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4.1.1: Welcome to the course!

Welcome to the course!

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 Welcome to Battery State of Health (SOH) Estimation!

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

 This course is the fourth in a specialization that investigates

the proper management and control of battery packs, usually comprising many cells
 BMS must estimate nonmeasurable quantities that describe battery pack condition

key off: store data

key on: initialize

meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | How does lithium-ion cell health degrade? j 1 of 4

4.1.1: Welcome to the course!

What topics will we study in this course?

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

In this course, you will learn:

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

 The primary ways that lithium-ion battery loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

cells degrade over time, motivating a need to be able to adjust

cell-model parameter values
 How to estimate cell resistance as it changes over time
 How to estimate cell total capacity as it changes over time using
several different methods (and their tradeoffs)
 How to co-estimate the state and parameters of a cell model as
both change with different timescales (honors)

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | How does lithium-ion cell health degrade? j 2 of 4

4.1.1: Welcome to the course!

What skills will you gain in this course?

key off: store data
key on: initialize

meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

After completing the course, you’ll be able to:

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

 Identify primary degradation mechanisms loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

in lithium-ion cells and understand how they work

 Execute provided Octave script to estimate total capacity using
WLS, WTLS, and AWTLS methods and lab-test data, and to
evaluate results
 Compute confidence intervals on total-capacity estimates
 Compute estimates of a cell’s equivalent-series resistance using
lab-test data
 Specify the tradeoffs between joint and dual estimation of state
and parameters, and steps that must be taken to ensure robust
estimates (honors)

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | How does lithium-ion cell health degrade? j 3 of 4
4.1.1: Welcome to the course!

Prerequisites; for further study

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute
current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

Prerequisites: loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

 Course 1: Intro. to Battery Management Systems

 Basic background in BMS requirements, sensing
 Course 2: Equivalent Circuit Cell Model Simulation
 Specific background in ESC cell model
 Course 3: Battery State of Charge (SOC) Estimation
 Probability theory, nonlinear Kalman filters (honors)
 We’ll study Ch. 4 of Battery Management Systems,
Vol. 2, Equivalent-Circuit Methods, Artech House
 For further study, you can confer this optional resource

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | How does lithium-ion cell health degrade? j 4 of 4
4.1.2: What changes as a cell ages?

Performance changes as cells age

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute
current state of state of power

 We know that a BMS must estimate certain quantities

temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

indicative of its cells’ states and parameters

 We have now seen a number of ways to estimate battery cell
state—the quickly changing quantities
 Now, we turn our attention toward estimating battery cell
parameters—the slowly changing, pseudo-static quantities
 In particular, we are most interested in those quantities that
reflect a change in the performance that the pack can deliver
 These are indicators of battery pack “state-of-health” (SOH)
 SOH most often summarized by estimating present total capacity, series resistance

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | How does lithium-ion cell health degrade? j 1 of 6

4.1.2: What changes as a cell ages?

Loss in total capacity versus time

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 As a battery cell ages, its total capacity decreases, primarily

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

due to unwanted side reactions, structural deterioration

◆❡❣❛t✐✈❡ P♦s✐t✐✈❡ ◆❡❣❛t✐✈❡ P♦s✐t✐✈❡ ◆❡❣❛t✐✈❡ P♦s✐t✐✈❡
❡❧❡❝tr♦❞❡ ❡❧❡❝tr♦❞❡ ❡❧❡❝tr♦❞❡ ❡❧❡❝tr♦❞❡ ❡❧❡❝tr♦❞❡ ❡❧❡❝tr♦❞❡
❉✐s❝❤❛r❣❡ ❉✐s❝❤❛r❣❡ ❉✐s❝❤❛r❣❡

❈❤❛r❣❡ ❙✐❞❡ ❈❤❛r❣❡
 Ideally, lithium moves back and forth between electrodes; none is lost
 Side reactions can consume lithium, primarily when charging cell
 Structural deterioration can remove storage sites for lithium from one or both

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | How does lithium-ion cell health degrade? j 2 of 6

4.1.2: What changes as a cell ages?

Capacity fade
key off: store data
key on: initialize

meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 Phenomena often referred to as capacity fade

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

 Knowing present value of total capacity

important because it is:
 Major contributing factor to energy calculation
 Major contributing factor to SOC estimation if
coulomb counting is used (else, minor
contributing factor)
 (Insignificant in power estimation)

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | How does lithium-ion cell health degrade? j 3 of 6
4.1.2: What changes as a cell ages?

Power fade

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 As a cell ages, its series resistance increases, also primarily

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

due to unwanted side reactions and structural deterioration

 Knowing present ESR is important because:
 Major contributing factor to power calculation
 Major contributing factor to SOC estimation
for some voltage-based methods (else, it is a
minor factor)
 (Insignificant role in energy estimation)
 Since resistance and power are so tightly
coupled, resistance rise in a cell is commonly
referred to as power fade

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | How does lithium-ion cell health degrade? j 4 of 6

4.1.2: What changes as a cell ages?

Other cell parameter values

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 The OCV relationship changes as the electrodes lose capacity

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

 For most chemistries in common use, unlikely that this

change is large enough to be readily detectable
 Other cell parameters almost certainly change 4.2
OCV after Aging
as well; however, I’m not aware of BMS that 4
make efforts to estimate them 3.8
Voltage (V)

 ESR, total capacity have dominant impact 3.6

 KF-based methods in this course could be 3.4 0% capacity loss

used to estimate the others, if application 3.2
10% capacity loss
20% capacity loss

demands it 3
0 20 40 60
30% capacity loss
80 100
State of charge (%)

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | How does lithium-ion cell health degrade? j 5 of 6

4.1.2: What changes as a cell ages?

Summary and next steps

key off: store data
key on: initialize

meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 Cell parameter values change over time as cell ages

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

 Total capacity and ESR are the most important to track

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

 In this course, we first look at some qualitative explanations for cell aging
 Next, we explore a simple method to estimate ESR
 We then look at ways to estimate total capacity
 We finally look at KF-based methods to estimate up-to-date values for any desired
set of cell parameters (honors)

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | How does lithium-ion cell health degrade? j 6 of 6
4.1.3: Negative-electrode aging processes at particle surface

Lithium-ion aging: Negative electrode

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 In the next lessons, we’ll seek to describe aging qualitatively.1

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

 In negative electrode, aging observed at three scales:

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

 At the surface of the electrode particles

 Within the electrode particles themselves
 Within the composite electrode structure (active
materials; conductive additives; binder; current
collector; porosity; etc)
 In this lesson, our focus is on aging mechanisms that take place at particle surfaces
 We will assume that a graphitic carbon is used as the negative-electrode active
material, although similar results hold for silicon as well

Much of this is from: Vetter et al., “Ageing mechanisms in lithium-ion batteries,” Journal of Power
Sources, 147, 2005, 269–281.
Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | How does lithium-ion cell health degrade? j 1 of 7

4.1.3: Negative-electrode aging processes at particle surface

Negative electrode aging at surface of particles

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 Graphitic negative electrodes operate at voltages outside

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

electrochemical stability window of electrolyte components

 Reductive electrolyte decomposition takes place at the electrode/ electrolyte
interface when the electrode (and cell) is in the charged state
 This occurs mainly—but not only—at beginning of ❣r♦✇t❤ ❙♦❧✈❡♥t
cycling, especially during “formation” cycle ❙❊■
 The decomposition products form a “solid-electrolyte
interphase” (SEI) surface film covering the electrode’s
❙♦❧✐❞ ♣❛rt✐❝❧❡ ♦❢
surface ❛❝t✐✈❡ ♠❛t❡r✐❛❧

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | How does lithium-ion cell health degrade? j 2 of 7

4.1.3: Negative-electrode aging processes at particle surface

Properties of SEI
key off: store data
key on: initialize

meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 The SEI is a passivating layer, which slows/prevents further

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

reaction between graphite and electrolyte

 Lithium is consumed when SEI film forms, lowering capacity of cell
 SEI is porous, allowing de/intercalation of Li from/to graphite, but increases
resistance of ion transfer
 SEI composition is complex and not uniform
 Various products form, then decompose, then form more stable products

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | How does lithium-ion cell health degrade? j 3 of 7
4.1.3: Negative-electrode aging processes at particle surface

Breakdown of SEI; regrowth

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 High temperatures contribute to breakdown of SEI, which

