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1. Theories about the language, its acquisition and its learning: implications for the
teaching of Spanish as a foreign language.
1.1 Theories about language, its acquisition and learning.
1.2 Implications of linguistic theory for the teaching of Spanish.

2. Methodology of teaching Spanish as a foreign language: approaches, activities and

resources. Criteria for selection and use of didactic and authentic materials.
2.1 Approaches, activities and methodological resources.
2.2 Criteria for selection and use of teaching materials.
2.3 Criteria for selection and use of authentic materials.

3. The role of official language schools in European linguistic educational policies. The
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and the European Language
Portfolio as instruments to promote multiculturalism and multilingualism.
3.1 European linguistic educational policies.
3.2 Official language schools as centers of plurilingual and intercultural
3.3 The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
3.4 The European Language Portfolio.

4. The action-oriented approach. Scenarios, projects and tasks: their role in language
learning. Conditions and restrictions of production, reception, interaction and
mediation tasks.
4.1 The action-oriented approach. Scenarios, projects and tasks.
4.2 Conditions and restrictions ofTasks of oral and written
4.3 Conditions and restrictions ofTasks of oral and written
4.4 Conditions and restrictions ofTasks of oral and written
4.5 Conditions and restrictions ofTasks of mediation in its

5. The competence of learning to learn. The role of the teacher in autonomous

learning: guidelines on establishing learning objectives, developing skills and self-
5.1 The competence of learning to learn.
5.2 The role of the teacher in autonomous learning: guidelines on establishing
learning objectives.
5.3 The role of the teacher in autonomous learning: guidelines on the
development of skills. 5.4 The role of the teacher in autonomous learning:
guidelines on self-assessment.
6. Communicative competence in Spanish: definition, analysis of its components and
its gradation in curricular levels.
6.1 Definition of communicative competence.
6.2 Analysis of the components of communicative competence.
6.3 Language learning by competencies.
6.4 Gradation of communicative competence at curricular levels.

7. Communicative activities of oral expression in Spanish. Types and specific

competencies. Planning, execution, monitoring and control strategies.
7.1 Types of communicative activities of oral expression and their specific
7.2 Planning strategies in oral expression activities.
7.3 Execution strategies in oral expression activities.
7.4 Follow-up strategies in oral expression activities.
7.5 Control strategies in oral expression activities.

8. Communicative activities of oral interaction in Spanish. Types and specific

competencies. Planning, execution, monitoring and control strategies.
8.1 Types of communicative activities of oral interaction and their specific
8.2 Planning strategies in oral interaction activities.
8.3 Execution strategies in oral interaction activities.
8.4 Follow-up strategies in oral interaction activities.
8.5 Control strategies in oral interaction activities.

9. Communicative activities of written expression in Spanish. Types and specific

competencies. Planning, execution, monitoring and control strategies.
9.1 Types of communicative activities of written expression and their specific
9.2 Planning strategies in written expression activities.
9.3 Execution strategies in written expression activities.
9.4 Monitoring strategies in written expression activities.
9.5 Control strategies in written expression activities.

10. Communicative activities of written interaction in Spanish. Types and specific

competencies. Planning, execution, monitoring and control strategies.
10.1 Types of communicative activities of written interaction and their specific
10.2 Planning strategies in written interaction activities.
10.3 Execution strategies in written interaction activities.
10.4 Follow-up strategies in written interaction activities.
10.5 Control strategies in written interaction activities.

11. Communicative activities for understanding oral texts in Spanish. Guys. Specific
schemes, competencies and strategies that intervene in understanding.
11.1 Types of communicative activities for understanding oral texts.
11.2 Activation of schemes in listening comprehension activities.
11.3 Oral comprehension skills.
11.4 Strategies involved in the comprehension of oral texts.

12. Communicative activities for understanding texts written in Spanish. Guys. Specific
schemes, competencies and strategies that intervene in understanding.
12.1 Types of communicative activities for understanding written texts.
12.2 Schema activation in reading comprehension activities.
12.3 Competencies specific to reading comprehension.
12.4 Strategies that intervene in the understanding of written texts.

