Questions and Answers About The New Curriculum 2017

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Ministry Undersecretariat of Educational

of Fundamentals
Questions and answers generated in the cycle of conferences on the EGB and BGU curriculum

TO. Curriculum

1. What happens if the entire virtual curriculum course is not completed by the indicated date?
The virtual courses of the curriculum have a flexible schedule according to the time possibilities of
the teachers. In the event that the virtual curriculum course has not been completed on the
indicated date, the teachers will be re-enrolled in the respective course.

2. What are the transversal axes?

The transversal axes of the new curriculum are related to the principles of Good Living and are
integrated into the skills with performance criteria; however, in the annual planning there is the
possibility of selecting and including the transversal axes, understood as values or some other
theme. that wishes to be developed according to the context and needs of educational

3. With a flexible curriculum, how are the books structured, since for the contents, they do not
know the skills chosen by each Educational Institution? If I add or disaggregate topics, how do I
use the texts, if these texts already have the defined skills?
Although it is true that the textbooks sent by the Central Level have their own proposal for the
distribution and disaggregation of skills with performance criteria for each grade or course, it is
necessary to emphasize that the texts are didactic support resources for the teacher, it is say that
each educational institution has the power to analyze the proposal made by the text and also has
the pedagogical autonomy to develop its own plans (institutional curricular planning, annual
curricular planning and planning by teaching unit) to validate or readjust what is proposed, for
example. Therefore, the texts must be used according to the context and the needs and interests
of the educational community.

4. Why are we not allowed to reduce the hours of school projects and learning on the move
instead of the elementary subjects of the curriculum?
The hours of school projects are two (2) in EGB sublevels: Preparatory, Elementary, Middle and
three (3) in the Higher sublevel, there are no excess hours, only those necessary for teachers and
students to prepare and develop a project. interdisciplinary. The integration of disciplinary
perspectives visualized in interdisciplinary projects is an effective means for students to deepen
their understanding of the world in which they live and have the tools to propose possible
solutions to complex problems with implications in different areas.
Additionally, in the 2016 curriculum, the guidelines of the “Learning in Movement” project have
been included in the Physical Education curriculum, and the five hours established in the
curriculum are the product of the intersectoral efforts of the Ministries of Health, Education and
Sports as well as of the Secretariat of Good Living to determine concrete actions to reduce the
rates of overweight and obesity among girls, boys and young people in Ecuador. It is necessary to
point out the importance of comprehensive student training for the full development of the
human being, not only with instrumental and scientific subjects.

5. How can curriculum flexibility be considered in heterogeneous groups?

The curriculum is open and flexible to precisely address diversity in the classrooms.
To prepare the PCI and PCA, it is necessary to start with a diagnosis of the needs of the students
and the school community, to distribute the skills with performance criteria by grades and
courses and disaggregate them according to the characteristics presented by the group of
students. .
Ministry Undersecretariat of Educational
of Fundamentals
6. Are curricular adaptations made as long as the UDAI reports are available? Correct, teachers
make curricular adaptations in their teaching unit planning (PUD) as long as they have the psycho-
pedagogical reports issued by the UDAI or another accredited body to be able to plan the
curricular adaptations and thus address specific needs.

7. What suggestion can you give to teachers regarding the contents of General Chemistry and
Higher Chemistry in the third years of high school?
It is important to point out that in the curriculum there is the subject of Chemistry for the first,
second and third year of Baccalaureate with a workload that will allow teachers to develop skills
with basic performance criteria throughout the three courses of this level. .
Higher Chemistry is not included in the proposal for the 2016 optional subjects, because the
contents proposed in the 2011 guidelines are already included in the 2016 Chemistry curriculum.
It is suggested that the following aspects be considered for the teaching and learning of the
subject of Chemistry:
- In the PCI, the first distribution of skills with performance criteria will be carried out in each of
the Baccalaureate courses, based on the evaluation criteria matrix or selecting skills from
different curricular blocks.
- In the PCA, skills will be presented with performance criteria disaggregated for each course.
To disaggregate it, it is necessary for teachers to consider the complexity of the DCD, the
cognitive and psycho-pedagogical conditions of the students, the needs of the local
environment, the resources available and other aspects of the context that may represent
limitations or strengths for development. of the contents in the educational institution.
- The DCD disaggregated for each course will be grouped into teaching units, then the teachers
will prepare each of the teaching unit plans (PUD),
distributing time according to the content of the Didactic Units. To prepare the PUD for the
Chemistry subject, teachers can be guided by the suggestions for methodological strategies
described in the implementation guide for the Natural Sciences curriculum that can be
downloaded from the following link:

8. Where in the government platform are the topics that will be taught in each year of basic
education listed?
On the institutional page of the Ministry of Education ( )
there are the 2016 curricula of all subjects with their corresponding support resources, such as
the didactic guides for implementing the curriculum of the different areas, which will allow the
teaching team to take the curriculum issued from the first level of curricular specification
(MINEDUC) to the second and third level of curricular specification (educational institution and
Each curriculum is organized by sublevels and by areas of knowledge, therefore it is the mission of
educational institutions to distribute the skills with performance criteria for each grade or course
and disaggregate them considering the complexity of the DCD, the cognitive and
psychopedagogical conditions of the students. , the needs of the local environment, the resources
it has and other aspects of context that may represent limitations or strengths for the
development of content in the educational institution.
Once the skills with performance criteria are disaggregated for each grade or course, they must
be compacted into teaching units, so that teachers can prepare their teaching unit planning.
9. Because topics are repeated, or there are no necessary topics in the new curriculum, could it be
possible to continue with the previous one at least with the third year of Baccalaureate?
It is necessary to point out that the curricular adjustment involved reviewing the approach and
the content proposal (understood as skills with performance criteria) of all the subjects taught in
both EGB and BGU.
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of Fundamentals
In the case of the Language and Literature curricula, as well as Mathematics or Physical Education,
readjustments of content were made according to current needs, however subjects such as
Natural Sciences or Social Sciences showed changes that start from their focus to the structuring
of the curricular blocks with their group of contents, for this reason it is not feasible for the third
year of high school to continue with the previous curricula, because the meaning of the current
curricular proposal would be lost.
The 2016 curriculum is mandatory throughout the Ecuadorian educational system, starting in
September in the Sierra Regime and May in the Costa Regime.

10. Why, since computing is essential in all activities of daily and professional life, has this subject
been eliminated?
The computer science subject determined in the previous curriculum has a focus on the use of
ICT, for this reason it was necessary that this focus be emphasized not only on a particular subject
and rather this be considered as a transversal axis of skills with criteria of performance of the
subjects in both EGB and BGU.

11. If the skills are not acquired at a specific time, nor do they remain unchanged, but rather they
involve a development process through which students reach higher levels of performance in
the use of them, as in the previous curriculum. Will the pedagogical recovery week no longer
take place at the end of each block?
The current curriculum is open and flexible, that is, it is given by sublevels/educational level and
basic learning can be developed in three grades or courses of the sublevel/level with the
exception of the High School sublevel since this consists of one grade. The educational institution
is the one who distributes and disaggregates the skills for the three courses or degrees,
considering the context to ensure their progressive development.
remains permanent and continuous at the end of each Didactic Unit.

