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Books make us know the world. the State are cited bibliographically. Thus, each section
There are the legends that tell the origin of the people, includes all the books published in the language in
the stories and songs that make children happy, the question, but some with a review and others without.
adventures that explain how to face adversity and how
to overcome fear. Within each section, the books are organized into five
This guide is an invitation to look into the diversity of the sections: stories and legends of tradition, illustrated
Arab world through books, to delve in, see up close and books, narrative, knowledge books and comics.
value a cultural universe that is different and close at
At the end of the guide, a table of subjects is included
the same time.
where the most prominent themes of some books
The titles of the guide are grouped into four sections appear, with the didactic intention of linking the titles
corresponding to the languages of the Spanish State. together to organize centers of interest or reading
Each of them includes the books that have been sessions.
published originally, or for the first time, in that language
and incorporates existing works translated into other
The books are reviewed only in the original language (or
in the language of their first translation, when they are
foreign books) and the editions in other languages of

The free books help to conèixer the world. The books carry a summary only in the original
Here are the legends that tell the origin of the towns, the language (or in that of the first translation, as it is a
stories and the songs that make the children happy, the foreign book) and the editions in other languages of the
adventures that explain how to face adversity and how State are bibliographically analyzed. Així, each section
to overcome hardship. recull all the books published in the language of what it
This guide is an invitation to explore the diversity of the is tracti, but some are also read and in three senses.
Arab world through the books, to understand it, to see
how to appreciate a different cultural universe that is Within each section, the books are organized into five
relevant to the present time. sections: contes i llegendes de la tradició, libres
il·lustrats, narrative, libres de coneixement i còmic.
The titles of the guide are grouped into four sections
corresponding to the languages of the Spanish State. At the end of the guide a list of materials is included
Their catalog includes books that have been published where the most notable topics of some books appear,
originally, or for the first time, in this language and with the didactic intention of linking the titles together in
incorporates existing works translated into other order to organize centers of interest or reading
languages. sessions.

Liburuek mundua ezagutarazten digute. Sail bakoitzaren barnean, bost ataletan antolatzen dira
Hor daude herrien sorrera kontatzen duten kondairak, liburuak: ipuinak eta tradizioaren kondairak, liburu
haurrak pozik uzten dituzten ipuinak eta abestiak, ilustratuak, narrazioa,jakintzako liburuak eta
beldurra gainditu eta ezbeharrari nola aurre egin komikiak.
azaltzen duten abenturak.
Gidaren amaieran, gaien taula bat dator, eta hor
Gida honek gonbidatzen gaitu, liburuen bitartez, azaltzen dira liburu batzuen gairik nabarmenenak,
mundu arabiarraren aniztasunari begiratzen, uni- izenburuak euren artean lotzeko asmo
bertso kultural ezberdin eta, era berean, hurbi- didaktikoarekin, interest guneak edo irakurketa
lean murgiltzen, mundu hori gertutik ikusten eta saioak antolatzeko.

Gidaren izenburuak lau ataletan biltzen dira, Estatu

espainiarreko lau hizkuntzetan, hain zuzen. Bakoitzak
hartzen ditu hizkuntz horietan jatorriz, edo lehenengo
aldiz, argitaratu diren liburuak eta sartzen ditu beste
hizkuntzetara itzulita dauden liburuak.

) Liburuek berri laburra dute idatzita ; i jatorrizko

hizkuntzan bakarrik (edo lehenengo itzulpenarenean,
atzerriko liburuen kasuan) eta
Estatu espainiarreko beste hizkuntzetako edizioetakoak
bibliografikoki aipatzen dira. • Horrela, sail bakoitzak
jasotzen ditu norberaren hizkuntzan kaleratutako liburu
guztiak, baina batzuk berri laburrarekin eta beste batzuk
berri laburrik gabe.

The books give us insight into the world. tradition, illustrated books, narrative, comedy books,
There are the stories that tell the origins of two poor and designed band.
people, the stories and the songs that keep children
happy, the adventures that explain how to face At the end of the guide, a table of subjects is included
adversity and how to overcome it. where the most outstanding topics appear in some
books, with the didactic intention of vin Link the titles to
This guide is an invitation to look into the diversity of the each other to organize centers of interest or reading
Arab world through two books, to penetrate, see up sessions.
close and value a different and close cultural universe.
mo at a time.
The titles of the guide are grouped into four sections
corresponding to the languages of the Spanish State.
Includes each of the books that were originally
published, or for the first time, in that language
and incorporates existing works attempts
translated into other languages.

The books are reviewed only in the original

language (or in their first translation, when they are
foreign books) and the editions in other languages of
the State are cited bibliographically.

From this success, each section

collected all the published books ced in
the language in question, but some with
recension and others without it. Within
each section, the books are organized
into five sections: stories and legends of

Reading, like travel and dialogue, is an wonders that lay on the other side. by the wall of prejudice: the Arab world, BOOKS IN SPANISH
inexhaustible source of learning. dizaje. With the same words, I want We propose to which we are so close, with which we
By pronouncing the name of a delicious to young readers, parents and educators share—many times without knowing it— GAZTELERAZKO LIBURUAK
seed, simsim , sesame, the characters books that also break barriers and allow so many things. To know him is to know
in a famous Arab tale managed to make have to see, travel, get to know a world a part of ourselves.
a rock wall open and let them see the that is as close as it is sometimes hidden BOOKS IN SPANISH

In the shade of the olive tree. The words are the drowsiness you of entertainment. Riddles
Maghreb in 29 children's songs (CD). belong to these challenge games, in which ingenuity is
Hafida Favret and M. Lerasle. Nathalie required from both the one who constructs the riddle and
Novi, ill. M. Ángel Mendo, trans. Madrid: the one who must solve it. Those collected here, in a
Kókinos, 2007 (2nd ed.). bilingual edition, originate from the extensive territory in
ISBN: 978-84-88342-88-1 which Hasaniyya Arabic is spoken, which includes
The children's songs contained in this book Western Sahara and Mauritania. There are clever ones,
and ** this album in Arabic and Tamazigt languages travel humorous ones, and some closely linked to the cultural
through the Maghreb countries and treat our ears to relatable context. In all cases, it is a magnificent challenge to think
melodies. tioned with feeding games, lullabies, rhymes and other while playing.
children's songs. Its oral character is linked necessarily to
improvisation and, therefore, some small differences can be found
between the bilingual text, written in Arabic, Tamazigt and in Caste
plain, and the song we heard. A delight of text and illustrations that
bring us closer to current Maghreb culture and its rhythms.
Sahrawi riddles. Fernando Pinto Cebrián. Madrid: Miraguano,
ISBN: 978-84-7813-274-4
Peoples with rich oral traditions cultivate collective games, in which

The Adventures of Sindbad the Earthling. grouped around the journey of a caravan through the desert, the
Rene R. Khawam, adap. Manuel Serrat, The men tell, each night in turns, a story. Stories that
trans. transport us to the places where sultans, flying carpets,
Barcelona: Sirpus, 2004 ISBN: 978-84- genies and magic live.
89902-70-1 Under the tent. Popular stories from the Sahara.
The famous voyages of Sindbad the Sailor Fernando Pinto Cebrián. Madrid: Miraguano, 2006
have come to us inserted in the Arabian Nights, (5th ed.). ISBN: 978-84-7813-150-1
although this inclusion does not seem very The story ceremony takes place when they are gathered
justified if criteria are applied. rigorous Children and adults nest under the tent, generally at dusk.
philological rivers. Those are the criteria that In this collection there are stories whose themes are
R. R. Khawam has continued in his faithful repeated, such as deception, rivalry or hunger. And
**** recomposition (from the preserved manuscripts) animal and human characters that star in various stories
of the two Sindbad: the sailor and, in this work, the terrestrial, *** are also repeated, such as Yoja, a naive and clever child, or
perso complementary story and belonging to the same story Thaleb, the fox that symbolizes intelligence and cunning. This
unfortunately mutilated by the whims of tradition. tion. Very careful is a very rich book with exciting and fun stories.
text full of fantasy and truth, in equal parts, to travel to deep Asia at
the end of the 8th century. The cicada and the mouse. (A popular tale from the
Maghreb). (Contains CD). Teresa Tellechea, adap.
The caravan. Wilhelm Hauff. Narrated by Xavier Frehring, ill. Madrid: SM, 2005.
Gianni Rodari. Fabián Negrín, illus. Elena ISBN: 978-84-675-0418-7
del Amo, trans. León: Everest, 2006 ISBN: Some stories have the mission of explaining how the
978-84-241-8373-8 world comes to be, why certain natural phenomena exist
This German author, who shared the romantic ** and also why animals behave in very different ways. This story,
taste for the oriental, borrowed pai for his coming from the Maghreb and well known in Spanish tradition,
stories. sages, environments and fantasies of explains ca why the cicada is a calmer animal than the mouse. In
the East, and he wrote his stories inspired, the final pages of the book we find a sample of three musical
among other works, by the stories of One instruments from the area and a proposal to listen to them on a CD.
*** Thousand and One Nights. These stories are

The Tale of the Storytellers giving substance to the story. imagination of the text, without
Born Khemir. Claudio Romo, illus. Lucía forgetting the gestural expressiveness and small details
Segovia, trans. Mexico: Economic Culture of a colorful oriental setting.
Fund, 2004. Tales from One Thousand and One Nights . Gudule,
ISBN: 978-968-16-7179-1 Jordi Vila Delclòs, il. Madrid: Anaya, 2009 (5th ed.).
A mother asks her son to go get some oil to ISBN: 978-84-667-4716-5
soothe his newborn grandfather's throat. This The selection of stories from the repertoire of One
is the surprising beginning of a story by Nacer Thousand and One Nights, proposed by this Belgian
Khemir, a Tunisian writer who takes the author, includes some of the stories least disclosed by the
reader on an adventure where magic, ancients. ologies aimed at children. Some of them are
surprise and a mysterious atmosphere cone known for appearing in selections by European

*** surround him without giving him a break. Claudio **** authors, such as the Brothers Grimm, Perrault or Andersen,
Romo's elaborate illustrations give the book an hence we see the great influence of the Arabic oral tradition in
exoticism and a setting that seems to come from the world of Europe. The tone of humor and magic are present in these stories,
dreams. in which their narrative freshness stands out.

Tales from One Thousand and One Nights Tales from One Thousand and One Nights.
. Ross Suárez, adap. Leticia Ruifernández, Claudia
José Morán, adap. Jesús Gaban, illus. Ranucci, M.ª Jesús Santos Heredero, illus. Zaragoza:
Madrid: Susaeta, 2009 (2nd ed.). ISBN: Edelvives, 2004. ISBN: 978-84-263-5187-6
978-84-305-3795-2 This selection of stories is already part of the imagine
This beautiful book, large format and carefully collective river of many children of the world. Stories like
presented tation, offers us a selection of eight that of Aladdin, Ali Baba or Sinbad have been
stories from One Thousand and One Nights , universalized through various versions, written and with
*** some of which are very well known (Sinbad, Ali ted, from cinema and cartoons. No one would say that
Baba, Aladdin...). The set is very representative. tative of the *** these are ancient stories from the 9th and 10th centuries,
general tone of its classical reference. Particularly relevant here are because they continue to preserve the passion of adventure and
the numerous illustrations, in pencil and watercolor, which focus on continue to excite all generations.

Stories in the “Yemá El-Fná”. (generally about Sidi Bel Abbes). A final glossary makes it easier to
M.ª Dolores López Enamorado, Abdellatif understand those terms. untranslatable because they
Mitari, illus. Seville: Tres Culturas refer to typical objects or concepts of the Maghreb. It is a
Foundation, 2003. particularly careful edition It gives both materially and
ISBN: 978-84-932549-4-0 content.
Yemá El-Fná is the name of the square in Popular stories from the Mediterranean.
Marrakech declared oral heritage of humanity. Ana Cristina Herreros, ed. Madrid: Siruela, 2008 (3rd
We could say that it is the square of stories ed.). ISBN: 978-84-9841-052-5
and words. The stories that are gathered The Arab peoples shared the Mediterranean Sea with
under this title belong to the oral tradition of other peoples, both as a physical space, around which
Morocco, told over and over again by various they lived, and as a cultural space where they
*** tellers. The author collects the thematic core of four
**** transmitted They had influences and traditions. This collection
stories and develops and recreates them to of stories, from different peoples, includes numerous stories
convert throw them into literary texts without losing the spontaneity from the Arab-Islamic field, brought from Turkey, Syria, Lebanon,
and grace of orality. Palestine, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco. In the
prologue of the book it is pointed out that these stories come from
Popular stories and legends of Morocco. oral tradition and have been told in the places where people
Françoise Légey, comp. Antonio González, congregate: markets, squares, collective work and the night, which
trans. Madrid: Siruela, 2009. ISBN: 978-84- always unites young and old.
Initially published in 1926, this compilation of
ninety-three traditional stories from Morocco
takes us back to that colorful space of orality
that is Jamaa el-Fna and also to the common
thematic substrate of all oral narrative,
**** whatever the language that expresses it. The
beautiful short stories are grouped here in three
sections: wonderful stories, animated les and hagiographical

Boiled eggs. Marisa Núñez. Teresa Lima, The best stories of the 1001 nights. Arnica Esterl,
ill. Pontevedra: OQO, 2007. ISBN: 978-84- adap. Olga Dugina, ill. M. Teresa Marcos, trans.
96788-17-6 The text of this story is adapted Madrid: SM, 2008.
from an oral version from the Maghreb, and ISBN: 978-84-675-1986-0
the Berbers of Kabylia have transmitted this The prestigious adapter of traditional tales A. Esterl, of
story from generation to generation. It is a Dutch origin, offers us in this album a selection of five
story that highlights the ingenuity of a girl, the stories belonging to One Thousand and One Nights.
daughter of a charcoal burner, capable of These are stories representative of the general tone of
challenging the king in solving enigmas. Her the classic, with its mix of wit, fan rate and popular
*** intelligence becomes so brilliant that it bothers the
*** elements. Special attention deserves cen the beautiful
king who, now her husband, asks that his word never illustrations of Olga Dugina, with an unmistakable style, which
be overshadowed. mine of his. Love will overcome difficulties evoke the entire magical atmosphere of the Middle East through
through a woman's gesture full of tenderness and emotion. delicate strokes, with great technical mastery, and a successful
recreation of motifs (prints, scenes, gestures of per rattles,
15 In Catalan: Ous durs. Marisa Núñez. Teresa Lima, ill. animals...)
Ariadna Martín Sirarols, trans.
Pontevedra: OQO, 2006. ISBN: 978-84-96788-18-3

16 In Galician: Hard eggs. Marisa Núñez. Teresa Arabian Nights. Rosa Navarro Durán, adap. Gerardo
Lima, ill. Pontevedra: OQO, 2006. Domínguez, illus. Madrid: Edaf, 2007. ISBN: 978-84-
ISBN: 978-84-96788-16-9 414-1956-8
There are five stories selected from One Thousand and
One Nights and adapted by Rosa Navarro Durán,
including two the seven voyages of Sindbad the sailor.
The style is accessible although the adapter has
preserved the plot twists and turns of the original,
*** recreating the adventures of the characters. The stories
result so well representative: traveling adventures,
costum brism, love affairs, monsters, princely courts...
The illustrations, especially the large ones, full page,
reinforce that fantastic movie atmosphere. gros and
episodes full of unexpected surprises.
Muk. Wilhelm Hauff. João Caetano, illus. the daily reality of many Palestinian children.
Paco Liván, trans. Pontevedra: OQO, 2007.
ISBN: 978-84-96788-45-9
Muk is the name of the protagonist of this
story, born in Nicaea and whom everyone
made fun of for his small size and big head.
But your fan story tastic, full of ingenuity and
magic, will explain to us how little a physical
defect matters when you have an interest in
it. ligence to get out of difficulties and face the
problems problems. The story is set in the
East, ** but we have heard it in other contexts, since the ***
marvelous elements The stories of magic boots and a staff that
finds treasure are repeated throughout universal storytelling.

20 In Galician: Muk. Wilhelm Hauff. João Caetano, illus. Paco Liván,

trans. Pontevedra: OQO, 2007.
ISBN: 978-84-96788-74-9
Nahki willa nanam? To sleep or to count?
Selection of wonderful Palestinian stories from oral tradition.
Montserrat Rabadán Carrascosa.
Madrid: Cantarabia, 2002. ISBN: 978-84-86514-41-9 Palestine
has a rich culture and tradition, both written and oral. This careful
selection of jrefiyyes or wonderful narratives reminds us that even in
the worst scenarios there are times to meet and tell stories, to get
lost along fascinating paths. before the wonderful story and shudder
with ogres and genies, a momentary fear undoubtedly much less
traumatic than that of the blows, bullets and bombs that make up

Sahrawi proverbs. Fernando Pinto Cebrián. knows the context, which the compiler clarifies
Madrid: Miraguano, 1997. ISBN: 978-84-7813-159-4 The bachelor and the bean. (Traditional Jewish-
This bilingual compilation of proverbs, sayings or Moroccan story). Shelley Fowles. Miguel Ángel
sayings are part of the way of expressing themselves Mendo, trans. Barcelona: Serres, 2005.
and, therefore, of being of the Bidan, the Arab ISBN: 978-84-8488-162-9
inhabitants of the Sahara Desert. These expressions, This story, of which there are versions in Morocco,
which are the reflection of a practical and very wise way Tunisia, Turkey and Yemen, has a humorous and
of understanding life, are part of everyday conversation magical tone, in which the figure of the genie who grants
and are intended to advise, underline, ironize, allow... wishes is presented as a man of bad character tired of
There are some that are funny, curious and others that
** granting favors to someone who, careless, He doesn't

**** are difficult to understand if you don't understand them.

always on a small note.
know how to preserve them. After the granting of three
to a spinster her stolen belongings and in this meeting
they will feel very similar, they will fall in love and share
their wealth and their bad mood.

24 In Catalan: El fadrí i la mongeta. Shelley Fowles.

Jordi Pujol i Manyà, trans. Barcelona: Serres, 2005.
ISBN: 978-84-8488-163-6

wishes in exchange for one bean, a bachelor will claim

Tapestries seen upside down: Popular Berber fables 26 Zalgum (From a Berber tale from Kabylia). Luisa
from the Middle Atlas. Salvador López Becerra. Morandeira, adap. Bernardo Carvalho, ill.
Seville: Tres Culturas Foundation, 2003. ISBN: 978- , ZALGUM Pontevedra: OQO, 2007.
84-932549-6-4 ISBN: 978-84-96788-44-2
The compiler of these fables introduces us to the sin In the same way that, in the story of Donkey Skin, the
gularity of the Imazigen or Berbers, possessors of a protagonist girl must flee hidden under a skin to avoid

*** culture and language different from Arabic, with several marrying her father, in this Berber story it is Zalgum who
million speakers throughout the Maghreb. In this with must flee so as not to marry her own brother. This story
text the book responds to the function of recovering and contains in its brevity a large number of magical
preserving an ancient oral tradition of small stories rias ** elements, such as animals that warn the protagonist of
with a moral background that aim to entertain by her misfortune, curses, healings and, at the end, a great
highlighting the values of this community. example of genre. sity on the part of the protagonist
towards those who did her wrong.
27 In Galician: Zalgum. Luisa Morandeira, adap.
Bernardo Carvalho, ill. Pontevedra: OQO, 2007. ISBN:


The astrologer and the sorceress. Washington almost all the odd pages take up a phrase from the text
Irving. Paco Liván, adap. and trans. Paula Aneiros, to reinterpret it in an abstract key, with great chromatic
illus. display and small graphic elements close to the scribble
Pontevedra: OQO, 2006. ISBN: 978-84-96573-43-7 that act as true additions. vinanzas for the reader.
From one of the Tales of the Alhambra by W. Irving,
OQO publishes this adaptation for children in which he 29 In Galician: O astrologer ea feiticeira.
fables about the place where the Alhambra would be *** Washington Irving. Paco Liván, adap. and trans. Paula
built, a space chosen to settle by a wise astrologer Aneiros, illus. Pontevedra: OQO, 2006.
under the orders of an Arab king, Aben Habuz. The ISBN: 978-84-96573-54-3

*** story is presented to us illustrated with great originality: Azur & Asmar. Michel Ocelot. Wendy López de

Abechuco, trans. Madrid: SM, 2007.
ISBN: 978-84-675-1556-5
The contrast of East and West is clearly reflected in this
book through the two characters that pro They tagonize
this adventure of rivalry and friendship: two foster
brothers who will meet again at the end of time to free
the fairy of genies. The exotic mo and the exuberance
of the East are visualized through baroque and colorful
illustrations, made with a computer. An adventure of
overflowing fantasy that allows you to enter the
environments of a civilization full of brilliance and light.

31 In Catalan: Azur & Asmar. Michel Ocelot. Núria Font

i Ferré, trans. Madrid: SM, 2007. ISBN: 978-84-661-

32In Basque: Azur & Asmar. Michel Ocelot.

Madrid: SM, 2007. ISBN: 978-84-675-1560-2

The librarian of Basra. Jeanette Winter. Teresa around him, experiencing the feeling of being a stranger
Farran and Elodie Bourgeois, trans. to everyone. When you come from one culture, Arab in
Barcelona: Youth, 2007. ISBN: 978-84-261-3582-7 this case, but you were born in another, Spanish, and
Moving story about the salvation of a biblio teak in you live between your family roots and the future, the
Basra (Iraq), highlights the destructive power tor of wars feeling of belonging to a place is questioned. The
and the bravery of some citizens. It's about saving magnificent illustrations in open and bare spaces
books from barbarism and Alia, the librarian, knows how highlight this feeling of strangeness of the protagonist.
much a community loses when When a library is
destroyed, because with its disappearance its past and 38In Galician: Cal é a miña cor? Antoine Guilloppé.
** its future are gone. With a naive and efficient style Caz,
Géraldine Alibeu, illus. Anaír Rodríguez, trans.
Pontevedra: Xerais, 2009. ISBN: 978-84-9782-432-3
we get this story that is committed to peace.
The color of the sand. Elena O'Callaghan i Duch.
34 In Catalan: La bibliotecària de Bàssora . Jeanette María Jesús Santos Heredero, illus. Saragossa:
Winter. Teresa Farran and Elodie Bourgeois, trans. Edelvives, 2009 (3rd ed.). ISBN: 978-84-263-5921-6
Barcelona: Youth, 2007. ISBN: 978-84-261-3583-4 The poor conditions in which many children live in
What is my color? Antoine Guilloppé. Géraldine refugee camps lead them to not even have pens to write
Alibeu, illus. Madrid: Anaya, 2006. ISBN: 978-84-667- with. Abdullah lives in a tent in the desert and, although
5194-0 he has learned to write and can do so in the sand, the
An Arab boy seeks his identity among the people wind erases any trace of permanence. Sometimes,



trucks arrive from rich countries with colored pencils so of the jaima in yellow and sepia tones; the dream, in
that these children can paint their dreams. A flame gives gray ses and blues.
attention to the living conditions suffered by many
children around the world.

