Written Assessment

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Q1: Describe the key problems or challenges Almabase solves through its


1. Problem: Lack of Alumni Engagement

- Many schools struggle to keep graduates connected and involved after they leave.

- Solution: Almabase creates exciting programs and strategies that make alumni want to

- Example: Nicholls State University saw a 50% increase in event attendance within a year
using Almabase. Imagine alumni eagerly coming back for events and activities because they're
genuinely interested and engaged.

2. Problem: Difficulty in Participation

- Alumni might want to participate, but it's just too complicated or inconvenient for them to do

- Solution: Almabase makes it super easy for alumni to get involved by simplifying processes
and automating tasks.

- Example: Centenary College of Louisiana raised over $108,000 in online donations with
Almabase. Picture alumni being able to donate with just a few clicks, no hassle involved.

3. Problem: Lack of Data-Driven Insights

-Schools often struggle to understand what motivates alumni to participate or donate because
they lack data.

- Solution: Almabase provides schools with valuable data insights, helping them understand
alumni behavior better.

- Example: University of Louisiana Monroe keeps 92% of its alumni database up-to-date
thanks to Almabase. Imagine having a clear picture of what drives alumni engagement, allowing
schools to tailor their strategies effectively.

4. Problem: Administrative Inefficiency

- Manual administrative tasks eat up a lot of time and resources, taking focus away from
building relationships.

- Solution: Almabase automates these tedious tasks, freeing up time for meaningful
interactions with alumni.

- Example: St. Joseph High School exceeded their giving day goal by 142% amidst COVID-19
using Almabase. Think of administrators having more time to connect with alumni personally,
rather than being bogged down by paperwork.
5. Problem: Difficulty in Motivating Donors
- Without compelling appeals and incentives, it's hard to get donors excited about giving.

- Solution: Almabase offers features like challenges and gift matching to inspire donors and
amplify their impact.

- Example: St. Joseph High School saw increased donor engagement and higher-quality
materials using Almabase. Imagine donors feeling inspired and valued, knowing their
contributions are making a real difference.

By addressing these problems with innovative solutions, Almabase helps schools build stronger
alumni relationships, increase donations, and ultimately create a thriving community of engaged

Q2: Almabase has launched a new feature. One of the customers reached out to
you saying that they are not able to achieve the outcomes they intended using
the new features and have suggested some enhancements and new feature
requests. Walk us through how you would handle this situation in detail.

Here's how I would handle this situation-

1. Listen with Empathy: When the customer reaches out to me expressing difficulties with the
new feature and suggesting enhancements, I would start by actively listening to their concerns
with empathy. I'd acknowledge their frustration and reassure them that I'm here to help.

2. Understand their concerns : I would ask the customer to provide more context about how they
intended to use the new feature and what specific outcomes they were hoping to achieve.
Understanding their concerns is crucial for identifying the problem and making the feature more

3. Assure Action: I would reassure the customer that their feedback will be taken seriously and
escalated to the appropriate team for review. I'd let them know that we are committed to
addressing their concerns and finding solutions that meet their needs.

5. Follow Up Regularly: I would keep the customer informed about the progress of their
feedback. I'd provide regular updates on how their suggestions are being considered and any
developments in the process. This ensures transparency and keeps the customer engaged in
the resolution process.

6. Prioritize and Implement Changes: Work closely with the product team to prioritize the
customer's suggestions and enhancements based on their impact and feasibility. Once
decisions are made, implement the necessary changes and updates to the feature.
7. Communicate Updates: Reach out to the customer to inform them of the changes that have
been made based on their feedback. Express appreciation for their contribution to improving the
product and let them know how the enhancements will benefit them.

8. Seek Feedback on Changes: After implementing the changes, follow up with the customer to
gather their feedback and ensure that the updates have addressed their concerns effectively.
This helps in validating the effectiveness of the improvements and shows the customer that their
input is valued.

By following these steps, I would ensure that the customer feels heard, valued, and supported
throughout the process of addressing their feedback and improving the new feature.

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