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Holiday Homework

Physics (042)
Complete your NCERT Questions, Examples and Notes of the following
Chapter 1 – Electric Charge and Fields
Chapter 2 – Electric Potential and Capacitance
Chapter 3 – Current Electricity


i. Revise all the questions of unit – 1 which will be shared in biology

ii. Prepare an investigatory project on any one of the topic given in
the list in Biology book.

1. Project file (choose any one topic)
Topic:: Lost spring
Introduction 2. About the author
Theme of the topic 4. Summary of the topic 5. Life of Mukesh and Saheb
6. Similarities between them 7. Message 9. Conclusion
(With relevant pictures)
Kamala Das and Robert Frost
Introduction 2. Biography of poet 3. Early life 4. Career 5. Writings
6. conclusion
(With relevant pictures and Introduction, content, certificate,
acknowledgement and bibliography)
Q3: - learn and practice all topics done in class. Also make 5-5
questions from each chapter apart from ncert and practice to write
answers in your own language in separate notebook.

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