36 In Catalan: The color of sorra. Elena O'Callaghan i

Duch. María Jesús Santos Heredero, illus.
Barcelona: Baula, 2005. ISBN: 978-84-479-1428-9

Water dunes. Javier Sobrino. Alfonso Ruano, illus.

Madrid: SM, 2009. ISBN: 978-84-675-3518-1
Zohra is a little Targui girl who lives in the Sahara. Their
people, the Tuareg, share this space of infi sand nita.
This book constitutes precisely an emotional inquiry into
the landscape. Zohra longs to see the sea, a place her
father has seen on some of his trips in a camel caravan.
A conch, water The father thing establishes a poetic link
between the two worlds, that of water and that of sand,
excellent mind recreated in the illustrations: the daily life

40 Babaï's garden. Mandana Sadat. Esther Rubio, Kahalim the Opulent. Gérard Moncomble.
trans. Madrid: Kókinos, 2007 (2nd ed.). ISBN: 978- Anne Romby, illus. Mercedes Zendrera, trans.
84-88342-97-3 Barcelona: Zendrera Zariquiey, 2007.
The various peoples who live in the world explain the ISBN: 978-84-8418-298-6
origin of the earth through narratives. In this case we With all the magic of a traditional legend, this illustrated
find a text originally written in Persian that, although it album tells us the story of Kahalim, an orphan born in
has nothing to do with Arabic, is the vehicle of misery and whose ambition drives him. pours into one
expression of a culture that has been, throughout of the richest merchants in his city dad. Not content with
history, a traveling companion of Arab culture. , which ** his fortune, he aspires for more and is tempted by a

** has influenced and by which it has been influenced. mysterious proposal from an old man who leads him to
Written in Persian and Spanish, it narrates the the desert, where he is about to perish. cer. There he
appearance of plants and animals from the beginning. manages to rediscover himself and change life,
initiative of a little lamb to put some seeds in a sunny because it becomes a storyteller Rias. Admirable large-
meadow. The illustrations, with a refined Iranian format illustrations of this moral fable, where they talk
aesthetic, take the reader to a territory of magic and about old pre-Islamic gods and eternal human values.
42 In Catalan: Kahalim l'Opulent. Gérard Moncomble.
The cartoonist's notebook. Mohieddin Ellabbad. Anne Romby, illus. Mercedes Zendrera, trans.
Laura Serrano, trans. Salamanca: Lóguez, 2008. Barcelona: Zendrera Zariquiey, 2007. ISBN: 978-84-
ISBN: 978-84-96646-29-2 8418-299-3
This is a different book, starting because it is read from
back to front (according to the Western sense), like
Arabic writing itself. It does not tell a story but rather
provides an unordered collection of anecdotes,
*** memories and observations of the author. It is your
notebook, where the beautiful Arabic spelling Manus is
mixed crit with drawings and postcards. The translation
of the text is in the margin. The reflections on his activity
and on other issues are always attractive and
surprising, and so authentic that they will undoubtedly
reveal to the very young reader an unprecedented point
of view on the art of a contemporary Egyptian illustrator
(his sources, his motivations, his aesthetic ideology... ).
45 In Catalan: The meravellosa mosque. mosque. Ann Jungman. Shelley
The wonderful
Ann Jungman. Shelley Fowles,
Fowles,ill. ill.
Ángeltrans. Barcelona:
Mendo, Serres,
trans. 2004. ISBN: 978-84-8488-160-5
My honey, my sweetness. Michel
Serres, Piquemal.
2004. ISBN: 978-84-8488-159-9
Élodie Nouhen, il. Q. Rozarena, trans. Zaragoza:
The coexistence between Eldelvives, 2005.
religions and ISBN: 978-84-263-5637-6
cultures is
Khadija was born and lives in Spain
reflected but spends
occurs her summers
in this story in a town
of three friends, in Tunisia, where her grandmother Zhora lives. When she dies, her granddaughter receives
a gift by mail. the posthumous, a caftan
to the three embroidered
religions by Zhora.
of the Book, whoThrough
played it,
in Khadija
the manages to remember a strong emotional bond interwoven with songs, stories,
rhymes and lullabies in gardens
Arabic (the transcription
of the of which
mosque built appearsby
in Córdoba in the book Arabic alphabet along with its translation). Thus, language acts as an intimate link
between two beings, something
With thecapable of helping
Castilian to overcome
conquest, the painofofbeing
it is in danger loss. Excellent extensive illustrations that refer to dreams and feelings.
Ahmed's look. M.ª D. Pellicer i Soria.
destroyed and converted into a Christian temple, but the
AND. Garces, il. Valencia: Tàndem,
intervention of2007.
these children, now adults but united by
ISBN: 978-84-8131-748-0
their games around the mosque, will allow the great **
Ahmed's story puts the reader
work ofinIslam
the shoes of a with
to coexist newcomer forced cathedral.
the Christian to adopt culture and way of life. But the school is the welcoming space that allows the child
to escape sadness and make sense of the new situation. With a language full of emotion and illustrations in soft tones, the feeling of longing for the abandoned
country is perceived. donated and the strangeness faced by the culture of adoption.

47 In Catalan: Torna aviat, dolçor meva. Michel

Piquemal. Élodie Nouhen, il. Pau Joan Hernàndez,
trans. Barcelona: Baula, 2005. ISBN: 978-84-479-1399-


49 In Catalan: Ahmed's gaze. M.ª D. Pellicer i Soria.

AND. Garces, il. Valencia: Tàndem, 2007.
ISBN: 978-84-8131-754-1

Nasrudin. Odile Weulersse. Rébecca Dautremer, Nasrudin and his donkey. Odile Weulersse.
illus. Q. Rozarena, trans. Zaragoza: Edelvives, 2006. Rébecca Dautremer, illus. Q. Rozarena, trans.
ISBN: 978-84-263-6124-0 Zaragoza: Edelvives, 2007. ISBN: 978-84-263-6457-9
Nasrudin is a well-known character in the oral tradition Nasrudin is a sharp and witty character who, when his
stories of North Africa. He stars in many humorous donkey is stolen in the market, decides to tell everyone
anecdotes and jokes from which, often, lessons for life who listens to him how his father deals with donkey
can be obtained. The illustrator Rébecca Dautremer thieves. And the result before the audience is stunning,
composes a beautiful book in which Nasrudin and his since the animal appears immediately. The delicate and

** father find themselves criticized by those around them, ** detailed illustrations tions take us to the atmosphere of
whatever their behavior. The lesson for the reader will a live market, full of characters and where the
be clear: act as you see fit. ca, well there will always be fascination of oral tradition, still persistent in Arab
someone who judges you. culture, is present.
51 In Catalan: Nasreddín. Odile Weulersse. Rébecca 54 In Catalan: Nasreddín i el seu ase. Odile
Dautremer, illus. Jordi Vidal, trans. Barcelona: Baula, Weulersse. Rébecca Dautremer, illus. Jordi Vidal, trans.
2006. ISBN: 978-84-479-1593-4 Barcelona: Baula, 2007. ISBN: 978-84-4791-685-6
52 In Basque: Nasrudin. Odile Weulersse, Rébecca
Dautremer, il. Naroa Ogando, itz. Amorebieta-Etxano:
Ibaizabal, 2007. ISBN: 978-84-8394-061-7
55 In Basque: Nasrudin eta astoa. Odile Weulersse.
Rébecca Dautremer, illus. Naroa Ogando, itz.
Amorebieta-Etxano: Ibaizabal, 2007. ISBN: 978-84-

The palace of the four treasures. Antonio Rodríguez

Almodóvar. Federico Delicado, illus. Madrid: SM,
2008. ISBN: 978-84-675-2750-6
After reading a book about the Alhambra, Mónica falls
asleep and dreams of a visit to the palace in which the
lions in the main courtyard come to life. The suggestive
illustrates tions of Federico Delicado make the
Alhambra the true protagonist of the work. The
geometric motifs and the mysterious, nocturnal and
dreamlike setting give depth to a story that revises the
2 topic of the book as a door to the imagination.
The golden head fish. Pilar Obón. much due to scares. The text includes pictograms to
Alexander Magellan, illus. Mexico: Nostra Edicio support yar reading and a card game. In the illustrations
nes, 2005. ISBN: 978-968-5447-16-4 we find a fun recreation of a court of al-Andalus, with
Through a simple traditional Egyptian story we delve the grace of the gestural expressiveness of its fearsome
into the imaginative beauty and emotional depth of protagonist.
those popular stories that deal with moral values
(compassion versus greed) using almost universal The sultan's turban. Rachid Madani. Ángel
symbology. The exoticism of the story emerges, for Domínguez, illus. M.ª José Furió, trans. Barcelona:
example, in the footnote glosses of some native words. Youth, 2008. ISBN: 978-84-261-3680-0
This large-format illustrated album is based on a brief
** The excellent illustrations, with thick lines and great
** story that combines the traditional narrative of the
colorism, take us back to the Egyptian aesthetic keys
but reinter designed in a very modern way. desert with the animal fable to resolve itself in a
fantastic ending in the oriental style. The most striking
The date planter. Silvia Dubovoy. Sara Ruano, ill. thing are the illustrations, realistic in nature, but focused
León: Everest, 2009. on the expressive gestures of the animals that, one by
ISBN: 978-84-241-1871-6 one, accumulate on each page. A charming book, with a
Within the collection El Panal del Saber, dedicated to simple story but not devoid of humor, to be
traditional stories edited in a small and careful square contemplated carefully for its plastic beauty.
format, this Arabic story is included: a merchant is
amazed to find an elderly man date farmer who will 61In Catalan: The sultà's turban . Rachid Madani.
Ángel Domínguez, illus. M.ª José Furió, trans.
never see the fruits of his labor; The planter answers
Barcelona: Youth, 2009. ISBN: 978-84-261-3681-7
that, however, he has enjoyed the dates planted by his
ancestors. sores… The moral about generosity is easily

** understood by the younger reader. The illustrations,

simple and friendly, imitate the crackling technique to
reproduce the antiquity of oriental wisdom.
Ramiro, the fearful prince. Rocío Antón and Lola
Núñez. Claudia Ranucci, illus. Zaragoza: Edelvives,
2009 (4th ed.). ISBN: 978-84-263-5959-9 The little
ones will enjoy this simple and comical ca story in which
Ramiro, son of King Ali-Valentín, manages to overcome
his pathological fear of everything thanks to the
powerful big voice that he has developed from crying so

ABC of the Arab world. Paulo Daniel the 8th-9th centuries, and to whom we owe the invention
Farah. of algebra and the introduction of numerals. Arabic tion,
Alê Abreu, illus. Madrid: SM, 2006. of Indian origin. The biography is narrated with ease,
ISBN: 978-84-675-2164-1 with references to the splendor of the Abbasid caliphate
With a very simple approach and impeccable of al-Mamun and the contents of the principa the works
** execution, the author reviews in this illustrated of the mathematician.
album, from a to z , several names related to Arab culture: historical
or literary protagonists, emblematic places Costa Ricans, cities and
countries, objects... Each entry corresponds to a small paragraph
and a beautiful illustration. tration in various techniques and styles.
The result is a very attractive and suggestive approach to the ****
wealth za and diversity of the topic covered, which will awaken the
reader's curiosity.
Al-Khwarizmi and the magic of mathematics. Jorge de Barnola
Navarro. Moisés Ojeda, illus. Madrid: The Puzzle, 2009.
ISBN: 978-84-96751-78-1
Mathematics is not alien to the historical development of science
and, therefore, can also be narrated. das, even for the little ones,
from the adventures and achievements of its protagonists. This
book focuses on al-Khwarizmi (from whose name we derive our
word algorithm ), the most prominent mathematician. of Baghdad in

Almanzor the victorious. Esteban Rodríguez the Cordoba's work in a record accessible to the child
Serrano. A Cuatro Manos Estudio and reader. The final sections of the book summarize data
TI VIETIOKI6 Raquel Fraguas González, illus. Madrid: The and concepts, and reinforce the didactic tone. co through
Puzzle, 2008. ISBN: 978-84-96751-51-4 learning review exercises.
Through the fictionalized account of This is how they lived in al-Andalus. The unknown
Almanzor's life we delve into the life and history road. Jesus Greus. Madrid: Anaya, 2009.
intrigues of the Cor Caliphate. dobes of the ISBN: 978-84-667-8677-5
10th century. Hisham, a boy, becomes the With a format close to that of a careful tourist guide. ca,
supreme leader of al-Andalus, a puppet in the this work takes a tour of the eight centuries in which the
hands of his vizier and a young man of great culture of al-Andalus shone in the Iberian Peninsula. The
**** pretensions called later died Almanzor. Their author opts for an eminent vision social mind of intrahistory to
warrior exploits also tell us about a time of cruelty show us “how Hispanic-Muslims lived, studied, worked and had
and fighting spirit, of revenge and continuous fights for territorial fun”, without forgetting the coexistence of Jews and Christians. tians
control of the peninsular soil. In the exercises At the end of the in the same territory. The numerous photographs and pictorial
work, the author does not forget, among other information, the reproductions bring us even closer to that claimed reality that
references to the flourishing poetry in Arabic of the time. included a historical stage. ca of great splendor in science,
technology and the arts, and which has left its mark on
Averroes, the wise man of Córdoba. Jorge our present.
de Barnola. A Cuatro Manos Estudio and
Raquel Fraguas González, illus. Madrid: Boabdil, the last king of Granada. Jorge de Barnola.
The Puzzle, 2008. ISBN: 978-84-96751-48-4 A Cuatro Manos Estudio and Raquel Fraguas
With his usual effectiveness as a scientific González, illus. Madrid: The Puzzle, 2009.
communicator for children, Jorge de Barnola ISBN: 978-84-96751-66-8
presents us here with Averroes, the most Some people occupy a place in history, not so much
outstanding intellectual of the peninsular through their own merits as through chance; This is the
Middle Ages. The biographical narrative case of Boabdil, whose biography is fictionalized in this
combines the description of a character with **** book while showing us the conflictive environment and

**** that of a time, while po that breaks down the main concerns of two courts at the end of the 15th century: the Cris
scientific ideas and philosophy sophistications of Tiana, with the Catholic Monarchs, and the Muslim one, in their

Granada stronghold. The climax of the work is the last
assassination gave to Granada with which an entire era of Arab
presence in the Peninsula closed. A nice little history lesson.

Búxara: I am from Morocco. M.ª Àngels Ollé. Barcelona:
Associació de Mestres Rosa Sensat, 2001.
ISBN: 978-84-89149-87-8
From the voice of a girl born in Erfud, we
learn about the customs and daily life of
children in the desert of southern Morocco. It
describes everyday life, emphasizing the
things that especially interest all children in
the world: games, school, food, parties,
*** stories and songs. nes. Through his childish but
very incisive gaze, the reality of this place becomes closer and ****
more common to what we experience every day.

69 In Catalan: Búxara. Jo sóc del Marroc. M.ª Àngels Ollé.

Barcelona: Associació de Mestres Rosa Sensat, 2003. ISBN: 978-
The Crusades: the fight for the Holy Land. Melanie Rice,
Christopher Rice and Christopher Gravett. Peter Dennis, ill.
Pilar Tutor, trans.
Madrid: SM, 2003. ISBN: 978-84-348-7368-1
The appeal of this excellent and rigorous book informs tivo lies in
the profuse illustrations and photographs, and in the adequate
distribution of contents presented in pleasant and brief paragraphs
that combine the most relevant historical data with substantial
details that will delight the curious reader. To this must be added
the charm of an exploit that speaks of the religious confrontations
between East and West in the 11th-13th centuries, but that also
brought into touched civilizations in an enriching way and
underlined the power of holy places.

Hassan: I come from Nador. Hassan Abarkan. trans. Barcelona: Oniro, 2008.
Barcelona: Associació de Mestres Rosa Sensat, ISBN: 978-84-9754-351-4
2001. ISBN: 978-84-89149-89-2 The starting point of this work is a historical review of
Hassan begins his book by clarifying that he is not an the development of Islam. It begins by framing the figure
Arab although he speaks Arabic, but rather a Berber of Muhammad in the context of the Arabian Peninsula of
and with his own language. His experience allows us to his time and then reviews his legacy until the founding
understand the Moroccan culture and especially the of an Islamic civilization that had, centuries ago, stages
**** day-to-day life of the immigration of the Maghreb of extraordinary artistic and cultural flourishing. In the
populations to Spain. Narrated with spontaneity and final chapters the author focuses on the present and
simplicity, Hassan's text vindicates the right of people to
***** future of Islam, addressing its problems in depth. more
seek better living conditions outside their borders and specific. Rigorous and necessary book to com light our
highlights the benefits problems that these people contemporary, globalized world in need of conciliatory
encounter in the places to which they emigrate. agreements.
History of Islam. Dilek Zaptcioglu. Isidro Arias,
72 In Catalan: Hassan: jo vinc de Nador.
Hassan Abarkan. Barcelona: Association of Mestres
Islam, one religion, many civilizations.
Rosa Sensat, 2001. ISBN: 978-84-89149-88-5
R. Manzini and F. Ricciardelli, A. Baldanzi, G. Ballati
and G. Meroi, il. Calamus and Cran, trans. Madrid:
Editex, 2000. ISBN: 978-84-7131-913-5
From a historical perspective, the future of the different
peoples and cultures that were linked after the
expansion of Islam is reviewed. The information is
organized around various chapters in which one
informs basic tion, drawings are incorporated that allow
**** explaining more detailed descriptions of sociological
and cultural details. The edition, from the year 2000,
does not include the more recent events, but this does
not detract from a book that covers in an entertaining
way the great milestones in the history of the Islamic
world, and in which the current era is amply

Sahrawi games to play in the sand. Fernando Pinto the story to tells the story of the Quran through the life
Cebrián. Madrid: Miraguano, 1999. ISBN: 978-84- of Zayd, a historical figure who lived in the oasis of
7813-188-4 Yathrib and who met Muhammad. Zayd wrote the first
A set of games and toys that the Sahrawis practice and mere complete version of the Quran, transcribing the
build are compiled and explained. These games and words of the prophet, and this version is the one that
toys are made with elements of nature that are within has been copied over the centuries. The book responds
reach, in the harsh conditions conditions in which they to the express desire of the author, an Italian expert in
live: shells, stones, sticks, skins and fabrics. The games Islamic culture, to show that Islam is not a doctrine but a
are distributed in the book by age, by sex and by the way of life. A dense and very interesting book sante to
hierarchical place that the player occupies in the group. break stereotypes and prejudices.
**** Likewise, the games selected here promote different
abilities. Those on the board: strategy, patience, acuity. ***** P for Pyramids. Lali Sandiumenge. Barcelona:
The collectives: strength, ability. Explained stop difficult Intermón Oxfam, 2008. ISBN: 978-84-8452-310-9
things, playing is enjoyable and learning. The Solidarity Alphabet collection from Intermón Oxfam
pre It tends to bring the reality of other childhoods closer
The Arab world. Nicola Barber. Manuela Cappon, to the little ones. In this case the reader will meet
Gaetano Cavotta and others, ill. Pilar Tutor, trans. Hossam and Mahmud, two Egyptian children who work
Madrid: SM, 2006. ISBN: 978-84-675-0713-3 in the tourist area of Giza. Through photographs, their
The information provided in this book, in a rich and daily lives are portrayed realistically and with a positive
highly illustrated manner, attempts to clarify terms that tone to awaken the empathy underlying appreciation
sometimes lead us to confusion, such as Arabs and and respect for differences.
Muslims. The book presents a chronological tour of the **
great milestones of the Arab-Islamic civilization, as well 79 In Catalan: P for pyramids. Lali Sandiumenge.
as its main cultural features. natural, like Islam. A book Barcelona: Intermón Oxfam, 2008.
that, in addition to addressing general information, is ISBN: 978-84-8452-311-6

*** filled with details that tell us about the complexity and
richness of Muslim culture.
The book come down from heaven. Ahmad
Vincenzo. Isabel González-Gallarza, trans. Madrid:
Siruela, 2006. ISBN: 978-84-7844-971-2
Halfway between the informative book and the novel,

Dad, what is racism? Tahar Ben Jelloun. Malika strangers.
Embarek, trans. Madrid: Alfaguara, 2007 (3rd ed.). In the times of Azur and Asmar. Sandrine Mirza.
ISBN: 978-84-204-4222-8 Madrid: SM, 2007. ISBN: 978-84-675-1558-9
Tahar Ben Jelloun is a Moroccan writer and poet who The film Azur y Asmar , with an album version also
writes in French. In this book he constructs a fictional published by the SM publishing house, has given rise to
dialogue between the author himself and his daughter, this informative book that allows us to contextualize the
in which he explains through questions and answers, time in which the story takes place and, above all,
the racist feelings that, in the case of France, but easily
*** allows us to learn about the culture of the Middle East
extrapolated to other places, are registered against before and after Islam. With the same colorful aesthetic
Arab immigrants. The book is very clarifying in the that predominates in the adventure book, with abundant
questions and answers. Helps understand what it photographs and short texts, the little ones can get
means to feel different in a fearful society rose of closer to the East through reading and looking.
81 In Catalan: El racisme explicat a la meva filla . Tahar Ben Jelloun. Ernest Folch, trans. Barcelona: Labutxaca, 2008. ISBN: 978-84-

82 In Basque: Arrazismoa nire alabari azaldua . Tahar Ben Jelloun. Artzai Aranburu Xabier, itz. Tafalla: Txalaparta, 2001. ISBN: 978-84-

•• —J-

7 x 7 Raw Stories. Ricardo Gomez. contemplated with pleasure.