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

can lead to new SEI forming on exposed graphite

 Pores in SEI also allow some solvent to penetrate to ▲✐t❤✐✉♠ ♣❧❛t✐♥❣
graphite surface, reacting and growing more SEI film ❆♥♦❞❡ ♣♦✐s♦♥✐♥❣ ❙❊■
 Trace water in electrolyte combines with ionized ✂❧♠
fluorine to form hydrofluoric acid (HF), which attacks ❆❝✐❞
the SEI—new SEI forms
 Whenever SEI forms/grows, lithium is lost and so cell ❙♦❧✐❞ ♣❛rt✐❝❧❡ ♦❢
❛❝t✐✈❡ ♠❛t❡r✐❛❧
capacity decreases

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | How does lithium-ion cell health degrade? j 4 of 7

4.1.3: Negative-electrode aging processes at particle surface

Anode poisoning; lithium plating

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate compute

 Products of positive-electrode degradation also end

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

up as part of SEI (anode poisoning):

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

 If not electrically conductive, increases resistance ▲✐t❤✐✉♠ ♣❧❛t✐♥❣

❆♥♦❞❡ ♣♦✐s♦♥✐♥❣
 Can plug pores, blocking lithium from cycling, ❙❊■
causing capacity fade ❆❝✐❞
 At low temperatures, diffusion in particles slows: ❛tt❛❝❦

 If charging is forced, local overpotential can attain ❙♦❧✐❞ ♣❛rt✐❝❧❡ ♦❢

level that causes lithium plating on particle surface ❛❝t✐✈❡ ♠❛t❡r✐❛❧

 Capacity irreversibly lost; dendrites can form and

grow, eventually leading to internal short circuit

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | How does lithium-ion cell health degrade? j 5 of 7

4.1.3: Negative-electrode aging processes at particle surface

Summary of surface effects

key off: store data
key on: initialize

meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 Table summarizes surface effects (bold = more severe):

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

Cause Effect Leads to Enhanced by

Continuous low-rate electrolyte Li loss, Capacity fade, High temperatures,
decomposition builds SEI impedance rise Power fade high cell SOC
Decrease of accessible surface Impedance rise Power fade High temperatures,
area due to SEI growth high cell SOC
Changes in porosity due to Impedance rise Power fade High cycling rate,
volume change and SEI growth high cell SOC
Metallic Li plating, subsequent Lithium (electro- Capacity Low temperature,
electrolyte decomposition lyte) loss (power) fade high charge rates

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | How does lithium-ion cell health degrade? j 6 of 7
4.1.3: Negative-electrode aging processes at particle surface


key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

current state of state of power

Image of lithium-ion electrode on slide 1 courtesy Sangwoo

temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

Han, used with permission

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | How does lithium-ion cell health degrade? j 7 of 7
4.1.4: Negative-electrode aging processes in bulk and composite electrode

Negative electrode aging in bulk

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 Aging/degradation occurs inside negative-electrode particles

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

 Dis/charging causes (anisotropic) particle volume ❙♦❧✈❡♥t

changes (usually less than 10 %)
●❛s ❡✈♦✲
 Strain can lead to cracking of particles, more SEI ❧✉t✐♦♥
formation on exposed graphite ❙♦❧✐❞
 Cracking of SEI itself, and more SEI formation on ♦❢ ❛❝t✐✈❡
exposed graphite ❈r❛❝❦✐♥❣ ♠❛t❡r✐❛❧

 Graphite exfoliation (layers flaking off) due to solvent cointercalation with lithium is
considered to have a bigger impact
 Solvent reacting with graphite inside particles releases gasses, accelerates cracking

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | How does lithium-ion cell health degrade? j 1 of 4

4.1.4: Negative-electrode aging processes in bulk and composite electrode

Negative electrode aging in composite electrode

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate compute

 Stresses and strains within electrodes can cause

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

mechanical and electronic contact loss:

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

❆❝t✐✈❡ ♠❛t❡r✐❛❧s
 Between graphite particles ❈♦♥❞✉❝t✐✈❡ ❛❞❞✐t✐✈❡
 Between current collector and particles ❇✐♥❞❡r
 Between binder and particles
 Between binder and current collector
 Results in higher impedance and can result in ❈✉rr❡♥t ❝♦❧❧❡❝t♦r
capacity loss if particles become electrically
disconnected from current collector
 Porosity of electrode can be reduced by volume changes and growth of SEI,
impeding movement of lithium ions in electrolyte, increasing resistance

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | How does lithium-ion cell health degrade? j 2 of 4

4.1.4: Negative-electrode aging processes in bulk and composite electrode

Current-collector corrosion
key off: store data
key on: initialize

meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 At low voltages (near 1:5 V) copper current collector can

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

corrode, releasing Cu2C into electrolyte:

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

 Reduced current-collector/particle contact, higher cell resistance

 Corrosion products that deposit on electrode particles have poor electronic
conductivity, giving higher film resistance
 Leads to nonuniform current and potential distributions across cell plate area,
accelerates aging in parts of the cell, gives preference toward lithium plating
 Copper also makes a metallic annealing site that can accelerate lithium plating,
dendrite growth, and hence short circuits

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | How does lithium-ion cell health degrade? j 3 of 4
4.1.4: Negative-electrode aging processes in bulk and composite electrode

Summary of aging in bulk, composite electrode

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 Table summarizes bulk/composite effects (bold = more severe)

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

Cause Effect Leads to Enhanced by

Solvent cointercalation, gas Loss of active Capacity Overcharge
evolution, graphite exfoliation material, Li loss fade
Contact loss b/w particles Loss of active Capacity High rate, low
due to volume changes material fade cell SOC
Decomposition of binder Li loss, loss of mech- Capacity High SOC,
anical stability fade high temperatures
Current collector corrosion Impedance rise; Pwr. fade; Overdischarge,
nonuniform current accelerates low cell SOC
and potentials aging

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | How does lithium-ion cell health degrade? j 4 of 4
4.1.5: Positive-electrode aging processes

Lithium-ion aging in the positive electrode

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 In previous lessons, you learned about physical degradation

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

mechanisms that occur in the negative-electrode region

of a lithium-ion battery cell
 In positive electrode, as with negative electrode, aging occurs in three regions:
 At the positive-electrode particle surface
 Within the “bulk” of the active materials themselves
 In the composite positive electrode

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | How does lithium-ion cell health degrade? j 1 of 6

4.1.5: Positive-electrode aging processes

Positive electrode aging at surface of particles

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 Electrolyte oxidation and LiPF6 decomposition can form

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

surface layer on positive electrode materials as well

 This is not as pronounced as for negative electrodes
 A bigger factor is the dissolution of metals from the electrode into the electrolyte,
and products formed from these metals which can re-precipitate on the surface as
high-resistance film
 Dissolution of Mn or Co into electrolyte results in capacity loss (fewer lithium
storage sites), can poison negative electrode
 Mechanism depends on which oxide is used, but tends to happen predominantly
at low/high states of charge, and can be greatly accelerated by high temperature

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | How does lithium-ion cell health degrade? j 2 of 6

4.1.5: Positive-electrode aging processes

Positive electrode aging in bulk

key off: store data
key on: initialize

meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 Phase transitions (distortions in shape of crystal structure,

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

without changing structure itself) can lead to cracking

 Transitions caused by presence/absence of Li in storage sites, leading to different
local molecular forces
 Some phase transitions are normal and reversible
 Others cause collapse (e.g., overcharge layered structure), rapid capacity loss
 Can also lead to “structural disordering.” when electrode crystal structure breaks
down (bonds broken, reformed to different atoms, collapsing the tunnel-like
structures that allow Li movement: Li sites are lost and, Li can be trapped)
 Phase transitions near surface can lead to permanent sub-surface layers forming
that do not allow Li to move freely as in unaltered crystal structure

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | How does lithium-ion cell health degrade? j 3 of 6
4.1.5: Positive-electrode aging processes

Positive electrode aging in composite electrode

key off: store data

key on: initialize
 The positive electrode also experiences degradation
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute
current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

of the inactive components of the cell:

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

❆❝t✐✈❡ ♠❛t❡r✐❛❧s
 Binder decomposition ❈♦♥❞✉❝t✐✈❡ ❛❞❞✐t✐✈❡
 Oxidation of conductive particles (e.g., carbon ❇✐♥❞❡r
 Corrosion of the current collector
 Loss of contact to conductive particles due to ❈✉rr❡♥t ❝♦❧❧❡❝t♦r
volume changes

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | How does lithium-ion cell health degrade? j 4 of 6

4.1.5: Positive-electrode aging processes

Summary of aging at positive electrode (1/2)

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 Principal aging mechanisms at positive electrode (1/2)

