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Inbox Management Guide

Inbox Management Guide

What is Inbox Management?

Most clients dream of never checking email again. Receiving emails used to
be exciting, but now the inbox has become a boring, stressful waste of time.

This is where you come in...

The goal of inbox management is to totally own your client's email life.
Through regular inbox clearing sweeps, pre-drafting of emails, and tee-ups
for voice delegation, you'll help your client achieve email bliss.
Why is it important?
The inbox is the central hub of most clients' lives. While they may never
perfectly achieve never checking their email again, reducing email
interactions to a set number of quick scans, followed by voice memo
delegation will save your client an enormous amount of time and mental
The key to truly freeing your client from email is building trust, and this
playbook will help you develop recurring processes with your client to build
that trust.
Mastery of your client's inbox is also at the core of successfully launching the
proactive delegation, calendar, and travel playbooks.

Example Scenario // Typical Day in a Client's Inbox

To further illustrate what inbox management looks like, here is an example
day with a client:

• Your client wakes up a 7AM to find that you've already cleared his inbox
of calendar notifications and promotional emails.

• He reads through his daily news summaries (which were left marked
unread and decides he no longer wants to receive emails from The
Hustle, so he labels the email unsubscribe for you to ensure
unsubscribing is successful.

• He reviews the three time-sensitive emails marked urgent and provides

instructions to you on what to do next via voice memo.

• Mid-morning your client receives two emails which you pre-draft

responses to. You reference previous emails to these contacts to ensure
you match tone and typical greetings and closings.

• At 1PM your client reviews the two pre-drafted emails knowing that you
always complete a second daily sweep by noon in his timezone. He sends
one as is and slightly modifies the second, bcc-ing you so you can note
the changes.

Defining success
In implementing this playbook you will...
• ...learn how to adapt to your client's inbox preferences

• ...master processes to help keep your client's inbox clear of distractions

• ...transform your client's inbox into a prioritized 10X command center

Your client will...

• ...spend way less time dealing with email

• ...never miss anything important without needing to check their inbox


• ...turn off email notifications!

How to complete this playbook

This playbook will walk through each of the following Steps:
Step 1 // Learning by Reading

Step 2 // Learning by Doing

Use the links at the bottom of each page to navigate through the playbook in
sequence. Use the links above if you would like to skip to different sections
(if this is your first time reading the playbook, use the next button at the
bottom of each page).

Your Playbook Pro

You're not alone! For your first month with your client, you'll have a playbook
pro by your side. Your playbook pro is here to guide you through training and
into applying everything you've learned with your client. At the end of each
week, you'll work together to review the success rate of your suggestions
and provide personalized feedback and training to help you grow.

What's Next?
After completing all material on a page, simply follow the link labeled Next //
at the end of each page.

Next // Step 1 // Learning by Reading

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