Juan Ramón, illus. Madrid: SM, 2007. In the distance, Menkaura. Elena O'Callaghan i
ISBN: 978-84-675-2150-4 Duch. Zaragoza: Edelvives, 2009 (2nd ed.).
The three initial stories of this collection of seven ISBN: 978-84-263-6835-5
stories These are located in three areas of the Arab Menkaura is the Egyptian name of Mycerinus, the
world: Beirut under bombing, a Sahrawi refugee camp pyramid in whose shadow Gamal works selling trinkets

***** and Baghdad as a semi-destroyed city. Despite the title, to tourists. For them he is just another “invisible child”, a
a tender poetic tone prevails in these excellent stories condition against which the novel rebels by telling us the
that focuses on the humanity of the most helpless. To day-to-day life of his childhood: his family's difficulties
the indisputable literary quality of the texts must be when migrating from the countryside to the city, his
added the beauty of the plastic presentation, with illiterate tism, his illness. But Gamal is also a happy and
images in charcoal, photography and watercolor,
**** witty boy, and he keeps within himself an optimistic
sometimes combined. An original work, very careful, force to look forward to a future. ro better. Moving and
large format and apai sado, which can be reread and vindicating novel to give a voice to the dispossessed.
86 In Catalan: In the shadow of Menkaura.
Elena O'Callaghan i Duch. Barcelona: Baula, 2008.
ISBN: 978-84-479-1792-1

87 In Basque: Urrunean, Menkaura. Elena O'Calla

ghan i Duch. Aitor Arana, itz. Amorebieta-Etxano:
Ibaizabal, 2008. ISBN: 978-84-8394-039-6

The embrace of the Nile. Montserrat del Amo. Madrid: Bruño, 2006 (23rd ed.). ISBN: 978-84-216-0971-2 Two Spanish boys win an
international contest that allows them to take a trip along the Nile in a canoe. There, chance will lead them to meet Gaad, a great Egyptian
Cho of Nubian origin, and Nut, an atypical and bright teenager. The link between them will be a papyrus boat made by Gaad's grandfather.
The novel, despite being three decades old, continues to retain relevance and a certain narrative freshness derived from the balance
between adventure and social realism when portraying the lives of young Egyptians.

On the other side of the Strait. Nicole Boumaaza. compassion of his captor, who hands him over to a wise
María Lerma, trans. Zaragoza: Edelvives, 2009 (5th doctor. Thus, Marc will obtain a solid training and take
ed.). ISBN: 978-84-263-4973-6 root in another culture. From there he will be immersed
This novel, starring the children of a Belgian-Moroccan in adventures: help a prisoner escape, discover Brir who
family, like that of the author herself, presents the killed his father... Excellent historical novel for young
*** conflict between two ways of understanding life: the one people, classic in style and careful in style.
that comes from a wealthy society that has the freedom
individuality as one of its supreme values, even that this 92 In Catalan: Al-Rhazes, the metge of the talaia.
sometimes entails the deterioration of family Antoni Oliver Ensenyat. Barcelona: Barcanova, 2006.
relationships and social ties, and other times, "on the ISBN: 978-84-489-1937-5
other side of the Strait", in which there is still a struggle
***** to survive and in which family unity and group solidarity
are an important hold, but they may demand painful ****
renunciations in return. At the center is the social role
that women play in each culture.

90In Catalan: A l'altra banda de l'Estret.

Nicole Boumaaza. Jordi Vidal i Tubau, trans. Barcelona:
Baula, 2000. ISBN: 978-84-479-0839-4
Al-Razi, the doctor of the watchtower. Antoni Oliver
Ensenyat. Joan Antoni Cebrián, trans. Madrid:
Anaya, 2005. ISBN: 978-84-667-4567-3
At the end of the 16th century, the Mediterranean was a
sea of trade and piracy. Some corsairs kidnap Marc, the
son of a Mallorcan watchman, and murder his father.
His fate as a slave in Algiers is sweetened by the

Amira, princess of the desert. Salim Alafenisch. archaeologist takes his two daughters to accompany
White Rose, trans. Madrid: Siruela, 2003 (2nd ed.). him on an excavation and get to know the country.
ISBN: 978-84-7844-274-4 There Nana, the eldest, will meet Malik, a Bedouin, and
After a childhood marked by the death of her mother, the discovery of love and another way of courting girls
Amira reaches the age of marriage, but her beauty will be the keys to this narrative. The father's concern
attracts too many suitors. He decides to follow his for these habits desert men, whom he practically
grandmother's advice and ask the three possible considers kidnappers of women, also allows us to ize
marriages as proof. two to tell you a story. The structure the clichés with which we look at other cultures.
of a story that contains other stories is found in many
Arabic stories, where the power of the word and the
**** taste for orality stand out. The author, a Palestinian
Bedouin who trained in Europe, brings the reader *****
closer, with careful literary language and great
sensitivity, to the way of life and the values of his

ANGE1E5 PE MENA Sand angels. José Luis Navarro.
Salamanca: Lóguez, 2005. ISBN: 978-84-89804-95-1
A school for disabled children in a field Sahrawi man is
attacked by the Moroccan army, and begins to flee
towards Tindouf, in search of a safer place. The trip
becomes a fight for survival in the worst conditions, and
the reader discovers, in this moving and tragic story, the
capacity for resistance of the Sahrawi people, while
After getting closer to its values and its culture. The
author, who lived in a camp in his youth, undoubtedly
***** takes sides with this town.
Ammor in Amman. Berta Vias Mahou. Madrid:
Anaya, 2008 (3rd ed.). ISBN: 978-84-207-0092-4 This
novel tells a story of teenage love in Jordan, where an

Anne here, Sélima there. Marie Feraud. Elena del begins to suspect that his great work hides a deadly
Amo, trans. Madrid: Alfaguara, 2006 (17th ed.). trap. The lavish atmosphere of the Arab palaces and the
ISBN: 978-84-204-4886-2 plot of intrigue that surrounds the narrative make up a
The fear of being rejected by her classmates leads story that transports the reader back in time. remote and
Sélima to change her name to appear like one more. dream places.
She was born in Europe, but her parents are Algerian.
Her desire to be accepted at the new institute makes 100In Catalan: L'arquitecte i l'emperador d'Aràbia.
Joan Manuel Gisbert. Joan Leita, trans.
her deny her own origin. The story shows with great
Barcelona: Baula, 2005. ISBN: 978-84-479-1394-7
realism the situation of insecurity typical of adolescence,
increased by the social rejection of immigrants, a Auliya. Verónica Murguía. Madrid: SM, 2003. ISBN:
situation that thousands of young people currently
***** experience. For the protagonist, a trip to her parents'
**** 978-84-348-9402-0
An exuberant text rich in musicality puts us in contact
country makes her regain respect for her Arab roots. with the magical story of a lame girl who lives in the
desert, with powers to summon water and to
97 In Catalan: Anne ací, Selima allà. Marie Feraud. communicate with the elements of the animal and plant
Cristòfor Martí Adell, trans. Pincanya: Voramar, 1997. kingdom. The literary force of the text is intertwined with
ISBN: 978-84-8194-056-5 the mythology of the people of the Arabian desert and,
among the adventures, which engar zating, there
98 In Basque: Anne hemen, Selima han. Marie Feraud.
appears a revaluation of the desert culture and a
Agurtzane Ortiz de Landaluze, itz. Leioa: Zubia, 1994. 101 spiritual way of living in contact with nature.
ISBN: 978-84-8147-016-1

The architect and the emperor of Arabia.

Joan Manuel Gisbert. Alberto Urdiales, ill. Zaragoza:
Edelvives, 2009 (14th ed.). ISBN: 978-84-263-4846-3
With a tone of legend, the story of a power is told noble
emperor who, in his excessive desire to possess what
no one has, commissions the best architect in the world
to build a monumental garden. With this magnificent
work, he aims to become the most envied being on
earth and pass down to posterity. But the architect *****

Benny and Omar. Eoin Colfer. Laura Manero, trans. Sahrawi men from Tindouf accompanying their father,
Barcelona: Planeta & Oxford, 2008 (4th ed.). whose intention is to show his daughter another way of
ISBN: 978-84-96336-29-2 life far from the consumer society in which she feels so
Benny is an Irish boy who moves with his family to comfortable. A real encounter with this magical place,
Tunisia for his father's work, employed in a gas where one lives in close contact with nature, is
exploitation company. The contrast between ways of life surprising for the girl, but she does not manage to feel
and the renunciation of practicing his favorite sport like a Sahrawi until the moment when, after a
(hurling) place Benny against the new situation. The conventional kiss with a girl from the camp, her Lives
meeting with Omar, his way of looking for life and his intersect and both discover what it is like to live in
poor command of English give rise to a new complicity another skin.
and open him to new ways of understanding life and

**** 103 In Catalan: Benny i Omar. Eoin Colfer. Judit ****

Andreu, trans. Barcelona: Column, 2003.
ISBN: 978-84-664-0356-6
The kiss of the Sahara. Gonzalo Moure. Madrid: SM,
2006. ISBN: 978-84-675-0901-4
Against her will, Marta arrives at the countryside

A bottle into the sea of Gaza. Valerie Zenatti.

José Luis Rivas, trans. Mexico: Economic Culture
Fund, 2008. ISBN: 978-968-16-8606-2
The need for consistent and conciliatory dialogue is a
leitmotif of political relations between Palestinians and
Israelis. This novel transfers that pacifist desire and
mutual understanding to the level of personal
relationships. between two young people: a young
Israeli from Jerusalem, from a wealthy family, who
decides to throw a message in a bottle, and a boy from
Gaza who finds it. Thus begins an exchange of emails
***** in which both express their concerns and feelings. A
surprise ending leaves open a door to a better future.

Amina's song. Sigrid Heuck. M.ª Jesús Larriba, is evident in this book, which was awarded the III
trans. Madrid: SM, 2006 (13th ed.). Alandar Prize. From a vision that is more contemplative
ISBN: 978-84-348-7113-7 and poetic than vindictive, the reader comes into
Often, childhood innocence reveals the errors and contact with life in a Sahrawi refugee camp through a
prejudices of the adult world, as is evident in the wise man and a child. Both transmit to us a philosophy
relationship of two boys belonging to different tribes who of life far removed from the maddening rhythm of our
cannot be friends because they have inherited do the society, focused on the material and far removed from
enmity of their ancestors. But Amina, was born She is reflection.
part of the Berber tribe of the Children of the Wind, and
is not willing to conform to the impositions of her elders, 108 In Catalan: The star hunter.
accepting custom, tradition or religion as the only Ricardo Gómez Gil. Elena O'Callaghan i Duch, trans.
reason. Her efforts to defend her rights as a woman, Barcelona: Baula, 2004. ISBN: 978-84-479-1255-1
capable of deciding her destiny, come to a successful
**** end in this story, perhaps not in others. **** 109 In Galician: O star hunter.
Ricardo Gomez. José Ignacio Chao, trans. Saragossa:
The tin camel. Ghazi Abdel-Qadir. White Rose, Edelvives, 2004. ISBN: 978-84-263-5470-9
trans. Madrid: Alfaguara, 2006 (2nd ed.).
ISBN: 978-84-204-7119-8
Forced exploitation of nature produces disaster
balances in certain places and causes imbalances
among the inhabitants themselves, which sometimes
leads to the destruction of a traditional way of life. The
story is told of the installation of a water pump in the
desert that brings with it greater evils than those it
solves, leading the population to have to move to give
up space, to change the way of relating in the
community and even to become impoverished.
The star chaser. Ricardo Gomez. Zaragoza:
Edelvives, 2009 (8th ed.).
*** ISBN: 978-84-263-5204-0
The knowledge that this author has of life in the Sahara

The Baghdad Postman. Marcos S. Calveiro. Miguel Díez, illus. Zaragoza: Edelvives, 2009 (2nd ed.). ISBN:
The 978-84-263-6625-2
girl with short hair. Kochka. David Villa new,
The war has disfigured the city of Baghdad: in addition to filling it with rubble, it has spread everyday fear notrans.
and the distrust between
Valencia: its inhabitants despite the fact
Legua, 2007.
that Shiites and Sunnis share the same religion. Abdulwahid, 11 years old and the only son of a postman, lives
ISBN:in 978-84-935821-0-4
Karrada, one of the poorest neighborhoods, with
small adobe houses. When his father suffers an accident, the son must deliver a letter in another neighborhood, a risky
We are undertaking
in 1976: civil warin has
which he accompanies
broken him.
out in Lebanon.
will be his friend Ahmed. With a simple argument the reader tor can understand what the day-to-day life Mr.
of aJacques,
city is like. razed city living
a Frenchman with ainglorious pastwith
Beirut, flies whose
inhabitants conserve strength and enthusiasm to make it rise from its ashes. entire family to France to save them from the conflict,
From one shore to the other. Azouz Begag. Miguel Navia, illus. Rafael Chacón, trans. Madrid: SM, 2003 (3rd ed.).
leaving ISBN: 978-84-348-9171-5
his house in the care of Nabil, the caretaker's
The author, born in France to Algerian parents, tells two stories in which the clash of two cultures is present.
son. AInthoughtful protagonist-narrator
the deserted shows
house, affected by with great
the bombs but
realism what it means for an immigrant to integrate into a new country with such a different way of life. The still
boy's father refuses
impregnated withto family
life his beliefs
mess, because
Nabil he
finds the
considers it like denying his roots, of which he feels proud, but the boy sometimes feels closer to the other boys
diary and finds himself
of Marie, the girl on
witha short
hair. The story him,
Through reveals
party, with great sensitivity, some values and certain shortcomings of both cultures. boy will reach a strange inti mity with the absent.

112 In Galician: O carteiro de Bagdad.

Marcos S. Calveiro. Miguel Díez, illus. Vigo: Tambre,
2007. ISBN: 978-84-96772-66-3


115 In Catalan: Sóc d'aquí, sóc d'allà. Azouz Begag.

Josep Sampere i Martí, trans. Barcelona: Cruïlla, 2004.
ISBN: 978-84-661-0873-7

Ten things I hate about myself. Randa Abdel-Fattah. in first person by the protagonist nista, with agile
Pepa Devesa, trans. Barcelona: La Galera, 2009. language, dialogues and a colloquial tone, an
ISBN: 978-84-246-3226-7 accusation is launched, not only directed at the violent,
In multiracial Sydney (Australia), teenagers still carry but also at those who look the other way.
xenophobic prejudices. For this reason, Jamilah decides
to hide her Lebanese origin at school while at home she 119In Catalan: On ets, Ahmed? Manuel Valls.
Barcelona: Barcanova, 2008. ISBN: 978-84-489-1918-4
tries to gain ground so that her father can be more
flexible with his schedules and activities. a confidence
Being anonymous on the Internet will allow you to open
up about your life. Plus, Peter, the most popular guy in
***** her class, seems interested in her. The highlight of this
award-winning novel is the humorous tone, loaded with
intelligent comments, which allows us to approach the
reality of the son of Arab emigrants from an original and
penetrating perspective.

117 In Catalan: Deu things that I hate about myself.

Randa Abdel-Fattah. Armand Carabén van der Meer,
trans. Barcelona: La Galera, 2009. ISBN: 978-84-246-
Where are you, Ahmed? Manuel Valls. Madrid:
Anaya, 2008 (4th ed.). ISBN: 978-84-207-0029-8 The
arrival of a young Moroccan man at the institute
triggers He has a racist conflict with his colleagues.
Only Claudia, the pretty girl who is harassed by her
classmates for her physical appearance, comes to her
defense. The two young nes, who feel different,
discover common points and a friendship begins that
becomes stronger despite the environment. The
classmates can't stand it when the foreigner gets the
most desired girl, and the violence increases. Narrated

Where kites fly. Miquel Rayó. Zaragoza: Edelvives, ISBN: 978-84-96388-47-5
2009 (2nd ed.). Baraka, 12, was born in a Sahrawi refugee camp so he
ISBN: 978-84-263-5001-5 has no memories of his family's place of origin, the
In an imaginary country in the Middle East plagued by coast of Western Sahara. When Alzheimer's begins to
dictatorship, a father goes to his daughter who affect the immediate memory of his grandmother, it will
disappeared with her mother in a police raid. Through also be time to recover that past starring a house with
letters full of emotion, he remembers his life before the white walls. Love for one's grandmother also becomes,
loss and finds a way to express and channel his paradoxically, an argument against oblivion. An intimate
sadness. Personal letters full of lyricism that express story to get closer to daily life on the sand of a Sahrawi
their frustration and helplessness in the face of the camp.
situation of oppression that their beloved country is
**** experiencing. In a continuous metaphorical game, the 122 In Galician: You are na lua. Carmen Montalban.
Pilar Millán, illus. Laura Almazán, trans.
lack of freedom is symbolized by the ban on flying kites,
Seville: Kalandraka, 2008. ISBN: 978-84-8464-673-0
in a square now presided over by the stone image of the
The spirits of the medina of Fez.
Sonia Ouajjou. Sylvia Oussedik, trans. Barcelona:
Jerusalem cries. Santiago Herraiz. Madrid: Bruño, Bellaterra, 2003. ISBN: 978-84-7290-210-7
2009. ISBN: 978-84-216-6293-9 This title is part of a collection of children's stories,
Jerusalem is, today, a religious, political and social written and illustrated by the cartoonist Marro quí Sonia
mosaic whose historical tiles only fit, occasionally nes, Ouajjou, in which it is intended, through a short story
with great violence. Sad exponents of this difi cults are starring two children and a goat, to bring the reader
the Brotherhood, a clandestine organization that trains closer to knowledge of everyday aspects of Moroccan
Palestinian suicide bombers, and the Shabak, the Israeli society. They are books he thinks two expressly to work
intelligence service. Nora, a 16-year-old girl, will find towards the encounter and integration of cultures.
herself involved in a plot where pain, revenge, love and
forgiveness come into play. a lesson realistic and crude
***** explanation, but full of tolerance, about the complexity
of coexistence when faced with ments take root in souls
that are too vulnerable.
You're in the moon. Carmen Montalban. Pilar Millán,
illus. Seville: Kalandraka, 2008.

Borders. Katrien Seynaeve. María
Border. Lerma,
Jordi trans.
Sierra Zaragoza:
i Fabra. Edelvives,
Barcelona: SM, 2003. ISBN: 978-84-263-5129-6
Narrated in two tenses:ISBN:
past and present, they are presented brings before the reader the Palestinian-Israeli conflict through the figure of two young people who
meet in the city of Jerusalem, each
In Arab one seeking
societies, from their
although thereown side been
have the explanation
many for the confrontation and their own lives. Knowledge of the facts: the intifada, the
attacks two suicides... will force them
changes, to takecontinues
tradition positions to
reflect on the possibility
women to a of a coexistence that always seems far away.
The giants of the moon. Gonzalo Moure.
subordinate position. Amina, a Moroccan girl who has
Fernando Martín Godoy, il. Zaragoza:
lived Edelvives,
in Spain for 2009 (11threbelling
years, considers ed.). ISBN: 978-84-263-4967-5
His parents have decided to participate
some in a program
of the family hosting
traditions Sahrawi
and this will children
mean aduring the summer, and Pablo is not very excited, especially when he finds out that
the guest will be a girl. But the boy,inin this
revolution her encounter, discovers
environment and a aquestioning
new way of for
thinking. sar, typical of a culture as different as it is attractive goes. A trip to the Tindouf
camps will be for Pablo those
an encounter with the magic of the desert and with very special people. With great sensitivity, the author wants to bring the reader closer to
around her.
this town, with the lion guage of emotion and experiences.
Hamza and the giant Herkel. S. Muhammad and
***** *****
S. Abdelhadi. Clueca, illus. Valencia: Ecir, 2009 (2nd ed.). ISBN: 978-84-9826-298-8
127 Indares
This story tells the story of a giant who lived It was in some caves in Achacar, on the coast of Tangier. A child Catalan: Borders.
to reach Katrienwhere
the caves Seynaeve.
he willJordi Vidalai
giant and friendship will arise between them. This collection incorporates stories from around the world written trans.who
by people Barcelona: Baula, 2004.
know first-hand the stories being told.
ISBN: 978-84-479-1173-8


129 In Catalan: Els gegants de la lluna. Gonzalo Moure. Fernando
Martín, illus. Pau Joan Hernández, trans. Barcelona: Baula, 2004.
ISBN: 978-84-479-1178-3
131In Catalan: Hamza i el gegant Herkel.
S. Muhammad and S. Abdelhadi. Javier Lacasta, illus.
Antonio Viñas, trans. Valencia: Ecir, 2007.
ISBN: 978-84-9826-313-8

Today I'm not going to kill anyone. Randa Ghazy. 2009 (5th ed.). ISBN: 978-84-96336-80-3 The
Elena del Amo, trans. Zaragoza: Edelvives, 2009. Moroccan author tells, in first person, her experience in
ISBN: 978-84-263-7123-2 Spain, where she moved to live with her family when
Under this ironic title lies an intelligent novel. people she was 10 years old. With very simple and colloquial
who deal with the clash of cultures and ideologies from language, the cons are highlighted between cultures,
an autobiographical perspective. Jasmine, a bright and customs and ways of understanding reality. More than
responsive girl from Milan, of Muslim religion, tells us conflict, the possibility of coexistence and exchange
how she perceives her best friend's “too traditional” between people beyond their places of origin is reflected
marriage and what her family and emotional in the story, almost like a diary. An optimal story mixture
relationships are like. With fine self-critical irony, an that allows us to glimpse the possibility of living together

***** entire generation is portrayed straddling two mentalities. *** without barriers.
Fun, enjoyable and reconciliatory book.
Laila. Laila Karrouch. Barcelona: Planeta & Oxford,

133 In Basque: Gaur ez dut inor hilko. Randa Leo the African. Amin Maalouf. M.ª Isabel Reverte
Ghazy. Aitor Arana, itz. Amorebieta-Etxano: and M.ª Teresa Gallego, trans. Madrid: Alianza
Ibaizabal, 2009. ISBN: 978-84-8394-348-9 Editorial, 2010 (7th ed.). ISBN: 978-84-206-5676-2
If there is a figure capable of summarizing in the short
espa The transfers between civilizations of the
Mediterranean in a time of great changes (15th-16th
centuries), that figure is that of Leo the African. Amin
Maalouf, knew how to take up this fascinating historical
character co to, through the narration of his travels,
adventures, relationships and his intellectual formation,
***** draw a frieze of his entire sociocultural context. The
classicwas a suitable for the young reader, who will
discover in it the alliance between history and literature
in an unforgettable pseudo-autobiography.