13. Communicative activities of oral mediation. Specific modalities and competencies.

Strategies proper to oral mediation.
13.1 Communicative activities of oral mediation.
13.2 Oral mediation modalities and their specific competencies.
13.3 Strategies proper to oral mediation.

14. Communicative activities of written mediation. Specific modalities and

competencies. Strategies proper to written mediation.
14.1 Communicative activities of written mediation.
14.2 Written mediation modalities and their specific competencies.
14.3 Strategies proper to written mediation.

15. Evaluation for learning. Principles, processes and evaluation instruments for
classification, diagnosis, progress and achievement.
15.1 Evaluation for learning.
15.2 Classification evaluation principles, processes and instruments.
15.3 Diagnostic evaluation principles, processes and instruments.
15.4 Principles, processes and instruments for evaluating progress.
15.5 Principles, processes and instruments for evaluating achievement.

16. The evaluation of the level of proficiency in the Spanish language (1): design of
tasks and writing of items to evaluate competencies in comprehension activities of oral
and written texts.
16.1 General characteristics of the evaluation of the level of proficiency in the
use of the language.
16.2 Design of tasks to evaluate oral comprehension skills.
16.3 Design of tasks to evaluate reading comprehension skills.
16.4 Writing items in oral comprehension tasks.
16.5 Writing items in reading comprehension tasks.

17. Evaluation of the level of proficiency in the Spanish language (2): design of tasks
and preparation of tests to evaluate competencies in oral and written expression and
interaction activities.
17.1 Validity as a quality requirement of the evaluation of the level of
proficiency in the use of the language.
17.2 Design of tasks to evaluate skills in oral expression and interaction.

17.3 Design of tasks to evaluate skills in written expression and interaction.

17.4 Preparation of oral expression and interaction tests.
17.5 Preparation of written expression and interaction tests.

18. Evaluation of the level of proficiency in the Spanish language (3): design of tasks
and preparation of tests to evaluate competencies in oral and written mediation
18.1 Reliability as a quality requirement for the evaluation of the level of
proficiency in the use of the language.
18.2 Design of tasks to evaluate skills in oral mediation.
18.3 Design of tasks to evaluate skills in written mediation.
18.4 Preparation of tests to evaluate the level of mastery in oral mediation.
18.5 Preparation of tests to evaluate the level of mastery in written mediation.

19. The evaluation of the level of proficiency in the Spanish language (4):
instrumentation and application of evaluation criteria. Standardization processes of
qualification. Procedures for relating language exams to the Common European
Framework of Reference for Languages.
19.1 Selection and implementation of evaluation criteria
19.2 Application of evaluation criteria.
19.3 Standardization processes of qualification.
19.4 Standardization processes of qualification. Procedures for relating
language exams to the Common European Framework of Reference for

20. Interlanguage and the dynamic learning process. Individual variability and
systematic properties of interlanguage. Error as a mismatch between competence and
communicative demands. Treatment of discursive, syntactic, phonetic and spelling
20.1 Interlanguage and the dynamic learning process.
20.2 Individual variability and systematic properties of interlanguage.
20.3 Error as a mismatch between competence and communicative demands.
20.4 Treatment of discursive and syntactic error.
20.5 Treatment of phonetic and spelling errors.

21. Intercultural competence: knowledge, skills and attitudes. Activities and strategies
for the development of intercultural competence. The role of language learning in
achieving intercultural dialogue and overcoming stereotypes.
21.1 Intercultural competence: knowledge, skills and attitudes.
21.2 Activities and strategies for the development of intercultural competence.
21.3 Language learning, intercultural dialogue and overcoming stereotypes.

22. Sociocultural competencies (1): conventions, customs and institutions in the

current Hispanic world.
22.1 Sociocultural competence and its components.
22.2 Conventions and customs in the current Hispanic world.
22.3 Institutions in the current Hispanic world.

23. Sociocultural competencies (2): non-verbal communication. Kinesics and

proxemics: significance and discursive values.
23.1 Gradation in levels of sociocultural competence.
23.2 Non-verbal communication.
23.3 Kinesics and proxemics: significance and discursive values.

