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The Meaning of Tarot:

Complete guide

This book is made up of articles from
Marinela Ramirez
Sociologist, Holistic Therapist, Tarot Teacher
Columnist for
Reflections and meditations
From RHWilson in the book
“Practical and esoteric Tarot”
Gathered for learning
Complete from started by:
Águeda Torrado


Part I: Meaning of the Tarot (page 4)

What is Tarot?
Tarot Ethics
The Tarot consultation
Uses of Tarot-
Doubts and fears of the Tarot

Part II: Tarot and Self-knowledge (page 13)

Tarot as therapy
Free will and personal responsibility
Beyond Tarot Prediction
Psycho-emotional guidance through Tarot
The mask and shadow of the Tarot
Tarot and the Akashic Records
Tarot and concept of synchronicity
Some interesting cases

Part III: The Major Arcana (page 30)

The Fool's Journey

Analysis, Archetypes, Meaning, Message and
Council of the major arcana.

Part IV: The Minor Arcana (page 98)

Description and meaning

The Court Figures
Notes by R.H. Wilson

Appendix (page 147)

Tarot and Bach Flowers



What is tarot?
The Tarot is a tool to awaken our intuitive faculties and get in touch with our inner world,
consisting of 78 cards. Tarot is a means for meditation, spiritual growth, reflection, divination,
self-knowledge, etc.

The Tarot is a symbolic system that consists of 78 cards: 22 Major Arcana and 56 Minor
Arcana. It is the unbroken chain of transmission of ancestral wisdom transferred from master to
disciple, first orally, then in writing. Thus it has come to us as a bearer of the mysteries of God,
of human life and of the cosmos. It was fundamentally conceived, in initiation schools, as a
method to transmit knowledge of man's relationship with God and with the universe. But, since
it interprets the laws that govern said relationship, it has been used for hundreds of years to
know the past, present and future, this being a later use.

The 22 Major Arcana represent universal principles, states of evolution, characteristic situations
of human existence throughout its evolution. This includes both the highest values of man and
the darker aspects of personality. They present characters and keys such as The Empress, The
Emperor, Death, The Tower, The Devil, The Moon, The Sun, etc.

The 56 Minor Arcana are related to day-to-day events, more specific aspects of life. They are
the cards of wands, pentacles, swords and cups. They include the 40 cards popularized in the
Spanish deck, plus 8, 9 and 10 of each series and the four queens (a total of 16 more cards). At
this level of our work we are not going to delve into the Minor Arcana, but it is possible to
develop a study of these arcana later.

To all these, perhaps you will wonder what the word "Arcane" means... It is from Sanskrit,
synonymous with secret, hidden. And each Tarot card represents a secret truth, hidden in the
image, suggested by the symbols.

Origin of Tarot

There is no conclusive evidence about the origin of the Tarot. Many researchers proclaim its
Egyptian origin and claim that it is a vestige of the Book of Thoth, (Egyptian god of magic,
science and mathematics, knowledgeable of the past, present and future). This theory has been
widely spread, but the Egyptian Tarots that we know are not ancient illustrations, as many
believe, but creations of modern authors.

Emilio Salas assigns the Tarot a direct relationship with the Kabbalah. In The Great Book of
Tarot (Robin Boock, Barcelona, 1992) the Hebrew term "nabi" (in Spanish "prophecy") stands
out, from which the word card is derived. For his part, Paul Foster Case, occultist and researcher
whose Tarot is used by the hermetic school BOTA (Builders of the Aditum), indicates that
around the year 1200 AD. C., after the destruction of Alexandria, occult adepts from all over the
world (sages, astrologers, mystics) gathered in the city of Fez, Morocco. Due to the language
barrier, they adopted a system based on primordial ideas common to Jews, Cirians, Tibetans and
Indians, which they represented in pictographic keys. These keys were known as "arcana"
(secrets), giving rise to the Tarot.

The first written reference about the Tarot in Europe is a Sienese manuscript (Trattato de
governo della familia di Pipozzo) from 1299, where the existence of "naibis" is mentioned, and
it recommends that gentlemen refrain from playing cards. No previous document has been
found as scientific proof of the existence of the Tarot.

What is a common agreement is that the Tarot comes from spiritual masters who "kept" their
hermetic knowledge in symbolic images. In the esoteric and hermetic schools of the West, the
"keys" of the Tarot have served as ways of self-knowledge and spiritual ascent, either through
meditation on them or through the study of their messages and relationships.

Gareth Knight, a Tarot scholar, on the Golden Circle portal states: "The Western mystery
tradition takes its main sources from the wisdom of the cultures that settled around the
Mediterranean, Europe and the Middle East. In this way we obtain a fusion of Egyptian, Greek,
Celtic, Nordic, Muslim, Jewish and Christian traditions." Each of these is in itself a path to self-

Tarot ethics
It is very important that there is a Tarot ethic. It is very important for anyone preparing to study
Tarot to make an ethical commitment. By reading the Tarot you will have resources to see the
inner world of people and intervene in it.

Every good professional must base their work on ethical conduct and especially, for obvious
reasons, those that have to do with what is internal to the Being, with the human soul. You must
do it with a clean heart, with the intention of service, fulfillment of mission and support. Since
their training, anyone who dabbles in Tarot must follow ethical lines of conduct.

Permanent elaboration in the study of Tarot

A good professional never says, "I already know everything I need to know. I'm an expert".
Science and technology have developed thanks to the fact that those who dedicate themselves to
them are never satisfied. On the contrary, each answer raises a thousand new questions that cry
out for a solution. This is the reason for the inventions, the correction of past errors, the change
of paradigms for progress. Thus, the tarot reader stagnates when he stops studying and
preparing. If you open yourself to learning, wise advice will come from those who are a little
"further ahead", whether it be a book, a course, a person, a T program. v. or a web page.

Theoretical-practical knowledge of Tarot

It is necessary to know the meaning of the cards and the combinations or "spreads" and, as these
aspects are better handled, the consultation becomes easier. But that is not enough. In parallel
with the theoretical mastery of Tarot, comprehensive training is required that includes
knowledge of psychology, self-help, holistic therapies, etc.

Mutual respect

Respect is courtesy, tolerance and trust. If the tarot reader and the consultant go in search of
answers in a harmonious attitude, a positive, inspired meeting with a lot of growth occurs for
both. There is a perfect connection and its effect is evolutionary for the two "actors." The rules
of courtesy and education make both participants feel satisfied and pleased. Omit vulgar and
profane expressions that debase the atmosphere and lower the vibration level. Remember: the
tarot reader sets the rules and the consultant adapts to them automatically.

Concentration in Tarot sessions

Before and during a session, avoid banal chats that distract and divert the focus of interest.
Without rigidity, take control and guide the conversation towards relevant topics. Avoid

superficial chatter, gossip and stories about collateral topics that disperse energy and make you
lose concentration.

Relaxed and perceptive attitude in the Tarot session

Breathe consciously, calm down and maintain an alert attitude during the session. When you
consult alone, this attitude facilitates your inner connection. When you consult someone who is
present, the calm and alert state of mind allows you to pick up signals that would otherwise
have gone unnoticed. Minimal gestures (a faint smile, a barely frowned brow or an almost
imperceptible tear) can be key signals that facilitate your passage through this unfathomable
"labyrinth" of the human soul. Nonverbal messages sometimes give more information than
words. Furthermore, the relaxed attitude connects you with your inner voice and, with this, you
better grasp the truths that the tarot suggests.

Sincerity and responsibility in the Tarot

Being sincere does not mean being reckless or cruel. Being sincere is synonymous with telling
the truth, as it is revealed. Sincerity and respect is a combination that allows you to say what
you need to say without harming, insulting or offending. Psychologists call this form of
communication being "assertive." It is ethical to announce in consultation the events that the
tarot warns of, pleasant or not. The information does not belong to you, you are just a "channel",
a "translator", therefore you do not decide what to say. What you do decide is how to do it. Take
responsibility for every word you say and every advice you give.

Useful and worthy intention

Before starting a query, check what the manifest and hidden intention of the question is. If an
ignoble feeling is hidden, a petty or destructive desire, no matter how naive the question may
seem, do not become a participant. Rather, convince the person not to do it and, even better,
help them see the error of their motivation. Do not allow the selfishness or evil of others to
guide the session and dampen your energy and the consultation itself. A question inspired by
unworthy purposes spiritually retards the person who consults, the operator who allows it, and
your Tarot as the "practice of light" that it should be.

Not speculation

Every service deserves compensation in money or useful goods. In the consultation you give
energy and knowledge to another person and it is fair that you receive something in return. The
gypsies called this exchange a "pact of clairvoyance." It is unethical to speculate, to take
advantage of people's ignorance or pain. Be fair and ask for what it deserves for your work.

And as a summary of all the above, apply the golden rule: Read the tarot to others as you would
like it to be read to you.

The Tarot consultation

Tarot consultation should be used as a means to become sensitive to images and relate them to
the situations of our psychic world. It is never the Tarot cards that give you the answer, you
receive it from your inner wisdom.

Until now we have talked about the Tarot, its history, ethics, scope and limitations, but now we
are going to address the topic of how to make a consultation according to simple guidelines.

I encourage the reader to try it, for which they require a tarot that is related to their personal
training and aesthetic taste. To those who wish to work with the tarot that you see in this
section, I remind you that it is the Tarot of Paul Foster Case, used by BOTA (Builders of the
Aditum), which is very similar to the Tarot of Artuhr E. Waite, known as Tarot Rider, for being
the house that published it in 1910. If future applications require the minor arcana, Paul Foster
Case's tarot does not have the minor arcana, Waite's does.

Attitude prior to a tarot consultation

Before drawing the cards, it is necessary

 Make the best possible outline of the problem, in order to get to the core of the issue
and focus your attention on what is significant about it. The way Tarot questions are
asked influences the quality of the answers. That is: to clear questions, clear answers; to
ambiguous questions, ambiguous answers.
 Be prepared to make an interpretation that is as objective as possible and receive an
answer, advice, recommendation or help independent of previous ideas or convictions.
You must check to what extent you are prepared, in your heart, to follow the advice
derived from the consultation, free of all prejudice (prior judgment) or desire. You
decide whether or not you want to know more about yourself, your personality, your
world of relationships, your work, sentimental, health issues, etc.

Tarot consultation should be used only as a means to sensitize oneself to the images and relate
them to the situations of our psychic world. When you proceed in this way, each card reflects an
aspect of your mental state at the moment about which you inquire, and will show the spiritual
aspect that prevails there.

It is never the Tarot cards that give you the answer. You always receive this from your inner
wisdom, unless the ego interferes. Images are a support to facilitate intuitive access to your
internal world. The main goal is always to achieve greater confidence in your self-perception,
learn to listen to the voice of your heart and discover your own guidance.

"Spreads" or basic tarot readings

For now I offer you 2 simple options to get started

 Simple draw: choose only one card from the pile. This reading is used to have a quick
answer or advice. If it appears inverted, the card will be giving you a warning.
 Reading with 4 cards: you draw only 3 cards. The first card to draw (it is placed on your
left) represents the positive elements, help and support: what is favorable to you. The
second (will be in the center) indicates the origin of your problem or topic of
consultation, as well as your motivations and personal conditions. The third card (on the
right) represents the negative or adverse elements, brakes and difficulties: what you will
have to overcome. Wondering what card number 4 is? By turning the deck over and
seeing which card was underneath when you picked them up, you will see the one that
indicates the trend of the situation, what you can expect to happen.

Tarot consultation procedure

First of all, keep in mind to approach the Tarot as a wise advisor, with respect, focused, calm
and silent. It is not about reverence or idolizing it, but about having an attitude that will connect
you with your highest vibrational levels and with your hidden truths.

Take the Major Arcana and shuffle them while you focus on the topic of your query. You can
shuffle them like dominoes on a cloth or mat that from now on you will use only for Tarot.
When you feel that they are well mixed, collect them in a pile. The purpose of shuffling the
cards in this way is to allow them to appear, later, upright or reversed. This will be important
when interpreting and it is considered that if the card appears inverted the energy is poorly

Once you have regrouped the cards, focus on your question and unfold the deck in an open,
extended fan. In a receptive attitude, feel the cards that most attract you and choose the one (or
ones) that you feel is appropriate to choose. This certainty is not conscious, it obeys an "inner

Do not consult the Tarot for a banal reason. Do it when you really have doubts or want to
identify a part of yourself that doesn't allow you to move forward, grow, or be happy. While you
are getting started, do not make more than three consultations a day. Tip: Have a notebook just
to take note of the results of your consultations and your personal conclusions and keep it with
great care. It is something very private and will help you in your process of self-knowledge and
inner growth. This will improve your way of seeing things and your relationship with your
world will take on a new dimension.

Uses of Tarot
The uses of Tarot can be divided into Initiatory use and Divinatory use. The initiatory use of the
Tarot is the oldest, the one that gave rise to it. The divinatory use of Tarot is the most popular
means of divination given the precision of its images.

As we have already seen, the origin of the Tarot is not irrefutably established. There are only
hypotheses about it. But whether Egyptian, Hebrew, Hindu or the product of an agreement
between wise men of the ancient world, what is a common agreement is that the Tarot collects
the hermetic knowledge of great spiritual masters in symbolic images and constitutes the "great
book of life." according to the esoteric and hermetic schools of the West. Influences as varied
as: Greek rites, Gnosticism, Neoplatonism, Hermeticism, teachings of the Cathars, ancient Arab
and Indic philosophies and Jewish Kabbalah have been found in its symbols. It is common to
see the Tarot classified according to the type of operation it performs. For example, we talk
about Astrological Tarot, Cabalistic Tarot, Numerological Tarot, etc. But this is an artificial
division: because, in reality, the Tarot is Kabbalah (or Qabalah), it is Astrology and it is
Numerology that, fused, are expressed through a common symbology. The true classification of
Tarot according to its use is that of Initiatory and Divinatory.

Initiatory use of the tarot

According to experts and the tradition linked to the Tarot, it is the oldest use, the one that gave
rise to it. For centuries, its "keys", or "arcana", served as ways of self-knowledge and spiritual
ascent, that is, as an instrument of Initiatory learning. Whether through meditation on the arcana
or through the study of their messages and relationships, within the hermetic schools, he has

been an invaluable resource for deepening the knowledge of universal laws and of man. In these
schools of Western occult philosophy, the Tarot has been the great inspiring book and the key to
all their foundations and dogmas. For this reason, it has been considered a way of introspection
and self-knowledge, necessary conditions in the esoteric learning process.

Divinatory use of tarot

Since Medieval Europe, Tarot has been recognized as the most popular means of divination.
Brought by the gypsies, preserved and transmitted from generation to generation, the Tarot has
stood out as the divination system par excellence given the analogical precision of its images
and numbers. It gained great popularity in the 18th century in France, due to the profusion of
occult studies at that time and continues to this day as the most used divination instrument
throughout the Western world. However, there will be those who claim that the most popular is
the Spanish deck... but in reality:

The Spanish Deck is a "reduced tarot"

The Spanish Deck, the 40-card playing cards (of clubs, golds, swords and cups) that we know in
the Hispanic world, are a derivation of the ancient Tarot. It is known that in the Middle Ages,
when the Tarot spread in Europe, the Inquisition persecuted all forms of religiosity derived from
paganism and, therefore, persecuted and punished - even with death - fortune tellers, their
followers and cultists for considering them " heretics." Among the practices condemned by this
religious body were divination cards, for relating them to witchcraft.

In those times, the set of 22 major arcana was jealously hidden, while the 56 minor arcana (the
cards of wands, pentacles, swords and cups) were reduced to the 40 cards that we know today: 4
series of 7 numbered cards (of the Ace to 7), Jack (or page), Knight (or Knight) and King; all
cards from 8 to 10 and the Queens being eliminated. To hide from religious authority as
implacable as the Holy Inquisition, board games were invented with that reduced deck.
However, the divinatory use popularized by the gypsies was maintained and transmitted from
generation to generation until reaching the present day. Thus, the Spanish Deck continues to
have divinatory use (along with recreational use) and its designs have changed little over time.
That is why it is said that she is the heir of the Tarot with its simplified and vulgarized symbols,
since it no longer obeys mystical or hermetic teachings, but rather a popular and merely
divinatory use.

In the Age of Aquarius the spiritual and the esoteric are enriched and feed each other, giving
shape to a new vision of the world, energy and the universe. It is a form of syncretism that fuses
metaphysical, scientific and therapeutic thinking, through which we come to provide answers to
the great questions of man and his environment. There, the Tarot has a prominent function in
reaching all people interested in accessing new forms of personal and spiritual growth, even
through the Internet!

Doubts and fears of the Tarot

Many people have doubts and fears regarding the Tarot. These doubts and fears are due to
ignorance about what Tarot really is. In this article we try to clarify a little the doubts and fears
you may have regarding the Tarot.

This reflects myths passed down for hundreds of years, due to ignorance about what the Tarot
really is (a means of self-knowledge and internal growth) and the inevitable relationship it
establishes with magic and sorcery. Such a relationship is already unconscious and a legacy of
the time of the Inquisition, when everything that gave an explanation of the world outside the

current established by the "official" media was condemned; that is, religious or with the
endorsement of the religious hierarchy.

Some of the most frequent doubts are:

Is it a "sin" to read the Tarot?

Tarot is not religion nor does it go against it. It is a symbolic system that allows us to
understand, through psychological guidelines, our attitude to face circumstances, the resources
we have, the "scenarios" of our life and its tendency. There is no "sin" in investigating the
mechanisms of the mind and I see in the Tarot a kind of projective test that, together with
intuition, reaches certain guiding conclusions that are difficult to achieve by other means.

Can anyone read the Tarot?

Of course. There is no discrimination based on sex, age, educational level, or any type, except
for the limitations imposed by prudence and common sense. When dealing with very young,
immature or impressionable people, it is necessary to focus on guidance rather than prediction
and avoid deterministic questions that prevent them from deciding for themselves. Example:
instead of "Should I study medicine?", ask: What skills do I have to function as a doctor?
change Do I accept the job at company X? to How would my performance be in the job offered
by company X? In short: respond clearly but without influencing the consultant's decisions.

What can you ask the Tarot?

Eliphas Lévi said: "The only limitation of the Tarot is the one who reads it." But, in addition,
there is an implicit question of ethics: the Tarot has no thematic limits, neither of space nor
time; but you cannot ask about what does not directly concern us. We can ask about any topic
that concerns us, ask any question whose answer is "useful" and "worthy." Asking about other
people (whether it is the child, the best friend, the boss or the wife), if the matter does not
concern us, makes us impertinent, indiscreet and even insidious. Sometimes the Tarot tells us
something that was not the center of the question, but it is of great help in solving the problem
posed or it is information that, without searching for it, is provided to us so that we can do
something about it. The condition that we must take into account is that the question reflects
what the person needs to know and that the answer does not interfere with their life, but rather
helps them see the picture more clearly.

Can you see the future through Tarot?

Our actions of the past and present point to our future. To the extent that the tarot reader comes
into contact with the past and present of the consultant, he has the possibility of "visualizing"
the tendencies of his life. But that future is in the hands of the person and will depend on their
level of consciousness and their decision making. The future is not written inexorably. We have
a "script" to fulfill, but we decide how to do it. Each one builds his future, as co-creator of his

Can the Tarot transmit negative energies?

Many start from the idea of Tarot as a "dimensional portal" to the afterlife, or as a means to
penetrate unknown forces. This attitude will surely make the person feel threatened and
predisposed, which will trigger a defensive and "suspicious" attitude towards their orientations.
Such a situation is truly disturbing and intimidating and in that way, of course we will be loaded
with negativity!

However, going to a Tarot consultation can be similar to visiting a friend or a psychologist.
Many people (including psychologists) have told me: Tarot has been good therapy for me! By
opening ourselves to being recognized and guided through the Tarot, we feel that we have
shared our concerns with "someone who knows us", even when it is the first meeting. And it is
because he, like a mirror, has done nothing more than reflect us as we are.



Can the Tarot serve us for self-knowledge? There are many people who turn to the Tarot as a
method of self-knowledge and personal development. The Tarot for self-knowledge has a
therapeutic approach, since it is an instrument of help.

As we already mentioned, the Tarot is the repository of ancient wisdom, but the gypsy tradition
spread it in medieval Europe to the present day, and it has been used ever since for divination
purposes. But to what extent is so much wisdom aimed at prediction?

When faced with the typical question: Will I get the job that has been offered to me? How
useful is it to say "yes, you are going to get it" or "no, you are not going to get it"? It is much
more helpful to transform the question into: What makes me leave my jobs? o Why can't I find a
job that makes me happy? Even what attitudes would help me improve my working conditions
to make them healthier, productive and stable?

Tarot Scopes

In a sense, our future is not a mystery, it is the consequence of the choices of our present and
past. We are "shaping" it with each decision, as an effect of the law of Causality (action and
reaction). How does science make its predictions if not through observation of the past and
present of its object of study? In reality, what we see as the future is nothing more than a
predictable trend, or possible trend, according to the data provided by the past.

When a tarot reader (astrologer, rune reader, etc.) says "this is your future" he does so based on
the data he observes. But, it may also be reinforcing the beliefs of the consultant, convinced that
the prediction "always comes true", and creating a conditioning that leads him to wait for signs
that confirm the prediction or - even worse - to create those signs.

This occurs unconsciously and is a conditioning that deprives the person of their freedom of
decision or the use of their resources to have a more authentic and better quality life. These are
the so-called self-fulfilling prophecies, which make us victims of external forces, we lose
control over our lives and make it impossible for us to build a better life.
A blunt prediction helps no one. On the contrary, it fills the consultant with prejudices and
limits and "atrophies" the consultant's guiding possibilities.

We must rather speak of the future as a tendency in which we recognize in the subject his free
will and transformative capacities. This gives a consultation (whether Tarot, Astrology, Runes,
etc.) an incalculable quality and significance.
Regarding the Tarot, it does allow us to deduce trends, but making it very clear that this future
is a "possible scenario", a consequence of the consultant's attitudes and his circumstance. And
that said "scenario" can be improved or transformed through the individual's will to change.

Focusing on the Tarot as a means of self-knowledge has a therapeutic approach, since we

transform this symbolic system into a helpful instrument for personal self-recognition and self-

Premises for self-knowledge through Tarot

Our life is not the product of external circumstances, but of our own decisions. This does not
make us guilty, but responsible for everything we live, the life we have is the life we have
chosen, accepted and allowed.

Our circumstances are the product of our beliefs, values, programming and behavioral patterns.

If we do not have full satisfaction about the life we live, if we are frustrated or unhappy, we
cannot blame others, but rather review what we are doing for this to happen or for it not to

Human beings are resistant to change. He clings to his beliefs and the patterns of behavior he
assumes (and defends). It does this automatically, without analysis. Our resistance to changing
beliefs and behavior patterns that do not work is the main obstacle to achieving fulfillment in
any aspect of life.

We all have potential capabilities, resources and skills necessary to fulfill ourselves in all
aspects and be happy. But recognizing our resources and abilities is not enough.

You have to put them into practice!

Tarot as therapy
The tarot images and their symbols establish a bridge between the conscious and unconscious
mind, and can be applied as a very effective therapy. Tarot as therapy can help us channel
energies and be used as a meditation system.

The Tarot reflects the interior of the person, their situation and tendencies. Through it we can
see hidden meanings of our lives. The therapeutic approach of Tarot tends to use the arcana as
guides to self-knowledge and diagnosis, but also as stimuli for our subconscious in achieving
evolutionary changes aimed at counteracting negative models of behavior and even more so, the
underlying limiting and castrating beliefs.

We have already said that the true purpose of Tarot is transformative self-knowledge. The
arcana suggest and inspire a meaning that guides us in this direction, allows us to find advice for
well-being and stimulates our personal progress. It allows us to identify what causes us pain and
delays and shows us options to overcome them.

The subconscious speaks to us in images

This principle facilitates the therapeutic use of Tarot, since it is also based on images, and
archetypal images, whose references are found precisely in that field of the mind, what Carl
Jung called the collective unconscious. For their part, dreams allow us to distinguish what is
happening in us and around us. They reveal to us our needs, our hidden desires and our fears.
They help us know what is happening in our subconscious and unconscious, then to know
ourselves better. The light and dark facets of our psyche manifest in their full magnitude during
sleep and sometimes we do not recognize ourselves in them. The Tarot, with its symbolic
language, shows us what we must recognize and perhaps resolve .

dreams and yes

Tarot images and symbols establish a bridge between the conscious and unconscious mind.
Hence, by observing the images, and identifying what they inspire us, we can capture patterns
of behavior that we did not see or recognize before.

According to Jung, the symbol does not hide, but rather teaches. So a word (or an image) is
symbolic when it means something more than its immediate and obvious meaning, it has an
unconscious aspect that is never precisely defined or completely explained... As a general rule,
the unconscious aspect of any event is revealed to us in dreams, where it appears, not as a
rational thought, but as a symbolic image that is often confusing, disjointed or decontextualized
for our rational mind. This is due to a cryptic sense of the symbol, which suggests in a veiled
way the mental contents.

Although they may seem to be wanderings of the mind, every dream has value as data on our
unconscious contents. Knowing this we can induce dreams that reveal our unconscious contents
and manage to connect with our psyche, with our spiritual guides or internal teacher through
meditation on tarot cards.


Each night you will choose a different arcana. Since this is a delicate work since it touches the
unconscious and subconscious levels, it is advisable that you start the practice with arcana with
which you have no reservations, fears or doubts; For example, start with The Magician. For this
exercise you require Tarot cards, a notebook just for this purpose and a pencil, as well as Tarot
books or the article published in this section corresponding to the arcana selected for that night.

Get ready to sleep, but first read the notes, texts or the article about The Magician, look at the
letter. Visualize it, fix the image in your mind as faithfully as possible. When you have that
clear image and clear ideas, get ready to sleep, confidently stating:

"I'm getting ready to sleep and dream about The Magician. He will reveal to me something that
I must make aware of. In the morning I will remember my dream clearly."

 Place the Magician card under your pillow or very close to your head (on the
nightstand, for example).
 Relax and visualize yourself entering the space of the chart as if you were crossing a
threshold. Watch the scene. The Magician now begins to move, breathes in the smell of
the flowers, the fresh grass, walks towards The Magician's table. Let sleep overcome
you while you do it. By stimulating your mind with this experience you will have a
dream in which the arcane will speak to you, giving you messages.
 As soon as you wake up, take note of the words, symbols, ideas and main theme of the

It is important that you know that your impressions and feelings about this dream are essential
for a deep analysis.

Keep in mind that the characters in our dreams usually correspond to different aspects of our
personality. If characters other than The Magician, or the corresponding card, appear, remember
their moods, expressions, words and actions in the dream, and compare them with your own
thoughts, words and actions in real life.

Take note of the symbols, characters, and emotions that repeatedly appear in your dreams
during these practices. Take notes in your "dream notebook" specifying the meaning and
importance you attribute to them.

We tend to easily forget dreams because it is as if they were trying to return to the subconscious.
Therefore, if you wake up in the middle of the night and remember a dream, try to write down
something about it, so you can remember it the next morning.

Don't forget that our dreams can be very useful, even if we don't understand them at first.

The key to success lies in perseverance, discipline and openness to experience.

Free will and personal responsibility

The Tarot can help us but we must be very clear that we have free will and personal
responsibility with respect to our decisions. Two mentalities coexist within us: a lower and
elemental one and a higher one that elevates us.

The Tarot was conceived so that the images are a reflection or projection of the people,
situations and events present in human development. Therefore, when consulting it, you see
your own life that is reflected in the images as if they were a mirror. The Arcana lead you,
through their symbols and archetypes, towards understanding yourself, your environment and
your situation. They suggest, incline, inspire meaning and from there you deduce guidelines,
advice for well-being and progress. But also warnings about what causes us pain and delays and
how to overcome them. Therefore, if we ignore the suggested messages or misuse the
interpretation of the cards, we sink into confusion while denying the true purpose of the Tarot:
self-knowledge to live better and improve ourselves.

It is absolutely inconvenient to prefer some cards over others or to disdain those that we
consider "bad" or "bad luck." We create luck with our attitude and behavior, it is not transferred
to us by the tarot.

Like the images we contact during sleep, the Tarot shows us aspects of our personality and our
life that we do not consciously recognize. Both dreams and the Tarot, through symbolic
language, highlight what we must assume and perhaps resolve. This is why the Tarot has so
much power to activate man's imagination. Alberto Cousté called it "The Imagination
Machine", because the cards are inspired by the subconscious and unconscious human
experience, it comes from the deepest levels of the psyche and from there it moves us and
stimulates learning.

This ancient philosophical system, heir to ancient wisdom, has guided throughout the centuries
wise men and women, initiated in the spiritual field who saw in arcane images true revelations
of universal currents. The Tarot reveals trends, allows us to analyze its contents and facilitates
decision making. Hence, the role of the tarot reader, more than predicting the future, is to guide
and advise according to the archetypes present in a reading, without conditioning the decisions
of the person consulting. Our future belongs to us and no one can manipulate it.

Faced with life's problems, many people become anxious and disoriented, they think that the
situation they live in is eternal; that they are not going to get out of that "long dark night"; that
everything is over and there is no future. Excited or overwhelmed we lose clarity and
objectivity. Consequently, it is not advisable to make momentous decisions under a strong
emotional impact, whether great euphoria (extreme joy) or great depression (deep sadness).
Both extremes make us lose control.

Significant decisions must be made in total calm and serenity, with a "cool head" to be able to
think with logic and common sense, "the least common of senses" as Oscar Wilde would say.
Let us not forget that life, like everything, is energy, and energy is in constant movement,
change and renewal. Therein lies the true beauty of life.

Each human being must learn to forge their own destiny, to take responsibility for their actions
and omissions, to value the quality of relationships and the time they invest every day in their
growth. Undoubtedly, you must try not to invest it (wasting it) in hatred, altercations, mistrust,
jealousy, doubts, worries; All of them mental states that deteriorate our health (mental and
physical), affect our world of relationships, fill us with bitterness and sadness, preventing us
from reasoning clearly and connecting with life.

We must recognize that within us two conflicting mentalities coexist: an inferior, elemental and
primitive one; and another superior one that elevates and dignifies us. The image of the little
devil and the little angel who advise us, one on one side, another on the other, is now classic,
and we must choose. That is what our free will is about, the decisions of each minute.

Identifying where the impulses of our higher nature are, learning to cultivate them and take
advantage of them, recognizing and discarding those that drag us to the lowest and most
primitive is an essential attribute of human wisdom. We cannot deny our "shadow" and it
identifies with its primitive and difficult part.

Regarding change, when our attitude is one of growth and learning and we reach high levels of
consciousness, we constantly adapt to new circumstances, people and realities. We do not make
a priori judgments or think that the world "collapsed" just because we lost something: a job, a
love, a position achieved. We understand that material things always have a solution and that in
one way or another what is lost is replaced by something even better. Feelings can take root and
cause pain, but they also allow us to grow as people. Irreparable losses, such as the death of a
loved one, can also be a cause for spiritual growth and elevation.

Nothing is "good" or "bad." Things simply happen as part of the changing nature of life and its
circumstances. What we can recognize is that there are pleasant events and unpleasant events,
which would be what is usually classified as "good" and "bad." Those who believe that what is
"unpleasant" is a "divine punishment" and that what is "pleasant" is a "reward" live in fear and
guilt. On the other hand, being aware that everything that happens in life is a product of
"causation" (a process in which we reap what we sow) we assume that we are co-creators of our
destiny and that only we decide what we want to reap and, therefore, , what to plant. Within
ourselves is the potential to develop and self-realize spiritually and humanly. The path we
follow depends on us - and not on an outside force.

As our inner truths are revealed with the help of Tarot, we will have an opportunity to learn
about ourselves and our circumstances. It will be our decision what to do with that knowledge.

Beyond Tarot Prediction

Today, Tarot beyond prediction is a means of guidance, introspection and self-knowledge, not
just a divination technique. Tarot is an excellent medium that will help us get to know ourselves
and make changes in our lives.

Later we will take a closer look at Arcanum X, The Wheel of Fortune. But at this level of
analysis it gives us very important information. In Paul Foster Case's Tarot and other similar
ones, the Wheel has 4 letters inscribed: TARO. By combining these letters we arrive at the
following inscription: ROTA TARO ORAT TORA ATOR. The words formed correspond to
Latin and when translating them, we read the following statement:

The Wheel of Fortune is a symbol of cyclical change, of evolution (law of nature par
excellence). It tells us about the ebb and flow of human existence. It reminds us that everything
changes permanently. As Buddha Sakyamuni said, "The only thing permanent is change."
Nothing is stopped or static. Everything changes every second, like the planet itself that rotates
and rotates without us realizing it because, in most cases, the change is not perceptible to our
physical senses. Our body, our life and its circumstances are constantly changing, readjusting
and renewing themselves. That is a focus of Tarot: seeing the changes, inquiring about the
characteristics and implications of each cycle. This allows us to become aware of ourselves, of
our responsibilities as self-transforming entities.

