Physical and Psychological Diseases Due To The Improper Use of Technology

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Name: Jeranda S.

Adam Mendoza Section: 363 Registration:

Physical education
Physical and Psychological Diseases Caused by Improper Use
Of Technology

Thanks to technology we can do things previously unthinkable, such as studying

or working from anywhere at any time, communicating in real time with people
on the other side of the world or solving almost all doubts on the web, among
other possibilities. But excessive use of these tools can also cause health
problems. Find out below the most common diseases caused by technology

Diseases caused by excessive use of technology

1 - Carpal tunnel syndrome:
This is a disease that appears when the nerve that goes from the forearm to the
hand is pressed or trapped inside the carpal tunnel at the wrist. Those who
spend all day with their phone in their hand are prone to suffering from this
condition, which can cause numbness, tingling, weakness or muscle damage in
the hand and fingers.
2 – Hearing damage:
Those who listen to music at high volumes (and even more so with headphones)
are at risk of suffering irreversible hearing damage; from deafness to balance
problems, since this sense is located in the ear. According to recent data from
the World Health Organization, some 1.1 billion young people in the world are at
risk of becoming deaf due to improper use of headphones. Among some
precautions that you can take for good use of headphones is that the volume at
which you listen to them is always less than 60% of the device's capacity.
3 – Vision damage:
Too much screen time can also cause vision damage. If you add up the hours a
day that you spend in front of a computer, a Smartphone and a television, you
are probably spending too much time in front of a screen, since the maximum
exposure time per day should be no more than two hours. Take precautions to
avoid eye damage if you greatly exceed this recommended limit.
4 – Nomophobia:
This phobia is part of modern life and cell phone addiction. It consists of
experiencing feelings of anxiety, insecurity and even anguish when you leave
your house and forget your cell phone or when for some reason, such as lack of
signal or running out of battery, it prevents you from using it.
5 - Social and psychological problems:
People who are more complicated with technology addiction may begin to suffer
Name: Jeranda S. Adam Mendoza Section: 363 Registration:
from certain psychological problems such as anxiety (for example, checking the
phone all day waiting for a response) and even depression (in the event that this
response wait). Dependence on technology can also lead to progressive social
isolation, loss of pleasure in other activities and a sedentary lifestyle due to
sitting still all day in front of a screen (which, in turn, can lead to other problems
such as being overweight). .
6 – Damage to the nervous system:
In addition to those already mentioned, the abuse of technology can cause
irreparable damage to the central nervous system, such as vertigo, fatigue,
insomnia or other sleep disorders and memory loss, among others.
7 - Seamstress osteoarthritis:
Disorder associated with the position adopted by the hands to pick up the cell
phone and type with the thumbs, or the poor position of the hands when using
the PC mouse, which causes inflammation of the joint at the base of the thumb.
8 - Hikikomori syndrome:
Term associated with those societies where the use of screens can go from use
to abuse and from abuse to addiction, Hikikomori Syndrome is the consequence
of living in a virtual world that increasingly allows us to satisfy many of the most
important needs. of adolescents, to the detriment of full and emotional social
relationships and in which those affected decide to live cloistered without
maintaining real contact with the outside world for long periods of time.
9 - Childhood and adolescent obesity:
Phenomenon associated with the exaggerated use of video games, which
provide greater psychomotor skills, increase reflexes, stimulate logical reasoning
and decision-making capacity, but its main effect is that it avoids any type of
physical activity as much as possible due to its constant interest in the game: All
those hours in front of the screen (coupled with fast and industrial food) increase
childhood obesity and, therefore, cardiovascular risk.
10 - Visual stress:
Disorder associated with excessive time spent in front of electronic devices,
such as tablets, cell phones and digital books, causing the eyes to become very
dry. If you are usually very close to the screen (both the computer and the
television), eyestrain and/or myopia can develop, especially in the case of the
little ones.
11– Cyber dizziness:
When the first virtual devices began to be sold in the 90s, some health problems
arose, such as dizziness similar to those suffered by some people when
traveling. Because they occur while standing in front of a screen without moving,
they are called cyber dizziness.
Name: Jeranda S. Adam Mendoza Section: 363 Registration:
12 – Cyberchondria:
People who suffer from this disorder are those who seek information about
diseases they believe they suffer from. Given the large amount of information
that exists on the Internet and the anxiety that having little medical information
causes in many people, searches are generated that, when excessive and
constant, can cause cyberchondria, a disease that has been named in this way
due to its proximity to Hypochondria. .
13 – Imaginary call syndrome:
It is known that 70% of smartphone users have suffered at some point in their
lives from the hallucination that their cell phone had rang or vibrated, when in
reality this had not happened. Why does this happen? Because the human brain
increasingly associates the mobile phone with any impulse it receives, especially
when people are stressed.
14 - Mental problems:
Technology used in excess has important consequences for health. Many
people suffer from illnesses such as depression, social isolation, anxiety, loss of
pleasure and enjoyment of daily activities, among other psychological problems.
15 - Addiction:
The obsession with technology is a reality in the modern world. So much so that
this is already classified as a disease by specialists. And there are several: there
is nomophobia (fear of not having a cell phone at hand), laptopitis (discomfort
and muscle pain from using and carrying laptops excessively), and cyber
addiction (internet addiction).
16 - Internet dependence:
Currently we are almost permanently connected to the internet due to
smartphones, social networks, chats, contact pages and a long etcetera. If we
do not know how to set a limit, dependence on the Internet can cause anxiety,
stress and alterations in our behavior, as well as isolation.
17 - Ergonomics:
When it comes to spending long periods of time in front of a screen it is
important. Back pain is the first cause of injury or condition in eSport players by
70%. Cervical pain occurs in 52% of cases, being the second most common
condition. This is usually linked to poor posture when sitting in front of the
screen, either because one is not aware of one's body posture or because one
has not received any type of lesson on the best way to sit.
18 - Photosensitive Epilepsy:
They are perhaps the most serious problems and difficult to treat. Although there
is no scientific evidence that video games can cause traditional epilepsy, they
can lead to photosensitive epilepsy or PSE, a common form of epilepsy caused
by repeated visual stimuli in regular patterns over a certain time and space. For
Name: Jeranda S. Adam Mendoza Section: 363 Registration:
this reason, it is advisable when we buy a new game to read the developer's
instructions since there are times when the player does not know that he can
suffer from this type of epilepsy and, when the conditions are met, he ends up
suffering seizures.
19 - Bad mp3:
It refers to the excessive use of earbuds, which are inserted inside the external
auditory canal, the sound energy of the audio device (which can reach 120
decibels, the equivalent of the noise of an airplane taking off a few meters away)
, affects the eardrum and, in the long term, the hearing ability.
20 - Infertility in men:
It refers to the disorder generated by always carrying the cell phone in one's
pants pockets or using it too much, as well as working regularly with the laptop
on the legs (increasing the temperature of the testicles, which could reduce
sperm production and alter their mobility. ), can negatively affect semen quality
and, therefore, male fertility.

New technologies and the treatment of psychological problems

On the other side of the balance we have the benefits of new technologies for
the diagnosis and treatment of psychological problems and disorders of various
types. On the one hand, the Internet has allowed the emergence of virtual
psychologists that provide assistance to people who would not otherwise have
access (elderly people or people with reduced mobility).

On the other hand, virtual reality or augmented reality technology has allowed
the treatment of image-related disorders such as anorexia or bulimia and also
the treatment of phobias such as the phobia of flying.

New technologies, therefore, have positive and negative aspects in relation to

psychological problems and disorders and represent a challenge in both senses
that will have to be overcome over time.

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