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Customer ID Company Name Region East ARR Number of Tickets

Pulse Subscription Last Activity Satisfaction Score

Customer ID Today Days since last activity
1 ABC Corp North North 1,000.00 3 High Basic 2023-01-01 8 2/16/2024 411
2 XYZ Inc South South 1,500.00 2 Medium Premium 2023-01-03 9 2 2/16/2024 409
3 QRS Solutions West West 1,200.00 1 Low Premium 2023-01-05 7 3 2/16/2024 407
4 TechSolve Inc East East 800.00 4 High Basic 2023-01-07 6 2/16/2024 405
5 Alpha Enterprises North North 2,000.00 0 Medium Premium 2023-01-09 10 5 2/16/2024 403
6 Beta Innovations South South 1,100.00 2 High Basic 2023-01-11 8 2/16/2024 401
7 Gamma Solutions West West 1,300.00 3 Low Basic 2023-01-13 9 2/16/2024 399
8 Delta Systems East East 1,400.00 1 Medium Premium 2023-01-15 7 8 2/16/2024 397
9 Epsilon Tech North North 900.00 4 High Premium 2023-01-17 8 9 2/16/2024 395
10 Zeta Corporation South South 1,700.00 0 Low Basic 2023-01-19 9 2/16/2024 393
11 Theta Solutions West West 1,600.00 2 Medium Premium 2023-01-21 6 11 2/16/2024 391
12 Iota Enterprises East East 1,800.00 3 High Basic 2023-01-23 8 2/16/2024 389
13 Kappa Systems North North 950.00 1 Low Premium 2023-01-25 7 13 2/16/2024 387
14 Lambda InnovationsSouth South 850.00 4 High Basic 2023-01-27 9 2/16/2024 385
15 Mu Corporation West West 1,200.00 2 Medium Premium 2023-01-29 8 15 2/16/2024 383
16 Nu Tech East ast 1,100.00 0 Low Basic 2023-01-31 7 2/16/2024 381
17 Xi Solutions North North 1,300.00 3 High Premium 2023-02-02 9 17 2/16/2024 379
18 Omicron Systems South South 1,400.00 2 Medium Basic 2023-02-04 8 2/16/2024 377
19 Pi Enterprises West nWest 1,000.00 1 Low Premium 2023-02-06 7 19 2/16/2024 375
20 Rho Innovations East East 1,500.00 0 High Basic 2023-02-08 10 2/16/2024 373
21 Sigma Systems North North 1,600.00 4 Medium Premium 2023-02-10 8 21 2/16/2024 371
22 Tau Tech South South 1,700.00 3 Low Basic 2023-02-12 9 2/16/2024 369
23 Upsilon CorporationWest West 1,800.00 1 High Premium 2023-02-14 7 23 2/16/2024 367
24 Phi Solutions East East 1,900.00 2 Medium Basic 2023-02-16 6 2/16/2024 365
25 Chi Enterprises North North 1,200.00 0 Low Premium 2023-02-18 8 25 2/16/2024 363
26 Psi Innovations South South 1,100.00 4 High Basic 2023-02-20 9 2/16/2024 361
27 Omega Systems West West 1,000.00 2 Medium Premium 2023-02-22 7 27 2/16/2024 359
28 Alpha Corp East East 1,300.00 1 Low Basic 2023-02-24 8 2/16/2024 357
29 Beta Solutions North North 1,400.00 0 High Premium 2023-02-26 9 29 2/16/2024 355
30 Gamma Enterprises South South 1,500.00 3 Medium Basic 2023-02-28 10 2/16/2024 353
31 Delta Innovations West West 1,600.00 2 Low Premium 2023-03-02 8 31 2/16/2024 351
32 Epsilon Systems East East 1,700.00 1 High Basic 2023-03-04 7 2/16/2024 349
33 Zeta Tech North North 1,800.00 4 Medium Premium 2023-03-06 9 33 2/16/2024 347
34 Eta Corporation South South 1,900.00 3 Low Basic 2023-03-08 8 2/16/2024 345
35 Theta Solutions West West 2,000.00 2 High Premium 2023-03-10 7 35 2/16/2024 343
36 Iota Enterprises East East 1,100.00 1 Medium Basic 2023-03-12 9 2/16/2024 341
37 Kappa Systems North North 1,200.00 0 Low Premium 2023-03-14 8 37 2/16/2024 339
38 Lambda InnovationsSouth South 1,300.00 3 High Basic 2023-03-16 7 2/16/2024 337
39 Mu Corporation West West 1,400.00 2 Medium Premium 2023-03-18 9 39 2/16/2024 335
40 Nu Tech East ast 1,500.00 1 Low Basic 2023-03-20 8 2/16/2024 333
41 Xi Solutions North North 1,600.00 0 High Premium 2023-03-22 7 41 2/16/2024 331
42 Omicron Systems South South 1,700.00 4 Medium Basic 2023-03-24 9 2/16/2024 329
43 Pi Enterprises West nWest 1,800.00 3 Low Premium 2023-03-26 8 43 2/16/2024 327
44 Rho Innovations East East 1,900.00 2 High Basic 2023-03-28 7 2/16/2024 325
45 Sigma Systems North North 1,000.00 1 Medium Premium 2023-03-30 8 45 2/16/2024 323
46 Tau Tech South South 1,100.00 0 Low Basic 2023-04-01 9 2/16/2024 321
47 Upsilon CorporationWest #VALUE! 1,200.00 3 High Premium 2023-04-03 7 47 2/16/2024 319
48 Phi Solutions East #VALUE! 1,300.00 2 Medium Basic 2023-04-05 8 2/16/2024 317
49 Chi Enterprises North #VALUE! 1,400.00 1 Low Premium 2023-04-07 9 49 2/16/2024 315
50 Psi Innovations South #VALUE! 1,500.00 0 High Basic 2023-04-09 8 2/16/2024 313

Average ARR = =AVERAGE(C2:C51) $1,402
customer with the highest ARR and their region- =MAX(C2:C51) Theta Solutions West
Count the number of tickets raised by customers in each region. North ( 20) West(21), East( 16) South (30)
Determine the distribution of customers across different pulse levels (High, Medium, Low). High ( 18) Medium ( 16) Low (16)
Calculate the total ARR generated by customers on each subscription plan (Basic, Premium) Basic ( Avg $1402) Premium ( Avg $1402)
dentify the customer with the highest satisfaction score and their subscription plan. Basic Subscrption ( Gamma Enterprises South, Rho Innovations East) Premium ( Alpha Enterprises North)
Find the number of days since the last activity for each customer. Column L
Create a pivot table summarizing the count of customers by region and subscription plan. Done
Customer ID Company Name Region East ARR Number of Tickets
Pulse Subscription Last Activity Satisfaction Score
Customer ID Today Days since last activity
Use LOOKUP to find the pulse of a customer by entering their Customer ID in a separate cell. Done
Analyze the correlation between satisfaction score and ARR using a scatter plot.

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