The New Age, in its openness to disseminate knowledge, has in the Tarot a model of guidance
and support of even therapeutic value through Self-knowledge. There it is inclined towards
introspective use rather than divination, facilitating self-recognition. The arcana, reflecting the
"universal archetypes", transmit information about ourselves to us. Today, beyond prediction,
Tarot is a means of guidance, introspection and self-knowledge. We do not deny its importance
in the field of divination, but beyond the oracle, many scholars and therapists are motivated by
an interest in revealing what is hidden in the human unconscious and the Tarot plays an
insurmountable role there. The arcana of the Tarot help us identify the archetypes with which
the person, let's call them patient or client, sees themselves represented as if they were reflected
in a mirror, at the same time that they provide them with the wisest advice or warnings to guide
their decisions and actions. attitudes in the search for a better way of life. But the most
outstanding thing about this use of Tarot is that whoever has the knowledge of these messages
can be their own therapist. This self-help approach does not require further "esoteric" training
but rather professional guidance and support like the one we intend to provide through these
monthly deliveries. For those who wish to try this inner work, all that is required is some time
and a lot of honesty with oneself.

Approaching the study of the Tarot with the sole purpose of using it for divination purposes is a
bad decision or, at least, it is wasting a great wealth of tools and information that it contains,
since the greatest virtue of the Tarot lies in its guiding function. He is an excellent means of
self-knowledge, as well as knowledge of the Universe, without which it would be impossible to
know ourselves. In this sense, better than asking, for example: When am I going to get married?
A responsible and mature inquiry would ask: What have I been doing to attract non-committal
partners? Or what should I do to find a committed and stable love until marriage? Or what
should I change in my life to achieve true love?

When we understand the unconscious archetypes and recognize them in the arcana of the Tarot,
we also achieve an understanding of the symbols that represent substantive aspects of our life
and our evolution. The Tarot helps us verify our resources to consciously take advantage of
each "step" of each process. Or better yet, it allows us to visualize what we could do (and
perhaps we have not dared) to promote positive change, personal improvement and a successful
closing of the cycles essential to be able to access the next stage of our life.

EBM Note: This is the only non-Latin word. It is a Latinization of the Egyptian name Athor (or
Hathor). The goddess Athor was the deity of nature represented as a cow that walks through
forests of papyrus and aquatic plants or with a human body and cow's head. She was the
goddess in charge of feeding the pharaoh and, ideally, the entire human race.

Psycho-emotional guidance through tarot

We can receive psycho-emotional guidance by consulting the Tarot, since this is a mirror that
reflects us as we are internally. The arcana of the tarot must be interpreted from its psycho-
emotional dimension without distorting its message.

When consulting the Tarot, most want to know more about their life and future. But few seek to
know themselves better. Most people ask how a certain problem is going to be solved, but few
want to know what they are doing to be in such a situation and prefer to blame others, God or
destiny for their problems. On the other hand, many assume that what they "think" they know
about themselves is true. And I say "they think they know" because the idea we have of
ourselves, our self-perception, is misleading, if not false. If you poll those you know, and ask
them to describe themselves, you will see what I am talking about.

There are those who are excessively hard on themselves, they disqualify themselves, they
perceive themselves as ugly, fat, skinny, clumsy, impertinent, inappropriate, etc., and as you
perceive it, they exaggerate... While others feel that they are charming, intelligent, elegant, the
best friends, the best children or professionals, etc. But neither do others see it that way...
Finally, there is a group that would be in the middle, which is perceived as having defects and
virtues in a balanced way. Obviously there will be thousands of intermediate points between the
The truth is that most people are unaware that there is a normal mechanism of the mind that
makes them perceive reality differently from how others perceive it. One thing is how I am,
another is how I perceive myself and another is how others perceive me.

Self-deception and inhibition of what bothers us are normal mechanisms of the mind. All of us,
except the truly provocative, try to control or conceal what is shameful or undesirable about our
personality. Self-deception functions as a means to justify what could be unwanted, unspeakable
or condemned by our own values. Inhibition is simply "wanting to forget" those unwanted traits
and moving them to a "locked file" in our subconscious. This way we will not have it in mind
and we will not be tormented by realizing how bad, unpleasant, inappropriate, etc. that we can

This is why many times, when a person is the object of criticism or somewhat harsh
observations, we hear them say "I'm not like that" and they really believe it, they really think
that the other person judges them harshly and they feel attacked. However, those of us who see
it "from the outside" perceive the image differently.

However, we cannot trust any criticism or observation, because a projection may be present in it
(a mechanism through which the person sees their own failures, shortcomings and negativity in
It is well said that the eyes were placed on the face only to see outside, but we cannot see
ourselves. What popular wisdom calls "seeing the speck in another's eye."

This is where an impartial and objective observer has the last word. That observer, like a mirror
that reflects us as we are internally, is the Tarot. Their images correspond to certain human
models called archetypes, which we talked about previously, which represent us in certain
situations to describe our motivations, our behaviors or experiences.

By extracting a card by sincerely asking ourselves how the tarot represents us in a certain
situation, we will see an image that reflects us internally. That is why we must know how to
interpret the arcana from their psycho-emotional dimension so as not to distort its message or
evade the truths that it reveals to us.

With each arcane that we are seeing in this Section, you will see a psychological and spiritual
approach that you can apply in the case of your consultation and you will be able to remove the
veils that conceal, even from yourself, your most hidden internal truths, what is in your
subconscious. But you can also focus your question in terms of how others perceive you.

Both exercises are very illuminating and allow you to correct what needs correction. But, like
all work of personal growth, wanting to change and making that change is in your hands.

The mask and the shadow of the tarot

Carl G. Jung wisely suggested to us that one of the first steps that must be taken when beginning
an analysis is the confrontation of the mask and the shadow. The tarot fulfills the function of
allowing us to analyze the deepest part of our personality.

The concepts of "mask" and "shadow" come from the personality theory of the Swiss
psychoanalyst Carl G. Jung (1875 - 1961).
Let's analyze both concepts.

The mask"

Society requires certain attitudes and behaviors from us to be accepted in it. Jung explains how
the image of each individual is shaped through the concept of person, that facet of personality
that represents our public image. The person responds to social demands, it is the "mask" that
we put on to go out into the world. It begins by being an archetype and over time we assume it
as our own, until it becomes part of ourselves. This mask becomes a truth where the individual -
the original - is frowned upon or disappears (is repressed) and that which makes us different
from the collective, passes into the unconscious, becoming "the dysfunctional" of the

The word "character" is associated with the role that an actor plays on stage. Thus, in each
social situation the individual plays different "characters", wears different masks: he is kind and
smiles like a "good child", he is rude to those who shout at him in traffic, he acts indifferently
with some and looks stupid with others. . Thus, the mask serves to cover the individual's
intimate life from others, and at the same time allows him to adapt to the environment in the
terms that best suit him. To do this, many individual human factors (instincts, ways of thinking
and feeling) must be sacrificed in favor of that "ideal image" that the individual needs to reflect.
At its best, the mask constitutes the "good impression" that we all want to give to the collective.
But, in its worst manifestation, it can be confused even with ourselves; That is, sometimes we
come to believe that we really are what we pretend to be or what others expect us to be,
generating internal conflicts and contradictions. Well, to what extent do we continue to follow
the social pattern in a "healthy" way? And to what extent does this mask become a source of

Sometimes with pain and wear and tear, man becomes alienated from himself in favor of an
artificial "adaptive" personality. Those who in social life present themselves as "strong", "iron",
are deep down, and perhaps show it in their private life, vulnerable, shy and somewhat
melancholic "children". And others who, as they say, "seem like they can't break a plate" carry
within themselves a lot of anger, resentment and a thirst for revenge.

The shadow"

According to Jung, the "shadow" is a hidden area of our personality, our darkest side. It
manifests itself in feelings and ideas that the same individual considers reprehensible, irritating,
unpleasant and destructive, based on what he or she socially learns as "good" and "bad." We all
have a shadow and, in one way or another, we try to inhibit, deny or reject it. Thus, we can
ignore what our shadow contains. Sometimes we need certain events to occur in our lives that
reveal to us that dark, inhibited area of personality. It is when we hear people say: "I didn't
know I was capable of hating so much", "I don't know how I could do something so stupid", "I
lost control", etc.

In some cases we have a certain knowledge of our shadow, but we are unaware of its scope. In
others, there is total denial: No! I'm not like that... "I would never do that." Or we project our
shadow onto others, assigning to other people certain traits that we reject in ourselves.

Confronting our shadow can be a revelation, a discovery of ourselves and it is the only way to
start a transformative, healing process. Knowing it must raise an intention for change and
correction directed towards functional and harmonious models of life. To meekly give in to the
power of the shadow over our personality is to surrender, it is not to try to overcome ourselves.
Phrases like "I am like this, I can't help it", "He is stronger than me", "Let them accept me as I
am", reveal the intention of not wanting to be better people. While it is true that the shadow is a
product of our experiences (collective and individual), it is not all we can be. We cannot deny it,
but neither can we surrender to it.

Our personal repertoire contains archetypes full of vitality, creativity and joy that drive us to
fulfillment and happiness. But there are also other sick, tormented and destructive ones
associated with our "shadow." We can incorporate different simultaneous archetypes: with some
people we act, for example, from the victim and with others from the warrior or the victimizer.
Archetypes can change over time: at one time in our lives we can be heroes and at another,
villains; There are cases of "model children" who, as adults, become true "scoundrels" and
rebellious young people who become "model professionals."

The tarot performs a highly beneficial function by allowing us to analyze the depths of our
personality and more easily identify the archetypes at play and our personal needs. With it we
make conscious the archetypes and symbols, which reflect our mask and our shadow and, in
addition, it suggests answers and orientations in this regard.

By recognizing the archetypes that identify us, we can understand the reason for our behavior
and our circumstances. They are a clear expression of our psycho-emotional state (self-esteem,
world of relationships, affectivity, creativity, etc.), our level of consciousness and maturity.
Implicit in our archetypes is an absolutely personal but unconscious choice and, therefore,
loaded with a lot of power over our behavior, our decisions and lifestyles.

The greater the openness to seeing ourselves reflected in the Tarot, the greater the connection
we make with it and what it expresses will be more adjusted to our life, our personal
characteristics and processes.

Tarot and Akashic Records

Through serious and responsible Tarot consultation, you can have access to the Akashic records
and read through them the entirety of your life. In the Akashic records the present, past and
future coexist on the same plane.

In Sanskrit the word AKASHA means: primordial archive of the soul. Everything that "is
generated through thought", everything understood by man throughout the entire life of
humanity, has left its indelible mark on that "energy archive". In Hinduism it is considered a
symbolic space that It is located throughout the universe, but is reflected on a microscopic scale;
that is, human, in the left ventricle of the heart. In this way, through meditation we can contact
the Akashic records, or Akasha, the greatest source of knowledge and truth that can be accessed.
The Priestess of the Tarot, the great connoisseur of the human being, the receptive meditator
and teacher, represents the human being's access to that wisdom.

How to access these Akashic records?

Access to the Akashic Records, their reading and the gifts they transmit, is only allowed to souls
with spiritual plenitude, who enter led by Ascended Masters, Spiritual Guides, Beings of Light.
In this way, seers such as Edgar Cayce, Madame Blavatsky and Alice Bailey knew how to
access this memory of the Planetary Soul to obtain the information that they left us through their

Through the Akashic Records you can read, as in an open book, the entirety of our lives: past,
present and future. Everything coexisting on the same plane and encompassing all our thoughts,
emotions, learning, light and shadow.

This new perspective allows us to discover aspects to work on in our lives that sometimes, even
with the best psychological therapy, we are unable to discover, because they are stored and
"forgotten" in the unconscious. This experience connects the consultant with the highest part of
himself and gives him a vision of things that exceeds the limits of what is expected, which leads
to true healing at all levels: emotional, mental and even physical.

Transcendent Consciousness and Tarot

When we consult the tarot, in an honest and well-guided way, things happen that not even we
ourselves (as tarot readers) expected to achieve. This is something I have shared with countless
colleagues. It is not strange that throughout our experience we live in situations in which we
find answers that are much deeper than what the person simply asked and even than what we
ourselves planned. It is not uncommon for the person to feel that the work done with such a
connection exceeds their expectations, that they feel that they have grown internally with the
consultation, that they have found, to their surprise, a profound and transformative guide.

By connecting psychically with tarot reader and consultant, alpha levels can be reached, as in
meditation, and with this we access the Akashic Records, but many times we do not realize it in
those terms. The answers, while being in the cards, come to us in the form of sensations,
feelings, words, sounds and even images that are projected like a photograph or a mental movie.
All of this in response to a request from the consultant. Sometimes, since intuition is stimulated
as we work more with the archetypes, the question alone, without the extraction of cards,
already evokes, psychically, the answer and by extracting the cards we corroborate that the
answer had already "resonated" in we.

Obviously at this level of information, we cannot ask any type of question. The cards do not
necessarily speak of an immutable destiny but of an orientation that can help us adopt wiser
solutions. Most people who turn to tarot seek to know their future. However, the tarot reader
who works with high levels of consciousness will not be satisfied with questions such as "Am I
going to get a job?", but will focus the query on a type of information that provides greater
depth: What is the reason why I am unemployed? What should I learn from this experience?
Am I looking for employment on the right path for my evolution and fulfillment of my life
mission? That is, questions that help us find the true issues to discuss in our lives and that
commit us to ourselves in the search for our transformation and personal improvement. This
will be an in-depth investigation of our behavior, the blocks and self-sabotage, the programming
(subconscious and unconscious) that limits us, etc.

Through this type of consultation we get to know ourselves better, we identify the patterns of
behavior that limit us in our search for happiness and fulfillment in all senses: emotional, work-
related, experiential, economic, spiritual, etc.

The Tarot and the concept of synchronicity

When we draw a Tarot card to show us a situation, the principle that operates is the concept of
synchronicity, nothing happens by chance. We extract the Tarot card that tells us what we
should know, the one that answers our question.

It is an agreement that has more and more followers that there is no "chance", but "causation".
Things happen through a process of cause and effect, known as the "Law of Causality",
enunciated by Hermes Trismegistus, the father of the hermetic schools (The Kybalion). One
event leads to another, and this generates another and so on, establishing a causal chain in which
the past determines the present and the present determines the future.
The Swiss psychologist Carl G. Jung and the Nobel Prize winner in physics (1945) Wolfgang
Pauli collaborated in the development of a theory of coincidences that they named
"Synchronicities." They concluded that there are two connecting principles in nature:

 The first was ordinary causality, studied by science. This is linear causality: if A causes
B, then for B to occur, A must occur first.
 The other principle of connection was acausal. This principle was called
"synchronicity" by Jung and Pauli because, contrary to the principle of causality,
acausal events allow two apparently unconnected events to be related simultaneously.
Its logic is that of the deep psyche, the logic that is only found in dreams and myths,
since synchronicity supposes the occurrence of two events neither causally nor
mechanically associated, but linked by a significant relationship.

Examples of synchronous events

Jung himself narrates that once, in Zurcí, a patient described a dream about a gold scarab and
just at that moment, something hit the glass of the office window. Jung went to see what it was
and when he opened the window a beetle very similar to the one the patient described entered
the room, a scarabeide cetonia aurata, the closest thing to a gold beetle. This is a synchronous

Many times, we dream about a friend we haven't seen in a while and the next day we find him in
the most unusual place. Or we go to the phone to call a friend or relative and the phone rings at
that moment and it is he who calls us. Many call these situations coincidences. But Jung
believed that these events were indicative of how human beings interconnect with nature in
general and with other human beings in particular, through the collective unconscious.

Jung never declared his religious position, but we find this idea of synchronicity in the Hindu
perspective of reality, in which our individual Selves are like islands in the sea. We have

become accustomed to seeing the world and others as islands or individual and separate entities,
but we do not see our connection through the ocean floor beneath the waters.

When we dream or meditate, we enter our personal unconscious, getting closer and closer to the
essence: the collective unconscious. In these states we are more permeable to "communications"
with other Selves. Synchronicity makes Jung's theory one of the few that is not only compatible
with parapsychological phenomena, such as in this case telepathy, but also allows us to explain

A synchronic fact is - without a doubt - that the Florentine painter Raphael (1483 - 1520),
recognized for the religious themes of his work, was born and died on April 6 and on both
occasions it was Good Friday. To this, dear reader, I add another synchronicity: in 2005, when
this case was investigated, it was April and Good Friday!

Synchronicity and Tarot

Each Tarot card has a meaning that is directly related to states of the soul and circumstances and
typology of people. It is spaceless and timeless, as it connects us with circumstances of the past,
present and future.
As we have seen before, according to Jung's theory, the Arcana of the Tarot represent
archetypes that suggest aspects of life. For this reason they refer us not only to the immediate,
the obvious; but rather they represent the person's experiences, their own passions, desires and
unconscious motivations, since the symbols directly reflect what is in our atavistic memories
and memories of our individual life.

Circumstances do not happen by chance. Nothing happens by chance, as humanistic psychology

and quantum physics have shown. There is not even chance as such (Sincrodestiny, Deepak
Chopra). When we select and draw a card to represent a situation or person, the principle that
operates is that of synchronicity. We draw just the right card to tell us what we need to know,
the one whose symbolism answers our question.

Tarot, some interesting cases

This article shows you a couple of interesting cases in which Tarot has helped produce a very
important change in the lives of these people. The Tarot informs about central themes of our
lives and thereby changes our mood.

Over more than 20 years I have been able to verify that a deep, comprehensive and guiding
Tarot consultation can change our vision of life and our self-perception. There are countless
cases that can illustrate this experience, but the protagonists have not authorized me to make
their cases public, so I will comment on only a couple of them.

Carmen J

Recently graduated in Computer Science, she had been looking for a job for months. For three
years, she had held secretarial positions, but she wanted to begin her new career and they only
called her for secretarial positions. The Tarot advised him to seek employment in a large
organization, regardless of his inexperience. The cards highlighted his creative qualities and his
ability to decide and act in difficult times. Especially The Magician (Arcanum I) indicated her
abilities and the success to come, but so many failed attempts had lowered her self-esteem and
Carmen could not see herself as a winner.

I asked him to relax and look at The Magician's card carefully. I told her to imagine that she was
the one managing the elements. I reminded him that he was as capable as The Magician of
achieving his goals. He told me that he knew of a vacant position in a large, very demanding
company. She had ruled out going because they were asking for experience and that was what
she didn't have. But The Magician came out again recommending him to try it.
When the day arrived, she showed up for the interview and among six applicants, some with
years of practice, she was the one who qualified. He worked for years in the organization and
when he retired he did so with a good amount of money from his benefits, with which he started
his own business (independent like El Mago, number I) and started a new life. If Carmen hadn't
tried, she would have remained a secretary for who knows how long.

Clara M

Widowed, with two children and two grandchildren, she came to my office depressed and
hopeless. He did not know how to approach his daughter, the mother of his grandchildren, from
whom he became increasingly distant (3 of Swords). They argued frequently and he only
received mistreatment, disqualification and reproaches (El Diablo) not only from his daughter
but now from his grandchildren as well. The advice that the Tarot gave him was not to impose
himself. Put a lot of love and generosity into everything you did (The Hierophant), especially if
it was for your daughter. Let her live her life and allow him to approach her when she was
ready. Meanwhile, dedicate herself to herself (The Magician), look for an activity that would
fulfill her and occupy her free time, which was now a lot.

That week a tarot course began and she, interested in the spiritual and amazed by what
happened in that first meeting, attended that afternoon's class as a listener. At the end of this, he
signed up. His life changed in three months. First because his mind changed its focal point to
address his own needs; then, because the messages she received from the Tarot showed her
another way of seeing things and seeing herself.

Today she looks so smiling that it is contagious, she has more color in her cheeks and a special
shine in her eyes. Her daughter, who previously rejected her, has approached her again, invited
her to spend vacations with her and they make plans for future trips. The grandchildren respect
her more and even speak to her affectionately, as in her early years. Clara already interprets the
Major Arcana with great sensitivity and feels useful by helping other people. According to
herself, she grows day by day with practices. Clara is characterized by loving service and
respect for free will, a combination that will make her a fulfilled mother-grandmother and a
sensitive and guiding tarot reader.

Final thoughts

Tarot helps us better focus on the scenarios of our lives and the images speak of our potential.
Without these mirrors in which to look at themselves, Carmen and Clara would not have dared
to take on the challenges of their lives. Challenges for which they were prepared without being
able to admit it, either due to painful and hopeless experiences or due to their low self-esteem.

There are countless cases of people who consult inexperienced tarot readers or with commercial
intentions - and there is nothing more harmful than "spiritual commerce" - who generate
anguish, mistrust or demand large sums of money based on a supposed "magic solution." to
their problems. Unfortunately, these cases are very frequent and better known than the well-
intentioned and guiding ones, which also exist.

The Tarot informs us about the central themes of our lives and thereby changes our mood.
Something resonates with us and transforms us internally, in a subtle but perceptible way even
in the eyes of others. A session that leads us to understand the processes we experience, that

allows us to identify our resources - and possible future scenarios - makes us more efficient,
improves the nature of our behavior and our control over the environment. It allows us to better
understand what we have experienced and focus more clearly on the present and the decisions to
be made. By entering this current of Tarot, the reader has new resources to live better.


The Fool's Journey
The Fool is one of the Major Arcana that symbolizes the traveler and seeker of experiences,
representing the one who undertakes the journey through the 21 Stations. The Fool undertakes,
under the protection of his innocence, a journey without ties or baggage.

The 22 Major Arcana symbolize the journey of life. Its sequence is a metaphor for the transit
that each one makes. In a deep psychological (archetypal) sense, it describes the Hero's Path: the
journey of every individual throughout his or her life toward personal fulfillment. This tour of
the 22 keys opens windows to self-knowledge and recognition, as they represent situations and
qualities typical of each evolutionary stage. In this sense, they help us determine the conditions
of our life, our action in it, our inner evolution at each stage of the path.
From this perspective, the Tarot has a protagonist: the Fool, a traveler and seeker of experiences
who represents the Being, who undertakes a journey of 21 Stations or Arcana from whose
experiences he achieves spiritual realization.

Let's accompany the Fool on his journey...

0 - The Fool

The story begins, it is the Being, the child who searches without self-awareness, who still does
not know that he knows. Protected by his innocence, he embarks on a path without a goal,
without ties or baggage. He is the primordial cause, the origin of everything. The creative spirit.
Divine will expressed in the human spirit.

I - The Magician

To overcome the difficulties of the path, The Fool learns to handle matter and manifests his
yang energy: the Magician who, with conscious attention, learns to recognize the elements and
transmute them. He dominates the circumstances, he becomes the protagonist of the universe.
Everything turns according to his will. He enters the path of life with confidence, aware of his
power of manifestation.

II - The High Priestess

The Being knows introspection, it dives into its own interior to discover the subconscious world
where the truths of human existence lie (The High Priestess). Passive, intimate and secret yin
energy, it knows the universe and the operating force it generates. It is the potential creative

III - The Empress

The union of the two previous forces guides the Being towards a third point of manifestation,
The Empress, a new dimension of yin energy. Potential ideas and will come together in the laws

of love, creativity and the abundance of Mother Nature. The Being becomes fruitful and
emotional, giving life to everything around it, making changes with beauty and abundance.

IV - The Emperor

He imposes order, expresses his will, creates discipline, ethics and social organization.
Develops the faculty of reasoning, promotes the law. As The Emperor directs, commands and
gives structure to the collective: family, society, government. Yang energy manifests again
through the severity of the father.

V - The High Pries

With the ability to reason achieved, he is able to instruct and emerges as High Priest, or
Hierophant. He is the teacher who guides and educates to perpetuate the tradition. He has the
mission of being a bridge between other beings and the intangible. Feed the faith. It is the inner

VI - The Lovers

Having manifested the yang and yin energies in the spiritual parents (I and II) and material
parents (III and IV), it is time for The Lovers to make the union with their energetic
complement through love. The Being applies the faculty of choice, aware of its free will,
discriminates and makes decisions. Choose the right path moment by moment.

VII - The Chariot

He achieves the capacity for discernment, he enters the world knowing what he wants,
reasoning what he should do and whether it is ethically correct or not. In The Chariot, opposing
forces manifest and threaten to derail you from your path, so you must choose the correct
method and use your will to direct your life with courage and determination.

VIII - The Force

The Being has learned how difficult it is to maintain balance within human duality. And he
realizes the need to control his animal passion and, with The Force, establish an alliance
between his instinctive and spiritual life. This is how he manages to dominate his passions
without a fight, in a subtle and self-conscious way.

IX - The Hermit

At this point on the path, the Being has reached the strength of wisdom, which is why he
retreats like The Hermit and internalizes to find that light deep in his own heart. Understand
everything, but continue with humility and dedication. He is the silent teacher who does not
require anything or anyone to continue his course and never stops.

X - Wheel of Fortune

With this wisdom achieved, the Being perceives the transitory nature of things, the permanent
nature of change, even being the first to know that it is changing, in thought, word and action,
which leads it to be alert to the cyclical nature of things. things, Wheel of Fortune.

XI - Justice

You are now halfway there, stabilizing and balancing consciousness with Justice, balancing the
external and internal worlds and becoming aware of causality. He knows that everything he has
sown has borne fruit and he has understood that he must sow the best seeds for tomorrow or
face the consequences.

XII - The Hanged Man

The Being learns that not everything is action. He rediscovers the internal worlds and then turns
inward, calms himself, meditates and learns to wait. Like The Hanged Man, a flash of revelation
makes him see things differently and he is capable of going the other way around people, since
he has come to understand new paradigms, as a pioneer, apostle, silent teacher.

XIII - Deat

This state of enlightenment leads to a profound transformation. You die away from old forms of
your personality and are reborn to a new and broader inner orientation. Learn to be reborn with
every form of death and understand that everything dies to ensure life.

XIV - Temperance

Once this change is achieved, it connects with a radiant harmony and a balancing effect that
gives it Temperance. He mixes with universal energy and knows that the extreme experiences of
life temper his nature and make him more and more master of his destiny.

XV - The Devil

But he must face his attachments, the world of appearance. He discovers his own shadow, The
Devil, the root of his passion for material things. Notice the power of the ego and the chains that
bind it: ignorance, fear and materialism. By knowing the darkness you can decide to stay in it or
seek the light.

XVI - The Tower

Lightning suddenly lights up the sky and destroys The Tower. Event out of control, directed by
the higher will, that breaks in and destroys obsolete and useless structures on a material,
psychological and emotional level. This destruction, this crisis, gives the opportunity to start
over, free ourselves and rebuild.

XVII - The Star

Once the Being, which was trapped in the Tower, is freed, a new life begins with hope
represented by The Star. The Being is guided by his intuition, connecting with nature and the
cosmos. He returns to the conscious course of the new cycle and, with the support of everything
he has already learned, does what he has to do to rebuild his existence.

XVIII - The Moon

Understand that every material and concrete manifestation is a product of the mind. He knows
that the universe is mental, that his life, his body, his allies and enemies, exist first in his mind,

they are crystallized ideas. He is light and shadow, like The Moon, who has moments of
lucidity, but is also a victim of mirages, projections and self-deception that confuse him.

XIX - The Sun

The sun rises and dawns and with it he sees clearly, both his surroundings and his inner self, his
roots. One with light and nature radiates life, enthusiasm and the ability to share with others the
creation of a great common work. Its light radiates and gives heat.

XX - The Judgment

At this level of the path, the Being has understood that it is one with creation and captures the
signs that lead it to transcend the mental and its limitations: it is the moment of The Judgment.
Once mature, he is reborn, he is absolved, he understands and loves everything created. You can
now abandon the ties of the world of appearances and commune with the superior, on a journey
back to your divine origin.

XXI - The World

You have reached the end of the road. The Being is self-realized, full, because it has integrated
the seed of Light, Love and Life into its life on this journey. Everything is balanced in harmony,
as in a cosmic dance, it is actively incorporated with The World and the complete cycle of
search is closed, since it has achieved satisfaction, full consciousness of the Absolute.

But nothing is permanent and the Being (The original Fool) will soon forget everything and will
once again take up the path of unconscious search, repeating scenes, re-editing events and
teachers. Isn't this how the human being proceeds most of the time: forgetting? what has been
learned and repeating life lessons? or you will be ready to begin a new cycle of this endless
journey that will take you to even greater levels of understanding and fulfillment.

O- The crazy one

The Fool, represented by Dionysus, is freedom of spirit, being free and untamed in essence,
without material or mystical ties. It's simple, natural. The Fool is the bohemian par excellence,
he is the one who, like a child, searches without self-awareness.

Key ideas

 Archetype: the child. Life force, pure spirit.

 Lesson: learn new things, take life as an adventure. playful learning.
 Goal: discoveries. Life as a playful experience. Happiness of living.

 Psycho-emotional disposition: the naive, the spontaneous. Adventurous, carefree spirit.
Capacity for wonder, sensitivity, curiosity, joy of life. Unexplored talents.


The Fool is the one who still doesn't know that he knows. Under the protection of his innocence,
he embarks on a path without ties or baggage from the past. It is the creative spirit and is
protected by the Divine Will.

As a situation

Everything is directed by higher forces and sometimes it is not necessary to do anything for
things to order themselves, events happen spontaneously and, although they may seem
disconcerting, everything happens as it should. Then we feel free from any bondage or
responsibility. In a practical sense, the need to incorporate new technologies is highlighted,
adapting to the unexpected, the unusual, what escapes the norm. That is, everything that goes
hand in hand with originality, lively intelligence (even intuitive), rebellion, independence,
freedom. Everything tends towards new approaches, perhaps idealistic, even utopian. This is,
then, a situation where there is nothing established and nothing certain, but it is full of
discoveries or adventure.

As a person

Intellectually creative, you recognize the value of new ideas and aspire to make them a reality.
Show others what the world "could be" by making an effort to realize ideals. Your creativity is
limitless, as are your possibilities. It is original and gives free rein to your personal expression.
Thus he sees the wonder of the universe's creativity manifest through himself.

Feel life, enjoy everything that The Father has put in this world for your enjoyment and growth.
Its theme is becoming independent: going beyond the norms established in the family, in
society, in institutions, to become truly individual, breaking - if necessary - with rigid outdated
schemes. He is original, inventive, a unique being, different from others, capable of expressing
personal originality in all fields.

If this is you, you know that sometimes it is better to be like the child than to live each new
experience with wonder and delight. You enjoy moments of recreation. Life is a permanent
game that begins at every moment and sometimes seems paradoxical. New players are
constantly joining this game. This makes it more exciting. You know how to follow it with
enthusiasm and joy, but you must remember that every game has its rules. In this the first rule is
not to do to others what we would not like them to do to us.

If this energy is poorly channeled

It is a period of lack of control, dispersion and delays. There is no structure or order, but
rebellion, fanaticism and eccentric or extremist behavior. Immaturity, foolishness, abruptness
and improvisation predominate. Errors or clumsinesses are revealed. You cannot take risks in an
environment full of so much lack of control unless, being aware of it, you decide to assume such
responsibility. Impulsiveness or lack of awareness produces irresponsibility and disregard for
others. An egocentric attitude leads to ridicule, isolation, and the abyss.

Whoever sees himself represented by this poorly aspected card turns away from the
opportunities that life offers to share, mature and grow, unable to put his talents at the service of
his own future and a collective good. Their talents, which are multiple, are wasted and poorly
channeled. He clashes with others just to feel "different." It is neither reasonable nor appropriate

to the circumstances. A complete lack of inhibitions, or measure, can lead you to extremism.
Too much mental activity leads to nervousness. He is an improviser, irresponsible and lives
under permanent stress.

To do?

Promote well-directed freedom, with expansion, creativity, joy of living, spiritual purity,
connection with life, but with respect for others. Feel like a child, but act with awareness.
Practices and therapies with the inner child are convenient.

Message - Advice

Life is a wonderful adventure. With every step you take you are being protected by the Divine
Hand. You love and enjoy life, in your world everything is set for your enjoyment and pleasure.
You are the eternal child, the pure spirit that manifests freely. Let go of everything that weighs
or causes pain. Life has beautiful surprises for you. Live them!


My borderless mind and vivid imagination open me to an unlimited world. I am a being of light
and I am protected by light. Cosmic wisdom is revealed through me. Like a child, I enjoy life
and its gifts. I have been put in this world to enjoy, learn and feel happy. I decide to live and be

Note from RH Wilson

Mathematically, the madman, being less than 1, represents the beginning of the search for the
soul that must go through experiential experiences. Crowley and other authors place the Fool at
the beginning of the Major Arcana, while Waite places him between the Judgment and the

It represents the divine, idealistic spirit, separated from the reality of the material world. The
zero of the key as zero that is, contains and composes everything, but is nothing, represents the
beginning and the end, everything and nothing, the incomprehensible.
On the journey through life, EL TONTO represents in a spiritual sense a young man who has to
go through the portal of experiential experiences until reaching the supreme adventure and only
truth of life, which is bodily or physical death. Only in this way can divine Wisdom be
Every human being must move forward on their path, choosing daily between good and evil. If
you do not develop your OWN PHILOSOPHY of life you are a Fool.
The madman carries a white rose in his left hand, a symbol of purity, a stick on his right
shoulder, a symbol of will, and a bag hanging on the same stick, a symbol of the AKASHIC
RECORD, the sum total of universal memory. This lies within the unconscious of every
individual and can be awakened in many ways, Tarot, Trance, Zen, Kabbalah... this awakening
is not uncommon in monastic communities or retreats of multiple religions, not even in
Catholicism. We talk about HEALTHY means of development, but awakening through drugs,
alcohol or sexual orgies is not recommended.