136 In Catalan: Lleó l'Africà. Amin Maalouf. Xavier

Lloveras, trans. Barcelona: Suma de Lletres
Catalana, 2003. ISBN: 978-84-95980-47-2

The Legend of the Wandering King. Laura Gallego. Fatma's hand. Elia Barceló. Barcelona:
Madrid: SM, 2008 (10th ed.). ISBN: 978-84-675-3072- Alba Editorial, 2001. ISBN: 978-84-8428-096-5
8 With the tone of a long oriental tale, we learn about Through a trip through Tunisia starring a teenage
the adventure of a king of pre-Islam Arabia who wanted daughter and her mother, a panorama emerges ma that
to be the best poet in the world, but who fell short. He tries to break the stereotypes of the culture Arabic ra in
had heart to make his verses beautiful. In this book the the West. The most established clichés with which the
landscapes, characters and breath of oriental literature game begins are dismantled when coming into contact
are collected to tell a story. ria where humanity is put at with reality. However, we fall back into other
stake in the face of power and forgiveness in the face of commonplaces of the cultures that we compare. ran and
pride. The author draws on numerous oriental sources, the adolescent adventure that is presented is
which highlight the importance of poetry for the Arabs. implausible.

138 In Catalan: The arrival of the errant king. Laura 140In Catalan: La mà de Fatma. Elia Barceló.
Barcelona: Alba Editorial, 2001.
**** Gallego. Lluïsa Moreno Llort, trans. Barcelona: Cruïlla,
2006. ISBN: 978-84-661-1388-5 ***** ISBN: 978-84-8428-103-0

Meriem and the fantastic route. Concha López

Red apples. Luis Matilla. Federico Delicado, illus.
Sarasúa, Esperanza Asensi, illus. Alicante: Cálamo,
Madrid: Anaya, 2009 (7th ed.).
1999 (7th ed.). ISBN: 978-84-87839-01-6
ISBN: 978-84-667-3989-4
Putting on an Arab princess costume, María magically
The friendship of Salim and Amos does not involve
travels to Morocco, where she will meet a girl who will
hatred and confrontations between Palestinians and
give her an amulet with which she can travel, through
Israelis, they are simply friends and neighbors. But the
the chimney of her house, to these lands. Meriem, who
rejection by Amos's Jewish family of Salim's mother, an
is now called María, will discover customs, landscapes
Israeli Arab who works as a maid for them, poses a
and ways of life that will fascinate her. She will live
confrontation that they cannot avoid. With the originality
adventures fleeing from a witch and explore the country
of being written in a theater script, the author proposes
accompanied by her friend whom she takes with her
the use of this work in classrooms as a way to raise
with the help of another magical object. His adventures
debate and put students in the shoes of the characters.
continue in two more books: In the Country of Meriem
Awarded the First SGAE Prize for Children and Youth
*** and The Thousand and One Tales of Meriem.
Theater 2002.

Muna. Beatriz Berrocal. Claudia Legnazzi, ill. León: The oasis. Xavier-Laurent Petit.
Everest, 2009. ISBN: 978-84-441-4371-2 Zaragoza: Edelvives, 2003. ISBN: 978-84-263-4962-0
Muna is the name of a Sahrawi girl who spends a Son of a librarian and journalist, Elmir suffers firsthand
summer at Roberto's house. This one, who at first did the violence derived from political events. cos in his
not like the visit, tells us with humor and surprise We country, Algeria. The values of democracy and freedom
see how he gets to know the girl, while we can also see are in danger, symbolized by the burning of the library
Muna's world through his encounters with the and the closure of the newspaper La Libertad , where his
abundance of water, fruit, devices... In that mutual father works and a civil war breaks out. The harassment
discovery, impregnated with emotion, cultural to which they are subjected and the lack of freedom Tad
differences are captured. rales but also common and push this family to abandon their land, in a sad exodus
*** universal values, such as respect for animals or the
**** towards the desert, where they find their own oasis.
charm of traditional games.

The bread of war. Deborah Ellis. Herminia Bevia,

Candy Words. Gonzalo Moure. trans. Zaragoza: Edelvives, 2010 (13th ed.). ISBN:
Fernando Martín Godoy, il. Madrid: Anaya, 2009 978-84-263-4619-3
(14th ed.). ISBN: 978-84-667-1571-3 Living under the fundamentalist Taliban regime in
The harshness of life in the desert is extreme in the Afghanistan was especially tragic for women. people
case of Kori, a deaf boy who must overcome too many who were deprived of their fundamental rights such.
difficulties. cultures, in a place where there are no This novel tells the story of several women and girls
media and where words are the usual mode of who face the lack of freedom with courage and hope.
communication. Although the story shows that gestures, This Canadian author reflects, without false
caresses and affection are also modes of expression paternalism, a situation of injustice in which, without a
that allow for the establishment of bonds of friendship, it doubt, women are the victims.
*** is only after his discovery of writing, in the small camp ****
school, that Kori manages to find a mode of expression 148 In Catalan: The pa of war. Deborah Ellis. Jordi
that I allowed him It takes overcoming traumas such as Vidal i Tubau, trans. Barcelona: Baula, 2004.
the death of a loved one. ISBN: 978-84-479-1234-6
146 In Galician: Candy words. Gonzalo Moure. 149 In Basque: Gerrateko ogia. Deborah Ellis. Aitor
Fernando Martín Godoy, il. Vigo: Xerais, 2003. ISBN: Arana, itz. Amorebieta-Etxano: Ibaizabal, 2003. ISBN:
978-84-9782-071-4 978-84-8325-738-8

Santa Claus and the children of the desert. Jacques Venuleth. Ant Garner, ill. Beatriz Bueno, trans. Barcelona: Edebé,
The passage 2006.
of the ISBN:
Strait. 978-84-236-7927-0
Fernando Lalana. Madrid:
A breakdown in the sleigh causes Santa Claus to land on Christmas Eve in the middle of the Sahara desert. The 2007
Bruño, meeting with
(12th a group
ed.). ISBN:of Sahrawi children, who
have never heard of this character, highlights the contrast between two childhoods: that of the consumptionOne
where children
night, livesmuggler
a small fed up and that of these
witnesses little ones
the murder of
who, in the midst of deprivation, enjoy so very special privileges. The tone of humor helps to dedramatize thesome, thrown into the sea from a boat. Manages to
save one of them: a girl Arab boy named Mustafa,
which puts him in the crosshairs of a very dangerous
immigrant smuggling gangster. But danger will not
prevent Mustafa from fulfilling the mission that his
ancestors have given him. mended: reach the Aljafería
of Zaragoza and recover a book from the time when its
*** **** inhabitants were Arabs. A story with great doses of

151 In Catalan: El Pare Noel i els nens del desert.

Jacques Venuleth. Beatriz Bueno, trans. Barcelona: The stones that speak. Ghazi Abdel-Qadir.
Edebé, 2006. ISBN: 978-84-236-8016-0 Zaragoza: Edelvives, 2009 (3rd ed.).
ISBN: 978-84-263-4747-3
Little Tamazigh. Patricia Geis. Barcelona: Combel, In an environment of repression caused by the
2006 (2nd ed.). ISBN: 978-84-7864-882-5 This simple occupation Israeli tion, the intifada begins in Palestine.
story, set in the desert, aims to to bring the reader The Palestinians are forced to defend themselves with
closer to the existence of the Imazigen or Berbers, the only weapon at their disposal: stones. But the
through the story of little Tamazigh. The girl leaves her Palestinian boy who is the protagonist of this story is
house towards the desert in search of some very sweet confused and does not believe that violence is the only
dates to give to her parents, but on the way out she way out. I make them Stories told to him by his
** leaves behind her brothers whom she had to take care grandmother, who arrived in Palestine as a Jewish
of. The return with his brothers, the dates and a mule **** refugee before the conflict, and the terrible events in
will be very eventful, but his actions will have beautiful which he finds himself immersed, suggest to him that
consequences. the mixture of cultures and religions is the best solution
for good understanding between human beings.

154In Catalan: Petita Tamazic. Patricia Geis.
Barcelona: Combel, 2005. ISBN: 978-84-7864-880-1

Bare feet, open heart. Paola Zannoner. Barcelona: 2008. ISBN: 978-84-246-3048-5
Mare Nostrum, 2009. ISBN: 978-84-92548-23-1 At the beginning of a new course at a private school in
The Italian P. In this novel, Zannoner introduces us to Melbourne, Amal Mohamed, a 16-year-old girl, decided
Rachele, daughter of two Italian intellectuals, a girl with to reaffirm their religious beliefs and wear the hijab. She
good critical and cultural background. With him she knows that this option, voluntary for her, can lead to the
must come to understand her feelings when she falls in incomprehension of her colleagues. It allows us to
love with the haughty Taisir, son of Palestinian political access, with humor and ease, an original vision against
exiles and high school classmate. Fatima, another emi our cultural prejudices. them. An invitation to reflection
A great Arab and a complicit friend, he will guide her in and tolerance.
the complex world of culture shock, approached from an

***** adolescent perspective. Thus we find themes such as

***** 158 In Catalan: Per què tothom em mira això del cap?
Randa Abdel-Fattah. Elisenda Borràs, trans.
the need for social integration, the rebellion inherent to
an age and a character, and the need to overcome Barcelona: La Galera, 2008. ISBN: 978-84-246-3047-8
barriers. communicative lines originating from
Do you want to be my friend? Galit Fink and Mervet
The prisoner of the desert. Christian Jolibois. Ahram Sha'ban. Elena del Amo, trans. Madrid:
Christian Heinrich, illus. Ana M.ª Navarrete, trans. Everest, 2006 (4th ed.). ISBN: 978-84-241-5963-4 The
Zaragoza: Edelvives, 2006. epistolary relationship between a Jewish girl from
ISBN: 978-84-263-6154-7 Jerusalem and a Palestinian refugee serves to
Within the SOS Princesses collection, the two report denounce the situation tion of hatred between
The members of that agency, the intrepid Alaé and neighboring towns. The two girls innocently show,
Napoleon, travel to Mauritania where, coincidentally, through their letters, the situation to which the adult
they will be able to help Leila, daughter of Chief Moktar. world has led them. As their friendship grows stronger,
Under a smoke tone ristic and in a format close to the they discover They reveal the difficulties experienced on
comic, the book proposes ne a defense of education for both sides. A documentary story, with a detailed
*** girls, an aspect abandoned in certain countries. The chronology of events and a historical overview that
helps the reader better understand this conflict.
critical undertone of the work is balanced by a happy
ending, in which Leila can now imagine being a doctor
without having to renounce her culture.
Why does everyone look at my head? Randa Abdel-
Fattah. Pepa Devesa, trans. Barcelona: La Galera,

The kings of the horizon. Janine Teisson. Elena del Tasting the sky. A Palestinian childhood. Ibtisam
Amo, trans. Zaragoza: Edelvives, 2003. Barakat. Arturo Peral, trans.
ISBN: 978-84-263-5149-4 Barcelona: Bambú, 2009. ISBN: 978-84-8343070-5
We immerse ourselves in the heart of the Algerian Palestinian writer Ibtisam Barakat focuses her first book
desert through the story told in three parts by the voices on an autobiographical story about her childhood in the
of a grandmother and her grandson. The story of occupied West Bank during the Six-Day War. A painful
Meriem is the story of resistance of an Algerian girl who but tender memory allows the feeling of loss and fear to
witnessed the massacre of her family by the army. I be addressed without fear, uni two to the need for
quote French in 1838. His savior, a rug weaver bras, will protection and the desire for peace. The transparency of
give him the affection of a father in a nomadic life in the the literary style reproduces the naive look of the three-
desert. Hectic and painful adventures take place in a ***** year-old girl, without sacrificing the depth emotional
**** story that has as its background a denunciation of the quality of the experiences. Arab American Book Award
occupation wars. in 2008.

162In Catalan: Els reis de l'horitzó. Janine Teisson. 164 In Catalan: Tastant el cel: an infantess pales tub.
Jordi Vidal i Tubau, trans. Barcelona: Baula, 2004. Ibtisam Barakat. Carme Bou, trans.
ISBN: 978-84-479-1172-1
Barcelona: Bambú, 2009. ISBN: 978-84-8343-065-1

The sacrifice of Morad. Nadia Daoud Brikci-Aimeur.

Antonio Viñas, trans. Valencia: Ecir, 2009 (2nd ed.).
ISBN: 978-84-9826-290-2
Set in Algeria, this short story, in a bilingual edition güe,
tells the sacrifice of a child who must give up school and
go to work to raise his family. The story contains a
message in which love for family is valued above all
** else. The book includes a small file with brief
information about Algeria and some information about
the author.

166 In Catalan: Morad's sacrifice. Nadia Daoud Brikci-

Aimeur. Antonio Viñas, trans. Valencia: Ecir, 2007.
ISBN: 978-84-9826-305-3

Samir and Jonathan on the planet Mars. aspirations: to emigrate to rich Europe and become a
Daniella Carmi. Carlos Silveira, trans. Salamanca: great soccer player. Hope and a few dirhams are your
Lóguez, 2005. ISBN: 978-84-89804-13-3 luggage from Fez to Malaga, passing through Melilla.
Samir, a Palestinian boy, waits in an Israeli hospital to On the trip he will meet other people, with their customs,
undergo knee surgery. It's the 80s in Palestine. There and expand his horizons, which border on the hope of a
he will find himself surrounded by “the enemy” better future. Optimism and empathy are the general
represented by the Israeli boys who accompany him. tone of this novel that speaks of intimate impulses and
They suffer in the hospital and, in that context in which expectations, which are, along with material need, the
the conflict is so alive, Samir will learn from those driving force of emigration.
around him, and especially from Jonathan, who with his
computer and his fantasy will help him overcome fears The Lord of Zero. M. Isabel Molina. Francisco Solé,
and hatred. Again, as in other books aimed at young illus. Madrid: Alfaguara, 2007 (28th ed.).
people nes, there seems to be an underlying message ISBN: 978-84-204-6493-0
***** of hope and confidence that in the new generations José is a Mozarabic boy who learns the four sciences in
there are possibilities abilities for coexistence between **** a school in Andalusian Córdoba and his faci ability in
the two peoples. mathematics will cause problems among his peers. We
Corner kick. Germán Díez Barrio. are facing a very well-documented, and also vibrant,
Madrid: Anaya, 2009. ISBN: 978-84-667-8442-9 history that allows us to learn about the conflicts of
Hamet, a young Moroccan man, has two secret coexistence between religions and, above all, the
conflicts of political power, which relies on religion to
legitimize itself. Above them, there is a song of
tolerance and a commitment to coexistence.

170 In Catalan: El senyor del zero. M. Isabel Molina.

Francisco Solé, illus. Barcelona: Grup Promotor
d'Ensenya- ment i Difusió Català, 2005. ISBN: 978-84-

Smara. Paula Carballeira. Carole Hénaff, illus. ISBN: 978-84-246-3916-7
Seville: Kalandraka, 2008. ISBN: 978-84-96388-77-2 Written by a 15-year-old girl, the story narrates the
Smara is a city in Western Sahara where a Western relationships between a group of boys who live in the
child travels who will hear, in the voice of grandmother occupied territories, between fear and rage, convi
Ugago, the stories of a thousand-year culture. would be seeing with weapons and stones. History does not
full of magic and mystery. And, while awaiting death, the make equidistant concessions. It tells the reality in a
grandmother weaves together small stories from very raw and forceful way from the experience of the
tradition in which humor, fear and the occult are Palestinians, the victims of an occupation that for this
present. population has only brought death and pain.

172 In Galician: Smara. Paula Carballeira. Carole 174In Catalan: Somiant Palestine. Randa Ghazy.
Hénaff, illus. Pontevedra: Kalandraka, 2006. Isabel Turull, trans. Barcelona: La Galera, 2003.
ISBN: 978-84-246-3421-6
ISBN: 978-84-8464-549-8
*** ***** The hidden treasure. Paul Maar. Isabel Pin, il.
Dreams on the threshold. Memoirs of a harem girl.
Maruxa Zaera, trans. Seville: Kalandraka, 2009.
Fatema Mernissi. Ángela Pérez, trans. Barcelona: El
ISBN: 978-84-96388-96-3
Aleph, 2008. ISBN: 978-84-7669-834-1 The harem of
This book is a recreation of the traditional Arabic story
the title refers to the traditional Moroccan upper-middle
of the young man who, guided by a dream, goes to a
class house, where a large family of uncles, cousins
distant city to search for treasure. Finally, you will find
and grandmother lived together, and where the women
him buried in the garden of your house. The adapter
are They are confined. That was the living space where
does not forget to spice up the plot with two love stories,
Fatema Mernissi was born and she describes it in detail
adventures in the desert, encounters with bandits and,
in these memories of her childhood, with humor and
above all, two succinct and tasty blackberries. very
realism, highlighting the bustle of coexistence and the
useful distances for life.
strength of some of those women. With a simple but
always brilliant style, the author gives us that childhood 177 In Galician: O exhausted treasure. Paul Maar.
happy life while opening the doors of an intimate sphere Isabel Pin, il. Laura Almazán, trans. Seville: Kalandraka,
***** (the domestic harem) exotic to the Western gaze: a 2009. ISBN: 978-84-8464-702-7
subtle way of breaking down our preconceptions.
judgments about the family. ***
Dreaming of Palestine. Randa Ghazy. Begoña Pozo,
trans. Barcelona: La Galera, 2003.

The three friends. José Luis Corral. Blanca Bk, il. A Jordanian tribe of Bedouins, the Museilins, are
Zaragoza: Fundeo/Aladrada, 2009. victims ma of Israeli military repression because of an
ISBN: 978-84-937101-0-1 artifice ass in a Western magazine that accuses them of
Yusuf, Pedro and Sara are three very friendly children. harboring Palestinian guerrillas. The responsible
They live in Zaragoza in the 12th century and each one journalist is a Spaniard; When he visits Jordan, the
belongs to one of the three great monotheistic religions Museilins kidnap his daughter, Charo. With these
of the city. Despite the sincere friendship that unites elements an almost detective novel is built that has as
them, they will see how their lives change and conflicts its backdrop the complex sociopolitical reality of Jordan.
arise between them when they Alfonso I decided to Realism, absence of Manichaeism and well-armed

**** conquer this Muslim enclave in 1118. This simple intrigue are its main assets.
argument gives rise to an intro duction to the medieval
political-religious context (although it maintains some ****
stereotypes) and fulfills the objective of defending the
values that unite us since intolerance only brings with it
pain and incomprehension. A small historical lesson
with application to our area most current quality.

The flight of the storks. M. Isabel Molina.

