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ARCHONS The Extraterrestrial Parasites of Evil That Control the Earth

In the very distant past humans were more powerful, had telepathy and were
multidimensional . With their advanced technology, they built large cities and worked
with the harmony of the Earth's energy fields, until after a traumatizing intervention , “
energy parasites ” called archons attached themselves to humans from a nearby
dimension, infecting individual consciousnesses and the collective system. through the use
of mental controls and mental archetypes formatted throughout historical times. There is
a text from Codex II of Nag Hammadi that speaks precisely about them. Luckily, it is a
very well preserved text. It is called The Hypostasis of the Archons, which constitutes
treatise 4 of Codex II of Nag Hammadi.

To know the apparent genesis of evil and its possible contribution to this physical universe,
the following points are relevant that expand knowledge about the Archons, or evil
ARCHONS: Evil Extraterrestrial Parasites Controllers of the Earth

1. The supernatural event of Jesus and the Beings of Darkness.

2. The Archons: extraterrestrial parasites of evil.

3. The Archon gods of the Nag Hammadi Codex. The Archons. The formation of the
earthly man, or what I would call, 3D man. Adam in paradise. The Universal Flood
and the Archons. Norea-Noé and the true Angel. The birth of the Archons of the
Universe. Jehovah-Yaldabaoth, the god who reigns darkness.

4. General history of how Evil happened; energy vampires.

5. The Planetary Control Grid and Evil Aliens.

6. How do they interfere with the Consciousness of Humans?

1. The supernatural event of Jesus and the Beings of Darkness

Jesus referred to the archons as “ authorities of darkness .” He urged that our crusades were
not against flesh and blood but against all those authorities of the Universe and the evil
spirits that begin on Earth.The Hebrew Bible relates a certain event that occurred between
Jesus and the components of the invisible empire or evil spirits, and thus in the gospel of
Matthew 8: 28-34, and in the Gospel according to the apostle Mark 5,1-20, the same thing
arises. story about how the “ invisible beings ” called “ evil spirits ” act in the following

“When Jesus reached the other shore, to the land of the ranchers, fierce
demon-possessed men came to meet him coming out of the tombs. These
Beings cried out to Jesus, asking and begging Him: —What do you have
with Us, Jesus, Son of God?—Have you come here to torment us before
Time?—If you kick us out of here, allow us to go to that place where those
pigs are.Then Jesus answered them: Go therefore.And the evil spirits left
the person and went to where the pigs were. Then the pigs rushed down the
cliff into the sea, and perished in the waters.

This supernatural event happens at night and on the seashore. An uncontrollable,

indomitable, angry, crazed, violent man, possessed by evil spirits, approaches Jesus,
recognizing his degree of representation of the father and begs him not to be tormented
anymore. The demon possessed is purified by the miracle of the word of “power” of Jesus,
who shows the great need of the man and the evil spirits that possessed him under the
following terms:

—who were subject to Christ.

ARCHONS: Evil Extraterrestrial Parasites Controllers of the Earth

—that they needed and desired a human body to inhabit and influence.

—that they were evil, violent, and destructive.

In the gospels of Mark 4: 35-41, Corinthians 5:1-2, Romans 13:14, Galatians 3: 27, Ephesians
4:24, Ephesians 2: 2-3, and in Colossians 3:10, more are added data about the supernatural

2.1. Archons: extraterrestrial parasites of evil

Archons are “ energy parasites ” that attach to humans from a nearby dimension, infecting
individual consciousnesses and the collective system through the use of mental controls, and
mental archetypes, formatted throughout historical times. Among these control systems
could be configured, for example, the hundreds of religions, the thousands of gods who care
for souls, the concept of hell and heaven, the divine norms or commandments of these gods
that govern humanity, the separation of languages, sexes, races, countries, etc., in addition
to the distribution of controlling implants in the energy system of individuals.