I- The magician

The Magician represented by Mercury, manifests creative and practical intelligence that
encourages audacity and leads to success, giving courage and strength. For The Magician, truth
can never be absolute because it always includes an element of illusion.

Key ideas

 Archetype: the creator, the initiator.

 Lesson: take the initiative, drive, undertake, act. Lead. Do a task and master it. Assume
the necessary responsibility.
 Goal: materialize projects, self-realization. Achievements by will.
 Psycho-emotional disposition: self-confidence, leadership, magnetism, communication
with higher forces.


The Magician represents the power of will and the management of resources. He has learned to
handle the elements, the matter, until he skillfully masters the circumstances of life. With that
ability he overcomes the trials that come his way. He is the leader, who controls the energies of
the universe and his environment, manages his circumstances and does so with skill. The
Magician observes what surrounds him with his five senses, imagines how to transform things
and connects with his infinite mind. Only then is it able to manifest what has been created.

As a situation

This is a time of favorable changes, of new beginnings and the initiation of actions that can lead
to fundamental achievements. The important thing is not to give up, trust in your infinite
capacity and keep up the effort. This period of new learning leads you to the confidence and
skill you need to live with more joy, dynamism and creativity.

As a person

The Magician represents a person of diverse abilities, work capacity and honesty. Someone
trustworthy and well-intentioned. Therefore you can be sure of having an open world before
you. You must trust in your multiple abilities and express your needs without harming anyone.
You begin a cycle where your personality consolidates and shines. Everything tells you that you
can "make magic" in your life. You have many resources, you know how to manage them and
you constantly discover new potential forces, optimistically assuming each new phase of your

If this energy is poorly channeled

You have many resources and you know how to manage them, but sometimes you don't know
how to manage them. A strong and dominant part of you, fueled by selfish motivations,
resentment, desire for power, etc., drives you to achieve your plans and purposes hastily. If you
do not change this attitude, you expose yourself to being a victim of your own creation - error -
since your negative motivations attract discordant energies; You experience a tendency to
become paralyzed, depressed, or confused and weak, or to act aggressively, defensively, and
destructively. In neither case do you achieve the full happiness you have sought.

To do?

It is prudent to rest, not decide yet or keep a "low profile" until the outlook is clearer. Surround
yourself with positive people, make contact with nature, walk barefoot on the floor (not carpet
or vinyl), to be able to "ground yourself" and discharge the excess energy that saturates you.
Lack of self-confidence can be very destructive; the tendency to lie or self-deception, which
leads to the misuse of your potential or mismanagement of your resources. Therefore, look
within yourself for what your true motivations are. Practice generosity and honesty, use your
skills wisely.

Message - Advice

Your inner power is infinite. As a child of the Father, the Creator, you have power. You are one
with him and with everything created. If you use that power well, the universe yields to your
desires. Everything will flow in your favor. The best thing for you is happening now, even if it
does not happen at the pace and speed you expected. Just give yourself time and wait for the
good to manifest. Everything is perfect and harmonious around you, for you and for everyone.


My willpower drives me towards my goals. I overcome all obstacles and advance effortlessly.
My life is directed by good, light and the power of realization. I materialize everything I need in
my world and there are no barriers that stop me. I achieve success. I am success!


It represents the personal will in union with the divine. The divinely inspired individual is
capable of behaving in a very positive manner. It is the symbol of the creative will, a gift from
God to Man.
One is the key, it is the erect phallus, of the first cause or beginning of life, without cause there
can be no effect, this duality is seen in life since everything is cause and effect. Your current life
is the effect of your previous reactions to this moment. Think then about the concept of karma
that governs successive reincarnations of the ENTITY endowed with strange powers, often
undeveloped and enriched by the Akashic record or universal memory, unlimited in space and
time. Every individual can awaken this immense power.
If we are not satisfied with our life, remember that the cause is in the past to have a better future
life, tomorrow or in another life, YOU are the ONLY WIZARD of power, if you want to
change, IMAGINE and you will do it.

Above the magician's head we see an eight in a horizontal position, a symbol of eternal life and
infinity, around his waist a snake devouring its own tail, a symbol of eternity and knowledge.
On the table are the magical symbols: Cups or water, wands or fire, pentacles or earth, swords
or air. Flowers grown in front of the table symbolize the cultivation and flowering of everything
positive. In modern psychology, the magician or minstrel symbolizes the ego or self, director of
the conscious

Choosing daily between good and evil, the individual creates his karma that determines his
reincarnation always in the same human species until he reaches liberation from the wheel of
life. Social situation, mental and physical capacity, even sex, varies from life to life, according
to the need for experiences required for progress and evolution. The transmigration of souls is
not reincarnation, in this first the species varies and can take any bodily form higher or lower
than the current one.

II- The High Priestess

The High Priestess is the guardian of the Mysteries, Wisdom, firm and serene knowledge. She is
sagacious, intuitive, with the ability to teach others. The High Priestess is responsible for
guarding the door through which the Energy of Wisdom flows.

Key ideas

 Archetype: the potential mother. The goddess. Feminine principle: receptivity, intuition.
 Lesson: wait for the best moment to act. Balanced analysis. Deepening. Knowledge of
the unconscious.
 Goal: intuitive knowledge, understanding of dreams and deepest longings. Connection
with the Higher Mind.
 Psycho-emotional disposition: balance. Let yourself be guided, respect the natural
rhythm of things without intervening. Inspiration.


The High Priestess is analysis, wisdom and prudence. She is the one who penetrates the depths
of the mind and searches inside, discovering hidden truths. The Priestess represents the inner
universe. In it is the operating force that gives life to ideas, the depths of the creative mind. She
is the great connoisseur of the human mind. Secret, silent and inspired.

As a situation

This is a period of reflection and analysis. It is not prudent to act yet, but rather to prepare, delve
deeper and try to understand. An inner force is activated to capture that which is invisible to the
eyes. Everything related to the feminine world is favorable. The home becomes a refuge, which
is why it must be harmonized and provided with the highest vibrations. The study and
understanding of the spiritual is a priority need at this time. Mental, intellectual and spiritual
development without fanaticism, but with dedication, is positive. It is a project incubation
period. It is not advisable to specify anything until you have analyzed in depth, weighed and
projected your ideas. The necessary signals will arrive to know when to act.

As a person

You are a thoughtful person who looks inward to understand your world, personal or family.
You trust your intuition, which is increasingly sharp and accurate. You distance yourself, you
know how to calm your mind and decant your emotions without judging, without speaking out
and, for now, without intervening. Leave the action for the opportune moment. Meanwhile,
observe and analyze the natural development of things and try to understand the opposites in
your environment and in yourself to find your balance. Look beyond appearances.

If this energy is poorly channeled

Experiences have hardened or bitter you. You probably don't see the gloom in yourself but
rather you project it onto others: you only see bitter and hardened people or you blame others,
life, God, for your "misfortune" and your pain.

Check what you are not seeing in your own darkness. Fears, self-centeredness, and lack of
confidence in your abilities can make you feel inadequate, unhappy, and alone. Look for those
difficult traits to overcome yourself, not remain disqualified by seeing only your "badness",
"dirt" or "negativity". Self-knowledge must be applied in a constructive sense, otherwise you
destroy yourself internally. Don't project your resentment, anguish or dissatisfaction outwards
either, because whoever directs their mental energy against others receives this energy back,
sooner or later, like a boomerang. Remember that you receive exactly what you give. If you
project harmony, you receive harmony. If you project bitterness that is what you will receive.

To do?

You need peace to "find yourself." Practice meditation, retreat for a few days (at least a few
hours) and reflect on what worries you. You know that you can't decide anything without
having gathered enough information and being sure. But, above all, it is impossible to act
without having achieved a deep inner calm. With a wise attitude you will make contact with the
Universal Source of Light. Then you will know what to do.

Message - advice

Calm your mind, let your emotions settle before judging, before deciding and, above all, before
acting. Calmness fills you with inner peace and allows you to see things differently. Leave the
action for another time. Now enjoy the immense confidence that a new understanding of
situations gives you. Feel your peace.


I contact my heart with wise humility and prudence, because there reside the deepest truths, the
highest signs, which guide me on the next stretch of the path. I breathe my inner peace. She
grants me the privilege of seeing things differently. I now enjoy a new and broader
understanding of life. I let my heart speak since it has the answers. I open myself to the serene
inner light. With prudent wisdom I let the divine light guide me.


She is also sometimes called Papesa or Papisa because she carries in other decks, the tiara,
diadem or PAPAL TRIPLE CROWN, representing the secret knowledge, hidden wisdom,
aspiration and dreams of every human being.
The two of the key is duality, cause and effect, man-woman, good and evil, life and death; the
FIGHT between opposites to become ONE
The true struggle of life is to understand it and find meaning in it, every human being is a
unique individual and different from the others and each one seeks the solution in their own

way. Our aspiration, our dream, is hidden wisdom, the development of a superconsciousness, a
cosmic consciousness. We desire to penetrate the veil of the sanctuary. The rolled parchment is
the TORA or Law of Moses, the five Books of the Old Testament of the Bible. Partially open,
rest hidden means there will always be something hidden.
The veil of the sanctuary, suspended between the columns Boaz and Yakim, in the Temple of
Solomon, must be penetrated to reconcile its opposites with nature and thus become one. Only
when penetrated by conscious desires will there be creation. Only in this way will there be
evolution whose final goal is perfection. The Priestess wears a crown on her head, a symbol of
government and authority. On the chest, a cross, union of more with less, symbol of fusion,
union of positive and negative, masculine and feminine. In the hands, the Torah, symbol of
God's law. The veil of the sanctuary, adorned with pomegranates and palm trees - female and
male genitalia respectively - with clear Freudian symbology, represents the intact hymen of
virginity, the door to heaven. The black column of Boaz is a symbol of the negative principle of
life, the white one, Yaquín, of the positive principle. In modern psychology, the priestess
symbolizes the virgin unconscious.

III- The Empress

The Empress embodies and governs femininity in all its manifestations. The Empress is
represented by Venus, the maximum expression of love and wisdom. The strength of the
Empress lies in the synergy between the highest ideals and spiritual values.

Key ideas

 Archetype: the Mother (Mother Nature). The beauty. Home. Domain of the feminine.
 Lesson: bring life into the world. Fertility, expansion and delight.
 Goal: ensure life. Renewal. Growth. Abundance.
 Psycho-emotional disposition: confidence in life. Play it safe. Affability, receptivity.


The union of the two elements provided by The Magician and The Priestess (skill and depth)
takes us towards the third form of creative manifestation which is The Empress. She is the
mother, fertility and grace. It gives rise to the laws of love and abundance. It's mother nature;
There, the energy becomes fruitful and is in tune with the emotions. The Empress is an
imaginative, creative, life-giving faculty. The fertile land. The expansion.

As a situation

A fertile and productive period is revealed that is characterized by expansion, increase and
beauty. It is necessary to take advantage of the opportunities that arise. Socialize, share and not
lock yourself away. This is a highly productive cycle, so constructive ideas will resonate and

well-directed efforts will bear fruit. An expansive Yin force (full of beauty, emotionality and
harmony) manifests around your plans. The fundamental characteristic of this stage is the
achievement of goals, either as a concrete realization or as a certain beginning or gestation of
projects. Everything points to success.

As a person

You are in a period of gestation and realization of your projects. You have already processed the
information you needed to put your ideas into practice. Now make decisions and plan your
immediate actions. You are in a period of renewal. You know how to act with self-confidence
and recognize people and institutions related to your goals. You know how to relate to them and
how to negotiate. You have the gift of acting with diplomacy and your authority is recognized.
Let your expansive strength and your fruitful mind express themselves. Show your creativity to
solve the problems that come your way. Being creative means, in addition to giving shape to
objects and personal creations, solving problems and facilitating processes with practical
criteria. The Empress confirms that you are now able to create new things, make life more
prosperous and fruitful and give love to those around you, because you love life.

If this energy is poorly channeled

The circumstances are full of tension due to extremist attitudes, which range from
overprotection to tyranny, and create dependence, submission or rebellion. When power is
poorly managed, the authority figure abandons his or her responsibilities towards others or
exercises them with authoritarianism. In the couple, family, work teams or friendship,
controlling and dominant energies then prevail that do not allow the clear expression of ideas
and the free performance of all those involved. This generates tension and exhaustion. With this
tendency, the hardest, stubborn, unfair, egocentric or authoritarian part of your personality is
revealed, which negatively influences both managerial and executive roles, as well as those of
family authority, your partner and friendship.

To do?

Pay attention and identify your selfish, dominant, controlling or possessive behaviors. When
you exercise your roles in an extremist way: either you think too much about your interests and
neglect those who depend on you, or you control their lives extremely, preventing their
autonomy and self-management. The way to avoid this is to practice respect for others and
contact the unconditional love in yourself.

Message - Advice

Love life, beauty and everything that surrounds you. Your creativity and limitless fertility are
expressed in multiple ways. Believe in yourself and your infinite possibilities. Relate to the
world from love and understanding. Trust yourself and your genuine authority, which does not
require manipulation or lies to prevail. Accept those who want to collaborate with you. Form a
team and lead with humility and affection in pursuit of the common good.


I love life, beauty and everything that surrounds me. My limitless creativity is expressed in
multiple ways. The splendor of life and the abundance of goods fill my life every day. I am an
active part of this life that now manifests through me. Everything is fertility, creativity,
abundance and prosperity in my world. I share it with joy. I give and receive love.


THE EMPRESS A pregnant woman sitting in a garden is a symbol of production and fertility,
resulting in intuition, feminine logic. It is what is believed by instinct without apparent logic.
Three is the union of the physical body, the self and the soul, in which the positive spirit drives
the soul forward, without this driving force there can be no progress or development.
On the physical plane, three symbolizes man and woman in marriage, a union that occurs due to
differences in polarity. The Priestess represents Isis with a veil, while the empress, Isis without
a veil, whose shield symbolizes fertility. The empress wears a crown on her head, a symbol of
government and energy. The crown has twelve stars, symbols of the twelve signs of the zodiac,
the twelve tribes of Israel and the twelve apostles.
A necklace of seven pearls, symbol of the perfect nuptial union, of the seven arms of the
MENORAH or Seven-Armed Candelabra and of the Seven Churches that received the Seven
Epistles of Paul. In psychology, the Magician is the ego or self, the Priestess is the virgin
unconscious and the Empress is the unconscious pregnant with ideas. According to Alchemy,
physical proximity is not enough to achieve transmutation nor is the union of the sexes, in the
union of the sexes and in alchemy the union of essential qualities is fundamental. In the intimate
and complete sexual union, there are soul mates of reciprocal polarity, thus marriage is often
difficult simply because the spouses have not reached the level of evolution in this life to find
their soul mate.

IV- The Emperor

The Emperor is represented by Mars, which is the energy that overflows creative wisdom,
leadership, courage, adventurous spirit and authority. The Emperor is the ideal ruler, always
willing to sacrifice himself for the good of all.

Key ideas

 Archetype: the father. The order.

 Lesson: materialization; that is, making dreams and projects possible.
 Goal: create a safe and well-structured environment. Maintain order and discipline.
Exercise authority with justice and honor.
 Psycho-emotional disposition: responsibility. Realistic attitude. Seriousness. Order.


The father, order and discipline. He represents stability and fairness. He is the possessor of a
reasoning will, which is expressed by creating his own rules, as a discipline of ethical and social
order. It is the faculty of reasoning, planning and willingness to defend those who depend on it.
Direct, guide and control with austerity and severity.

As a situation

A cycle has been completed in which the goals and projects have been stabilized and, from now
on, they begin to take concrete form. They are no longer just dreams. Something is consolidated
and the fruits are announced. Objective, assertive and well-focused dialogue helps crystallize
projects. It is a good time for interviews or conversations with authority figures. Order and rules
prevail that allow matters to take on a structure and your affairs to be directed in a concrete way.
A strong determination begins to manifest within you. Your relationship with male authority
figures enters a fertile, beneficial period. If you need the support of someone with an imposing
personality and extensive experience, you are prepared to negotiate and receive this support.

As a person

Your strong personality leaves a particular mark on everything you do. You represent order,
equity and discipline. Your experience is felt and your guidelines, well inspired, guide and
define the path to follow. You possess an even-handed authority, as your strong impulses are
guided by reason and your wise decisions inspire confidence. Your role is stability, reason and
discipline to build useful and lasting works.

If this energy is poorly channeled

The personality is inclined to dominance, selfishness and even cruelty. At this time you take life
severely. You project yourself as an overly serious and rigid person, perhaps you do it
unconsciously to control circumstances, but it only arouses opposition, tensions and retaliation.
When this hard or rigid part of you takes control, excesses characterize your life and far from
giving you power, they isolate you and make you lose authority. This harsh attitude affects your
life, your work or your projects. This is a great test for you because there is an internal struggle.
It can be said that there is a disadvantage for the healthier part of you that longs to live in
harmony, while the part that is most afraid of losing or being attacked defends itself by

To do?

It recognizes that the exercise of power begins with moral authority and the respect that it
promotes, not with extreme control. Don't fight with yourself. Don't waste your energy fighting
your own rigidity. This way you will use force more than reason. An internal negotiation
becomes imperative. Look for that part of you, hurt and fearful, that makes you react rudely or
aggressively. Behind this behavior there is an offended, humiliated or abandoned child
(emotionally or physically) who must be recognized and healed. If so, your inner child asks for
love and caresses.
The yang (masculine) force present in everyone is active, strong, determined and initiative-
driven. It is a primary form of power that we sometimes manifest incorrectly. If we abuse it, it
expresses itself excessively and becomes destructive and brutal. Strength, power and dominance
(products of primary yang energy) administered with prudence and restraint, conscious and
moderate, lead to order and intelligent action. It is wise to dose and channel that energy in a
constructive sense. Repressing or hiding it does not contribute anything. On the contrary, it can
produce even more negative effects, such as the appearance of more aggression, resentment,
retaliation, anxiety, etc., as a deformation of the primary yang impulse.

Message - Advice

Make a plan, put order, adapt to the circumstances, making the most of each part of the process.
Assume your responsibilities intelligently. Focus your thoughts: focus your ideas, reflect
coherently, without wandering. Define your goals, identify your resources, evaluate them

objectively. If necessary, seek advice or advice from an expert. But don't improvise, don't leave
anything to chance. Seek order and discipline, starting with yourself and your environment.
Putting order means giving a place to everything, not only in your environment, furniture,
materials and equipment, but also in your ideas and actions.


My ability to build and shape projects allows me to advance and grow. I am the strong,
compassionate and reliable arm that has come to bring order, to motivate yourself and to
motivate others. I assume my leadership with responsibility and justice. I build my life and take
responsibility for my achievements.


THE EMPEROR The majestic man sitting on the throne, representing dominance and
authoritarian power through intelligence. He is the classic father figure of the Victorian era,
dominator and ruler of the material and the mundane. It symbolizes authority, law, order and
government. It suggests inflexible power and sterile government, the annihilation of the self of
those who are subject to its authority. His authoritarian concept and his clinging to law and
order make him a terrible dictator who does not allow the personality of those who are subject
to him to flourish. It represents enslaving masculine strength and dominance: without the
influence of feminine power, its virile selfishness, its machismo, makes it unbearable. The four
of the key represents the achievement of the work done, the result of the action, it is the cube or
stone that imprisons life, the knowledge of reality, acquired by life experience, the practical, the
concrete, the tangible. , everything that has form. According to Theosophy, the quaternary
represents the four lower principles of man: STUHLA SHARIRA or physical body, LINGA
SHARIRA or astral body, PRANA or vitality and KAMA RUPA or body of desires. The
imperishable or individual superior triad is composed of the Spirit or Superego, Baddhi,
Spiritual Soul or intuition, and Manas, mind or human soul. The emperor carries a scepter in the
shape of ANKH or Egyptian Ansata Cross, symbol of life, a fragile globe symbol of feminine
power, moderator of masculine power, the heads of the ram-Aires, emblem of the planet Mars,
symbols of virility, strength and dominance . In modern psychology, the female or priestess and
empress are symbols of the emotional unconscious, while the emperor is a symbol of the
conscious. With the ANkh of life the emperor dominates the powers of evil. Reason and logic
dominate emotional powers at all times, subjecting them to the control of the mind, whose organ
is the brain.

V- The High Priest

This arcana, The High Priest, does not refer to a dignitary of the church, it describes someone
who has been consecrated and inspired, is intelligent. In the presence of the hierophant, High
Priest, all defense mechanisms must be abandoned.

Key ideas

 Archetype: the Guru, the Saint.

 Lesson: know the great truths of the spirit. Serve as a channel of knowledge and vehicle
of tradition.
 Goal: the spiritual path. Unalterable moral power.
 Psycho-emotional disposition: connection with the Divine Source, communicating the
truths of the soul. Arbitrator, spiritual teacher.


The High Priest, also called "The Hierophant" in ancient religions, is based on faith, values and
institutions. He not only has the ability to reason (like The Emperor) but also to intuit. He is in
communication with God (he is his channel before men), he is the spiritual guide, the internal
teacher who "speaks in our ears" or advises us, from our heart, to facilitate our understanding of
ourselves and the intangible.

As a situation

The effects of your past actions, both "right" and "wrong," are revealed. Enjoy the positive fruits
and admit the consequences of your mistakes. Recognize what you must recognize, without
shame and without self-punishment, to focus the future on correcting the error. Cultivate the gift
of forgiveness, forgive yourself and forgive those who cause or caused you pain, because they
are your teachers who teach you something so that you can be better. Give thanks for everything
you have experienced, pleasant and unpleasant, because you, as you are today, are the product
of that experience.

As a person

Your moral authority distinguishes you. You have learned from mistakes and cultivated the
positive, constructive and elevated aspects of life. Whatever the path taken, with successes and
failures, you will always have the opportunity to start again. They inspire in you a strong
spiritual impulse and great respect for human beings. Therefore you instill confidence in others,
you reflect wisdom and neatness of intentions and your contribution is recognized. Now you
receive the fruits of your sowing. You are the teacher, the guide, the "bridge" that facilitates
communication, unifies and exalts what you represent.

If this energy is poorly channeled

Intransigence, dogmatism and lack of faith harden the heart, leading to rigidity and lies. There is
pain and isolation. By losing the sense of unity with others, we lose the pleasure of coexistence
and exchange. Sharing with love... Isn't that where God is?

Debauchery and irresponsibility, managed from a high position, lead to lies to maintain an
appearance of moral hierarchy. In this period you may be pretending what you are not, what you
don't really feel. Be honest with yourself and with others. Remember that if we are not alert, the
worst advice sometimes comes from within us, from where fear, rigidity and a hurt ego can
keep you from love.

To do?

Forgive yourself and those who have hurt or offended you. Release the weight of resentment
and set yourself free. Practice assertive communication: start by listening to yourself
(acknowledge your truths); then you need to know how to listen to the other; Finally, knowing

how to say what you feel without hurting, offending or manipulating. Assertive communication
harmonizes and allows light to prevail.

Cultivate your faith and express it in all your actions. If you are a member of a religious
community, go to your temple and pray. If not, seek to communicate with the source of life
from your heart, connect with nature and with the beings you love. Make sure that everything
you do is harmonious for the good and growth of all. Thus, you recover your moral authority,
happiness is complete and you can live in peace.

Message - Advice

Within all of us there is a guiding light, a unifying force and the certainty (although
unconscious) that we are assisted by a higher creative power that orders everything. There lies
the inner light that connects us with the sublime - with the superior -, removing doubts and
suffering. Take advantage of this circumstance and, with faith, walk towards your goal in the
most positive and constructive spirit, sowing good seeds for the future.


I let my most spiritual essence flow in order to connect with creation, with the Universe, with
God. In that connection I am able to communicate with the beings around me, forgive and fill
myself with love. I am a channel of the Divine Will and I only express its love. I have faith in
life, in myself and in my possibilities. I am a channel of love and I trust to receive everything
beautiful that the Father has created for me.


THE HIGH PRIEST or The Hirophant, is the eternal pope, teacher of the sacred mysteries, in
charge of initiation into the doctrine. He is responsible for the traditional EXOTERIC teaching
of the masses, while the priestess instructs those initiated by him. He teaches form and ritual,
she the secret doctrine, she is the teacher of ESOTERIC teaching. He is the magician who has
received spiritual power and temporal authority on earth, he has the keys to heaven and hell, the
knowledge of good and evil.
It symbolizes conformism and orthodoxy. The five of the key represents the Spirit erected over
the four elements, geometrically symbolizing the pyramid or the pentagram. The Ten
Commandments are divided into two groups of five: numbers one through five deal with our
duty to God, while six through ten refer to physical sins. The five popularly believed fallacies
have been the cause of bloodshed and suffering since the dawn of humanity. These fallacies are
terrible concepts of the one truth, the one way, the one law, the one means and the one salvation
that lead to hatred, fear and destruction of our fellow human beings, of all living beings, animals
and plants and of our environment.
The hirophant has in his left hand a cross or a triple TAU symbol of the three worlds
SPIRITUAL, ASTRAL AND PHYSICAL. At his feet are the crossed keys, a symbol of the
keys to the kingdom and the secret doctrine. The right hand is raised in blessing, with the index
thumb and middle finger pointing upward and the other two flexed on the palm of the hand: the
curse of black magic is symbolized by the closed hand in such a way that two fingers remain.
(index and middle) raised, to represent the goat's horns, the rest being its head. Inverted the five-
pointed star, one point... the man's head downwards, the lamb of God is transformed into
Mendes O Bafomet, the Goat, opposed to the Divine Law, a man governed by intelligence.

VI- The Lovers

Lovers are the expression of two opposite beings who desire and attract each other. Duality
reflected in all aspects of life. The ruler of the Lovers card is Gemini and the color is orange
which relates it to the Emperor.


 Archetype: the crossroads, the decision.

 Lesson: exercise free will with dignity. Be responsible for decisions.
 Goal: decide and commit to our objectives.
 Psycho-emotional disposition: contact the ability to decide the course. Ability to share
and commit.


The free will. Decision making. The power of love. Lovers represent the faculty of discernment
to follow the correct path moment by moment. Life is full of crossroads. Only in perfect
harmony can we make the right decision at every step. This arcana also reminds us of the need
to make synthesis to choose the path that will lead us to the kingdom of love.

As a situation

Love rules your life and it will be manifesting in every environment: couple, friends, family,
work. Share with those who accompany you in this experience, communicating love and
cordiality. The life we have to live is always the result of our decisions. As a sequence of causes
and effects, these decisions leave their mark along the path. This period presents you with
alternatives to choose from, make your decision with reason and heart. Seek information,
achieve the right balance as soon as you undertake and do it with love. This arcane favors
alliances and communication in all areas.

As a person

You are making decisions, willing to commit and find your own direction. You want to define
your life autonomously or in a harmonious and committed relationship. You find yourself at a
crossroads and perhaps you don't have many items to choose from. Therefore, you must make
decisions wisely and without depending on other people's opinions. Knowing yourself, your yin
and yang sides will allow you to integrate and decide appropriately.

You experience the need to abandon comfort and well-being to accept challenges, take
responsibilities and throw yourself into life. All of this translates into restlessness and search.
By maintaining serenity and alertness to signs, you will find the path or the person you are
looking for harmoniously.

If this energy is poorly channeled

You are a victim of doubts and uncertainty. Observe that we are always choosing immersed in
duality. "To be or not to be...", good and evil, black and white. Isn't this a permanent conflict?
Don't decide if you are confused. Without avoiding the responsibility that lies in it, calm down,
look for the answer within yourself, listen to your inner guide. Assume the need to define
actions and trust in the supreme wisdom that lives in you and let the light that your heart needs
manifest. Uncertainty clouds the mind and does not allow you to make wise decisions. Doubt
prevents you from finding answers to be able to choose properly.

To do?

For now, do not force yourself to decide in a climate of confusion, because you cannot force
situations without risking error. Without avoiding the responsibility that lies in it, calm down,
look for the answer within yourself, listen to your inner guide. Give yourself time to choose. If
you feel the need to define actions, trust in the supreme wisdom that lives in you to clear your
mind and obtain the certainty you now need.

Message - Advice

When the time comes we have to decide the course we have to follow. It will always be an act
of responsibility and maturity. An example of this are sentimental decisions. There is no
experience more wonderful than love. Other forms of attraction are just caricatures, sometimes
sad and desolate, of what human beings seek: the realization of the perfect union, the feeling
and mutual enjoyment of love. Only love heals, only love unites beings, only love builds and
fills us with life.

The best gift that the Father has given us has been the power to share by exercising Free Will,
which also forces us to be more responsible for our actions and for ourselves.


I open myself to expressing my feelings and committing to my decisions. I recognize the

responsibility that this implies and the need to calm my mind in order to define the course of my
life. Now the light that my heart needs is manifested.


THE LOVERS or LOVERS are Adam and Eve, naked and innocent, in the garden of Eden.
Behind Adam is the tree of life, with TWELVE fruits and behind Eve, the tree of the knowledge
of good and evil, with five fruits. , with the snake coiled around it. From above comes the
illumination of the sun and Archangel Rafel. Man and woman can freely choose obedience or
disobedience to the higher law. The two possessed of three bodies: Causal, Astral and physical,
are two opposing forces that tend to destroy each other. The balanced union of opposites is seen
in Adam and Eve - the human race or species - who primarily represent the UNISEX in a single
The six of the key is a symbol of balance between two forces, spirit and matter, man and
woman, process and regression, symbolized by two intertwined triangles, the star of David or

the seal of Solomon, which represents the felt sex united to the five common. All of you are
subject to the law, if we accept the annihilation of the self, we will be spiritually reborn, but if
not, we will succumb, possession is not love, but selfish love, of one's own being that limits and
enslaves. Eve looks at the angel, while Adam looks at the woman. THE MAN IS UNABLE TO
The card symbolizes pure love, cosmic consciousness, this love will allow Total freedom,
physical and mental. The tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil has five fruits, a symbol of the
five senses, and the last five commandments related to physical transgressions. God's duty is
defined in the first five commandments. The tree of life has twelve fruits, a symbol of the
twelve tribes of Israel, of the twelve apostles of Christ and in astrology of the twelve astral
houses and the twelve signs of the zodiac. The sun, a source of light and radiant energy, is a
symbol of personal strength. The tree of good and evil symbolizes spiritual imbalance and
spiritual balance in life, the secret of immortality .

VII- The Car

The Chariot represents the royal path that we must take in the search for our own inner
metamorphosis, it portends triumph, control and conquests. The Chariot does not only present
us with an external journey, but a journey towards our inner self.

Key ideas

 Archetype: the hero. The warrior.

 Lesson: overcome obstacles. Balance opposites within yourself. Take responsibility for
achieving objectives.
 Goal: move forward successfully. Defend your ideals.
 Psycho-emotional disposition: optimism, autonomy. Alertness, ability to mature. Self-
confidence (a).


Balance in movement, responsibility, progress. To decide and act in pursuit of what we want,
we need full knowledge of the Yang and Yin forces (positive and negative, black and white,
good and evil), a firm will and ethical values. The triumphant warrior advances knowing what
he wants, reasoning about what he must do. He knows what is ethically correct or not, he can
choose the appropriate method and use his will. The charioteer directs with courage and
determination the chariot of his life, overcoming all obstacles.

As a situation

This is a period of progress and improvement. There will be no obstacle to maintaining control
over the circumstances. You just require a clear goal and self-confidence. There are probably

adverse situations or antagonistic alternatives to choose from. By maintaining your North and
weighing the positive and the negative, so as not to fall into extremes that make you lose energy
and with a flexible attitude that allows you to make the necessary corrective measures, you will
achieve the expected success. Get going and happy journey to success!

As a person

This is the "Warrior" archetype. It does not mean someone who is bellicose, but rather a person
who is moved by his ideals, acts firmly, is "proactive" and successful. He is someone who seeks
to achieve his goals and is on the path to success. Use the power of your mind, the power of the
word and fair actions to achieve your purposes, with balance and justice. The "warrior" uses his
energy (physical, mental, sexual or spiritual) wisely and aware of where it takes him.
Remember that the good use of your will and intelligence leads you to achieving your goals.
Whatever your goal is, you will achieve it with perseverance and following the right direction.