12. If each professor at the educational institution prepares his or her curriculum according to his or
her needs and the needs of the students, at what point do we unify content, so that students
can enter the university and in turn the university can offer professionals who cover the
productive offer of the country .
The application of the national curriculum by sublevels and educational level is mandatory,
although each educational institution in its PCI may include contextual content, understood as
skills with performance criteria, at the national level the same curriculum will be applied with
basic learning. , which will be evaluated in a standardized manner by INEVAL.
The development of basic learning will allow students to continue with the University, as stated in
the 2016 curriculum document: “This meaning of the concept “basic” is related to the idea of
access to higher education – and therefore with the preparatory component that compulsory
education inevitably ends up having in part–; and in a more restricted sense, with the idea of
requirements to be able to continue progressing in the learning of a subject or discipline or in the
mastery of a specific field of knowledge.”
“The learning that all students are intended to acquire during the course of “basic” education are
or want to be, in this sense, a guarantee to ensure that they can continue the subsequent training
processes without problems or notable difficulties; and more specifically, depending on whether
we lean towards a more restricted or broader sense of the concept of “subsequent training
processes”, so that they can access post-compulsory educational and training levels or so that
they can continue learning throughout life. ” (p. 26)

13. Why did Physics move to the CCNN area, it is understood that there is a relationship with this
area, but it is more related to mathematics, in addition, the degrees at the University include
Lic. in Chemistry and Biology, Lic. in Mathematics and Physics?
As stated in AGREEMENT No. MINEDUC-ME-2016-00020-A, the area of Natural Sciences contains
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of Fundamentals
four subjects: CCNN for EGB and Biology, Physics and Chemistry for BGU. The inclusion of the
subject of Physics in the CCNN area corresponds to the epistemological, disciplinary and
pedagogical approaches that determine the importance in understanding the physical, chemical
and biological phenomena that are evident in the environment that surrounds them. For this
reason, it is important that the teaching and learning processes linked to the subject of Physics
are understood from their applicability in real life and then design their corresponding
mathematical model.
The subject of Physics for Baccalaureate is taught by a teacher specializing in Physics in
accordance with the undergraduate training offered in higher education.

14. What about the curriculum for the Technical Baccalaureate, example Accounting?
Between 2015 and 2016, MinEduc, with the technical assistance of the VVOB, worked on
the process of updating the training offer of the technical baccalaureate, with the
purpose of aligning it with the requirements of the sectors prioritized in the change of the
productive matrix. In this process, priority was given to updating the curricula of
professional figures in the Industrial and Agricultural areas, leaving for a second moment
the updating of professional figures in the Services area, which includes Accounting.
As a result of this process, it was made official through AGREEMENT No. MINEDUC-ME-
2016-00081-A of August 31, 2016, the new catalog of professional figures of technical
baccalaureate with their respective curricula.

15. Why are the hours in the technical baccalaureate increased to 45 hours, is it a disadvantage
since the children for their external evaluation should be evaluated according to their learning,
as a technical baccalaureate?
In the technical baccalaureate, a teaching load of 45 weekly teaching hours has been
established (5 more than in the baccalaureate in sciences option), with the purpose of
having the time required for the development of the technical training component, which
is additional to the time allocated to the study of the Common Core subjects.

Refer to AGREEMENT No. MINEDUC-ME-2016-00081-A

16. Where do we get the codes for the technical areas?

It is not necessary to codify the contents of the technical areas.

17. Is it mandatory for Physics to be in Natural Sciences?

LOADS, of mandatory application.

18. Why eliminate the subject of computer science applied to education if in the new curriculum
there are no specific associations with information and communication technologies (TICS)?

The computer science subject determined in the previous curriculum has a focus on the use of
ICT, for this reason it was necessary that this focus be emphasized not only on a particular subject
and rather this be considered as a transversal axis of skills with criteria of performance of the
subjects in both EGB and BGU, which can easily be evidenced.
The EGB and BGU curricula, which are implemented through Agreement No. MINEDUC-ME-2016
— 00020-A of February 17, 2016, have as a priority the habitual use of information and
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of Fundamentals
communication technologies as a facilitating instrument for the development of the curriculum in
each of the areas. For this purpose, according to a pedagogical and curricular analysis, this process
can be promoted from the first school years and strengthened in the Upper Basic and
Baccalaureate, with the purpose that students develop sufficient skills to facilitate the use of basic
education programs. office automation, as technological and didactic tools, for learning, in
addition to promoting knowledge in Computer Sciences.

For this purpose, depending on the availability of each of the institutions, teachers of all areas,
both basic and high school, must plan and develop their classes of the different subjects using the
computer laboratories, for which it is necessary organize a laboratory use schedule, guaranteeing
its maximum capacity during the school day. The following distribution of pedagogical hours on a
weekly schedule is recommended as a minimum, according to the availability of the Institution.

Considerations for the distribution of workload for computer science specialist teachers:

Sublevel Sublevel Sublevel Sublevel Level of

Preparatory Elementary Half Superior Baccalaureate

Degree without
1st. 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 3“ 10th 1st 2nd 3rd

1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3
Weekly teaching hoursof

use of the

laboratory of


Due to the characteristics of the new 2016 curriculum, computer science teachers play an
important role in the development of teaching-learning processes, therefore, it must be
ensured that these teachers remain in the school establishment, fulfilling their pedagogical
hours in activities that are of its competition, among them:

1 .- Accompaniment and advice to teachers of the different areas in the class hours that have
been planned in the computer laboratory.

2 .- Development of projects related to computing.

3 .- Classes of elective subjects related to computing for the third year of Baccalaureate,
according to the offer of the educational institution.

4 .- Classes for hours at the discretion of 1, 2 and 3, high school course, in the event that the
educational institution proposes a subject linked to computing.

5 .- Classes related to your specialty.

It should be noted that a teacher can dedicate themselves to only one of these activities or to
all of them, depending on the needs of each educational institution. In this sense, it will be the
rector who decides, based on the projects promoted in each establishment (optional subjects,
discretionary hours and school projects), the distribution of the 10 pedagogical hours of each
computer science teacher.
Ministry Undersecretariat of Educational
of Fundamentals

In addition to the aforementioned activities for accounting for their teaching hours, the
computer science teacher must schedule training for teachers of other specialties that
guarantee digital updating, for 10 hours of work outside the classroom.

Renovated by:

"In addition to the aforementioned activities for accounting for their teaching hours, the
computer science teacher must schedule training for teachers of other specialties that
guarantee their digital updating, and manage the use of the services of the Educar Ecuador
Portal for the members of the educational community, in their work hours outside the
classroom." Source: Circular No. MINEDUC-VE-2016-00002-C Quito, DM, September 2, 2016

Freddy Peñafiel Larrea

Vice Minister of Education

19. Is there a limit of skills that should go into each unit?

The team of area and sublevel/level teachers distributes the skills in the three grades or courses,
therefore there is no limit on the number of DCDs that must make up each unit.

20. If the desirable learnings are not covered in previous years, to be covered in subsequent years,
does that mean that in the third year of BGU, we must cover all the learnings not achieved?