24. Sociolinguistic competence in Spanish: linguistic markers of social relationships

and norms of courtesy.
24.1 Sociolinguistic competence and its components.
24.2 Gradation in levels of sociolinguistic competence.
24.3 Linguistic markers of social relations.
24.4 Rules of courtesy and language.
25. Discourse skills in Spanish (1). The oral or written text as a linguistic unit:
integration of competencies in the processes of production and comprehension of the
25.1 Discursive competence as a component of pragmatic competence.
25.2 The oral or written text as a linguistic unit.
25.3 Integration of skills in text production processes.
25.4 Integration of competencies in text comprehension processes.

26. Discourse skills in Spanish (2). Textual typology: forms of text classification. Textual
prototypes: structures and characteristics.
26.1 Gradation in levels of discursive competence.
26.2 Textual typology: forms of text classification.
26.3 Textual prototypes: structures and characteristics.

27. Discourse skills in Spanish (3). Textual coherence: adaptation of the text to its
context. Type and format of text. Language variety. Record. Theme, focus and content.
Syntactic and lexical selection.
27.1 Textual coherence: adaptation of the text to its context.
27.2 Relationship between text type and format.
27.3 Relationship between context and theme, focus, content, variety of
language and register of the text.
27.4 Syntactic and lexical selection appropriate to the text according to the
communicative purpose.

28. Discourse skills in Spanish (4). Textual cohesion: internal organization of the text.
Topicalization, reference, ellipsis and other textual organization processes.
28.1 Textual cohesion: internal organization of the text.
28.2 Topicalization, reference, ellipsis and other textual organization

29. Macro-functional competencies in Spanish (1): description and narration.

29.1 Description as macro-functional pragmatic competence.
29.2 Descriptive structures in Spanish.
29.3 Narration as a macro-functional pragmatic competence.
29.4 Narrative structures in Spanish.

30. Macro-functional competencies in Spanish (2): exposition and argumentation.

30.1 Exposition as a macro-functional pragmatic competence.
30.2 Expository structures in Spanish.
30.3 Argumentation as a macro-functional pragmatic competence.
30.4 Argumentative structures in Spanish.

31. Functional competencies in Spanish (1): phatic, supportive and expressive speech
acts (establishment and maintenance of social contact, expression of attitudes and
feelings) and their linguistic expression.
31.1 Functional competence as a component of pragmatic competence.
31.2 Phatic speech acts (establishment and maintenance of social contact) and
their linguistic expression.
31.3 Solidarity and expressive speech acts (expression of attitudes and
feelings) and their linguistic expression.

32. Functional competencies in Spanish (2): assertive speech acts (assertion, certainty,
knowledge, opinion, belief, conjecture, doubt and objection) and their linguistic
32.1 Gradation in levels of functional competence.
32.2 Assertive speech acts (assertion, certainty, knowledge) and their linguistic
32.3 Assertive speech acts (opinion, belief) and their linguistic expression.
32.4 Assertive speech acts (conjecture, doubt and objection) and their
linguistic expression.

33. Functional competencies in Spanish (3): committing speech acts (offer, intention,
desire, will and decision) and their linguistic expression.
33.1 Commissive speech acts (offer) and their linguistic expression.
33.2 Commissive speech acts (intention, desire) and their linguistic expression.
33.3 Commissive speech acts (will and decision) and their linguistic expression.

34. Functional competencies in Spanish (4): directive speech acts (advice, warning,
permission, prohibition, exhortation, instruction, order, request) and their linguistic
34.1 Directive speech acts (advice, warning) and their linguistic expression.
34.2 Directive speech acts (request, permission, prohibition) and their
linguistic expression.
34.3 Directive speech acts (exhortation, instruction, order) and their linguistic

35. Notional competences in Spanish (1): the notions of entity and existence and their
linguistic expression.
35.1 Notional competence as a component of general competence.
35.2 The notion of entity and its linguistic expression.
35.3 The notion of existence and its linguistic expression.