If this energy is poorly channeled

Something may be slowing down or diverting your projects. Admit to what extent you allow,
enable, or accept this to happen. Such lack of control can occur unconsciously, for example,
assigning responsibility to someone who "pulls on the brakes" or embarking on impossible
undertakings. Check this out and give yourself permission to succeed. Focus and stay the
There are two tendencies associated in this case: either impulsivity that leads to derailment or
inertia that leads to stagnation. Both extremes are destructive and neither of them leads you to
achieving your dreams. Check which of the two extremes you find yourself in and do something
to correct it.
In that case, the person puts up a barrier to protect themselves from the world. She can be
violent and dominant or simply avoid or ignore, but she is equally aggressive (passive-
aggressive type).

To do?

Keep in mind that those who feel "blocked" must find a way to communicate, without feeling
vulnerable, and see that what they considered a threat is just a test that will make them stronger.
Whoever achieves control over himself will control situations.
Don't stagnate, but act cautiously and on firm ground. Don't wait for others to make the
necessary changes, or wait uselessly for the changes to happen on their own: do something to
set them in motion.
Don't put a barrier between you and your environment. Be prudent in your dealings with others
so as not to put your stability at risk, but also do not look for excuses to destroy the rights of
Find your balance. The tendency to extremes entails nothing but pain and instability. Regain
control over your emotions and thoughts. Find your center and your inner peace. There is the
beginning of a life full of achievements.

Message / Advice

Most of the time we don't really know what the goal is. We only think we know. We are in
pursuit of something and along the way there are situations that divert us, make us change
course or "take shortcuts" until we end up in a completely different place than what was initially
our goal. Other times we go in the planned direction but when we arrive we understand that our
goal is not what we expected it to be. We have a historical example in the voyage of Columbus.
This happens because our temporal mind, our concepts and ego, make us believe that we know
where we are going. But reality is not always, or almost never, as we imagine it.

The "warrior" never says "I know", but rather "I think I know" and goes where he feels he
should go. If he achieves a different objective than the one sought, he does not get upset or
consider himself defeated, he accepts that he is facing a new challenge and tries to get the most
out of it. He surrenders to the loving hands that guide him from above and adapts to the new, as
soon as possible, to learn what he must learn and be able to continue on his way.
Don't disperse. By dispersing you lose energy. Assume your decisions with firmness and
courage but, above all, make sure that you make those decisions with wisdom and in perfect
inner peace, without your impatience or the opinions and interests of others interfering.
Meanwhile, flow with events, follow the signals you receive, keeping your spirit free and


I go forward and I am guided. My ego does not come between my inner guidance and wisely
directed action. Internally I know what I should do and which path to take. There are many
voices inside me: a wise voice, another innocent but ignorant, another fearful, another
pessimistic and who knows how many more. All of them are part of my mind - with its purest
light and shadow - that tells me what to do. I am not dazed and I recognize the voice of wisdom
that, from my heart, leads me in the right direction. I center myself and seek my peace to contact
that voice.


The Chariot Driven by a warrior prince and dragged by two sphinxes, one white and one black,
has just left a fortified city and crossed a moat. The car is square in shape; It is the material
world dominated by the spirit of the prince, endowed with power and will, symbolized by the
wand and the crown. The charioteer who controls the two sphinxes of opposite tendencies has
solved the riddle of the sphinx, he has learned to control black and white, the opposite of nature.
In its relationship with Kabbalah and the Sefiroth, sefirah four - Chesed or mercy is the white
sphinx and sefirah five - Geburah or severity is the black sphinx. The chariot is covered by the
chupa or canopy, a symbol of shechina, the divinity or presence of God and his union with man.
The chupa in this card suggests a combination of heavenly and terrestrial powers, and the
triumph and dominion over impulses, the victory of the spiritual over the carnal.
The wings of his shield represent the flight of the soul and LINGAM and YONI the union of
man and woman in intercourse or sexual act. The sexual act is much more than a mere physical
union, human beings reconcile their opposites with nature. Seven is the key, the mystical
number of divine harmony. There are seven minor initiations, seven notes, seven colors, seven
bodies in theosophy:
-Physical body
-Astral Body
-Mental body
-Causal body
-Buddhist or bliss body
-Pituitary body or cerebral pituitary
-Manas or soul.
The warrior carries his magic wand, he drives his chariot with force of will, but if it is weakened
by tension, each sphinx will pull in one direction, breaking the man and the chariot. In modern
psychology, the balanced human personality is capable of triumphing in all situations.
Linga or Ligam of Shiva is a male phallic symbol: Yoni of Sakthi is a symbol of the female
genitalia. Tummim and urim symbolize truth and light, perfections and lights. At the synagogue
wedding, the chuppah represents the bridal chamber, of perfect and pure union, in divine
presence or shechinah: marriage in Judaism is a divine task in which man and woman are
perfected, it is the union of body and soul in the presence of God.

VIII- The Force

This arcane, Strength, symbolizes the inner impulse that moves the spirit; trust in reason, the
optimism of those who know that the Gods protect them. The energy we see in The Force
equals the unbridled power of the original creative order.

Key ideas

 Archetype: self-control.
 Lesson: inner strength. Courage and commitment.
 Goal: encounter with our nature and primitive impulses to dominate them.
 Psycho-emotional disposition: self-confidence. Happiness of living.


The power of reason over brute force. Moral strength is capable of controlling animal passion
and establishing an alliance between its instinctive part and its spiritual values. He who controls
his instincts manages to dominate his passions and temptations. But it is not about fighting
against them, but about knowing how to sublimate them, flow and make them cease. The
Fortress puts everything in its place.

As a situation

Sometimes we achieve more by fighting less. Look around you and let the events define the
meaning of the change or manifest the energies that are at play so that you define your actions.
Flow with that current and little by little, subtly, take the necessary control, first over yourself,
then over the environment. It takes two to fight, don't give in to the game of violence.
Negotiation is the most intelligent and harmonious way.

As a person

He is the one who knows that wisdom is always accompanied by prudence, moderation and
personal control. Capable of being subtle, he uses diplomacy without losing energy.
That which makes us uncomfortable, that affects us terribly or makes us lose control
disproportionately, shows us a part of our own "shadow". These themes correspond to a hidden
part of ourselves and point out our dark, powerful and unknown side. In our maturation process,
knowing our own "dark side" means being able to learn about ourselves. It is easy to recognize
our virtues, but very hard to recognize our negativity. Facing the shadow requires courage and
strength. But only by facing it and recognizing it in all its breadth will we be able to transcend

If this energy is poorly channeled

Anger, desire, envy, lust, etc. They are resources of the ego to divert us from the light and
enslave us in its domains. The only truth is love. When you allow passions and excessive
emotions to condition your life, they dominate your world. When passions and desires lead you,
against reason - and even more so - against the spirit, love is not manifested and the truth
remains hidden. All of this translates into fear, imbalance and unhappiness.
Relations harden due to a lack of diplomacy, which shows a permanent struggle and loss of
energy. Passions and "hard" positions predominate. In any case, it is a situation of compulsive
and irrational fighting.

To do?

Remember that everyone has the right to express their opinions and needs. Maybe it's time to
negotiate and reach agreements where everyone wins. The evolved being recognizes that he
always has something to learn and something new to adapt to.
When you try to control and impose yourself, anger, desire and fear predominate. Love is not
present and, far from attracting it into your life, you push it further and further away.
Do not try to dominate yourself "by force": sooner or later the passion you want to dominate
attacks and breaks out. Do not try to dominate the other: sooner or later they will rebel against
you. Violence begets violence.
Recognize that when we see ourselves in a flattering light, from our best angle and "masking"
the unspeakable motivations and underlying dark forces, we let the ego show us what we want
to see. There will always be excuses and other culprits, in order not to take responsibility for
everything we think, say and do. In this way we do not integrate our shadow, we do not admit
that it belongs to us and we cannot travel through its territory to overcome it.

Message - Advice

True strength is not found in muscles, but in personality and is manifested in the firmness of
ideas; in self-confidence; in your ability to face obstacles and difficulties, either to accept them
or to transform them. More than "strength", we talk about "strength" and it is the ability you
possess to manifest the dominance of reason, and even of the spirit, over the passions, emotions
and thoughts that limit you and consume your energy.
The Force reminds us that we achieve more with gentleness and prudence than with imposition
and authoritarianism. The keys are in our inner clarity, decision, perseverance and authority.


I open myself to receive everything new that the universe has for me. I open myself to
recognizing that I can overcome obstacles without losing my peace.
Everything that happens is perfect for my inner growth and to put my learning into practice. I
am able to overcome my own shadow by recognizing it, embracing it and letting the light fill it.
I open myself to the light of truth, beauty and the perfect balance of the universe. I invoke my

Note RH Wilson

A spiritually undisciplined woman easily closes a lion's mouth with her hands. By realizing that
she is an eternal spirit, she is able to overcome all the obstacles and resistances she encounters

along the way. It is not limited by meat. Above her is the symbol of the eternal, of the infinite,
which governs her, on her head there is a floral crown and a "belt" of flowers around her waist.
The individual, aware of his eternity, is the possessor of unlimited spiritual strength that will
allow him to overcome any obstacle, no matter how strong it may be. The human being uses
less than ten percent of his abilities, among these undeveloped, imprisoned in the physical body
and the bonds of the conscious mind, the logical mind of the illusory world, are the great gifts of
the unconscious, sung by poets, the prophets, the visionaries and the gurus or spiritual guides of
all times. Some of these are clairvoyance, telekinesis, mediumship and traveling through time
and space in the astral body. These latent faculties can be developed without danger. The
disciplined spirit knows that wanting is power, for this it is only necessary to KNOW, DARE
Man's weakness lies in his lack of faith; endowed with faith he is almost a god.
To develop psychic faculties it is necessary to narrow the field of consciousness, eliminate the
action of the objective mind as much as possible. As the objective or conscious mind is
withdrawn, the subjective or unconscious mind will advance concomitantly, to squat in the
foreground and thus the latent faculties can come to light. Trance is a narrowing of the field of
consciousness, the medium practices psychometry, narrows his field of consciousness, paying
all his attention to capture, through the vibrations coming from the object he examines.
The narrowing of the field of consciousness is not, as many people believe, a reduction in
mental capacity, but rather the limitation of mental activity in which all attention is directed
with a minimum of conscious interference.


The Hermit is so happy with the riches of the spiritual world that the material universe, concrete
and tangible, seems colorless and insignificant to him. The Hermit represents the search for
inner fulfillment and the encounter with light, it is modesty.

Key ideas

 Archetype: the Wise Elder, the teacher.

 Lesson: wisdom gained through experience. Withdrawal.
 Goal: self-knowledge. Protect yourself from external influences. Discover your own
scale of values, without influence from others.
 Psycho-emotional disposition: ability to understand everything and enlighten others.
Experience and knowledge. Mental clarity. To find oneself. Feel good about yourself.


Wisdom, independence and internal meditation. Clarity and authority that is acquired in the
search for oneself: inner knowledge, prudent wisdom and analysis. The Hermit is modesty and
caution in the awareness that the more one knows, the more evident what remains to be known.

As a situation

Situations reach a point of maturity and stability. Be patient and trust that everything will be
successful. What is achieved with effort and good judgment lasts over time. In this situation,
time has the last word. This can be a period of solitude and silence that will help those
concerned to reconnect and focus better. Something has matured, thanks to your effort and
perseverance, and the effects of that maturation will be felt for a long time. A different vision is
manifested in all your affairs. Wisdom comes to you, opening a range of possibilities. A
meeting with experts, advisors or teachers is viable.

As a person

When you are alone you organize your mind and direct your affairs. A teacher or person of
experience (or a guiding book) may come into your life, whose ideas will give you the clarity
you need to move forward. However, it requires dedication, austerity and sacrifice. You have in
your favor your ability to learn, your desire to always know more, like an eternal learner, and
the intelligent way in which you articulate the knowledge acquired. Through your experience
you become a counselor, teacher, or guide to others, as you humbly advance your learning and
experimentation. An inner light is guiding you to continue on your path successfully. Slow and
well-calculated changes, silence and meditation favor you, without disconnecting from life. You
recognize that there is a long way to go, while knowing the way to do it. You just have to decide
when to start that path, without worrying about the goal. The true wise man never thinks he has
arrived, silent, he always continues searching.

If this energy is poorly channeled

The pace of things becomes extremely slow and difficult. Difficulties prevent the achievement
of goals. This is not the time to launch a project or an idea or for agreements and negotiations.
Wait for a more favorable moment and, in the meantime, analyze the situation. You feel
"disconnected" from your inner wisdom and lose your way, moving away from your essence
and your affections. Trusting too much in your abilities (pride) puts you outside of reality.

To do?

Center your thoughts, look for your inner light. Get away from the hustle and bustle (of the city,
of the group, of your own thoughts) to rediscover yourself, without isolating yourself or
rejecting the help and appreciation of others. Use your wisdom, let yourself be advised by an
expert, teacher or spiritual guide, depending on your needs. Accept criticism without hostility,
this way you overcome rigidity and get closer to the world. Meditate, follow the teachings of
teachers or guides.

Message - Advice

Center your thoughts and look for your inner light. Don't allow internal and external "noise" to
daze you. Make room for a different, wiser vision that manifests in your life. Wisdom comes to
you, opening a range of possibilities. Alone you better contact nature and yourself. Free yourself
from the noise and the crowd to find yourself and your inner light. It's not the same to be alone
than to feel alone. This difference is what you may be experiencing. If you feel loneliness,
analyze to what extent this has been caused by your past attitudes.


I have everything I need to feel good. Everything is as it must be for me to reach the light of
truth. I just need peace to contact her. Although now I seem stopped, in my mind there is a
constant movement to go forward. Now I focus my thoughts on finding myself and finding
direction. I look for my inner light. "Noise" doesn't stun me, not even the noise of my own
thoughts. I am wisdom that now wants to manifest.


A mature man, standing on top of a snow-covered mountain, is the lighthouse that guides the
others, who intend to climb to the peak. He illuminates the pilgrim's path with his lantern whose
flame or light source is the six-pointed Star of David. He represents the divine wisdom that
emits like the Zohar, a radiance, the radiance of god that transcends everything that exists,
through the ten Sefiroth or latent emanations in the Ensof or divine nature. The hermit, like
God, lives apart from others, but does not stop guiding with his light. The nine of the key is the
number of the Race of Adam, ADA KADMON, humanity, it takes man nine times to form
before being born, twice nine or eighteen to become an adult. The age of Christ is three times
three or nine hidden in the form of thirty-three, the degrees of Freemasonry. The task of Christ
and Freemasonry is to spiritually enlighten the human race. The Hebrew letter Yod is the
Phallus or the creative power of the magician, a symbol of fertility, self-dependence and
independence, in sexual magic, the hermit symbolizes masturbation, he is the self-sufficient
The letter invites the union of individual consciousness and the divine will that leads to all
manifestation. The star or shield of David, in Hebrew Magen David, is recognized as a Jewish
symbol. Its origin and symbolism are unknown, but many agree that this symbol was acquired
during his captivity and exile in Babylon in the 6th century BC. Its elements are related to
Greek letters, Persian symbolism and the Celtic amulets of the druids. The symmetrical shape of
the star is an expression of the identity of the upper and lower worlds, of the natural and the
supernatural, of the earthly and the spiritual. The six points subtract from the universality and
omnipresence of God whose power extends to include North, South, East and West. Up and
down. The twelve angles symbolize the twelve tribes of Israel and the six points symbolize the
six days of creation.

X- The Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune is the symbol of totality, which despite its constant movement, does not
change. The wheel spins in the middle of a maelstrom of energy. The Wheel of Fortune
manifests evolution, success, good fortune, destiny and abundance.

Key ideas

 Archetype: totality in movement. Cycles.
 Lesson: cycles that repeat. Flow with the changes. Adapt to new circumstances. Stop
when necessary and act when necessary.
 Goal: change and movement. Evolve towards higher states.
 Psycho-emotional disposition: openness to learning, inner evolution, tuning into the ups
and downs of life to flow with them. Closing of cycles.


It is a symbol of existence, of the future of events. The turning of the wheel marks our
experiences, the cycles of our existence. Everything moves, turns and changes, sometimes that
change is pleasant and desirable, other times it is not. In any case, evolutionary change is

As a situation

Change is permanent and the only thing certain. Adapting to it is smart and reduces suffering.
The Wheel marks a cycle of favorable, albeit sudden, changes. Don't let it intimidate you. The
species that survived on the planet did so thanks to their adaptability. Accept and adapt to the
changes that come into your life. The situation forces you to evaluate your resources and your
capabilities; It requires you to refocus your goals, flow with the times, preserving your ethical
principles and values. Now change your routine, make way for the new so you can achieve
success. Remember, life implies that, when the time comes, new changes will have to be made,
cycles to close and new cycles to open.

As a person

You are someone who evolves, does not stop and makes the best of changes, even those that
bewilder and intimidate others. You adapt, you grow with the changes, because you know how
to adapt to improve yourself and stay active. It is a period of favorable changes. Accept the
circumstances and move forward with the newness, the different spaces, circumstances and
people that come into your life.
If, despite experiencing great changes, you feel that you find yourself repeating a situation from
the past, analyze what you have done to reproduce this scenario or attract people who you
thought were outdated. Do not feel guilty, but recognize your responsibility, what you did not
learn (because you repeat "the lesson"), a "teacher" from the past or another similar one. The
answer is at an unconscious level, so you require a deep and sincere analysis to reach it.

If this energy is poorly channeled

Changes are rushed and there is no time to decide what to do. You feel that an adverse force is
ruining your plans, taking away your power and control. That the circumstances are not in your
favor and you lose at this juncture. Remember that losing a battle is not losing the war. Take the
learning from this experience, design new action strategies and move forward. A fall teaches us
where we made a bad move and that is valuable information for the future. If it is necessary to
renounce and separate, it is best to do so in harmony. This does not mean being defeated: it is
just a strategy.

To do?

Begin by closing cycles to be able to start the new one that is announced: throw away (throw
away) what is no longer useful, return what does not belong to you, pay your debts, keep your
promises, finish what you started, review and do what was left. earring. Put order and renew

your life and your environment. Start with your immediate environment, then branch out. You
will see how your life is organized and you can get ahead.

Message - Advice

Everything in life has its cycles. Sometimes we are up, sometimes we are down; We are
rotating, changing, growing, learning. Keep in mind the words of the Buddha "change is the
only thing permanent." In the ups and downs of life sometimes we have to lose, be left out or
fall. When we recognize that a fall is beginning, we prepare for it and facilitate the process
without causing further damage. When we are pessimistic we close ourselves to life and the
opportunities it offers us. When we are overly optimistic and believe that we already have
everything we needed, we only invite disappointment.


I flow with the changes that, although uncomfortable, are my best learning resources. I accept
that something ends to begin a new cycle. Life is an eternally renewed adventure. Being born,
growing, dying, reborn... life doesn't stop and I flow with it. I adapt to circumstances and make
the best of everything I generate in my life. What today appears to be a threat can be an
invaluable contribution to my evolution. I adapt my mind and my actions to the changes that
occur in my life. That is the key to happiness.


It represents the Kismet of the Arabs and fortune at the same time; in fact, it is the only card in
the Major Arcana whose central figure is not a human being. We also see in La Luna XVIII the
central figure is not a human being; However, the crustacean in this card represents the human
The wheel is the law of Karma, or the law of Cause and Effect that governs all nature. Although
subject to chance and destiny, the individual is responsible for his or her life. He is the only
magician capable of creating his own destiny, everything he thinks or does will have a result:
the negative cause will give rise to a negative effect, the positive cause a positive one. Chance,
luck or bad luck intervene on very few occasions, but their influence is generally almost
Death itself is psychological: you die when you want to die, death is the effect of a cause, life.
The set of alchemical, biblical, zodiacal, Hebrew and Egyptian symbols is the bombardment of
the various stimuli to which we are all subjected in life. The sphinx with the sword of destiny in
its hand symbolizes EGO or self, controller and governor of destiny, latent in the depths of the
personality. YOU are responsible, YOU chain yourself or free yourself from the wheel in
successive reincarnations, from the Samsara of changes and suffering, for every thought,
perception and act of yours. Nirvana, the peace of God that surpasses all chains, the liberation
from all suffering is within YOUR reach. YOU will find it or lose it: it all depends on your
action and reaction to situations. The symbols of alchemy in this card are Mercury, Sulfur,
common salt and water. The mystical animals of Ezekiel and the Christian Kabbalah or
Apocalypse are the man-angel-aquarius, the eagle-scorpion, the bull-taurus, the lion-leo of the
zodiac, the other mystical animals are from Ancient Egypt. The God Hermes- Anubis
symbolizes intelligence, he has the head of a jackal, he aims to lift man up, Typhon, the snake
symbol of life force, aims to bring man down. The tetragrammaton are the four Hebrew letters
that symbolize the name of God: YOD-JE-VAV-JE Jehovah or Yahweh, the pronunciation is
unknown since it was prohibited, it is also customary in Hebrew to write without vowels, so no
one knows the exact pronunciation of the word. Kismet is an Arabic word that means destiny or
fate. Samsara, suffering, change, Nirvana, extinction and liberation.

XI- Justice

Justice holds a scale in her left hand in a balanced position, which represents justice, balanced
judgment, equity and loyalty. Justice invites us to internal reflection. Justice is related to the
sign Libra.

Key ideas

 Archetype: law of Causality, balancing force of the universe.

 Lesson: law and order. Develop intelligent judgment. Submit to divine justice, reap the
fruits of the seeds we have planted.
 Goal: justice, balance. Objectivity. Responsibility.
 Psycho-emotional disposition: acting with justice and equity. Intelligent and measured


Justice represents balance, according to Paul Foster Case, Waite and later authors, it is found
halfway, it is the central card of the Major Arcana, between I and XXI. Therefore, it represents
the force that stabilizes and balances consciousness, balances the external and internal worlds.
(The Tarot of Marseille and others based on it, place Justice at No. 8, as the learning that leads
to mastery, No. 9).

As a situation

Balancing energies are manifesting. You can expect stability, balance and favorable results.
Nothing happens by chance, but by causality, everything is the product of a chain of causes and
effects where today's events are the fruit of our own actions in the past and tomorrow we will
reap the fruits that we plant today.
With Justice there is a balance that is neither good nor bad, it is simply fair. It tells us about
Divine justice and earthly justice. The one is the law of karma; the other, a legal matter with a
favorable outcome.
It reminds us that everything we think, say and do returns to us with equal polarity: positive
thoughts, words and actions return as positive facts, sooner or later, by any means. That is the
seed we sow and its fruits, sometimes, are not long in coming.

As a person

The person has the ability to concentrate his mind on the right path and acts balanced. You have
acted with prudence and harmony, then you will obtain favorable and harmonious results.
Everything is given in justice. If you have acted fairly, favorable results will not be long in
coming. The balance will tip in your favor.

If this energy is poorly channeled

Imbalance, instability and lack of control become evident. Past mistakes bear painful fruit.
Something is frustrated, a case is lost or outstanding debts are paid. The wrong acts of the past
are projected into losses and frustration. This is the inexorable law of karma.
A difficult experience comes to show you something, to allow you unpleasant but necessary
learning. Keep in mind that no one is against you (The 4 Agreements, Miguel Ruiz; A Course in
Miracles), that this situation has been necessary to balance forces, to recover the lost order, to
put things in their place. Indicates value judgments, taking justice into one's own hands,
subjectivity and imbalance.

In this painful cycle. As long as you do not calm down and grasp what the learning is, the
implicit lesson will be repeated over and over again, with the same or other teachers. Do your
part so you don't have to "redo the lesson."
He may be an unfair person towards others or towards himself. Become aware of what not to
repeat. Only then do you break the painful circle of karma. But assume your responsibility for
the conditions of your life, without locking yourself in guilt and without blaming anyone.

To do?

What we call "error" or "failure" is nothing more than a lesson that we had to learn. Recognize
today where you went wrong, where you went off course on your path to happiness, and correct
it. Consider that there are no failures, but rather new opportunities to start. Now, sow good
seeds for tomorrow, ensure a positive effect for your future.

Message - Advice

Justice suggests that you analyze the circumstances you are facing, that you decide if there is
something left to do to achieve the prize or benefit you expect. You will be able to discern what
you have done so far and whether it leads you to the balance you expect. It also reminds you
that everything balances according to the law of karma. You receive as much as you give, you
reap the fruit you sow. Act according to the dictates of your conscience, always starting from
the principle of doing to others what you would like them to do to you.


I maintain balance. I am fully aware that what I think, speak and do is the pattern of what I will
receive. I take care of my thoughts, words and actions and direct them - positively and
affirmatively - in the direction of my growth and my happiness.
I bless every situation and open myself to finding balance in my life.


A woman seated between two pillars, between which there is a veil as in Arcanum II, The
priestess administers justice by weighing the accused on the scales and striking him with her
two-edged sword.
The figure personifies the spiritual law, always just but inexorable, a law that governs our
passage in the world, which demands our retribution. We can win, apparently triumph, have all
kinds of successes, longed for and praised by others, but spiritual retribution cannot be avoided.
No matter how much fame and wealth we have, we are nothing if we do not have inner peace:
here is the two-edged sword that clearly shows that heaven and hell are within ourselves. The
great task of the human being is to find inner peace, in everything you do or intend to do in life,
just ask yourself: Does this give me peace? If you answer honestly, you will always know if you
are doing right or wrong. We must meditate well: true inner peace or total spiritual calm or lack
thereof is the result of the scales and the sword that inexorably demand fair retribution, if we do
not find peace, something is wrong. The scales in the left hand symbolize balanced judgment,

the two-edged sword is a symbol of the two-edged weapon, which is capable of cutting in two
directions. The sword with the scales symbolize the dominance of masculine reason and logic.
The crown is a symbol of power and government, behind the veil is the Sanctuary of Heaven.
What attracts women is their emotional and intuitive character, while the attraction of men is
their cerebral and logical character, the magnetism of women, the electricity of men.
The use of the word SHALOM in Hebrew and SALAAM in Arabic is common among Semitic
peoples: both words mean peace in the broadest possible sense.

XII- The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man represents the inner suffering, the struggle that shakes the beliefs and
experiences of the subject, the sacrifice of those who do not wish to hurt anyone. The Hanged
Man reminds us that the best way to approach a problem is not always the most obvious.

Key ideas

 Archetype: the test.

 Lesson: agree to make a sacrifice. Produce changes in ourselves. The inner call.
 Goal: apostolate, fulfill a mission. Internal growth.
 Psycho-emotional disposition: test of patience. Apparent inactivity. Exercise of
humility. Wisdom achieved after trials.


The Hanged Man acts like a pendulum that does not stay on one side or the other, it seeks its
balance in successive movements until it reaches the center. The Hanged Man learns that
internal worlds exist and then he turns inward, a flash of revelation makes him invest his
material values for spiritual ones; Learn to sacrifice something to achieve goals.

As a situation

Everything seems to be stopped, even if only in appearance. It is a test to become aware that,
within a supposed stagnation, something is brewing. In reality we are never “stopped”, there is
always something in motion even if it is imperceptible. You can take advantage of the apparent
impossibility of action, the apparent immobilization, to reflect and plan. There is no better time
to do it. By stopping, we think and see better.

When this period that you perceive as infertile, of interruption and waiting is over, you will
have decided what to do. Now you feel that you have to sacrifice something to achieve a long-
awaited goal. Then, sacrifice stops being sacrifice, it becomes an effort that gives you

As a person

Circumstances prevent you from acting, but they cannot prevent you from organizing your
mind, understanding, and growing internally with the experience. He is under the influence of a
test or must make a sacrifice. It may seem stagnant or stopped, but internally there is a lot of
activity: mental, spiritual.

If this energy is poorly channeled

You feel stopped in the face of events. You believe you are trapped and dependent or you have
been left “in suspense”, without a response. Everything seems to be against you, but perhaps
what traps you is your own limiting mental schemes, more than external blocks. Change your

By mishandling the archetype of “The Test”, you become “the victim”. To what extent do you
live the lives of others, the dreams and values of others? To “live in peace” with others have you
lost your inner peace?
Don't sacrifice more than is fair and necessary. Do not give more than you receive, do not be a
victim of manipulation. But observe if that victim attitude is to manipulate others, consciously
or unconsciously. If so, you avoid reality, you blame others, assuming the role of martyr;
strategy that separates you from the world and moves you further and further away from
Start by changing your view of the world and yourself. You can do nothing as long as you don't
really believe in yourself. Get out of comfort and passivity. Change the mental schemes that
keep you stopped, be proactive, not reactive.

To do?

Look for a truce. Try to understand the situation, to see things differently. Non-action is useful.
Wait for circumstances to show you the good behind the apparent problem. Love yourself and
give yourself the reward you deserve. Sometimes it's nothing too fancy or difficult to obtain.
The difficulties are in your own self-concept and self-esteem.

Message – Advice

Sometimes it is necessary to stop to evaluate what has been done and decide what to do next.
When we must stop and we do not understand it that way, circumstances are ordered in such a
way that they force us to stop. Being in “suspense” helps us see life from another angle and with
greater serenity. Sometimes things are completely the opposite of how we perceive them or
want them to be.
After a period of analysis, waiting for things to move forward, an obstacle can become an
advantage. A brake or an interruption, seen positively, becomes a break, a truce, a recovery
time. For the evolved being there is no wasted time.


I accept the wait as long as it is inevitable, I take advantage of the trials that prevent me from
acting to grow internally. I recognize the need to see things differently. Likewise, I recognize
human complementarity, we all need someone, someone needs me. Now I make an effort to
take care of and protect myself, knowing how to set limits without causing pain. I recognize
how much I am worth and I love myself as I am, because among other things, I am perfectible.


A man hanging by his foot from a flowering TAU represents the death of selfishness, the death
to the things of the world, the awakening of the spirit that gives man the courage and calm
necessary to sacrifice himself for a just cause. The face is illuminated and has an appearance of
total peace as if in a trance and a nimbus or halo surrounds the head of the martyr who
apparently does not suffer from his expression. With the dominion and subjection of the ego or
self, and the liberation of attachment and clinging to the things of the world, the effects of
Samsara and the chaining to the wheel of life disappear... nirvana, inner peace, is born in the
individual. total, and we meet a strange man, the man without fear. Fear is self-destruction: fear
of death, fear of life, fear of fear. We are all afraid, each in our own way and without a certain
dose of HEALTHY fear we could not survive in the world since it is fear that makes us exercise
the necessary precaution to avoid and flee from death. But unhealthy fear, phobias, panics lead
us directly to the death that we want to avoid. Fear and hatred go hand in hand, and have been
the mother of cruelty throughout human history, perhaps more so in religion than politics. More
murders have been committed in the name of god than otherwise. Our best weapon to combat
fear is the annihilation of the self, as Buddha teaches, it is true strength and courage.
The halo or aureole that surrounds the head of the hanged man represents the vibration of the
colors of the aura: sky blue means self-denial for a noble ideal. The apex of the triangle formed
by the arms points upward: it is a symbol of spirituality. The TAU or "T" cross represents the
dominion of spirit over matter, flourishing, pure desires and human happiness. The hanged man,
because he is hanging by his foot, symbolizes martyrdom and sacrifice for a cause.

XIII- Death

Death tells us about polarity, but his way of showing it is very particular and subtle. Her name is
feminine, but she is represented by a skeleton. Death is the necessary condition for resurrection,
it is transformation, change, renewal.

Key ideas

 Archetype: death, change (Transformation).

 Lesson: end of a cycle. Separation. Conclusion. Beginning of a new cycle.
 Goal: deep transformation. Eliminate what does not serve or does not work in our lives.
 Psycho-emotional disposition: ability to finish what has already been accomplished.
Transformative capacity. Detachment.


It corresponds to the permanent transformation of what is manifested. Everything must die,

change state in this evanescent world that we consider so real and yet it is an illusion, only a
product of perception. It is the profound transformation in which the old forms, the old schemes
die and one is reborn to a new and broader orientation of Being: the transcendent.

As a situation

In nature something dies to give way to new life: the flower dies to give way to the seed, it
transforms and dies to give way to the plant and so on in an endless chain where death is a
requirement for life, because Death ensures life. A situation represented by Death manifests
inevitable changes. The moment is indicated when it is necessary to start, cut, close a cycle and
continue the path to start another new cycle, another stage, another chapter. Closing, leaving,
saying goodbye, require the certainty of having finished and accomplished what we had to do. If
not, we will be avoiding change and delaying our life cycle.

As a person

It is someone who recognizes that it is necessary to give up something and let life take its
course. Releasing attachments and vestiges of the past allows you to be reborn to return to the
path light, strengthened and open to receiving that which will fill the apparent void that has been
left. It is a person who renews his life and his environment, breaks paradigms and adapts to the
permanent and inevitable changes in life.

If this energy is poorly channeled

Resistance to change, a product of attachment, only produces pain and anguish, while hindering
the free flow of life. Something is changing and you are not able to avoid it, but neither can you
accept it. This makes the circumstances more painful. The death of something is not only
possible, but necessary for life to continue. When we understand this process we can get out of
the period of stagnation, lethargy and suffering resulting from our fear, our attachment.

