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Dalja's Spring: The drama tells in a modern and fresh way the challenges that women face in

the professional world. The main couple is adorable and the secondary characters are great.

Delightful Girl Choon Hyang: This is the first drama written by the Hong sisters. Although it has
its moments of comedy, it places more emphasis on impossible love than on the comedy
generated by the scuffles of its protagonists. The main couple has good chemistry and unlike
other dramas I don't get tired of their constant fights. 8/9

Dr. Champ: The cinematography is of great quality and originality for a kdrama. The main
couple is charming beyond belief, and the sporting competitiveness always adds interest to
any story. 7.5/7

-Dream High: Who doesn't like a story about young dreamers who achieve much-deserved
glory through their hard work? If you add to that a group of 6 Kpop idols and a catchy
soundtrack, success is served. 8.5/8

Harvest Villa: This drama has not received the attention it deserves. It is an excellent story that
combines mystery, comedy, and romance in a masterful way. The actors do a wonderful job
bringing their characters to life. 8/9

How to Meet the Perfect Neighbor: It starts off fresh and very soon you identify with the
characters. Although the family ties in the last episodes end up being too confusing, of course
it is part of the plot. 7/6

-I Need Romance: This is a drama like you will not find another among Korean dramas. It
focuses on life, friendship, and romantic relationships in a modern and realistic way, but
without leaving comedy aside. With more kissing and bed scenes than any drama I've seen so
far, I Need Romance is a breath of fresh air on Korean television. 8.5/8.5

-Last Scandal: Excellent comedy and acting. Definitely better than I expected. This story of first
love meeting again in middle age must be seen. 8/8

Love & Marriage: Sweet and entertaining, this drama gives you a sense of warmth in your
heart. Romantic comedy of entanglements and confusion in which a woman lies about her
marital status to find a job. 7/7

-My Girl: Pure magic from the Hong sisters. Bright, vibrant, cheesy, fast-paced and with great
chemistry between the protagonists. You can't help but fall in love with the main characters.

Protect the Boss: Someone told the writers that there is no problem in breaking the
stereotypes that dramas have accustomed us to, and as a result we have a romantic comedy
gem. It is impossible for one to hate the characters, including the villains because they are all
childish and full of flaws. With only a couple of weak chapters towards the end, this drama is a
joy ride 8.5/9

Secret Garden: Great performance. incredible balance between comedy and drama. I also love
stories that mix reality and fiction. 8/8
Soultmate: This story is fun, current and with an independent feel. A shame it didn't have
enough audience and the second season was cancelled. 8/8

The Man Who Can't Get Married: It's a story that I enjoyed and laughed at. Although I wonder
if he wasn't better before so many women changed his life. 7/7

-What's Up, Fox : Delightfully funny and refreshing from screenwriter Kim Sang Soon is this
well-acted, modern love story between an older woman and a young boy. 8/8.5

White Christmas : This 8-episode mini drama is not your typical drama at all. It is a
psychological thriller and it has you waiting for the next episode to happen. The question you
ask is, are monsters (killers) born or made? At the same time, it approaches the adolescent
world and the consequences of the educational system in South Korea. 9/8

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