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Diploma in Business Analysis and Process Management

Academic coordinator: Dr. Armando Maldonado


Business analysis is the set of methods and techniques used to work as a liaison
between stackeholders, in order to understand the structure, policies and operations of
an organization and recommend solutions that allow the organization to achieve its
objectives (IIBA: International Institute of Business Analysis).

Business processes constitute the backbone of the operation of any private or public
organization, so their unambiguous identification and categorization, functional
understanding of their basic structure, analysis and redesign, and effective management
of their performance are of the greatest relevance. to increase the competitiveness of

The business analyst with a strong ingredient of knowledge and skills in business
processes, business decisions and functional requirements modeling will be crucial to
cover the business and systems requirements necessary for the success of
organizational transformation projects.

General objective

That the student develops a comprehensive vision of the business needs of the

That the student obtains knowledge about the main techniques and tools to conduct the
organization's business analysis.

That the student understands, models, documents, analyzes and redesigns business
processes, clearly distinguishing their behavior in business decisions and rules.

That the student is able to model the functional requirements of systems from the flow of
the business process.
Who is it addressed to ?
Professionals with diverse training, not necessarily specialized in information technology
fields, but whose interests revolve around the management, consulting or development
of business analysis projects, business process management and software

The Diploma has been designed to

• Companies with intense use of information technologies, such as those in the

financial sector, retail stores, telecommunications, etc.

• Companies in the manufacturing and service sectors in general.

• Federal, state and municipal government organizations, and parastatal


• Consultants, academics and non-governmental organizations.

Didactic approach

The diploma will be oriented towards solving business problems, maintaining a healthy
balance between the fundamental concepts of business analysis techniques and tools,
techniques and methods of analysis and design of business processes, decision
modeling and business and management rules. software functional requirements.

There will be a team project for each module, which may address the particular problems
of the members' organization.

Conferences by external specialists will be presented that will deal with practical
business cases.


of business

Business Rules and

Business Processes Decisions
Business Analyst



I 1
Support systems
r- -n to business

Techniques and tools of

Business analysis


Module I
Business Analysis Reference Framework


Provide the student with the knowledge and best practices related to business analysis
that allow them to better understand the needs of the business areas, analyze them and
propose solutions aligned with the objectives and strategies of the organization where
they carry out their activities.


Introduction to the diploma

a. Objectives and approach

b. Module content
1. Fundamentals of business analysis
a. Background
c. Key concepts

2. Planning and monitoring of business analysis

a. Plan the business analysis approach
b. Perform stakeholder analysis
c. Plan business analysis activities
d. Plan business analysis communication
e. Plan the requirements management process
f. Manage business analysis performance
3. business analysis
a. Define the business need
b. Assess capacity gaps
c. Determine the focus of the solution
d. Define the scope of the solution
e. Define the business case
4. Requirements Analysis
a. Prioritize requirements
b. Organize requirements
c. Detail and model requirements
d. Define assumptions and constraints
e. Check the requirements
f. Validate the requirements
5. Evaluation and validation of the solution
a. Evaluate the proposed solution
b. distribution of requirements
c. Assess organization availability
d. Define transition requirements
e. Validate the solution
f. Evaluate solution performance
6. Elicitation
a. Prepare the tender
b. Perform the solicitation activity
c. Document the results of the tender
d. Confirm tender results
7. Administration and communication of requirements
a. Manage the scope and requirements of the solution
b. Manage traceability of requirements
c. Maintain requirements for reuse
d. Prepare requirements packages
e. Communicate requirements
8. Core competencies
to. Business analyst capabilities, skills and knowledge
9. Practical case (module project)
Module 2
Business analysis techniques and tools


Provide the student with knowledge of the main techniques and tools to carry out
business analysis in the organization.

