L33 - Teacher's Note

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Đề thi Olympic THPT chuyên Lê Hồng Phong 2023

Passage B

8. B
- realities = social belief: thực tế xã hội
- contrast = contradiction: sự mâu thuẫn
- nostalgia: sự hoài niệm
+ nostalgic (a): hoài niệm
9. D
- vintage (n): cổ điển
10. C
- silence with itself: im lặng
11. A
- meticulous (n) = detailed: tỉ mỉ
- letdown = disappointment: thất vọng
- augment = enlarge = increase: làm to ra, tăng lên
12. A
13. D
- diffuse (v) : tháo cầu chì, phân tán
+ diffusion (n): sư phân tán
+ diffuse (a): phân tán, dàn trải
+ diffuse tension = relieve pressure: giảm áp lực
+ diffuse knowledge: phổ biến kiến thức
+ diffuse oxygen: phân tán oxy
- transfuse (v): truyền
Ex: transfuse ideas cross the country the border
- transfusion of thoughts: truyền bá tư tưởng
14. A
- unpretentious: những người thật thà, chất phác
- pretentious: giả tạo
- sincere: chân thành >< insincere: không chân thành
- minuscule: nhỏ xíu
- insignificant: không đáng kể
- marginal: những người bị gạt ra bên lề xã hội
+ marginalize (v) : gạt ra ngoài lề
+ marginal cost: chi phí cận biên
Passage C

- conceit = pride: tự cao

15. D
16. A
17. E
18. B
19. C
20. G

Verb complementation 1

Entry test

Exercise 1

- shoot oneself in the foot: vô tình làm cho tình hình trở nên tồi tệ hơn
a. They busied themselves with preparing the house for the visitors.
- busy yourself with: bận với việc gì
b. The director prides himself on taking time to listen to his employees'
- take pride in doing sth = pride yourself on doing sth = to be proud of
doing st: tự hào
c. If you don't want to join in, suit yourself
- suit yourself : tuỳ bạn
d. You don't have to commit yourself yet: think about it for a bit
- to be committed to doing sth = commit yourself to sth/doing sth: cam
kết làm cái gì
- Idiom: commit yourself = make a decision : quyết định
- make a definite decision : ra quyết định dứt điểm, dứt khoát
e. She drew herself up to herself height and looked down on us with
- look down on: khinh bỉ

Exercise 2
a. It was concluded that the only possible cause of her illness was overwork/
The only possible cause of her illness was felt to be overwork.
b. I asked what method they used to achieve such a fine polish
c. I meant the party to remain a surprise until the last moment
d. It was found that my great uncle was of African descent
e. You surely can't deny the fact that they knew exactly what they were

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