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1. Protocol and public relations. Concept. Classes. Public Relations

2. Corporate identity
3. The corporate image. Concept, classification and analysis of its
4. Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
5. General rules of behavior. Know how to be. Know to be. Know how
to function and interact
6. Personal image techniques in business protocol
7. Verbal and non-verbal expression
8. Media. Classification. Direct and indirect. Advantages and
9. Netiquette (Netiquette)
The protocol is the set of rules accepted by the different parties that intervene in an act
or are part of it, with the objective of establishing an order of intervention and/or
precedence (place occupied by people). The main objective of the protocol is to establish
environmental relationships in which people who belong to different hierarchical levels
are comfortable.
The protocol allows for the integration of a set of rules and courtesy practices that help
human relationships inside and outside the business world develop in an orderly,
appropriate, harmonious and aesthetic manner. Defined in this way, we could say that
the protocol is a very important instrument for the correct functioning of the company.
Companies, today, must be able to transmit their objectives, their products or services
and their intentions both to the external public and to the people inside the company. In
short, the new humanism in companies tries to highlight human relationships, their
actions and, ultimately, protocol.
It can be said that the protocol is a new business technique within the field of marketing,
it is closely linked to business behavior and for certain cultures, such as the Japanese, it
is almost a ritual.

Public relations
Public relations can be defined as the efforts that the company develops to try to create a
climate of friendliness and good relations with its potential clients (those to whom the
company's actions are directed).
In this sense, public relations helps to evaluate the public's attitudes towards a company
or institution, and then undertake positive action that tries to eliminate everything that
could cause unfavorable attitudes towards the company.
Both public relations and protocol try to contribute to increasing business profits.
Public relations can be directed towards 10 well-differentiated groups of activities, these
1. Public opinion.
2. Public affairs.
3. Relations with governments.
4. Relationships with the community.
5. Industrial relations with suppliers of goods.
6. Relations with financial entities to obtain better financing conditions.
7. International relations to promote its implementation in more countries.
8. Relations with consumers: these are the most direct actions and aim to achieve
customer loyalty.
9. Research activities: their purpose is to obtain new and better products.
10. Media: through advertising campaigns in the press, radio, television,
advertisements, sponsorship of cultural and sports activities, etc.
The purpose of public relations is to create a positive climate with all the target
audiences to whom your offer will be directed.
An example of these public relations is the case of the Nike company, which has
managed to convey an image of concern and improvement of the working conditions of
its employees in Asia, when in reality these improvements have been imposed on the
company in response to reports of abuses. in very low working hours and salaries.
Companies use public relations when they try to influence the opinion that society has
about their activity; The public's trust is sought, in addition to recognizing their positive
actions and achieving social acceptance. The public relations techniques are:
- Sponsorship and patronage: consists of the contribution made by the company to
carry out a charitable, cultural, scientific or sporting activity.
- Fairs, shows and exhibitions: attendance at any of these events is used to try to
take advantage of all the communication tools at your disposal.
- Business gifts.
- Foundations, donations, prizes and scholarships (tax exempt).
- Social events of all kinds.
- Training events.
- Visits to companies.

Protocol classes
There are different types of protocol depending on the event that is organized, each
having its own organization and development; the most important are:
Institutional protocol . It is the set of rules that regulate the development of events
organized by the crown, the Government or State Administration, CCAA and local
corporations (municipalities and councils); In this type of protocol, the precedences,
treatments and institutional image (flags, shields, etc.) are regulated, to which the uses
and customs must be added.
Business protocol . They are the standards and techniques necessary for the planning,
preparation and development of any event promoted by a private company. It is a guide
that informs about professional behavior and will include all those rules that the
company establishes according to its organizational chart, statutes, benefit that it pursues
with the act, image that it intends to project...
Ecclesiastical protocol . It is the set of rules that govern religious acts and celebrations
where the clergy and faithful participate.
Military protocol . They are rules that regulate the order of hierarchy and position of
seniority in all those acts of history (commemorations of military events), military or
officials to publicly demonstrate discipline and training of the troops.
Sports protocol . Set of rules, uses and customs that govern sports events and ceremonies
in each of their modalities to achieve the organizer's objectives.
Royal protocol . Set of rules that govern events and ceremonies that have the presence of
their majesties the Kings or any other member of the royal family.
Social protocol . Set of rules of behavior that regulate man's relationships in society
according to different situations with due courtesy.