1. Techniques and tools for planning

a. Stakeholder analysis
b. Business analysis plan
c. Mental maps
d. Business Alignment
e. IT Alignment
f. Domain analysis
2. Techniques and tools for business analysis
a. MOST analysis
b. Enterprise architecture
c. Business Process Improvement
d. Organizational diagrams
e. Business Process Management
f. SWOT analysis
g. PESTLE Analysis
h. Exhaustive analysis
j. Cost benefit analysis
3. Techniques and tools for gathering and analyzing requirements
a. Requirements traceability matrix
b. Use case diagrams
c. Structured analysis
d. MoSCoW Analysis
4. Techniques and tools for the evaluation and validation of the solution
a. Lateral thinking
b. Operational definitions
c. Workshops
5. Techniques and tools for elicitation
a. Interviews
b. Surveys
c. The five whys
d. Six hats technique
e. Brainstorming
f. Focus groups
g. Reverse engineering
h. Task analysis
6. Techniques and tools for communication and management of requirements

a. Communications plan
b. Business Analysis Center of Excellence

Module 3
Business Process Fundamentals


Provide the student with the set of theoretical-practical knowledge that will serve to
provide conceptual support to the life cycle of the business process. This module will be
a mandatory reference to explain the content of the following modules.
. Syllabus

1. General concepts
a. The life cycle of the business process. Business Process Management
(BPM: Business Process Management )
b. Service Oriented Architecture (SOA).
2. Knowledge and obtaining of the process architecture of a company.
3. Structure of a business process
a. Inputs, outputs, workflow, events, metrics, goal, business rules, functions,
technology, infrastructure.
b. Identification, location and definition of the business process structure
c. Various exercises
4. Modeling of business processes using the BPMN technique
a. The different components: flow, connectors, bands and artifacts
b. Examples and exercises
5. Business process documentation
a. Hierarchical documentation; the process sheet, templates and exercises
b. Introduction to workflow automation
6. Practical cases (module project)

Module 4
Analysis and design of business processes

Teach the student the most used techniques and methods for the analysis and design of
business processes, regardless of the type of company or automation technologies.


1. Business Process Analysis (AS IS)

a. Preparation for the analysis of the current situation (AS IS)

b. Business process performance
c. Static and dynamic analysis techniques
2. Business process design (SHOULD BE)
a. Preparation and premises for the design of the proposed process
b. Identification and design of subprocesses and their metrics
c. Development and testing of the proposed process map
3. Design and recommendations for implementation
a. Implementation strategy,
b. Functions for implementation,
c. Enablers and barriers in the organization
4. Practical cases (module project)

Module 5
Decisions and Business Rules

Provide the student with fundamental concepts about business decisions and rules,
understanding the relevance of the business decision model in the behavior of


1. Introduction to organizational behavior

a. The business motivation model and directives
b. Policies, rules and business decisions
c. Location, extraction and execution of business rules and decisions
2. Representation of business rules and decisions
a. The representation of business rules
b. The decision model and its implications
c. Practical use of the decision model. Exercises
3. Business processes and rules
a. Separation of business rules and decisions from the process and their
b. Exercises
c. Introduction to the automation of business rules and decisions
4. Practical cases (module project)

Module 6
Modeling of functional requirements (of systems)

Provide the student with fundamental concepts, reference frameworks, techniques and
tools for modeling functional requirements.


1. Basic concepts of requirements modeling, starting from the process

2. The modeling methodology and the service concept
3. Use case modeling
4. Class modeling
5. Use of various tools and exercises
6. Practical cases (module projects)

Academic coordinator
Dr. Armando Maldonado
He is an engineer in Communications and Electronics from the IPN, and completed a
master's degree in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics at the Polytechnic of
Grenoble and a doctorate in Computer Engineering at the Higher School of Aeronautics
and Space, in Toulouse, France. He has held applied research chairs at ITAM
sponsored by Digital, Tecnosys and Microsoft. He has served as a professor of the
subjects of Electronic Commerce Systems, Business Process Automation, Enterprise
Architecture and Telematic Services Management at the bachelor's and master's levels
at ITAM. Currently, he carries out applied research activities in techniques and methods
for business model innovation, redesign and automation of business processes,
automation of service-oriented architectures, design of ITIL/eTOM solutions and
electronic commerce systems.

Reports: Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Tel. 5628 4185 Fax: 5628 4194, toll-free from
inside: 01800 398 4826 Av. Camino a Santa Teresa 930 Col. Heroes of Padierna CP 10700, Mexico
City Email:
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