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Essay “ Impact of Science and Technology on Food Conservation”


Science and technology are two human activities that are very closely linked to the
development of the population since the first civilizations. Man's concern to resolve
his doubts about how the world works has given rise to developing his intellect, and
with it, also develop methods and instruments that would allow them to acquire
knowledge, skills and abilities that would allow them to survive the existing dangers.
Science itself is a complex and multidimensional social activity, it allows the
acquisition of knowledge that takes very particular forms that are linked to the
development of technology; In addition, it is also part of the historical-cultural
heritage of humanity.
Technology is born from the need to link science with empirical techniques for the
systematization of production methods.
Science and technology in food constitutes the strongest bond within the sector,
since due to these two, conservation, production, industrialization and consumption
technologies have been created, thanks to these, foods have been created. with a
shelf life longer than normal, create additives that allow foods to take on other
physical-chemical characteristics.


The Impact of Science and Technology on Food Preservation is one of the most
important parts of food production, since without it, food could not be transported
long distances, and this can be observed in food processing. at regional, national
and international levels.
At a regional level, in the state of San Luis Potosí, food conservation is developed
mainly in the state capital, since it is where the industries in charge of food
processing have their production plants, the most used conservation methods are
vacuum packaging, the addition of natural or synthetic preservatives, refrigeration,
salting, blanching, many of these have great production benefits, but the consumer
may suffer some discomfort of any kind caused by the treatments carried out on the
food. .
On the other hand, at the national level there are a large number of conservation
methods due to the diversity of crops, animals and other foods that can be
produced, conservation methods are based on the conservation of fresh foods
through physical and chemical processes. and biological. Physical methods are the
easiest to apply due to the direct contact we have with food, but they have the great
drawback that they can modify the physiology of the food, therefore, they are not to
the consumer's liking. Chemical methods are one of the most used methods,
because they may or may not vary the sensory properties of the food, achieving an
artificial modification that is pleasing to the consumer, and also, due to the great
diversity of functions that these can present, its main disadvantage is that this
variation does not give the expected results and produces an opposite reaction that
makes the food not to be liked or that simply does not present any benefit. And
biological methods are almost entirely responsible for the baking and brewing
industries, as well as the production of other liquors, due to the use of
microorganisms (yeasts) that ferment sugars, converting them into various varieties
of alcohols and acids. organic, its main disadvantage is the preservation of the
fermented media, since, if the requirements required by the microorganism are not
met, it will not produce what is expected, or in the worst case, it will lead to a state
of putrefaction, generating costs to the industries.
Finally, at an international level, there are highly developed technologies that
practically do not alter the physical state of the food, but rather, through other
procedures, they manage to improve the shelf life of the food, methods such as
high pressure , microwave heating and radio frequency. , magnetic impulses , allow
controlling water activity by eliminating a large part of it so that microorganisms do
not have the means to reproduce. The only drawback of these methods is their high
cost, because they are emerging technologies.


Science and Technology in the Food Industry have a significant impact, since they
are very useful when preserving food by various methods, but with the possible
consequences of generating damage to the product, damage to the consumer,
environmental damage, as well as generate damages to the companies that use
them in their production lines.
The Food Industry requires great scientific-technological advances to keep a
population fed that requires greater demand every day, but it also requires that its
conservative innovations take into account sustainable development to prevent, in
the future, these from causing a problem that was originally intended to be solved.

Jiménez Jerónimo José Alberto Eng. Food Industries

Conservation Technology, IIA42 A Ciudad Valles, San
Luis Potosí, August 26, 2018

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