To carry out these types of control of individual and collective consciences, they must hide in
the shadows of our minds, on other planes, and under the support of certain earthly factual

Specifically, individual control would be carried out by placing devices or implants located
in the human energy system, and through these connectors they send certain types of energy
impulses or low frequency emotions, such as fear, sadness, insecurity, traumatic memories,
hate, rage, discord, etc., in this way they can configure certain “ egos ” and “ emotional
bodies ” that generate a certain type of behavior and attitudes towards life that would make
up a society corrupted by money, sex, drugs. , and ultimately evil and selfishness; a social

These implants or devices can be etheric or physical. In the case of physical implants, they
would correspond to those placed on people who are abducted by certain aliens.

However, etheric implants would correspond to those that, from a certain frequency plane,
are placed on humans so that through unconscious suggestions they can provoke low
vibration emotional reactions or frequencies in them. It is precisely this low vibration
frequency energy of Earth humans that these aliens seek and consume.

This human vital energy is considered by them as “free and free energy” and to achieve it
they must control an entire humanity, perpetually, under a system of malevolent mental
suggestions, mental archetypes, a determined climate system and an electromagnetic

ARCHONS: Evil Extraterrestrial Parasites Controllers of the Earth

system that surrounds the planet. that serves to manage the souls of the deceased and that
they do not escape from their control, so they are captured again to resume the cycles of
reincarnation with them.

These captured souls would be reincarnated in a land of evil and suffering, and would be
mentally whipped again so that they again generate reactions with low vibration emotional
frequencies, and thus be able to perpetually have access to the free and free energy
generated by the humanity of this Earth. and other planets that are under the control of
these beings in this part of the galactic arm called Orion far to the south in a hidden area
that is governed by the Alliance of Darkness or regressive forces.

These Extraterrestrial Beings or “ forces of darkness ” hide between dimensional planes

using extremely advanced technology and use the low vibrations of humans, coming from
distorted emotions, which are extracted through mental whipping, catalyzed through their
control, and that generate as a result energetic reactions that result in a type of energy that
is free and freely accessible.

Who are these Extraterrestrial Archons of evil?

There is an amalgam of Beings that combine this group, which we will call “ Alliance of
Darkness ”, but which could be grouped into various typologies but within the context of
reptiloid, insectoid, hybrids of different races and beings created as slaves.

Between these beings there exists a certain type of hierarchy of power and control. The
Insectoids would constitute a group of beings without a humanoid but insectoid form,
similar to Mantises, ants and grasshoppers.

Dacronians occupy a more powerful position than other beings. These draconians could be
described as beings that look like “ devils or satans ” that is, they have skin wings that are
sometimes small and sometimes large, horns on their heads, red reptilian eyes, claws
instead of hands, strong legs. Like animal legs, they are enormous in size and technology,
and with a sinister appearance they disperse their powerful psychic power. These beings
belong to other dimensions from where they govern the worlds that are under their power.

From these planes, using advanced technology, the draconians connect to the free energy
suppliers of this physical or 3D plane that they collect from the worlds – planets of suffering
and pain, like Earth, and where humans are mentally whipped with the so that they generate
low vibration emotions, which is ultimately one of the free energies that draconians,
reptilians, insectoids, and other aliens of lower hierarchy use for their daily lives.

ARCHONS: Evil Extraterrestrial Parasites Controllers of the Earth

Reptilians are another group of powerful beings with a reptilian, snake, or crocodile
appearance, which can have a long or short tail, they can be more or less humanoid in
appearance, or more or less saurian, with claws, reptilian eyes and skin. cold and scaly like
dinosaurs. According to numerous ancient and contemporary sources from whistleblowers ,
these reptilian beings live in underground bases on the different planets of our solar system,
but also in “ secret ” underground facilities on Earth with the complicity of some Earthly
powers that be. It is particularly revealing that Google Maps shows restricted areas of the
planet Earth, the Moon, and Mars that cannot be clearly distinguished due to the artificial
beveling they show.

The devices or implants that they place in our astral dimension, in the “ invisible world ”,
are the remote control and the locators of the human physical bodies where they have
deposited the souls that they control for their product since thousands or tens of thousands
of years ago. .

Since these beings have extremely advanced technology that can extend their lives to
thousands of years, they are capable of carrying out long-term projects. That is why
captured souls are governed through life in physical bodies of incarnated Human Beings in
this world and in other controlled worlds, where they are provided with spiritual pain and
suffering from life to life, for thousands of years, generating This way its product, its benefits
and its “ harvest ” which is free energy from human bodies.

