Primitive Camp Pamphlet

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GENERALITIES PRIMITIVE CAMP SENIOR GUIDES physiological needs but not much comfort is guaranteed due to the

format of the camp, whether you are ready for an adventure or do

not leave the comfort of your home.
5. Shelters: Each Camper will provide their shelter.
6. Physical Condition : It is recommended that you exercise before the
camp so that you are in physical condition for the walks that will take
place since we will be in constant movement
7. Food Provision : Each club member must carry their own food in
their camping backpack, which consists of:

✓ 3 medium oranges
✓ ½ kg of sweet potato or chayote
✓ ½ kg. of potatoes.

• MOTTO: “WALK WITH GOD” ✓ 1/4 kg. of carrots

• PLACE: The Jaguar Cave, Villa las Rosas, Chiapas. ✓ ½ kg. seeds (walnuts, almonds, peanuts)

• DATE: April 27-29 ✓ ½ kg. From semi-ripe plantains

INSTRUCTORS: Pr. Luis Iván Martínez (ULV) & Pr. Lenin Sánchez

¼ kg of rice
3 apples
• REGISTRATION: $120.00 (Includes souvenirs and materials) ✓ ½ kg of oats
•50%PAYMENT PLAN: First payment April 8 50%. Second payment ✓ 1 package of tortillas (12)

• PARTICIPANTS: All Invested Master Guides and pathfinders in Advanced ✓

2 eggs (optional) inside a hard plastic
3 bars of chocolate or peanut butter
Traveler (14) and Advanced Guide (15) classes
✓ One liter of water to start from now on each camper will be boiling water.
✓ 1 can of soy or soy gluten sausages maximum of 200 mlg. If we cannot
find this product, a can of refried beans of the same size is allowed, but you
cannot bring both. (it is the only can that is allowed)
SAFETY AND HEALTH MEASURES. Since the best way to manage security is ✓ 100 grams of salt and 250 grams. Of sugar
preventive, we must take into account the following recommendations. ✓ 3 or 4 black garbage bags maximum.
In total up to 8 kg. (for the whole weekend)
1. Medical examination : To the extent possible before registration, if one is
not completely sure , a medical examination can be carried out to rule Note: The camper will bring his own kitchen utensils: 1 metal spoons, 1 small
out that the participant is fit for extreme physical activities. aluminum frying pan or saucepan, pewter glass or cup, 1 plate. (1 kg and ½
2. Make sure you do not have bone injuries or recent surgeries, max.)
hypertension, diabetes, or any high-risk disease or are in the process of
3. Let each participant know the type of medication they are allergic to and
indicate it on the registration form.
4. Latrines and bathrooms : The organizers will provide places for
8. Camping Backpack : each attendee will always carry a backpack on 10. Materials by Club
their shoulder (suitcases or dead boxes are prohibited) that allows ✓ big flashlight
them to be mobile and carry their equipment at all times. The ✓ 5 kg of lime
backpack must contain: ✓ Flags and Pennants
✓ 1 Lt. Diesel or Petroleum (not gasoline)
✓ Small Bible. (No app, and no cell phones) ✓ 2 Long Ropes of 20 meters.
✓ Antibacterial gel ✓ Up to three tools (pickaxe, shovel, axe, mallet, etc.)
✓ Repellent ✓ 2 Sections of Nylon for Latrine (optional)
✓ Sleeping or sleeping bag (no blankets) ✓ Walkie & Talkie Radios (optional)
✓ 1 extra pants ✓ A skein of Raffia or Ixtle
✓ 3 pairs of socks ✓ A Guitar (Optional)
✓ 1 Replacement tennis or camping shoes ✓ Complete first aid kit will be checked to contain:
✓ 1 small bar of soap
✓ Small toothbrush and toothpaste
• Scissors • Sterilized gloves
✓ Deodorant
• Gauze
A fine tweezer
• Aspirin and/or Paracetamol
✓ Toilet paper (off the roll) • Bandages • 1 bottle of mineral water
✓ A 50x80 cm towel. Maximum. • Sticking plaster • Antidiarrheal
✓ 1 swim shorts or clothing • Soap • Antihistamines
✓ 1 sweatshirt • Disinfectant • eye drops
✓ 2 shirts maximum • Hydrogen peroxide • Ointment for bruises
✓ Underwear (up to 2 changes) • I alcohol • Corticosteroid ointments
✓ • • Thermometer
Up to 2 strings of 15 meters.

