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To carry out the activity:

1. Review topic 1 in the content of unit 1. Research and the scientific knowledge society, and the article

Díaz Escoto, A. (2011). Information and Knowledge Society in Latin America. In:
University Library, 14(1), 18-25. Available at:

2. Enter the Activity 1 forum. Research and Knowledge Society,

share your answer in relation to the following key questions:
What is the interrelation between Research and the Knowledge Society?

Research allows us to find valid and justified answers to questions posed to solve
a certain problem, obtaining specialized information. Dominique Foray defines it as
the “set of data structured and matted, but inert and inactive until they are used by
those who have sufficient knowledge to interpret and manipulate them”, and that is
where research begins to interrelate with the knowledge society because the
answers are given a scientific approach. , educational to solve a specific problem
encompassing an entire society in common with the same problem.

Having this knowledge as a society will allow knowledge to continue to be

generated and distributed, which will allow for social and productive development,
all based on good research.

What impact does research have on the development of countries?

It gives a positive impact, good research allows us to determine the areas of

opportunity that a certain country has, as well as the areas where it suffers from
decadence, Roberto Hernández Sampieri (2013) “research into its past helps a
society to know the errors that have been made.” "They have committed the issues
that have worked and those that have not to plan their future,"

It is evident that research is very important to you since without research

knowledge there are no solid bases to provide solutions.

Best regards, mate.

Reviewing your publication, you mention that it is necessary to discriminate the

information , you are referring to limiting the information, filtering, I do not
understand the term discriminate well, and I agree with you in the aspect that is
very important Searching for reliable sources in the course, we were shown some
reliable sites that any researcher you can use.
In the question of the impact of the research, I am struck by how you focus on the
power of knowledge. Or , we can see the reality of ignorance or lack of knowledge
in some nations, which has not allowed their economic and competitive
development at a global level.

3. Once you share your contributions, review and comment on the

contributions of at least two of your colleagues.
4. Subsequently, follow the instructions of your online Teacher.

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