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

Cause Effect Leads to Enhanced by

Phase transitions Cracking of Capacity fade High rates, high/low
active particles SOC
Structural Li sites lost and Capacity fade High rates, high/low
disordering Li trapped SOC
Metal dissolution Migration of Capacity fade High/low SOC, high
and/or electrolyte soluble species temperature
decomposition Reprecipitation of Power fade
new phases, form
surface layer
Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | How does lithium-ion cell health degrade? j 5 of 6

4.1.5: Positive-electrode aging processes

Summary of aging at positive electrode (2/2)

key off: store data
key on: initialize

meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 Principal aging mechanisms at positive electrode (2/2)

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

Cause Effect Leads to Enhanced by

Electrolyte Gas evolution High temperature
Binder Loss of contact Power fade
Oxidation of Loss of contact Power fade
conductive agent
Corrosion of Loss of contact Power fade High SOC
current collector

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | How does lithium-ion cell health degrade? j 6 of 6
4.1.6: Sensitivity of cell voltage to changes in equivalent series resistance (ESR)

Sensitivity of cell terminal voltage to ESR

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 A common approach to estimating SOH is to compute

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

estimates of equivalent-series resistance and total capacity

 Estimating ESR R0 turns out to be relatively simple because it is highly
“observable” from voltage measurements
 Consider vk D OCV.´k / C M hk
i Ri iRi ;k ik R0
 Define the sensitivity of the voltage measurement to a change in resistance as

SvRk0 D Rv 0 ddRvk D R0
vk k
k 0
 Since ik can be very large, absolute sensitivity is high

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | How does lithium-ion cell health degrade? j 1 of 6

4.1.6: Sensitivity of cell voltage to changes in equivalent series resistance (ESR)

Sensitivity of cell terminal voltage to ESR

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 One approach to estimating R0 is to compare voltages at

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

two adjacent time samples

vk D OCV.´k / C M hk i RP
i iRi ;k ik R0
vk 1 1D OCV.´k 1/ C M hk i Ri iRi ;k 1 ik 1 R0
vk 1 vk  R0 .ik 1 ik / ,
where SOC, vCi and hk change relatively slowly compared with rate of change of ik
 So, we can estimate
R D vik vk
k 1

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | How does lithium-ion cell health degrade? j 2 of 6

4.1.6: Sensitivity of cell voltage to changes in equivalent series resistance (ESR)

Issues (1–2)
key off: store data
key on: initialize

Can compute R
ISSUE I : b0;k only when ik ¤ 0. So, we skip meas. voltage
state of
charge (SOC)
state of
health (SOH)

updates when jik j is small (avoids amplifying noise, as well)

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

Because ESC model has imperfect fidelity with respect to true cell, and
b0;k is quite noisy
because of inaccuracy introduced via specific approximations, R
 Might consider using total least squares approach (see later re. total capacity
estimation) but can also simply filter. For example (where 0  < 1)
R bfilt0;k 1 C .1
D R b0;k
 Tends to work quite well

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | How does lithium-ion cell health degrade? j 3 of 6
4.1.6: Sensitivity of cell voltage to changes in equivalent series resistance (ESR)

Example filtered resistance

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute
Cell current for resistance test Cell voltage for resistance test current
state of
charge (SOC)
state of
health (SOH) cells

Terminal voltage (V)

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active
50 4.2

Current (A)
0 4
 Filtered resistance
3.8 quite close to true
3.6 resistance
0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400
Time (min) Time (min)
R0 estimate (unfiltered) R0 estimate (unfiltered) R0 estimate (filtered)
4 4 4
R0 values (mOhm)

R0 values (mOhm)

R0 values (mOhm)
3 3 3

2 2 2

1 Estimate 1 Estimate 1 Estimate

Actual Actual Actual
0 0 0
0 100 200 300 400 80 100 120 140 160 0 100 200 300 400
Time (min) Time (min) Time (min)
Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | How does lithium-ion cell health degrade? j 4 of 6

4.1.6: Sensitivity of cell voltage to changes in equivalent series resistance (ESR)

Issues (3–4)

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

ESR is SOC-dependent
current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

 SOC dependence could be handled by adapting resistance loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

vectors rather than scalars

ISSUE IV: ESR is temperature-dependent
 Temperature dependence can be well modeled as
1 1
R0 D R0;ref exp ER0 ;ref
Tref T
but if pack dwells near one temperature for an extended period, results at other
temperatures may become biased
 Can also adapt matrix of resistances vs. SOC and temperature

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | How does lithium-ion cell health degrade? j 5 of 6

4.1.6: Sensitivity of cell voltage to changes in equivalent series resistance (ESR)

key off: store data
key on: initialize

meas. voltage estimate estimate compute

 An estimate of equivalent-series resistance R0

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

is a component to most SOH estimates

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

 The good news is that ESR is highly observable: R0 estimates compared

even simple methods can estimate its value well
R0 values (mOhm)

 You learned a simple—but noisy—approach, 3

based on differencing voltages and currents 2

 Filtering these results can produce good ESR
estimates Unfiltered
 You also learned some ways to handle SOC- 0
0 100 200 300 400
and temperature-dependence Time (min)

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | How does lithium-ion cell health degrade? j 6 of 6
4.1.7: Sensitivity of cell voltage to changes in cell total capacity

Sensitivity to total capacity

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 Estimating total capacity well turns out to be quite difficult

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

 Consider the sensitivity of voltage measurement to capacity:

Q dvk Q d X
SvQk D vk dQ
D vk dQ
OCV.´k / C M hk Ri iRi; ;k ik R0
 Notice that
1. Term in parenthesis is not directly a function of Q
2. But, we are evaluating a total derivative, not a partial derivative
 So, there is still (some) hope that total capacity is observable through voltage

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | How does lithium-ion cell health degrade? j 1 of 5

4.1.7: Sensitivity of cell voltage to changes in cell total capacity

Evaluating sensitivity through OCV

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 Consider the first term in the sensitivity equation:

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

dOCV.´k / @OCV.´k / d´k

D @´k dQ
 For most cells, OCV slope is very shallow, so @OCV.´k /=@´k is very small. Further,
d´k d´k 1 d.1=Q/
D dQ
k 1 ik 1 t
D dd´Q
k 1
C k 1Qik2 1t
 This total derivative can be calculated recursively

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | How does lithium-ion cell health degrade? j 2 of 5

4.1.7: Sensitivity of cell voltage to changes in cell total capacity

Considering recursive sensitivity through OCV

key off: store data
key on: initialize

 From the previous slide, dd´Qk D d´dkQ 1 C k 1Qik2 1 t

meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute
current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

 Grows when ik is in the same direction for a considerable

amount of time and shrinks when ik changes direction
 For random ik (e.g., HEV) it is around the same order of magnitude as the
second term, which can be computed from rms current
 The second term has t factor, which is often on the order of 1=3600 or less
 Summary to date: Sensitivity of voltage to capacity through the OCV term is small,
but can be maximized either by charging or discharging for long periods

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | How does lithium-ion cell health degrade? j 3 of 5
4.1.7: Sensitivity of cell voltage to changes in cell total capacity

Sensitivity through hysteresis

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 Similarly, sensitivity of the voltage to capacity through

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

hysteresis term is small (it is zero through the other terms)

 As a consequence, individual voltage measurements have very little information
regarding capacity
 Must somehow combine many voltage measurements
 Simple ideas, like used to estimate R b0 will not work well
 So, we explore two basic approaches:
 First, look at total-least-squares approaches, which are optimal
 Next, look at KF-based approaches, which can work well (honors)

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | How does lithium-ion cell health degrade? j 4 of 5

4.1.7: Sensitivity of cell voltage to changes in cell total capacity


key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 An estimate of total capacity Q is a component of most SOH

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

 The bad news is that Q is nearly unobservable: simple methods cannot estimate its
value well
 The remainder of this course will explore reasons why one common approach to
estimating Q is incorrect, and how to estimate Q correctly
 Next week, we explore why ordinary-least-squares regression is the wrong
approach, and why total-least-squares regression is correct
 Then, we look at computationally efficient methods for computing the
total-least-squares solution
 Examples will demonstrate these claims

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | How does lithium-ion cell health degrade? j 5 of 5
4.1.8: Where from here?

Summary of this week

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 This week, you learned that cell static and dynamic

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

characteristics change as the cells age

 Generally, capacity is lost. . . “capacity fade”
 Generally, resistance increases. . . “power fade”
 You learned, qualitatively, many of the specific degradation mechanisms in both the
negative and positive electrodes
 You learned that cell voltage is very sensitive to changes in resistance, so
resistance is relatively simple to estimate well
 You learned that cell voltage is very insensitive to changes in total capacity, so total
capacity is very difficult to estimate well

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | How does lithium-ion cell health degrade? j 1 of 3

4.1.8: Where from here?

