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It refers to the chain of narrators who transmitted the hadith from the prophet to the compilar
himself. Various muslim scholars gave the isnad system a scientific form, developed it, and
even tried to make a comparative study to measure the relative value of different isnads

Significance of isnad and matn in determining the authenticity of a tradition with the prophet
of allah provides testimony of the fact that the hadith originated directly from the prophet. A
strong isnad is the one whose transmitters are stanuch muslims, have retentive memories,
and have met one another. All these characteristics of isnad help to determine the
authenticity of a tradition.

It refers to the actual text of the hadith which reports of prophet saying, deed, unspoken
approval etc. various measures were taken to ensure that matn was not forged which
gradually developed into the science of matn analysis and criticisms.

For a hadith to be authentic, the matn must not disagree with the teachings of the holy quran
and other authentic hadiths if the matn does not appeal to common sense, and contains
accurate details of events that occurred after the prophet’s death, this means that the
tradition is not authentic. Where the matn contains expression which are in appropriate to
the personality of the prophet, the hadith is established unauthentic

Structure of a hadith
( It has been related to me by A on the authority of B on the authority of C on the
authority of D (usually a Companion of the Prophet) that Muhammad said.…”)

The prophet said “ if somebody recites the last two ayat of surah al baqarah at night,
that will be sufficient for him’’

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