Desirable learning are those that can be transferred from a proposed sublevel to the next sublevel
so that they can be developed by the students. However, if these learnings move to the next
sublevel, they become essential, that is, they cannot be transferred from sublevel to sublevel
indefinitely and Even worse, accumulate all the desirable learning so that it can be developed in

The decision to transfer learning from one sublevel to another is made in the PCI and not during
the school year.

21. To carry out the Curricular Reform, has coordination with national universities been taken into
account? As?

Yes, the articulation with national universities has been taken into account, because there are two
types of basic learning: essential and desirable; The essential ones ensure accreditation and
promotion and coordination with higher education. Additionally, Ecuadorian university experts
formed into two groups participated in the construction of the different curricula: one disciplinary
and the other curricular to ensure that the proposal is viable.

22. Are block evaluations going to be taken?

In the 2016 curricular proposal, the skills with performance criteria are organized by blocks,
planning is carried out by teaching unit (PUD), which have different durations and which depend
on the number of skills in each unit. The evaluation is not by blocks, in the partial the skills must
be evaluated with performance criteria that were developed in the didactic units with the

Evaluating means granting a value judgment, its result is feedback for the student and the
teacher, to take the corresponding actions and ensure the achievement of learning, teachers can
use a variety of techniques and instruments: interview, observation, graphic organizers,
organizers of ideas, essays, etc., the structured base test is prescribed in the case of remedial and
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of Fundamentals
grace exams.

23. Will work in Physical Education continue with learning on the move?


LOADS, of mandatory application, there are no longer three hours for learning on the move, but
the contents are included in the Physical Education curriculum.

24. Will the same evaluation matrices continue to be used?

Yes, the same evaluation matrices are still used, it means that the skills are evaluated with
performance criteria that have been developed in the didactic unit, it is no longer evaluated by
curricular blocks.

25. How many weeks of work does a unit cover?

1. A teaching unit has a different duration.

2. It depends on the number of skills with performance criteria it contains.

3. The number is different for each unit.

4. In the partial, the skill must be evaluated with performance criteria that you managed to

26. Does the new Curriculum propose which high school will work with the methodology and
approach of Initial Education, this means that for planning and work in the classroom we base
ourselves on the Implementation Guide of the Initial Curriculum?

For Initial it is based on the 2014 Initial Curriculum.

For High School it is based on the 2016 integrative Curriculum and the Learning Guide for this
For both sublevels, micro-curricular planning is based on learning experiences and the
methodology of play-work and learning corners.

27. Why is the subject of Physics located in the area of Natural Sciences and not in the area of

The subject of Physics is located in the area of Natural Sciences and not in the area of
Mathematics because it corresponds to the focus of the area of Natural Sciences.

28. The processes of analysis and reflection are the most used, mainly in Social Sciences, they
require time, so why did the workload decrease?
Because the area of Cultural and Artistic Education was created, others such as Physical Education
and, above all, Entrepreneurship and Management were expanded; in addition to the
intensification of the foreign language area. This implies opening spaces for these new learnings.
The adjustment of the workload, it is important to know, was not only carried out by the area of
Social Sciences but also by others, such as Language and Literature or Natural Sciences, for
Ministry Undersecretariat of Educational
of Fundamentals
29. What is the specific purpose of the change in the curriculum? What do you want to achieve with
the students?

That learning is enhanced considering their real cognitive, family, socioeconomic, cultural,
community, local needs and conditions, etc., to organize, prioritize and intensify learning based on
those parameters (hence the open and flexible part); Furthermore, considering that nothing is
learned at specific times in the short term, but rather in the medium and long terms (hence the
organization by sublevels).

30. Since the curriculum is flexible, wouldn't there be inequity in learning in educational

Flexible does not imply that learning is dispensed with, without organizing, prioritizing and
intensifying both essential and desirable learning. We must not forget that all learning is
mandatory, as is the entire national curriculum, but, certainly, there are learning whose
development can be mitigated in relation to others that can and should be promoted with greater
emphasis. For example: I dedicate a brief space to the Crimean War, but I develop with greater
intensity the liberal revolution, or the oil decade, etc.

31. Why was it removed from the Citizenship Education curriculum in third year of high school?

It has not been removed from the curriculum, at all. It was just relocated. Now it will be worked
on in the First and Second Years of Baccalaureate (before it was in the Second and Third Years).
What's more, it has been re-empowered, presenting its skills with performance criteria and the
learning contained in them at the levels of critical thinking, because it is focused on analysis and
reflection from the perspective of political science, overcoming the legalistic and focused on the
norms of positive law. Now we are looking not for a citizen who mechanically complies with the
norms of social and political coexistence, but who observes and complies with them, basing his
decision on a rational understanding of them and, above all, contextualizing them within the
social processes to which they are subject. refer and from which they arise.

32. Should the specific objectives be created by the teachers or should they be copied from the

They must be created by teachers considering the distribution they have made of the skills with
performance criteria in each of the years of the sublevel, in their sequencing and, above all, in the
organization they make in the unit plans.

33. What happened to Geography if it is also part of Social Sciences?

Geography is clearly established in the EGB in the disciplinary block “Human beings in space”;
From now on, in the BGU, it is always worked transversally, since no economic, historical, social,
cultural, etc. process can do without its spatial contextualization; Furthermore, geography must
be approached considering its object of study inextricably linked to human processes, to the
extent that space is a construction dependent on the processes of development and interference
of humanity on it: migrations, urbanism, exploitation of resources, climate change, etc.

34. What do you mean when you say that the curriculum is open and flexible?

Open: because teachers, considering the conditions, needs, vision, institutional mission, etc., can
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of Fundamentals
include or add skills or learning that take into account those conditions and needs expressed in
some demand of the institution or the locality where it is located. is located. Flexible: because
learning must be organized, prioritized, mitigated or intensified considering the real cognitive,
family, socioeconomic, cultural, community, local needs and conditions, etc., to organize,
prioritize, mitigate and intensify learning based on those parameters.

35. Why is the curriculum we have a model of other countries? There are topics that do not agree
with reality, nor with the intellectual age of the students. What can we do?

Absolutely. Quite the opposite: if you review, for example, the area of Social Sciences, you can see
that learning focused on our most fundamental social, economic, philosophical, cultural, etc.
demands has been prioritized and re-empowered: interculturality, plurinationality, gender vision ,
indigenous peoples and nationalities, Afro-Ecuadorian community, Latin American philosophy,
including Sumak Kawsay as a category of philosophical analysis in construction, etc., history of
Latin America, economics applied to the analysis of national reality, etc.

36. How is transdisciplinarity included in the area of Social Sciences?

Relating the concepts and categories of analysis of each of the different social sciences when
analyzing human problems, so that students learn that historical, ideological, economic, political,
etc. processes must be faced from all perspectives, since they are the product of multiple causes.
Thus, interdisciplinarity is linked to multicausality, for example. And emphasizing that each
category, in turn, is susceptible to linking with the others, in the desire to overcome that
traditional nineteenth-century positivist vision of the compartmentalization, even atomized,
excessively specialized, of science.

