Every Solution Breeds New Problem

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Every Solution breeds New Problem

A problem is an obstacle which hinders the achievement of a particular goal, object or

purpose. It refers to a situation, condition or issue that is yet unresolved. In a board sense, a
problem exists when an individual becomes aware of a significant difference between what
actually is and what is derived between one or more individual. Whenever a person or a
group of persons accept the anti-dialogues or opposite opinion and start to get everyone to
just their own viewpoint, then the matter becomes called problem. Every theoretical problem
asks for an answer or solution. Trying to find a solution to a problem is known as problem
solving. That is a problem of a gap between an actual and desired solution, and the time it
takes solve a problem is a way of measuring complexity. Many problems have no discovered
solution and are therefore classified as an open problem. It is all true that whatsoever is
problem, there is also the solution of it but when the problems arise after the solution of
precious troublesome, the latter problems take too time to time to leave or to get the solution
of those.
As I have defined about the creativity of a problem and the solution of it, it also necessary to
be discussed that why these problems generate? Every person has their own standpoint and
from the starting of the day of this universe every other person starts to critics other and try to
make his sentences right whether he or she is correct or not.
The problems are not only based upon the sentences or the views of dialogues, but it is also
increment in the evolutions of any technology or in the development in any matter. If there is
a computer, for instance, so there are also virus makers and if a company makes the anti-virus
for that so the breakers of it take birth and then the jail breaker and so on. In the same
manners, we have high technological machines in our banks which can also operate the
transaction online so the hacker comes to take place anti to it. It means there is no any final
result or final solution which can stop creating new problem and troubles about the matter of
which everyone is getting benefits.
If we will consider the old history of the country name “Pakistan” so we will also go through
the actual problems of it, which people have been facing since a long time. Before the period
of about 1945, the people of Indo-Pak was demanding for the free state and to become a
independent to do what is right in their religion (Muslims and Hindus). But when their
demand fulfilled in 1947, they both started fight for the Kashmir and using the sentence that
the Kashmir is our province. Even that U.N.O. put its hands back in the matter of Kashmir
issue and still, this is an issue. Pakistan is the king of minerals and the gift of ALMIGHTY
ALLAH, which calls the agriculture country, is still counting in the undeveloped countries,
just because of their self-made problems, and the amelioration in it, and no any regardless
solution of it. Pakistan has two kinds of major crops: one is food crops (wheat, rice, grains,
grams, etc.) and the other one is cash crops (cotton, tobacco, sesames, etc.) but because of its
political problems, they cannot develop themselves in a correct manner.
Australia is a developed country and has many ways to face the problems and activities of the
world but still it facing two major hazardous problems. One is the lowest rate of drinking
water in it, whether it is a Ireland and in the center of the ocean, also called under down
(Australia) and the other problem is about the raises of the sun, which is directly coming to
them and with those direct raises, they are getting the patients of skin cancer. From the help
of scientific theories, scientists made some medicines to get away from this disease but latter
people caught in the side effects of that medicines.
Many people in this world are addicted to cigarettes and met with ALLAH because of it,
scientists got the solution of it by making a special chewing gum to leave the cigarette but
now people become hooked with that chewing gum.
Present day, this world is facing twelve major problems and the ruler of it is trying too best to
efface these problems. The names of those major problems are given as below:
1. Pollution – of the air, the water, the soil.
2. Natural resources running out or being degraded.
3. Population growth outstripping resources worldwide.
4. Unequal distribution of financial resources.
5. The over-whelming power of Multinational Corporation over governments.
6. Nuclear weapons; the imminent danger of worldwide catastrophe.
7. Military means and thinking as a way of resolving political problem.
8. Genocides in Africa, Indo-China, Tibet, Europe, North America.
9. Racism, sexism, hatred of homosexuals, anti-Semitism.
10. Rising expectations in third world war.
11. Fundamentalism and narrowness, exclusivism, terrorism.
12. Ethnic groups clinging to land, to resources, to scared space.
Many people of the world tried to abolish the problems from their end but at last not least,
they got these new problems which everyone is facing now.
It is a human nature to become a prime and make every single person proud on him by his or
her dialogues and sentences, just because to be a fame and to get everything of this world and
this matter can just start when he or she starts pick apart from others, and this is the first stage
of evolution of problem.

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