But in order to carry out this arduous purpose, “ helpers ” or slave-workers are necessary
who hierarchically serve the Insectoids , Reptilians and Draconians , supplying them with
the human energies necessary for their interests. These helpers-workers are the Grays .

From abduction stories, it is known that the Grays are executors of kidnappings, genetic
experimentation, and also placers of physical or astral devices or implants. There are two
types of Gray :

Small Grays: They are those that measure just over a meter in height, which were
artificially created in order to be worker-robots under draconian, reptilian or insectoid
hierarchical orders, depending on the mission. These do the dirty, manual, and system
supply work.

Big Grays: According to witnesses of kidnappings, these beings are more dangerous than
small Grays, they have more psychic abilities, and they make their own decisions within the
possible margins.

These are those in charge of erasing memory after an abduction, that is, they have the
technology that makes it possible to generate certain images, feelings and messages that
they can transfer cerebrally to the humans they have taken to their spaceships, to their
underground facilities, or on those who operate in their own homes on a dimensional level

ARCHONS: Evil Extraterrestrial Parasites Controllers of the Earth

in dreams while they sleep.Both types of Grays are helper-workers who are subordinate
under hierarchical orders, missions and projects.

With their dimensional technology, would it be possible that these beings could enter the
mind of a human body, replacing the thoughts of the original Being with others so that they
think like a possessed, demonized, crazy, absent being, or perhaps for mental manipulation
with certain military, political, spiritual, religious purposes or purposes, etc.?

What did Jesus know about these beings of the “ invisible empire or evil spirits ” and their
secret works in physical human bodies? Could they hide under human physical bodies that
are mentally controlled and thus determine the future of humanity?

The terrestrial de facto powers are the necessary authors in these works full of conspiracies
and secrets of the actions that are carried out with extraterrestrial entities outside of
humanity. A factual example would converge with that of Johann Adam Weishaupt (1748-
1830), a man of German-Jewish origin who worked as a professor of Canon Law at the
University of Ingolstadt, but who is best known as the founder of the Illuminati , an order
secret composed of the Illuminati of Bavaria through a branch of Freemasonry called
Perfectibilists .

It is known that many men of notable representation in the political, religious, and
economic power sphere belong to different lodges such as the Masonic, Satanism ,
Spiritualism, and Scientology. It is widely documented that they govern our world from the
shadows through different official-governmental institutions, as well as private ones. That is
why the components of these groups are the richest and most powerful on the planet, and
this is only considered possible if the minds of some of them were influenced, suggested,
manipulated, or possessed artificially through devices, implants, telepathic messages and
others. mental controls. Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain the degree of
sociopathy and brutal psychopathy that they show in each of their actions.

3. The Archon gods of the Nag Hammadi Codex

There is a text from Codex II of Nag Hammadi that speaks precisely about them. Luckily, it
is a very well preserved text. It is called The Hypostasis of the Archons, which constitutes
treatise 4 of Codex II of Nag Hammadi (NHC II, 4, pp. 86, 20–97, 23), which speaks of the
unclean Beings of the invisible plane “ the Archons ” who began their rule on the physical
planes in ancient times, briefly explaining the following:

3.1. The Archons

ARCHONS: Evil Extraterrestrial Parasites Controllers of the Earth

The chief of the Archons is blind because of his power and because of his pride he said with
his power, “ I am God and there is none besides me .”By saying this, he sinned against the
All and this Word reached Incorruptibility. Then from Incorruptibility came a voice that
said: -“You are wrong Samael” (who is the God of blindness) because his thoughts became
blind.He threw his Power, that is, blasphemy, into the chaos and abyss of his mother, the
Earth, and for this reason he was persecuted by Pistis Sophia (Faith, Wisdom).

3.2. The formation of earthly man or 3D man

The archons met in assembly and said: -“Let us take earth and create a man of clay” and
they modulated their creature, making it completely out of the earth. The body of the
archons is that of a woman but with bestial faces. So they took clay from the earth and
fashioned their man, according to their own body and according to the image of God who
had appeared to them in the waters. “Come on, let us seize that image by means of the form
so that it can see its male counterpart, and we can capture it with the form that we have
modeled” without understanding because of its helplessness the power of God.