Corporate identity is the personality of the company and includes all forms of
expression of the organization, whether verbal, symbolic or behavioral. It can be defined
as the set of permanent qualities that identify the essence of the company and
differentiate it from others.
The company, when creating this corporate identity, must strive so that all the elements
that make it up go in the same direction, thus avoiding discrepancies between some areas
and others. The corporate identity is displayed through three channels:
A. Verbal messages : they are formed by sending verbal or visual information.
B. Symbolisms : they indicate what the company wants to represent and what it
C. Behavior : constitutes the fundamental channel for the creation of a corporate
It is common to have a corporate identity document that explains the values and
objectives of a company (ethics, commitment to customers, seriousness, honesty...).
The purpose of corporate identity is to create an opinion or perception on the part of the
company's clients regarding its behavior, performance, etc. It is the intangible part.


The corporate image is the result of emitting different signals to try to show its identity,
it is the physical manifestation of the brand; It refers to the visual aspects of a company's
image and is made up of several components.
The corporate image is transmitted by combining different elements that are:
- Brand or name . It is the company's letter of introduction and the image that the
public has of it is associated with it. The name can be chosen by:
a. Acronyms: it is the result of the union of one or several letters of different
words (AENOR, IFEMA).
b. Word games (Panrico).
c. Make reference to the product or business: its main characteristic will be
highlighted (Desigual, Flamenco).
Whatever way you choose the brand, it must be a short and easy to remember
- Logo . It is the symbol or image by which the public recognizes the company; It is
recommended that it be original, simple and easy to remember, since what it aims
to do is to engrave it in the public's memory.
- Colors . When choosing both the brand and the logo, the company must keep
colors in mind since they transmit sensations and communicate messages. The
choice of color must be in accordance with the corporate image; Thus, for
example, warm colors transmit energy and dynamism, which is why they are most
used by companies aimed at a young audience; cold colors, such as blue or green,
usually convey coldness, cleanliness, etc.; Neutral colors (white, black, gray, navy
blue, etc.) convey elegance and serenity.
- The company culture . It refers to the way a company acts; It ranges from the
way workers dress to the way they respond to a phone call.
- The architecture of the company . It refers to the physical appearance where the
company is located, as well as the design of it. This component of the image has
become very important, and proof of this is that many companies want to have
important architects for the design of their headquarters.
- Indicators . They are objective data of the company, such as sales figures, profits
obtained, amounts destined for charitable, social, cultural works...


Corporate social responsibility is defined as the active and voluntary contribution of
companies to social, economic and environmental improvement, with the aim of
improving their competitive situation and increasing their valuation, as well as their
added value.


With the aim of improving coexistence and also preventing a person's behavior from
causing something unfavorable to their work life, we are going to point out some of the
rules of behavior that, although they may seem obvious, will help improve our image in
the eyes of others.
- In an event attended by several people, you should try to introduce those
colleagues or partners who do not know each other, especially if it is a person from
outside the company who comes to carry out any action.
- Do not look at your cell phone when having a conversation with another person,
even if we are not interested in what they are telling us, we must make an effort
not to make it seem that way; If we look at our cell phone we will convey a lack of
interest to our colleague or superior. Much less appropriate is if we are in a
meeting, the gesture of looking at the cell phone can be interpreted as a symptom
of bad manners.
- We must sit appropriately: the physical position can say a lot about a person, we
must sit transmitting tranquility, we will not let ourselves fall abruptly into the seat
and we will bring our body closer to the backrest, supporting our back slightly.
- The volume that we will use must be appropriate to the situation and the
environment we are going to address: using the appropriate volume is part of the
protocol rules; We should not shout but neither should we speak too quietly, as
this will mean having to constantly ask the other person to raise their tone or force
them to repeat themselves.
- Do not interrupt constantly: when we need to discuss something with a coworker
we must take into account how annoying it can be to constantly interrupt; If it is
necessary to comment on something, it should be done selectively.
- Respect the privacy of colleagues. We should not pay excessive attention to the
telephone conversations of others, nor should we look directly at their computer
screen when we pass by them. Discretion and non-participation in comments from
colleagues favors coexistence and improves the work environment.
- Keeping the workplace tidy, order and cleanliness in the work area says a lot in
favor of the person who occupies it, favors coexistence and improves productivity;
Having each document placed in a pre-established order saves a lot of time.
- Noise: in this aspect we refer not only to speech but to all the devices that surround
us (mobile phones, computers...), we must be respectful of other colleagues.
- Topics related to politics, religion and customs should always be avoided:
conversations that refer to these topics should not be started as they can be very