✓ 3x3 max plastic/nylon for shelter • Disposable instant cold packs
✓ up to 12 meters. of Rafia or Ixtle • Latex gloves (at least 2 pairs)
✓ Sanitary pads (ladies)
• Splints for immobilization
Total weight 8 Kg. The Backpacks will be weighed and checked at
the camp site so that they remain within the recommended weight.
• Flashlight with spare batteries
• Cardiopulmonary resuscitation mask (if possible)
9. Equipment that you should wear at your waist, close to your body or • A sheet (kept near the first aid kit)
in clothing bags: (if you have it) • A laminated list of emergency telephone numbers in the region
✓ Hunting Preference Lamp
• First AIDS manual
✓ Whistle ✓ Hat or cap
✓ Scarf ✓ Sports sunglasses (optional)
✓ Razor ✓ 1 rope of those indicated.
✓ Machete, or camping ax ✓ Flint and magnifying glass to
✓ Compass light a fire.
✓ Pencil ✓ Canteen
11 .- Specialties: All attendees will take specialties for their preparation that hands (stones, sticks, wood, etc.) and every night your shoes should be
equip them in the following areas stored in plastic bags.

✓ Wildlife (Water Purification) III.- EVENTS BY CLUB:

✓ Campfires and outdoor cooking
1 .-Event: Campfire Song (250 points)
✓ Knots and moorings.
A) Prerequisites: Each club will perform a composition (song)
✓ Primitive life (Shelters and fire)
alluding to the theme of the event.
✓ Hiking
B) Participants: The entire Club

