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Main points SQA lectures

‫ اهم محاضره و معظم اجزاء االمتحان هتجي‬8 ‫ملحوظه المحاضره‬

‫ ان الدكتور قالت المحاضرات من االخر لالول هي االهم‬+ ‫منها‬

Lec2 : Types of Root Cause Analysis may asked

directly or give a problem and ask for type
-Rule used to define problem --> SMART
-Digram used in Cause effect --> Fishbone
-Internal audit steps
-Management Reviews (give the the definition and
ask the name of the meeting)

Lec 3 :
- seven testing principles (Question Replace with key
term )
- Formal Review- (Question : Mention 8 phases or in
which phase bug report created)
- Review Techniques (Must ask in one of this
- Success Factor for Review (Question : Identify 3
success factor for reviews answer bold points at
slide 31 )
- white box testing and other testing types (Question
: Type of testing may be performed at ALL LEVELS -->
White box testing , confirmation and Regression
testing )
- Maintenance testing (Must ask in this part )
- Testing types &testing levels

Lec 4 :
- Test metrics, schedule slippage (give equation ask
for test metrics name)
- test strategies vs test plan (Question what in test
plan and not in test strategies )
- Test strategy types (Question Replace with key term
- important note : Test scenario is High Level Test

Lec 5:
- Defect severity vs Defect priority
- RTM : what type of information in RTM
Which requirements don't have test case
Complex requirements
Slide 29 Decision table testing
-Important note :
use case are very useful for designing acceptance
tests with customer participation

Lec 6 :
- Risk based testing (may ask on the diagram slide 5)
- project Risk (Question : all of the following is
project risk except )
- Test role
- Defect Management (Must be asked )
- Bug life cycle (Question : - draw or which status or
who is responsible about this status )
- proof of concept evaluation & pilot project (Must
be in exam )

Lec 7 : Whole team approach (may ask as replace
with key term)

- scrum sprint duration (2-4 weeks)

- Extreme programming( give the diagram and ask to
fill missing points )
- planning game (what is 3 steps of planning game :
(exploration, commitment and steering )
- or ask what is the planning phase (release planning,
iteration planning)
- Refractor (maintain free of technical dept. )
- spike (ask for detention : small test )
- Minimum viable product (Must be in Exam)
- slack factor (Question : How you pay technical dept
--> by Refractor and when --> at slack time
- Work in progress WIP
- kanban lead time vs kanban cycle time (ask how
this time is measured )
* INVEST (ask each letter refer to which word
(abbreviation) )
* 3c (Ask mention 3cs concept)
* Automates activities ( Exam Mention 6 automated
activities in order)

Lec 8 *MOST Important*
-Project work products
-In Agile which tool track progress (burndown charts)
-Managing Regression Risk
( Most important more than one question will be
-Question ( verify risk of introducing regression in
Agile development is high -->
*extensive code churn*)
-(Agile Testing Techniques ) 2 questions in Exam
(BDD , TDD ,ATDD) but no drawing will be asked in
this part
-GWT Formula/Gherkin (give user story and ask use
GWT Formula like example in slide 27
- comparison (BDD , TDD ,ATDD)( Definition , Focus ,
understanding tests ) in slide 36 (red squared parts )
-Test Pyramid (Ask to draw digram slide 40)
-Sprint zero is the first iteration of the project where
many preparation activities
-Acceptance Criteria Topics
-definition of done (DoD) ( Questions may give
example and ask in which test level this definition of
eg: All user personas covered --> (“Done” in System
-Defect Intensity vs Density
-(Application Lifecycle Management ALM)( Questions
may be :- JIRA is considered as ...(ALM tools))

-Wikis ( may ask for definition)

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