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Anglo-Chinese School (Barker Road) PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION 2016 SECONDARY FOUR (EXPRESS) FIVE (NORMAL ACADEMIC) COMBINED HUMANITIES (SOCIAL STUDIES) (2204/01) HOUR 45 MINUTES Instructions te Candidates: 1. Answer Question 4 rom Secton A, 2nd one question kom Section 8. 2 Begin your answer to Secton B on a new and seperate sheet of paper 3, Youare advised to spend no longer than $ hour on Section A 4 5 ‘Altach a cover sheet to the front f your answer scrss. Wie youringex number in ‘the bax provided on the cover snet. 6, The total marks forthe entre paper ie 50 marks, Information for Candidates: ‘The number of marks for each part-queston is given in brackets |] atthe end of te weston “This quesson paper consists of 7 printed paces. ‘Are San Se tr Ree Section A (Source-Bosed Ca Study) {Queston 1 is compulsory fr al candidates, ‘Study the Background Information and the sources caretuly, and than answer all the ‘uestions You may use sty of the sources to help you answer the questions i addon to those sources which you ate told to use. In answering the queslons you shoud use your ‘owiedge ofthe opie to help you interpret and evaluate the sources, 1 (a) Suey Source A iy do you think the cartoon was drawn? Explain your answer, refecng to eal ofthe cartoon 8 (8) Sudy Souree 8 an we trust what the source says regarding the fle tht Israel played in worsening ihe Palestnianlerael conte? Explain your answer. m (©) Su0y Source c 7 Ho useful woud this source be fo your understanding f the Palestinian- tao conte? Explain your answer m (4) Suey Source 0. How or does Source D prove thatthe Palestinians would naver accept Jewish rule? Expain your answer m (©) Stuy Sources € und F. Having read Source E, are you suprised by Source F? Explain your answer 8) ae : contin rari Sc See st srl cae i rae) ‘The Middle-East Conttiet Between th Israelis and Palestinians ‘BACKGROUND INFORMATION ‘Road this careful, I ay help you to answer some ofthe questions. “The struggle Between the Israelis and the Palestinians i one of the most enduring and ‘explosive ofall tne wor conics. Bele 1919, Palestine was part of he Otoman Empre. Botwoen 1919-1048, Pseetina was placed Under Brseh cont! by he League of Nations, However, the was a problem when the Bish decided to grant indeperdence to Paesine in 1946 os they Rad premised to support ihe creaton ofa Jewish slat in Palestine, much the anger of fe Palestinian Arabs, who oid not want auch an strangement Eventually, the Brtisn requested the helo of he United Nabons fo selve the prolom, In 4047, the UN, ‘Goneral Assembly voted to partion Palestine ino two independent sials, @ Jewish stalo (lseel) ang an Arab stale (Palestro, for both Jewish and Paestinian setters, respectively. “Tha Jewish people accopied the proporal but the Arabs rejected it lerael declared its indopendence on 4 May 1848, it was attacked by the surrounding Arab ‘counties te flowing cay. Large numbers of Plesinars were mace homeless elmer by being teroised into feaving thelr homes or by choice. Since 1948, lsrel has had a series of wars wit Rs Arab nelgheours. Many Pelestnians became refugees n the Wes! Bank, the (Gaza Stip and the neighbouring Arab counties. Present, Israel's occupying the Palestinian terrors. There nave been many uprisings sari by the Palestine Liberation Organisaion (PLO) protesting Jewish expansion in Gaza ‘and the West Bank and claiming for afulure, Independent sale. The PLO adopted wolent ‘ethods such as hijacking, Kdrappings, tombings and ras on Israel setdements Inthe hope ttarorsing lao avrg up econo tans, aera eta win sar ‘ete acions, ‘Tho Pelestelansrast confict has now widenod into an intoraional cone. srl bas tho support of he USA whie the Palestinians have the support of the Arab counties, There have been alee at modaton and paace-making between the two Ses. Source A: Acerioans's impression 8 he Palesbrian-srae peace (aks in 2002. From let to right: Ail Sharon (en israel Prime Meister, Tony Bi (ten Brtsh me bist), Yasser Arafat (hen Chaliman the PLO}. ‘As artle by en American journalist on the tine cleensing of the leraoltauthortos aro canying out @ process in East Jerusalem that can accurately be described as ttre cleansing, I is