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Project management

A project can be defined as a temporary effort to create a unique product, service or result. It is said to
be an effort because it demands and consumes resources, temporary because it has a beginning and an
end and of course it seeks to produce something.

Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques for the correct
development of the project, it provides the set of guidelines, procedures and resources necessary to
carry out the correct development of a project during all its phases: initiation, planning, monitoring and
control, and completion. The main objective of project management is to meet the scope, deadlines and
quality requirements of the project. The main aspects of a project are scope, quality, schedule, budget,
resources and risk.

Project management requires common sense and methodology, common sense because it is necessary
to have the knowledge, prudence and logic to make the best decisions, the methodology is the set of
steps and procedures to follow for the project to be correct. Without these, a project is not possible, that
is, it is a reasonable level and the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to meet
requirements is important once the project has started.

The project manager is the person appointed by the performing organization to achieve the objectives
of the project, that is, he is the person appointed to ensure that the scope is achieved in the established
time within the established cost, a project manager must possess three main qualities: leadership, as it is
necessary to coordinate and supervise all project phases; good management of the methodology; and
specific knowledge on the topic of the project you are managing, you are not required to be an expert in
each of the areas covered by the project as you can obtain consulting with experts to clarify doubts, but
you do need to have a good level of prior knowledge.

A portfolio is defined as a group of projects that are aligned with the company's objectives while a
program is considered as a set of projects grouped by management feasibility.

Portfolios and programs are generally aligned by the project management office, which is the part of a
company that focuses on the direction and coordination of projects, these are in charge of offering
methodology and support, training and mentoring, review and consulting, portfolio and project
management resources.

The project phases are the stages in which the project is fragmented with the objective of facilitating
management and administration. The project phases can be carried out sequentially, simultaneously or

People and organizations that are involved in the project or whose interests may be negatively or
positively affected by the execution or conclusion of the project are called project stakeholders.

The execution of the project is influenced by factors such as organizational culture, which can be
defined as the way work is done within the company; the degree of project management maturity which
can increase or decrease the number of obstacles during project management and the participation of
external entities.

The assets of the organization's processes are all the things that must be fulfilled, that can or should be
used to execute the project, these include the plans, policies, procedures and guidelines as well as the
knowledge bases of the organization.

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