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Vocabulary development is a necessity within the child's learning

processes, both academic and non-academic.

Vocabulary is a tool that will help them in the future to build relationships,
learn about the world and find their place.

One of the instruments that children have to incorporate vocabulary into

their language is their ability to ask questions. The continuous " why? " are
essential to expand our children's knowledge of words. We must arm
ourselves with patience and answer correctly with simple, clear and brief
language, since depending on the way we do it, it will have a favorable or
unfavorable effect on the increase in your vocabulary.

It is also important to use words with them that they can understand, so
their learning will be faster and more solid.

Children often have the inability to find words to communicate what they
think or feel, often resulting in typical " tantrums. "

Ways to stimulate language and enrich vocabulary :

1- Promote new experiences through visual, tactile, and auditory

motivators. We can reinforce the use of new words through verbal and non-
verbal means.

2- Talk . Many times we neglect the simplest strategies. Children need

the receptivity of their parents and above all they need to feel that they
want to talk to them. The more we talk to them, the more opportunities they
will have to incorporate new words into their repertoire.

The most favorable moments to promote dialogue with your children are
during lunch or dinner, bedtime, the journey home from school or

3- Play. The game is a great tool to promote language and enrich


- verbal games during car trips.

- table games.
- video game.

- rhymes, riddles, the " I see, I see ."

- the game of " I went to the market and I bought... " : add a word to the
list, your child will repeat it and add a new one, and so on until one fails.
With this game we also exercise our memory.

4- Listen and read stories. Reading is an excellent instrument to enrich

vocabulary. From simple books with images, to stories with stories.

It is important to choose fun and educational books and stories, above all,
that they like, since it is not about turning the beautiful experience of
reading into formal learning situations, but rather into magical and fun

5- Carry out activities during free time. Any time is good to enrich our
children's vocabulary. Let's take advantage of leisure moments (travel,
cultural visits, vacations, etc.) to stimulate language and learn new words.

Since the holidays are already here, I leave you a video to practice summer
vocabulary, very suitable for the little ones.

Bibliography: " Comment aider son enfant à enrichir son vocabulaire "

Victoria Ramirez

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