we are,
the less we can afford to descend. That is to say, there are drives within you that
lead you to high levels of money, psychological, spiritual, at all levels, also at
levels of control, but there is always this double side. When you have something
magnificent, if you are not honest with yourself and you are not honest with the
universe, the universe will remind you as much as it can…, and then we will talk
about destiny.

There are numbers where you have to be very careful. When you don't know
anything, nothing happens, but when you know, you have to be careful.

We have seen that when we know the number of the Deep Personality we have
a little information. For example:

- No. 3 is someone mental, someone who needs to introduce knowledge

- No. 4 needs a structure, something very framed
- No. 5 needs a particular context in which it feels good
- Number 6 needs to play, be silly, laugh
- No. 7 needs to control
- Number 8 needs to plan, with the power of money, the emotional and the

- No. 9 needs to feel connected to the universe to feel good. What is
happening today in Egypt (February 2011) concerns you because it is
something that affects internationally and you also need to experience
- Number 10, the key word is insecurity because there is a lack of self-
confidence and you compensate for it by connecting with God, with
subtlety, with the spiritual.
- No. 11, the masculine side, are people of verbal violence, of authority, but
you will not see many therapists; the feminine side is the channel, the
- Number 12's function is to serve others and that is fine, but when too
much time passes it becomes a sacrifice for one's own life.
- Number 13 is difficult because it is proposed to change, that every time it
has to evolve, that changing is going to be painful and when we accept it
it gets better.
- No. 14 is the number of letting go of things
- Number 15 is everything driven, everything passionate, it also has to do
with sexuality.
- No. 16 has to do with mathematics, perfection with the golden number,
which needs everything to be precise, perfect, in its masculine aspect; the
feminine aspect is challenge, pride, challenges
- No. 17 is caresses, friends, tenderness, it is very easy to deal with, you
have to be very warm and tender and that is enough
- No. 18 is everything internal, it is the moon, it is everything that is
unconscious, hidden.
- The masculine number 19 is the big boss, the dictator; The feminine side
is peace and harmony, she is a calm person
- No. 20 is devaluation and the search for recognition, but also mystery

- No. 21 is harmony, it is the world
- #22 is also a great thing, the problem is that if you don't have a good solid
base of 4, you can go crazy, they have very interesting ideas
- No. 26 is a particular number. If a therapist is 26/8 it is normal, it is logical
because he is interested in everything that is related to health. I told a
woman with breast cancer who had a 26/8 emotional knot the following
phrase: “thanks to this disease you will be able to evolve.” This opened
his mind to continue working and decoding
- No. 30 is communication, but much more subtle, great speakers
- The number 33 is in a very high sphere, what happens today in Egypt can
make a 33 emotional, they are people who when there is someone who
suffers on earth, even if it is only one, he suffers too; By 33, peace has to
be universal. This is why there are Christ messages, of love..., and this
concerns 33. It is something positive but it is not easy to stay there,
especially in the material world we live in. In the psychiatric hospital it is
full of 33, they are the ones who believe they are Jesus, or the gurus.
George Bush is 33/6; Saddam Hussein was 33/6. He is a guide, he can
be a dictator guide or a spiritual guide.
- Number 40 has to do with the seriously ill. A 40 therapist who receives
seriously ill patients is not a problem


Each number has its strengths and weaknesses. The trick is to stay with the
positive and work on the negative. We will see the therapeutic possibilities, that
there are many possibilities to treat a number that does not work.

Let's start with the treatment, with pathologies, for example, Plaque Sclerosis.
Symbolically it is 7, because it has to do with control. We can do it with all
numbers, but I choose this one as an example because I treated a woman #7
with MS with this.

Among all the base 22 numbers there are two particular ones:

- The 21st, which is harmonization

- The 22, which is to surpass something

To treat something we can do two things: either

try to harmonize it, give it a practical solution, or
overcome it, go further. I call this Mickey ears .
There are two rounds, one to harmonize and
another to overcome something.

Example: to
harmonize a number 7 we have to do it through
21 ^ 21-7=14, and to overcome it we have to go through 22 ^ 22-7=15.

When there is a difficult number, in this case 7, we have two possibilities of

dealing with it, through 14 or through 15.

The 14th is letting go and energetic. We are going to ask this person to let go, to

let go of what they can, from their history, to repair the difficult things in their life,
you recommend that they start letting go of objects, you give them the poster of
the Iguazú Falls, or someone jumping by parachute, and you tell him that he has
to do an energy treatment, all this to harmonize himself.