3.3. Adam in Paradise

A voice emerged from Incorruptibility to the aid of Adam. Then, the archons gathered all the
animals on Earth and all the birds in the sky and brought them to Adam so that he could
give them names, each of the birds and all the animals. Then they took Adam and placed
him in paradise so that Adam could cultivate and guard it.

And the archons dictated a commandment to him saying: - “You will eat from every tree
that is in paradise, but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, do not eat, because
on the day you eat them, you will die.” They told him this without understanding what they
had been told. Such things were told to him in this way precisely by the will of the Father, so
that he would eat and so that Adam would see them as being completely material.

-“Let us make a deep sleep fall upon Adam” and he fell asleep. Now the deep sleep they
caused is ignorance. They opened his side and took out a living woman, and then they filled
his side with fresh meat in her place, and Adam became endowed only with a soul, and the
woman endowed with spirit came to him and spoke to him saying - “ Get up, Adam” and
when he saw her he said: -“You are the one who has given me life; You will be called
mother of the living” because it is she who is my mother, she is the doctor, and the Woman
and the one who gave birth.”

ARCHONS: Evil Extraterrestrial Parasites Controllers of the Earth

Then the powers approached Adam, but when they saw his female counterpart speaking to
him, they became very agitated and desired her. And they said to each other: -“Let's put our
seed in it.”

3.4. The Universal Flood and the Archons

The archons met in council and said:

-“Let us cause a flood with our hands and destroy all flesh, both men and animals.”But
when the archon of the Forces learned of his decision he told Noah: - “ Build yourself an
ark of wood that does not rot and hide yourself in it with your children and the animals
and the birds of the sky, both small and large, and erect it. on Mount Sir.”Then Orea
approached him with the purpose of entering the ark and since he could not leave her, she
damaged the ark and set it on fire. He built the ark a second time.

3.5. Norea-Noah and the true Angel

Then Norea turned (…) and with a loud voice cried out to the Holy One, to the God of All: -
“Rescue me from the Rulers of iniquity and save me from their clutches.

“The great Angel came from heaven and said to him: -“Why are you shouting at God? Why
do you act so fearlessly toward the Holy Spirit?”Norea said: -“Who are you? But in the
meantime the rulers of iniquity had departed from it.”

The Angel said: -“I am Elelet, Wisdom, the great angel who is in the presence of the Holy
Spirit. I have been sent to speak with you and free you from the clutches of the lawless.
And I'll show you which one It is your origin.” None of them can prevail against the root of
truth, because because of him he appeared at the end of time (corrupt text) and these
powers will be dominated and will not be able to defile either you or this race, since your
abode is in Incorruptibility, in the place of virginal Spirit, which is superior to the powers of
chaos and its universe.”

3.6. The birth of the Archons of the Universe

“Lord, teach me of the power of these authorities, why they came into existence and by
what kind of genesis and from what material and who it was that created them and their
strength.”And the great angel Elelet, intelligence, answered me: -“Within the unlimited
kingdoms dwells Incorruptibility (place of virginal Spirit, which is superior to the powers of

ARCHONS: Evil Extraterrestrial Parasites Controllers of the Earth

the chaos of the universe). Sophia, who is Pistis, wanted to create something, a work,
alone, without her consort. His work turned out to be a heavenly thing. There is a veil
between the World Above and the realms below, and the Shadow entered under this veil
becoming matter. This Shadow was cast to a particular place. What Sophia-Pistis had
created became a product in matter itself, a kind of abortion. Then it assumed a plastic
form molded out of the Shadow, becoming an arrogant beast similar to an androgynous
lion, for as I already said, it came from matter.This androgynous Lion Beast Being opened
his eyes and saw the great mass of matter without limits, he was exalted and said to himself:
-“I am god and there is no other besides me.” Then it was that he sinned against the totality,
against the All, and it was when a voice emerged from above, from the supreme absolute
power, telling him: -“You are wrong Samael” –which means “the god of the blind.” It was
when they came into existence. This archon, because he was androgynous, produced for
himself a great kingdom, infinite greatness.

