0136816a Rat 241120210928

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Acknowledgement of Receipt of Notification

This is to acknowledge that the below report has been submitted to the Superintendence of Public Health.

Result of Point-of-Care Rapid Antigen Test for SARS-CoV-2

Date of Birth: 05-Jun-1966
ID / Passport: 0136816A

Date: 24-Nov-2021 09:28

Test type: Panbio COVID-19 Ag Rapid Test Device (Nasopharyngeal); Abbott Rapid Diagnostics Jena GmbH
Test result: Not Reactive
Performed at: Boffa

Test Result is 'Not Reactive'; this does not necessarily mean that you do not have the virus. If you presently have
symptoms it is important that you self-isolate un l 24 hours a er you no longer have symptoms. If your
symptoms persist, you are advised to repeat the test. If you are currently in mandatory quaran ne, you need to
remain in quarantine.

The public health authori es retain the right to declare any person as being COVID-19 posi ve, irrespec ve of
the RAT result, and to start contact tracing procedures based on its own internal assessment procedures.

If you require to print an EU Digital Covid Certificate for this test result you can do so from certifikatswab.gov.mt.

Office of the Superintendent of Public Health


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