And to overcome it is 15, it is asking him: What was his passion? Let him get her

Another example, a person with emotional knot 13, we will put Mickey ears, 21-
13=8; 22-13=9. We are going to treat a person 13 through the 8, which is
money, emotional balance, spirituality. You can try a 13 through 8. And 9 is to go
outside, connect with the universe, the landscapes, etc.

For example, emotional knot 20 I have to go to #1 and #2. The 1 is me, self-
taught, potential, trusting oneself or someone, within the shell, need to
isolate oneself. That is, it is affirming oneself , 1 is me and I have confidence in
myself. But since I don't have trust in my family, I have to trust myself, thanks to
my results.

And number 2 is intuition , secret . It's trusting your intuitions. They are also
people who are attracted to family secrets, to things that have not been said,
they feel when there is a secret, they have intuition.

All the pillars that you don't feel good about, put Mickey ears on them.

The 21st is usually in harmony, normally it does not have to be harmonized. But
if it is blocked we can only do 1 or 22, trust yourself.

At the tarot level, 22 is all the cards, it is universal knowledge. I like the phrase
from “Ioda” from Star Wars, “the force is within you.” This is the phrase from 22.
There is potential that is hidden because of our history.

If you have to harmonize with a number 13, don't use it. For example, if
someone is an 8 you can treat them as a 13 or a 14 or both. Which one are you
going to choose? … I'm not going to tell you to do difficult things. I'm going to try
it with 14.

If you have a 15 for example, you can choose between a 6 or a 7. Which one are
you going to choose? On the 6th, it is better to tell him to go to the cinema to see
a comedy than to try to control everything. Better to take a clown course than an
Excel course.

It is always which of the two works best, but you are only going to use it when
you feel that there is a difficulty in this pillar . There are several solutions to treat
the number. Also deep personality, all numbers can be treated with Mickey
ears. Not 26, it's 8;; not 33, it's 6... etc.

But for example, emotional knot 17, you come for a consultation and I see that
you are blocked on an emotional level and that you cannot express your
resentment, I am going to caress your hand, your stress is going to decrease
and I will be able to pass on the information.

There are numbers that are particular, more difficult. For example, number 13 to

get your emotions out you have to dig very deep. You have to explain stories of
people who came out of a very low level who almost died and who have been
cured. And this will excite you. The 13th is difficult, you have to overcome tests,
and you tell them: “you are going to have to overcome tests, but I am here to
help you.”

For example, someone with a number 7, in their case you have to control a little
more or you have to let go of control. And if you don't get it, you put Mickey ears
on it and you get 14 and 15, and you see that you can still help in this plane with

For example, a person is PP 7, NE is 7, and Mickey's ears show a 7. This must

be seen positively, there are many 7s in her, what is very good is that she will
treat her 7 and treat 3 things at the same time. If there is a figure that is repeated
in your theme, you better work on this point, because it will allow you to work on
several pillars at the same time.

For example, if a 26/8 comes out, there are 8, so the ears are made to the 8, but
it is an 8 that is tinted with 26. 8 is balance and 26 is balance in health. So you
are drawn to balance in general, but with a touch of illness/health. But the ears
are only made to size 8.

^ A person is doing a profession according to his numerology, but decides to
^ When a person suddenly changes profession it is a memory: transgenerational,
memorized cell cycles, project/meaning...

Scale of tension figures : the numbers from the most conflictive to the
least conflictive, the numbers that receive the most tension:

^ No. 8, when it has not been understood, because number 8 is at the same
time the balance - therefore it is the one with the least tension because it is in
balance -, but when it is not understood it is the most difficult because it is
the territory. We know the two aspects of the 8, it is territorial, the boss, it is
rigid; The other aspect is spirituality and balance, etc. When we have an 8,
especially in a key pillar, we have to find out what this 8 means in the person,
that is, if it is in spirituality, in the conquest of territory, in money, etc. The 8
can be fantastic or it can be very hard.

^ Number 16, because they rarely understand each other well, we have
people who are proud, arrogant, perfectionist, therefore it implies a lot of

^ No. 12, because it is often understood with the term sacrifice.

^ Number 22, if it does not have foundations, is lost. It is genius and madness.
Madness begins when one cannot function normally in everyday life.

