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EXAM 2: Nivel B1.

Profesor Eduardo Barros Guerrero

Alumno: _____________________________. Calificación: ________.

1. Complete the gaps in the book review with the words in the box.

more who won’t each when

Book Review
"Join Me" by Helen Wheeler and Jackie Townsend
When I first heard that my two favorite authors were going to write a book together, I was excited. Now I have
read the book, and although I found it enjoyable to read, I think that ___________ of the authors writes better
on her own.
The story was __________ a young woman who hires a man to become her boyfriend in order to get her
dream job. She did this after finding out that the boss preferred to hire people __________ were married or in
a relationship as he considered them ___________ reliable. But to be honest, I found the situation rather
unbelievable, as I don’t think bosses can select employees that way these days. I __________ tell you what
happened as that would spoil the story for you. I’ll just say that ___________ I was reading the book, I
predicted what would happen. However. my prediction was wrong, and the ending was a pleasant surprise.

2. Read the text and select the correct answers.

Actors who died on set

Brandon Lee
Brandon Lee, son of the famous martial artist and actor Bruce Lee, died in 1993, while filming
“The Crow”. He was acting as the main character in a scene where his character gets shot, but
no one knew that a small piece of a real bullet got stuck in the gun. When the gun was fired,
the piece of the bullet came out and hit Brandon in the stomach. Even though doctors tried to
help him, Lee passed away later that day. This accident made people think more about how to
keep actors safe on movie sets.

Vic Morrow
Vic Morrow’s death happened during the filming of “Twilight Zone: The Movie” in 1982. He
portrayed a character in the Vietnam War. In this scene, Morrow was carrying two child actors
across a river while being chased by a helicopter. During filming, explosives were used,
causing the helicopter to crash in the river. As a result, Morrow and the two young actors lost
their lives immediately and six passengers onboard were injured. During the investigation, the
film director was found guilty of having children working near explosives illegally.

Jon-Erik Hexum
The accidental death of Jon-Erik Hexum occurred on the TV show “Cover Up” in 1984. During
a break from filming, the actor was playing with a gun used in one of the scenes pointing it at
his head and pulled the trigger as a joke. Even though the gun did not have real bullets, the
force was strong enough to hurt him badly. A piece of bone from his head went into his brain.
He was taken to the hospital immediately, but despite emergency surgery, he was pronounced
brain dead six days later.

Roy Kinnear
Roy Kinnear’s tragic accident took place while he was filming “The Return of the Musketeers”
in 1989. During a scene with horse riding, Kinnear fell from his horse and broke a bone near
one of his hips. Despite the severity of his injury, Kinnear was determined to continue filming
and completed his scenes. However, his health conditions got worse and ended up affecting
his heart. Sadly, Kinnear passed away from a heart attack caused by these complications.

Steve Irwin
Steve Irwin, known as “The Crocodile Hunter,” was working on a documentary called “Ocean’s
Deadliest” in 2006 off the coast of Queensland, Australia when tragedy struck. While filming a
segment about dangerous fish, Irwin approached a stingray – a type of flat fish with long, sharp
tails – in shallow water. The stingray felt it was in danger and attacked the man. The fish had
used its sharp tail to poke Steve Irwin in the chest, and the pointy part went into his heart. His
crew and emergency services tried to save him, but Irwin didn’t survive. His sudden death
shocked the world and left millions of fans upset for the loss of a man who was truly passionate
about the natural world.

Instructions: Write the letter of the correct answer.

1. _______ kept on working after being badly hurt.

a.Brandon Lee
b.Vic Morrow
c.Jon-Erik Hexum
d.Roy Kinnear
e.Steve Irwin

2. _______ had a father who was a well-known actor and sportsman.

a.Brandon Lee
b.Vic Morrow
c.Jon-Erik Hexum
d.Roy Kinnear
e.Steve Irwin

3. ______ was famous for his interest in animals and the environment.
a.Brandon Lee
b.Vic Morrow
c.Jon-Erik Hexum
d.Roy Kinnear
e.Steve Irwin

4. ______ died in a tragic accident that affected other actors.

a.Brandon Lee
b.Vic Morrow
c.Jon-Erik Hexum
d.Roy Kinnear
e.Steve Irwin

5. ______ officially died almost a week after his accident.

a.Brandon Lee
b.Vic Morrow
c.Jon-Erik Hexum
d.Roy Kinnear
e.Steve Irwin

6. ______ died as a result of his careless behavior with a dangerous object.

a.Brandon Lee
b.Vic Morrow
c.Jon-Erik Hexum
d.Roy Kinnear
e.Steve Irwin

7. ______ had an accident while he was filming in the sea.

a.Brandon Lee
b.Vic Morrow
c.Jon-Erik Hexum
d.Roy Kinnear
e.Steve Irwin

8. ______ was killed in an accident that showed behaviors against the law.
a.Brandon Lee
b.Vic Morrow
c.Jon-Erik Hexum
d.Roy Kinnear
e.Steve Irwin

3. Underline the correct option to complete the sentences below.

1. I love skydiving. It's an (amazed / amazing) feeling.

2. The robber was carrying a gun and wearing the mask of a clown. He was
(terrified / terrifying).
3. She was very (annoyed / annoying) with him for not telling her the truth.
4. The students are very (disappointed / disappointing) about the exam results.
5. My teacher is very (bored / boring). He speaks so slowly that we just want to
6. This year, all the presents that I got for Christmas were very (disappointed /
7. He's a very (interested / interesting) man. He's travelled all around the
8. I was so (surprised / surprising) to see her. She wasn't supposed to be
9. Teenagers get very (embarrassed / embarrassing) when they have to speak
in public.
10. In the photo you can see the (shocked / shocking) image of what seems to
be a ghost.

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