Know how to be
Knowing how to be involves respect and the practice of good customs. The uses and
customs have been, throughout history, the exponent of the civilization and cultural
wealth of different peoples.
Knowing how to act appropriately on every occasion, being able to serve people with
dignity and rising to the occasion in different types of relationships is something that
cannot be improvised.
The most basic rule of protocol establishes that, when we interact with others, we must
maintain an attitude of observation and tact to be able to prudently assess all
Prudence and tact must be accompanied by a high dose of serenity, which will help us
behave in an appropriate manner.
Simplicity and a trusting attitude towards others are essential elements for social
In addition to the attitudes and behaviors indicated, in business protocol it is essential to
take care of a very important aspect, discretion .
Good education means a permanent attitude of kindness and cordiality with others. We
will be kind if we are able to make the people around us feel comfortable. We are kind
when we take charge of the personal situation of others and try to help them; Kindness is
demonstrated with gestures, words and actions that are usually accompanied by a
message of optimism.
Finally, in the meetings or appointments we have, punctuality is very important.

Know to be
In the business world, courtesy and good manners have a lot to do with image, protocol
and marketing. Most companies that achieve success, regardless of their size, have
created a communication and public relations team and a protocol manual, which
facilitates business excellence and work at all levels of the company.
People who work in a company have technical knowledge that is taken for granted;
However, an important part of people's professional success will depend on their own
personality, as well as their attitudes and ability to relate to their colleagues and clients.
The business protocol manual will establish the behavioral guidelines for workers.
Companies today prefer a “generalist” person to a more technical person who will find it
more difficult to know how to behave in certain circumstances. By the term “generalists”
we refer to people who know how to treat others, sell the company's image, and please
colleagues and customers. In other words, they know how to dialogue, negotiate and
know how to be.
In the business environment, there are a series of standards of good behavior that are
normally accepted by everyone; These rules are essential because in many cases tense
situations occur. In a competitive environment such as the business world, rules of
courtesy are of great help as they facilitate understanding between the parties and help
eliminate possible differences that arise on a day-to-day basis.
There is a network of social relations in the company, which is governed by an
unwritten code of courtesy that tries to establish the rules of relationship and education
between the people who work in it, those who maintain with clients, suppliers, public
administration , financial entities and with society in general.


The image is the set of traits that characterize a person or entity in society.
The personal image helps to project the desired image of the company through its
employees and managers, based on their know-how, their personal care, their gestures
and reactions, even before the media.
Companies and their interlocutors value people with a physical image that identifies with
the company's philosophy and has a conciliatory profile, and in whom public relations,
communication and a good knowledge of the company come together.
The physical image as an element of non-verbal communication includes not only
clothing but also makeup, hairstyle, accessories, etc.; It also includes body expression
that is manifested in gestures such as body position, way of walking, sitting, smiling,
tone of voice...
The image is a business card to others; Being and feeling pleasant generates self-
confidence and improves professional and social performance.