Attachment, fear and the feeling of emptiness cloud the conscience of those who refuse to see
that a cycle ends, things change. But, despite this denial, we cannot prevent what must end from
ending, we cannot retain what must depart, we can only postpone it or not see it. It is not
possible to establish what must change, because we are going against the current. Such an
undertaking can only be accomplished with pain and struggles. Reality, sooner or later, will
show us how sterile so many efforts have been.

To do?

Finish what needs to be finished. Eliminate the old and useless. Get rid of what is outdated or
decomposed, both physically and emotionally. That which has already completed its productive
stage must die, leave, conclude. When closing cycles, do not leave anything unfinished because
you run the risk of repeating the "lesson" later, with the same or different "teachers", within
similar topics and/or analogous circumstances. This can be painful and difficult, as well as
producing a feeling of stagnation or regression.

Message - Advice

Nothing remains static. The Buddha stated: "The only thing permanent is change." Everything is
born, develops and dies to give way to another new form of life. The only certain thing is
change, transformation, death. When we resist changes, deny them or fight against them, we are
only adding more pain to existence. Resistance and denial that "something" must die cannot
prevent this from happening, it only creates a fantasy of delay or extension that sooner or later
will have to be dismantled. In the end, we will always have to admit the imminence of closures,
losses, and cycle ends.


The change, the transmutation, is permanent. Something dies, something is born. Through this
closure I free myself from what is old and expired for my renewal. Today I open myself to the
new. I accept the decay of what is outdated, I let go and let go so I can take flight and start a
new stage. I eliminate what is not useful, even from me, to open myself to everything new that
is to come. I face the closures of the cycle with dignity and serenity so that I can leave free of
burdens in achieving my life goals and having grown in the process.


Corporeal or physical can be classified as death from Syncope, death from asphyxia or death
from coma; Forensic doctors speak of natural death and violent, accidental, suicidal or criminal
death and in general it can be classified as slow or rapid death. Death, no matter how natural,
sudden or violent, never constitutes a SINGLE MOMENT, but rather a succession of staggered
moments, in which the different organic elements progressively lose their vital properties. We
must distinguish between certain death and apparent death, apparent death is due to:

-TOXICS: Anesthesia, narcotics, drunkenness and eclempsia poisons

-NERVOUS INHIBITION: Lethargy, catalepsy, hysteria, ecstasy, epilepsy and cerebral
-TRAUMA: Inhibition, shock, asphyxiation, fulguration, electric shock and freezing.
-INFECTION: cholera, tetanus...

-ANY PHENOMENON that causes the separation of the astral body temporarily from the
physical body: these deaths can be classified as purely psikikas. The only absolutely certain sign
of death is the green cadaveric stain that begins in the right iliac fossa, simultaneously with the
beginning of putrefaction. This usually appears twenty-four hours after death, but sometimes it
does not occur until 72-96 hours, if there is no putrefaction, there is no death.

This card suggests physical death or death of the EGO/SELF, both followed by transformation
and renewal. Death is the destruction of all the false values of the SELF with the total
transformation of the true SPIRITUAL SELF.
The number XIII of this arcane is a key number in necromancy or resuscitation of corpses, as
Voodoo devotees in Haiti know well. In astrology, Scorpio rules the genitals and the female of
the species, as biologists know, kills the male after copulation. In human beings, the interplay of
Thanatos and Eros and thanatophobia are especially notable in individuals born under this sign -
they say that 3 years before or after the birth of a Scorpio there is a death in the home.
For occultists, physical death is simply the exteriorization of the double ether, Egyptian KA or
astral body, its permanent separation from the physical body in an astral projection, without end,
with no possible return to the physical body it has left.
The city behind the towers or portal, threshold of death is the golden Jerusalem of eternity. The
astral body is joined to the physical body by a silver chain or cord; breaking it is instant death.

XIV- Temperance

Temperance symbolizes continuity between the past, present and future and corresponds to the
idea of reincarnation or the continuous creation of life. Temperance represents the concept of
just measure. Talk about cultivating our weak points.

Key ideas

 Archetype: balance in the eternal flow of life.

 Lesson: trust in higher guidance. Find the perfect combination to flow with life. Give
and take.
 Goal: find the center, the whole, the light. Keep the balance.
 Psycho-emotional disposition: balanced inner confidence. Full certainty of being guided
by a higher power. Fairness and unflappable skill. Physical, mental and spiritual health.
Measured action. Patience.


After the experience of rupture, destruction and dismemberment of Death, the mission of La
Templanza is to provide us with the right measure to maintain the connection with life in a free,
fluid and authentic way. Tempering one's character is knowing how to endure the ups and
downs of human existence. Thus the angel of Temperance provides us with harmony between
our inner being and outer becoming, between reason and emotion, between Yin and Yang.
Death and Temperance remind us that energy is neither created nor lost, it is transformed.

As a situation

Perhaps this is the time to meditate in silence, in contact with nature and with your own heart in
order to capture, from there, what is the best thing you can do now. Only in this silence can the
voice of your spiritual guides, your teachers and protectors be expressed. But don't try to listen
to it with your physical ears. It manifests itself as an inner certainty rather than as a "voice." At
this time it is important to maintain balance.

As a person

You receive from life what it offers you, as it comes, without demanding that the facts fit into a
pre-established mold since this would be unreal and absolutely subjective. Thus, moment by
moment, you feel life vibrate and experience contact with the particular reality that you have to
live, without discriminating experiences as "the good" and "the bad." All of these experiences
allow you to learn and grow. There lies inner joy, the source of eternal youth. Remember: you
get what you give.

The person represented by Temperance is characterized by patience and the ability to wait. It
flows with the circumstances. Your action is correct. See opposites not as opponents or
opposites, but as complementary: one requires the other, is nourished by the other and fulfills its
part of the "plan" thanks to the existence of the other. This leads to balance and compensation.
By integrating opposites, harmonious realization is possible.

If this energy is poorly channeled

This can be a period of special tension or worry when many ideas flow at the same time.
Passions deprive reasons, emotions overflow. There is no balance necessary to make decisions.
Don't decide anything until you find your center. Postpone decisions while your mind calms
down and your heart finds the appropriate rhythm that gives harmony. You do not have to set
positions at this minute, except for your own demands. Give yourself a break and then decide to
rest, relax and, better yet, meditate. Meditating is not thinking and letting the heart speak.
Unfortunately, we tend to reduce everything to opposites, extremes or competing dualities,
without recognizing the middle points and subjecting ourselves to a permanent conflict: "To be
or not to be", black and white, love and hate, matter and spirit; when in reality they are extremes
of the same essence, but with different polarity.

To do?

Meditate, reflect. A calm and alert attitude in the face of real circumstances, abandoning
excuses to impose our a priori criteria, allows us to grow with each experience and, given that
the tests follow one after another, it is essential to avoid unnecessary guilt and pain along the
way to move forward in our process of self-realization.
Maintain the balance that you have (or had) achieved to be able to recognize the extremes in the
situation that worries you and adapt to the center, where there are no struggles or tensions. This
is what has been called "the middle path." Temperance refers to moderation, correct, patient and
timely action. Knowing how to combine opposites leads to harmony and integration. There is no
more harmonious way to achieve the most cherished goals than a new and open, dynamic but
harmonious approach, which guides to "unlock" relationships and negotiations. Seeing the so-
called "opposites" as "complementary" and integrating them, you enrich your experience and
advance your life processes while harmonizing with your environment.

Message - Advice

In our universe everything flows harmoniously and synchronized. Our life - our small world -
also flows with a perfect rhythm coupled to that of the universe, although at times we do not see
it. Something goes, something comes; something dies, something is born; something rises,
something falls. Yin and yang alternate, combine and complement each other. Understanding
this there is no struggle or failure. Relax and search within yourself for the serenity necessary to
overcome difficulties and value your progress. Weigh both and you will see that you have come
a long way towards self-improvement.


I abandon all fights and extremist tendencies that only lead to pain. I sincerely seek my inner
harmony, through a deeply felt peace, but without denying reality. I see my world as it is and I
seek balance. Serene your mind to compensate for the burdens. I am guided and protected by
the force of Supreme Love.


In this card, represented by the figure of an angel or messenger of God, it is a spirit endowed
with wings that keeps it as if it were floating, over water and land. He is the alchemist of the
great architect of the universe, who produces the regeneration of humanity, manipulating the
vital fluid that runs between positive and negative, masculine and feminine, to achieve balance
or mutual adaptation of the sexes. The two cups of equal size affirm the equality of the sexes,
the participation of both equally in establishing and maintaining a balance in nature.
The complete union, physical, mental and spiritual, of full harmony and identification that sets
in motion the exchange of fluids, physical, mental and spiritual, that accompanies the sexual act
in total harmony, unleashes an invincible positive balancing force in the individual who
achieves this type of union. It is perhaps the psychotherapeutic agent par excellence.
Purely carnal, bestial desire, satisfied without consideration, by brute force, deception and
without sense of responsible parenthood, or respect for the personality of a woman, is the most
cruel and destructive force known and the cause of infinite suffering throughout life. the history
of human stupidity.
At the bottom of the letter, as at the end of life, is the golden Jerusalem, the eternal paradise of
the world of the spirit where carnal, brutal and bestial instincts are erased, where everything is
spirit, balance and peace.

The sun is the symbol of light, the spiritual triangle of GOD the great architect, the all-seeing
eye of Freemasonry. The silver cup in Kabbalah is Yesod, the Moon, arcane XVIII and the gold
cup in Kabbalah is Tirarét, the Sun arcane XIX. The magical elements of this arcana are water-
liquid, fire-sun, earth-earth, air-air.

The Great Architect is a Masonic term for God creator and governor, the word angel means
messenger of the spiritual world, the total and permanent separation of the sexes leads to

XV- The Devil

The Devil is not only evil, but tradition has rather related him to stupidity and ignorance, as well
as mediocrity and lukewarmness. The Devil represents sexual energy and passion or internal
fire, magnetism, desires.

Key ideas

 Archetype: the dark and animalistic nature of the human being. The abyss within.
 Lesson: recognize the darkest internal aspects, eliminate projections. Overcome
temptations based on truths and not fears.
 Goal: self-knowledge. Liberation from addictions.
 Psycho-emotional disposition: dependence, slavery. Attachment to the material. Feeling
trapped by desire, ambition and dark feelings.


The being, in its development, advances along the path and faces the most hidden levels of its
attachments, the world of appearance; discovers the root of his own "shadow" wrapped in
passion towards the material form. Only then does he understand that the world he lives in is
created, it is a lie and he finally overcomes the incongruity, channeling the force that will lead
him towards the light.

As a situation

In this circumstance the senses deceive us, especially because we tend to think that nothing
exists other than what we perceive. Within this conception, we tie ourselves to the material, the
tangible, and we come to depend on it. The power of the ego, money, pleasures, become the
goal for those who live this self-deception. Along with these energies, their associates - envy,
meanness, anger, lies, oppression, power - become licit means based on illusory goals.
In physics, opposites attract; In metaphysics, like energies attract, so that your shadow attracts
shadowy people, what we call "negative people." From them you can only expect conflict,
revenge, attacks and difficulties on a material, mental and spiritual level. There is no light
without shadow. Furthermore, shadow exists as a consequence of light. In the same way there is
no good without evil, purity without corruption. Recognizing the gloom of your environment
allows you to know what you are capable of and when to act to balance yourself internally,
recognizing that dark part in order to transform and heal it. The process of healing begins with
the recognition not only of the symptoms, but also of the causes of the lack of health. Likewise,
knowing evil as something possible and "normal", you will be less a victim of your own
instincts, as much as of deception, lies, manipulations and submission.

As a person

It is not willing to overcome the darkness, it does not recognize that it is a being of light, so it is
not able to free you from the chains that bind it. She does not pay attention to the harmful
energies that surround her. Ignorance, one of the greatest weaknesses of human beings, leads
them to deny their shadow and disguise it. Without recognizing it and giving that energy an
outlet, it is trapped with no possibility of escape. By not being able to focus on the darkness of
his life, his disastrous environment and full of low motivations, he is harming himself.
If you review your motivations, analyze how far you are able to go to achieve your desires, you
will be able to recover your lost inner peace.

If this energy is poorly channeled

Consciously or unconsciously, dark emotions and dependencies hold you, like a prisoner.
Everything seems to be consummated without hope. However, remember that you have free will
thanks to which you decide where and how you want to be. Face the demons of the past, those
that relentlessly torment you: doubt, materialism, resentment, jealousy, obsessions, are just part
of them.
Under this influence you do not see clearly, you do not distinguish light and shadow. Incorrect
actions are projected as correct and you justify them as the only alternative. The search for
power and pleasure provides false satisfaction although then there is a void and a need for more
emotions, to go further, to have more. It is a cycle of permanent dissatisfaction and, after all,
loneliness and spiritual stagnation as our true being lies trapped and prisoner of desire.

To do?

Look inside yourself and recognize your dark areas to be able to free yourself through
transformative knowledge, which begins with faith in your own inner light and your connection
with everything noble and luminous in the universe. Cleanse and elevate your thoughts in order
to transcend the opacities of materialism that keep you in a true prison. Beyond is the light,

purity and splendor to which you can access only by overcoming the darkness that constricts
your spirit and clouds your reason.
Seeing ourselves as we are and recognizing the evil that surrounds us allows us to know what to
improve. Even the darkest part of you, no matter how bad it is, will not be able to defeat you if
you do not allow it to.

Message - Advice

This arcana represents the archetype of the inner abyss: the dark and animal of the human being.
To recognize it is to recognize the darkest internal aspects, to identify the projections to achieve
self-knowledge and freedom from addictions.
Those who succumb to their own weaknesses suffer various forms of dependence and slavery:
they suffer material ties, trapped by desire, ambition and dark feelings. Recognizing that the
Devil is not outside, but is the darkness within, the shadow of our personality, we can admit it
and decide what to do to overcome it.


I recognize my inner darkness, that dark side of my being, the shadow of my personality that
has cost me so much to recognize and admit. Now I face that shadow and recognize it as part of
me. However, it is not me, because I am light. I recognize my dark aspects and learn from them
to be able to transcend them. I allow the light to manifest here and now.


or demon, in the form of a Baphomet goat, is seated on a cubic stone, reduced to half its
volume, longitudinally, to symbolize partial knowledge, the carnal, the visible. The open hand is
power and strength, which suggests that the end justifies the means; the torch, the implacable
weapon that crushes all resistance without mercy. Baphomet is the antithesis of the lamb of
God, the man subjected to instinct and degradation; opposite pole of what the lamb asks for, the
man inspired by divine intelligence, in the process of obtaining liberation. The devil, demon,
baphomet are mara the great seducer of the EXOTERIC religions of the East, who tempts man
confronted by his Dharma or moral duty.
The goat is hermaphrodite, self-sufficient, egomaniac; It has the breasts of a woman and the
phallus or penis of a man, its faces and legs are those of a goat.
The number XV is related to sexuality, five is the number of sex and the senses, and one of the
erect phallus or first cause 15=3 x 5 and three symbolizes the genitals. In the invocation of those
who practice Black Magic, the appearance of the devil in the form of a goat or a donkey is
frequent, both symbols of carnal desire. The card symbolizes the sexual orgy, black magic, the
black mass, the dominance of the physical, material and carnal over the spiritual, which is not
liberation, but another form of slavery since everything compulsive is slavery. The inverted
pentacle, a five-pointed star, is a symbol of Baphomet, antithesis of lamb. Mara is the Buddhist
equivalent of the Christians' Satan. In magical invocation, among other things, the circle, the
pentagram, the sword and a cloak are used. Crowley managed on numerous occasions to invoke
and make an endless number of astral figures materialize. The circle or zero means everything
and nothing, the infinite, the sword the magic wand of power of the magician and the cloak a
protective garment of the magician.

XVI- The Tower

The Tower is one of the most decisive Arcana in the Tarot. It usually symbolizes sudden and
violent changes that give rise to changes in the consultant's environment. The Tower tests the
foundations of our lives and urges us to take precautions.

Key ideas

 Archetype: the fall - liberation.

 Lesson: breaking outdated or poorly founded schemes. Learn from crises. Know how to
recognize opportunities within the "disaster."
 Goal: achieve inner freedom. Break the structures and start another part of the learning
 Psycho-emotional disposition: surprising but liberating changes. Abandon comfort and
pride to recognize that the path continues.


Suddenly, the arrival of a superior event breaks the material, psychological and moral structures
that no longer serve, leaving only the essential foundations on which it will be built again.

As a situation

This is the indication of a crisis, separation or difficult closure of a stage. The Tower tells us
about instability: fire, thunder, rocks and falling bodies; It's obviously somewhat problematic. It
indicates drastic and probably unwanted changes, a rapid and dramatic alteration of routine.
With The Wheel or Death, the changes can be gradual, they give us signs and time to adapt, but
The Tower indicates, like lightning, the rapid and even explosive development of events.
With it, disasters and ruptures are evident. Only periods of crisis and drastic changes make the
individual express and channel his most creative side, of course, if he is willing to take the risk
of moving forward, without being intimidated by catastrophes, losses and shocks. Behind the
pain and anguish that a collapse produces, life shines as a promise of new options, because life
does not stop.

Sudden crises are the ways in which life makes us wake up from our lethargy. If something in
our life goes wrong and we are not aware of it, or we do not want to see it, we can expect a blow
to our ego, an explosion or a fatal outcome. If we hold back our anger, there will come a time
when the "dam" explodes. If we are stopped in the middle of the road, an unpleasant surprise
will take us out of the way.
How sad will the experience be? How we respond to crises makes a difference. If we recognize
that the breakup occurred because it was necessary, "embracing" the change or at least finding
something positive in it will make it less traumatic. Indeed, a change of direction can make us
feel tremendous liberation.

As a person

He is one of the people who, with pride and a sense of superiority, builds a high tower, from
there to observe the world and protect himself, direct the lives of others and control everything.
They remain isolated and lose contact with their surroundings. Immersed in themselves and
their projections, the people identified by La Torre live in self-deception. In order for them to
regain their sense of reality, a challenge is presented to them, a challenge that dismantles their
defenses and leaves them "in the air." Surviving here means recognizing reality as it is, closing
one cycle and starting the next, staying calm but quickly, attentive to the new opportunities that
will arise in the midst of this crisis.

It depends on the person to know how to recognize the truth, learn from experience and not
continue repeating the lessons already lived. Overcoming The Tower means overcoming the
fall, the breakup or the disaster with elevation of mind and spirit. Otherwise, the shocks will be
repeated over and over again, with the same characters or with others, in the same scenario or in
a different one (all of them as your great teachers). The Tower invites you to learn the lesson
and overcome it.

If this energy is poorly channeled

The events occur in a painful way. They are always radical situations, rough seas, triggering
drastic turns. Sometimes there is no other way to go beyond the barriers that we ourselves build
in our desire to maintain an apparent order, a sense of security and achievement. The mind is
not prepared for these changes, it is not capable of resisting the onslaught of the truth that is
revealed. In that case, reality is shown behind a lightning strike, a blinding lightning bolt that
destroys appearances, false illusions, houses of cards.

The worst thing about not being able to learn from crises is that the person is left with a feeling
of worthlessness that turns them into a victim. All the worse if he tries to inspire pity to gain at
least a little "love" with it. Deep down he is unable to move forward because pity, fear or
manipulation do not guarantee him anything. His energy is increasingly precarious and, like a
vampire, he needs the energy of others to live. In the end they become a burden and he ends up
alone, claiming not to need anyone, but deep down he is a prisoner of bitterness and hiding his
true feelings.

To do?

Take advantage of every moment to advance your evolution. You must be attentive to the signs:
the obsession that takes over you, when you believe you possess the only truth, when a situation
or relationship becomes unsustainable, when you have to push yourself beyond your strength...
Listen to your body's signals, the signals you receive from your environment, family, work, etc.
These signs are sometimes very clear, but most of the time they are very subtle and you need to
be alert.
Once the destructive force of The Tower has been experienced, calm will ensue. Above all, seek
silence, simplicity and do not make judgments. Prepare for a renewal, open yourself to a new
awareness that will free you from old patterns. These practices will facilitate your connection
with your higher consciousness.

Message - Advice

Take preventive measures as exits in a possible "disaster" or breakup. Trials are more bearable
with foresight and common sense in addition to the sense of permanent transformation. Live
your life consciously, doing your part in the deals, aware of learning, with your mind open to
the fact that everything can change. Human beings tend to do the opposite: we always think that
crises happen to others. There are those who say: That happens to others, but not to me! and
even the most announced changes take them by surprise, dispossess and demoralize them. Take

advantage of crises to advance your evolution.
In no way can we enjoy crises, but we must not succumb to them and allow ourselves to be
"crushed." If we don't learn to get up and start again after a setback, it means we haven't learned
anything. Life is dynamic, it is a permanent change. This sometimes includes a "clean slate."
Every change produces crisis, anguish, uncertainty and even terror. But with every crisis,
solutions and opportunities are revealed to us.
If everything goes as planned, we never test our ability, our courage and our learning.
Sometimes we need something to shake us, to "slap" us, in order to come to our senses or wake
up and move on.


Opportunities arise from crises. The ground is fertile for the beginnings. I open myself to a
necessary renewal, to a radical change, which can come suddenly. I am alert to the movement
that destroys what is obsolete and I take responsibility for my own destiny. I do not fight against
new circumstances or deny reality, but rather I admit it and decide the path to follow:
harmonious, healthy and progressing.


THE TOWER Burning at night, as a result of lightning, is the Tower of Babel, built by the
presumption and false pride of human beings. It is a building founded on the sandy false
foundations of selfishness, of materialism, of ignorance, of science. While it lasts it seems
indestructible, but its foundation is rotten. Lightning is the spiritual truth that, like lightning,
destroys all purely materialistic science, thus demonstrating that for the social process,
humanity, individual by individual, must apply its science with a clean social conscience, a total
respect for others. others, without violence and intimidation, if you want to avoid the
catastrophe. Hatred is a cancer of the soul that corrodes and destroys, sooner or later, all those
who try to use it as a weapon; It is a double-edged sword. The fall of those who inspire terror is
as stunning as the fall of the tower of Babel because we are all subject to spiritual laws far
superior to false pride and human selfishness. The dome, the crown, of anyone who seeks to
impose their law, without taking into account the conscience of others, quickly falls. For the
spirit, a month, a year, a century is a sigh: Destruction soon comes to the autocrat and the
useless pseudo-intellectuals who support him "for I am Jehovah your God, strong, jealous, who
visits the wickedness of the fathers upon children to the third and fourth generation who hate
them" (Deuteronomy 5:9) in short, destruction comes to all those who continue in the error of
their parents and this is the truth in all its fields. The tower is a warning against selfishness that
leads to the destruction of any individual or group that suffers from it.
The lightning symbolizes the power from above, the power of the spirit, the visible destruction
symbolizes the destruction of forms. The combination of fire and lightning is a symbol of
sudden enlightenment. The crown is a symbol of earthly power and government. It is curious to
note that one of the men has thrown himself into the abyss of the night to escape the fire; he still
has the crown on his head, despite having his head down. Perhaps it suggests that your pride and
selfishness are so deeply rooted that you do not want to abandon them even in the face of
destruction. The human habit of raising monuments to perpetuate their memory is a very typical
disease of the benefactors of society that is cured very well over time.

XVII- The Star

The Star represents destiny, the moment of truth, where you will get what you deserve, if you
are able to defend it. Symbolizes light. The Star shows the process of receiving the highest
cosmic inspirations, mental clarity.

Key ideas

 Archetype: ray of hope.

 Lesson: recognize the darkest internal aspects and eliminate projections. Overcome
temptations based on truths and not fears.
 Goal: face challenges. Start a new hopeful cycle. Surrender to the wisdom of the
 Psycho-emotional disposition: trust in the future while maintaining freshness and
optimism. Reconstructive ability. Tune in with life.


Freed and empty by the devastating action of The Tower, the being perceives the energy of
hope, based on the intimate certainty that his intuition offers him. Guided by her he arrives at
the peaceful beaches of purity and reconstructive action.

As a situation

Having overcome the trials of The Tower, and having learned its lessons, a period of self-
confidence and faith in new beginnings begins. Lived experience guides and guides us.
Something inspires us and surely propels us towards positive achievements. A comforting
sensation awakens new hope and a feeling of integration, fulfillment and readiness to undertake
the new journey. There is a justified optimism and capacity for renewal. It is taking initiatives
with the confidence of achieving favorable outcomes.

Life opens its doors to us when we manage to identify needs, potentialities and goals. In this
way success is guaranteed whether for material and intellectual achievements, as well as
emotional and spiritual ones.

As a person

The Star indicates someone well-oriented and intentional, who can successfully develop their
creative potential and start a project or activity. He is the inspiring and creative person that
everyone would like to be. Regardless of what the expectations of your environment are,
understanding your motivations, goals and objectives will make you better evaluate and manage
your resources to move in the right direction. A feeling of peace and stillness emerges from the
depths of your being and provides you with the conditions to carry out unavoidable tasks to

achieve your goals. It is time for positive renewal, when everything fits together perfectly and
progress seems favorable.

If this energy is poorly channeled

The changes and trials experienced fill the person with doubts and fears. Insecurity and
instability prevail, and no recovery is seen. Life seems stagnant, but you cannot compensate for
this paralysis (which is only apparent) by accelerating or making efforts to appear to move. It
will be useless and clumsy because behind these deliberate actions there is no sincere inner
transformation, authentic learning, or genuine motivation. It is urgent to review the motivations
for our actions and find the wrong approaches in order to overcome them. It is necessary to
focus on the objectives and, based on the experience, establish new strategies to restart the path.
It is necessary to accept that everything changes, fill yourself with courage and patience and let
yourself be guided by the signs of the universe. Only in this way do we achieve the mobility we
need to restart the trip.

The instability that manifests itself leads to fatigue, depression and stagnation. With which we
cannot free ourselves from fears and dependencies, nor achieve true fulfillment.

Those who do not pass the tests and allow themselves to be dejected, stop and stagnate or
perpetuate their state of nonconformity and feeling of failure. They need to be comforted,
accepted and supported by others, with which they lose their autonomy and become dependent
on external energy.

To do?

Don't put limits on your dreams. Make sure of what you need and want to achieve; Recognize
that if you have not done everything necessary and fair to achieve it. By looking inward and
achieving greater clarity about your motivations and impulses, you will know how genuine your
interest is and how true your efforts are. Don't follow other people's dreams or do what you're
supposed to do. Every crisis is an opportunity to find yourself. They, crises, invite us to
stimulate creativity and skill, hopes, openness, sincerity, calm and inner confidence; all
necessary for new beginnings, new projects for recovery and healing.

Message - Advice

After the storm, calm returns. After tough trials, the new dawn comes. There are always new
opportunities, new beginnings. The value of hope lies in that certainty. Keep in mind that if we
focus on the external we will lose our way. Look within yourself for your dream and you will
see how everything in your environment is transformed into opportunity, drive and support.


I open my heart and release my fears and doubts. Today I decide to start giving myself
opportunities generously. I am not looking for practical solutions or final answers, but rather the
hope that lives in me, that I can achieve my harmony. I am on the right track as my goals and
aspirations are based on constructive action.

The light of the star guides my efforts.


THE STAR A beautiful naked woman, genuflecting, is pouring water from two jugs, one in
each hand, to the sea and the land under the illumination of eight eight-pointed stars. The naked
young woman is pure nature, beautiful and eternal youth, promise of the future, and hope of
humanity, an open, clean youth, disinterested in material things that teaches us a new path, free
of false prejudices and authoritarianism, an authentic liberation that does not lack consciousness
as many of the Generations of vipers believe, who have left a world of embers and disgust as
their only inheritance. The star is the polar opposite of the Emperor, the authoritarian, the
Victorian father, the Lord and Master who has built his home on the cornerstone of
righteousness and faith and his inflexibility and sterile rule has strangled his offspring from the
cradle, attempting to perpetuate oneself in a piece of enslaved meat and showing horror at
everything new, whether right or obligation. Youth pours its waters on the earth, matter and on
the water, the universal consciousness, renewing creation without ceasing: its contribution to
society is inestimable and essential, the promise of the future is hopeful through hope, pure love
and the truth present in the hearts of conscious youth who study and work, who suffer with their
problems, who try to enjoy life, in their own way, without harming anyone, who have their fears
and who often collide with the wall of the incomprehension of the rest of a hypocritical society.
The letter is the hopeful promise for the future world, a new world, technically and spiritually
healthier than the one we know, a world in which we all have to participate for the common
good, otherwise we are going to catastrophe.
Stars are symbols of light and energy. Water is the sign of the unconscious, the waters of the
collective unconscious, the astrological symbol is AQUARIUS, the most selfless and idealistic
of the zodiac, symbolized by the eight stars.
Human hypocrisy is a global phenomenon, not all youth are so perfect: they also have their
helpless, their lazy people and their criminals, often the product of a strict, traditionalist,
puritanical in spirit, religious EXOTERIC home, a nest of dissatisfied and self-conscious
people. , from the head of the family to the smallest pet.
EXOTERIC means public, external, superficial, apparent to all, ESOTERIC means private,
interior, deep, secret, hidden. EXOTERIC religion is dogma and ritual, ESOTERIC is spiritual
understanding and ethical behavior.

XVIII- The Moon

This card, the Moon, is deeply symbolic, although always in a negative way, it changes man to
greater application in the search for truth. The Moon symbolizes the process of entering the
depths of the soul, it is a period of testing.

Key ideas

 Archetype: the night. The darkness. The unconscious.

 Lesson: cross the darkness without falling, without letting yourself be overcome by
fear. Penetrate the mystery to unravel it.
 Goal: revelation of light. Meeting of the truth. Overcoming emotional tests.

 Psycho-emotional disposition: creative sensitivity. Duality. Intuition. Depth. Yin
aspects of personality.


Matter and everything that exists in the universe is mental, even our body are crystallized ideas
just as the worlds are the crystallized and objectified ideas of the universal mind of which we
are part. But most of those ideas are unconscious.

As a situation

There is no celestial body more inspiring than the moon, but neither is it more disconcerting and
ambiguous. The situations represented by The Moon have two faces: one bright, the other dark.
This is our mind: dual.

Pay attention to the unconscious motivations that inspire the environment or the people
involved. Among them, relationships become precarious, strained, and lead to manipulation,
deception, and betrayal. This is an unstable period, full of dark and uncertain corners, double
messages and false appearances. Like The Moon, the situation you are experiencing has two
sides. The moon is the companion of poetry and love, but it is also the companion of spells and
conspiracies. On the other hand, it is common for us to confront situations where great
satisfaction, a noble and overflowing emotion or a deep inspiration are accompanied by
competition, silent struggles and surreptitious attacks. Aware of this, make the most of the
bright part of the situation you are experiencing. Recognize the potential or declared enemy,
which may even be yourself.

As a person

This is a changeable, emotional, but sensitive person. It has a charming side and a dark side. It
is difficult for you to see clearly the real circumstances. Along with stimulating and delicate
situations, you can experience tensions, lurking enemies, threats and conflicts.

If he is creative, he is abundantly creative, which is why he will be fond of artistic expressions.

In that field you will find great development. But he can also be a competitive and fickle person.

If this energy is poorly channeled

Lies and the lowest motivations are evident. Obviously, it is necessary to review oneself before
reviewing what happens in the motivations of others, to see what there is of all this within
ourselves and what there is in us that attracts such circumstances. But in any case, it is necessary
to stop and examine what dark energies stand between you and your happiness, including
yourself in this analysis. You will be surprised by the conclusions since, generally, we start by
looking for the culprits outside since we ourselves are responsible, by action or omission, for
everything that happens to us.

Power games are established from the shadows. Cheats and lies are becoming more and more
evident and it is likely that you have picked up on something at an unconscious level.

Be cautious, a kind of marasmus that prevents you from seeing clearly. Remember that
recovering clarity, harmony and spiritual elevation can sometimes become a true feat since our
shadow (where there is a greater or lesser magnitude of fears, low self-esteem, self-destructive
feelings, etc.) overshadows our life and our ability to understand, trapping us in a vicious circle
that we cannot overcome.

To do?

Pay attention to your dreams and their messages, so that you know or recognize your shadow
and prepare for the necessary change. Sometimes it is very difficult, if not impossible, to
decipher messages from the unconscious, because we try to do it with the logic of the conscious
side of the mind and both levels speak different languages. That of the unconscious may seem
capricious or meaningless to us. It is expressed in images, emotions and sensations that belong
to us, even if we do not recognize them.

Do creative, psychotherapeutic or mystical work to unleash what your subconscious mind wants
to reveal. Recognize the fears, resentments or pride that hold you back or set you back.

Message - Advice

You are in an intensely emotional and sensitive period. You can feel receptive. You shouldn't
force anything in this cycle. Let things happen and observe. From your inner core you will
know when to act.