Zaragoza: Edelvives, 2007. ISBN: 978-84-263-6207-0
At the end of the 9th century, tensions between the
Christian and Muslim kingdoms on the peninsula were
constant. tes. Alfonso III the Great wishes to continue
the Chronicles, a work in which Gonzalo, a simple
scribe, collaborates. not assistant to a priest. Both are
trusted men of the king, so he entrusts them with a deli
each task: they must travel to Córdoba and meet with
the emir. There the young man will discover other ways
**** of life and fall in love. Historical novel to relive the
differences different courts of the medieval Hispanic
The revenge of the museilines. Francisco Díaz
Valladares. Madrid: Bruño, 2009 (3rd ed.).
ISBN: 978-84-216-9745-0


Budapest Cafe. Alonso Zapico. Bilbao: street, Calle del Norte, an ironic destiny for some
Astiberri, 2008. ISBN: 978-84-96815-62-9 people. people who leave southern Africa longing for the
Jerusalem, 1947. An Auschwitz survivor and euro north peo and others who, without leaving the
her violinist son try to start a new life in European north where they were born, are now
Palestine. There they are welcomed by their immersed in the recently arrived African south.
uncle Yosef and he cares for them. kianos of Ludovico's absurd outlook and Nawal's pragmatism serve
the Budapest café, a small redoubt of con to link the stories. rias that, like a puzzle, this graphic
peaceful experience between Palestinians, novel tells us and to show that the present is always
Jewish immigrants and British occupiers. forged from ignored pasts. (Review taken from the

***** Despite the tense background of Zionist

colonization and the uncertainty regarding the
***** Editorial.)

future, nothing seriously tarnished the relations of neighborliness,

friendship and even love, until that precise year, in which the
creation of the State of Israel precipitated events.
North Street. Miquel Àngel Bergés. Josep Maria Cazares, ill.
Lleida: Milenio, 2010.
ISBN: 978-84-9743-381-5
Ludovico is an eternal aspiring writer, lost in the freakish
meanderings of his thoughts. Nawal is a young Moroccan woman
who has emigrated to Spain to look for work and get a new life.
What makes both lives coincide is the fact of living on the same

The five storytellers of Baghdad. Fabien Vehlmann and Frantz meaninglessness.
Duchazeau. David Gippini, trans.
Vigo: Factory K de Libros, 2008.
ISBN: 978-84-96957-32-9 Caliphate Chronicles: The Memoirs of
In this tale inspired by One Thousand and Al-Hakam II. Rafael Alcántara Manzanares.
One Nights, Baghdad's five best storytellers Córdoba: El Almendro, 2008.
join their paths on an adventurous journey ISBN: 978-84-8005-127-9
around the world in search of the greatest Halfway between the comic and the history book, the
story ever told. given and heard. A delicious top part of the pages of this work is occupied by a
comic story told with a simple drawing and graphic novel that traces, hand in hand with fictional
full of atmosphere. characters, the real history of Córdoba in the 10th
***** ***** century, which was, like Byzantium, or Baghdad, one of the
184 In Galician: The five narrators of Bagdad. Fabien Vehlmann great cities details of his time. At the bottom, a text explains with
and Frantz Duchazeau. David Gippini, trans. Vigo: Factory K de historical rigor each of the episodes of which the work consists.
Libros, 2008.
ISBN: 978-84-96957-31-2
I remember: Beirut. Zeina Abirached. Lucía
Bermúdez, trans. Madrid: Sins Entido, 2009.
ISBN: 978-84-96722-52-1
The swallow game. Zeina Abirached. Lucía Bermúdez, trans. As in The Swallow's Game, the author evokes scenes
Madrid: Sins Entido, 2008. ISBN: 978-84- from her childhood and adolescence in Beirut divided by
96722-43-9 the civil war. A comic that mixes the hostility of the
In this graphic novel, Lebanese cartoonist environment with the happy intimacy of a girl's family
Zeina Abirached explores the setting of her world, through a critical look full of humor.
early childhood on a Beirut street that the
civil war has turned into an alley, divided by *****
the front line. In it stands a building whose
neighbors gather in the hall of one of the
homes to give each other a certain security
***** while they try to reinvent a normal life within the

Palestine: In the Gaza Strip. Joe Sacco. Roberto Rodríguez, past and present of a punished land.
trans. Barcelona: Planeta de Agostini, 2002. ISBN: 978-84-395-
Award-winning American comic or graphic novel that the Spanish Little Polio. Farid Boudjellal. Raoul Martínez, trans.
edition collects in a single volume. It narrates the author's Barcelona, La Cúpula, 2007. ISBN: 978-84-783-3776-
autobiographical experiences during his stay in Palestine in the 7
years 1991-1992, the time of the first intifada. Far from pamphletism Except for polio, which forces him to wear a device on
and simplistic exhibitions, Sacco chooses to offer, with striking and his leg, Mahmoud Slimani is no different from the other
original illustrations, the crude sociopolitical reality of the oppressed, children in the neighborhood. It is 1958 and life goes by
the Palestinian people. Like any good work of documentary peacefully in the city of Toulon, on the French coast.
inspiration, Palestine offers us a deep and comprehensive vision of However, little by little the echoes of the Algerian war
the complex human condition stranded in warlike conflicts that
***** invade Mahmoud's universe, and at the age of six he will
unfortunately They are still in force. discover what it means to be the son of Algerians.
Gaza Footnotes. Joe Sacco. Marc Viaplana, trans. Barcelona:
Mondadori, 2010. ISBN: 978-84-397-2252-6
Ten years after publishing Palestine: in the Gaza Strip, Sacco returns
to that besieged territory with the intention of
investigating a footnote in the long history
history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: the
Israeli massacre in the Khan Younis
Palestinian refugee camp in 1956. The
author tries to locate survivors and their
testimonies, but it is not easy to define a
historical event. rich in a territory in which
past and present come together They come
together because, as one of their
interlocutors states, what happened in 1956
***** not stopped happening since then. This high-
quality graphic chronicle is a window through which to look into the
Persepolis. Marjane Satrapi. Albert Agut, guard for a trafficking group linked to Islamist terrorism. A fast-
trans. Barcelona: Norma, 2007. ISBN: paced argument supported by an attractive graphic proposal very
978-84-9847-066-6 cinematic ca. On the underworld of financing international violence.
Iran is not an Arab country, but its culture
and history are traveling companions of the Tintin in the land of black gold. Hergé. Concepción Zendrera,
Arabs, from whom it has received and to trans. Barcelona: Youth, 2007 (21st ed.). ISBN: 978-84-261-
whom it has transmitted many cultural 0278-2
traits. natural. This book is a classic to look Tintin and his friends Hernández and Fernández and the captain
into history contemporary history and Iranian travel to a fictional country of Arabia where they must solve a
society. It reflects the author's youth, a well- problem related to fuel. Things will get complicated and
off ***** girl who will experience the profound changes they will have to face the kidnapping of a sheikh's son in
produced by the revolution, the war and, finally, emigration. Marjane the desert. Hergé recreates, through his drawing, the
Satrapi simultaneously denounces theocratic authoritarianism and iconography of Aven's novels tures that we already
images that, from the outside, reduce to stereotyping kind of an know from cinema and other classic works.
extraordinarily lively and diverse society.
195 In Catalan: Tintin in the country of black. Hergé.
J. Ventalló, trans. Barcelona: Youth, 1991.
192 In Catalan: Persèpolis. Marjane Satrapi. Albert Jané, trans. ISBN: 978-84-261-1184-5
Barcelona: Norma, 2008.
ISBN: 978-84-9847-456-5
196 In Basque: Tintin urre beltzaren lurraldean.

Hergé. J. M.ª Azurmendi, trans. Donostia: Elkar, 1987. ISBN:

RG, Riyad-sur-Seine. Pierre Dragon. 978-84-7529-386-8
Frederik Peeters, ill. Javier Zalbidegoitia
and Gazka Zalbidegoitia, trans. Bilbao: 197 In Galician: Tintin in the country of black gold. Hergé.
Astiberri, 2007. v. Arias López, trans. Barcelona: Youth, 1985.
ISBN: 978-84-261-2130-1
ISBN: 978-84-96815-31-5
The acronym of the title, hailed by Le Figaro
Littéraire as “the first great verité police work
in comics”, responds to “Renseignements
***** Généraux”, the information service of the
French Ministry of the Interior. In the tra Dragon leaves as a security

ISBN: 978-84-86684-65-5
TRADITION BOOKS 270 A handful of stars. Rafik Schami. José Miguel
253 The sand castle. Alejandro García Schnetzer. Rodríguez, trans. Barcelona: Círculo de Lectores, 1990
201 Tales from Baghdad. Glòria Arimon. Helena Ruiz, ill. ***** ISBN: 978-84-226-3318-1
Sebastián García, illus. Barcelona: Planet, 2010†
Roser Pérez, trans. Barcelona: Marge Books, 2007 **** ISBN: 978-84-08-09067-0
204 The philosopher and the fisherman / The old 215 The Sultan and the Mice. Joan de Boer, adap. Txell
woman and the mosquitoes. Anna Molins. Lluïsa Jover, Darné, il. Pilar Ferriz, trans. Pontevedra: OQO, 2005**
illus. Barcelona: La Galera, 2005 ** ISBN: 978-84-246- ISBN: 978-84-96573-05-5 226 This is my life. Thando McLaren. Olivia Villet, ill.
5070-4 258 Dirty feet. Koldo Izagirre. Antton Olariaga, il. Koldo Paulino Rodríguez, trans. Barcelona: La Galera, 2006§
Urreaga, trans. Barcelona: Takatuka, 2009. ‡ ISBN: 978- ISBN: 978-84-246-2145-2
207 Yoha and the city man / The boy and the animals. 84-92696-07-9 273 Of gall and honey. Patxi Zubizarreta. Itziar Ortuondo,
Anna Molins. Lluïsa Jover, illus. Barcelona: La Galera, trans. Irun: Alberdania, 2008 ***** ISBN: 978-84-9868-
2005 ** ISBN: 978-84-246-5071-1 021-8

ILLUSTRATED BOOKS 228 A coffee with Rachida. Albert Toldrà.

Valencia: Edicions del Bullent, 2007 ****
219 The merchant and the parrot. Suzan Nadimi. Ande Cook, ISBN: 978-84-96187-70-2 ill. Christiane Reyes Scheurer and Teresa Farran Vert, trans. Barcelona:
Youth, 2008 ** ISBN: 978-84-261-3678-7
221 The narrator of the desert. Josep Antoni Fluixà. 231 Said's adventure. Josep Lorman.
Anna Clariana, ill. Algar: Alzira, 2005 *** Barcelona: Círculo de Lectores, 2001 (2nd ed.). ***** ISBN: 978-84-226-8799-3
ISBN: 978-84-95722-92-8
266 Faces over Baghdad. Juan Kruz Igerabide.
248 Rice and ink. Patxi Zubizarreta. Alfonso Abad, illus. Valencia:EAlgar, 2006 *** ISBN:
Valencia: Algar, 2008 ***** ISBN: 978-84-9845-099-6
268 Alone and without a tail. Patxi Zubizarreta. Noemí Villamuza, illus. Madrid: Edelvives,
250 I'm not blonde. Kirmen Uribe. Mikel Valverde, illus. 2008 *** ISBN: 978-84-263-6496-8
Barcelona: La Galera, 2004 *** ISBN: 978-84-246-6062-8

†276 Uncle Bin Floren. J. M. Olaizola, Txiliku . Elena

‡Odriozola, il. Jorge Jiménez, trans. Donostia: Elkar, 2003
§ ISBN: 978-84-9783-065-2

BOOKS IN CATALAN is an inexhaustible source of interest. Amb les mateixes paraules volem with which I shared — many vegades
Pronouncing the name of a delicious propose to young readers, peers and sense saber-ho — so many things.
BOOKS IN CATALAN key, simsim , the sèsam, the characters educators libres who also train- quin Conèixer-lo es conèixer una parte de
of a famous Arab conseguien that a wall barreres and permit de veure, travel, nosaltres mateixos.
KATALANEZKO LIBURUAK BOOKS of rock s'obrís and the deixés see the conèixer, un món as proper as a
meravelles that he had on the other vegades hidden by the wall of prejudice:
side. the món àrab, del que estem so a prop,
Reading, along with travel and dialogue,

Aladí and the meravellosa llàntia. the Aladí further in the six incredible adventures, to end
Anonymous Josep Vallverdú, adap. Pepe up marrying Princess Gessamí. A new adaptation of the
Montserrat, illus. Barcelona: La Galera, episode of Les mil i una nits , which combines printed text
1997. ISBN: 978-84-246-1461-4 with fragments in linked letters and illustrations in full
Aladí is a trapasser orfe that haunts the color, designed for a joint reading of the child and an
streets of the city. A young magician will adult.
serve to obtain a magnificent treasure hidden
in a ** cave, but the black man mocks the giant who hides
in his ring and does not care about a precious rainforest. The genie
who appears to possess the power to grant his master whatever he **
desires is what the princess's mother demands, but he faces his
Aladí and the meravellosa llàntia. Anonymous Manel Riera-
Eures, adap. Carmen Segovia, il. Barcelona: Cruïlla, 2010.
ISBN: 978-84-661-2525-3
When Aladí discovers an ancient llàntia covered with pols, he
cannot even imagine what threatens him: a powerful geni capable of
verifying the desires of the llàntia's master. Each design will carry

Baghdad Counts. Glòria Arimon. Helena 204 In Spanish: The philosopher and the fisherman /
Ruiz, ill. Barcelona: Marge Books, 2007. The old woman na and mosquitoes. Anna Molins.
ISBN: 978-84-86684-64-8 Lluïsa Jover, illus. Barcelona: La Galera, 2005. ISBN:
Reality and fantasy come together in this 978-84-246-5070-4
book to donate to three stories of three of the
Les dues donas i el cadi. Joha i l'ase. Anna Molins.
most famous characters in Les Thousand and
Lluïsa Jover, illus. Barcelona: La Galera, 2004. ISBN:
One Nights . Sinbad, Ali Babà and Aladí are
transported to a current time and the *** 978-84-246-5040-7
In this work, by Minaret, we find the trilingual edition—
problems with the cares, the clothing and the
Catalan, Arabic and Spanish—of the stories Les dues dones i el cadi i
problems of the young people of Iraq. It is a
Joha i l'ase . The first one recalls a very connected story, but it

**** shows that our three cultural references are not so simple as those
201 In Spanish: Tales of Bagdad. Glòria Arimon. of people of different origins than ours. I, in the second story,
Helena Ruiz, ill. Roser Pérez, trans. Barcelona: Marge appears Joha, a popular person in Arabic literature and a well-
Books, 2007. ISBN: 978-84-86684-65-5 known protagonist of anecdotal stories.

crime against violence and violence, to

The geperut and other stories of Les mil i una nits .
resolve conflicts.
Anonymous Brian Alderson, adap. Dolors Cinca and
The philosopher and the fisherman. The Margarida Castells, trans. Michael Foreman, ill.
hair and the mosquitoes. Anna Molins. Barcelona: Vicens-Vives, 2003.
Lluïsa Jover, illus. Barcelona: La Gale ra, ISBN: 978-84-316-5922-6
2004. ISBN: 978-84-246-5038-4 Work that includes stories from Les mil i una nits, among
Trilingual edition—Catalan, Arabic and Spanish—of two popular them El sac sense fons, Alí Babà i els quaranta lladres i
** stories, The Philosopher and the Fisherman and The *** faules com La guineu i el llop . They are now fun stories tits
Old Woman and the Mosquits. The first one has to arrive from and didàctics, which teach the value of honor and love of truth. The
esquerra to dreta and the second one, from dreta to left. These are book had a great number of illustrations and explanatory notes,
answers for conèixer, I will understand and learn to respect the new and proposed reading comprehension activities, text commentary
ones. Emmarcats in the Minaret collection , a commitment to and written expression.

Joha i l'home de la ciutat. The noi and the explanations of vocabulary and concepts of the Eastern
animals. Anna Molins. Lluïsa Jover, illus. world, and proposals for analysis of the contents.
Barcelona: La Galera, 2004. ISBN: 978-84-
The Master The rich and the poor. Anna Molins.
Dins la mateixa co ^ lecció de Minaret, Lluïsa Jover, illus. Barcelona: La Galera, 2004.
trilingual edition —Catalan, Arabic and ISBN: 978-84-246-5041-4
Spanish— of the stories Joha i l'home de la ciutat i
El noi i
** els animals . In this book we will meet Joha, a
In the fourth volume of the collection there is the trilingual edition
—Catalan, Arabic and Spanish—of the stories The Master and
popular elite personality. Arab story and famous protagonist of
The Rich Man and The Poor . In the first episode there is another
anecdotal stories. Find two stories that will serve to appropriate
adventure between Joha and the son, who discovers a story that
people and have a fun time.
will seem very familiar to him, a sensation that will surely
be more appropriate for us so that we may be
207 In Spanish: Yoha and the man from the city / The boy and
disconnected from each other.
the animals . Anna Molins. Lluïsa Jover, illus. Barcelona: La
Galera, 2005. ISBN: 978-84-246-5071-1

Les thousand and one nits. Anonymous Glòria

Castelló, trans. Valencia: Tres i Quatre, 2001.
Les thousand and one nits. Anonymous
ISBN: 978-84-7502-611-4
Brian Alderson, select Ramon Masnou
This selection of Xahrazad's stories is based on the
Ferrer, adap. Dolors Cinca and Margarida
Anglophone translation that Richard F. Burton published
Castells, trans. Michael Foreman, ill.
between 1885 and 1888. Accompanied by a small
Barcelona: Vicens-Vives, 2005.
ISBN: 978-84-316-5121-3
**** reading guide and a glossary with the mots menys
disconnect Guts for the youngest, I recull three of the most famous
Recull of these stories embodied in the
stories from Les mil i una nits : la d' Aladí and la llàntia màgica, El
central narrative of Les mil i una nits , the
conte de les tres pomes i la narració d' Alí Babà and els quaranta
story of the eloquent Xahrazad, who for one
**** thousand and one nits explains answers to the

king in order to save his life. I gave an introduction to the paper and
the literary importance of this great work, riches and illustrations ,

The sultà and the mousers. Joan
Les mil de Boer,
i una adap.
nits (…o gairebé). Anonymous Jordi Sarazad and one thousand and one nits.
Txell Darné, il. Pontevedra:
Sierra,OQO, 2005.
adap. Francesc Rovira, illus. Barcelona: Anonymous Maria Bernal and Carme Rubio, adap.
ISBN: 978-84-96573-09-3
Edebé, 2007. ISBN: 978-84-236-8209-6 Montserrat Ginesta, il. Barcelona: Publications de
A humorous story from In
the Arabold
a old, tradition in which
world lost in the the colla
times, The lived
where majority of the illustration places emphasis
the cruel on its cumulative
l'Abadia character.
de Montserrat, 2007. A sultan
ISBN: who leaves his
palace with some rats isking
forced to introduce
Xahriar and themore animals
beautiful into his domains
rondallaire every
Xahrazad. In time. It is that the cats, who986-5
first to del
filla scare away some
minister, rats,sap
Sarazad, decide tories
histò- stayde
the keys have to raise the
thisgossos to force outparade,
new anthology the cats, andamusing
with to expel drawings
them. sar in
els gossos have to warn els lleons, and for
reis antics, als lleons
poesies els elefants...
i llegendes de tot Who is outside
el món. When he the
palau els elefants? The full
color, the immortal narrations of Xacabac king of ** began to explain the story of the fisherman, the king
Zuban and the metge Duban, Aladí, Alí Babà, Coixia became so excited that days, months, and years
215 In Spanish: The Sultan and the
Hassan, Mice Joan
Sindbad, de cost
at the Boer,ofadap. Txell Darné,
fishermen, il. Pilar Ferriz, trans. Pontevedra:passed.
geperuts, OQO, 2005. ISBN:
Sarazad, 978-84-96573-05-5
mare ja dels tres filles del rey, will
**** kings of the genis and ocells let them talk, trees let them demand forgiveness.
sing and golden waters.

Sindbad the sailor. Anonymous Manel Riera-Eures,

adap. Mercè López Ascanio, adap.
Barcelona: Cruïlla, 2007. ISBN: 978-84-661-1746-3
Dissenyat perquè els nens el llegeixin acompanyats per
un adult, aquest llibre recull, amb tot d'i ^ illustrations
and amb some passages in lletra lligada, el narrat en
pri mere person from Sindbad's fabulous youthful
antics. The protagonist explains how, after crossing the
sea and tropical lands, habitats of strange people and
** terrible monsters, he will become the richest and most
famous sailor of all times.

216 In Galician: The sultan and the moments. Joan de Boer, adap. Txell
Darné, il. Pilar Ferriz, trans.
Pontevedra: OQO, 2005. ISBN: 978-84-96573-01-7

A meravellós libre de contes àrabs per a nins y
nenes. Laila Karrouch. Barcelona: Column, 2006.
ISBN: 978-84-664-0592-8 The author uses a variety of
histories and typical Moroccan rondalles, both Arab and
Amazigh, transmitted Ses generations rere generation
and escorted to the forest via the voltant of a large ILLUSTRATED BOOKS THE COLOR OF ILLUSTRATED BOOKS IS
bonfire. Stories of the death of the young man Jaha and APPROPRIATE TO THE TONS OF LANDSCAPES AND CLOTHING, TO
of the misfortunes of the young woman and the TRADITIONAL ARCHITECTURES, TO THE HISTORY AND DAILY LIFE
daughter of Tamza, the magic of the set girls of the king OF THE ARABS. THE ILLUSTRATORS AIM TO CAPTURE THE LIGHT
and tales of bruixes and bruixots dolents, faults starring AND BRILLIANCE OF A CULTURE THAT COMBINES THE PURITY OF
**** llops, lleons, gats, ratapinyades or serps... .

The merchant and he cried. Suzan Nadimi. Ande Cook, ill. Beatriu Cajal, trans. Barcelona: Youth, 2008.
ISBN: 978-84-261-3679-4
Based on the story of the Persian poet Rumi, from the 13th century, it is a story for all the petits ple d'acolorides i ^
illustrations that explains the story of a merchant who had a cry that entertained him explicant-li llegendes i relats.
The merchant greatly appreciated the ocell and granted all his rights except the most important, freedom. At the
beginning of the play Rumi is introduced.
219 In Spanish: The merchant and the parrot. Suzan Nadimi. Ande Cook, ill. Christiane Reyes Scheurer and Teresa Farran Vert, trans.
Barcelona: Youth, 2008. ISBN: 978-84-261-3678-7

The narrator of the desert. Josep Antoni Fluixà. Queen Rodamón al Marroc. Montse Ganges.
Anna Clariana, ill. Alzira: Joke, 2005. Barcelona: Combel, 2007. ISBN: 978-84-9825-246-0
ISBN: 978-84-7660-535-6 Conte de la co ^ lecció The Cavall Viatger that presents
L'Amira used to explain stories from a rotllana de nens children and children, in a didactic and fun way and
bocabadats. But the town is becoming more deserted
both ginals i ^ lustrations, different cultures of the món
every day because of the family and because of the
de la mà de la queen Rodamón. In this case, the queen
war. There is no one who escorts your answers. L'Amira
and the cavall traveler have analyzed the Marroc and
went to the north, to the city, but there he did not cry for
** her and she had to create the sea in order to enclose a **
explained everything they have seen there, since the
trobada with the caravan of Ber bers and the couscous
better future. The journey, in reality, is horrible, but on
that they are going to eat, ends with the enchantment of
the other side a surprise awaits that will return your joy.
Marràqueix and the tattoos with henna.

ep Antoni Fluixà. Anna Clariana, ill. Algar: Alzira, 2005. ISBN: 978-84-95722-92-8

toni Fluixà. Anna Clariana, ill. Rosetta Testu Zerbitzuak, itz. Donostia: Erein, 2005.

A dirty kitchen! Txell Martí and Xavier Salomó. Barcelona: Barcanova, 2007.
ISBN: 978-84-489-2075-3
Little Ahmed mentre mena and kneads the ingredients under the orders of his uncle Saïd. After this good taste in the kitchen, with the good
smell of the couscous, the tagine and the pastries that have been prepared, Ahmed becomes a cook. The illustrations
and the sheet with magnetic characters to play that accompany the simplicity of the text, help to awaken in
the little ones the pleasure of reading.


Així is my day. Thando McLaren. Olivia Villet, ill.
Barcelona: La Galera, 2006.
ISBN: 978-84-246-2144-5
A visually molt ric book, full of fine details with
illustrations and text, which presents the lives of four
children from very different countries: Catalonia, Japan,
Morocco and Guyana. The best way for the scoundrel to
discover more different things and learn how is the life
of our young people and friends, to spend hours having
fun and learning now. There is a poster attached with
plenty of information.