Where from here?

key off: store data

key on: initialize
 Next week, you will begin to learn ways to estimate cell total
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute
current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

 First, as a baseline method, you will learn how to use

ordinary and weighted least-squares methods
 You will learn that while these methods are very simple to
implement, they produce biased estimates of total capacity
 You will learn improved total-least-squares methods that are
unbiased, but impractical to implement in a BMS
 However, later in the course you will learn how to make
practical unbiased estimators

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | How does lithium-ion cell health degrade? j 2 of 3

4.1.8: Where from here?

key off: store data
key on: initialize

meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

Credits for photos in this lesson

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

“Climbing upward” on slide 2: Pixabay license

(, from

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | How does lithium-ion cell health degrade? j 3 of 3
4.2.1: What’s wrong with using ordinary least squares to estimate total capacity?

Linear structure of capacity equation

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 Recall that the sensitivity of the cell voltage to cell capacity is

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

very low, so noise tends to bias results

k2 1
 Consider the SOC equation, ´Œk2  D ´Œk1  ŒkiŒk
X k Dk1

„ ƒ‚
k2 1
 We can rearrange its terms to get: t ŒkiŒk D Q .´Œk2  ´Œk1 / ,
„ ƒ‚ k Dk1

where the obvious linear structure of y D Qx becomes apparent

 Using a regression technique, for example, one may compute estimates of Q
 One needs only to find values for “x ” and “y ”

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimation j 1 of 5

4.2.1: What’s wrong with using ordinary least squares to estimate total capacity?

Problem with ordinary least squares

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 The problem with using standard (least squares) linear

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

regression techniques is that both summed current y

and difference between state-of-charge values x have ❨ ❉ ◗❜①
sensor noise or estimation noise associated with them
 The least squares linear regression problem is a solution
to the equation .y y/ D Qx ; that is, there is noise
assumed on the measurements y , but not on the
independent variable x

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimation j 2 of 5

4.2.1: What’s wrong with using ordinary least squares to estimate total capacity?

A better way to think about the linear relationship

key off: store data
key on: initialize

meas. voltage estimate estimate compute

 Total-capacity-estimation problem is implicitly of form

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

.y y/ D Q.x x/ since both the integrated

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

current and SOC estimates have noise ❨ ❉ ◗❜❳

 That is, because estimates of SOC are generally
imperfect, there will be noise on the x variable, and using
standard least squares linear regression results in a
biased estimate of battery cell total capacity
 Note that KF-based methods are (recursive) least
squares: they will tend to be biased by noise

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimation j 3 of 5
4.2.1: What’s wrong with using ordinary least squares to estimate total capacity?

What to do?

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 Usual approach to counteract this problem is to try to ensure

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

that SOC estimates are as accurate as possible, then use

standard least-squares estimation anyway
 For example, we might put constraints on how the capacity is estimated
 Could force cell current to be zero before test begins and after the test ends (so
that cell is in an equilibrium state and SOC estimates are as accurate as possible)
 Eliminates to a large extent (but not completely) the error in the x variable, and
makes the regression reasonably accurate
 Still does not correctly handle the residual noise in x : minimizes the noise, but
never totally eliminates it
 Solution: use “total least squares” instead of “(ordinary) least squares” estimation

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimation j 4 of 5

4.2.1: What’s wrong with using ordinary least squares to estimate total capacity?


key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 We can write an equation that involves measurable quantities

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

and is linear in Q
 Tempting to use (ordinary least squares) regression techniques to estimate Q!
 However, there are errors/noises in both the “x ” and “y ” terms in this regression
 Ordinary-least-squares solutions will be biased by these noises
 Instead, total-least-squares solutions should be used
 That is what we study next

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4.2.2: How to find the ordinary-least-squares solution as a benchmark

Derivation of weighted ordinary least squares

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 Both ordinary least squares (OLS) and total least squares

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

(TLS), as applied to estimate total capacity, seek to find Q

such that y  Qx using N -vectors of measured data x and y (N  1)
 i th element .xi ; yi / corresponds to data collected from a cell over time interval i
 xi is estimated change in state-of-charge over that interval
 yi is net accumulated ampere hours passing through cell during that period
xi D ´Œk2;i  ´Œk1;i  for time interval i

yi D t
k2;i 1
k Dk1;i

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4.2.2: How to find the ordinary-least-squares solution as a benchmark

Major assumption of OLS

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate compute

 OLS approach assumes that there is no error on xi and

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

models data as y D Qx C y, where y is a vector of

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

measurement errors ❨ ❉ ◗❜①

 Error bars on data points meant to illustrate
uncertainties, which are proportional to yi
 We assume that y comprises zero-mean Gaussian
random variables, with known variances y2i (which are
not necessarily equal to each other)
 OLS attempts to find an estimate Q of the true cell total b
capacity Q that minimizes sum of squared errors yi

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimation j 2 of 5

4.2.2: How to find the ordinary-least-squares solution as a benchmark

Cost function
b key off: store data
key on: initialize

meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 We generalize approach here slightly to allow for finding a Q

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

that minimizes sum of weighted squared errors

 Weighting takes into account uncertainty of specific measurement
 That is, we seek Q that minimizes weighted-least-squares (WLS) cost function

.yi Yi /2
.yi b
Q xi / 2
y2i y2i

i D1 i D1

where Yi is a point on the line Yi Qxi corresponding to measured data pair

.xi ; yi /, where yi is assumed to have noise but xi has no noise

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimation j 3 of 5
4.2.2: How to find the ordinary-least-squares solution as a benchmark


key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 A number of solution approaches may be taken

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

b b
loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

 One that will serve us well is to differentiate cost function with

respect to Q and solve for Q by setting partial derivative to zero
X b N

@2WLS xi .yi Qxi /
D 2

i D1
xi2 xi yi
i D1 yi
,X 2
i D1 yi

bD Q
xi yi
i D1 yi i D1 yi

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimation j 4 of 5

4.2.2: How to find the ordinary-least-squares solution as a benchmark


key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 Have now defined and solved weighted ordinary-least-squares

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

problem for estimating cell total capacity

 Desired to find Q to minimize 2WLS D b N

.yi Yi /2 =y2i
i D1
 Solution: Each time new data pair .xi ; yi / available, compute

c1 D
and c2 D
xi yi
2 2
i D1 yi i D1 yi
 Then, Q D c2 =c1

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimation j 5 of 5
4.2.3: Making the ordinary-least-squares solution computationally efficient

Recursive computation of weighted least squares


key off: store data

key on: initialize
 WLS computes Q D c2 =c1 based on f.xi ; yi /gi D1:::N , where
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute
current state of state of power

temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

xi2 xi yi
c1 D 2
and c2 D 2
i D1 yi i D1 yi
 But, notice we can update summations recursively whenever new data pair available

c1;n D
X n
D c1;n 1 C xn2
and c2;n D
X n
xi yi
D c2;n 1 C xn2yn
2 y2n 2
i D1 yi i D1 yi yn

 Then, we can write capacity estimate after n updates as Qn D c2;n =c1;n

 Benefits of recursive approach:
 Minimizes storage requirements
 Evens out computational requirements when n gets large
Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimation j 1 of 5

4.2.3: Making the ordinary-least-squares solution computationally efficient

Initializing recursion

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 But, recursion requires initial estimates of c1;0 and c2;0

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

 One approach is simply to set c1;0 D c2;0 D 0

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

 Alternately, can recognize that cell having nominal capacity Qnom has that capacity
over a state-of-charge range of 1.0
 Therefore, we can initialize with a synthetic zeroth “measurement” where x0 D 1
and y0 D Qnom
 The value for y20 can be set to the manufacturing variance of the nominal capacity
 That is, c1;0 D 1=y20 and c2;0 D Qnom =y20

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimation j 2 of 5

4.2.3: Making the ordinary-least-squares solution computationally efficient

Fading memory problem setup

key off: store data
key on: initialize

meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 Can adapt method to allow fading memory of past data

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

 Start by modifying WLS cost function to place more emphasis

on most recent measurements and less on measurements from distant past
 We define the fading-memory weighted-least-squares
(FMWLS) cost function as

N i .yi
Qxi /2
i D1
where the forgetting factor is in the range 0  1

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimation j 3 of 5
4.2.3: Making the ordinary-least-squares solution computationally efficient