37. What is the purpose of the curriculum change?

Add and enhance learning considering the real cognitive, family, socioeconomic, cultural,
community, local needs and conditions, etc., of the students and the educational community, to
include, organize, prioritize and intensify learning based on those parameters. (hence the open
and flexible thing); Furthermore, considering that nothing is learned at specific times in the short
term, but rather in the medium and long terms (hence the organization by sublevels).

b. Planning

38. What are the official planning documents that the teacher must present?

The PCA and the Unity Plan.

39. Are the authorities obliged to respect the decisions of teachers regarding the management of
planning with the PUD?
Yes, as long as they are aligned to the PCI to the PCA and comply with the minimum elements
described in the instructions for curricular planning, which can be downloaded from: downloads/2016/07/Instructivo-para- curricular-

Regarding planning by DCD

40. Would the achievement indicators be the criterion indicators, which are found in the guide?
The evaluation of the 2016 Curriculum is based on evaluation criteria that have their respective
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of Fundamentals
evaluation indicators that are given by sublevel. The achievement indicators are formed from the
disaggregation of the evaluation indicators found in the evaluation criteria matrices.

41. Where do I find an example of annual planning for 3 BGUs of Biology and Chemistry?
The implementation guide for the CCNN area exemplifies the PCA for the first year, which can
serve as an example to prepare the PCA for the second and third years. This guide can be
downloaded from the MinEduc institutional page.

42. Will the teacher teach the same topic in the first, second and third years of BGU? (same skill)
The same skill with performance criteria can be treated in the three courses if the teaching team
deems it necessary, adapting the level of complexity. Otherwise, a skill can be developed in one or
two courses. It all depends on the group of students, their needs and their context. This decision
to distribute skills by courses must be made in the PCI.

43. In order to carry out the construction of the PCA, must we have the PCI ready? Should the IE
have the PEI, build the PCI to prepare the PCA, when does it do it? In what time?
Indeed, it is necessary for the educational institution to first have the PCI to start from this
planning and prepare its PCA.
It is necessary to clarify that the educational institution must plan the PEI, PCI, PCA. The only
planning that has a specific format and that must be uploaded to the educational portal is the
PCA. As of now (November 2016) there is no specific date to upload this document. Both the PCI
and the PCA must be worked on throughout the year. Ideally, these documents should be planned
before the start of the school year.

44. Is the GWP per year or sublevel?

It is by grade (in Basic General Education) and by course (in Unified General Baccalaureate).

45. It was mentioned that with the evaluation indicators you can already plan, but how to do it if
the Annual Plan asks for the title of the unit and this is not included in the evaluation
The teaching team organized by sublevel and by areas will distribute the DCDs and group them
into teaching units, considering their complexity, relevance and interrelation.
Perhaps there is confusion regarding evaluation criteria matrices and evaluation indicators. The
evaluation criteria matrices can be considered as didactic units, since they already bring together
skills with common themes, and they also present their evaluation indicators directly.

46. It is stated that it must be planned taking into account the objectives. But education by
objectives is almost forgotten because it is not functional
It is necessary to clarify that for the annual planning (PCA), which is carried out by grades and
courses, the objectives of the sublevel will be taken into account to disaggregate them according
to the corresponding grade or course, since it is essential to establish the scope of what is
planned. .

47. Please make an example of planning in a practical way in the CC.NN Area
An example of didactic unit planning for different grades in which CCNN is taught can be
evidenced in the curriculum implementation guide for this area, which can be downloaded. of
the following link:

48. I am in Physical Education and when reviewing the implementation guide with the curriculum, I
realized that the blocks are not the same, so how do I plan? What document should I rely on?
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of Fundamentals
In the Initial and Preparatory Sublevels the sports block does not exist, this sports block is from
the Middle Sublevel onwards. It is the only difference that exists in blocks:

Sub Level Sublevel Medium Sublevel Baccalaureate

Preparatory Elementary Sublevel Superior
Playful Practices
x x x x x
x x x x x
Practice Block
x x x x x
Body Practices
Sports Practices
x x x
Construction of
x x x x x
the Identity
between practices x x x x x
body and health

The Physical Education Guide is just an example, the formation and creation of the teaching units
and the distribution of the DCD will depend on the context, the need and the reality of the
educational institution, and will have to be carried out with all the teachers in the area. in the
preparation of the PCA.

49. Can we continue with previous skill-based planning formats?

Please refer to the planning instructions in which the minimum elements of planning by unit, not
by skills, are specified and in which formats are suggested.

50. Do I need to plan daily? Do I need to send this to the ministry?

If the educational institution has decided to carry out lower-level planning, that is, daily planning,
then teachers must do it, otherwise not. You only have to reach the planning by teaching unit
In the event that a lower hierarchy planning than the PUD is carried out, it is not necessary to
send or upload to the MINeduc platform, only in the case of successful experiences it can be
shared in the CEL.
It is necessary to clarify that the only planning that has a specific format and that uploads to the
system is the PCA.

51. At BT, with what planning do we do it?

Review the 2016 Curriculum Planning instructions, which can be downloaded from the following
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of Fundamentals
52. Should the Academic Board be made up of each area to structure the PCI?
Indeed, Ministerial Agreement 060 A 2016 establishes that the Academic Board will be made up
of several members, including a coordinator from each Technical Pedagogical Commission (...)
The Technical Pedagogical Commissions will be made up of teachers from each sublevel and/or
level (one from each disciplinary area) or by teachers from the same disciplinary area (one from
each sublevel or level) and/or professional figure, according to the needs of the institution,
designated by the Academic Board.

53. If the blocks are no longer planning units. What are the planning units?
The teaching team organized by sublevel and by areas will distribute the DCD by grades and
courses, grouping them into teaching units, considering their complexity, relevance and

54. How to organize the subject into planning units?

The teaching team organized by sublevel and by areas will distribute the DCD by grades and
courses, grouping them into teaching units, considering their complexity, relevance and

55. What about planning class periods or hours according to the DCD?
If the educational institution has decided to carry out lower-level planning, that is, daily or class
planning, then teachers must do it, otherwise not. They only have to reach the planning by
teaching unit (PUD).

56. How should electives be planned?

According to the institutional context and student requirements, referring to the minimum
elements described in the planning instructions.

57. When microplanning is developed, are the performance criteria unique for the entire year or
are they detailed in each unit?
The evaluation criteria are detailed in each unit.

58. Who prepares the PCI and how or who chooses them?
Review Ministerial Agreement 060 A 2016 corresponding to the Academic Board.

59. The Academic Board, who elects it?

Review Ministerial Agreement 060 A 2016 corresponding to the Academic Board.

60. Should Annual Curriculum Planning be done from the initial level?
No, it starts at the Preparatory sublevel with learning experiences and from the second grade
onwards the PCA must be prepared.

61. The Chemistry guidelines still do not separate Physics from Chemistry. It is not clear what topics
will be covered in Chemistry.
There are differentiated curricula for the subjects of Chemistry and Physics for the Baccalaureate
level. It is the responsibility of the teaching team that teaches each subject in Baccalaureate to
distribute the DCDs for the three courses and group them into teaching units, considering their
complexity, relevance and interrelation.
Ministry Undersecretariat of Educational
of Fundamentals
62. Should students' social problems exist in one of the plans, where there are one, two or three
objectives, or can objectives dedicated to that be added?