^ No. 18, because it's the whole story from the past that hasn't been resolved
and it bothers me. You are asked to explore your past to be well today.

^ No. 15, because we have here the important problem of sexuality.

^ No. 13 is very hard as a number, but remember the following, if it is difficult it

is normal. And thanks to this difficulty I am going to change, I am going to
evolve. When you are 13 you tell yourself “yes, it's going to be hard but it's
going to change me.” If you stay in place, it will be harder; take advantage of
it to evolve.

^ No. 7, for control.

Balance numbers:

^ No. 1, potential, ego.

^ No. 2 is intuition.

^ No. 3 is intellect.

^ Number 6 is the child, the inner child.

^ No. 9, the collective unconscious, nature, travel…

^ Number 10 is insecurity but also everything related to the sacred, in the

religious sense.

^ No. 14, magnetism.

^ No. 20 is the search for recognition.

The numbers without tension:

^ No. 4, No. 5, No. 11, No. 17, No. 19 and No. 21.

Example of a theme. First we look at the Deep Personality (PP) and see what
their number means to this person and this gives us the level of the consultation
and we will adapt it to this.

Then we look at the numbers that have tension: 8, 16, 12, 22, 18, 15…-.

Then I will verify the remedy, the search for harmony (RH) and ask you what is
in your life regarding this number.

Then we will go in search of the emotional knot (NE), to see what it is related to.
We will verify if the wheel spins, if its life is in relation to the number it has in the
NE. If a number doesn't go well we'll put Mickey ears on it.

Then I look at the Resistance number (NR) to see if it is stable.

If you come for a professional problem, I will do the PP + QS + NE + PES.

You have to look at all this as a gear, like clocks. When everything is stable, the
machinery rotates normally. When something is not going well there are two
possibilities: put a little oil, with the QS number (spiritual search) that sometimes
makes the entire system work again. Other times it blocks and we have two

possibilities: Mickey's ears in the NE.

This is the MIRROR , and our entire lives we function like this, that is, every
morning when I look at myself this is what I see. When we start with the NR, we
have the RS. When we block the entire system we fall into the MASK , it is the
last possibility to overcome, otherwise we fall into psychiatry.

Hitting rock bottom is serious, because we have many options and it means that
we have rushed through them all. Knowing this you can have prevention. With
numerology we can enter the emotions of the person who consults us. In
consultation we will look at the resistance number to see how the problem could
have arisen.

When they are twins and have the same dates of birth, the theme in base 22 will
be the same, but not in base 9, because they have different names. This is why
base 9 is structural and base 22 is psycho-behavioral.
Two twins went to see an astrologer, they were born two minutes apart, one is doing well and
the other is in the psychiatric hospital. He doesn't understand, because the theme is the same.
We find the answer in the name; They do not have the same name, it is not the same theme in
base 9, and with the name they are inheriting the memory of different people. In the end you
have to mix everything a little.

If you are someone's partner, take their numerology to investigate their theme
and see if you live each other's lives. And if you want to have fun, do the theme
of the day of his death and observe what energy was there and this may be what
affects you today.

All pillars may have some difficulty, but we know that emotions are the most
important thing in relation to the disease. This is why the emotional knot in the
disease is important . Look at the emotional number: we can put oil (QS),
Mickey ears, medicine (QE), we have 4 possibilities to treat it.

From the moment you know numerology and regularly work on your theme,
theoretically you should make the gear work normally, paying attention to the
resistance number. It is here that our energy is going to melt and do so in full
consciousness .

Resentment is the Emotional Knot . If I'm 22 I'm going to resent it differently
than a 7, 8 or 10. With 22 I am sure that the person has something big in his
head, great for him. If a person is number 4, who is very well structured, it is
easy to break his routine, his structure can easily be broken, therefore we will
have to look at his base structure when he has a symptom. For example, a
Multiple Sclerosis number 9 is that “they prevented him from going out”, because
a 9 needs to go out. An MS (multiple sclerosis) #7 is someone who controls too
much. An MS for someone who is 22 is that “it prevents them from achieving
their dreams,” for example. An MS 11 “prevented him from being in contact with
subtle energies.” An MS number 13, “has not wanted to, has resisted evolving.”
No. 12 is someone who sacrificed too much, who forgot himself.

It is because of this aspect of this interaction that I call this numero-biology .

This precision related to biodecoding helps us to be more precise.