226 In Spanish: This is my life. Thando McLaren. Olivia

Villet, ill. Paulino Rodríguez, trans. Barcelona: La
Galera, 2006. ISBN: 978-84-246-2145-2

A coffee with Raixida. Albert Toldrà. A country in the desert. Francisco Collado.
Valencia: Edicions del Bullent, 2007. Valencia: Ed. del Bullent, 2009. ISBN: 978-84-9904-
ISBN: 978-84-96187-01-6 012-7 Zag, a Sahrawi xiquet, is accompanied by
La Raixida, who goes to a small town in Atles and lives Miquel's family to bring a couple of months home.
with her new family in Valencia, has to face the feelings During eixe temps Zag es troba un món amb un
of development and perplexity given the world that paisatge i uns cos Your lives are completely different
surrounds her. In an animated dialogue with a teacher from your old life in the desert. But it will mainly be
sor seu, in Toni, the convert will play everything there Miquel and his friends who will discover the reality of
that preo cupa: history, religion and political and cultural the Sahrawi village: a divided village, part of which is
relations between the Christian world and the Islamic subject to a military occupation and part, razed to the
**** world. Hamada, the driest area of the desert, who survive in
**** refugee camps thanks to an international aid ministry.
228In Spanish: A coffee with Rachida. Albert Toldrà. Veuran has also seen the situation of the Sahrawis
Valencia: Bullent Editions, 2007.
become more and more desperate every time.
ISBN: 978-84-96187-70-2


Saïd's adventure. Josep Lorman. 231 In Spanish: Said's adventure. Josep Lorman.
Barcelona: Cruïlla, 1995. ISBN: 978-84- Barcelona: Círculo de Lectores, 2001 (2nd ed.).
7629-977-7 From Nador to Vic. Laila Karrouch. Barcelona:
Saïd, a young Moroccan man, decides, Column, 2004. ISBN: 978-84-664-0425-9
overcome by misery and lack of In August 1985, little Laila left the village of Karrouch to
expectations, to leave his village and his new come and live in Vic. Here you discover school, Nadal,
family to embark on the journey to basketball... Every day brings Laila new surprises, bones
Barcelona. Unfortunately, in the current and not so bones, and new emotions, nodrides per la
immigrant condition there will be hate, l'enyorança i, sobretot, la per la i ^ lusió. “I have not lost
hostility, menyspreu and violence; but you the same culture nor the new relationships, but rather I

will also meet people who will help you,
*** have guaranteed another culture and some other costums.”
friends and something else. Nove ^ the realist
on xenophobia.

ISBN: 978-84-226-8799-3 L'encàrrec del vell Hayyam. Victor Rotger.

Vic: Eumo, 2002. ISBN: 978-84-9766-005-1
Since Rachid leaves the old town of Atlas for a few days
to go to Marrakech, the young Hayyam finds an
enchantment that will turn the young man's trip into an
adventure. The book is full of graphics, skillfully inserted
into the story, to fulfill the didactic function of the work:
to help understand the graphic representations. Suitable
for ESO students and with an interesting didactic guide.

60 ****
Les joies de la princess berber. Montserrat Beltran. Tears over Baghdad. Gemma Pasqual. Barcelona:
Barcelona: Cruïlla, 1996. Barcanova, 2009.
ISBN: 978-84-8286-091-6 ISBN: 978-84-489-2363-1
L'Ona, Sílvia and Cala are three young Catalans who The spring of 2003 saw petite children, among them
are going on a trip to Tunísia. After spending time and l'Erfan, who also seemed to be a dance star, perform El
going through different towns with the bus, they arrive in llac dels cignes in a domiciliary Baghdad. nothing pels
Sussa and just a few days will pass. L'Ona wears a núvols. The war, with the seva pluja de bom Bes i de
bracelet that she gave to Chedly, the bus driver. This missils, s'importa els somnis i les i ^ lusions. Enmig of
bracelet threatens an arrival and will bring to life a misfortune, only family, friends and love can help in the
surprising adventure full of unexpected perills and daily struggle of Iraqis for survival.
discoveries. ****
Prince Ali Emili Teixidor i Viladecàs. Miquel Zueras, ISBN: 978-84-661-2010-4
illus. Barcelona: Cruïlla, 1995. L'Anna is a journalist who travels to the Moroccan Rif to
ISBN: 978-84-8286-021-3 record a documentary about the life of the Rifeny leader
Al Pere li expects a big opening party for the world Abd el-Krim, hero of the resistance against the Spanish
congress on immigration in Paris. Since he has to and French colonial forces. The Rif l'Anna is back to
accompany his peers to dress up, he decided to dress Saïd, the second ex-xicot of Barcelona. After
up as an Arab prince, but he will soon realize that this is overcoming a number of incidents in the recording of
not a good idea. Some segrestadors a mica sapas- tres the documentary, an unexpected event seems to
el confonen amb príncep Alí and poor Pere es troba, definitively twist things.
seus voler-ho, a mig de una complicated plot que haurà

**** de resoldre amb l'adjut de la policia y dels seus

segrestadores, que no They are so painful as they look.
Four setmanes to the Rif. Josep Lorman. Barcelona:
Cruïlla, 2007.

Segrest to Baghdad. Hermínia Masana. Fernando This beautiful story narrated from the point of view of
Martínez, il. Barcelona: Barcanova, 2008. petit Abdeslam explains their friendship with Marcel.
ISBN: 978-84-489-2152-1 This friendship that does not perceive any difference
Tom's father secreted himself to Baghdad and he between them is a matter of age and friendship; On the
decided to go look for him. In Iraq his path is created contrary, they succeed with adults, who feel like
with that of Salim, a survivor in a country envaït and strangers who do not welcome the Abdes family, who
testimony of the segrest, which will help him rescue his will end up marxant del lloc on viuen.
father. Disinterested friendship is “a sign that is not lost Tangier Somni. Xavier Vernetta. Barcelona: La
at all, and that can help more good-natured people who Magrana, 2002. ISBN: 978-84-8264-320-5
do not imagine. Malgrat les guerres, or thank them for Akram is a young man who left his native Morocco to
*** wars.” **** seek a better life in Europe. He drove up to the
Andalusian coast and managed to be the only one in
the group to escape from the police. The goal is to
Els ulls d'Abdeslam. Jordi de Manuel. Ricard arrive in Paris alive and working for his uncle, but his
Aranda, ill. Barcelona: La Galera, 2001. trip will not be easy and in it he will experience the
ISBN: 978-84-246-9530-9 loneliness, the desire, the anxiety that in many cases
accompanies emigration.



Checkpoint Palestine. A look at the interculturality and immigration are discussed through the
occupied territories. Jordi Rodri, Ali character of Samira, a teenager who has just arrived
Dannoun El Harrak. Jordi Rodri, photog. from Morocco with her new family. A very important work
Barcelona: Grup d'Estudis Pedagògics, for all our lives.
ISBN: 978-84-932372-1-9
Book in comic format that is part of the El
Món per un Forat collection. Books to Think
about, Checkpoint Palestine is a critique
***** against violence, a weapon of paraules and
drawings that helps us understand the reality of the Israel and
Palestine conflict. It is intended for the youth of the house, but will
surely also teach adults, with a large amount of current historical
information and a good number of photographs.
Els correus de la Samira. Meritxell Margarit. Ramon Galup, il.
Barcelona: Mediterrània, 2007. ISBN: 978-84-8334-754-6
This comic is part of the collection Tu Que Faries?, which aims to
encourage reflection and dialogue among young people about
current issues that concern or affect everyday life. In this case,

ISBN: 978-84-8131-754-1
51 Nasreddin. Odile Weulersse. Rébecca Dautremer, illus.
86 In the shadow of Menkaura. Elena O'Callaghan i Duch.
ORAL TRADITION Jordi Vidal, trans. Barcelona: Baula, 2006 **
Barcelona: Baula, 2008 **** ISBN: 978-84-479-1792-1
15 Ous durs. Marisa Núñez. Teresa Lima, ill. ISBN: 978-84-479-1593-4
Ariadna Martín Sirarols, trans. Pontevedra: OQO, 2006 *** 90 A l'other band of l'Estret. Nicole Boumaaza. Jordi Vidal
54 Nasreddin and his son. Odile Weulersse. Rébecca
ISBN: 978-84-96788-18-3 i Tubau, trans. Barcelona: Baula, 2000 ***** ISBN: 978-84-
Dautremer, illus. Jordi Vidal, trans. Barcelona: Baula, 2007
24 The fadrí and the mongeta. Shelley Fowles. Jordi Pujol ** ISBN: 978-84-4791-685-6
i Manyà, trans. Barcelona: Serres, 2005. ** 92 Al-Rhazes, the metge of the talaia. Toni Oliver.
ISBN: 978-84-8488-163-6 61 The sulta's turban. Rachid Madani. Ángel Domínguez, Barcelona: Barcanova, 2006**** ISBN: 978-84-489-1937-5
illus. M.ª José Furió, trans. Barcelona: Youth, 2009 ** ISBN:
978-84-261-3681-7 97 Anne there, Selima there. Marie Feraud. Cristòfor Martí
. Adell, trans. Pincanya: Voramar, 1997 ***** ISBN: 978-84-
LLIBRES IL LUSTRATS 251 Not sóc rossa. Kirmen Uribe. Mikel Valverde, illus. 8194-056-5
Barcelona: La Galera, 2004 *** ISBN: 978-84-246-5062-9
31 Azur & Asmar. Michel Ocelot. Núria Font i Ferré, trans.
Madrid: SM, 2007 *** ISBN: 978-84-661-1729-6 259 Peus bruts. Koldo Izagirre. Antton Olariaga, il. Pere
Comellas, trans. Barcelona: Takatuka, 2009. ISBN: 978-84-
34 The Bàssora library. Jeanette Winter. Teresa Farran 92696-06-2
and Elodie Bourgeois, trans. Barcelona: Youth, 2007 **
36 The color of sadness. Elena O'Callaghan i Duch. María 69 Buxara. Jo sóc del Marroc. M.ª Àngels Ollé.
Jesús Santos Heredero, illus. Barcelona: Baula, 2005 ** Barcelona: Associació de Mestres Rosa Sensat, 2003***
ISBN: 978-84-479-1428-9 ISBN: 978-84-89149-86-1

42 Kahalim l'Opulent. Gérard Moncomble. Anne Romby, 72 Hassan: jo vinc of Nador. Hassan Abarkan. Barcelona:
illus. Mercedes Zendrera, trans. Barcelona: Zendrera Associació de Mestres Rosa Sensat, 2001 **** ISBN: 978-
Zariquiey, 2007 ** ISBN: 978-84-8418-299-3 84-89149-88-5

45 The meravellosa mosque. Ann Jungman. Shelley 79 P of pyramids. Lali Sandiumenge. Barcelona: Intermón
Fowles, ill. Jordi Pujol, trans. Barcelona: Serres, 2004 ** Oxfam, 2008 ** ISBN: 978-84-8452-311-6
ISBN: 978-84-8488-160-5
81 Racism explains the meva filla. Tahar Ben Jelloun.
47 Torna aviat, pain meva. Michel Piquemal. Ernest Folch, trans. Barcelona: Labutxaca, 2008 **** ISBN:
Élodie Nouhen, il. Pau Joan Hernàndez, trans. Barcelona: 978-84-96863-81-1
Baula, 2005 ** ISBN: 978-84-479-1399-2 100 The architect and the emperor of Arabia. Joan M.
Gisbert. Joan Leita, trans. Barcelona: Baula, 2005 ****
49 Ahmed's gaze. M.ª D. Pellicer i Soria. ISBN: 978-84-479-1394-7
AND. Garces, il. Eva Garcés, illus. Valencia: Tàndem, 2007

103 Benny and Omar. Eoin Colfer. Judit Andreu, trans. 158 Why tothom look at the cap? Randa Abdel-Fattah.
Barcelona: Columna, 2003 **** ISBN: 978-84-664-0356-6 Elisenda Borràs i Montserrat, trans. barce canvas: La
Galera, 2008 ***** ISBN: 978-84-246-3047-8
108 The star hunter. Ricardo Gómez Gil. Elena
O'Callaghan i Duch, trans. Barcelona: Baula, 2004 **** 162 Els reis de l'horitzó. Janine Teisson. Jordi Vidal i
ISBN: 978-84-479-1255-1 Tubau, trans. Barcelona: Baula, 2004. ****
ISBN: 978-84-479-1172-1
115 Soc here, soc there. Azouz Begag. Josep Sampere i
164 Tastant el cel: a Palestinian infantess. Ibtisam
Martí, trans. Barcelona: Cruïlla, 2004. *** ISBN: 978-84-
Barakat. Barcelona: Bambú, 2009 ***** ISBN: 978-84-8343-
117 Deu things that I hate about myself. Randa Abdel- 174 Somiant Palestine. Randa Ghazy. Isabel Turull, trans.
Fattah. Armand Carabén van der Meer, trans. Barcelona: Barcelona: La Galera, 2003 *****
La Ga lera, 2009 ***** ISBN: 978-84-246-3225-0 ISBN: 978-84-246-3421-6

271 A fuller d'estels. Rafik Schami. Francesca Martínez,

119 On ets, Ahmed? Manuel Valls. Barcelona: Barcanova,
trans. Barcelona: Editions of La Magrana, 1995. *****ISBN:
2008 **** ISBN: 978-84-489-1918-4
127 Borders. Katrien Seynaeve. Jordi Vidal i Tubau, trans.
286 Sari, sleeper of Mars. Marcos S. Calveiro.
Barcelona: Baula, 2004***** ISBN: 978-84-479-1173-8 Barcelona: Baula, 2007. ****ISBN: 978-84-479-1631-3

129 The giants of the moon. Gonzalo Moure. Fernando

Martín, illus. Pau Joan Hernández, trans.
Barcelona: Baula, 2004 *** ISBN: 978-84-479-1178-3
140 Fatma's mother. Elia Barceló. Barcelona: Alba
Editorial, 2001 ***** ISBN: 978-84-8428-103-0 192 Persepolis. Marjane Satrapi. Barcelona: Norma, 2008.
*****ISBN: 978-84-9847-456-5
148 The pa of war. Deborah Ellis. Jordi Vidal i Tubau,
trans. Barcelona: Baula, 2004 **** ISBN: 978-84-479-1234- 195 Tintin to the country of black color. Hergé.
6 J. Ventalló, trans. Barcelona: Youth, 1991. ***ISBN: 84-261-
151 El Pare Noel and the children of the desert. Jacques
Venuleth. Beatriz Bueno Mateos, trans. Barcelona: Edebé,
2006 *** ISBN: 978-84-236-8016-0

154 Petita Tamazic. Patricia Geis. Barcelona: Combel,

2005 ** ISBN: 978-84-7864-880-1

131 Hamza and the giant Herkel. S. Muhammad and
S. Abdelhadi. Javier Lacasta, illus. Valencia: Ecir, 2007 ** ISBN: 978-84-9826-313-8

136 Lleó l'Africà. Amin Maalouf. Xavier Lloveras, trans. Barcelona: Suma de Lletres
Catalana, 2003 ***** ISBN: 978-84-95980-47-2

138 The arrival of the errant king. Laura Gallego. Lluïsa Moreno Llort, trans. Barcelona:
Cruïlla, 2006 **** ISBN: 978-84-661-1388-5

166 The sacrifice of Morad. Nadia Daoud Brikci-Aimeur. Antonio Miguel Viñas Arjona,
trans. Valencia: Ecir, 2007 ** ISBN: 978-84-9826-305-3

170 The Lord of Zero. M. Isabel Molina Llorente. Francisco Solé, illus. Barcelona: Grup
Promotor d'Ensenyament i Difusió Català, 2005 **** ISBN: 978-84-7918-069-0

BOOKS IN BASQUE BOOKS IN BASQUE eta, bestetetik, hormaren beste pueblon batzuetan aurreiritziaren hormak
Irakurketa da, elkarrizketa eta bidaia zeuden gauza miragarriak ikustea. ezkutatuta bezain gertu dagoen mundu
BOOKS IN BASC diren moduan, ikaste iturri agortezina. Hitz berberen bidez, irakurle gazteei, bat: hain gertu dugun mundu arabi-arra,
Hazi zoragarri baten izena esan, gurasoei eta irakasleei proposatu nahi zeinekin konpartitzen baitugu gauza
EUSKARAZKO LIBURUAK dizkiegu mugak ere apurtzen dituzten asko, batzuetan jakin ere egin gabe.
simsim , sesamoa alegia, eta arabiar
ipuin ezagun bateko pertsonaiek lortzen liburuak eta ikusten, bidaiatzen eta Mundu hori ezagutzea da gure
zuten, batetik, harri horma bat zabaltzea mundua ezagutzen uzten duten liburuak buruaren alde bat eza-gutzea.

Gutun harrigarri bat. Patxi Zubizarreta. itzulpen lana eta sorkuntzarena uztartuz. Umorea gives
Jokin Mitxelena, ill. Donostia: Elkar, 1992. benetan protagonists ta eta eta beste garaiako
ISBN: 978-84-7917-589-4 pertsonaia dela nabarmen geratzen den arren,
Arabiar tradiziotik hartutako hainbat ipuinen Nasreddinen istorio bitxiak ez dira lekuz kanpo geratzen
bidez, bai gutunen bidez bai zeozer egungo gizartean.
gogoratzeko moduan, egileak eramaten gaitu Brief passages on the figure of Nasreddin Hodja, per
samurtasunez jositako work interesgarri mythical sound of the Sufi tradition who apparently lived
baterantz, herri tradiziotik eta folkloretik in the Anatolian peninsula between the 13th and 15th
edaten duena. Bitillako marrazki finek centuries and is reminiscent of other cases of popular
ematen dituzte milaka eta milaka xehetasun rogues closer us: Lazarillo de Tormes, Rinconete and
eta *** aberasten dute irakurlearen begirada. Through **** Cortadillo... Between translation and creation the author
several stories collected from the Arab tradition, either in the form of compiles 101 stories where humor, jokes and wit are the truth other
letters or as memories two, the author brings us closer to an protagonists. They reflect a curious way of life without losing an iota
interesting work full of tenderness that draws on tradition and of relevance.
popular folklore. The fine drawings in two inks offer countless
details that enrich the reader's gaze.
Nasreddin. Pablo Sastre. Iruña: Pamiela, 2010.
ISBN: 978-84-7681-607-3
Nasreddin Hodja Anatoliako penintsulan bizi omen zen XIII eta XV.
mendeen bitartean eta ateraldi xelebreak zituelako zen ezaguna,
Euskal Herrian Peru Abarka edo Pernando Amezketarraren
antzera. Horiek guztiak bildu eta 101 kontakizun bildu ditu idazleak,


Aisha eta tximeleta zuria. Belén Lucas. Lorena Martínez, il. Zamudio: Ikastolen
Bilbo: Gero-Messenger, 2006. ISBN: 978- Konfederazioa, 2005. ISBN: 978-84-934173-1-4
84-271-2823-1 Ipuin honetako tximeleta Malik-Alsharek-i, Algeriatik etorria, burla egiten diote
protagonistk bizitza begira- tzen du hirian; eskolako jolastokian, ez baitu ondo euskaraz egiten.
hori egin bitartean hegan dabil han eta Argitxok, bilduma didaktiko honetako protagonist eta
hemen eta haurrak ikusten ditu olgetan. ikastoletan pertsonaia ezaguna, normaltasunera berri-ro
Aisha-k, bere balkoitik gogora ekartzen digu ekartzen lagunduko du eta ikasle bihurrien artean gira
** nondik etorri zen, hango lurraldea, ganbeluak eta ** ona sortzen saiatuko da. Helburu garbia modu oso
amandreak, josten zebilela, kon-tatzen zizkion eskematikoan kontatuta, eskolan bizikidetza arauak ezartzeko.
ipuinak. Beldur da, izan ere, lehen eguna du eskolan eta ez daki Malik-Alsharek, from Algeria, provokes ridicule at school recess
ondo hartuko duten lagun berriek. Tximeletak badaki jakin poz because he does not express himself correctly in Basque. Argitxo,
handiko eguna izango duela. Ilustrazioek, tonu leun eta delikatuez, the protagonist of this didactic collection and a popular character in
narrazioaren izaera positiboa eta patxadatsua indartzen dute. the Ikastolas, collaborates to restore normality and a good
The butterfly protagonist of this story observes life in the city as it environment among the wayward students and achieve, in a simple
flies through its corners and observes the children's games. Aisha and very schematic way, reestablish the rules of coexistence within
remembers the land where she came from, the camels and the the school.
stories that her grandmother told her while she knitted. He is afraid
because today is his first day at school and he doesn't know if he
will find affection among his new friends. you friends The butterfly
knows that it will be a day full of joy. The illustrations, in soft and
delicate tones, reinforce the positive and slow nature of the
Argitxo eta etorkinak. Joxemari Iturralde.