3.7. Jehovah-Yaldabaoth, the god who reigns darkness

The shadow or darkness was governed by this Being called SAMAEL, ARIEL,
YALDABAOTH, who had the appearance of a lion, and was androgynous. When Pistis-
Sophia saw how he moved through the Universe she told him not to continue, but he came
to have power over matter, so Pistis-Sophia withdrew towards his light, leaving his son to do
over the universe of matter.

SAMAEL, ARIEL, YALDABAOTH, saw the Earth and that it had only water and darkness, so
he moved over its waters, back and forth, and what was dry was divided into another place.
Then Yaldabaoth was renamed Jehovah. He made a dwelling for himself and called it
heaven, and he called matter Earth. Then Yaldabaoth created Seven sons-Beings, also
androgynous, who would be the Seven immortal Forces and great Authorities that would
govern this Universe. Yaldabaoth was the perfect Father with the appearance of a Lion.

Then the father Yaldabaoth, so that his Seven sons could serve him, created for them:

—a heaven for each one.

—palaces, temples, and thrones for all of them.

—chariots, ships, virgin spirits, invisible beings and their ship-glories.

—powerful Gods and lords, and their armies.

—Angels and Archangels, and all their thousands of their armies (…)

When the Forces of Darkness showed evil behavior in the Universe, there was a Great War
in the Seven Heavens. Pistis-Sophia, his creator mother, helped her son Yaldabaoth by

ARCHONS: Evil Extraterrestrial Parasites Controllers of the Earth

sending Seven plus Three, ten Archangels of the Armies, not of her light, presenting
themselves before him as his assistants to help him establish the Kingdom of

Then Pistis-Sophia begot a Daughter named ZOE. For this daughter he created:

—It gave him great authority over the institutions of all things.

—A huge mansion in the heavens.

—A Throne on a huge ship that he called CHERUB.

These Cherubs had the form of a Lion, a Calf, a Bird, and a Human, which were known
as the Angels.

—He created other Angels in the shape of SNAKES that he called SERAPHINES.

—He created for her, 72 GODS for the Earth, who would rule over the 72 sections of the
Earth and its 72 different languages.

—A congregation of Helping Angels.

—A firstborn people called ISRAEL, which means “the man who sees god.”

— A JESUS CHRIST and a Virgin.

This is how the first Earth was populated. I have taught you about the models of the rulers,
and about the matter in which they were manifested just as I have instructed you about the
father of the archons and his universe. How long? When the true man in the form of a
creature manifests the Spirit of Truth that the Father has sent him. Then they will expel
blind thought from themselves, expel death and that of the controlling powers, and advance
towards infinite light; That is where the seed of the Holy Spirit dwells, “ the children of
Light ” which is the Infinite Light, the All. Because of his non-blindness the powers will
abandon their times and his angels, demons, will mourn his destruction and lament his

4. General history of how Evil happened; Energy Vampires

In the very distant past, humans were more powerful, had telepathy and were
multidimensional, since they could navigate and perceive other different dimensions
simultaneously. With their advanced technology they built large cities and worked with the
harmony of the Earth's energy fields.

ARCHONS: Evil Extraterrestrial Parasites Controllers of the Earth

The humans of the first Earth were in full alignment with their inner Divine Self expressing
it upon physical matter and all the ways of life they created. But when the energetic Archon-
Vampires saw these expressions of limitless divine individuality, they represented it as a
threat to their own existence, since the physical matter of many worlds had long been ruled
by them.

The inhabitants of this new Earth had to be free from the manipulations and energy feeding
of these Beings, and for this they had to fight. The first humans had great psychic ability and
it was almost impossible to settle on top of them and control their minds and thoughts.

Archons or energetic Vampire Beings can only have power over those they have already
controlled or over those to whom the emotion of fear is installed.But they studied these first
humans and realized some mental weaknesses, they saw that greed, power, and energy
could be “the key that opens the door lock” or “the correct key to get into the computer.” .

Through these mental weaknesses they could find a way to manipulate their minds and
enslave their Souls so that they generate low vibration emotional energies in physical
bodies; which are a “ product ” of free energy for them. This was the way that the energetic
Archons-Vampires found to conquer the first humans on Earth.