Fading memory solution

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 Using same method as last lesson, can find

current state of state of power

temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

N N 2
N i xi yi N i xi
i D1 i D1
y2i y2i

 This solution may also easily be computed in a recursive manner
 Compute Qn D cQ2;n =cQ1;n based on two running sums (initialized same as before)

cQ1;n D
X n
N i xi2
D cQ1;n 1 C x2n

X i D1 yn
N i xi yi
cQ2;n D y2i
D cQ2;n 1 C xn2yn
i D1 yn

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimation j 4 of 5

4.2.3: Making the ordinary-least-squares solution computationally efficient


key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 Have now derived WLS and FMWLS methods to estimate Q

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

 In summary, both WLS and FMWLS have nice properties:

1. They give a closed-form solution for Q b
2. Only simple operations—multiplication, addition, and division—are required
The solutions can very easily be computed in a recursive manner
Fading memory can easily be added, allowing adaptation of Q to adjust for true b
cell total capacity changes
 But, remember, that these solutions are biased
 Will use as baseline against which to compare TLS-type solutions

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimation j 5 of 5
4.2.5: Finding the solution to a weighted total-least-squares problem

Optimizing the WTLS cost function

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 In the previous lesson, found WTLS cost function to optimize

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

b to minimize this cost function, set @2WTLS =@Q
loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

 To find Q
X b xi
2.Q b yi x2
yi /.Q C xi y2 /
D i i
D0 (via Mathematica)
i D1
@Q b 2 x2
.Q i
C y2i /2
 Unfortunately, this solution has none of the nice properties of the WLS solution:
1. There is no closed-form solution in the general case
2. There is no recursive update in the general case
3. There is no fading memory recursive update

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimation j 1 of 7

4.2.5: Finding the solution to a weighted total-least-squares problem

1. No closed-form solution

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate compute


 A numerical method must be used to find Q

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

Optimization path using Newton−Raphson

Optimization path using Newton−Raphson

0 3000


−1 1000

Iterations: 36, Fn evals: 138 2 −2
−2 1 −1
−2 −1 0 1 2 0 0
−1 1
x(1) x(1) −2 2 x(2)
 One possibility is to perform a Newton–Raphson search for Q

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimation j 2 of 7

4.2.5: Finding the solution to a weighted total-least-squares problem

Newton–Raphson search
key off: store data
key on: initialize

meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 Every time new .xi ; yi / available, perform several iterations of

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

 .  loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

bk D Q
Q bk 1 @2WTLS =@Qb b2
@2 2WTLS =@Q
 Numerator is “Jacobian” of original cost function, given by earlier equation
 Denominator is “Hessian” of original cost function, which can be shown to be
@2 2WTLS X N
y4 xi2 Cx4 .3Q
b 2 yi2 2Q
b 3 xi yi / x2 y2 .3Q
b 2 xi2 6Q
b xi yi C yi2/
D2 i i

b 2 x2 C y2 /3
i i

@Q i D1 .Q i i

b , and is guaranteed to converge to

 Search initialized with prior WLS estimate of Q
global solution since cost function 2WTLS is convex
 Number of significant figures in the solution doubles with each iteration
 Around four iterations produce double-precision results
Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimation j 3 of 7
4.2.5: Finding the solution to a weighted total-least-squares problem

2. No recursive update

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 There is no recursive update in the general case: this has

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

storage implications and computational implications

 To use WTLS, the entire vector x and y must be stored, which implies increasing
storage as the number of measurements N increases
 Furthermore, the number of computations grows as N grows
 Not well suited for an embedded-system application that must run in real time with
limited storage capabilities

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimation j 4 of 7

4.2.5: Finding the solution to a weighted total-least-squares problem

3. No fading-memory recursive update

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 No fading memory recursive update (no recursive update)

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

 Non-recursive fading memory cost function may be defined

X b xi /2
.yi Q

i D1
b 2 x2
Q i
C y2 i

 The Jacobian of this cost function can be found to be

@2 XN b xi yi /.Q
.Q b yi x2 C xi y2 /
D2 N i i i

@Q i D1
b 2 x2
.Q i
C y2i /2

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimation j 5 of 7

4.2.5: Finding the solution to a weighted total-least-squares problem

3. No fading-memory recursive update

key off: store data
key on: initialize

meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 The Hessian of the cost function can be found to be

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

@2 2
X y4 xi2 C x4 .3Q
b 2 yi2 2Q
b 3 xi yi /
D2 N i i i

@Q i D1
b 2 x2
.Q C y2 /3

x2i y2i .3Qb 2 xi2 b xi yi C yi2 /

b 2 x2
.Q i
C y2 /3i

 Can use Newton–Raphson search to minimize cost function to find Q

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimation j 6 of 7
4.2.5: Finding the solution to a weighted total-least-squares problem


key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 WTLS has none of the nice properties of the WLS solution:

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

1. There is no closed-form solution in the general case

2. There is no recursive update in the general case
3. There is no fading memory recursive update
 Can use Newton–Raphson search, but requires growing memory and computation
 Next week, you will learn special case of WTLS that gives a closed-form solution,
with recursive update, and fading memory
 Leads to approximate solution to general WTLS that also has these nice properties
 But first, we consider an important property of both the WLS and WTLS solutions

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimation j 7 of 7
4.2.6: Confidence intervals on least-squares solutions

Confidence limits on estimated total capacity

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 When computing Q
current state of state of power
b , important to know certainty of estimate temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

 Would like to know variance  2 to compute confidence

intervals within which the true cell total capacity Q lies, with high certainty
 For example, three-sigma bounds: Q 2 .Q b 3b
b C 3 /
;Q Q
 To derive confidence limits, must re-cast least-squares type problem as maximum-
likelihood optimization problem
 Then, Cramer–Rao theorem will give us confidence bounds

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimation j 1 of 6

4.2.6: Confidence intervals on least-squares solutions

Recasting WLS as maximum-likelihood

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 First, recast problem as maximum-likelihood optimization

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

 Assuming all errors are Gaussian, this is straightforward

 If we form a vector y comprising elements yi , and a vector x comprising
corresponding elements xi and a diagonal matrix †y having corresponding
diagonal elements y2i , then minimizing 2WLS is equivalent to maximizing
1 1
MLWLS D .2/N=2j† j1=2 exp 2
b x/T † 1 .y
.y Q y Q
b x/
1 1 2
D .2/N=2j† j1=2 exp 

which is a maximum-likelihood problem

 Constant multiplying exponential causes MLWLS to integrate to 1, yielding valid pdf

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimation j 2 of 6

4.2.6: Confidence intervals on least-squares solutions

Recasting WTLS as maximum-likelihood

key off: store data
key on: initialize

meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 If we form vector d concatenating y and x, and vector b

current state of state of power

d temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

concatenating corresponding elements Yi and Xi , and

diagonal matrix †d having diagonal elements y2i followed by x2i , then minimizing
2WTLS is equivalent to maximizing
1 1
MLWTLS D .2/ j†d j1=2
d/T †d 1 .d
.d b d/

1 1 2
D .2/N j†d j1=2
 The maximum-likelihood formulation makes it possible to determine confidence
intervals on Q
b. . .

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimation j 3 of 6
4.2.6: Confidence intervals on least-squares solutions

Application of Cramer–Rao theorem

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 Cramer–Rao theorem, a tight lower bound on variance of Q

current state of state of power
b is temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

given by the negative inverse of second derivative of argument

of the exponential function, evaluated at the Q
b that optimizes the cost function

 That is, for the cost functions we have investigated so far,

@2 2WLS
2 @Q2
for WLS
@2 2WTLS
2 @Q2
for WTLS

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimation j 4 of 6

4.2.6: Confidence intervals on least-squares solutions

Finding the Hessians

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 The second partial derivatives (i.e., Hessians) of WTLS and

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

FMWTLS cost functions have already been described in

the context of a Newton–Raphson iteration
 For WLS and FMWLS, the situation is easier:
@2 2WLS X xi2 @2 2FMWLS X xi2
D2 2
D2 N i
i D1 i D1 yi
 These may be computed using the previously defined recursive parameters as
@2 2WLS @2 2FMWLS
D 2c1;n and
D 2cQ1;n

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimation j 5 of 6

4.2.6: Confidence intervals on least-squares solutions

key off: store data
key on: initialize

meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 Desire to find  2 to compute confidence intervals on Q

current state of state of power
b temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

b loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

 For example, three-sigma bounds: Q 2 .Q

b 3b
b C 3bQ /
 Recasting xLS problem as ML problem allows invoking Cramer–Rao theorem,
@2 2xLS
2 @Q2
 Hessians for WTLS/FMWTLS were already known
 Hessians for WLS/FMWLS trivial to compute using already-existing quantities

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimation j 6 of 6
4.2.7: Where from here?