Rice this ink. Patxi Zubizarreta. that culminates amazingly with didactic guidelines on driver's
Alfonso Abad, illus. Donostia: Erein, 2006. education.
ISBN: 978-84-9746-335-5 Ez naiz ilehoria eta zer? Kirmen Uribe. Mikel Valverde,
Ipuin xume honek kontatzen digu Saharatik illus. Donostia: Elkar, 2004. ISBN: 978-84-9783-154-3
etorritako eta ia itsu dagoen emakume zahar Albora utziko dutenaren beldar, Amirak nahi du ilehoria
baten bizitza hirian, non-eta jaso behar duen izan, baina begiak irekitzen zaizkionean eta ikusi zer
bere iloba ikastetxean eta hare kin duen dagoen, konturatzen da bere sustrai arabiarrek eta bere
harreman gogoangarria, izan ere, hura hobeto hizkuntzaren berezitasunak egiten dutela berezi eskola-
moldatzen da bizitza modernaren arazoetan. ko lagunen aurrean. Helburu didaktikoa du Eta Zer?”
Tonu leuneko illustratezioek nabarmentzen izeneko bilduma honek, baina oraingo honetan idazle- ak
dute ** historia gogoan- garri honen izaera; harrigarria da
gaia gozotasunez eta sentiberatasunez jorratzen du. The
bide hezkuntzari buruzko orientazio didaktikoak ematen fear of rejection causes Amira to want to be blonde, but when
duela amaieran. This simple story narrates the hard life in the city of she opens her eyes to reality, she realizes that her Arab roots and
an old woman from the Sahara who is almost blind, as well as the the peculiarity of her language make her special among her friends
endearing relationship with her granddaughter who is more at school. Didactic objective of this collection named Eta Zer? (“And
accustomed to navigating the twists and turns of modern life. The what difference does it make?”) but on this occasion the writer has
illustrations in soft tones highlight the character of this moving story managed to transmit a current topic with sweetness and sensitivity.
248 Gaztelaniaz: Rice and ink. Patxi Zubizarreta. 250 Gaztelaniaz: I'm not blonde. Kirmen Uribe. Mikel Valverde,
Alfonso Abad, illus. Valencia: Algar, 2006. illus. Barcelona: La Galera, 2004.
ISBN: 978-84-9845-009-5
ISBN: 978-84-246-6062-8
251 Katalanez: No sóc rossa. Kirmen Uribe. Mikel Valverde, illus. Barcelona:
La Galera, 2004.
ISBN: 978-84-246-5062-9

Hondartzako gazteluaren ipuina. Alejandro García understand the conflict between the two peoples.
Schnetzer. Sebastián García, illus. Inazio Mujika Salimarentzat oparia. Iñaki Zubeldia. Estibalitz
Iraola, itz. Irun: Alberdania, 2003. Jalón, il. Amorebieta-Etxano: Ibaizabal, 2008.
ISBN: 978-84-95589-76-7 ISBN: 978-84-8394-214-7
Haur bi, bata israeldarra eta bestea palestinarra, Salimari kezkagarria iruditzen zaio Olentzero,
** jolasten ari dira gaztelu bat egiten hondartzako Gabonetan opariak banatzen dituen euskal mitolo-
hondarrean, baina bakoitza da traba eta arerioa giako pertsonaia, beraz ez gogoratzea, Euskal Herrira
bestearentzat. Elkarren susmoa dute eta ez diote iritsi berria baita eta agian ez du oraindik ezagutzen.
ezelako konfiantzarik elkarri, eta emaitzaren onenaren ** Tonu illun eta delikatuko illustratezioak eta maketazio
alde lehian ari direla ez dira ohartzen olatuen indarrak berri batek, hainbat koloretan egindako typografíaz,
haien lana desegingo duela. Ilustrazio soilek eta itxura originala dakarkiote liburu honi, baina kutsu
narrazioaren tonu didakti- koak laguntzen dute bi didaktikoa hor dago; halere, istorio xamurra da eta
herrien arteko gatazka ulertzen. Two children, Israeli beste kultura batzuetan integratzea lortzen du.
and Palestinian, play at building a castle I cry in the Salima is worried that the Olentzero, a character from
sand of the beach but each one turns out to be a Basque mythology who distributes gifts at Christmas,
nuisance and an enemy to the other. They suspect and will forget about her, since having just arrived in the
distrust They trust each other and immersed in Basque Country, he may not yet know her. The
competition for the best result, they do not realize that illustration in dark and delicate tones and a novel layout
the force of the waves destroys their work. The simple with typography in different colors add an original vision
illustrations and didactic tone in the narrative help to to a story that is educational in nature but that, with a
sweet tone, favors integration into other cultures.

253 Gaztelaniaz: The sand castle. Alejandro García Schnetzer. Sebastián García, illus. Barcelona: Planeta, 2010. ISBN: 978-84-08-09067-0

Traffic light ipuina. Manu López Gaseni. environment.
Jokin Mitxelena, ill. Bilbo: Aizkorri, 2004. Tiderrekin tea hartzen. Mitxel Murua.
ISBN: 978-84-8263-346-6 Julen Tokero, illus. Donostia: Elkar, 2007.
Hirian ikastetxetik irtetea eta gurasoekin topo egitea da ISBN: 978-84-9783-468-1
zalaparta eta iskanbila. Iristeko presak eta trafikoak Pailaso ezagunen bilduma didaktiko honen pertsonaiak
sortzen dituzten auto ilarak eta nerbioak puri-purian oraingo honetan dabiltza, betiko umore horrekin, Tider-
** jartzea gidatzean. Semaforora iristean, ordea, autor en etorreraz; aita du saharauia eta ama euskal-duna,
datorren Hegoaldeko gizon bat ikusten da: mukizapiak
** eta oraindik ez du ezagutzen basamortua. Tea hartzeko
saltzen ditu, baina berbak oparitan, bere lurraren erritualaren bidez, berbaldia sortzen da eta ohiturak
koloreez egiten duten berbak. Ilustrazioek, arinak eta agertu eta kontatzen dituzte. Ilustrazioek, kolore ugariez
kolore bizikoak, irakurketa dibertigarria eta ikuspegi eta izaera kostunbristako sinboloak errepikatuz, ez dute
gaur-gaurkoa ematen digute, gure ingurunearen lortzen desagerraraztea narrazioaren tonu didaktiko
eguneroko egoera batena, alegia. nabaria, topiko erraz batzuk era- biltzen baitituzte.
In the city, leaving school and meeting parents is a The characters in this didactic collection of popula On
commotion. The rush to arrive and the pro traffic They this occasion, three clowns approach with their
cause traffic jams and nerves while driving. Upon characteristic humor the incorporation of Tider, whose
reaching the traffic light, however, there is an encounter father is Saharan and whose mother is Basque, who
between a man from the South who approaches the car: has not yet known the desert. Through the ritual of
he sells scarves but also gives away words that speak drinking tea, talk and narration arise tion of customs.
of the colors of his land. The illustrations, agile and The illustrations, with a riot of color and abundance of
brightly colored, provide a very fun read and a very repetition of traditional symbols, fail to dissipate the
current point of view of an everyday situation in our marked didactic tone of the narrative that resorts to
some easy topic.

Zangozikin. Koldo Izagirre. Antton Olariaga, il.
Iruña: Igela, 2009. ISBN: 978-84-87484-89-6
Bikain Marrazturik, Narrazio Honek Kontatzen Digu
Nolan Arratsean Hainbat Pertsona ETORRI DIREN
Plazara, Telefo-Noa Erababrabrablan Dutenak Haien
Jatorriko Herriarialdeetara Deitzeko ETA Kontatzen
Dietela Zelan Date In Dieten Ohituren Berri. Beste
*** kultura batzuetako adibideen bidez, umorea eta ironia
erabiliz, egileak gonbidatzen gaitu pentsatzen zer
egoera gogorrean bizi den etorkina, zer-nolako
ahalegina egin behar duen eta zer adore duen aurrera
Magnificently illustrated, this story tells how when tying
To say, various people arrive at the square and use the
telephone to call their places of origin and tell them how
they are getting along in this new land, the jobs they do
and the different customs that catch their attention.
Using examples from other cultures Ras, using humor
and irony, the author invites us to think about the harsh
conditions of the emigrant, the effort and courage to get

258 Gaztelaniaz: Dirty feet. Koldo Izagirre. Antton

Olariaga, il. Koldo Urreaga, trans. Barcelona: Takatuka,
2009. ISBN: 978-84-92696-07-9

259 Katalanez: Peus bruts. Koldo Izagirre. Antton

Olariaga, il. Pere Comellas, trans. Barcelona: Takatuka,
2009. ISBN: 978-84-92696-06-2




Maroko: "Untxiak eta lehoia." Eguzkiñe ere. Zehaztasun gutxi eta modu sinplean, lehenengo irakurleentzat bereziki
Bidaurrazaga, Iban Gaztanbide. Bilbao: Desclée de zuzendua baitago, bi egileek aurkezten dute beste herri batzuetako bizimodua,
Brouwer, 2007. ISBN: 978-84-330-2168-7 beste kultura batzuk hobeto ezagutzeko aniztasunaren aldeko apustu
Sahara: “Chartat.” Eguzkiñe Bidaurrazga, Iban These two informative books suitable for early readers bring together different
Gaztanbide. Bilbao: Desclée de Brouwer, 2009. ISBN: aspects relating to related to culture, geographical location, gastronomy mine
978-84-330-2347-6 from Morocco and the Sahara and are completed with a popular tale. They
Bi liburu hauek Saharako eta Marokoko herri-ipuin bat include several didactic proposals with a clear objective of bringing other ways
erakusten dute, baita herri horien kokapena, of life closer and promoting the approach of our young people to other peoples.

*** gastronomia, ospakizunak eta errezeta bat egiteko pausuak Photographs and lots of color in the work portion of the entire collection.


Ate debenkatua Patxi Ezkiaga. Donostia: Erein,
1998. ISBN: 978-84-7568-752-0
Hakim Arabiako gazte aberatsa lasai bizi da bere onda-
sun guztia xahutzen duen artean. Orduan lana gogor
NARRAZIOA. URRUTIKO PARAJEETAN GERTATZEN DIREN ABEN egin beharko du eta zintzo jokatu; halaber, ikasiko du
TURA BITXIAK HAINBESTERAKO EZ DIRELA KONTURATUKO GARA. kezka eta ardurak zer diren. Fantasia eta errealitatea
BAITA HAUEK ERE: GERMAKO ISTORIOAK, EMIGRAZIOKOAK, uztartzen dituen kontakizun honek arabiar tradizioaren
NARRAZIOAK LAGUNGARRIAK DIRA BIZITZA ERREALEKO Young Hakim lives quietly squandering his wealth until
PROTAGONIST EZEZAGUNEI AURPEGIAK ETA IZENAK JARTZEKO. all his assets are gone. Then you will know what it
*** means to work hard, act wisely, and be loving. ble. This
NARRATIVE Arkimede-ren hareneko te hura. Mehdi Charef. short story, which combines fantasy and reality, brings
Gerardo Markuleta, trans. Bilbao: Desclée de us the echo of the stories of the Arab oral tradition.
Brouwer, 1995. ISBN: 978-84-330-1106-0
Narrazio gordin eta gogor hau da algerian herritar talde Sentimental Atlas. Patxi Zubizarreta. Jesús Ignacio

batek Frantzian bizi duen egoera gogorraren kontakiz- Miguel Amoztegi, il. Irun: Alberdania, 2009. ISBN:

na, non-eta gazteak agertzen diren deserrotze, 978-84-88669-71-1

langabezia eta drug atzaparretara kondenatuta. Bidaia gisara, Euskal Herriko gazte bat Marokora doa

Agertzen will say. Gehigikerietan erori gabe, umorea eta den- boraldi labur baterako. Hango egonaldia kontatzen

naturaltasun handiz, irakurleari enpatia eta zaigu nobelan, hango kulturarekiko lilura, ohitura eta

hunkiberatasuna sorrara- ziz, gazte protagonistk tradizio aberatsen ispilua, maitasuna eta sexuaren

itsasora ailegatzea lortuko du, egoerak gainditzeko aurkikuntza. Aniztasunaren aldeko narrazioa da,

sinboloa. goxotasun eta poeti- kotasun handiz idatzia eta

This intense and sincere story narrates the hard daily figurazio fin eta ederraz lagunduta. Finean, gazte
***** life of a community of Algerians who emigrated to ***** irakurlea hunkituko duen liburua.

France and with condemned to uprooting, As a travel diary, a young Basque man narrates his stay

unemployment and drug addiction to an extreme in Morocco for five days and tells us about his stay

degree. Without falling into tragic excesses, with humor, there, the interest that the place produces in him, its

nature ity but provoking empathy and great emotionality customs and rich traditions and his awakening to love

in the reader, the young protagonist will manage to and sex. A novel in favor of cultural diversity told with

reach the sea, a symbol of improvement. care and good craftsmanship in a reading that, along
with delicate illustrations, will move the reader.

Bagdadeko aurpegiak. Juan Kruz Igerabide. beldurra gain- dituko dute, amaiera zoriontsua gertatzen
Donostia: Erein, 2007. ISBN: 978-84-9746-399-7 Iraq den arte. Illustrazio leunek; akuarela teknika darabilte
suntsituan eta Erdi Aroan sufi jakinduriaren hiria eta erraztu egiten dute kontakizunak sortzen duen
zenekoa kokatzen gaitu idazleak. Bi garai eta lekuko zirrara.
hainbat arrazoigabetasunaren gogoeta pizteko, Delicious narrative about the friendship between a girl
ametsaren eta errealitatearen villagez hausnartzeko. whom her parents have accidentally forgotten at a gas
Poetikotasunaren ikuspuntutik hizkera aberatsaz josita, station on their return trip to Morocco and a cat whose
narrazio filosofiko eta erromantiko hau krudelkeria-ren owner has abandoned. The two protagonists overcome
eta gerraren aurkako liburua da, egiaren eta the fear of loneliness with each other's company until
pentsamenduaren aldeko apustu fidela. the happy ending occurs. Soft illustrations, which use
By weaving two stories, the author brings us closer in the watercolor technique and favor cen the emotion that
the same space to the city of Baghdad in two different the story provokes.
***** historical times: currently as Iraq invaded by the allies
and in ancient Persia, during the Middle Ages, cradle of 268 Gaztelaniaz: Alone and without a tail . Patxi
Sufi wisdom. Two moments narrated by witnesses of
Noemí Villamuza, illus. Madrid: Edelvives, 2008.
times where unreason and the distance between ISBN: 978-84-263-6496-8
dreams and reality is increasingly distant. With an
alternating structure in the narrative and a text full of
lyricism, the writer warns about the dangers of war and
opts for truth and poetry.

266 Gaztelaniaz: Faces over Baghdad. Juan Kruz

Igerabide. Valencia: Algar, 2008. ISBN: 978-84-9845-
Bakarrik eta Buztangabe. Patxi Zubizarreta. Jokin
Mitxelenaren, ill. Madrid: SM, 2003.
ISBN: 978-84-348-8670-4
Narrazio zoragarria, Hegoalderako itzulera bidaian
gaso-lindegi batean aitak eta amak gura barik ahaztuta
utzi duten neskato baten eta jabeak bertan behera utzi
duen katu baten arteko adiskidetasunari buruz.
Protagonist biek, elkarri lagun eginez, bakardadearen

Eskua bete hoist. Rafik Schami. Xabier Mendiguren, Eztia eta ozpina. Patxi Zubizarreta.
itz. Donostia: Elkar, 1992. ISBN: 978-84-7917-213-8 Irun: Alberdania, 1995. ISBN: 978-84-88669-18-6
Egunkaria forma erabilita eta urte eta erdiz idatzia, labur Erritmo ezti eta patxadatsuz kontatzen digu idazleak
eta lotsaz hasieran eta sakontasun eta gozoago Parisera iristea ametsa duen Selim gazte marokiar
bukaeran, Damaskako hirian egunerokotasun baten bizitza. Bidaian eztia ezagutuko du, neska gas-
kontakizunak irakurriko ditugu, gazte baten ikuspuntutik. teiztar batekin maitemitzen denean, eta ozpina,
Horrela eza- gutuko ditugu bere inguruko adiskideak, Marokotik ihes egitea eta errealitatea ezagutzea ez
eta bizi dituen gertaerak: injustiziak ikusi eta gizarteak baitzaio arrosa bidaia egingo.Idazleak ezaguna zaion
eragindako bil- durra, salatuz gero, jasan beharko mundu bat sentiberatasun handiarekin aurkezten du,
lituzkeen kartzela eta klasdetinitatea. Idazle maixua irakurlea istorioaren barruraino sarraraziz, ofiz ioa eta

***** dela erakutsiz eta auto biography osagaiaz ziprintindurik

maitasun handiaz hur- bilduko gaitu egileak Syria
***** sentiberatasuna ederto erakutsiz. Baita, errespetuaren
ikuspuntutik hurbiltzen da kultura bien arteko balore eta
lurraldera, narrazio bizi eta sentimenduz beteriko gabezietara.
honetan. In a slow pace and with a sweet and poetic tone the
Written in the form of a diary for a year and a half, the author narrates the dream of Selim, a young Moroccan
young protagonist narrates, timidly at the beginning and man, go to Paris. On the trip he will meet, as the title of
with more depth as he progresses in writing, the daily the work refers to, honey when he falls in love with a
nity of his life in Damascus, his friendships and the young woman from Vitoria and gall because the trip and
injustices tices that he observes in his environment, as the contrast with reality are not easy. With great
well as the fear of prison and the secrecy that public sensitivity and res But the author approaches a world
denunciation entails. With great narrative expertise and that fascinates him and that he knows well to offer a
loaded with ele autobiographical moments the author framework of situations that allow reflection on the
brings us with care to his land in an agile novel full of values and shortcomings of both cultures.
273 Gaztelaniaz: Of gall and honey. Patxi Zubizarreta.
270 Gaztelaniaz: A handful of stars. Rafik Schami. Itziar Ortuondo, trans. Irun: Alberdania, 2008. ISBN:
José Miguel Rodríguez, trans. Barcelona: Círculo de 978-84-9868-021-8
Lectores, 1990. ISBN: 978-84-226-3318-1
271 Katalanez: Una mà plente d'estels. Rafik
Schami. Francesca Martínez, trans. Barcelona:
Editions of La Magrana, 1995. ISBN: 978-84-226-

Olibia, Risky, Txop Suey eta Mohamed. Joxemari transport to distant places. Interspersed throughout the
Iturralde. Iñaki Martiarena "Mattin", illus. Donostia: text are black and white illustrations by Elena Odriozola
Elkar, 2007. ISBN: 978-84-9783-552-7 that add subtlety to the narrative. Euskadi Elite Award
Abentura dibertigarri hauen protagonist, Risky-ren lagun children and youth education, 2004.
taldea, adiskide berriekin handituko da. Ikasturtea hasi
da eta Tunisia, Txina edo India herrialdeetatik etorritako
adiskideak sartu dira taldean. Haien arteko harremanen,
eskolan egiten dituzten jolasen eta bihurrikerien bidez,
erritmo azkar batez, jolas horietan sartzen du irakurlea.
Risky's group of friends, the protagonist of these fun
adventures, expands with new friends. The course

*** begins and classmates join the process. before Tunisia, ****
China or India. The relationships between them, the
games and the pranks they engage in at school allow
the reader to be entertained thanks to an agile pace.
Osaba Bin Floren. J. M. Olaizola "Txiliku". Elena
Odriozola, ill. Donostia: Elkar, 2003.
ISBN: 978-84-9783-065-2
Osaba Florentinok buruan min hartu, bendak turban
gisa jarri, eta ohetik mugitu gabe Bagdadeko ipuinak
kontatzeari ekingo dio. Bin Floren bihurturik, arabiar
istorioak asmatuko ditu, lazgarriak batzuk, txundiga-
rriak besteak baina den-denak iloben irudimena piztu-ko
dutenak, eta ahoa zabal-zabalik utziko dizkiotenak.
276 Gaztelaniaz: Uncle Bin Floren. J. M. Olaizola
Narrazioak irabazten by Elena Odriolaren txuri-beltzez-
"Txiliku". Elena Odriozola, ill. Jorge Giménez,
ko marrazki finekin lagunduta. Haur eta gazte Euskadi
trans. Barcelona: Planeta & Oxford, 2007.
literature saria 2004 urtea.
ISBN: 978-84-9811-044-9
Uncle Florentino rolls down the stairs and with the
bandages on his head like a turban and without moving
from the bed becomes Uncle Bin Floren who dazzles
his nephews with his stories: incredible and fantastic
stories that ignite the imagination and that make them

Palestine, zure mina. Begoña Bilbao. will encounter the solidarity of many people in this
Donostia: Elkar, 2004. ISBN: 978-84-9783-174-1 dangerous adventure but also with risky situations
Gazako erietxe batean esnatzen da emakume where he must act with caution. cia and ingenuity. A
protagonist nista, ez duela gogoratzen zer egiten duen lively and current story that allows the reader to
bertan. Astiro datoz oroitzapenak eta horiekin batera, perceive the excitement and dangers of achieving an
palestinar herriaren mina eta zapalkuntzaren improvement in living conditions until achieving the
kontzientzia. Liburu atsegina eta irakurterraza, egun desired dream.
munduan dagoen arazo amaigabea eta konpontzea
zaila duen gizarte batera hurbiltzeko ahalegina.
The story is set in Gaza where a woman wakes up in a
hospital without remembering what she is doing there.
Little by little, memories emerge and so does the
**** awareness of suffering. of the Palestinian people. A ****
pleasant work, easy to read ture and that allows us to
peer into the harsh reality of a society in eternal conflict.
Tanger-eko ametsa. Xavier Vernetta. Iñaki
Ugarteburu, trans. Donostia: Elkarlanean, 2000.
ISBN: 978-84-8331-625-2
Liburuak jasotzen du bidai bat, Afrika iparretik txalupa
batek egiten duena bizitza hobe batenesperatzan.
Akram gazteak Parisera iritsi nahi du eta abentura arris-
kutsu horretan era guztietako jendea topatu eta ezagu-
tuko du: laguntza emateko prest daudenak baina baita
kontuz eta erne jokatzea eskatzen dutenak ere.
Narrazio bizia eta gaurko errealitateari lotua non ira-
kurleari emozioa eta bizi-baldintzak aldatzeko egin
behar diren ahaleginaz eta bizi behar diren arriskuaz
jabetzeko baliogarria egingo zaion. Abenturaz-abentura
ametsa bete arte.
The book covers the journey that he made from North
Africa sail a boat until the hope of a better life becomes
a reality. The young Akram, who hopes to reach Paris,



32 Azur & Asmar. Michel Ocelot. Madrid: SM, 2007 *** ISBN: 133 Gaur ez dut inor hilko. Randa Ghazy.
978-84-675-1560-2 Aitor Arana, itz. Amorebieta-Etxano: Ibaizabal, 2009
***** ISBN: 978-84-8394-348-9

52 Nasrudin. Odile Weulersse, Rébecca Dautremer, il. Naroa

Ogando, itz. Amorebieta-Etxano: Ibaizabal, 2007 ** ISBN:
149 Gerrateko ogia. Deborah Ellis. Aitor Arana, itz.
978-84-8394-061-7 Amorebieta-Etxano: Ibaizabal, 2003 ****
ISBN: 978-84-8325-738-8
55 Nasrudin eta astoa. Odile Weulersse. Rébecca
Dautremer, illus. Naroa Ogando, itz. Amorebieta-Etxano: 222 Basamortuko kontalaria. Josep Antoni Fluixà. Anna

Bizkaia: Ibaizabal, 2007 ** ISBN: 978-84-8394-062-4 Clariana, ill. Rosetta Testu Zerbitzuak, itz. Donostia: Erein,
2005. ** ISBN: 978-84-9746-232-7

82 Arrazismoa nire alabari azaldua. Tahar Ben KOMIKIA
Jelloun. Artzai Aranburu Xabier, itz. Tafalla: Txalaparta, 196 Tintin urre beltzaren lurraldean. Hergé.
2001 **** ISBN: 978-84-8136-204-6 José María Azurmendi, itz. Donostia: Elkar, 1987 ***

ISBN: 978-84-7529-386-8

87 Urrunean, Menkaura. Elena O'Callaghan i Duch. Aitor Arana, itz. Amorebieta-Etxano: Ibaizabal, 2008 **** ISBN: 978-84-

98 Anne hemen, Selima han. Marie Feraud. Agurtzane Ortiz de Landaluze, itz. Leioa: Zubia, 1994 ***** ISBN: 978-84-8147-





Pronouncing o nome dunha deli

ciosa semente, simsim , ou sésa
Like, the characters in a famous
Arabic story managed to make a
rock wall open and let them see the
wonders that lay beyond. Things
themselves shovel bras, we want to
provide young readers, countries
and educators with books that also
break barriers and per they try to
see, travel, experience a world that
is as close as it is sometimes hidden
by the walls of prejudice: the Arab
world, where we are so close, with
which we share—sometimes without
knowing it—so these things. To
know it is to know a part of

The garden gives half a day Rosa Aneiros. Vigo: Galaxy, 2004. ISBN: 978-84-8288-711-1
The diversity of two countries and the traditions pertaining to Arab culture have always been the origin of more
traditions of legends and stories, moments of them transmitted orally from now on. In this book, not that
there is a small introduction to the context and situation of two Arab countries and society, five words are compiled,
rewritten from the versions of two accountants themselves. They are short stories stories told with humor and
knowledge to learn how to open the doors to important things, to overcome the difficulties However, to choose
the years that know the most and not obsess over our personal gender.