Social problems belong to the context and must be identified in both the PEI and the PCI, to start
from this analysis and propose projects or strategies that allow them to be addressed and
contribute to a possible solution.

63. How can I make a plan with curricular adaptation for 8th year of EGB for a student who does
not know how to read and write; The DECE tells me that I have to teach him 2nd EGB subject to
read and write?

Review Ministerial Agreement 295-13

64. Who are in charge of preparing school projects?

The teachers.

65. Why do more people sign up for the BGU and not the Technical Baccalaureate, knowing that a
technician has job offers, when they obtain the BGU no company will see that they are fair,
innovative and supportive?

The values of justice, innovation and solidarity are typical of a competent citizen to
exercise their rights and responsibilities in society, regardless of the type of high school
they have chosen. Technical training is a complement to the comprehensive training that
seeks to develop in students, and its choice depends on the individual's vocation and
Review Ministerial Agreements 081-A and 082-A of August 2016.
66. Why do Universities review the books today, if the evaluation entities are INEVAL, SENESCYT,
and these mentioned give the last word at the national level in all evaluations?

Universities are the instances that have professional disciplinary and pedagogical personnel
trained to review texts in those areas that are their expertise. Both INEVAL and SENESCYT have
other functions, for example INEVAL carries out the external evaluation of the educational system
in accordance with current regulations.

67. Of the topics that are as blocks in the levels, can the 6 units be taken according to our criteria,
and how many teaching units must be carried out for the year?

Teachers can organize their teaching units according to their technical criteria, based on the
needs of the students and the context.
There is no specific number of teaching units established from the Central Plant.

68. Depending on the workload, if the students are low in mathematics and language, can I take 2
hours of physical culture since there are 5 hours?

No, schedule changes can only be made between instrumental subjects, that is, between
Language and Literature, Mathematics and Foreign Language.

69. Can the desirable and the essential ones be repeated in each upper basic year in the annual

Yes, according to the distribution that was made in the PCI and the grading of the content that
must be evidenced in the PCA.
Ministry Undersecretariat of Educational
of Fundamentals
70. Does the lesson plan disappear then?

If the educational institution has decided to carry out lower-level planning, that is, daily or class
planning, then teachers must do it, otherwise not. They only have to reach the planning by
teaching unit (PUD).

71. Was the skills plan that was used until the previous PCA and PUD eliminated?

Currently, it must be planned by teaching unit and not by skill plan.

72. Is the PCA and PUD of the Scientific Club and Artistic Club made?

No, refer to Instructions for school projects 04-09-2015

73. Is the same teaching unit planning format used for learning experiences?

Review Ministerial Agreement No. MINEDUC-ME-2015-00168-A of 01-12-2015, Instructions for

curricular planning for the National Education System.

74. When will the planning department deliver the plans, will the specialized people carry them out
and do the teachers apply or adjust them?

Planning is the responsibility of teachers or work committees, review Ministerial Agreement 2016-

75. Why did the Citizenship Education subject go from 4 to 2 hours, and the contents are more
extensive? Will we move forward to comply with everything?

Refer to Ministerial Agreement 2016-00020-A

76. Isn't it understandable that each teacher disaggregates the objectives, contents, etc. for your
year, if everything is already chosen in the books you have already printed?

The textbooks have a proposal for general disaggregation of DCD without considering particular
contexts or needs, therefore these inputs must be used to support the teaching and learning
processes. Teachers have the obligation to prepare their plans and use the text according to the
teacher's plan, not the other way around.

77. If we are going to plan by teaching units. Why are skills by blocks proposed in the curriculum

In the 2016 Curriculum, the curricular blocks group together a certain group of skills with a
common thematic axis, therefore their presentation has organizational purposes. Teachers of
each sublevel, grade/course must distribute the DCDs of different blocks by grade and course,
package them and form the teaching units.

78. Reviewing the Physical Education curriculum, you can see that there are 6 blocks. But two of
them must be taught in all blocks; So is it 4 blocks or 6 blocks?

There are 4 blocks and the 2 are transversal. Read the 2016 curriculum document.

79. By increasing the workload of Physical Education to 5 hours. My work day is complete. When do
I prepare for the different teams organized by the Student Sports Federation?

The teacher must complete 30 pedagogical hours to work on the corresponding curriculum.

The activities organized by the Student Sports Federation are extracurricular.

Ministry Undersecretariat of Educational
of Fundamentals
80. Should solidarity, justice and entrepreneurship be taken into account in the transversal axes?

The exit profile of the Ecuadorian high school is defined based on three fundamental values:
justice, innovation and solidarity and establishes, around them, a set of capabilities and
responsibilities that students must acquire as they move through the E.G. B and B. g. OR.

The transversal axes are those of “Good living”

1. The formation of a democratic citizenship. (universal values)
2. The environmental protection.
3. Health care and recreational habits of students.
4. Sexual education in young people.
5. Interculturality.
To establish the transversal axes that the educational institution wishes to work on, the values or
themes of local interest can be selected.

81. When entering the platform, can I send a plan for teachers of the first, another for second and
another for third parties, not individuals?

It is mandatory to upload the annual plans of the teaching teams to the Educar Ecuador platform.

82. If the books come with specific content that takes into account a group of skills, how can the
Academic Board intervene?
The textbooks are only a reference, the teams of area and sublevel teachers distribute the skills
for the three grades or courses, there is no limit on the number for each unit, the skills can be
graded according to the context and needs. of the students.

83. In the case of the name of the didactic unit, what would be an example if the content contained
in the text is not discussed, would it be, for example, the skills according to the five axes that
appear in the curriculum?

1. The skills for the sublevel are distributed for the three grades or courses (except high school)
then they are grouped by affinity with the content and form a unit.
2. A teaching unit has a different duration, depending on the number of skills it contains, the
number is different for each unit.
3. The essential learning must be covered at the sublevel and the decision must be made
regarding the desirable learning.
4. Skills can be graded by content, level of depth, thinking ability.
5. The name of the unit is given by the teachers of the work teams, related to the content of the
skills, it is specific for each institution. They do not necessarily have to follow the curricular
proposal of the text.

84. Will you send the teacher guides to the Districts?

Yes, the teaching guides of the texts will be sent to the Districts so that they can be sent to the IE.


86. Are the texts going to facilitate them?

All texts will be provided to students according to a schedule established by the

Undersecretary of School Administration. The 10th EGB Language and Literature text will be
Ministry Undersecretariat of Educational
of Fundamentals
delivered as soon as it is available.

There are no texts for the subjects of Cultural and Artistic Education and Physical Education

87. Are there English texts for 8th, 9th, 10th, 1st and 2nd BGU?

If distributed this way.

Degree book level

8th A1.1
9th A1.2
10th A2.1
1st A2.2
2nd and 3rd B1.1

88. Is the B1.1 text only for 2nd BGU or is it also for 3rd BGU, or maybe there will be a new text for
3rd BGU?

This year (2016-2017 in Sierra) both courses will use the same text and the same level, next year,
BGU 3rd will use the B1.2 level book

89. When do we receive the teacher's guides?

The teacher's guides will be sent according to a schedule established by the Undersecretary of
School Administration.