Elements that are part of the image

1. Elegance . To convey this image, the following aspects must be taken into
- Being sober: means not attracting attention and to achieve this, discreet
colors and accessories that are not excessive will be used.
- Be modest: you should go to work well-groomed, avoid very tight clothing,
very high heels, very short skirts, excessive necklines...
- Be practical: clothing will be appropriate to the occasion; We will use
elegant clothes for events that require it (wedding ceremonies, company
events or commemorations, etc.), or on the contrary, we will wear informal
clothes for outings to the countryside, informal meetings, etc.
2. Make-up . It aims to highlight the pleasant features and minimize the less
favored ones; The colors will be chosen according to the color of the skin,
according to the event attended and taking into account the clothing.
3. Complements or accessories . For men, the protocol states that a belt, preferably
black, as well as a watch or engagement ring are acceptable. For women, jewelry
should be discreet; it is not appropriate to flaunt these accessories in the


Non-verbal communication is the communication process in which there is a sending
and receiving of messages without words, that is, through gestures that can be sensory
images, gestures, body movements, etc. We do most of the communication with non-
verbal language and not with words; Proof of this is that when we meet someone new we
take into account the non-verbal information that we obtain and emit, whether
consciously or unconsciously.
Verbal communication is that in which words are used; could be:
- Oral: is what is done through the spoken word and is the most natural form of
- Written: is one that needs some type of support to capture the words, such as paper
or the computer's hard drive.

By means of communication we refer to the instrument or form of content through
which a communication process is carried out (channel); The term is usually used to
refer to the mass media or “ mass media ”, however, there are other means of
communication, such as the telephone, that are not mass but interpersonal. The media
are instruments in constant evolution, especially since the computer revolution and the
advance of telecommunications, but the objective of all this evolution has always been
the same: to inform, transmit, educate, teach...
As technology advances, different means of communication have appeared and others
continue to develop continuously.

Mass or social media

All of these media are characterized by transmitting news of social interest to a large
number of people, which are transmitted in an impersonal and generalized way. These
means are:
1. Newspapers : are means of written communication that are published with
different frequency: daily, weekly, monthly, etc.; With the arrival of the Internet,
many newspapers are published electronically.
2. Radio : is a technology that makes possible the transmission of signals through
the modulation of electromagnetic waves; Due to its long range it is easy to reach
very distant places.
3. Television : this massive medium refers to all aspects of transmission and
programming that seeks to “inform” and entertain the viewer.
4. Social networks : some social networks, such as Twitter or Facebook, have had
enormous success and acceptance, becoming a source of relevant information.

Interpersonal means of communication

1. Postal mail : letters were one of the first means of interpersonal communication
at a distance, for centuries it was the only means of communication between
people. New technologies have meant that postal mail has been reduced almost
exclusively to official communications and advertising messages.
2. Telephone : transmits the conversation between two or more people in different
places through electrical signals.
3. Fax : is the telephone transmission of scanned printed material of both text and
4. Electronic mail/e-mail : this means of electronic communication uses computer
networks such as the Internet as a channel. This system has enormous advantages
over postal mail and also over other forms of urgent communication such as:
- The transmission of the message is practically instantaneous, regardless of
the distance from the recipient.
- It allows you to send all types of documents: writings, sound files, videos,
- It allows you to send and receive messages at any time, without the
recipient needing to be online.
- The message is stored, so it can be opened at any time.
- It is a much cheaper system than telephone calls and even postal mail.

Advantages of media
- They make it possible for extensive information content to reach different parts
of the world immediately.
- They enable relationships between people and promote the unity of families.
- Sometimes they serve as opinion formers. From the business field they make
marketing and advertising possible.

Disadvantages of the media

- Manipulation of information and use of it to benefit certain business interests.
- Formation of stereotypes: they generalize the behavior or way of being of some
people or social groups.
- Some media, such as television or the Internet, do not have total censorship, so
sometimes minors may have access to inappropriate content.


This term is used to refer to the set of rules of behavior on the Internet. Netiquette is
nothing more than the adaptation of protocol rules from the real world to the virtual one.
Netiquette describes the protocol that should be used when making “electronic contact”;
It aims to achieve a good virtual coexistence, as well as provide greater security and
humanity to communication and combat problems such as fraud or spam (junk mail).

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