36. Notional competences in Spanish (2): the notions of quantity and quality and their
linguistic expression.
36.1 Gradation in levels of notional competence.
36.2 The notion of quantity and its linguistic expression.
36.3 The notion of quality and its linguistic expression.
37. Notional competences in Spanish (3): location in space; place, direction and
37.1 Location in space and its linguistic expression.
37.2 Place, direction and distance and their linguistic expression.

38. Notional competences in Spanish (4): location in time; duration; frequency;

simultaneity; posteriority and anteriority.
38.1 Location in time and its linguistic expression.
38.2 Duration, frequency and its linguistic expression.
38.3 Simultaneity, posteriority and anteriority and their linguistic expression.

39. Notional competencies in Spanish (5): expression of the mode, the means and the
39.1 Expression of the mode of action.
39.2 Expression of the means and the instrument of action.

40. Notional competencies in Spanish (6): expression of contrast, concession,

condition and hypothesis relationships.
40.1 Contrast and its linguistic expression.
40.2 The concession and its linguistic expression.
40.3 The condition and its linguistic expression.
40.4 The hypothesis and its linguistic expression.

41. Notional competencies in Spanish (7): expression of relationships of cause,

consequence and purpose.
41.1 The cause and its linguistic expression.
41.2 The consequence and its linguistic expression.
41.3 The purpose and its linguistic expression.

42. Grammatical competence: the learning and teaching of grammar based on the use
of the language. Syntactic variation and contextual diversity.
42.1 Grammatical competence as linguistic communicative competence.
42.2 Gradation in levels of grammatical competence.
42.3 Learning and teaching grammar based on the use of the language.
42.4 Syntactic variation and contextual diversity.

43. Syntactic competence (1). Simple sentence structure in Spanish: sentence types,
constituent elements and their position. Concordance phenomena.
43.1 Simple sentence structure: types, constituents and their position.
43.2 Agreement phenomena in the simple sentence.

44. Syntactic competence (2). Structure of the compound sentence in Spanish:

coordination and juxtaposition. Types of prayer, constituent elements and position.
Concordance phenomena.
44.1 Compound sentence structure: juxtaposition. Types, constituents and
their position.
44.2 Compound sentence structure: coordination. Types, constituents and
their position.
44.3 Phenomena of agreement in juxtaposition.
44.4 Phenomena of agreement in coordination.

45. Syntactic competence (3). Complex sentence structure in Spanish: subordination.

Types of sentences, structure and constituent elements.
45.1 Subordination, types and sentence structures.
45.2 Constituent elements of the complex subordinate clause, position and
45.3 Phenomena of agreement in subordination.

46. The Spanish verbal phrase (1): classes of verbs and their characteristics.
46.1 The verbal phrase as a communicative unit.
46.2 Typologies of the Spanish verb.
46.3 Characteristics of verbal classes.

47. The Spanish verbal phrase (2): tense and aspect.

47.1 The expression of time through the verb.
47.2 The expression of aspect through the verb.
47.3 Verbal tense.
47.4 The verbal aspect.

48. The Spanish verbal phrase (3): modality.

48.1 The expression of modality through the verb.
48.2 Verb and epistemic modality.
48.3 Verb and deontic modality.

49. The Spanish verbal phrase (4): verbal voice. Discursive forms and uses.
49.1 The verbal voice as a means of syntactic and discursive topicalization.
49.2 Forms and uses of the active voice.
49.3 Forms and uses of the passive voice.

50. The Spanish verbal phrase (5): non-personal forms. Features and uses.
50.1 Characteristics and uses of the infinitive.
50.2 Characteristics and uses of the gerund.
50.3 Characteristics and uses of the participle.

51. The Spanish verbal phrase (6): negation and other modification processes of the
nucleus of the phrase. Position of the elements of the phrase and agreement
phenomena. Syntactic functions of the verb phrase.
51.1 Action negation procedures in the verbal phrase.
51.2 Procedures for modifying the nucleus of the verbal phrase.
51.3 Syntactic functions of the verb phrase.