For example, breast cancer, where are we going to look for it? For all diseases
the emotional knot is important, but for breast cancer we will look at the CIS, the
strict nest, how it works in my house, with those around me. The expanded nest
is the CES, which has to do with the outside, with the couple.

Another thing, the mother and father. The mother (it is the day) gives us a
number that allows us to do something that she could not do. The father (the
year) asks you to do what he cannot do. We have a part inheritance from the
mother and a part from the father. It is the maternal and paternal message, it is
part of the project/sense.


If we have the same number on both our father and mother's sides, you can
assume that you came with a twin. We can divide the mirror/mask into the
female/male brain. If you get the same numbers on each side it is a sign of

twins. When I find that the theme is the same on the right and on the left, it is as
if I had a double brain, so I suspect the existence of a twin, there were two of us
in the mother's womb and one died. Later I will look for other symptoms, such as
the search for the ideal, they continually search for ideal love, because when
they were with their twin they made one person. They are people with quite
complicated love stories, because the ideal is not possible.

Other indirect signs, for example, people who sleep with many pillows held,
looking for sweetness, in contact with someone. People who have two activities,
or two professions, sometimes very different, two homes and don't know where
they live. One in every 5 pregnancies is twins, that's a lot.


When things are not going well at all and even the emergency number no longer
works, we sink and turn to our mask. Our mask is subtracting. It is the same
thing we have done in the mirror.

KNOT OF DEFENSE (ND) ^ or knot of pain, mirror equivalent of the

emotional knot (NE ). Is calculated:

Year of birth – day of birth = defense knot

Above we had the CIS, internal social behavior. Now we will see the internal
defense behavior , the CED, which is calculated:

CID number = day of birth – month ^ equivalent in the mirror to the CIS

In the mirror we have the external social behavior, in the mask you have the
external defense behavior , the CED, which is calculated:

CED number = year of birth – month ^ equivalent in the mirror to the CES

EXTERIOR DEFENSE PERSONALITY (PED ) ^ equivalent in the mirror to the

professional pillar (PES)

CIS number – CES number = external defense personality

SEARCH FOR ESCAPE (RE ) ^ equivalent in the mirror of the search for
harmony (RH ), it is what allows me to leave, it is the search for escape .

Deep personality – outer defensive personality = escape knot

ESCAPE NUMBER (NF) ^ equivalent in the mirror of the emergency number


Pillar of resistance – outer personality of defense = flight number

Let's understand the generalities. Normally, even if things are not going very
well, we are always in the mirror. It is a system with several pillars and we are
almost always there. But for some people, when things are going badly for them,
who are on the verge of suicide, who have no energy at all and feel very bad,

they stop being in the mirror and go to the mask. And the mask is there to return
to the mirror.

First we look at the mirror and when we find that the pillars are not well
respected, you go to look for the equivalent pillar at the mask level to return to
the mirror. This is the fifth way to repair .

For example, if a person is not well at work, in the PES, they are criticized, they
do not feel well and they stop respecting this pillar, we will look for the equivalent
pillar in the mask and we will treat them so that they can recover their pillar.
mirror professional. For example, if the professional pillar is a 21, this number is
the world, we will look in the PED for the number, which for example is a 13 and
we will tell it to evolve, even if it is difficult. We are going to ask you to ask a
deep question, with the big existential questions, letting go of things even if it is
difficult, or hard or painful, even if we have to leave people, money or other
things behind.

If we have an emotional knot number 11, for example, and it is blocked by its
upbringing, because it cannot express this more subtle side with its partner or its
family, it will be blocked. To recover this 11 we are going to look for the
equivalent pillar in the mask, the knot of pain (or defense), and in your case we
get a 13 and you will have to ask yourself a deep question related to what you
feel. If she comes for a consultation I have to pronounce the key words for her.

Thus for each pillar, when a mirror pillar is blocked we will look for the equivalent
pillar in the mask in order to repair it. And don't forget that we can also add
Mickey ears.

Another important pillar is the search for escape, it is the emergency remedy . It
is when nothing goes well, before dying we are left with this number. If, for
example, he is a 6, he is the clown, the inner child, therefore I would recommend
that he watch comedies, no thrillers or intellectual films.