90. We would like you to help us with pedagogical documents for the theory of knowledge subject

The National Curriculum Directorate has not planned “The theory of knowledge” as an optional
subject, therefore we do not have these inputs.

91. Are Cultural and Artistic Education texts going to be delivered?

It won't be done.

92. Are the texts going to arrive? And if they don't, can students be asked to print them?

They cannot request printing, because the cost of printing is higher than its printing value.

93. How will we work if students and teachers do not have the texts? Should the students print the
texts until they receive them?

The students' texts can be found by entering:

Select the texts that correspond to the 2016 Curriculum.

From then on and until completing the Unified General Baccalaureate, students will receive texts
that will contribute to the development of learning in the areas of Natural Sciences, Social
Sciences, Language and Literature, Mathematics and Foreign Language-English.
Ministry Undersecretariat of Educational
of Fundamentals
Teachers will receive teaching guides that will make it easier for them to enrich the teaching and
learning processes based on the content of the students' text, allowing them to develop research
and learning processes beyond the classroom.

This material must constitute support for teaching and learning processes that, to meet their goal,
must be guided by teachers and led by students. In no way are they essential elements in
classroom work.

94. Why are the History texts not prepared for 1st, 2nd and 3rd year of Baccalaureate?
The student texts are found on the MinEduc institutional page, at the following link:

95. When will the text page be enabled because it doesn't open?
The page is fully functional.

96. Will there be text for communication techniques?

The National Curriculum Directorate has not planned “Communication Techniques” as an optional
subject, however the subject “creative writing” does exist. It is necessary to clarify that texts will
not be sent for students of those elective subjects.

97. Will the books that are delivered agree to the DCD applied or disaggregated?
The students' texts present a proposal of skills with performance criteria disaggregated in a
general way without considering the context or the needs of the EI, hence the importance of
using the text as a support input in the teaching and learning processes.

98. Is there a planning guide text for the area of cultural and artistic education for EGB (8th, 9th and
10th grade)?
The curriculum implementation guide for the area of cultural and artistic education is available on
the MinEduc institutional page, which shows clear examples of meso- and microcurricular
planning by educational sublevel.

99. The texts on Education for citizenship and entrepreneurship and management?
The student texts are found on the MinEduc institutional page, at the following link:

d. Observations

100. Why are the guides and books for Language and Literature for the Upper Basic and
Baccalaureate not found on the web?

Guides for teachers will be distributed throughout the Districts.

The students' texts can be found by entering the following page

101. It's good that, although late, they realized the obstruction that the Curriculum had.
The curricula of the different subjects were functional in the time and space in which they were
created and applied, however, as it is a country educational project, it was necessary to evaluate
Ministry Undersecretariat of Educational
of Fundamentals
and adjust them in certain cases or change them, as in CCNN and CCSS, depending on the of
current needs.

102. What is the work day?

Refer to AGREEMENT No. MINEDUC-ME-2015-00099-A

103. What happens if a student changes educational institution?

Nothing new happens, just as in previous years, the student must be leveled.

104. Until what date can the PCA be uploaded to the platform?
Because it is in the implementation stage, there is no set date.

105. At the beginning of the talk it was said that both students from private and public
institutions will reach the same level; As?; With outdated material or without material?; With
more than 40 students per classroom?; With students who in reality often have nothing to eat?
The curriculum of the different subjects addresses the desirable and essential basic learning that
has been structured in such a way as to guarantee its development by students from fiscal,
private, municipal, and trustee institutions, precisely considering the limitations of the most
vulnerable groups. Without a doubt, the resources and other inputs that they have and
differentiate the EIs, especially private and fiscal, will allow the former to surpass the basic
learning, but in any case these institutions will have equally achieved the basic learning.

106. It would be good for this conference and its exemplification to be held in each institution.
Since only the head of the area goes and replicates, the essence of the knowledge is lost.
Strongly agree. Suggestion that will be accepted.

107. As long as the socio-economic situation, the number of students, the appropriate material,
and laboratories that private institutions have are not taken into account, public institutions
will not reach the same level. How will we do it?
I totally agree that the inputs and other resources are necessary to implement the national
curricula, therefore it is a priority of MIinEduc through the Undersecretary of School
Administration to comply with the projects and schedules established for the improvement of
infrastructure at the national level and evaluate what remains to be established. What is essential
at this time, with the deficiencies found, is the teacher's actions in the classroom, by applying an
appropriate methodology and generating methodological strategies aimed at achieving learning
results, despite the obvious limitations in certain cases.

108. Do the Being a Bachelor evaluations evaluate the criteria of all the sublevels or only the high
school sublevel?
The Ser Bachiller evaluation measures the knowledge achieved by students, after an entire
process that includes the levels and sublevels of the educational system.

109. The PDF files of the books and CDs for eighth grade students are now available, it is possible
to tell the children to download them themselves
Of course, children can download them, but they cannot be required to print them because their
cost is high.

110. How do we get the password and username to enter the teaching portfolio since we have
not received it?
Request ICT support from the corresponding Educational District.
Ministry Undersecretariat of Educational
of Fundamentals
111. Will there be a different evaluation regarding unfinished extraordinary education?

It is the same, only it is differentiated based on the workload.

112. The books for the elementary and middle sublevels, how many years will they be valid, or
will they be changed?
They are valid for three years, during which time minimal adjustments can be made.

113. What happened to the texts that do not open and are compressed, guide books?
All student texts can be easily downloaded from the MinEduc institutional page. The teachers' guides
will not be uploaded to the page, they will be sent to you physically.

114. How long will this supposed new curriculum last?

As long as it is functional. There are no established dates. It is necessary to remember that the
curriculum is a country's educational project and its relevance in the current time and space must be


115. How many standards are there for a foreign language?

In a foreign language, the standards used for teaching a foreign language are those existing in the
Common European Framework of Reference for languages. The CEFR proposes descriptors that
specify levels worldwide, which measure a user's knowledge from the beginning level A1 to the
advanced level C2. These descriptors were taken for the development of the curriculum and allow
for sequence and equity in the learning of a foreign language in the country. These descriptors
were subdivided to be studied during all the school years of EGB and BGU.

116. Do English teachers have material to work with 1st EGB?

Yes, high school teachers (1st EGB) will receive a CD of songs and chants that will allow them to
introduce the English language. It is necessary to remember that on the Ministry's website there
is a high school implementation guide and a downloadable CD of songs. However, the teacher will
not receive a text because he or she will only have to enter the language, and will be able to use
the help of the institution's English teachers.

117. When will we have the English material?

School textbooks are distributed throughout the territory according to a schedule established by
the Undersecretary of School Administration.

118. What does it correspond to or what part of the curriculum should I take to complete the
skills and performance criteria part or are they created by the teacher?
Ministry Undersecretariat of Educational
of Fundamentals
The skills (Skills) that must be taken for planning must be taken from matrix 3 in each curriculum
of each sublevel (evaluation criteria matrix), since in this matrix the skills are condensed by
evaluation criteria. evaluation and the indicator that evaluates this criterion.

119. Planning Examples

In the following link you can find some examples of planning, obviously there is no example by
sublevel or by grade and course, but those that are on the page can serve as a guide to carry out
your own planning, as well as in the instructions.