52. The Spanish noun phrase (1): the noun. Classes, gender, number and grade.
Substantification processes.
52.1 The noun as the nucleus of the noun phrase.
52.2 Classes of nouns.
52.3 Gender, number and degree of nouns.
52.4 Substantification processes.
53. The Spanish noun phrase (2): the pronoun. Classes, gender, number and case.
Syntactic functions of the noun phrase.
53.1 The pronoun as the nucleus of the noun phrase.
53.2 Pronominal classes.
53.3 Gender, number and case of pronouns.
53.4 Syntactic functions of the noun phrase.

54. The Spanish noun phrase (3). Modification of the nucleus of the phrase:
premodification and postmodification (relative phrase and other mechanisms). Position
of the elements of the phrase and agreement phenomena.
54.1 Complexity of the noun phrase and adjustment to the communicative
54.2 Premodification procedures of the nucleus of the noun phrase and its
syntagmatic effects (position of constituents and agreement).
54.3 Postmodification procedures of the nucleus of the noun phrase and its
syntagmatic effects (position of constituents and agreement).

55. The Spanish adjectival phrase (1). The adjective. Classes, gender, number and
grade. Adjectival processes. Syntactic functions of the adjectival phrase.
55.1 The adjective as the nucleus of the adjectival phrase according to its
55.2 Gender and number of adjectives.
55.3 The degree of the adjective.
55.4 Adjectival processes.
55.5 Syntactic functions of the adjectival phrase.

56. The Spanish adjectival phrase (2). Modification of the nucleus of the phrase:
premodification and postmodification. Position of the elements of the phrase and
agreement phenomena.
56.1 Complexity of the adjectival phrase and adjustment to the communicative
56.2 Premodification procedures of the nucleus of the adjectival phrase and its
syntagmatic effects (position of constituents and agreement).
56.3 Postmodification procedures of the nucleus of the adjectival phrase and
its syntagmatic effects (position of constituents and agreement).

57. The Spanish adverbial phrase: adverbs and adverbial phrases. Classes and grade.
Modification of the core of the phrase. Position of the elements of the phrase.
syntactical functions of adverbial phrase.
57.1 The adverb and its classes.
57.2 The degree of the adverb.
57.3 Modification processes of the nucleus of the adverbial phrase and its
57.4 syntactical functions of adverbial phrase.

58. The Spanish prepositional phrase: prepositions and prepositional phrases.

Modification of the core of the phrase. Position of the elements of the phrase.
Syntactic functions of the prepositional phrase.
58.1 Prepositions: forms and uses.
58.2 Modification processes of the nucleus of the prepositional phrase and its
58.3 Regime of prepositions.
58.4 Prepositional phrases.
58.5 Syntactic functions of the prepositional phrase.

59. Lexical competence in Spanish (1). Word formation processes. Loans.

Plurilexematic forms. Lexical creativity.
59.1 Lexical competence in production and interaction activities.
59.2 Word formation processes.
59.3 Lexical loans.
59.4 Plurilexematic forms.
59.5 Lexical creativity.

60. Lexical competence in Spanish (2). Relationships of meaning: homonymy,

synonymy, antonymy, polysemy and others. Semantic fields.
60.1 Lexical competence in oral comprehension and reading activities.
60.2 Homonymy, synonymy, antonymy, polysemy and other semantic
60.3 Semantic fields.

61. Phonological competence in Spanish (1). Vowel and consonant sounds and
phonemes. Phonetic groupings. Standards and variants. Phonetic symbols.
61.1 Vowel sounds and phonemes and their combinations.
61.2 Consonant sounds and phonemes and their combinations.
61.3 Standards and variants in vowel phonetic-phonological systems.
61.4 Standards and variants in consonant phonetic-phonological systems.
61.5 Phonetic symbols for the representation of the Spanish phonic repertoire.

62. Phonological competence in Spanish (2). Phonological processes in the spoken

chain: elision, assimilation and others.
62.1 Elision, assimilation and other processes in the spoken chain.

63. Phonological competence in Spanish (3). Accent, rhythm and intonation. Effects
and discursive values.
63.1 Accent and accentuation.

