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Form No.



Student Name Reg Number Program Semester Year

Sameer Ahmed Vohra me221002 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Spring 2023

Enrollment Id Status Submitted At Approved At Generated At

7331 Pending Tue Mar 07 2023 10:47 Not Aprroved Yet Tue Mar 07 2023 10:48

S.No Course Code Course Title Class and Section Credit Hours

1 BS-2303 Linear Algebra and Ordinary Differential Equations BE-ME-2 3

2 ME-1301 Thermodynamics - I BE-ME-2 3

3 ME-1001L Workshop Practice BE-ME-2 2

4 EE-2005 Electrical Engineering BE-ME-2 2

5 EE-2005L Electrical Engineering Lab BE-ME-2A 1

6 ME-1201 Engineering Materials BE-ME-2 3

7 ME-1201L Engineering Materials Lab BE-ME-2A 1

8 ME-1103 Engineering Statics BE-ME-2 3

Sub-Total 18

S.No Course Code Repeating Course Title Previous Grade Course Class & Section Credit Hours

Sub-Total 0

NOTE: Course can only be repeated if the previous grade of the course is Below C in undegraduate and C+ in graduate program
Maximum permitted course Load for Summer semester is 8 Credit Hours

Undertaking By Student:
1. I hereby solemnly affirm that I will pay all fees appilicable as per rules for all courses applied for enrollment above, as advised based on my
Academic Profile.

2. I understand that as a result of course enrollments in different semesters or credit transfer or repeating courses or for any other reason, I
might have to appear in clash paper exam (i.e two papers continously, one after the other, on the same day), which I willfully accept.

*In case of Course Repetition

Student: ___________________________ Date: _________________ APPROVED/NOT APPROVED

Advisor: Pending Date: _________________ Dean Signature: ____________________

HoD: _____________________________ Date: _________________ Date: ______________________________

(Course Add/Drop is permitted in first 2 weeks in Fall/Spring semesters but in Summer it is allowed in 1st week only)

S.No Course Code Add/Drop Repeating Course Title Student Signature Date Tea. Signature Adv. Signature HOD. Signature

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