Now I calm down and look inside myself to recognize my brightest emotions, but also my own
shadow. My inspiration, feelings and creativity are stimulated more and more. I recognize the
ambiguous nature of situations. I don't fight, I just observe and identify them so I can overcome


A dog and a wolf or a jackal, each on one side of the path, are howling at the Moon that
illuminates the path that a crustacean intends to follow, emerging from the water. To reach the
end of the projected trajectory, the crustacean will be forced to pass first between the wolf and
the dog, then between the two towers. The dog and the wolf express themselves by howling,
their fear for the daring of the crustacean, man, evolved from the mud and mud, over millions of
years and who seeks to know the mystery of the astral world, passing through the dangers of the
astral travel, through the threshold of death, while still alive. The moon, seeing that man has not
achieved self-control - nor eliminated what is bestial and primitive in his nature - cries like a
virgin saddened by the presumption of the ignorant. The card symbolizes spiritual progress,
clairvoyance, the world of dreams, mediumship, travel in time and space, projection of the astral
body or bilocation.
Man is the crustacean that dares to follow the illuminated path to its end, death, to decipher the
mystery before dying. The moon rules the night, Pisces in the depths. The towers symbolize the
threshold of death, the dog symbolizes nature subjugated by man, the wolf symbolizes free
nature as it was created. The astral body is the ethereal double or doppelganger, counterpart of
the physical body with which it coincides under normal conditions. It has received various
names but it is not the soul, but rather its vehicle, just as the physical body is a vehicle for the
union of matter. and mind.
During waking hours, when the conscious predominates, the astral body coincides with the
physical body but during sleep, in trance, syncope, fainting and under the effect of a general
anesthetic, when the unconscious predominates, the astral body separates from the physical
body. physical and floats uncontrollably above it, constituting an involuntary projection.
The individual can leave the physical body, projecting his astral body at will, remaining
conscious in the astral, traveling wherever he wants and returning whenever he wants, in this
state he is able to see the physical body from outside, and the silver cord that unites physical and

XIX- The Sun

The Sun represents happy protection; the joy in this world, the happiness of living, of feeling
peace and joy; even knowing that it is not forever. The Sun shines in the middle of the sky and
bathes us with the light of clarity and the most absolute consciousness.

Key ideas

 Archetype: the Day. The clarity. The conscious mind.

 Lesson: enjoy life. Vital force. Purity of soul. Creative, constructive power.
 Goal: the light of truth. Happiness of living. Assume responsibility for the construction
of a work or life project.
 Psycho-emotional disposition: vitality. Reason. Sincerity. Constructive capacity. Yang
aspects of personality.


The clarity, the light, the truth. Creative power, joy of living. Joint work. The light that occupies
spaces previously invaded by darkness and shadow. The construction of the great work in
harmony and ascent.

As a situation

This is a highly constructive, dynamic and positive period in which esteem, harmony and
happiness are evident. Agreements, communication and common objectives are facilitated. It is
time for agreements, alliances and solutions, for the expression of creative and progressive ideas
in terms of a win-win relationship, that is, everyone obtains equitable benefits. A calm and
harmonious environment, but full of vitality and enthusiasm, ensures spiritual and emotional
wealth. The fruits will not be long in coming.

It is a good time to be in contact with nature and enjoy the small, but priceless, pleasures of life.
Like a child, play and enjoy this stimulating learning cycle full of rewarding surprises.

As a person

The experiences lived allow you to see things more clearly, with acceptance and visualizing
your resources and abilities to overcome obstacles and advance in your life project. Accept and
digest complaints or criticism, and grow and improve with them.

If this card represents you, during this period you are the one who decides and the one who
monopolizes everyone's attention, so you can be attacked. But you see in that attack the fear, the
insecurity or the projections that the other makes on you; that is, their own deficiencies, and you
do not fall into the game, nor do you allow yourself to be unbalanced. You are also aware of
your own weaknesses. With this immense clarity you are more objective and realistic, you do
not get offended or destabilize as at other times. Strong magnetism will make you the center of

If this energy is poorly channeled

You don't see clearly what is the best thing to do. Sometimes clouds - which seem to cover the
sun - are created unconsciously by ourselves. In that case the barrier that prevents us from
seeing clearly is our own inability to recognize the truth. You need to see life with more
optimism and perhaps accept a small amount of sacrifice.

Excesses harm us, fatigue us and make us lose energy. It requires serenity and good judgment
not to overdo it and to see in the light without being dazzled. Exposed to sunlight, we become
blinded. The circumstances require us to remain conscious, so clarity prevails without blinding

To do?

It is advisable to attract the light of intelligence and wisdom. If you can't think clearly, seek
guidance from wise, sensitive and expert people. Stimulates good communication: direct,
assertive and timely. Cultivate the simplicity, kindness and beauty that you can well foster,
articulated, in a common project. Union, alliance or exchange with positive, creative and
optimistic people favors you, as well as contact with nature, fresh air and sun.

Look at the world with a new attitude, as if it were the first time you face it. You will be
surprised at how much you can understand this way, because you free yourself from the ties of
preconceptions and prejudices that pigeonhole the mind.

Message - Advice

You are in connection with a luminous, positive and constructive energy par excellence. The
circumstances are in your favor. The reason and the means to achieve your goals accompany
you. Union and happiness manifest, giving way to consolidation and the desired order.
Everything points to the achievement of your dreams.


I identify my desires with full awareness and go after them. I do what I have to do, without
delay, and I move forward with confidence guided by the infinite light. I am one with life, I am
renewed at every dawn and I surpass myself with total detachment from the limitations of
yesterday. I accept being the favorite child of God and I connect with the greatness of the


THE SUN Illuminates a naked child, mounted on a horse, without a saddle and without a bridle.
It shines on the garden behind the wall, where the sunflowers look at the child who approaches
us, carrying a banner. Creation, all nature is fed and warmed by the sun, without whose effect it
would die; Both the primate Homo Sapiens and the rest of the animal kingdom that depend on
the plant and mineral kingdom, all of nature depends on the sun. The delicate balance existing
in nature, the ecological balance, is in constant danger due to the interference of man, whose
cruel and destructive capacity is unmatched by any of the three kingdoms. Man is the only
animal that kills, tortures, torments and destroys for pleasure: the entire rest of the animal
kingdom kills to eat and the vast majority of carnivorous animals do not kill, if they are not
hungry unless attacked. Every blood sport brutalizes the spirit, every destruction and slaughter
of an animal to enhance the "human" figure with a luxurious garment that was the protective
layer of a beautiful animal, a product of nature in life, goes against, as a sport of blood, to the
spiritual law, and to the ecological norms established by the LOGOS and leads slowly but
inexorably not only to the destruction of the guilty humans, but to all of humanity. The
sunflowers look at the child, asking him for mercy, begging him not to destroy them, since all
nature depends on the benevolence and science of man for its evolution and survival. The sun is
a symbol of radiant energy, the source of life. The horse is a symbol of strength, energy and
nobility. Sunflowers symbolize nature in bloom, the lack of a saddle and bridle symbolizes the
identification that exists between human and beastly nature.
The LOGOS is a theosophical term for the deity or verb, the consciousness that animates all life
and creates the solar systems. Buddhism's mortality prohibits killing or injuring any living
creature; You have to be kind and compassionate to everyone. It prohibits theft and
recommends uprightness and honesty in all dealings. It prohibits sexual misconduct and
recommends purity and consideration in sexual treatment. It prohibits lies and recommends the
truth: all falsehood must be avoided. Prohibits alcohol and all drugs that stun and dull the brain
and recommends abstention

XX- The Judgment

This arcana, Judgment, represents clarity of ideas and the moment of truth, also related to
karma. It symbolizes the justice of the gods. The Judgment involves radical change, willingness
to start something new, creative power and good judgment.

Key ideas

 Archetype: resurrection, transformation.

 Lesson: learn to listen to the inner call. Capture the signs that guide us out of the
 Goal: redemption, liberation. Healing. Renaissance.
 Psycho-emotional disposition: skin change. Feeling redeemed, liberated or rescued.
Open to a new life. Feeling redeemed. Inner peace.


Transcendence, liberation. The being, now mature, understands and loves everything created,
perceives the infinite of good fortune. He knows how to capture the signals that the universe
gives you to overcome pain, fatigue and darkness.

As a situation

A moment of total closure appears in your life, as if the day of Judgment had arrived. This
happens to give you the opportunity to recapitulate, decide, change course. The universe sends
you clear signals, some subtle, others subtle, to tell you that the time has come when you must
end everything and start a new life, which is compared to the snake that sheds its skin as it

You live is a transcendental circumstance in which you experience the pain of having to let go
of the past - your relative comfort, the known - to begin a new section of the path. Disturbing
and painful process, but necessary.

As a person

There is no doubt that he is experiencing a defining moment. You need to become aware of the
present, reaffirm security in your inner guidance and spiritual help to make the necessary
change. This is a new opportunity to fulfill your mission and correct the mistakes of the past.

If this is you, you must also take into account that your latent talents begin to emerge as a result
of the changes, which reduces the pain and you are able to capture the good and positive aspects
of this situation in your life. You can expect new opportunities, hobbies, activities and
environments to emerge that give you greater self-confidence and possibilities for the future.
Your life is reborn!

If this energy is poorly channeled

We remain locked in our beliefs, without even opening the possibility to contemplate new
options or see the conditions of our lives with renewed values. Rigidity becomes a pit, a tomb,
from which we will not be able to leave. The tests multiply and the pain prolongs. If you only
see suffering, struggle and loss you have failed to understand the essence of life. If you accept a
painful reality out of fear of the unknown, if you make countless excuses in order not to change
your life, sooner or later all this will fall apart and in the long run the pain will be greater.
Otherwise you will remain in shadow and suffering. You have free will to choose.

To do?

Recognize that when something dies, something is also born. Admit that when something
threatens you, it is you who has summoned or allowed it; that if what afflicts you has come into
your life and is perpetuated, it is only because you allow it. Don't feel like a victim and look at
what you have done and what you are doing to make the circumstances as they are.

Think about whether you really want to change it, because the decision is yours. If you decide to
change your attitude and commit to yourself, the means will arrive to facilitate the change and
the messengers will arrive to guide you in the right direction.

Message - Advice

You have a new opportunity in the midst of radical changes. Don't be afraid if you feel that your
life is moving and everything seems upset. Sometimes we need radical changes, close to forms
of death, to remind us that when something dies, something is also born. Only in this way can
we renew ourselves and begin a new cycle, feeling clean, regenerated and full of vitality.


I recognize the need to choose and have the courage to do so wisely, firmly and without guilt.
So, I take what is of value, I correct what needs to be corrected without losing sight of how
much I myself am worth. Cleansed of all burden and sin, I leave behind the mistakes of the past,
rescuing the learning they leave me, and I prepare to begin again. My life is reborn!


At the judgment the Archangel Gabriel blows the trumpet of resurrection, calling the dead to
rise from their floating coffins, spreading their arms in adoration and ecstasy. Whether woman,
man or child, after death comes judgment. Physical death is a cessation of activity, a succession
of deaths of the different tissues and organs of the body, caused by the breaking of the silver
cord - which unites the physical body and the astral body - which gives rise to a permanent
projection of the astral, which detaches and moves away from the physical, which enters into
decomposition and putrefaction. In judgment the soul sees and judges itself, since death is the
birth in the spiritual world that is free from the bonds of the flesh, illuminated by a divine
intelligence, being able to objectively judge all the acts and thoughts of the soul. the life you
have just left, without the influence of the materialistic EGO OR SELF. He clearly sees the
chain of causes and effects, perfectly understanding how it contributes to his karma. With
masterful judgment the entity chooses the appropriate time, place, sex and parents for another
reincarnation if it needs to acquire more life experiences to perfect its evolution. The sound of
the trumpet frees man from the earth, awakening the spirit and capturing the mystery of death-
birth in the Judgment. Spiritualism teaches well the doctrine of the resurrection and judgment
based on the Bible and the work of the sessions or seances. Some spiritualists believe in
reincarnation, others do not, some accept Jesus as a great teacher and others accept him as the
incarnation of God.

XXI- The World

The World is the last of the major arcana, it closes the circle that "The Fool" began; The great
work has come to an end, it returns to the innocence of the beginning. The World is solitude in
peace, knowing how to live with what is necessary, control of the mundane.

Key ideas

 Archetype: integration, synchrony with the Universe. Paradise recovered.

 Lesson: find the whole. Growth, interior and exterior, integrated.
 Goal: achieve unity. Full realization.
 Psycho-emotional disposition: joy, satisfaction. Feeling of fulfillment, of having found
our place.


The World announces having reached the end of the road; It is self-realization, love and full life.
Connection with the Universe.

As a situation

Life flows. Everything goes where it has to go. The right time has come. You are in a cycle of
closures and conclusions that confirm the achievement of your goals. This is a moment of
union, integration both internally and with your world and those around you. It is a key stage
where you reap the fruits of your efforts and see your dreams come true. Everything drives you
to move forward, knowing that you pass the tests and achieve your achievements.

However, life does not stop. You know well that, once the feat is accomplished, the story must
continue: new challenges, new cycles to open. Enjoy your achievements from this cycle, but
observe your new needs. Life goes on.

As a person

He remains receptive, recognizing his achievements but knowing that new challenges will arise
at any moment. You will no longer be uncontrolled by adversities or obstacles, as you now see
them as opportunities to put into practice everything you have learned in this long process.

If The World represents yourself, it reminds you that there is a time for everything and that each
time must be accepted and weighed: health and illness, light and shadow, joy and sadness,
everything has a purpose in our life, everything brings us something to learn and grow.
Understanding it is integrating. And by integrating your experiences you also integrate into the
whole. You experience great power, a great connection with life. You don't feel the need to put
yourself on guard, defend yourself or fight to achieve your happiness. There is no one to
compete with. Now the idea is to share.

If this energy is poorly channeled

There is stagnation and heaviness in your environment. So much so that it seems that everything
is absolutely stopped. However, you well know that this stasis is only an appearance, since
nothing really stops. The conditions are not in place for the fruits to bear. Do not fight. Just
observe and learn from the circumstances. You will know how to recognize the moment to act
when the correlation of forces changes and favorable conditions occur. You can't fight the
current. Do not insist on doing what exceeds your capabilities and means. At this moment your
only strength is knowing how to wait.

If you are not in tune and in sync with life, you will not be able to see what your true needs are
and then your efforts to be happy will be vain and exhausting. Identify your real goals to put
your efforts in that direction when the conditions are right.

To do?

Open to new stages. Recognize that in life everything flows naturally and abandon the extremes:
the passivity that obstructs our progress and the blind and senseless struggle. Accept that we
deserve glory, perfect integration, freedom and beauty, and that these are not an end point of the
path, but stations. Only then will true success, satisfaction and fulfillment be assured.

Message - Advice

In moments of fulfillment, everything in your environment fits together harmoniously, giving

way to the most complete fulfillment and happiness. You have reached your goal. But when the
proposed goal is reached, when you achieve integration and experience the feeling of having
achieved your goal, the need arises to start another search, new goals appear in your life. And
every achievement is a closing of a cycle, and each closing of a cycle indicates the opening of a
new one.


I surrender to life with an expansive consciousness of growth, innovation and creativity. I

completely trust in the processes of life and I surrender to new experiences with the certainty
that they are opportunities to integrate new knowledge to make me an increasingly prepared and
happy person.


THE WORLD Represented by an almost naked dancer, who floats in the air like a spirit or
astral body projected in astral travel. In each hand she carries a magic wand, the crown of leaves
protects her from the mysterious animals of the astral, materialized in the clouds. She is an
initiate, happy, jovial, liberated who has left the material world behind. He has become guardian
of the portal and is in one of the many mansions of the father's house, where everything is
cosmic consciousness. Experience the total peace of the subject in trance, floating effortlessly,
without fear and enjoy the freedom you feel due to the temporary abandonment of the physical
body. Hear, see, travel at your whim without limit crossing walls, closed doors, windows with
bars. Travel to the past, the future, the present, to any country or continent, to the planets and
other worlds, for the simple fact of putting your concentration on desire.
The astral body, endowed with perfect vision and unlimited mobility in time and space,
provides the physical body with the secret powers of telepathy, clairvoyance, telekinesis,
psychometry, prophecy, mediumship in general... In modern psychology this arcana represents
the union of ID or ELLo, ego or self and super ego or super and. This union means the
acquisition of a cosmic consciousness, all the twenty previous arcana have led to this result. The

symbolic meaning of the four mysterious animals is explained in arcana X, the Wheel of destiny
and fortune.
In the previous arcana, The Judgment, the mountains are the symbols of abstract thought, the
waters of the unconscious. In this last arcana, the crown of leaves is a symbol of the crown of
initiation, the wands, of magical power in the worlds and the stole that the woman wears is the
symbol of the silver cord.
In the astral spirit it finds elemental creatures of all species and of diverse nature, attracted by
the fear and doubt of the subject that has been projected. According to tradition there is a
demon, the guardian of the threshold between the visible and invisible world, which can only be
avoided with positive emotions that dominate the negative ones. This guardian is the product of
the most negative and lowest nature of the subject itself: once this specter is defeated,
extraordinary powers will be given to the subject.


The minor arcana refer to the details and circumstances of daily life that we can avoid and
control, especially if we are warned. The minor arcana are many more than the major ones,
showing us that we can control our destiny.

In our Tarot Section, we will begin to develop the meaning of the Minor Arcana, the cards
numbered from Ace to 10 and followed by four court figures or court cards: pages (or jacks),
knights, queens and kings. It is much more common to find information about the Major Arcana
both in bibliographic documentation and on the Internet. This does not mean we should think
that they are less important. The Minor Arcana, although they are not as complex in their
symbolism as the Major Arcana, nevertheless have a very important role in a Tarot consultation,
since where the Major Arcana show us archetypal situations and images related to the great
principles of life, the Minors reveal to us situations closer to everyday life, the most mundane
and concrete aspects.

There are tarot decks where we can find typical scenes of human endeavor, scenes that tell a
story, an anecdote. Such is the case of the Rider-Waite tarot that will illustrate this section. This
simplifies the understanding of the messages and allows the imagination to be activated, the
gateway to intuition.

The suits of the deck

The different suits or series of the deck (Wands, Pentacles, Swords and Cups) tell us about
archetypal themes in life. They are related to the four Aristotelian elements, with which each
suit or series has the qualities of the corresponding element and is related to the areas of human
life that are associated with it:

 The Bastos cards: suggest the themes of work, profession, the actions carried out by the
person, their vital drive, their ability to undertake projects; as well as efforts, fatigue,
struggles and competitions, etc.
 The Pentacles cards: (or pentacles as they are called in the Tarot of Arthur E. Waite or
Tarot Rider) point out profits, the administration and reproduction of money, the
productivity of work; as much as losses, poverty, baseness that man is capable of
because of power and money.
 The Swords cards: show intellectual processes, decisions, justice; as well as
attachments, wars, betrayals, etc.
 The Copas letters: they tell us about affection, family, celebrations, reunions and
friendships; but also of grief, depression, complexes and suffering.

Meaning of numbers

To delve deeper into the message of the Minor Arcana, it is necessary to consider its
numerological meaning, since each number has characteristic attributes and risks, typified in
Pythagorean philosophy. By relating the number to the element and its theme, the arcana sheds
light on what we are consulting. In this way, we identify the particular situation to which the
card refers and, with the help of the scenes, as is the case with tarots such as Waite-Rider, we
obtain a greater understanding of the processes.

Court cards or figures

They show us personality types and age groups: traditionally pages are associated with children
or young people, knights with young men, queens with women and kings with mature men.
Recently there are decks (such as the Cosmic Tarot, from 1998) where pages have been
replaced by princesses and knights by princes, thereby achieving a balance in sexes and age

Also the suits or series incline towards certain physical characteristics of these figures: the
coarse ones incline towards blonde or redheaded people with light eyes; golds dark or medium
brown hair; the swords have dark brown or black hair and the cups have blonde hair.

In addition, you can establish the personality and other characteristics for each figure, which is
influenced by the element represented. Relationship in which definitions given by a relationship
of the figures or court cards with the signs of the zodiac intervene. Over the course of these
articles I will be delving deeper into these topics, since each card has very precise particular
meanings, and each tarot reader and Tarot student can expand them according to their

The Aces Arcana are the four aces, they represent, within the Minor Arcana, the origin of a
situation. Each of the aces represents an element. The Arcana Aces are presented as the aces of
the deck and a symbol of the Aristotelian elements.

From now on we will address the analysis of the Minor Arcana, the cards that go from the
number 1 (As) to 10. Since the number one is the beginning, the unity, the initial spark, we will
start with the Aces, which always represent the origin of a situation.

The Aces are presented as Wand, Gold, Sword and Cup, as symbols of the Aristotelian
elements: fire, earth, air and water, respectively.

Ace of Wands

The divine hand holds the staff upright. In the landscape you can see a castle on the top of a
mountain, which indicates that it is a constructive energy that has overcome the challenges. The
wand has a phallic aspect, being essentially a force of masculine nature.

 General meaning: pure force of the Fire element. Starting point, origin. The force that
acts on matter and gives it shape. It symbolizes dynamism, direct action, constructive
activities, profession, inventiveness, work, effort. It tells us about inspiration from
which something is set in motion. In health, it indicates optimism and vitality; and it is

very auspicious to start a business, work or study. It symbolizes command, power,
energy in action. Sometimes, inspiration, the divine gift. It is also sexual energy.
 Inverted: fall of something. Decay, destruction. The irrecoverable. Impulsivity,
rudeness, impatience, fanaticism, blind and excessive courage, anger and obstinacy.

Ace of Pentacles

The divine hand holds a gold coin on which is seen a five-pointed star that represents man, with
his limbs extended and his head directed upward. You see a garden of roses and lilies, desires
and pure thoughts. As in the Magician card, the Ace of Pentacles confirms that the concrete is
the materialization of desires and thoughts, expressed in the tangible.

It is not a natural garden, but one created by human hands, where there is a path that leads to an
arched door that recalls the letter of The World, the realization. In the distance, tall blue
mountains warn that achieving material goals involves overcoming spiritual tests.

 General meaning: pure force of the Earth element. The Pentacle is a symbol of stability
created in the here and now, in what is practical, palpable and everyday. It tells us that
the efforts made with our actions (coarse) bear tangible fruits: material goods, heritage,
profits, concrete achievements, physical security, good businesses and projects that
come to fruition. This Ace reflects the power of material manifestation, good physical
condition and health, the creative potential for concrete realization. Well aspected, in a
consultation on economic matters, it indicates wealth, abundance and prosperity. In
other areas (intellectual, sentimental, etc.), it marks the beginning of a cycle that bears
 Reversed: instability, losses, meanness, corruption, greed. Risk of losing assets,
economic power, prosperity or health. Bad administration, an opportunity to complete a
material project has been lost (or will be lost).

Ace of spades

The divine hand wields the sword, a symbol of the air, which has a light edge and a dark edge,
since the mind is powerful and dual. This sword penetrates a crown that represents power and
reminds us that, also through the mind, we can transcend duality and reach the crown of
Wisdom (Kether of the Kabbalists). From this crown arise a branch of holly, feminine, and
another of palm, masculine, the active and passive currents (Yin and Yang) that act in the
universe. On each side of the sword are three Yods, a Hebrew letter in the shape of a flame,
which means the spark of life, the first letter of the name of God (Yahweh). The number 6
evokes The Lovers, since both love and discrimination (choices) are necessary to achieve
mastery of the mind.

 General meaning: pure force of the Air element. The products of the mind, the action of
thought, the beginning of a new intellectual cycle, point of view or opinion. It
represents ideals, ideology, values and principles and what we are willing to do to
support them. Mental clarity, precision and discernment. It's not emotional. It is positive
for health, although, if accompanied by conflicting cards, it can indicate excess mental
dialogue, memories, analysis, cerebral attitude. It is light and shadow, products of our
mind, right indicates: thought, intellect, dreams and desires; triumph, power, right
decisions. Justice. Skill and intelligence, analysis, planning, sagacity, objectivity.
 Reversed: worries, resentment, revenge. The eternal confrontation between heart and
mind. Anguish, suffering. Injustice. Abuse of authority, intolerance, insensitivity,
violence, cold rationalism, calculating mind.

The Ace of Cups

The cup rests on the divine hand, while water, the nectar of life, flows. Above it descends the
Holy Spirit - the Creative Force of Love - carrying in its beak the Sacred Host, symbol of the
seed. The cup is both the receptacle, the fertilized uterus and the subconscious mind,
expressions of the feminine, which receive the masculine seed and set in motion processes that
generate new life. The five jets of water (the five senses) indicate the sensitive manifestation of

The cup, above the waters, is like an inexhaustible spring that nourishes the floating lotuses, an
oriental symbol of spirituality. Twenty-six Yods fall in the form of dew, a number attributed in
the Kabbalah to the divine name of JEHOVAH. On both sides of the chalice there is a small
bell, as a sign of communication between heaven and earth, to whose call the faithful attend the
services and, through whose vibration, the connection with the harmony of the universe is

 General meaning: pure force of the Water element. Harmonious emotions and feelings:
love, friendship, joy, home, celebration. What flows, abundance, faith and spirituality;
receptivity, intuition, ability to relate, fertility, motherhood, ability to nourish, harmony,
happiness, artistic talent and introspection. It is joy and inner peace. The cup, the place
where spirit and matter merge. It indicates sensitivity, emotion, beauty, art, creative

imagination. Beginning of a relationship, courtship or marriage, or consolidation of an
existing relationship.
 Inverted: inharmonious emotions: emotional lack of control, unpleasant change,
sadness, depression, grief, bitterness. Instability, dissolution, moral and emotional
weakness. Breakup.

The Arcana of number 2: the number 2 is the number of balance and opposites. Opposites relate
and equate to maintain balance. The minor arcana of number 2 show how the different aspects
of life are balanced.

Two of Wands

A young man leans on a stick (or staff) that he holds upright with his left hand, while holding a
globe with his right hand. It stands on the battlement of a castle and looks at the horizon. The
second rod is attached to the structure using a metal piece. To the left of the scene, there are two
roses and two lilies in the shape of a Greek cross (in X), a symbol of perfect balance.

 General meaning: someone who is in a strong position, plans, defines his objectives and
decides his next actions. Who relies on work and experience. It can indicate the
possibility of relying on others to carry out a job or project.
 Reversed: who does not know what his next step will be. Not counting on support from
others. Confusion, indecision. Repentance. Duality, doubts.

Two of Pentacles

A young man holds two pentacles in both hands and appears to juggle them, while balancing on
his legs as in a kind of dance. A lemniscate or infinity symbol is drawn between the gold coins.

In the distance you can see the ocean, whose waves draw successive curves that propel two
ships, one large and one small, indicating the ups and downs of the economy.

 General meaning: good business management. Economic balance, although precarious

because it indicates first steps. Know how to manage, be aware of market forces.
Activity that begins with good prospects, but requires maintaining balance. If it is a
partnership, it indicates the need to find a balance or agreements between the partners.
 Reversed: instability, losses due to mismanagement. Unstable business. Difficulties
with partners or counterparties in business.

Two of Swords

A woman holds two swords that she tilts in opposite directions: the one in her right hand points
to the left, the one in her left hand points to the right. In the gesture, his arms are crossed just
over his heart. She is sitting on a bucket and her eyes are blindfolded. Behind them is a lake of
rippled waters in tense calm and in the sky there is a crescent moon.

 General meaning: the internal conflict resulting from a divided mind. The person turns
his back on his own emotions and concentrates on fixed ideas, because he only looks
inward, but confused. Inability to put the mind in order. Unstable emotions. rigid
position. Mind blockage.
 Reversed: obsessions, resentment, desire for revenge. Anguish, worry, indecision.
Injustice. Confused mind that paralyzes and delays.

Two of Cups

A man and a woman, dressed in wedding robes, raise their glasses in toast under the image of a
winged red lion. It is the lion that we saw in the Major Arcana VIII Strength, with the wings of
Arcanum XIV Temperance: sublimated desires. Between the glasses about to collide, you can
see the caduceus of Mercury, indicating the perfect yin yang complement.

 General meaning: courtship, commitment, marriage. Union stimulated by love and

direct communication. The powerful force of feelings. Rapport and alliances or
agreements in consultations on non-romantic aspects.
 Reversed: separation, love breakup, distancing. Disagreement or inability to negotiate.
Dissolution of partnership or contract.

The Arcana of number 3: It is said that the number 3 is the number of divinity, joy and
expansion, in Nature it means success. The arcana of number 3 are considered creative and in
all religions there is a trinity.

Three of Wands

The letter presents a man who has come from a long journey and has reached the top of a hill.
From there he contemplates the horizon. The sky and the sea look yellow and denote intelligent
actions. In the sea you see two boats: one large and one small that signify the ups and downs of
commerce, the comings and goings of life, etc. The man has planted three rods (bastos) in the
virgin land to start a project.

 General meaning: new perspectives, finding the way. Plan the future taking into account
the real existing conditions. Lay the foundations for the future. Truce before starting a
project. Enthusiasm and intelligence at the service of a goal.

 Reversed: indecision. Confusion. Lack of objectives. Lack of knowledge of the
possibilities and resources, both personal and environmental. Apathy. Lack of

Three of Pentacles

A master is doing masonry work (in his hands you can see a chisel and a mallet) and he is
standing on a bench. Two characters bring the plans for the work. It is a priest and a jester with
a reddish polka dot hood. They express their needs to the teacher and he takes them into account
when preparing the work. Here are represented the power of those who know the technique, the
most formal and the most informal part of the society to which the work that is created is

 General meaning: demonstration of mastery. Progress in a job or project (personal or

professional). Teamwork. Intellectual and professional growth. Advances in objectives
based on the common good. Take into account the opinions and needs of others,
without losing the objective. Build, create, advance.
 Reversed: clumsiness, interruptions, distractions. Goals not met. Lack of objectives.
Inability to work as a team. Waste of time. Postponements. Unfinished things.

Three of Swords

A heart, which seems to float in space, is pierced by three swords under a stormy sky. Dark
clouds surround him.

 General meaning: grief, sadness, separation from a loved one. It can indicate a duel for
death only if it appears next to Death, the 5 of swords or the 9 of swords. Otherwise, it
will indicate any grief due to other types of losses or separations.
 Reversed: prolonged grief. Inability to accept losses. Attachment. Deep sadness that
paralyzes and hardens the heart. Bitterness.

Three of Cups

Three young women dance and toast surrounded by fruits or flowers. They perform a perfect
choreography in an atmosphere of happiness and harmony. The colors of their suits denote
purity (white), enthusiasm (red) and intelligence (yellow).

 General meaning: celebration of achievements. Encounters, reunions. Harmony and

happiness. Family or friends who share with joy.
 Reversed: division, intrigue, disunity. Difficulty sharing or forming teams.
Individualism, disunity. Heartbreak.

The Arcana number 4 will refer to the four Elements that make up the material world, four is the
number of what is stable and solid. These Elements in these Arcana number 4 are distributed

The number four is the number of what is stable and solid. But it is also about rigidity and
severity. The Major Arcana IV, The Emperor, presents this duality. He makes the rules, but
when it manifests itself in a negative way, it implies rigidity, severity and cruelty.

Four of Wands

A couple (man and woman) celebrate under a garland of flowers and fruits that has been placed
on 4 well-planted poles. Behind them is a majestic castle and the rest of the family gathered
around the table. This could well be the celebration of a contract, the grape harvest festival, a
graduation or the celebration of a wedding.

 General meaning: celebration for the achievements of long-awaited projects. Efforts

that bear fruit. Solidity and enthusiasm for intelligent actions. Smart planning that pays
off. Share.
 Reversed: wasted efforts. Difficulties in putting plans into practice. With gold cards
reversed, losses. With cards of inverted cups, disunity or breakups.

Four of Pentacles

A man wearing a royal crown and rags sits with his back to the city. It is the only industrial city
that we see in this tarot and he seems to turn his back on progress while he clings to a coin that
lights at the level of his heart, he steps on a couple more coins with each foot and a fourth is
resting on his head. He seems to be clinging to what remains of the past.

 General meaning: attachment. Hold on to the past. Distrustful attitude. Materialistic

thinking. Fear of poverty or loss. Egoism, greed.

 Reversed: financial speculation, attachment leading to pain, delays and stagnation.
Person whose attachment to the past prevents them from growing and moving forward
in life. Fears dominate and paralyze him.

Four of Swords

A soldier rests in an enclosure that may well be a church or a palace. He has retired to reflect,
evaluate his actions and decide future strategies. He has sought this space of peace and quiet,
away from the battlefield, to find the answers to his doubts and decide his next actions. He has
hung three swords neatly on the wall, and next to him he has left a fourth sword that he will use
as soon as necessary.

 General meaning: put the mind in order. Reflect or meditate. Seek peace outside the
madding crowd. Removal necessary. Truce. Appeasement. Internal search. Analysis,
evaluation of past and future actions.
 Reversed: withdrawal or unwanted loneliness. Being confined, isolated or secluded.
Depending on the accompanying cards: extreme loneliness (with the Hermit reversed);
medical rest or disability (with The Hanged Man); prison (with Justice inverted); lack of
love (with the Ace or the two of cups reversed).

Four of Cups

A young man (looking even like a teenager) has turned away from everyone and sat on a mound
under a bush. His arms crossed over his heart denote that he is emotionally blocked, upset,
resentful, spoiled and even locked in a position of only seeing the three glasses in front of him,
while the universe offers him a fourth glass that he ignores or seems to ignore.