plainly geared to uproot Palestnans ftom an area thal historically has been known as Arab ast Jerutalem and convert tino an inegral potmanent pat of the captal ofthe Jaws slate. Tha scandalous process s recognised and ‘Seplored by major naws madia in Elan and eleaunare and even by some newspapers In Israat but tie pradctaby Ignored in the United Slates. Sil worse, Washington provides tne ‘nancial, potca and mitary suppor without which the cleansing could not go forward, Prema tor 298 4 enna SEL Puestinions bythe ioe. po ost el net Source: A photograph of@ Jew anda Patestinan Source D: “Wen we hick a plene it has more offect than if we kiled a hundred lsraois in atte. For Gecases werd pubic opinion has been rather for nor against the Palestelans. Rly ignored us. A! least he word sang bout ut now. “The non-violent methods ore very beautiful and very easy, and we wish we coud win wih ‘hese mathods. Our poople do not cary machine-guns and bombe because they enjoy kilng. Tis a lat cesort For twanty-two yoars we wated for Ine United Nations 30d 0 United States, for tery, for freedom and Independence. There was no result. So tis sour last reson" Source &: An extract rom @ PLO pamphie. ‘On 9 Apc 1948, a Jewigh fice attacked the poaceulPalestnsn Arab vidage of Det Yassin near Jerusalem. In col bleed they murdered 154 men, women and chicver, mutating many ofthe bodies. The plan was 10 fightin the rest of tie Palestinian population into leaving to avod the same nappening to them, Thousands of Palestinians who fled during the ‘confusion and feror were praventad fram returning to taichomes by israel Pasi natn 386 : sect 4 ae amine ann (cl ode et Jnpch een tered) ‘Source F: An extract fom tho Briish-sraeliPublc Alters Comite, whichis en fii ‘eael formation service tthe Arabs wore go atachad to their land, why dd they leave tin 1948 during 2 cis? The ‘esponsionty mist vo wien mage wre stackeo ‘rae the cal ofthe Arad leaders to De ‘Arabs to mave ut 0 tht the atmies could rreve in. The Blama must be atibuled to Arad leaders who encouraged these Avabs fo leave. promising them frat ata vitery In the war {ay would be able to etun Io daim the property of the Jews as wel. Arad propagance fod tem to fear what would happen fo tam f they slayed, and veatened tnt they WOUd a0 ‘be consioeres trator to te Arab care. trina Eamonn ste ‘ Spc grn cunt orate Sh Anaconda Re ‘Section B (Strutured-Essay Questions ‘Angwer one question Heattheara In Singapore (@) Explain how working with exgansatons isan impotent way to manage heathcare in Singapore. 8) (®) Explain two other ways to manage heathcare in Singapore. Which ls more effective in mating the needs of tha peope of Singapore? Explain your answer. | 7 110) Bonding Singapore (2) explain how safeguarding the interests of inoiy groups isan important way of ‘managing atic versity in Singapore (c) (0) Explain wo other measures taken to manage ethnic dversty in Singapore. Which ‘3 more offctve to bond Singaporeans? Exciin your answer. 10) Dectne of Venice (8) Biolan now Venice dectned because of mame competion ) (&) Explain two ther reasons that contributed o Venice's deci. Which contributed more to Venice's demise? Explain your answer. 9) END OF PAPER rca aps) amin anaes et Sa UY Arg cree Ste atta) ‘Section A (Source-Based Case Study) ‘The Middle-East Conflct Between the leravls and Palestinians la) Study Source A. u a ees sian 2098 1 ny do you thirk ine cartoon was crawn? Explain your answar, refering fo Geta of the carteon, 8 [Note: ‘This questo asks Why?" Only answers which provide a reason can ‘horefora be rewarded, ‘Angers based on provenance / Generaleations about cartoon /tople [1 m] + R.doae not ell me anything as cartoons are justo make people laugh. The cartoonist does not approve t because tha is what he drew. oR Describes the cartoon um '+ The cartoon shows toe men! leaders and a dove. ‘Mossage about the Palestiniandrall peace tks, unsupported Bm ‘+ The cartoonist feels that the Palostriandereel peace talks would be fuses unsuccessful as bot parties are unw/llg olay down thelr ers, ‘+ can infer thatthe peace faks ae extremely dfcut asthe hated is too deep- seated. “+ Tho cartoonist la not vary hopell ofa peaceful solution t tho Palestinian aree

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