Summary of this week

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 This week, you learned that total-capacity relationship has a

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

linear form with respect to a change in SOC xi between two

operating points and net ampere hours passed through cell over that interval, yi
 However, since both xi and yi have uncertainty, standard least-squares linear
regression tools are not correct to apply to problem
 Derived LS and WLS solutions as baseline to demonstrate the problems
 Also derived WTLS, which will give better solutions
 And, showed how to compute error bounds using Hessian of cost function

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimation j 1 of 3

4.2.7: Where from here?

Where from here?

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute
current state of state of power

 While WLS allows closed-form, recursive, and temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

fading-memory solutions, WTLS does not

 Since WTLS cannot be computed efficiently in general case,
we seek specific scenarios where it can
 Then, we approximate those specific scenarios to give a
near-optimal WTLS approximate method for estimating total

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimation j 2 of 3

4.2.7: Where from here?

key off: store data
key on: initialize

meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

Credits for photos in this lesson

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

“Climbing upward” on slide 2: Pixabay license

(, from

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimation j 3 of 3
4.3.1: Simplifying the total-least-squares solution for cases having proportional uncertainties

A path to solution

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 General WTLS solution provides excellent results, but is

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

impractical to implement in an embedded system

 Therefore, we search for cases that lead to simpler implementations
 Here, we look at an exact solution when the uncertainties on the xi and yi data
points are proportional to each other for all i , which leads to a simple solution that
can easily be implemented in an embedded system
 With insights from this solution we will next look at an approximate WTLS solution
that also has nice implementation properties

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Simplified total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimates j 1 of 6

4.3.1: Simplifying the total-least-squares solution for cases having proportional uncertainties

Proportional confidence on xi and yi

key off: store data

key on: initialize
D kyi , then WTLS cost function reduces to
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 If xi
current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

generalization of standard TLS cost function

 Substitute xi D kyi into 2WTLS and associated results to get:
D .x
Xi /2
C .yi Yi /2
.yi Qxi /2 b
2 i
i D1 .Q k C 1/yi
i D1
k 2 y2i y2i 2 2 2

 Furthermore, Jacobian of WTLS cost function reduces to (again, via xi D kyi )
@2TLS Xb N
D 2 .Q x
yi /.Qk 2 yi C xi /
b b
@Q i D1 .Q2 k 2 C 1/2 y2i
b , without requiring iteration to do so
 This may be solved for an exact solution to Q

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Simplified total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimates j 2 of 6

4.3.1: Simplifying the total-least-squares solution for cases having proportional uncertainties

Finding quadratic form

key off: store data
key on: initialize

meas. voltage estimate estimate compute

 We first collect terms

current state of state of power

Xb b
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

D 2 .Qxi 2yi2/.Qk 2yi 2C xi /

N loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

@2TLS 2

b b D0
@Q i D1 .Q k C 1/ yi
X k x y CQb X x k y C X x y D 0
2 i i
N 2
2 2
i i
2 2 2
„D Dƒ‚ „DD ƒ‚ „D Dƒ‚
i 1 yi i 1 yi i 1 yi

P D y = a k 2 c2;n b c1;n k 2 c3;n c c2;n

where we define c D
n 2 2
b using the familiar quadratic equation solution
i 1 i yi
 Then, we can solve for Q
b  b
4ac 2

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Simplified total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimates j 3 of 6
4.3.1: Simplifying the total-least-squares solution for cases having proportional uncertainties

Routh test to choose root of solution

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 In terms of familiar recursive quantities, specific solution is

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

 k 2 c3;n /2 C
b .c1;n k2c 2
4k 2 c2;n
3;n / .c1;n
Qn D
2k 2 c2;n
 Which of the two roots to choose? Can show via Routh array and test that this

quadratic always has one positive root and one negative root
Q2 k 2 c2;n c2;n
Q1 c1;n k 2 c3;n 0
Q0 c2;n 0
 First column of the array always has exactly one sign change, so there is one root of
the polynomial in the right-half plane (and other in left-half plane or on axis)

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Simplified total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimates j 4 of 6

4.3.1: Simplifying the total-least-squares solution for cases having proportional uncertainties

Total capacity must be nonnegative!

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 So there is one root of the polynomial in the right-half plane

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

(and other in left-half plane or on axis)

 By the fundamental theorem of algebra, because the coefficients c1;n , c2;n , and c3;n
are real, the polynomial roots must either both be real or be complex conjugates
 The fact that they are in different halves of the complex plane shows that they
cannot be complex conjugates, and therefore must both be real
 We choose larger root of the quadratic equation, which corresponds to positive root
k 2 c3;n / C k 2 c3;n /2 C 4k 2 c2;n
b .c1;n .c1;n 2
Q n D 2k 2 c2;n

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Simplified total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimates j 5 of 6

4.3.1: Simplifying the total-least-squares solution for cases having proportional uncertainties

key off: store data
key on: initialize

meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 You have already learned that WLS is biased but general

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

WTLS is computationally inefficient

 But, if uncertainties on xi and yi are proportional for all i , then WTLS has simple
quadratic form that can be written in terms of recursively computed quantities
 Notice that we refer to this specific condition as the TLS problem, as distinct from
the earlier more-general WTLS problem
 Next lesson will summarize the TLS solution in more specific detail

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Simplified total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimates j 6 of 6
4.3.2: Making simplified solution computationally efficient

Defining recursive quantities

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 Solution to proportional-confidence TLS found to be

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

c1;n C k2c 3;n C .c1;n k 2 c3;n /2 C 2
4k 2 c2;n
n D 2k 2 c2;n
; where

D c1;n 1 C xn2=y2 I c2;n D c2;n 1 C xnyn=y2 I c3;n D c3;n 1 C yn2=y2

c1;n i i i

 Initialized by setting x0 D 1, y0 D Qnom , y2 to a value representing the uncertainty i

of total capacity with respect to nominal capacity
 Therefore, c1;0 D 1=y2i , c2;0 D Qnom =y2i and c3;0 D Qnom
2 = 2
y i

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Simplified total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimates j 1 of 4

4.3.2: Making simplified solution computationally efficient

Confidence interval of estimate

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 The Hessian, required to compute estimate’s uncertainty,

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

may also be found in terms of the recursive parameters:

b 3 C 6.k 4 c b 2 C 12c k 2 Q
@2 2TLS 4k 4 c2 /Q c1 k 2 /Q 2 b C 2.c1 k 2 c3 /
D. 3
b 2 k 2 C 1/3
@Q .Q
 One-sigma bounds on Q
b are computed as 2=.@2 2TLS =@Q
b 2/

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Simplified total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimates j 2 of 4

4.3.2: Making simplified solution computationally efficient

Fading memory
key off: store data
key on: initialize

meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 Fading memory may be easily incorporated recursively via

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

cQ1;n C k2c Q3;n C .cQ1;n k 2 cQ3;n /2 C 2
4k 2 c2;n Q
n D 2k 2 cQ2;n
; where

cQ1;n D cQ1;n 1 C xn2=y2 I cQ2;n D cQ2;n 1 C xnyn=y2 I cQ3;n D cQ3;n 1 C yn2=y2

i i i

 Initialization unchanged: cQ1;0 D 1=y2 , cQ2;0 D Qnom =y2 and cQ3;0 D Qnom2 = 2
i y i i

 Can obtain Hessian in terms of recursive parameters cQ1 through cQ3

@2 2FMTLS . 4k 4 cQ2 /Q
b 3 C 6.k 4 cQ cQ1 k 2 /Q
b 2 C 12cQ k 2 Q
2 b C 2.cQ1 k 2 cQ3 /
D 3
b 2 k 2 C 1/3
@Q .Q

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Simplified total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimates j 3 of 4
4.3.2: Making simplified solution computationally efficient


key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 This TLS solution shares the nice properties of WLS solution:

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

1. It gives a closed-form solution for Q


 No iteration or advanced algorithms required—only simple math operations

2. The solution can be very easily computed in a recursive manner
 We keep track of the three running sums c1;n , c2;n and c3;n
 When an additional data point becomes available, we update the sums and
compute an updated total capacity estimate
3. Fading memory is easily added.
 Unfortunately, this solution does not allow x2 and y2 to be arbitrary—they must be
proportionally related by the scaling factor xi D kyi
i i

 Next, we seek to approximate TLS to allow an arbitrary relationship

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Simplified total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimates j 4 of 4
4.3.3: Defining geometry for approximate full solution to weighted total least squares

Desire a simple WTLS solution

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 Know that WLS solution is biased, but WTLS demands too

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

much computation to use in practical BMS

 Have seen proportional-uncertainty version of WTLS—which we call TLS—that is
feasible to implement: but, uncertainties are not necessarily proportional in practice
 We desire solution that approximates WTLS problem but allows x2i and y2i to be
nonproportional, but which yields a recursive solution for feasible implementation in
an embedded system
 In this lesson, you will learn an approach we can take, based on geometry of WTLS