AT THE EVENT WE ARE EXPECTED TO RELEASE AT LEAST 5 SPECIALTIES C) Materials: The written song, “Non-conventional musical
OF THE FOLLOWING: instruments”, will be of 3 types and one must be presented for each club
✓ Water Rescue ✓ member: Materials from what the club carries for its activities in the
✓ Edible wild plants Cosmography
✓ Walk on camporee (for example a frying pan with a spoon, a comb, etc;)
✓ Comets. ✓ Guidance
D) Procedure: During and around the Friday bonfires, each club will
✓ Worms ✓ Climatology
be given a turn to present the song they composed.
✓ Outdoor Leadership ✓ Eschatology
❖ Before the club participates, they must deliver at least a copy of the
Note: we understand that time may not be enough, but if you advance with
written song to the judge as well as present the “musical instruments.”
the theory, the camp will give you the blessing of completing at least 10
specialties of the 16 that you need for your investiture. ❖ The Director assigns “musical instruments” to at least half of the club
members to use in the presentation of their song. Assigned instruments
12 .- General recommendations: cannot be exchanged between club members. ➢ You can improvise, be
creative, remember that it is a bonfire, the only thing that cannot be changed
- On Friday morning from _____________ we will be waiting for the is the lyrics they wrote.
participating clubs, the staff will be ready to receive you and assign you the ❖ The club presents the song twice, the first time doing it a cappella and
place to set up your camp. We hope that at of the day their shelters are the second time using the instruments.
- Each club will provide their breakfast on Friday while they travel.
PREVIOUS: Every club member will read the Book of Mark in the
- The type of transportation recommended is insured. And each club makes Reina Valera 2000 Version. And each Club must carry a list of 32 questions
provision. on a piece of paper or individual card; Each question must be a direct answer
(a single answer without ambiguity or appreciation), based on the book of
- Upon arrival at the camp, each member will receive an agenda of a
Mark. 2 questions per chapter. For example:
different color and immediately the organizers will integrate the units
according to the color they received.
1 .- Which prophet wrote: “Behold, I sent my messenger before you”
- Prevention from animal bites : since there are spiders and scorpions in the
area. Be especially careful when moving objects and where you put your
2 .- Besides wild honey, what else did Juan eat? Rules to consider:
➢ There can only be one person in each base ➢ When the club's
3 .- James and John left their father Zebedee with them on the ship? participation ends, the roles are reversed, the judges' club becomes the
participants' club and the participants' club becomes the judges' club.
Answer Examples: ➢ If all 5 participants reach the other side of the river, they will get 100 extra
Answer: “Isaiah” Mark 1:2 ➢ Score for the stones that arrive near the hole.
Answer: “Locusts” Mark 1:6 ▪ First circle (the smallest): 15 points
Answer: “Day laborers” Mark 1:20 ▪ Second Circle 10 points
▪ Third circle: 5 points
5 Master Guides
5 Judges who will ask the questions (Master Guides from another Club) 1
Judge Pastor or Instructor
3.- Event: Sunday Triathlon
Materials : Paper with questions, answer sheet, whistle and ropes Procedure,
light stones and a 30 cm hole. in diameter on the ground with circles around
it made with sand, leaves or stones like Target Shooting. In the center it will
6 Master Guides
have a 1 meter rod. Tall with a scarf.
1 judge (Pastor)
❖ Home:
Materials (each club must provide):
➢ The participants at one end of the river that we are going to cross in the
2 2 meter poles, located at the event site.
direction of the hole dug in the ground. And the judges (members of the other
7 ropes of at least 3 meters of those carried by the members
club) are already located at a distance of 2 meters. One from the other over
2 ropes of at least 4 meters
the water in a row and towards the hole that opened. ➢ At the indication of
4 stakes made on site
the judge pastor, the first members of each club advance to where the first
6 haberdashery bells
Judge is. There he picks up the first stone. Next, the judge (a member of
Thread to tie the bells
another club) asks a question, if the participant answers it correctly and
12 sticks or stakes of 50 cm. (to bury, 30cm remain above the surface)
without help, they will be able to advance to the second judge. But if the
16 raffia ropes of at least 2.5 meters
answer is wrong, the judge will put water on your head and ask another
question. The judge will ask up to 3 questions to a participant, for each
mistake it is a bucket of water if he does not answer them correctly, and he
1 .- Dragging the wounded man:
will end his participation leaving the water, no points will count for that
participant, ➢ In each of the bases the procedure is similar to the starting ➢ The 6 participants at the start, at the judge's whistle, 2 of them run 50
point, with the difference that if you answer correctly the first question asked, meters away to assemble the spider web.
you can throw the stone towards the hole and the closer the stone gets to the ➢ If there are poorly made knots, 5 points will be subtracted for each one.
hole you have extra points since the hole will be like a shot to the hole. white ➢ Of the 4 remaining participants, 2 of them lie on the floor face up, the 2
with circles around it. who are standing will kneel astride the victim and, putting their head under
the wrists tied with a scarf in circles covering the two wrists and ending with a
true knot, it will be able to crawl forward, causing the injured person to slide
on the ground. They must slide the 50 meters until they reach the spider web.
➢ If the scarf is untied during the transfer or the injured person's hands come
off, 5 points will be deducted each time it happens.
➢ Points will be deducted if the casualty is not dragged correctly (20 points
for each injured person dragged incorrectly).


2 .- Crossing the spider web:

➢ The 6 participants standing in front of the spider web must cross to the
other side through one of the 4 spaces available for this (the triangles formed
by the ropes), they must pass one by one, one should not start crossing while
the previous one is not there. standing on the other side of the spider web.
➢ They must cross the 6 and for each time the bells are rung, 5 points will
be subtracted.
➢ For each person who crosses through the lower triangle, they will be
given 10 points, if they cross through the sides they will be given 20 points and
if they cross through the upper triangle, they will be given 40 points.
➢ It is allowed to help your partner cross from the side where each
participant is. A participant who has already crossed cannot return, he can
only wait for the others or help them from where he is.

3 .- Belly up push-ups (Tunnel):

➢ 10 meters from the spider web, is the last stage of the event (Before
starting the event, the club must have the tunnel assembled).
➢ This last stage must be passed by each of the 6 senior guides, lying on the
floor face up and sliding one by one, not in parallel, the head of one almost
touching the feet of the other, as the 6 participants exit the tunnel , they must Wait for more good news…. And get your
run the 10 meters that separate them from the finish line. backpacks ready.
➢ Points for this stage will be deducted if any of the participants do not go
through the tunnel.
➢ If stakes come loose during the participants' pass, 5 points will be
deducted for each one.

❖ If the entire route is completed in less than 10 minutes, they get 80 points.
❖ If they finish between 10:01 and 12:00 minutes they get 60 points
❖ If they finish between 12:01 and 14:00 minutes you get 40 points
❖ If you finish in 15 minutes or more you get 20 points

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