120. If each level ends after 3 years, how can it be sequenced if the teachers are changed every
school year, that is, an English teacher must be there for 3 years consecutively?

No, the teacher will not be with the same group for 3 years consecutively, this is where the
importance of planning lies: PCI, PCA and micro planning, since the following year the teachers
who take on a new group will be guided by the planning made this year .

121. Should the portfolio (can) be made in English?

This issue is the responsibility of INEVAL because it must be consulted directly with them.

122. How will educational standards be evaluated in students who are currently in basic
secondary education and have never received English?

This issue is a concern of INEVAL, but we know that an evaluation has not been planned since we
are at the beginning of the curriculum implementation process.

123. Have you ever asked if ordinary Ecuadorians want to learn to speak English? Please don't
tell me motivation.

As is known worldwide, learning one or more languages opens up infinite possibilities to the
student in various areas; educational, professional, economic, cultural.

In the educational field, speaking another language allows a person to access quality education in
foreign countries, which require mastery of the national language as a requirement. In the case of
students who decide to study in the country, the foreign language allows them to research
documents necessary for their career in a foreign language.

In the professional field, it is known that the employer gives priority to a person who masters
other languages since it will be useful for their business. At the same time you can access to work

In the economic sphere, it is related to the previous point, since by being able to find a job that
privileges the use of foreign languages, you have a better economic remuneration (this does not
apply to certain positions in our country).

Finally, in the cultural field, being able to master one or more languages gives an incredible
advantage to students since they can learn more about the culture of other countries (in complete
Ministry Undersecretariat of Educational
of Fundamentals
immersion or in their own research) knowing that when talking about culture we are talking about
everyone. its components such as history, literature, arts, etc.

English is considered a basic language to interact in different areas with foreign people.

124. With respect to Foreign Language, is it the same planning format or does it vary at some

The elements of foreign language planning are the same as in other areas, the reference formats
are the same, only they will be translated into English or French. This particular is stipulated with
an asterisk in the planning instructions.

125. In English, all the skills linked to all years and levels are handled. How do we separate them?

The process of skill distribution is the same as that done in other areas. Taking the curriculum of
each sublevel, they are distributed according to the grade or course to which these skills are
directed. These skills can be worked on in a single year (depending on the group) or they can be
worked on during the three years of the sublevel.

126. How many years will the books for the elementary and middle sublevels be valid or will they
be changed?

Each year from now on, a new level will be included so students will use a new book each year.

127. English teachers do not have material to work with 1st grade, CDs, texts.

In reality, for high school there is a curriculum adapted to the needs of high school children. This
document includes the skills that children must acquire, knowing that the teacher will give “a
taster” of the language so a text is not needed. However, it is planned to provide a CD of songs
and songs that will be useful for working in class.

128. For this new curriculum, do you work by lesson plan with the ERCA or the 3PPP?

In the institution, the academic board will establish the need to work on other types of planning if
necessary. As a Ministry, it is proposed to work on 3: PCI (institutional curricular plan), PCA
(Annual curricular plan) and PUD (unit plan), with it being mandatory for teachers to upload the
PCA to the CEL.

129. The book has 6 units. If the book is for a sublevel, should I work on two units per year?

In the case of grades/courses that use the same book, it is the teacher who decides which
exercises are decided or adapted for each group. It is evident that they will not finish the entire
book, however they will use what is useful and necessary for the grade/course.

130. If I have classes from 2nd to 7th, how many planning forms should I submit or can I submit only
one form?

The annual PCA planning is prepared for each grade or course, it cannot be done just one since
the teacher must adapt what is planned to each school year. If you have two or more degrees or
courses of the same level, you can submit a single plan.
Ministry Undersecretariat of Educational
of Fundamentals
131. There are English teachers who only give 2 hours to complete the 1st to 7th grade workload
of 3 hours. What should be done?

Agreement 020-A establishes the hours assigned to each sublevel; however, if the institution does
not have the human material to meet the needs of the entire institution, it may reduce hours of
English, but it may not completely eliminate the subject. According to the workload, the teacher
will plan taking into account the objectives and skills with the most important performance
criteria that help him reach a real teaching objective.

132. In the PCA do all the threads have to be developed in each unit?

The teaching-learning of a foreign language requires the joint work of all the macro-skills, so it will
be necessary to work on all the threads in each unit.

133. How could the current workload allow us to reach the objectives set for each sublevel?

The workload is not a problem for teachers who are motivated and passionate about their
profession. It is necessary to consider that the proposed objectives could not be met immediately
since we are in the implementation stage, starting from 2nd to 7th grade and almost finishing
from 8th to 3rd grade, so certain results cannot yet be obtained. However, we have the firm
conviction that these objectives can be achieved as long as teachers, students and the Ministry
work together to do so.

134. Does the Unit or microcurricular plan have to be delivered every week?

There is no established time to work on each unit plan, since the teacher and the students have a
unique rhythm to work; some will be able to finish a unit without problems in a week but for
others it may take much longer.

135. Why is the grammatical part not included in the planning?

No, it is not included in the planning since all grammar and vocabulary work will be implicitly
working on the skills to be developed with each group. The teacher can include in each skill the
grammatical reference that will be needed, but it will not be included in a separate column to
precisely avoid losing the communicative objective of the curriculum.

136. Starting next year, the plans will be implemented, so how will we work this year?

This year, since it is a year of implementation and appropriation of the curriculum, it is not
mandatory to have all the plans on time, but the teaching group necessarily needs to work on the
PCA since it is their work base for this school year. The delivery date for the same to the Ministry
was extended.

137. Why do teachers require the B2 level when the project is just going to be implemented?

The national curriculum is a country project that is in operation and used in all institutions in the
mountain region and next year on the coast. It is evident and logical that teachers must certify
their level of English in order to perform the role of foreign language teacher, it is an essential
Ministry Undersecretariat of Educational
of Fundamentals
138. Why are two hours eliminated in high school if it is supposed to be more hours to achieve
the knowledge of previous years?

The readjustment that was made in the hours of English is a long-term decision, since we consider
that the students who enter the 2nd year of EGB this year will learn throughout the course of
their education and when they arrive at BGU they will simply need to make use of of their
knowledge. It is true that for students who are currently in higher courses it represents a
“inconvenience” but it is the teacher who will decide which skills will be the most useful to
acquire in the time they have to work. Let us remember that the quality of teaching does not
always mean the number of hours.

139. Should the plans be developed in English or Spanish? Are codes necessary?

In English and yes, it is very necessary to always have the codes since they will be used to know
what skills were developed in that year and what will need to be worked on the next.

140. Can students print the book worksheets until the books are delivered?

As long as it is not in colors and does not represent an immense expense for parents, it is
necessary to remember that, even if it is late, students will receive the material they need to

141. How are curricular adaptations established for the English subject?

The entire process will take place within the institution which, at first, will establish in the PCI the
students and the special needs that the institution will face. In a second moment, with the help of
the DECE, a diagnosis of the student will be established that will serve to inform the teachers who
will work with the student or students. Together (DECE and teachers) they will decide the
contents that can be worked on with these students. In the case of English, they can work with
certain skills that can be acquired or lower the student's level of work. This work will be included
in the annual PCA planning in the curricular adaptations box and the description of the work to be
carried out. It is important to consider that you must work together to achieve the objectives. If
the need is even more complex than normal, additional help may be requested from the UDAHI
who will provide the necessary help to the teacher.