Another very important pillar is the escape knot. This is something that must be
respected as the last option for him to stay on earth. If it is a 5, for example, it is
the interior, how I decorate my house; my political, social principles, the shell or
the bubble. You have to leave it in this bubble to recharge. It is the last possibility
before going to psychiatry. But to get to this point means that everything before
has been blocked, that nothing has worked for us before, which is very difficult.
The important thing is to understand the philosophy of all this. For example,
someone who has a 1 in the escape knot, when you were little and you were not
well you locked yourself in your room and no one could get in, I lock myself in. 1
is the self-taught one, he is the one who manages alone.

^ What is the difference between escape search and escape number?

^ Flight is something active and escape is something passive. The NF is “to feel good I
have to run away.” The search for escape is a pressure cooker, it is the release of
steam, reducing the internal pressure and fleeing is how I escape from the situation.
^ When the same number appears on the equivalent pillar of the mask as on the
^ It's a coincidence and you have to make do with this number, put the Mickey ears or

the other numbers
^ If I identify more with the numbers on the mask, does it mean that I am repairing to
return to the mirror?
^ Surely. It means that there is an inner suffering, you hide it with your character but it
is still there, because if you use your mask it means that the mirror is affected and if
it is affected it is something strong.

Let's see all the escape numbers (NF) of the mask:

^ No. 1, I isolate myself from everything and recharge alone.
^ No. 2, I isolate myself and leave myself to my intuition.
^ No. 3, I go to a conference, read a book, go to class, something intellectual...
^ No. 4, I structure myself, it is to look for my structural bases again.
^ No. 5, is to find my context again, my references at home, geographical...
^ No. 6, it's easy, laugh, let go, take care of your inner child.
^ No. 7, it is control, the person is asked to control himself, because control at
the mask level is that you have not controlled anything before, I have to
establish myself again.
^ No. 8, is to recover fortune, meditate, regain balance.
^ No. 9, go outside.
^ No. 10, go to church
^ No. 11, resent, listen, I connect with the channel, the chakras...
^ No. 12, help and take care of others without sacrificing yourself
^ No. 13, total deep questioning, leaving things behind even if it is hard. An
immobile 13 is someone who prevents himself from moving forward, he is
dead. Those that are bad are a bummer because it is difficult, because it is
condemned to evolve and if it doesn't it blocks itself.
^ No. 14, I forgot to say something
^ No. 15, physical exercise, passion. Here is someone who has lost his
passion. It is not just sexuality, it is the passion that if not expressed
becomes a drive, it is what we call libido.
^ No. 16, pride is perfection
^ No. 17, it's friends, I'm going to friends' house
^ No. 18, reading a psychology book is enough or going to psychotherapy.
^ No. 19, seek your harmony, peace and harmony within me

^ No. 20 means that I have suffered a great devaluation and I must regain
confidence in myself.
^ No. 21, it is the world, I have lost my inner harmony, it is finding my
foundations to be in harmony again
^ No. 22, the strength is within you. There is enormous potential but the person
does not trust it.

If you realize, with all this we can make therapy much more direct to the target.
The general theme is psychotherapy, there does not have to be a specific
illness, but it is how I function, how I see life... It is important to do this work on

When someone does not recognize themselves in their numerology, you can
change the topic if the person is born between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m. A day only
has two hours of its vibration left. And if it is born between 12 and two in the
morning, you may take the theme from the previous day. These people are
between the two themes, but it is not you who are going to decide; You study
both themes and when you see it you will know which one is yours.


We are going to make couples in general, not only those of husband and wife
but, for example, I have communication problems with a son, with a co-worker,
with my brother,... couples in general.

We have several possibilities. The first is the PP and we put it as in the table.

It is a sum of the 2 PPs, each one has their deep

or" 9 personality, which we do not see. In the example, if
there is no peace and harmony in this couple, there
+ + 10 is a problem. No. 19 has a masculine and a feminine
aspect, the masculine is the sun, authority and the
feminine side is peace and harmony.
If we take this case as an example, the 9 does
personal work to heal his 9, if there is a problem it is that the woman has not
understood her 10, she is a masculine woman. The masculine 10 is authority.
Therefore she has a masculine side and makes a 10 out of insecurity.

To repair a pair like this we put Mickey ears on it: 22-19 = 3;

^ 1 – 19 = 2. Number 2 is to let go of your intuitions and number 3 is to fill your
hard drive with knowledge. In this case the problem is structural because the 10
does not do personal work and will remain fixed in its insecurity.