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4.3.3: Defining geometry for approximate full solution to weighted total least squares

WTLS geometry (1/2)

key off: store data

key on: initialize
❨ ❂ ◗ ✦❳
❨ ❂ ◗ ✦❳
❨ ❂ ◗
meas. voltage
state of
state of
balance compute
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

✭❳ ✐ ✱ ❨✐ ✮ ①✐


★ ✾✁✂ ✄ ★
✭① ✐ ✱ ②✐ ✮
✧① ✐

 Figure shows WTLS geometry, motivates approximate solution to be developed

 Left frame shows relationship between data point .xi ; yi / and its optimized map
b Xi when x2 and y2 are arbitrary
.Xi ; Yi / on Yi D Q i i

 The error bars on each data point illustrate the uncertainties in each dimension,
which are proportional to x and y i i

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Simplified total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimates j 2 of 7

4.3.3: Defining geometry for approximate full solution to weighted total least squares

WTLS geometry (2/2)

key off: store data
key on: initialize

❨ ❂ ◗ ✦❳
❨ ❂ ◗ ✦❳
❨ ❂ ◗
meas. voltage
state of
state of
balance compute
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

✭❳ ✐ ✱ ❨✐ ✮ ①✐


★ ✾✁✂ ✄ ★
✭① ✐ ✱ ②✐ ✮
✧① ✐

 We see that the distance between xi and Xi is not necessarily equal to the
distance between yi and Yi —depends on respective error bounds
 If quality of xi is better (poorer) than quality of yi , distance to its map Xi should be
shorter (greater) than the distance from yi to its map Yi

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Simplified total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimates j 3 of 7
4.3.3: Defining geometry for approximate full solution to weighted total least squares

TLS geometry

key off: store data

key on: initialize
❨ ❂ ◗ ✦❳
❨ ❂ ◗ ✦❳
❨ ❂ ◗
meas. voltage
state of
state of
balance compute
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

✭❳ ✐ ✱ ❨✐ ✮ ①✐


★ ✾✁✂ ✄ ★
✭① ✐ ✱ ②✐ ✮
✧① ✐

 Middle frame shows relationship between data point .xi ; yi / and its optimized map
b Xi when x2 and y2 are equal
.Xi ; Yi / on Yi D Q i i

 Distance between xi and Xi is equal to distance between yi and Yi , and line

b Xi
joining data point .xi ; yi / and .Xi ; Yi / is perpendicular to the line Yi D Q
 If x and y are unequal but proportional, x - or y -axis may be scaled to yield
i i

transformed data points with equal variances, and hence same idea applies

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Simplified total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimates j 4 of 7

4.3.3: Defining geometry for approximate full solution to weighted total least squares

Approximated geometry (1/2)

key off: store data

key on: initialize
❨ ❂ ◗ ✦❳
❨ ❂ ◗ ✦❳
❨ ❂ ◗
meas. voltage
state of
state of
balance compute
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

✭❳ ✐ ✱ ❨✐ ✮ ①✐


★ ✾✁✂ ✄ ★
✭① ✐ ✱ ②✐ ✮
✧① ✐

 Right frame illustrates definitions that will be used to derive an approximate

weighted total least squares (AWTLS) solution
 Motivated by TLS, we enforce that line joining data point .xi ; yi / and .Xi ; Yi / be
b Xi —will result in a recursive solution
perpendicular to line Yi D Q

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Simplified total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimates j 5 of 7

4.3.3: Defining geometry for approximate full solution to weighted total least squares

Approximated geometry (2/2)

key off: store data
key on: initialize

❨ ❂ ◗ ✦❳
❨ ❂ ◗ ✦❳
❨ ❂ ◗
meas. voltage
state of
state of
balance compute
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

✭❳ ✐ ✱ ❨✐ ✮ ①✐


★ ✾✁✂ ✄ ★
✭① ✐ ✱ ②✐ ✮
✧① ✐

 However, as with the WTLS solution, we weight distance between xi and Xi

differently from distance between yi and Yi in optimization cost function
 This will give a better total capacity estimate than TLS when the uncertainties on xi
and yi are not proportional

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Simplified total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimates j 6 of 7
4.3.3: Defining geometry for approximate full solution to weighted total least squares


key off: store data

key on: initialize
D Qb X
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 WTLS solution maps .xi ; yi / to .Xi ; Yi / on Y

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

with nonperpendicular line

 Optimal but not practical to implement
 TLS maps with perpendicular line
 Optimal only for proportional xi and yi but practical
 Will use observation of orthogonality to propose sub-
optimal mapping .xi ; yi / to .Xi ; Yi / that is perpendicular,
but also weights uncertainties in xi and yi
 Will continue to use geometry from figure to right as we
proceed beyond this point

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Simplified total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimates j 7 of 7
4.3.4: Finding appropriate cost function for approximate full solution to WTLS problem

Definitions arising from new geometry

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate compute

 Recall the figure to the right, which will define the

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

geometry of our approximate WTLS solution

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

 Define xi be x -distance between data point i and line,

and yi be y -distance between data point i and line
 b D yi =xi for all i
Slope of line is Q
Angle of line is  D tan 1 Q
 Shortest distance between line and any given data point:
Ri D yi cos 
p q
D yi = 1 C tan  D yi = 1 C Q

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Simplified total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimates j 1 of 4

4.3.4: Finding appropriate cost function for approximate full solution to WTLS problem

First form of cost function

key off: store data

key on: initialize
 Let xi D Ri sin  and yi D Ri cos 
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute
current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

 These are the x - and y -components of the perpendicular

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

distance between data point i and the fitting line

 We then weigh our fitting cost function according to
these variances
 Therefore, we define the approximate weighted total
least squares (AWTLS) cost function as
xi2 2
2AWTLS D x2i
C y

i D1 yi

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Simplified total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimates j 2 of 4

4.3.4: Finding appropriate cost function for approximate full solution to WTLS problem

More useful form of cost function

key off: store data
key on: initialize

b 2 =.1 C Q
b 2 /:
meas. voltage estimate estimate compute

Note that sin  D 1 DQ


current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

! ! ! ! loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

y 2 b
Q 2 y 2 1
xi2 D i
I yi2 D i
1CQ b 2 1CQb 2 b
1CQ2 1CQb2
 Since yi D yi Q b xi
.y b
Q x /2 Q b 2 1
b 2 2 x2 C y2
i i

i D1 .1 C Q / i i

 To verify that AWTLS approximates WTLS in some

cases, note both cost functions equal when xi D yi
 However, they are not equal when x i
D kyi , but this
will be corrected in a later lesson

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Simplified total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimates j 3 of 4
4.3.4: Finding appropriate cost function for approximate full solution to WTLS problem


key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 Starting with geometry presented in last lesson, defined some

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

quantities describing line and distances from data point to line

in different directions
 Proposed new cost function in terms of these new definitions
 Then, rewrote cost function in terms of quantities available to us
 We are now ready to derive the solution that optimizes this cost function

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Simplified total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimates j 4 of 4
4.3.5: Finding solution to the AWTLS problem

Approximate full solution: Derivation

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 In prior lesson, you learned new AWTLS cost function

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

X b xi b2
.yi Q /2 Q
i D1 .1 C Q
b 2 /2 x2i yi
 Jacobian of AWTLS cost function can be found to be
! !
@2AWTLS 2 X x y 2x 2 x 2 y 2
D b2 b
Q 4 i i
b 3 i i i
@Q .Q C 1/3 i D1 x2i x2i y2i x2i
! ! !
3x y 3x y x 2 2y 2 y 2 x y
CQb2 i i
i i
CQ b i
C  2i C  2i i
xi yi

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Simplified total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimates j 1 of 6

4.3.5: Finding solution to the AWTLS problem

Recursive solution

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate compute

 Can be rewritten in terms of recursive summations

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

@2AWTLS 2  loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

D b 2 C 1/3 5
c Qb 4 C .2c4 c1 c6 /Qb3
@Q .Q

C .3c2 3c5/Q b 2 C .c1 2c3 C c6 /Q
b c2
c1;n D c1;n 1 C xn2=y2n I c3;n D c3;n 1 C yn2=y2n I c5;n D c5;n 1 C xnyn=x2n
c2;n D c2;n 1 C xn yn =yn I
c4;n D c4;n 1 C xn =xn I
2 2
c6;n D c6;n 1 C yn =xn
2 2