63.2 Rhythm and prosody, their effects and discursive values.

63.3 Intonational patterns, their effects and discursive values.

64. Spelling competence in Spanish (1): graphic representation of phonemes and

sounds. Use of characters in their various forms: uppercase, lowercase, italics and
64.1 Graphical representation of phonemes and sounds.
64.2 Use of characters in their various forms: uppercase, lowercase, italics and
64.3 Spelling reform processes.
65. Spelling competence in Spanish (2): spelling signs. Punctuation as a resource for
textual cohesion. syllabic structure and hyphenation.
65.1 Punctuation as a resource for textual cohesion.
65.2 Forms and uses of spelling signs.
65.3 syllabic structure and hyphenation.

66. Varieties of the Spanish language: diatopic, diastratic and diaphasic varieties.
66.1 The relationship between standards and variants in language.
66.2 Diatopic varieties of Spanish.
66.3 Diastratic varieties of Spanish.
66.4 Diaphasic varieties of Spanish.

67. The academic, scientific and technological language.

67.1 Conventions of form and content in oral and written texts of an academic
67.2 Conventions of form and content in oral and written texts of a scientific
and technological nature.
67.3 Specific skills for understanding oral and written academic, scientific and
technological texts.
67.4 Specific skills for the production of oral and written academic, scientific
and technological texts.
67.5 Specific mediation skills in the academic, scientific and technological

68. The legal, commercial and administrative language.

68.1 Conventions of form and content in oral and written texts of a legal
68.2 Conventions of form and content in oral and written texts of a
commercial and administrative nature.
68.3 Specific skills for understanding oral and written legal, commercial and
administrative texts.
68.4 Specific skills for the production of oral and written legal, commercial and
administrative texts.
68.5 Specific mediation skills in the legal, commercial and administrative areas.

69. The literary language. The role of literature in the Spanish as a second language
69.1 Conventions of form and content of the literary text.
69.2 Literary genres and their exemplification for the Spanish language.
69.3 The role of literature in the curriculum.

70. The media in Spanish: press, radio and television. Journalistic and advertising
70.1 Panorama of the media in the Spanish language.
70.2 Conventions of form and content in the written press.
70.3 Conventions of form and content in audiovisual media.
70.4 Sociocultural and communicative competencies for understanding
journalistic and advertising text.
70.5 Sociocultural and communicative skills for the production of informative,
media and advertising texts.

71. Panorama of the historical development of the Spanish language. The role of
diachronic analysis in language teaching.
71.1 Panorama of the historical development of the Spanish language.
71.2 The role of diachronic analysis in language teaching.

72. Panorama of literature in Spanish until the 20th century and its didactic treatment.
72.1 Panorama of literature in Spanish until the 20th century.
72.2 Didactic treatment in literature in the Spanish language.

73. The short novel, the short story and the contemporary essay in the Spanish
language: selection of texts and analysis of a representative work.
73.1 The contemporary short novel: selection of texts and analysis of a
representative work.
73.2 The contemporary story: selection of texts and analysis of a
representative work.
73.3 The contemporary essay: selection of texts and analysis of a
representative work.

74. The contemporary novel in Spain: selection of texts and analysis of a

representative work.
74.1 The contemporary novel in Spain: selection of texts and analysis of a
representative work.

75. The contemporary novel in Latin America: selection of texts and analysis of a
representative work.
75.1 The contemporary novel in Latin America: selection of texts and analysis
of a representative work.

76. Contemporary poetry in the Spanish language: selection of texts and analysis of a
representative work.
76.1 Contemporary poetry: selection of texts and analysis of a representative

77. Contemporary theater in the Spanish language: selection of texts and analysis of a
representative work.
77.1 Contemporary theater: selection of texts and analysis of a representative

78. Cinema in the Spanish language: evolution and trends.

78.1 Historical overview of cinema in the Spanish language.
78.2 Latest trends in Spanish-language cinema.

79. Digital competence: information and communication technologies and their role in
teaching, learning and self-learning of the Spanish language.
79.1 Information and communication technologies and their role in teaching.
79.2 Information and communication technologies and their role in learning
and self-learning.

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