Irene in Senegal. David Puigmartí, adap.

International Solidarity of Galicia, 2008. (Tales of the
World). D.L. PO. 311-2008
Unha das worklines de SI by G. It is carrying out
educational campaigns for the development and
awareness of girls and boys. With this objective of
intercultural education, they publish a collection Contos
** do Mundo aimed at the first cycles of primary school.
The book collects various aspects about this African
country no, for example, animals, foods, costumes, as
well as stories and legends written with the collaboration
of Mr. Mamadou Saliou Diallo. It also includes stories,
texts and activities and a small guide for educators.
- From the same collection: Irene no Sahara.

•• — —

As a bolboreta. Rosa Aneiros. Vigo: news of the death of his home to his sister-in-law after he
Xerais, 2009. ISBN: 978-84-9914-028-5 traveled by sea that both of them arranged to travel to
Luzada is Patricia's cafeteria, where every Spain. In From the Tebras , the protagonist writes from
day the characters of this novel come and go, Baghdad, where he worked in a hospital for an NGO,
and who in turn are connected to other about the reasons two of his jailers are holding him. In
characters that we also know through them. Sahara, a bitter experience, this teacher tells the bitterness
Lola and Eusebio are a married couple of her life in the Tindouf refugee camp. Zé, volcano of love
children of older people who own the is the story of a Muller from Cape Verde who fell in love
premises who have to face disabilities and and was abandoned by a man who fled to Lisbon.
learn to accept the help of other people. Iqbal
is a young man from London but of Pakistani
**** origin who left his city after the 2005 terrorist ****
attacks on the subway. A man who waits every day for his two
nephews, who one day will cross the Melilla border and head to
Galicia. Other characters, such as Manuel e seu avó, Paco e mais
Adolfo, who deals with They are bad for their mulleres, or Aysel, a
desperate Kurdish girl who is building a puzzle in which they fit the
fish little by little.
Love letters. Fran Alonso. Vigo: Xerais, 2010 (5th ed.). ISBN:
Nine letters that tell so many other stories of mulle men who loved
men who sometimes made love. In four of them, they are Arab men
or found in an Arab country. In Illegal , a Senegalese Muller gives

Irmán do vento. Manuel Lourenzo 286 In Catalan: Sari, somniador de mars. frames
González. S. Calveiro. Barcelona: Baula, 2007.
ISBN: 978-84-479-1631-3
Vigo: Xerais, 2005 (4th ed.).
As stones of destiny. Oscar Losada.
ISBN: 978-84-9782-055-4
Vigo: Tambre, 2008. ISBN: 978-84-92404-08-7
This is a beautiful chronicle of the second Iraq
The lives of two young men who will never touch each
war, which officially ended in April 2003. It
other run parallel and distant. However, in reality The
tells Khaled, a boy who is about to turn six
social and political aspects of their villages are not
years old, in letters in which he also narrates
surrounded by predators and both of them battle against
how he lives, his family, his dreams. An unfair
a powerful enemy with modest weapons: stones. In 1988,
war, incom understandable and terrible
the first Palestinian Intifada began shortly thereafter.
breaks all these things and makes Khaled
**** have to undertake a perigosa journey. More also **** Entire life, both in Derry and Nablus, in Ireland and in
Palestine, is disrupted by violence. cia: the children do not go
time for love and love for man I will end the illusions of the boy I
to school, some are injured, killed or imprisoned, hatred fuels the
conflicts and seems to confuse the biographies of Sean and

Sari, dreamer of seas. Marcos S. Calveiro.

Always Hausa. Xoán Babarro. Cruz Lago, il. Vigo:
Vigo: Tambre, 2006. ISBN: 978-84-88681-
Galaxy, 2004. ISBN: 978-84-8288-688-6 Abdulahi was
born in Africa and belongs to two Hausa people, he lives
Sari is a raptor who works running errands for
in a mud hut with a palla teito cos his pais, avós and
my friends. Terricious sailor Sinbad. The
irmáns. Life is hard, but as hard and as torias sobre los
elegance and wisdom of home embraced
devanceiros que lles conta o avó esper so much to the
Sari. The mysterious pilot left one day without
imagination and affection of the child for the traditions
warning and left one with many doubtful
and culture of his people. I will leave my family to look for
questions. Also left behind were nine
*** new frontiers and ways to survive. On this path you will live
**** mysterious damascened trunks and mottled hours
through difficult times and encounter ambitious and unscrupulous
of teachings and conversations. sas. Raised by his
people, but you will also lack the value of friendship. The life that is
homesickness, Sari embarks on the Preciosa dock in search of his
lived through two dreams, two means, effort and improvement is the
master and friend Sinbad or sailor and sails towards Estrema do
story of Abdulahi.
Mar, where perhaps he stumbles upon what he is looking for.



16 hard eggs. Marisa Núñez. Teresa Lima, ill. 109 Or star hunter. Ricardo Gomez. José
Pontevedra: OQO, 2006 *** ISBN: 978-84-96788-16-9 Ignacio Chao, trans. Zaragoza: Edelvives, 2004 ****
ISBN: 978-84-263-5470-9
20 Muk. Wilhelm Hauff. João Caetano, illus. Paco Liván,
trans. Pontevedra: OQO, 2007 **
112 Or carteiro of Baghdad. Marcos S. Calveiro.
ISBN: 978-84-96788-74-9 Miguel Díez, illus. Vigo: Tambre, 2007 ***
ISBN: 978-84-96772-66-3
27 Zalgum. Luisa Morandeira, adap.
Bernardo Carvalho, ill. Pontevedra: OQO, 2007 ** ISBN: 978- 122 You are na lua. Carmen Montalban. Pilar Millán, illus.
84-96788-73-2 Laura Almazán, trans. Seville: Kalandraka, 2008 ***

ISBN: 978-84-8464-673-0
216 O sultan and os moments. Joan de Boer, adap.
Txell Darné, il. Pilar Ferriz, trans. Pontevedra: OQO, 2005
146 Candy Words. Gonzalo Moure. Fernando
** ISBN: 978-84-96573-01-7
Martín Godoy, illus. Vigo: Xerais, 2003 ***
ISBN: 978-84-9782-071-4

172 Smara. Paula Carballeira. Carole Hénaff, illus.

ILLUSTRATED BOOKS Pontevedra: Kalandraka, 2006 ***
ISBN: 978-84-8464-549-8
29 The astrologer is a feiticeira. Washington Irving Paco
Liván, adap. and trans. Paula Aneiros, illus. 177 O exhausted treasure. Paul Maar. Isabel Pin, il. Laura
Pontevedra: OQO, 2006 *** ISBN: 978-84-96573-54-3 Almazán, trans. Seville: Kalandraka, 2009 ***
ISBN: 978-84-8464-702-7
38 What is my name? Antoine Guilloppé.
Géraldine Alibeu, illus. Anaír Rodríguez, trans. Vigo: Xerais,
2009 ** ISBN: 978-84-9782-432-3
184 The five narrators of Baghdad. Fabien Vehlmann
and Frantz Duchazeau. David Gippini, trans. Vigo: Factory
K de Libros, 2008. ISBN: 978-84-96957-32-9

197 Tintin in the country of Ouro Negro. Hergé.

Barcelona: Youth, 1985 *** ISBN: 978-84-261-2130-1



Organization of the guide 3

Organization of the guide 6
Organization gives guide 6
books in Spanish 9
gaztelerazko liburuak books in Spanish 9
Sahrawi proverbs. Fernando Pinto Cebrián. 14
The librarian of Basra. Jeanette Winter. Teresa Farran and Elodie Bourgeois, trans. 18
The color of the sand. Elena O'Callaghan i Duch.18
María Jesús Santos Heredero, illus. Saragossa: 18
Water dunes. Javier Sobrino. Alfonso Ruano, illus. Madrid: SM, 2009. ISBN: 978-84-675-3518-1 18
** 20
** 20
** 20
P for Pyramids. Lali Sandiumenge. Barcelona: Intermón Oxfam, 2008. ISBN: 978-84-8452-310-9 27

In the times of Azur and Asmar. Sandrine Mirza. Madrid: SM, 2007. ISBN: 978-84-675-1558-9 28
•• —J- 29
Narrative. Adventures that seem exotic to us in distant places and we discover that they are not 29
so much. And also stories of war, of emigration, of encounters and disagreements, of overcoming. The
narratives help put faces and names to the anonymous protagonists of real life. 29
Sand angels. José Luis Navarro. 31
The architect and the emperor of Arabia. 32
100 In Catalan: L'arquitecte i l'emperador d'Aràbia.32
Auliya. Verónica Murguía. Madrid: SM, 2003. ISBN: 978-84-348-9402-0 32
The kiss of the Sahara. Gonzalo Moure. Madrid: SM, 2006. ISBN: 978-84-675-0901-4 33
*** 35
**** 35
*** 35
Jerusalem cries. Santiago Herraiz. Madrid: Bruño, 2009. ISBN: 978-84-216-6293-9 37
Border. Jordi Sierra i Fabra. Barcelona: SM, 2003. ISBN: 978-84-348-9506-538
***** 38
***** 38
Borders. Katrien Seynaeve. María Lerma, trans. Zaragoza: Edelvives, 2003. ISBN: 978-84-263-5129-6

*** 38
** 38
The Legend of the Wandering King. Laura Gallego. 40
Fatma's hand. Elia Barceló. Barcelona: 40
Alba Editorial, 2001. ISBN: 978-84-8428-096-5 40
*** 41
Muna. Beatriz Berrocal. Claudia Legnazzi, ill. León: Everest, 2009. ISBN: 978-84-441-4371-2 41
**** 41
The oasis. Xavier-Laurent Petit. 41
*** 41
**** 41
*** 42
**** 42
The passage of the Strait. Fernando Lalana. Madrid: Bruño, 2007 (12th ed.). ISBN: 978-84-216-3185-0
151 In Catalan: El Pare Noel i els nens del desert.42
** 42
**** 42

Tasting the sky. A Palestinian childhood. Ibtisam Barakat. Arturo Peral, trans. 44
Corner kick. Germán Díez Barrio. 45
Madrid: Anaya, 2009. ISBN: 978-84-667-8442-945
Smara. Paula Carballeira. Carole Hénaff, illus. 46
The flight of the storks. M. Isabel Molina. 47
Comic. In the lively and fresh language of the graphic novel, which is a little reminiscent of narrative and a
little of cinema, we receive stories of characters set in Arab countries and aimed at both young people and
adults. 48
Budapest Cafe. Alonso Zapico. Bilbao: Astiberri, 2008. ISBN: 978-84-96815-62-9 48
Persepolis. Marjane Satrapi. Albert Agut, trans. Barcelona: Norma, 2007. ISBN: 978-84-9847-066-6
196 In Basque: Tintin urre beltzaren lurraldean. 51
Other books in Spanish 52
Tradition books 52
Informational books 53
Illustrated books 54
books in catalan 54
katalanezko liburuak books in catalan 54
**** 56

** 56
** 56
Sindbad the sailor. Anonymous Manel Riera-Eures, adap. Mercè López Ascanio, adap. 56
** 56
Narrative Adventures that ens semblen exotics in llocs llunyans and discover that nothing is happening
anymore. I also have stories of war, of emigration, of mixed fortunes and misfortunes, of overcoming. The
narratives contribute to posing the faces of the anonymous protagonists of real life. 62
Saïd's adventure. Josep Lorman. Barcelona: Cruïlla, 1995. ISBN: 978-84-7629-977-7 62
From Nador to Vic. Laila Karrouch. Barcelona: 62
Column, 2004. ISBN: 978-84-664-0425-9 62
**** 62
L'encàrrec del vell Hayyam. Victor Rotger. 62
Vic: Eumo, 2002. ISBN: 978-84-9766-005-1 62
Tangier Somni. Xavier Vernetta. Barcelona: La Magrana, 2002. ISBN: 978-84-8264-320-5 62
** 62
Comic In the vivid and fresh language of the graphic novel, which reminds a mica of the narrative and a
mica to the cinema, where stories of people set in Arab countries arrive and directed at young people 63
com to adults. 63

oral tradition 64
Llibres il lustrats 64
Llibres informatius 64
narrative 64
Comic 65
books in basque 68
books in basc 68
books in basque 68
Nasreddin. Pablo Sastre. Iruña: Pamiela, 2010. 67
ISBN: 978-84-7681-607-3 67
Zangozikin. Koldo Izagirre. Antton Olariaga, il. 72
Iruña: Igela, 2009. ISBN: 978-84-87484-89-6 72
Information liburuak. Iritzia emateko,aintzat hartzeko, elkarbizitzeko, jakin egin behar da. 73
Liburuok hurbiltzen gaituzte arabiarren eguneroko bizitzaren alderdi garrantzitsu batzuetara, haien kulturaren
ondarekoak, historiakoak eta haien pentsalarien lanekoak direnak. Jakiteak dawn uzten ditu aurreiritziak eta
aukera ematen du kulturak elkartzeko 73
Informational books 73
*** 73
Ate debenkatua Patxi Ezkiaga. Donostia: Erein, 1998. ISBN: 978-84-7568-752-0 74

Eztia eta ozpina. Patxi Zubizarreta. 76
Irun: Alberdania, 1995. ISBN: 978-84-88669-18-676
Palestine, zure mina. Begoña Bilbao. 78
Donostia: Elkar, 2004. ISBN: 978-84-9783-174-178
liburu illustuak 79
Narratiba 79
books in Galician 82
llibres in gallec gailegozko liburuak books in galego82
The garden gives half a day Rosa Aneiros. Vigo: Galaxy, 2004. ISBN: 978-84-8288-711-1 81
Narrative. Adventures that seem exotic to us in remote places and we discover that they are not so much. And
also stories of war, of emigration, of encounters and disagreements, of overcoming. The narratives contribute
through faces and names to the protagonists. 83
As a bolboreta. Rosa Aneiros. Vigo: Xerais, 2009. ISBN: 978-84-9914-028-5 83
Love letters. Fran Alonso. Vigo: Xerais, 2010 (5th ed.). ISBN: 978-84-9782-489-7 83
Irmán do vento. Manuel Lourenzo González. 84
Vigo: Xerais, 2005 (4th ed.). 84
ISBN: 978-84-9782-055-4 84
Sari, dreamer of seas. Marcos S. Calveiro. Vigo: Tambre, 2006. ISBN: 978-84-88681-49-2 84
286 In Catalan: Sari, somniador de mars. frames 84

As stones of destiny. Oscar Losada. 84
Vigo: Tambre, 2008. ISBN: 978-84-92404-08-7 84
Songs | Songs | Abestiak | Songs 86
Conflicts | Conflicts | Gatazkak | Conflicts 86
Contrasts and cultural encounters | Contrasts and points of cultural trobada | Kulturen arteko kontrasteak eta
bilguneak | Contrasts and cultural meeting points 91
Stories | Answers | Ipuinak | Cough 91
Arab culture | Arab culture | Arabian culture | 91
Arabic culture 91
Migrations | Migrations | Migrazioak | Migrations 91
Cultural stereotypes | Cultural stereotypes | Kulturalak stereotype | Cultural stereotypes 91
History and historical narrative | History and historical narrative | History eta narrazio historikoa | History and
historical narrative 91
Games | Jocs | Jokoak | Xogos 91
Women | Women | Emakumeak | Mulleres 92
Arab characters | Arab personalities | Arabiar Pertsonaiak | Arab characters 92
Refugees | Refugees | Errefuxiatuak | Refugees 92
Religion | Religion | Erlijioa | Religion 92
Travel | Travel | Bidaiak | Travel 92

Oral tradition | Oral tradition | Ahozko tradition | 92
Oral tradition 92 90
241, 252, 253, 265, 266, 269, 270, 271, 277, 283, 284. ARABIC CULTURE
49, 50, 71, 72, 74, 75, 88, 89, 90, 92, 93, 99, 100, 101, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121,
POINTS OF CULTURAL TROBADA | KULTUREN ARTEKO 122, 137, 155, 171, 185, 193, 227, 228, 230, 231, 236, 239, 242, 245, 246, 247,
30, 31, 32, 37, 38, 44, 45, 48, 49, 80, 81, 82, 89, 90, 94,96, 97, 98, 102, 103,
110, 46, 47, 48, 49, 68, 69, 71, 72, 85, 86, 87, 89, 90, 96, 97, 98, 114, 115, 116, 117,
114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 124, 125, 128, 129, 132, 133, 134, 143,145, 146, 118, 119, 134, 152, 168, 182, 190, 220, 221, 222, 227, 228, 230, 231, 232, 236,
150, 151, 156, 157, 158, 160, 169, 170, 178, 181, 182, 225, 226, 232,240, 242, 239, 242, 245, 246, 247, 248, 254, 257, 258, 259, 262, 267, 268, 272, 273, 278,
245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 262,272, 273, 287.
274, 281.


3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 80, 81, 82, 89, 90, 94, 139, 140.
27, 28, 29, 40, 41, 42, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 93, 124, 130,
131, 137, 138, 153, 154, 165, 166, 176, 177, 183, 184, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, HISTORY AND HISTORICAL NARRATIVE | HISTORY AND
203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, HISTORICAL NARRATIVE | HISTORY ETA NARRAZIO HISTORIKOA |
219, 243, 244, 245, 263, 275, 276, 279, 285, 286. HISTORY AND HISTORICAL NARRATIVE
44, 45, 56, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 76, 91, 92, 155, 161, 162, 169, 170, 178, 180, 181,
186, 187, 188, 190, 191, 192, 265, 266.


89, 90, 96, 97, 98, 101, 106, 121, 122, 125, 132, 133, 147, 148, 149, 156, 157, 158, 159, 175, 242, 282.


50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 63, 64, 66, 67, 185, 202, 206, 207, 208.


35, 36, 95, 104, 128, 129, 188, 189.


44, 45, 70, 73, 74, 76, 157, 158, 178, 191, 192.


40, 88, 135, 136, 139, 140, 142, 143, 194, 195, 196, 197, 223, 233, 234, 237, 264.


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 40, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 59, 75, 93, 183, 184, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203,
204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 243, 244, 279.

c/ Alcalá, 62. 28009 Madrid.
Tel.: 0034 91 563 30 66

c/ Martínez Rucker, 9. 14003 Córdoba.

Tel.: 0034 957 49 84 13.

Casa Arabe is a consortium formed by: | Casa Arabe is a consortium format for:
Arab House hauek osatzen dute: | Casa Arabe is a consortium formed by:
Selection of books and reviews: A Mano Cultura and Casa Arabe
Carmen Palomo (Spanish), Elia Romo and Theodoro Loinaz (Catalan), Cristina Ameijeiras (Galician),
Asun Agiriano (Basque)
Graphic design: | Illustrations: Juanvi Sánchez and Ana Castro Carrancho

Selected books and reviews: A Mano Cultura and Casa Arabe,

Carmen Palomo (castellà), Elia Romo i Theodoro Loinaz (català), Cristina Ameijeiras (gallec), Asun
Agiriano (basc)
Graphic design: | Illustrations: Juanvi Sánchez and Ana Castro Carrancho

Liburu eta erreseinen aukeraketa: A Mano Cultura eta Casa Arabe

Carmen Palomo (gaztelania), Elia Romo eta Theodoro Loinaz (katalana), Cristina Ameijeiras
(galiziera), Asun Agiriano (euskara),
Graphic design: | Illustration: Juanvi Sanchez and Ana Castro Carrancho

Selection of books and reviews: A Mano Cultura and Casa Arabe

Carmen Palomo (Castilian), Elia Romo and Theodoro Loinaz (Catalan), Cristina Ameijeiras (Galician),
Asun Agiriano (Basque)
Graphic design: | Illustrations: Juanvi Sánchez and Ana Castro Carrancho


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