 Roots of the quartic equation, below, are candidate solutions for Q
b 4 C .2c4 c1 c6 /Q
c5 Q b 3 C .3c2 3c5 /Q b 2 C .c1 2c3 C c6 /Q b c2 D 0

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Simplified total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimates j 2 of 6

4.3.5: Finding solution to the AWTLS problem

Initializing recursive solution

key off: store data
key on: initialize

meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 Initialized by setting
current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

x0 D 1 and y0 D Qnom
y20 D uncertainty in Qnom versus Q
 We assume that x0 D y0 to be compatible with TLS for k D 1 (will generalize for
different k later in code)
c1;0 D 1=y20 I c3;0 D Qnom
=y20 I c5;0 D Qnom =y20
c2;0 D Qnom =y20 I c4;0 D 1=y20 I c6;0 D Qnom

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Simplified total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimates j 3 of 6
4.3.5: Finding solution to the AWTLS problem

Selecting solution

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 Any root the quartic equation found earlier is a possible

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

b that optimizes the cost function

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

solution for the Q

 Roots may be found using closed-form Ferrari method
 Roots may also be found via eigenvalues of a “companion matrix”
 However, of the four roots only one is optimal, and no method to decide a priori
which to solve for
 In my experience, with some sets of data all roots are real, but with other sets of
data some can be complex, and some can be negative
 Only foolproof method to determine optimizing root is to evaluate 2AWTLS at each of
the four candidate solutions, retain the one that gives lowest value (skip for negative
and complex roots)

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Simplified total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimates j 4 of 6

4.3.5: Finding solution to the AWTLS problem

Efficiently computing cost function, Hessian

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 Computing the cost function may be very readily done if we

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

rewrite it in terms of the running summations

c4 Q b 3 C .c1 C c6 /Q
2c5 Q b2 b C c3
2c2 Q
b 2 C 1/2
 When the assumptions made in deriving AWTLS are approximately true, the
Hessian yields a good value for the error bounds on the total capacity estimate
 After some straightforward but messy mathematics, we can find the Hessian to be

@2 2AWTLS 2
D .Q2C1/4 2c5 Q5 C.3c1 6c4 C3c6 /Q4 C . 12c2 C16c5 /Q3

C. 8c1 C10c3 C6c4 8c6 /Q 2
C .12c2 6c5 /Q C .c1 2c3 Cc6 /

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Simplified total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimates j 5 of 6

4.3.5: Finding solution to the AWTLS problem

key off: store data
key on: initialize

meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 Have now found solution to AWTLS cost function

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

b is root of a quartic equation

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

 Optimizing Q
 Can be found via Ferrari method or eigenvalue method
 Must substitute solutions into cost function to choose best one
 Made efficient via recursive summations
 Hessian can also be computed using recursive sums to provide confidence bounds

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Simplified total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimates j 6 of 6
4.3.6: Adding fading memory

Approximate full solution: Derivation

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 Fading memory can be added with modified cost function

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

X b xi b2
N i .yi Q /2 Q
i D1 .1 C Q
b 2 /2 x2i yi
 The Jacobian is
" ! !
@2FMAWTLS 2 X xi yi 2xi2 xi2 yi2
D b 2 C 1/3 i D1
N i b4
x2i y2i x2i
@Q .Q
! ! !#
3x y 3x y 2 2 yi2
b2 i i i i
C b xi 2yi
Q C C xi yi
y2i x2i y2i x2i y2i

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Simplified total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimates j 1 of 6

4.3.6: Adding fading memory

Recursive solution

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate compute

 Jacobian can be rewritten in terms of recursive sums

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

@2FMAWTLS 2  loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

D b 2 C 1/3 5
cQ Q
b 4 C . cQ1 C 2cQ4 cQ6 /Q
@Q .Q

C .3cQ2 3cQ5 /Q
b 2 C .cQ1 2cQ3 C cQ6 /Q
b cQ2
cQ1;n D cQ1;n 1 C xn2=y2n I cQ3;n D cQ3;n 1 C yn2=y2n I cQ5;n D cQ5;n 1 C xnyn=x2n
cQ2;n D cQ2;n 1 C xn yn =y2n I cQ4;n D cQ4;n 1 C xn2 =x2n I cQ6;n D cQ6;n 1 C yn2 =x2n
 Roots of the quartic equation, below, are candidate solutions for Q
cQ5 Q
b 4 C .2cQ4 cQ1 cQ6 /Q
b 3 C .3cQ2 3cQ5 /Q
b 2 C .cQ1 2cQ3 C cQ6 /Q
b cQ2 D0

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Simplified total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimates j 2 of 6

4.3.6: Adding fading memory

Initializing recursive solution

key off: store data
key on: initialize

meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 Initialized by setting
current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

x0 D 1 and y0 D Qnom
y20 D uncertainty in Qnom versus Q
and x20 D y20
cQ1;0 D 1=y20 I cQ3;0 D Qnom
=y20 I cQ5;0 D Qnom=y20
cQ2;0 D Qnom =y20 I cQ4;0 D 1=y20 I cQ6;0 D Qnom

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Simplified total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimates j 3 of 6
4.3.6: Adding fading memory

Determining which solution to choose

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 Again, can be solved using Ferrari method, for example; the

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

four candidate solutions must be checked against the cost

function to determine which is optimal
 The cost function in terms of these variables is
2FMAWTLS D b 2 C 1/2
cQ4 Q
b4 2cQ5 Q
b 3 C .cQ1 C cQ6 /Q
b2 2cQ2 Q
b C cQ3
 The Hessian is

D b 2 C1/4
2cQ5 Q
b 5 C .3cQ1 6cQ4 C3cQ6 /Q
b 4 C . 12cQ2 C16cQ5 /Q
@Q .Q

C . 8cQ1C10cQ3C6cQ4 8cQ6/Q C .12cQ2 6cQ5/Q
b C .cQ1 2cQ3 CQc6 /

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Simplified total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimates j 4 of 6

4.3.6: Adding fading memory

Scaling for better approximation

key off: store data

key on: initialize
 AWTLS and WTLS cost functions not equal when xi D kyi
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute
current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

 This can be remedied easily: define yQi D kyi ; then yQi D xi
loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

b and
 Invoke the AWTLS or FMAWTLS methods to find total capacity estimate Q
Hessian H using input sequences comprised of the original x vector and the scaled
yQ vector (i.e., .xi ; yQi / with corresponding variances .x2i ; k 2 y2i /)
 True slope estimate found as Qb corrected D Q=k
b , and Hessian as Hcorrected D H=k 2
 This is the method used next week, where k is estimated as k D x1 =y1
 This scaling improves results even when yi and xi not proportionally related, if k
chosen to give “order of magnitude” ratio between uncertainties of xi and yi

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Simplified total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimates j 5 of 6

4.3.6: Adding fading memory

key off: store data
key on: initialize

meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 AWTLS solutions share the nice properties of WLS solution:

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

b : No iteration or advanced
1. Closed-form solution for Q
algorithms are required—only simple mathematical operations.
2. Solution can be computed very easily in a recursive manner: keep track of six
running sums c1;n through c6;n ; when additional data become available, update
sums and compute updated total-capacity estimate
3. Fading memory can be added easily to allow Q b to place greater emphasis on
more recent measurements than on earlier measurements, allowing adaptation
b to adjust for true cell total-capacity changes
of Q
4. Furthermore, this method is superior to the TLS solution since it allows
individual weighting on xi and yi data points

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Simplified total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimates j 6 of 6
4.3.7: Where from here?

Summary of this week

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 WTLS (last week) gave great results but was computationally

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

ill-conditioned for implementation in an embedded BMS

 This week, started by looking at TLS with proportional confidence on xi and yi
 Had simple closed-form recursive solution, fading memory
 Generalized TLS to AWTLS
 Does not optimize same cost function as WTLS, so not optimal in the same sense
 But, has closed-form solution (Ferrari method), recursive and fading memory

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Simplified total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimates j 1 of 3

4.3.7: Where from here?

Where from here?

key off: store data

key on: initialize
meas. voltage estimate estimate compute

 Next week, you will learn how to implement all the xLS
current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

methods in Octave code

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

 Code has main xLSalgos.m component that does the

 Also has “driver” code to execute xLSalgos.m with
different input conditions
 You will see how the different methods perform under three
different HEV and BEV operating scenarios
 Examples will also show the importance of a good SOC

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Simplified total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimates j 2 of 3

4.3.7: Where from here?

key off: store data
key on: initialize

meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

Credits for photos in this lesson

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

“Blank slate” on slide 2: Pixabay license

(, from

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Battery State-of-Health (SOH) Estimation | Simplified total-least-squares battery-cell capacity estimates j 3 of 3

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