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Modal Past


Exercise 5


5. may → could
6. must → should
7. shouldn't → needn’t

8. mustn’t → shouldn't
10. would → might

Exercise 6

2. should have
3. couldn’t have
4. might not have
5. could have been/ might have been
6. need not to/ did not have to
7. might have/could have
8. must have
9. should have
10. needn’t have

Exercise 7

2. easily
3. well
4. really
5. simply
6. just
7. Surely
8. simply
9. still
10. well

Exercise 8

(2) would have meant

(3) would have had
(4) should have resigned
(5) might have found
(6) must have thought
(7) needn’t have worried
(8) can't have been
(9) must be
(10) might have known



Inversion after negative adverbials

- Time expressions: never, rarely, seldom

- Time expressions: hardly, barely ( gần như không) , scarcely, no
+ Hardly…when
+ Scarcely … when
+ No sooner as… than
+ No sooner … than
- Phrase containing no/not: Under no circumstances, on no account (
không vì lý do gì), at no time, in no way, on no condition, not until,
not only…(but also).
Ex: On no account must he employees make personal calm from office

Inversion after so/such with that

Inverted conditional sentences without if

Inversion after as


4. Correct but inappropriate: if you fancy a pizza, let's order one now.

5. No formal/informal → I’ve never seen this film before
7. Daily language: If I have time, I'd go climbing more often
8. No formality: We had scarcely been introduced when he punched me for no



Exercise 2:

2. Only later were the facts all made public

3. Such was the great response to our appeal that we had to take on more staff
4. Not only did Harry break his leg but he also injured his shoulder
5. Little did the police suspect the Judge of being the murderer
6. In no way can the bus driver be held responsible for the accident
7. Were the government to raise taxes, they would lose the election
8. No sooner had I got home them I realized I'd left my bag in the shop
9. Not until I asked a passer-by, did I realize where I was
10. Hardly had the minister started his speech when he was interrupted

Exercise 3

2. Under no circumstances
3. Little did
4. Were you
5. as did
6. Rarely had
7. Not only did
8. Under no circumstances were
- interval: nghĩ giữa vở kịch
9. No sooner had
10. Rarely had
- take sick leave: xin nghỉ

Exercise 4

2. to have taken off

3. I studied
4. you be
5. you gone
6. has she spent
7. you feel
8. we to offer
9. the government taken
10. had we got

Exercise 5

(2) Seldom
- hypocrisy: giả nhân giả nghĩ
- squabble: cãi nhau ầm ĩ
(3) along
- public opinion poll: thăm dò dư luận
- breakaway: ly khai
(4) Not only
- reckon = believe: tin tưởng
(5) Little
(6) Scarcely
(7) Such
- meagre: ít ỏi, đạm bạc
(8) Had
- scathing (a): độc mồm, ác ý
- venomous (a): độc địa
- venom(n) : độc địa
- rest assured: yên tâm đi
(9) under no circumstance
- rest/sleep on laurels : ngủ quên trên chiến thắng
- complacency: tự mãn
(10) as
- resounding success: thành công vang dội

Exercise 6

2. has anyone from this school

3. was so great that
4. no circumstances is the money
5. three days had passed did we arrived
6. had no idea
7. when i stopped did i realize
8. no time did the accused express
9. exhausted were the runners that none
10. do we see

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