Then they devised a Mental Manipulation Plan with some individuals who were in places of
power. The Humans of those times were involved in ambitious experiments with new
methods to achieve the best result from the use of large amounts of energy. Then the Energy
Archons-Vampires were introducing themselves into some humans through their minds,
their deviated Egos, influencing their thoughts and decisions, so that they were more in line
with the idea of conquest and domination of the Archons and their desire to control the
world. Land.

At the North Pole they placed a large device that finally exploded in such a way that it
generated a great cataclysm on planet Earth, very quickly melting large strips of ice that
generated enormous floods on all the coasts of the planet. A small remnant of the millions of
humans that existed survived this great Flood. These traumatized survivors focused
primarily on their physical survival by fleeing to safe places on the planet where they once
again built a Great Civilization.

The mental trauma of these survivors caused the great loss of their psychic abilities of
dimensional perception, and therefore they only connected with their 3D physical plane.
Physical survival took precedence over spiritual survival. These fears, traumas of pain due to
suffering, and the lack of dimensional connection caused the Energy Archons-Vampires to
adhere to humans through their subtle fields, then they were able to extract-suck those low-
frequency energies that they generated as pain. , fear, suffering, sadness, anger, etc.,
obtaining large quantities of this energy product.

ARCHONS: Evil Extraterrestrial Parasites Controllers of the Earth

The Archons had to remain hidden from the sight of these early humans, and from their
abodes they could technologically send thought forms into the minds of these humans
traumatized by what had happened to their civilization. By catalyzing them with negative
thoughts, they generated a cascade of new negative thoughts that accumulated in free
energies, and that these Archons only had to rescue for their consumption.

As subsequent generations of humans were born, the Archons devised different mind
control programs for the manipulation of human consciousness. They programmed humans
to be blind to their presence and the reality of their purposes. Human consciousness was
programmed to regress spiritually, so when informed about the presence of these Archons,
these humans act in disbelief, considering it ridiculous and unreal information.

5. The Planetary Control Grid and Evil Aliens

They later devised a Great Plan to Reprogram the enslaved Earth.

—They reprogrammed the Ego of Humans so that they resembled them, jealous, mean,
dishonest, enslaving, murderous, hateful, angry, avenging, punishing, cruel, etc., so
humans would be easy to control.

—They built a structure for energy feeding and control of the Souls. They created an
Electromagnetic Control Network that would surround the entire Earth. This grid
allows us to gather, automatically, all the low frequency energy generated by humans,
and also allows us to send more low vibration messages, as well as frequencies that
produce earthquakes, cataclysms and natural disasters, that is, they maintain the
energy product. always in production.

This grid also serves to keep away the energies of the galactic center that reach Earth and
that would give more spiritual power to humans.Their Bosses are the Reptilians, the
Draconians, and the Mantis Insectoids, but they can holographically disguise themselves
with human and benevolent forms.

6. How do they interfere with the 'Consciousnesses' of Humans?

These Reptilian, Draconian, Insectoid Beings, and their assistants the high and low Grays,
as well as other species of Extraterrestrials are those that interfere with humans by actively
producing and generating low density frequencies such as pain, suffering, fear, guilt,
remorse, unhappiness, frustration, good and evil, etc. Some favorite techniques are:

—Emitting reminder signals that “ you do everything wrong ” and “ this is wrong ” or
“ you don't know, don't try .”

ARCHONS: Evil Extraterrestrial Parasites Controllers of the Earth

—Another technique is the “ distraction ” of the spiritual part through drugs, gambling,
sex, etc. That is, continuous psychic attacks the moment they realize that you are
raising your consciousness and that you are raising your vibrations. Then carnal
temptations set in motion, and you can no longer stop and think seriously and highly
about your life, your conscience, or your spirit.


1. Hebrew Bible, Reina-Valera 1960 (RVR1960).

2. The Hypostasis of the Archons. The reality of the rulers. Text of the Nag Hammadi Codex
II – treatise 4 of the Nag Hammadi Codex II (NHC II, 4, pp. 86, 20–97, 23), translated by
Bentley Layton.

3. UFOs, aliens, gods who control the Earth and evil archons .

SOURCE: A L T E R N A T I V E M I N D , J U L Y 1 8 , 2 0 1 7


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