142. How will the subject of English be worked on in education for young people and adults?

There is already a curriculum intended for this group of students adapted to their learning pace
that is in the process of validation.

143. Why aren't English teachers people with the profile to work on their subject? Although since
2014 the Ministry of Education has asked teachers of the subject of English to obtain a B2 level
according to the Common European Framework of Reference for languages, currently there is still
sufficient demand for teachers who comply with this requirement, therefore requirement, makes
it difficult to have the number of teachers necessary for this implementation, which will be done

144. How do you intend to create an improved profile, without taking into account the English
subject with a full course load?

Although it is true that the workload in the third year of Baccalaureate was reduced from 5 hours
Ministry Undersecretariat of Educational
of Fundamentals
to 3 hours, it is necessary to specify that the English subject from the preparatory sublevel has a
workload designed for the learning of this language on a continuous basis, allowing for obtaining
future vision of students who reach a B1.2 level (competent user).

Students who are currently in the third year of high school have fewer teaching hours, but it
compensates for the fact that the teacher chooses the skills with the most appropriate
performance criteria to reach a higher level of learning without setting the B1 level as an
objective.2 , since in this case it will depend on the group of students.

AND. Various questions

145. Has the successful Finnish model been taken into account when developing the curriculum?
The curricular adjustment was carried out based on the context and needs of the country, based
on research on the application of the curriculum in different countries.

146. When do they deliver the 8th grade Language and Literature books to us? 9th. And 10th. of
EGB to students and teaching guides?

The texts in the area of Language and Literature for eighth, ninth and tenth grades are being
delivered in the territory according to the planning of the Undersecretary of School
The eighth, ninth and tenth teaching guides are in the process of being prepared by the authors.

147. Do the transversal axes go or not in the annual planning?

The transversal axes go into the annual planning and are those determined by the educational
institution in accordance with the principles of Good Living and those that are related to the
institutional identity, mission and context; as detailed in the Curriculum Planning Instructions for
the National Education System.

148. If the curriculum is flexible, why does it give us dates to evaluate?

As determined by article 184 of the General Regulations of the LOEI, evaluation is a continuous
process of observation, assessment and recording of information that evidences the achievement
of student learning objectives, through feedback systems that are aimed at improving the
methodology. teaching and learning results, therefore it is a process that is articulated with the
flexible curriculum.

149. The Language and Literature student text has teaching units, do we have to coordinate with
the unit plan?
The Language and Literature text for the 2016-2017 school year has four units, each unit contains
five curricular blocks: Language and culture, oral communication, reading, writing and literature,
which is a resource for the teacher; However, it does not determine the number of teaching units
that must be planned. Those responsible for constructing the planning number of the didactic
units are the teachers according to the needs of the students and the context.

150. Language planning has 5 units, in my institution we are going to work on 6 units, how can I
separate the units?
The Language and Literature text for the 2016-2017 school year has four units, each unit contains
five curricular blocks (language and culture, oral communication, reading, writing and literature).
If the educational institution has planned to work with six units, ( which is correct) it is suggested:
Select, as part of your PCI and your PCA, together with the sublevel teachers and by areas, the
Ministry Undersecretariat of Educational
of Fundamentals
following curricular elements: objectives, evaluation criteria, skills with performance criteria and
evaluation indicators and build the planning of the didactic units since Teachers are responsible
for the preparation and development of microcurricular planning, without forgetting that the text
for the student is a resource.

151. Was the new curriculum considered to design the platform on which we have to upload the
grades? Since the previous year we had to enter six notes.
In effect, by order of the educational authority, two minimum grades must be uploaded, so the
teacher can carry out activities that may or may not be evaluated, and must upload the grades
obtained to date.

152. What recommendations could you offer us in the event of not having flexibility in time?
Create spaces to establish dialogues with authorities and present the advantages of group work
and interlearning groups.

153. Is it necessary to teach in cursive? Because in some schools it is no longer done.

There is no standardized rule to determine whether or not it is necessary to teach writing in
cursive; the important thing is that students produce written texts in a legible manner, that they
communicate their ideas, thoughts, dreams, concerns in writing and that these texts writings
reach their recipient, that is, they fulfill the communicative function.

154. Do you think these activities can be applied in their entirety in a group of 46 students?
If it can be applied, everything depends on the methodological strategies that the teacher uses
and that these are linked to the needs of the students; To this end, it is suggested to plan specific
activities to work in groups with student leaders, work in pairs, jointly develop achievement
indicators with students, determine evaluation instruments and mainly provide permanent and
quality pedagogical support.

155. What is the difference between evaluation indicators and achievement indicators?
The difference is that the evaluation indicators are descriptions of the learning achievements that
students must achieve in the different sublevels of Basic General Education and at the Unified
General Baccalaureate level. In addition, these indicators can be disaggregated for each EGB
grade. and BGU year; while achievement indicators focus on a single specific short-term skill and
can demonstrate the work development of the skill with performance criteria objectively.

156. In microcurricular planning in the methodological strategies part, is it necessary to use the
Kolb's ERCA method covers four stages of the learning cycle that are very important to structure a
lesson plan, but not to use it in a Microcurricular planning that lasts 4 or 6 weeks.

157. Do we mention years of basic education or grades? Do we still present a skills plan?
Grades of Basic General Education must be mentioned, because the curricular readjustment is
organized by sublevels.

Planning by skills should not be presented, since the 2016 curricular readjustment proposes skills
with performance criteria, which require a systemic and systematic teaching-learning process.
Furthermore, because if the presentation of the skills plan continues, it would be returning to the
2010 curriculum.
Ministry Undersecretariat of Educational
of Fundamentals
158. How can we develop creative writing, knowing that it responds to reading texts?
Creative writing can be developed, because this dimension responds to criteria of enjoyment of
reading through the Literature curricular block. Therefore, it is suggested that the teacher apply
methodological strategies that directly involve the student in the development of their creative
potential and positive attitude towards writing, understanding, appropriation and interaction with
literary texts read or heard. That is, proposing innovative strategies different from the traditional
ones such as writing from copies and dictations.

159. In the evaluation that is in the PUD, is it necessary to locate the activities to be evaluated or
only the technique and the instrument?
It is necessary to locate the elements that are requested, that is, the technique and the

160. Please explain what the two notes are like?

Each semester is made up of three midterms that in turn must be nourished by at least two (2)
inputs or qualifications to rise to the CEL.

161. Who reviews PCA and PUD planning at the institution?

The Academic Board.

162. Is it required to present the PUD?

The PUD should not be uploaded to the CEL platform of the Ministry of Education; However, the
decentralized entity may request it at any time.

163. Can the skills of the contents of 2nd BGU and the skills of 3rd BGU be combined for the PCA
of 3rd BGU in the subject of Entrepreneurship and Management?
In fact, in 2nd BGU as in 3rd BGU, the skills of 1st BGU must be incorporated to advance in the
entrepreneurship project in the last year.

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