Lab 03

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Communication Systems Lab 3

Implementation of AM Demodulation with Envelop Detector



 To understand the basic principle of AM demodulation.

 Implementation of Am demodulation with an envelop detector.


1) Personal computer with appropriate software installed

2) USB cable and power pack
3) Emona DATEx experimental add-in module
4) Two BNC to 2mm banana plug leads
5) Assorted 2mm banana plug patch leads
6) For 2, 1 only: One set of headphones (stereo)

Recovering the original message from a modulated carrier is called demodulation and this is the
main purpose of communications and telecommunications receivers. The circuit that is widely
used to demodulate AM signals is called an envelope detector. The block diagram of an envelope

detector is shown in Figure 1 below.

Fig 3.1 Block diagram of AM demodulation with envelope detector

Communication Systems Lab 3

Task 1 Setting up the AM modulator

To experiment with AM demodulation you'll need an AM signal. Generate a AM modulated
signal and draw circuit diagram.

Task 2 Recovering the message using an envelope detector

Modify the set-up as shown in Figure 2.
Communication Systems Lab 3

Figure 3.2 AM demodulation using an envelop detector

Communication Systems Lab 3

Draw the demodulated AM signal to scale in the space that you left on the graph paper.
Communication Systems Lab 3

Question 1
What is the relationship between the original message signal and the recovered message?

Task 3 Investigating the message's amplitude on the recovered message

Vary the message signal's amplitude up and down a little (by turning the Adder module's soft G
control left and right a little) while watching the demodulated signal
Communication Systems Lab 3

Question 2
What is the relationship between the amplitude of the two message signals?

Slowly increase the message signal's amplitude to maximum while watching the demodulated

Question 3
What do you think causes the heavy distortion of the demodulated signal?

Question 3
Why does over-modulation cause the distortion?

Task 4 Transmitting and recovering speech using AM

Procedure and Block Diagram

Communication Systems Lab 3

Disconnect the envelope detector and modify the set-up to return it to just an AM modulator with
a 2kHz sinewave for the message as shown in Figure 3 below.

Fig 3.3 AM demodulation by multiplication method block diagram

Compare the Multiplier module's output with the Rectifier's output.

Communication Systems Lab 3

Question 5
Given the AM signal (which consists of 100kHz, 102kHz and 98kHz sinewaves) is being
multiplied by a 100kHz sinewave:

A) How many sinewaves are present in the Multiplier module's output?

B) What are their frequencies?

Task 5 MATLAB Assignment

Communication Systems Lab 3

Write and implement a MATLAB code to reconstruct the original message signal from AM
modulated signal.
>> t=[0:0.001:10];
Ac=1; fm = 1; fc=10; Am=0.5;
message = Am*sin (2*pi*fm*t);
carrier = Ac*sin (2*pi*fc*t);
Yam = Ac* (1 + message).*carrier;
[b, a]=butter(2,w);
title('Original Signal');
grid on;
title('Carrier Signal');
grid on;
plot (t, Yam, '.');
title ('AM Signal');
xlabel ('Time');
grid on;
subplot (5,1,4)
plot (t, r,'.');
title ('Rectified Signal');
xlabel ('Time');
grid on;
subplot (5,1,5)
plot(t, demodulated,'.');
title ('Demodulated Signal');
grid on;
Communication Systems Lab 3
Communication Systems Lab 3

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