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Class IX ( 2024 – 25)


Compare the state of Madhya Pradesh and Bihar on the basis of the following grounds:
1. Script
2. Culture
3. Food
4. Festival
5. Vegetation (flora and fauna)
6. Tradition
7. Traditional Dress (Male & Female)
8. Climate
9. Art forms (Dance, Music)
10. Population
11. Health care

*Art Integrated Learning (IDP)*

Topic – Rain
Collect photographs of the region having the highest amount of rainfall and prepare a write-up on the
climatic conditions of the same. (To be pasted in the scrap-book.)


निर्धारित किें कक भधित में सबसे अधर्क वर्धा कहधाँ होती है औि इसकध क्यध कधिण है। इस जधिकधिी के
आर्धि पि वर्धा के महत्व को दर्धािे वधलध एक आकर्ाक पोस्टि भी डिजधइि किें ।

वर्षा ऋतु को चित्रित करते हुए इस त्रवर्य पर संस्कृत में 10 वषक्य चिखे।


You might have seen the weather forecast during monsoon. Make a PPT on the role of maths in forecasting

Points to be included

1. The department which does the weather forecast

2. Places where the institution is situated
3. Methods used for forecasting
4. Instrument used to measure rainfall
5. Courses to study related to the department.

Water is essential for life on Earth, and rain plays a crucial role in the water cycle. Explain the process of
rain formation, incorporating the following scientific concepts covered in your Class 9 NCERT Science
textbook (Chapter 6):

• Evaporation: The process of a liquid changing into a gas.

• Condensation: The process of a gas changing into a liquid.
• Water Cycle: The continuous movement of water on, above and below the surface of the Earth.
• In your explanation, address the following points:
• Describe how sunlight and heat energy contribute to the evaporation of water from various sources
(e.g., oceans, lakes, plants).
• Explain the role of dust and other airborne particles in cloud formation.
• How do water droplets in clouds grow large enough to fall as rain?
• Briefly mention the factors that can influence the amount of rainfall in a particular region.
To be done in scrap book


Rainwater harvesting is the need of the hour. Prepare a PPT on the given topic.


*Prepare a PPT on Rainfall in India*

And (Mark the places on map to show highest rainfall areas in the India)

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