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An old legend says that in the house of a rich and famous man there lived a cat that was very beautiful.
It had very pretty fur and cute colored bows adorned its neck. He had long mustaches, very white fangs
and beautiful eyes like the sea on a summer day.

That man loved the cat very much because she was very affectionate and would curl up next to him to
sleep. He walked next to him when he walked, and that's why he talked to him frequently.

-I wish you were a beautiful maiden! –that man repeated while caressing his kitten's head.

-Meow! "Meow!" the cat answered affectionately, looking at him with her beautiful eyes.

-Yes, I already know, I already know. "You're just a kitten," he told her, very sad for not having anyone as
affectionate as the cat by his side.

The days passed and that kind gentleman loved her more and more. Until
one day he decided to make a request to Venus, the goddess of beauty.

-Oh, lady! If you turn this cat into a woman, I will give you many gifts - he
asked the goddess, hoping that she would listen to him.

The goddess heard him and turned the cat into a girl. She was beautiful
and, also, very nice and loving. So much so that that man fell in love with
her. And they decided that, since they both loved each other, they would
get married.

When the wedding day arrived, as the party began, the groom entered, very well dressed. The flutes
sounded and the young girl arrived. She was wearing a veil and a pink dress, very beautiful. It was a
beautiful scene because the young woman was very pretty.

Everything was ready to begin the ceremony when the goddess Venus, who was very naughty, wanted
to play a joke on them. He made a tiny mouse pass very close to the bride and groom. One of those
field mice that cats really like.

At first no one saw it. But when they realized it, all the guests moved away. Some even climbed on
chairs. Others hid behind a closet.

However, the girl jumped and began to run after him. Everyone realized that, although she was a very
beautiful girl and looked like a real lady, her heart was still that of a cat.
Legend has it that the poor groom was so embarrassed that he asked the goddess to turn the girl back
into a cat.

Venus did so, and that man, understanding his mistake, eventually found a good girl whom he married.
And he lived many happy years, both of them taking care of their beloved kitten.


1.- What is the title of the book?

2.- What is the protagonist's name?

3.- What is the antagonist's name?

4.- Why do you recommend the story?

5.- What is the name of the author?

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