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Soil Texture Test – The Jar Test

Take a soil sample and perform a Jar test.

Best to do 24-36 hrs.+ before next class.
Have the jar handy to show to the group on Tuesday

a. Sieve soil to remove large debris, gravel and organic matter.
b. Put a clear tape vertically on the side of the jar-you will use this to mark the soil layers.
c. Transfer enough sieved soil to fill jar 2/3.
d. Fill jar with water nearly to the top.
e. Add a few drops of dishwasher detergent as a dispersing solution to the jar.
f. Put the lid on the jar tightly and shake vigorously for approximately 2 minutes.
g. Once you set the jar down, start the timer.**DO NOT disturb the jar after this point**
h. Allow the soils to settle for 24-48 hrs. or as long as it takes for suspended clay particles
to settle and water is clear.
i. After soil water is clear from suspended particles of clay, measure the total height of the
soil in the jar: ______

j. Measure the height of each layer:

Height of sand: _______
Height of silt: _______
Height of clay: _______

p. Use the following formula to calculate the percentage of the soil

sample and use the soil texture triangle to determine your soil
sample’s type:

% Sand: ______
% Silt: ______
% Clay: ______

To use the textural triangle (see figure below), locate the percentage of each
particle. Draw a straight line through each point. Where the three lines intersect
is the name of your soil type.

Based on my analysis, the soil type is a: ___________________________

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