With numerology we know in a couple which of the two should let go first. When
there is a problem we have to see who should let go first and we are going to
see the scale of the tension figures. We see that 9 and 10 are very close and
you can drop either of them, although in this case you tend to drop more on 9
because it is more feminine. We have to work on her security. The one who
gives in is the least stupid. On the scale of number, it is the one below, the least

We will do the same at the emotional knot level: 12 + 8 = 20. The 20th is the
couple seeking recognition. There is a tone of devaluation in this couple. It also
has to do with mystery.

We can also do it with the search for harmony or with the oil can.

An example, I didn't know how to talk to my son, who is number 5 and I am number 6.
And 5 + 6 = 11. Since I did numerology I only put my hand on his shoulder and focus on
what I want him to receive, but I don't say anything because we are resentful, and this
has changed the relationship. My daughter is 9, 9+6= 15, there is passion in our
relationship, sometimes she called me 4 or 5 times a day.

Other example: PP ^ 7 + 11 = 18; Normally this couple should like to talk about
psychology topics. The 11 is the one usually released first when there is a
conflict. The important thing is to know what is happening in this couple, to see
what is not going well. If a couple is not going well it is because one does a job
but the other does not, then there are two possibilities, either you accept this and
live your life or you sit down and talk. Many people separate because one wants
to evolve and the other does not, therefore there is a chasm between the two.

The emotional knot: 4 + 11 = 15 would be typical, that problems are solved in

bed. If not, there is a big problem.

Let's do it with the quest for harmony and the oil can (QS).
Example: harmony search ^ 17 + 11 = 28 = 10; the oil can 17 + 13 = 30/3. This
couple's medicine is 10, you can choose between insecurity or connection. The
feminine side is always better than the masculine side and the medicine is
meditation, for example. And when it gets blocked, it has to go through
communication and knowledge.

Complete example in a couple:

^ PP ^ 19+8=9
^ NE ^ 13+22=8
^ RH ^ 8+11=19
^ QS ^ 7+12=19

It is a couple, on paper, very good. The PP of 9 means that to be well you have
to go outside. If you do it on a motorcycle it is “sexual”. When you are not well,
you go for a walk, you look at a landscape, in full consciousness.

NE gives you 8, it is balance and money, without forgetting general, emotional

balance, meditation... meditation does not necessarily sit for an hour, simply stop
for a few minutes and connect with yourself.

RH, the medicine gives 19. The house should be quiet, indirect lights, no loud
talking, soft music... because it exudes peace and harmony.

Another example: PP 6 + 9 = 15. Normally a couple with these numbers is a

couple that exudes passion. If it doesn't work, there is symbolic incest. Symbolic
incest at first goes very well, then they have children and then it plummets,
because once our biological function is fulfilled, everything progressively ends.

When it doesn't work, there is a problem because making love and having an
orgasm is a biological discharge. If I am a prehistoric hunter, I am tense and
nervous all day, instinctively the discharge allows me to be competent the next
day. You have to understand biology, not just sexuality, the biological-
physiological function of an orgasm is to discharge to be in shape the next day, it
is to reduce tension.

Certain humans, as they are very complicated in their heads, have

communication problems and increasingly, body communication problems, since
sexuality is the emerging part of the iceberg that is seen in all of the couple's
communication. When there stops being bodily communication it means that
there is no longer spiritual communication.

Another example: PP ^ 16 + 10 = 26/8. The 8 is power, money, emotional

balance, subtle communication between the two, followed by a tone of 26, which
is health, etc.

Example: at the NE level, a man is 8, she is 6 and they add up to 14. But he is
an 8 in money and she is 33/6, she is on another level. They separated. With
this 8, life was too serious, everything was organized, planned. When the
children grew up he wanted her to work to earn money. Little by little the verbal
communication problems translated into genital communication problems and
little by little his desire disappeared. In the end she left. I never say what to do, I
only read what there is, it is the couple that makes their decisions. The problem
is that normally the woman comes to the consultation, or the feminine man.
There is always an imbalance.

I would like to end with a phrase: “ I don't care about everything we have done,
because numerology is just a means of talking about oneself, in a precise way,
but it is not a truth. It is a medium that speaks to people immediately, but do not
use it as a Bible. It is a means to enter into communication, a precise, strong
means, but do not do like certain people who take numerology as a truth. It is a
proposition, but not a truth. It is a means to reach conflict.”


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