 General meaning: closing oneself in an inharmonious position (resentment, obfuscation,

blockage, revenge or guilt). Not wanting to see the solutions or opportunities that the
universe offers. Hostile attitude. Bitterness, putting distance, evading, not forgetting

 Reversed: inability to understand life events. Emotional blockage, disconnection from
the world and others. A person unable to overcome negative emotional states, lives in
resentment, suspicion and pessimism.

The Arcana number 5 symbolizes the human being dominated by the four elements, it is a
number of power and he will fight to achieve that power. Arcana number 5 perfectly understand
everyone, they love their freedom, individuality and independence.

The arcane number 5 is the quintessence of life. In numerology, 5 is associated with activity,
freedom, change and adventure. It is usually related to Mars and the warrior gods of all
traditions, which allow man to discriminate and discern , rectify errors and eliminate prejudices
and conditioning that prevent "vision."

Five of Wands

Five men fight against each other. To do this, they use rods of similar dimensions, but different
attitudes are seen on their faces and their clothes indicate that they belong to different social
levels and have different motivations. These are individuals fighting and not teams.

 General meaning: the "battle" of life where everyone tries to win in their own way.
Fight or combat, competition, strenuous effort to achieve personal goals. Accept a
challenge, defend personal interests. Sports or professional competition, fight against
obstacles, oppositions or complications.
 Reversed: imbalance and impossibility of cooperation. Unequal, unfair fight. Trap,
intrigue or bad move. Conflict, violent fight. Danger, betrayal.

Five of Pentacles

Two homeless people, in rags and sick, walk desolately in the middle of a winter night. They
have passed in front of a palace where you can see a stained glass window with the emblem of a
tree made up of pentacles, which denotes wealth. However, they do not notice the possibility of
help and shelter and continue on their way.

 General meaning: This card refers to physical and mental poverty. It is a warning, a
reminder to seek our inner light (the illuminated window) which is more important than
any external manifestation. Moral, conscientious, spiritual poverty.
 Inverted: those who only focus their attention on material things and do not cultivate
higher values. Lack, scarcity, bankruptcy. Impoverishment and spiritual debasement

Five of Swords

In this letter we see the scene of a fight that has just concluded. In it there has been a winning
swordsman who is left with 3 swords and his opponents walk away defeated. On the ground lie
2 more swords. The stormy sky begins to clear and the sea, in the distance, looks bloody.

 General meaning: a fight, a battle has been fought. He has emerged victorious by
defending our ideals and our ideas with discernment and wisdom.
 Reversed: This can be a battle in which there are no winners. Indicates despair, grief
and even death and tears. Being swords (air) reminds us that all of this is in our
perception and in our programming. It invites us to change the way we think and see
circumstances differently. Everything that happens, even the most difficult situations,
always happens for the best.

Five of Cups

A crestfallen figure wrapped in a black cloak seems absorbed, contemplating three glasses
whose contents have spilled, fallen on the floor. Behind him there are two other glasses
standing, but he does not seem to notice it. A gentle river continues its course under the gray

 General meaning: mourning, sadness, guilt or remorse for specific events. Lamenting
what was lost, depression due to losses or separations. Suffering as useless as "crying
over spilled milk."
 Inverted: depression without apparent cause. Prolonged grief, unclosed cycle. Who does
not learn the mistakes of the past and refuses to live.

The four Arcana of number 6, in the tarot, have a symbolism of harmony, balance, love of
family and service to others. The four Arcana of number 6 have practical attitudes and carry out
their tasks responsibly.

Its key words are responsibility, protection, nutrition, motherhood, community, balance,

Six of Wands

A warrior, on his horse, arrives triumphantly at the city, surrounded by several soldiers on foot
who have a vigilant attitude. His staff (basto), like his head, is adorned with a wreath of laurels,
a symbol of triumph.

 General meaning: triumph in a fight, win the battle, overcome a conflict but remain
vigilant in the face of threatening circumstances in the environment. It represents the
reward for a job well done. Good news, progress. Triumphant entrance.
 Reversed: efforts, ruptures. Postponement. Excessive pride. Losing a battle or

Six of Pentacles

A rich man is standing between two prostrate beggars in a supplicating attitude. With his left
hand he holds a scale in perfect balance (he weighs his actions and acts justly) and with his right
hand he gives alms to the beggar kneeling on that side.

 General meaning: this is the card of generosity, of sharing and granting what is
requested. It may indicate the presence of a protector, capitalist partner or generous
person from whom you will receive a donation, scholarship, financing or loan.
 Reversed: the requested aid, loan or financing is denied. The person who does not share
or who denies help.

Six of Swords

A taciturn family navigates in search of better living conditions. They leave behind a rough
mess and head towards calmer waters, towards safe and peaceful spaces.

 General meaning: seek a new direction. Unwanted trip. Search for a better destination.
Necessary but not pleasant movement.
 Inverted: flight, escape. Exile. Unplanned or unwanted trip, due to which the person
suffers an emotional and mental imbalance

Six of Cups

Two children play in the garden of an old house. All 6 cups feature lilies that appear to have
been planted there. The lilies denote the purity of children's hearts, while the old house, whose
roofs are deteriorated, indicate the passing of the years, the native home.

 General meaning: memories of the past. Nostalgia. Think about a period of life already
passed. Memories that emerge. The past that returns.
 Reversed: sad thoughts, attachments. Living in the past and even being trapped by
circumstances that were believed to have been overcome. "Engage" with circumstances
and people that correspond to other stages of life.

The arcana of the number 7 have a very special symbolism and meaning in the tarot, it is a
number that inclines to the occult, study and meditation. The arcane number 7 is special for
many cultures and is associated with activity, freedom or changes.

The number 7 has a special connotation since it is related to the lunar cycle that is fulfilled in 4
cycles of 7 days each, with the 7 musical notes, the 7 colors of the light spectrum and the 7 days
of the week; in addition to being a number alluded to in biblical and mystical symbology: the 7
plagues, the 7 virtues, the 7 capital sins, the 7 horses of the Apocalypse, the 7 thrones, the
reference to 70 times 7, etc.

In the number 7, unity in mind and matter (3+4), freedom and balance (5+2), responsibility and
independence (6+1) are concretized, so that we advance in the chain of evolution and can talk
about the human being with all his creative power, will and autonomy. This is why the minor
arcana number 7 is associated with activity, freedom, change and adventure.

Seven of Wands

A simple-looking man fights against something or someone vague. You can only see the tips of
6 rods that attack it. He has climbed to the top of a mound, looking for a position of advantage
against such an onslaught. His expression is stern and firm.

 General meaning: The 7 of Wands is the fight against the unknown. Defend yourself
with all possible resources against an unequal attack. Obstacles, oppositions or
complications that come from invisible or non-explicit sources (intrigues, covert
attacks, hidden enemies, etc.). By being upright, it trusts success in the face of
 Reversed: fight at a disadvantage and without success. Unfair fight, treacherous attack.
Being struck down in an unequal contest. With the 7 of wands reversed there is no
possible way out.

Seven of Pentacles

A farmer is preparing to harvest the fruits of the vine, but he finds 7 pentacles and no grapes.
His frustration is evident, since he has not achieved the expected goal, although he could very
well enjoy what is offered to him.

 General meaning: frustration. Disagreement. Dejection for not reaching the set goal.
Feeling of loss.
 Reversed: The inverted 7 Pentacles denotes impoverishment, losses and pessimism. It
indicates the type of person whose rigidity and materialism do not allow them to enjoy
the intangible benefits that the Universe gives them.

Seven of Swords

A Moorish soldier steals 7 swords in the Christian camp, while the soldiers, far from the tents,
rest around the bonfire. The yellow sky (color of mental acuity) indicates the cunning and agile
steps of the protagonist, denote timely and quick actions.

 General meaning: war strategies. Timely action contemplated in the "rules of the game."
 Reversed: betrayal, robbery, theft, espionage. Opportunism, cunning, sagacity, which
can be used to harm someone or steal something. Action outside the norm.

Seven of Cups

In the 7 of Cups we see the silhouette of a man in front of 8 cups wrapped in clouds (denotes
what is in the mind) within which 8 archetypal dreams are drawn: love, knowledge of the
hidden, long life , power, wealth, the triumph over death and over enemies.

 General meaning: the 7 of Cups indicates the person who is guided by his dreams and
healthy ambitions. It indicates a long-cherished project and the creative capacity of the
person who consults. The realization or not of those dreams and projects will be
indicated by the cards related to the reading.
 Inverted: who lives on dreams and fantasies. The person who is unable to see the world
realistically always expects more without doing anything practical to achieve it.
Unrealistic criteria, self-deception, mythomania.

The number 8 arcana have, in the tarot, a very particular symbolism and meaning that we are
going to reveal to you in our next article. The arcane number 8 connects with the spirit but, at
the same time, it is a very earthly and material number.

The number 8 is associated with fairness, justice and balance. Its line, made with two
overlapping circles, represents the action of the cosmos in its continuous flow and ebb and
projection on beings. It announces successes that can be achieved if we act in harmony. The
horizontal eight, a mathematical symbol of infinity, alludes to karma, linked to the law of cause
and effect, since it is a return circuit, like the boomerang that brings the consequences of our
past actions. It predicts success if we are constant, disciplined and choose good seeds. In that
case, our efforts are rewarded.

Eight of Wands

Eight Wands (or wands) have been thrown at the same time and are moving in the air. They are
about to fall and remind us that every action has an effect: what we did in the past has an impact
on the present and induces changes and movement.

 General meaning: changes, displacements, removals and trips. Activity, progress,

situations about to come to fruition. The 8 of Wands, along with other auspicious cards,
announces favorable changes, conclusions and trips (the reasons are indicated by the
adjacent cards).
 Reversed: postponement, moving or postponed trip. Intention to change not fulfilled
due to something that has not been completed, unfinished work or pending management
that delays plans.

Eight of Pentacles

A worker or craftsman works diligently making 8 golden pentacles. He is sitting on the stool
that we already saw in the 3 of Pentacles, as a sign of support in knowledge and expertise.
However, this man works with scarce resources and in precarious conditions. It reflects a
contradiction: his clothes look shabby, while he generates wealth.

 General meaning: The 8 of Pentacles indicates industriousness and dedication. Constant

and hard work, but poorly paid, poorly directed or poorly planned. Underemployment,
working without encouragement or reward. Lack of ambition.
 Reversed: who generates wealth for others but not for himself. Exploitation. Being an
inverted gold card indicates a tendency to losses, in this case due to lack of recognition.
Recommends valuing the merits and work done.

Eight of Swords

A woman dressed in red (the color of activity) is tied and bandaged, while 8 swords stuck in the
ground seem to surround her, although not completely. Her activity is suspended and she tries to
walk, fearful, on the muddy ground (water is present as a symbol of the emotional).

 General Meaning: The 8 of Swords means feeling trapped. Fear of taking the next step.
Conflicting emotions that cannot be seen. The person must recognize that the
limitations are in their perception of things and not in concrete reality.
 Inverted: emotional blockage (presence of water on the ground) and mental blockage
(because it is a sword card). Inability to overcome limiting mental programming.
Paralysis due to fear or panic. Inability to move forward.

Eight of Cups

A man with a vital and determined appearance walks away leaning on a cane. He has crossed
the river and leaves behind 8 glasses very well aligned. The moon (intuition) shows its phases in
the clear sky. It is said that he is the Hermit who has begun his spiritual search, connected with
his inner voice.

 General meaning: the spiritual journey, abandoning old structures to achieve personal
improvement and internal development. Relegate relationships or situations from the
past to fulfill your life mission.
 Reversed: erratic, inappropriate search. Losing your way, disorientation or blockage.
Misdirected thoughts and emotions. Follow a false guru, a utopia or an illusory goal.
Unsuccessful trip. Painful change.

The symbolism of the Arcana number 9 represents the master number in many cultures since it
is the beginning of another cycle that will begin again. High spiritual symbolism is usually
associated with this Arcanum card number 9.

What symbolism does the number nine in the deck have?

The number 9 is the master number. The sequence of natural numbers ends, so the learning
obtained from 1 to 8 has been accumulated. It represents wisdom, long history, experience. The
number 9 marks the end of a phase of spiritual development and the beginning of a higher one,
as it marks the passage from units to tens.

Nine of Wands

The 9 of Wands shows a man looking tired, he even seems to be injured. He is about to finish
planting the 9 sticks, of which only one remains, but he shows no energy or decision to do so.
He is breaking down his own barriers. You need to learn to delegate, trust and lean on others.
Learn that you can't do everything alone, you have to share the load. What good is a manager
without a team?

 General meaning: Those who draw the 9 of wands may feel that their efforts are never
enough or that their struggle has no end. Maybe there are oppositions. You just need a
little faith that everything has a reason and happens at the perfect time. The immediate
cards will be able to help you glimpse whether or not you will achieve success in your
goals. You need to be willing to accept the contribution of others. If you allow other
people to help you give, it will make them feel useful and more positive with res pect to
their lives. Everything in the world is a game of give and take.
 Inverted: it is feeling weak, exhausted. Obstacles, adversity, calamity. Who feels that
they do not need anyone and, out of pride, rejects other people's help. Extreme
exhaustion, "not giving more." Give up the fight. Inability to overcome obstacles,
delays or adversities. Suspension.

Nine of Pentacles

A woman with a noble appearance, looks majestic surrounded by fruits, luxuries and vines from
which 9 golden pentacles emerge. A falcon perches on his gloved hand. Surrounded by

abundance and a yellow hue (intelligence), the image suggests discernment, fame, hierarchy,
reward, success, abundance. A snail walks slowly in front of the lady from left to right (from
past to future).

 General meaning: The nine of Pentacles reflects someone who enjoys what he has built
thanks to a life of order and necessary restrictions. Practical wisdom ensures gains,
achievements and rejoicing in the fruits obtained. Stability and success achieved with
prudence, patience and tenacity (like the snail's pace).
With the Nine of Pentacles you can expect recognition from others for the tasks carried
out, since our work is valued. It indicates satisfaction, good material position and the
appreciation of our relatives.
 Reversed: conceit, selfishness, vanity, obsession with appearances cias. Badly aspected
by inverted cards, losses (material, emotional, work, etc.). Canceled project, loneliness,
frustration. Dejection for not achieving a goal. Bad faith, aborted project, deception.

Nine of Swords

A figure - of a man or woman - wakes up with anguish in the middle of the night. 9 swords are
seen suspended in the air that resemble a blind. The character sees himself isolated, desperate,
trapped in his own thoughts that are like a prison that he (or she) has created for himself.

 General meaning: The Nine of Swords represents worry, suffering, anxiety, guilt. A
heavy burden that prevents rest. Inability to disconnect from problems. An unfortunate
episode prevents you from falling asleep and resting. The image evokes someone who
must learn to open new avenues or channels of communication. communication, talk
about what separates and torments you and thus free yourself from such a heavy mental
and emotional burden.
 Inverted: it is not a specific episode, but rather an attitude towards life: someone who
lives worried, desperate, pessimistic. Those who choose the role of victim and live
trapped by guilt feel their hands tied, depressed, tormented. Imprisonment, suspicion,
doubt, fear, shame.

Nine of Cups

A man with a clear attitude of satisfaction sits waiting for the arrival of the guests for a banquet.
On the large table, there are 9 glasses lined up. Everything is ready for the big celebration.

 General meaning: The 9 of Cups indicates complete happiness, success and material
well-being. Satisfaction with the achievements achieved. Long-awaited wishes that
come true. It is the experience of life as a celebration. You can advise learning to be
grateful and feel the happiness that flows ye inside us, at the time of realizing that life is
not so terrible. Many associate this letter with toasts, drinks and food, but to celebrate it
is not necessary to drink or escape. He who truly enjoys life does not need artificial
stimulants and enjoys "ecstasy." "natural sis" which is life itself, being alive.
 Inverted: the person who is happy but only superficially. Inside he is always dissatisfied
and too worried about what he has not achieved, without seeing how much is around

The symbolism of the four arcana of number 10 suggest that it is the end of a cycle and the
beginning of a new one that will go according to what we have sown. The Arcana number 10
are cards whose meaning will depend a lot on the suit of the deck they are.

What symbolism does the number ten in the deck have?

In numerology, the number 10 marks the end of a cycle, so when it reaches 10 it must be
reduced by theosophical addition (10 = 1+ 0 = 1) until it reaches one digit. In tarot, the number
10 cards indicate that a cycle ends and a new one begins. Thus, 10 can be associated with the
expression of the maximum accumulation of the energy of each element, where everything is
full and/or saturated. What we have fought for reaches its maximum expression and a closing of
the cycle occurs to begin, again, 1 and another beginning.

Ten of Wands

A man carries the heavy load of 10 yards, so his back appears bent, he is seen moving forward,
but overwhelmed by his responsibilities, trying to maintain direction. But, trapped by
circumstance, the same clubs prevent him from seeing the path, so he seems to have lost his
way, since he is not walking in the direction of the path, but deviating from it. Things are
beyond your control.

 General meaning: those who carry a heavy load (physical, emotional, experiential) have
allowed circumstances to overwhelm them due to responsibilities, obligations or
associated problems. However, properly viewed, the 10 of Wands highlights the
situations in which it is worth making an extra effort: when a project is about to be
completed, when the benefit is very great, when the person cannot delegate.
 Inverted: the 10 of Wands inverted warns, like the popular saying, that "he who covers a
lot, takes little." The struggle becomes a burden and there is no way to end or resolve it
but, on the contrary, there is sterility, loss, exhaustion. It points to setbacks, difficulties,
intrigues that are increasing and making progress impossible. Remember workaholics,
whether through obsession or avoidance, who can end up getting sick.

Ten of Pentacles

The family enjoys the built heritage and home life. The elderly patriarch, wearing a cape printed
with bunches of grapes (prosperity and abundance), contemplates with satisfaction the
achievements of a lifetime. Two more generations accompany him, as a promise of continuity
and future. At his side two well-trained purebred dogs indicate instincts under the control of
experience and wisdom. There is peace and harmonious movement. Everything flows. The 10
pentacles that appear to float in the foreground describe the shape of the Kabbalistic Tree of
Life, as these people receive blessings through the world around them.

 General meaning: The Ten of Pentacles means safe investments or financial decisions
as the basis of a common wealth. Insured assets. It highlights the importance of family
or collective businesses. He recommends preserving a legacy and collaborating with
other people to build a house, a city, a country, etc. Indicates sharing knowledge and

activities with people or groups in pursuit of a better common benefit. Abundance and
wealth as a product of long effort. Family matters, family home.
 Inverted: profit not shared, poorly managed income. Fatality, loss, theft, risky games.
Along with bad cards, risking everything for everything, reckless action. With well-
spectated cards, inheritance.

Ten of Swords

A man lies face down on a beach. 10 swords are seen stuck along its spine. Despite the
crudeness of the image, it does not indicate death, since the swords allude to the air element
(ideas, concepts, perceptions) and are not real swords. The character, rather, feels betrayed,
defeated, finished. A stormy and dark sky seems to open on the horizon to reveal the first rays
of dawn. The problems could have a solution or are not as dramatic as they seem.

 General meaning: defeat, betrayal, end of an illusion. It invites you to accept painful
changes and take advantage of them so as not to lose more energy. End of cycle,
difficult to accept, but it signals a new cycle that begins. Pain and suffering, but we can
do nothing to prevent it. We must accept it, be tolerant with our our mistakes and those
of others and, instead of staying in pain, learn to forgive, detach ourselves and move
 Inverted: the black night of the soul, where desolation, betrayal, fear, sadness, self-pity,
loneliness and distrust are experienced. Together with death cards (Arcanum XIII
Death, 3 or 9 of Swords) death, destruction, end of something or someone.
Accompanied by very auspicious cards, it indicates a position of apparent disadvantage
that ends up becoming a temporary advantage, gain, success.

Ten of Cups

The family enjoys the benefits of a simple but harmonious and safe life. The rainbow indicates
joy over fulfilled feelings. The man and woman embrace each other, confident in their
relationship, while they thank heaven for the gifts they have received; while children dance and

play innocently, enjoying what life offers them: happiness, a safe space and the trust that beings
who love them look out for them.

 General meaning: The 10 of Cups indicates satisfaction, integration, harmony,

happiness, achievements. It represents the positive aspects of the family environment
and other forms of relationship and personal exchange (the couple, friendship, groups).
It shows union or communion with oneself and/or with others, especially with loved
ones, home, and matters of common interest. But it also embodies a commitment to
what we feel or do to get involved in our life mission. By committing and getting
involved in what demands our participation, great personal satisfaction makes us feel in
harmony with ourselves and with our world. In love, the card indicates that we get from
a relationship what we have put into it, as a perfect energy exchange mechanism.
Marriage, dedication, unity. Happy ending.
 Inverted: instability, disunity, violence and family conflicts. It can be associated with a
dysfunctional family, marital difficulties, heartbreak, betrayal, vices, loss of friendships
or love. In our sentimental life, we can pour emotionally and not get anything in return,
or maintain a relationship with someone who pours into us but does not fulfill us. In any
case, there is disharmony and a sense of sustained error.



Once the succession of numbered cards is completed (from Ace to 10 of each series) we have to
see 4 figures in sequence. They are called Figures, Court Letters or Court Letters because they
refer to characters from the Court. They are: Page, Knight, Queen and King of each series.

The figures are characters whose characteristics allow us to identify typologies of people from a
psychological point of view, by characteristics such as inclinations, attitudes, character; as well
as by their physical characteristics (age, skin, eye and hair color). But they can also indicate
general situations or conditions associated with the topic of consultation.

Below we will do a general analysis of the meaning and scope of the 4 figures.

General characteristics of the Knaves (or Pages)

The 4 Pages of the tarot, whenever they represent people, refer to children, young people or
adolescents. The roles they play are: son/daughter, junior staff, apprentice or, in some cases,
immature person. As a situation, it indicates the first steps, what is planned or has just begun.
That is, the youth of a project, the infancy of something, etc.
Reversed Jacks can indicate difficulties in maturing, failed projects, false starts.

General characteristics of the Knights

The Knights represent young men (between 21 and 35, maximum 40 years old). The roles they
play are: friend, brother, brother-in-law, uncle. In consultations about love, suitor. In terms of
work, professional, medium technical personnel, manager, trusted personnel. As a situation, it
indicates progress, movement, activity. Something that is on the rise, promotions, efforts, news
or moves.
The inverted Knights show something stopped, blocks to advance, situations or people that
advance hastily or stagnate, depending on the cards that accompany them, since if there are
active cards it will be a loss of control and with passive cards, stopped energy.

General characteristics of the Queens

The Queens are women (adult or elderly). The youngest women are Jacks (young girls,
teenagers), while the Queens are sexually active or mature women. Their roles are always
related to the performance of authority functions: mother, boss, partner, teacher, wife, friend or
sister. When you represent situations, they indicate stages of expansion and formation, the
sowing, the expression of creativity that begins to bear fruit. The Queens indicate organization
around values such as creativity, beauty, companionship and family.
Inverted Queens refer to people who abuse their power, enemies or opponents who are difficult
to defeat. They can also be linked to stagnant, unproductive, sterile or poorly channeled

General characteristics of the Kings

Kings will always be associated with mature men, even elderly. The roles they play are
associated with male authority figures or Yang authority people: strong, determined and very
rational. You can be a father, boss, director, husband, partner or advisor. Government instance.
Legal, civil, military or moral authority. As a situation, it shows a consolidation stage. Structure,
order and discipline that lead to achievement and stability.

The inverted Kings allude to authoritarian figures, whose power is based on intimidation,
control, domination, rigidity and egocentrism. It may be an emasculating father or an
unscrupulous ruler, a possessive husband or a teacher who is intimidating and unfair.

The symbolism of the jacks or pages card has a lot to do with youth, new situations, learning
and also with secrets. Depending on whether it is the card of pentacles, cups, clubs or spades,
the meaning of the jacks card will be different.

Symbolism of the Page or Jack of the deck

In the courts of Europe, pages were young people who performed service functions: they were
companions, messengers, they were in charge of taking care of the knights' weapons and horses,
they served the ladies in domestic matters, etc. Given their closeness to the nobles, they had
access to a lot of confidential information, so they were the ones who knew the most about
palace intrigues, especially those linked to domestic matters, hidden loves, family secrets, etc.
Therefore, in many cases, inverted Jacks can indicate revealed secrets, recklessness or a spy's

Hence, the Pages or Jacks of the tarot refer to children and young people in general. In family
themes they represent children and adolescents; in labor queries it indicates apprentices, interns,
junior staff; In academic matters they are, obviously, the students. In general, Pages or Jacks
indicate new situations, initial steps, lack of experience and even immaturity.

Page or Page of Wands

A young man crosses a hot desert landscape. He seems to be embarking on a journey. He leans
on his staff in a determined attitude. The print on his suit shows drawings of salamanders, an
esoteric symbol of the element of fire (Wands). On his hat you can see a red feather in the shape
of a flame. Being the Page of Fire indicates active beginning, the "take off" of something, the
spark that sets things in motion.

 General meaning: independent, non-conformist, impetuous young man with individual

action. He is a motivating and positive leader, full of energy and vitality. Freedom is
very important to him (or her) and he will always be on the move. He is a self-
motivated person, with an open and expansive character.
As a situation, it can indicate travel, changes or permanent activity. It represents a
creative and innovative force that is beginning to manifest. Message, news or
 Inverted: impetuosity, recklessness, hyperactivity, lack of control, selfishness. Like fire,
it can be destructive. A thoughtless person who may disrespect people in authority.
Unforeseen or inopportune trip. Bad news.

Page or Page of Pentacles

A young man holds the golden pentacle or menoda under a yellow sky, which denotes the use of
the mind in a practical sense. Under their feet you can see a fertile land, full of greenery, like
their clothes, which shows prosperity and abundance. In the distance, a piece of tilled field
denotes the beginning of a fertile stage.

 General meaning: this is the child or young person who knows the value of material
things, is connected to prosperity and abundance. He's the type of kid who has savings
or does his own small businesses. Despite his youth, he is prudent, thoughtful and has a
serious attitude. Their attention is focused on learning about the practical things in life.
As a situation, it can indicate the beginning of a promising project. It indicates the first

steps of a business or personal project, to which much attention and skill is dedicated. It
denotes perseverance and desire to learn.
 Inverted: superficiality, materialism, vanity, manipulation to obtain material goals.
Projects that do not mature.

Page or Page of Swords

A young man, on top of a mound, holds a sword high, while looking away. He seems to be
watching, ready to attack, or simply not paying attention to the symbol of his element (in this
case air) as the other pages do. The wind is seen blowing strongly and several birds fly in a
disorderly manner, indicating how volatile and disturbed the thoughts of this character are.

 General meaning: young person or child of permanent mental activity. Ability to

manage multiple care centers. Watcher and communicator. Awake and creative mind.
Intellectual learning capacity, mental agility.
As a situation, it signals new ideas, intense intellectual activity. Vigilance, intellectual
movement. Paradigm shift.
 Inverted: attention is not focused on one thing. You may be distracted or daydreaming.
Learning difficulties, lack of concentration. Lies, intrigues. The spy, the informant.

Page or Page of Cups

A young man with clothes printed with white and pink fleurs-de-lis on a blue background
contemplates a cup or chalice from which a fish protrudes.

Behind him you can see the rolling sea. His blue hat, like the sea, has decorations that look like
overflowing waves. All of this denotes emotions, activity and emotional life.
 General meaning: child or young person with a tendency to be a poet, mystic,
emotional, sensitive, tender and idealistic, dreamer. His vivid imagination and intuition
make him sensitive, but also vulnerable to external influences, but he equally
understands and commits to his environment and the responsibilities assigned to him.
As a situation, it indicates the beginning of a relationship, good communication and
deep psyche.
 Inverted: melancholic tendency. Person in love or lack of emotional stability, with a
tendency towards platonic loves. Contrariety in love. Lack of intuition. Living in
fantasies, losing contact with reality.

The 4 knights or horses have in the Tarot a clear symbolism of progress, movement or
advancement that will be nuanced depending on the suit of the deck. Knights in Tarot will
provide particular nuances depending on whether they are of gold, cups, wands or swords.

The Knights of the Tarot symbolize movement, travel, progress and, in general, activity. They
symbolize progressing situations, messages and messengers. As always, depending on whether
the Knight is of pentacles, cups, clubs or swords, it would have a different meaning, since it is
linked to that activity, progress or message, the themes of its element.

Symbolism of the Knights of the deck

The Knights fulfilled various functions in the courts, but always as trusted men, emissaries and
guardians. Just like the Pages, they were very close to the nobles, even the kings and other high
authorities, civil, military and religious, where power was concentrated, which is why they
handled a lot of confidential information, including state secrets, and were part of of high
commissions, they were armed to defend the cause of the monarch (or the religious hierarchy),
with which they were involved in intrigues, revenge, delicate missions and true heroic acts to
defend the crown or established interests. However, they were also involved in romances,
passionate plots, conspiracies and betrayals. Themes that are reflected in the knights of the deck.
They generally represent young men full of vitality.

Knight of Wands

This is the most energetic and vital knight because he is the representative of fire. His spirited
horse is reddish like fire. His clothes seem to give off flames everywhere and his attitude is that
of someone who undertakes the attack. As in the Sota or Paje, there are salamanders (symbol of
fire) in the print of their clothing. They turn as if they were trying to bite their tails even without

success, but there is more order in the movement, compared to the Page, they are in motion,
because he advances in his purposes.

 General meaning: activity, management, decision to act, self-motivation, enthusiasm.

He is the one who takes initiatives and assumes a determined attitude. He has creativity,
leadership and inner strength. He is a dynamic and executive person. Who comes
diligently to offer help or to bring good times. Overall, good news. Managements that
As a situation, it can indicate travel, changes or permanent activity. It represents a
creative and innovative force that is beginning to manifest. Message, news or
 Inverted: passivity. Abandonment. Difficulties moving forward. It indicates
imprudence, inharmony, confusion. Quick, but deviant changes. Recklessness or
exhibitionism of someone who needs to demonstrate their qualities at all costs. Defend
a lost cause, without giving in. Project that deviates, loses its way, moves away from the
goal. Confusion and obfuscation. In love he is fickle and an irresponsible and
inconsiderate conqueror. He advises not to start anything if you are not convinced.

Knight of Pentacles

A knight, covered in armor, looks out over the plowed fields that stretch to the mountains.
Carrying out this work has required great effort and perseverance. He is absorbed in his mount,
a work horse as he views the landscape from the top of a cool, green hill. Both have branches of
mistletoe on their heads, the nobleman in his helmet, the animal in the bridle. The knight holds
in his right hand the golden disc that blends with the yellow of the sky. Everything indicates
prosperity and abundance.

 General meaning: indicative, solidity. Responsible worker. Patience, perseverance,

know-how. Calculated movements. Prudence. The Knight of Pentacles the symbol of
industriousness, responsibility and practicality. He is a person with big projects and the
ability to manage money. Plan and reflect on each step before acting. He may seem
slow to those who go at a different pace, like the Knight of Swords, but he knows what
he wants and how to achieve it, his thinking is clear and concrete. His life and his
projects are in continuous progress. The person puts effort into his work, is dedicated
and reliable. He is committed, collaborative and efficient. Financial and business
opportunities. Important progress towards goals. Satisfaction with achievements
 Inverted: to be stopped or stagnant. Economic recession. Difficulty in financial or work
matters. Maladministration. Passivity or slowness. Period of obstacles and difficulties in
developing a project or carrying out a task. Lack of goals or inability to run a company,
whether commercial, family, personal or collective. In love and relationships, this
inverted knight symbolizes materialism, emphasis on the physical, and inability to make
long-term commitments.

Knight of Swords

The Knight rides his spirited racehorse that gallops at the maximum of its capacity, demanded
by the rider. They go on the attack in a mad race against the wind. The Knight brandishes his
sword in a determined attitude and full of courage. He seems willing to give his life for his
ideals and confront his enemies. His cape and the feathers of his helmet, both red, show his
courage and the passion with which he defends his cause. He is willing to do anything to defend
his ideas, values and beliefs.

 General meaning: young person or child of permanent mental activity. Ability to

manage multiple care centers. Watcher and communicator. Awake and creative mind.
Intellectual learning capacity, mental agility.
As a situation, it signals new ideas, intense intellectual activity. Vigilance, intellectual
movement. Paradigm shift.
 Inverted: freedom. encourages rapid changes and expects everyone to adjust to them.
Go against the flow. He fights for his ideas or his love, to the point of going against the
current and, recklessly, he can hurt others. He overcomes all the obstacles that come his
way, which can lead to him becoming aggressive and inconsiderate.

Knight of Cups

A knight rides a gaiting horse. He prepares to cross a stream (the waters symbolize emotions, in
this case well directed) and looks straight ahead while raising his glass. It is aimed at finding
love or constructive associations. Mercury's wings, on his helmet and on his heels indicate that
he brings news, propositions or opportunities. The red fish on his clothes indicate that he is
sensitive and passionate.

 General meaning: advances in the sentimental. Idealism, faith, aesthetic taste, delicacy.
Artist. Sensitive man, with a big heart, romantic and communicative. Follow your own
heart. It may represent a romantic interest or search for alliances. Someone with the
sensitivity of an artist, witty and poetic. A young, attractive and magnetic man. You are

willing to take risks to achieve your dreams. Enjoy sensual pleasures. This letter is a
sign of good news, proposal or invitation. Travel plans in the company of people linked
to the consultant on an emotional or romantic level. Progress, like every gentleman, but
in his case advance on the level of emotions and fluid dialogue.
 Reversed: laziness and deception. Debauchery. Ruthless attitude. Irresponsibility.
Someone lazy, inactive or slow. He does not assume his responsibilities and creates a
barrier against the world. He has dreams and desires, but he does nothing to achieve
them, he only acts under pressure. Emotional attachment, unfinished and contradictory
relationships. Disregard for others. Selfish seducer. Picardy. He doesn't know what he
wants and finds himself involved in situations out of control. Hypocrisy, deception and
manipulation in the subject of consultation. Bad news or unpleasant news.

The 4 queens are cards that have in the Tarot a symbolism of high-ranking women and speak to
us of women of power in the family or business. The queens in the tarot will provide different
nuances depending on whether they are golds, cups, wands or swords.

Queen symbolism in the deck

In the Tarot, the Queens represent adult women, not adolescents who are the Jacks, but mature
and even elderly women. That is, the Queens do not have a defined age range, but they do play
a high-ranking role. On the other hand, these are authority figures. In questions about family
issues, they identify the mother or another woman of power: grandmother, aunt, older sister,
wife. Always that woman who makes decisions or is a pillar for the family and for the
consultant. In consultations about work, she will be the boss, supervisor or senior executive. In
academic circles, the professor, the director, the dean, etc.

In certain cases it may appear to represent a man in which case it may indicate that he has a
marked influence from his mother, counselor, boss, etc., depending on the topic of consultation.
If the Queen is in the environment (that is, it is not the card that represents him, but the factors
for, against, environment, his thinking, etc.) she will be someone who has a lot of influence on
him in the question. If it appears right, it will be a positive, constructive and stimulating
influence; If it appears inverted, it indicates to the woman that she limits or blocks him.

Queen of Wands

We see a strong and independent queen. Her clothes are somewhat rough, like her, but
comfortable. He holds the wand as a sign of power and his golden crown is topped with green
leaves, which indicate the fertility of his Yin, creative, fertile energy. In her left hand she holds
a sunflower, a symbol of prosperity and connection with nature. His throne decorated with lions
(Leo, fire sign) adds connotations of power, leadership and inclination to care for family and

territory. In front of her pedestal, a black cat highlights this woman's intuition, her shamanic
qualities. She denotes strength, simplicity, a deep relationship with nature, tradition and family.

 General meaning: defense of territory. Active sexuality. Warmth, passion. Sincerity,

clarity in communication. Active woman, with a passionate temperament, accustomed
to efficient and constant work, loves challenges. Show honor and virtue. She is
practical, she is interested in everything else. Executive, diligent. Creative. Tireless
worker, passionate in love. If she is a friend, she is unconditional and always willing to
help and encourage. He leans towards natural therapies. In economic activities, it is
conducive to things related to the rural environment and agro-industry.
 Reversed: jealousy, deception, and infidelities, unstable feelings, fickle, irritable and
reckless personality. Crudeness and bad taste. Poorly educated and inappropriate
person. Tends to rigidity and arrogance. He is fickle and irritable. Egocentric and in bad
taste. He does not reflect and acts with violence and pride. In love she can be
promiscuous and her temperament is passionate. Her impulsiveness leads her to make
mistakes that she will never recognize.

Queen of Pentacles

The Queen holds a golden pentacle in her lap. In his attire he shows the colors red and green, a
sign of fruitful activity. The throne is made of stone carved with symbols of prosperity: fruits,
vegetation and ram heads (Capricorn. Leafy branches with red flowers are displayed above the
throne, similar to those on the Magician's card, due to the materialization capacity of this queen.
Everything around you is abundance.

 General meaning: Mother Nature. Abundance, material wealth. Generalship. Fair

protector. Spirit of overcoming. Woman who efficiently manages the administration of
the home and provides support to her children for their performance in life. Strong but
benevolent figure, disciplined and honest, with creative capacity that manifests itself in
the work, academic, economic, family, and social environment. Noble, prosperous,
skillful soul, perhaps a friend, companion who provides business initiatives, in the
organization of work or in family matters. Someone with their feet on the ground. The
emancipated, autonomous and prepared woman. Ability to undertake independent
projects or provide advice for this. Financial capacity and stability. Connection with
nature and prosperity.
 Inverted: bad intentions and perversion. Materialism. Egocentrism. Greed. Disregard for
spiritual and moral values. Egocentric, calculating, authoritarian and materialistic
woman, capable of anything to achieve or maintain power. She takes advantage of her
subordinates or those who are subordinate to her (such as children, for example) and
treats them inconsiderate, rigid and authoritarian. If she is a mother, she uses her
children to obtain benefits, favors or as a means of pressure. Behind such a hard shell
hides a person who is insecure about his own abilities and full of fears, suspicious of
everything and everyone and unable to connect his emotions.

Queen of Swords

The Queen holds the sword in a harsh gesture. Although she remains seated (passive attitude),
her gesture is combative, directive and authoritarian. He raises his left hand in an imposing
manner, it is a commanding gesture. On the horizon, dense clouds denote stagnant, fixed
thoughts. A solitary bird flies through the sky because, on the one hand, this queen is lonely; On
the other hand, his thoughts are obsessive. The sword in an upright position signals the integrity
of its principles. She can be defined as an independent woman, but she also suggests rectitude
and a gift for command that distances her from affection. She feels alone.

 General meaning: sharp mind, organizational skills, gift of command. Severity, rigidity.
Fixed ideas. Egocentrism. Coldness. Combative, insightful, demanding woman with
great analytical abilities. It may indicate a legal professional or an intellectual. She is an
elegant but somewhat tough woman, with a lot of Yang energy. He knows how to
negotiate and is not attached to anything or anyone. On a mental level, he is a clear
person and open to learning, but he does not share his knowledge with others, unless
this generates some strategic advantage. This Queen is associated with a lonely woman:
widowed or divorced. A person who works independently or a professional who lives
alone or carries the burden of major business decisions without the support of a partner
can announce separation.
 Reversed: meanness, selfishness, desire for revenge, enemy. Angry or bitter person.
Dangerous enemy. Jealous and intolerant woman. She is a cold and calculating woman,
who exercises power with authoritarianism and almost masculine harshness. He
distances himself and does not get involved, he does not compromise his word or his
knowledge, unless there is a comparative benefit. Domineering mother or boss who
keeps her children or subordinates under control based on strict rules that she herself
has created. It can signal infertility, emotional coldness and indifference.

Queen of Cups

The Queen of Cups has a distinguished appearance. Its Greek profile denotes kindness,
refinement and beauty. In a meditative gesture, he holds the cup, a symbol of love and
spirituality. It is the only covered cup in this tarot, to indicate secrecy: she is prudent or
confident, she can be an occultist, meditator or healer. His solid throne, with elemental beings of
water, seems to float on an island that moves in the moving sea of emotions. She manages her
own emotional world and is able to "feel" what is happening in her environment without it
affecting her.

 General meaning: concentration, intuition, sensitivity. Refinement. Delicacy. Courtesy.

Mentalism, meditation. Mother, wife, friend. Home. Dreamy, calm, poetic, imaginative,
kind. Willingness to provide help and advice. Psychic, healer. This is an intuitive and
intense queen. Like every queen, it represents the feminine side of life and as it belongs
to the series of cups, it is related to emotions, feelings and family issues. It embodies
tenderness, kindness, understanding and prudence. She is gifted with intuition,
intelligence and honesty. Broad-minded, faithful, and able to provide moral support and
emotional encouragement, she is a trusted counselor and confidant. He knows how to
keep secrets. Her love is expansive and ends up being the mother of all. He manages
understanding, prudent and creative leadership, as a pole of attraction in the family,
friendship and work environment.
 Inverted: impulsiveness, dishonesty, disloyalty, vices. Handling. Someone who is not
trustworthy. By managing emotions and a certain level of authority, she can become an
implacable enemy. Reserved and possessive, she controls her environment and attacks
when least expected. He uses his knowledge of others as a weapon in his favor, in a
manipulative and dishonest way. He is capable of betrayal, infidelity, lies and intrigue.
Accompanied by cards like The Devil, in any position; or the Priestess or the Magician
inverted, represents black magic, or negative magic; a dishonest and vicious woman or
a dangerous situation; manipulation and deception, someone untrustworthy.

The 4 Kings are cards that have in the Tarot a symbolism of men of high hierarchy and great
power or high influence in the family or business. The Kings cards in the tarot will provide
different nuances depending on whether they are golds, cups, wands or swords.

Symbolism of the King in the deck

The Kings perform functions of authority in the context that is being consulted. In this way it
can indicate the presence of a powerful man, adult friend, boss, teacher, businessman or high-
level official. They will always be mature or elderly men and their attributes will be linked to
those corresponding to the element they represent.

It can be the father, husband or counselor. If it appears in the position of the consultant and he is
male, indicate his characteristics. If it is a woman, its Yang energy stands out. In these times,
when women play roles that were formerly characteristic of men, kings usually appear to
designate functions and conditions of strong women, without this meaning that they are
masculine. It indicates decision, leadership, power exercised firmly and Yang attitude. In the
person's environment (in the environment, conditions for, against, what the person thinks, etc.) a
right king points to a benefactor, a guide, counselor or boss, the loving and supportive father or
husband. . To appear inverted, a powerful enemy, a man of authority who opposes the plans of
those who consult or hinders their goals.

King of Wands

The king dominates from his throne decorated with lions (nobility, leadership) and salamanders
eating their tails. The salamander, symbol of fire, in this case signals achievements, a closed
cycle. The lion is also a symbol of fire and permanent activity. Although the King is seated, his
attitude is alert, his appearance is confident, and he seems ready to stand up at any moment. He
shows authority to carry out projects.

 General meaning: father or manager. Boss or leader. Influential, powerful friend.

Personality, magnetic and attractive. Solid company. Maturity, seriousness. Overcome
all obstacles with perseverance and willingness. He inspires others through his example,
willpower, optimism and ability to work. Tendency to push and convince others in the
direction of one's plans. Sincere by nature, he expresses his opinions frankly and
sometimes recklessly. Reliable and well-intentioned manager. Motivates his
collaborators. Diligent and enthusiastic father. In terms of relationships, it is sensual,
and sexual, and quite directive.
 Inverted: violence, aggressiveness. Stubborn adversary. Despot, authoritarian,
unscrupulous adventurer. Anger, abuse. Sexually irresponsible. Bragging. It is difficult
to "keep up with him", at work his activity is exaggerated to the point that he exhausts
those who work with him. They can be intolerant and generate permanent tensions in
their environment. Inconsiderate of those around him, he is self-centered and tends to
abuse his collaborators and subordinates. In his excessive self-image he tends to boast,
disqualifies and underestimates others. Excess control. Environment of opposition and
conflict. Stress, exhaustion due to excessive demands.

King of Pentacles

Surrounded by wealth and abundance, the King of Pentacles rules magnanimously from his
throne. He sees the fruits of his efforts: the castle, on whose battlement he is installed, and the
lush vegetation around him. The royal cape is patterned with multiple bunches of grapes, a
symbol of prosperity. His throne, sumptuously carved, relates him to the abundance of nature,
the fruits of the earth and the sign of Taurus, the constant and patient worker, who enjoys the
pleasures of life and always moves towards success and the realization of goals. the plans.

 General meaning: courage, intelligence, wealth, material success. Analytical mind.
Concrete reasoning. Father, leader, leader in business matters. Who knows how to
handle the power of money. A man surrounded by comfort and well-being, wealthy or
steeped in finance and investment issues. Patient and hardworking. He is an
experienced boss and a trusted ally. Maximum authority in his field. Administers,
directs, presides, plans and organizes. Loyal and patient with those he loves, implacable
with enemies. Businessman, prosperous merchant, capitalist partner. Generous and
diligent father. He cares about everyone's well-being and provides abundantly. He is a
coherent and stable authority figure. His strong convictions and the clarity of his
thoughts ensure success in any endeavor, whether professional, personal, spiritual or
 Inverted: dictatorship, tyranny. Poverty of spirit. Vulgar and mediocre taste. Stingy,
miserable, petty, dogmatic. Exploitative. It represents anti-values aimed at achieving
power and wealth: corruption, dishonesty, hiding one's true motives. He can be a
vicious and greedy man, prone to gambling and speculation. Use the power available to
you to obtain benefits even at the expense of the well-being or happiness of others.
Accompanied by the arcane XV El Diablo, he is linked to mafias and circles of
corruption. Material goals are a priority for this king with a mean and cruel tendency. In
love, marriage for economic interest or to consolidate your position through family
influences. With letters of poverty and loss, desperate acts to recover the lost position.

King of Swords

The King raises the sword of justice with a firm and determined gesture. Two birds fly together
in a peaceful sky, to signal the King of Swords' ability to harmonize with others, negotiate, put
himself in the other's place and share. His frank, frontal look denotes sincerity, capacity for
dialogue. However, his stern gesture also warns that he can be relentless in complying with
what he considers fair.

 General meaning: lawyer, judge or magistrate. Supervisor, planner, strategist, common

sense. He knows how to take advantage of his resources. The King of Swords is
balanced, fair and moderate. Taste for letters and philosophy. Expert in his area willing
to share his knowledge. Powerful ally, advisor. He is intelligent, a planner and a keen
observer. He handles the authority with which he is vested fairly. Considered and
analytical character. He may seem a little cold and distant, but he is honest and
principled. He is not content with a first version of the facts: he reasons, investigates,
diagnoses, observes, analyzes and defines before assuming a position and judging. This
letter may also indicate a lawsuit or advise seeking legal advice.
 Inverted: prejudice, antagonism, rivalry, does not reach agreements. Judgment against.
Cynicism, arrogance, hypocrisy, ambiguity, pretense, deception. Legal trap. His sharp
and agile mind allows him to understand what others do not grasp or imagine. Analyzes

the facts with sagacity and grasps the opponent's weaknesses quickly and accurately.
When he warns an adversary, he does not rest until he sees him neutralized or defeated.
Deceitful and malicious man. It can be a dangerous, violent and powerful enemy. It may
indicate an injustice, manipulation of the law, or loss of a trial or other legal matter.

King of Cups

The king has a mature appearance and his solid stone throne seems to float on the turbulent
waters of his emotions. His stern and confident appearance hides a sensitive soul. His blue
clothes denote strong moral leadership and connection with the spiritual, while the heavy yellow
cape emphasizes his intelligence, logical and rational capacity. However, the lining of the cape
is red, as a sign of an intense emotional, sensual and passionate world that the king intelligently
moderates, since yellow prevails. Thus he maintains his balance on turbulent waters, conflicting
currents among which yellow tones can be glimpsed: his maturity allows him to penetrate
emotions with intelligence. The King has the cup in his right hand (dominance over the water
element), and in the left a scepter (symbol of command), whose shape recalls the columns of the
High Priestess, since he is intuitive and profound.

 General meaning: loving father or husband. Guide, counselor, with good, strong and
lasting feelings. Moral authority. A profound man who, on the one hand, may be
interested in science, art, religion or philosophy, and on the other, lives intense
emotional currents that shake him. He expresses his passions and feelings, has artistic
sensitivity, aesthetic taste. He is idealistic and creative. Expert, protective, affectionate,
respectful and idealistic advisor. Take care of your family. Empathetic and open to
forming a team. He knows when to be guided by his intuition, but does not disdain
rational thinking, order and discipline.
 Inverted: decadence, excesses, vices. Unstable, capricious. Jealous, suspicious,
possessive or over-protective man. Untrustworthy, lying, ruthless. He is a victim of his
emotions. He gets excited easily but without depth or consistency. You can fall into
deep emotional conflicts, dualities and indecisions. He allows himself to be carried
away by his passionate world, with which he experiences extreme situations, love-hate,
infidelity and loneliness. He is manipulative, vengeful. He is full of resentments.
Tendency towards excesses and vices.



Combinations of FOUR, THREE AND TWO cards of the same value adjacent, close.

Four aces suggest: Great power, although depending on the roll, it can indicate great danger.
Three Aces Suggest: Success

Two aces suggest: trump.

Four 2 suggest: teamwork

three 2 suggest: disaster or cataclysm
two 2 suggest Initial work.

Four 3: supreme sacrifice

three 3: promiscuity
two 3: monastic life.

Four 4: common sense

three 4:stubbornness
two 4: honesty

four5: sublime knowledge

three 5: care of the sick
two 5: dedication to god

four 6: bad news

three six: an orgy
two 6: remorse of conscience.

four7: bad faith

three 7: a baptism
two7: affection.

Four 8: minor accident

three 8: kind offer
two8: sincere friendship

four9: prosperity for the home

three 9: compromising situation
two9: small gain.

Four10: success in a company

three10: change for the best
two10: return of a prodigal son

Four pages: a school

three pages: sport
two pages: companionship

Four gentlemen: A meeting

Three gentlemen: a dispute
two knights: strength

Four queens: a party

three queens: discord
two queens: jealousy.

Four kings: victory

three kings: protection
two kings: deliberation.

Presence of many cards of the same suit:

Many drinks: love, affection, affection, love, loving acts, happiness
Many glasses close to each other: Good news.
Many sticks: healthy struggle, entrepreneurship, glory, fame
Many pentacles: money, material goods, wealth
Many swords - unhealthy fighting, scandal, misfortune, quarrel, strife.

Combinations of court figures

Juxtaposition, king-queen: husband and wife or a couple who live as such.
Juxtaposition King and Page: father and daughter
Queen-page juxtaposition: mother and child
King, queen and knight of the same suit adjacent to each other: infidelity of the queen
King or knight and two queens: man's infidelity
King, queen or knight and page of the same suit adjacent to each other: Wedding, meeting.

In this context, the terms juxtaposition and contiguous have been used as synonyms for

Secondary combinations of court figures

Several court figures surrounded by glasses: happy company, party
several court figures surrounded by rods: conferences, business
Several court figures surrounded by pentacles: political activity
Various court figures surrounded by swords: energy, action, war

Several contiguous cups/rods: prosperous union
Several contiguous cups/pentacles: unhappy union
Several contiguous cups and swords: union for love

Several contiguous rods and pentacles, a broken bank ruin
several rods and swords adjacent to each other: success in trade
several swords and pentacles adjacent to each other: fight


You are kings of face: important conference
two kings with their backs to each other: dissession
two face queens: gossip
two queens back to back: fight
two knights approaching: friendship, however, if swords are present, brawl
two knights walking away: defeat.
two face pages: companionship
a knight and a page adjacent to each other: protective friendship or possible illicit relationship.

In general:
King and queen represent the mature, man and woman who play the role of adults.
Gentleman represents a male "young man" who does not behave as responsibly as a normal
Page, represents a young man of either sex who behaves like an adolescent or immature.

The suits suggest.....

Drinks/Water: light brown or blonde people; flowering, love, spring, days.
Wands/Fire: Blond or very blonde with light eyes and almost Nordic complexion; change, fight,
summer, weeks.
Pentacles/earth: Dark-skinned people with rather light eyes and light skin; the material,

investments, autumn, months
Swords/air: Dark-skinned people with dark eyes and olive skin; the terrible, misfortune, winter,

The sense of time in tarot

The ace represents the number 1, the two the number 2, the three the number 3 and so on up to
The card number immediately preceding a court figure or major arcana indicates minutes or
The card number immediately following a court figure or major arcana indicates days or weeks.

The direction of time in other positions depends on the suit, so:

CUPS represent DAYS
RODS represent WEEKS
SWORDS represent YEARS

The seasons of the year are indicated by the presence of several cards of the same suit
contiguous, close, in accordance with the laws of magic:
CUPS-WATER-SPRING Blooming, love,
RODS-FIRE-SUMMER change, fight,
PENTACLES-EARTH-AUTUMN the material, investments,
SWORDS-AIR-WINTER (the terrible, misfortune


Tarot and numerology

Tarot and Numerology are closely related since the meanings of the Tarot arcana respond to the
secret messages of the numbers. It is essential to have a basis in numerology to understand the
message of each Tarot card.

In this way, we can establish the meanings of the numbers and their correspondence with the

In our Numerology section you will have seen that each natural number (up to 9) has a meaning,
it transmits a vibration associated with qualities. The Tarot, as a repository of Western wisdom
par excellence, contains numerological information. Let's see what numbers consist of
according to this Western numerology and how it is inserted into the Tarot.

 Zero: symbol of the absolute, of the Non-thing, of unlimited light, root of all things. It is
pure energy, above and beyond thought, Superconsciousness.
 The Fool: the pure spirit, the being delivered to the experience of knowing without
barriers, without limits. The pure being, like the child, without external influences that
affect it.
 One: unity, beginning, initiative, originality. The consciousness of the I AM, being able
to carry out its creation through one's own initiatives. It is leadership, independence of
judgment, will.
 The Magician: mercurial (mental), dynamic, who skillfully handles the elements and
says "My will be done" because he knows he is a creator (I AM).
 Two: pair, duo, duplication, receptivity, balance of opposites.
 The Priestess: the intuitive, meditative, knowledgeable of the human essence, the one
who observes duality, understands it and balances it.
 Three: increase, development, growth, deployment and therefore expression. It
represents the real outward development of the principles of One by Two.
 The Empress: the fertile mother, like the earth, like all of nature. That gives life to the
ideas conceived by the Priestess. Active and productive feminine energy.
 Four: order, measurement, classification, registration, tabulation and so on. Symbol of
universal abstract order.
 The Emperor: the father, the authority who organizes, who puts order and gives shape.
Who protects and monitors, directs and evaluates. The strategist and the driver.
 Five: mediation, adaptation, medium, activity and similar ideas. Dynamic law that
comes from the Abstract Order.
 The High Priest: the bridge between God and men, the communicator, the spiritual
guide, the institution and education. Mediator who administers sacraments and
communicates tradition within the limits of the freedom conferred by his hierarchy.

 Six: balance, symmetry, counterbalance, beauty, harmony of opposites, reciprocity,
complementary activities, polarity, love.
 Lovers: the opposites that complement each other through the dedication of body and
soul. But also free will, the choice of a path, crossroads.
 Seven: protection, protection, security, victory. Mastery of the mind, autonomy.
 The Chariot: warrior who advances victoriously in the midst of obstacles. He wins with
wisdom and awareness of being the protector of the city, of ideas, of his own path of
spiritual ascent, overcoming duality.
 Eight: vibration, flow and ebb of ideas. Cause and effect. Control and dominance.
 Strength (in Paul Foster Case's Tarot, which is the one we analyzed): inner mastery,
overcoming one's own limitations, passions and dependencies, our own shadow,
represented in an animal, irrational and wild force.
 Nine: consummation, fulfillment, the goal, the end of a cycle of activity. Service.
 The Hermit: teacher, silent guide who leads others with his lamp. Humble and aware of
his role of service and delivery. The experience product of the years. The exemplary
 Ten: perfection and mastery. Closing of cycle. Return to the unit. Numerologically,
numbers composed of two digits are added to reach a single digit (theosophical sum), in
this case: 10=1+0=1.
 The Wheel of Fortune: the great cycle of life with its ups and downs, the evolution that
is achieved through permanent movement.

Tarot and Bach Flowers

We can also relate the Tarot to the Bach Flowers, each flower remedy represents a personality
model, an archetype as in the Tarot. Knowing the tarot and Bach flowers you will be able to
make a complete diagnosis of the subject of consultation.

Bach Flowers

They were created by the English doctor Edward Bach, as a product of research carried out
between 1930 and 1934. Graduated in Medicine, Bach specialized in Bacteriology and
Immunology, he was a surgeon, researcher and homeopath. He developed 7 homeopathic
vaccines (Nosodes) to cure intestinal diseases of a bacteriological type. By a stroke of fate, he
discovered the healing principle of flowers: sick with cancer and with a prognosis of 3 months
to live, he retired to Wales, his native region, and dedicated himself with all his strength to
obtaining the natural remedies necessary to help the sick. Thus, he discovered the healing power
of the flowers typical of that region and produced 38 floral elixirs aimed at eradicating mood
(emotional) imbalances that are causes of diseases.

He tested them first on plants, animals and himself. He then extended the tests to volunteers,
with surprising results. It confirmed the close relationship between emotional well-being and
health. True health is happiness, and a happiness that is very easy to achieve, because it is the
happiness of small things: doing the things we really like to do, being with the people we really
love (by Bach. Lic. Espeche and Dr. Grecco). He verified it in himself, with a prognosis of 3
months to live due to his illness, he lives 6 years of fulfillment by finding a stimulating meaning
in his life.

Validity of these principles

Psychotherapy, Homeopathy and Traditional Chinese Medicine, as well as Holistic Therapies

work in this direction, emphasizing the causes of the symptoms more than the symptoms
themselves and seeking harmony between body and mind. From the holistic point of view, the
spiritual is included in this analysis (See Therapies section of this page).

Bach Flower Therapy was accepted by the World Health Organization in 1976. Later, by the
Department of Health of the United Kingdom and by the Food and Drug Administration of the
United States.

Since they do not have chemical elements in their composition, floral remedies do not produce
adverse effects and can instead provide beneficial actions. They are energy, therefore they do
not produce side effects, nor do they create addiction, because as they do not contain chemical
substances, the body does not feel the absence of or get used to it. They do not harm any organ
because they do not act on them (Truth and Light. Dr. Elba Garber).

The Tarot and Bach Flowers

Each flower remedy represents a personality model, an archetype. From there we can establish
the relationship with the universal archetypes contained in the tarot. By doing a tarot
consultation and finding the archetype(s) that represent the person, we recognize a certain
pattern of behavior and concomitant health disorders (emotional and physical). In such a way
that, at the end of the tarot session, we will be able to prescribe the appropriate flower remedies.
We have a wide repertoire: uncertainty, fears, worry, weakness in the face of the influence of
others, disinterest, loneliness, discouragement or despair. On this website we have a section on
Floral Therapy that can help you answer all your questions about it.

As an example, in the illustration we have Death, which can be identified with Walnut, the
flower of changes, of cycle closures; The Force inverted, is identified with Cherry Plum, the
flower of self-destructive tendencies, loss of self-control; The Lovers inverted, which connects
us with Cerato, the flower for those who suffer from indecision.

By knowing the tarot and delving deeper into the floral archetypes, you will be able to make a
complete diagnosis of the subject of your consultation.


In this section of Tarot Readings we will begin with a series of Reading Notes or reading
systems to be able to delve deeper into the Tarot. We will use the simplest systems at first,
explaining their objectives, scope and procedure.

There are two ways to carry out card layouts

Free method
The tarot reader freely draws an indeterminate number of cards without a structure. He and
only he knows how many cards to draw and what meaning to give to each one. Being an
intuitive method, the operator gives different connotations to the cards, depending on how he
"feels" their relationship with the situation consulted. This system requires objectivity from the
operator, since it is very easy to manipulate the query and direct the meanings, the identification
of people and collateral circumstances, the temporal relationship (past, present and future), etc.
Hence, to use this method, a good intuitive development and connection with the Tarot is

Structured method
It is based on the use of certain structures where a pre-established correspondence is given to
each letter: past, present, future; the favorable, the unfavorable; the consultant, the others; etc
The number of cards and their location on the table responds to a pre-established structure.

This method of structured "runs" will be the one that we will develop from now on, as it
offers several advantages:

 Each structure is directed to a particular objective. For this reason, there are readings for
different types of queries and the tarot reader chooses the one that best suits the topic
and the type of question being asked.
 A structured reading, or "read", facilitates the analysis since it delimits factors such as:
the actors involved, the circumstances and time in which they occur, etc. You just have
to keep in mind that the interpretive meaning of these messages must be open and not
literal. The arcana inspire, they follow a line of ideas, but they do not rigidly determine
the answers. They tend in one direction or another, they are associated with images and
concepts, they suggest trends to us. The tarot reader must interpret them in the context
of the question, adjusted to the outline of the structure or "spread", flowing with each

Guidelines to take into account when starting a consultation

 Find the best time to consult: when you are relaxed and have no interruptions. Make a
clear and calm reflection of the matter to be consulted before asking the question, since
the clarity of the answer will depend on it.
 Focus on the topic and shuffle the cards while you ask your question. When drawing the
cards, you must be sure which one or which ones to choose, depending on the spread
you choose from the menu of options that we will publish. (In a later installment of this
section we will talk about ways to shuffle cards.)
 Do the roll only once. If you formulated your question clearly and concisely, and if you
have chosen the cards carefully, it will not be necessary to repeat the operation.
Furthermore, it is not advisable to repeat it, because it will not clarify it any more. If
you don't understand the meaning, take note of your question, the cards that were
drawn, and your conclusions. A few hours or days later, when it is clearer, you will be
able to make a better interpretation.
 Ask only about relevant topics, within your competence. Deal with serious topics of
interest, and do not invade the privacy of others, especially if they have not requested it.
 When asking, remain open to accepting the answer. Don't try to divert the interpretation
towards the results you expected. Remember that this will be a growth exercise. Your
openness is essential.
 Once you have the answer, reflect on it. If it helps, make some notes of your reflections.

In this same section you will find several types of spreads that will help you focus on different
types of situations. Among them you will find:

 The simple extraction: which allows you to get a quick answer or advice.
 Reading of 3 cards: which indicate past, present and future of a situation.
 Complete run for one day: which allows you to know how events evolve throughout a
full day.
 Simple Cross Roll: in a version that I have developed, whose objective is to know how
a relationship evolves.
 Celtic Cross: which gives us the diagnosis and prognosis of a circumstance, relationship
or person.
 Reading the season: to know the events to expect in a certain period of days, weeks or
months, according to our needs.
 Astrological Spread: combine the planets and their associated themes and the
development of your affairs.
 Readings on love and couples.

These and other readings will be included periodically and we hope they will be very useful for
you to develop your Tarot skills.

Celtic cross

Celtic Cross:
It is used for Tarot.
Shuffle the cards and play in the order indicated.

Two ways to interpret:

1. Situation from where you start
2. Additional influences
3. Unconscious aspects (emotions)
4. Recent past
5. Conscious aspects (rational)
6. Next future
7. The I
8. Around
9. Hopes and fears
10. Result

Another way:

1. This it is
2. This adds up
3. This feels
4. This has led there
5. This is recognized

6. It will continue like this
7. This is how the consultant sees it
9. This is what the consultant expects and fears.
10. It will come to this

Cabbaalah Throw

2- Current situation of the consultant

3- Consultant capabilities
4- Debts, unresolved cases
5- Vices of the consultant
6- External environment
7- Virtues to motivate
8- Future
9- Lessons from the future
10- Final future.

Astrological spread

 HOUSE 1.- It is the House of Aries. This House represents the interrogator or consultant and
his current present, that is, his most pressing problems in the here and now, in this stage of
present life.

 HOUSE 2.- It is the House of Taurus. This House talks about money and its impact on the

 HOUSE 3.- It is the House of Gemini. The House of Gemini represents travel, business and
pleasure trips, as well as everything related to communication with your partner or with
members of our working world.

 HOUSE 4.- It is the House of Cancer. This House has its center in the family environment of
the consultant, but this environment can reach not only his house or home, but also that of other
family members or very close friends.

 HOUSE 5.- It is the House of Leo. In the House of Leo the most hidden and forbidden
pleasures arise, as well as the secret ambitions of the consultant that move in the subconscious.

 HOUSE 6.- It is the House of Virgo. The House of Virgo always refers to the health of the
consultant, and this health reaches all human aspects, from illness to states of tension or nerves.

 HOUSE 7.- It is the house of Libra. The House of Libra has sentimental aspects as its
components and therefore involves friendships, marriage, and all types of intimate company.

 HOUSE 8.- It is the House of Scorpio. The House of Scorpio tells us about the transits,
revolutions, inheritances, gifts and illnesses that affect the people who are in the consultant's

 HOUSE 9.- It is the House of Sagittarius. This House represents the philosophy, as well as
the dreams and illusions that make up the world of the consultant. Also, in another aspect, it
refers to diplomatic relations and work projects.

 HOUSE 10.- It is the House of Capricorn. The House of Capricorn always affects the
professional and work field in which the consultant's career or life develops.

 HOUSE 11.-It is the House of Aquarius. It refers to the friendships and commitments
acquired in all aspects of life except work.

 HOUSE 12.- This is the House of Pisces. Like the House of Leo, although to a greater extent,
it speaks of everything that is related to the internal concerns of the consultant .

This book is made up of articles from
Marinela Ramirez
Sociologist, Holistic Therapist, Tarot Teacher
Enbuenasmanos columnist
And reflections and meditations
From RHWilson in the book
“Practical and esoteric Tarot”
Gathered for learning
Complete from started by:
Águeda Torrado


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